Buffy, I Need Your Help

By John O'Connor (Coltrane)

Published on Mar 13, 2007



Title: Buffy, I Need Your Help

Author: John O'Connor

Email: lushcoltrane@yahoo.com

Rating: NC-17

Pairings: Buffy/Cordelia/Willow

Category: Established relationship, 1st time, PWP.

Date: March 13, 2007

Series: None

Website: http://www.asstr.org/~John_OConnor/

Disclaimer: "Buffy The Vampire Slayer" "Angel The Series" and their characters are the property of Joss Whedon, Mutant Enemy and 20th Century Fox. This story is for entertainment purposes only and no money exchanged hands. No copyright infringement is intended. The original characters, situations, and story are the property of the author.

Summary: The best-laid plans of Willow get Willow laid.

Notes: 1) Slightly AU - Cordelia recovered from her coma.

  1. Some elements are drawn from the new BTVS comic preview on Dark Horse's site are incorporated. But as it hadn't been released when this story was posted, some elements will not be canon.

April 2, 2007 10:30 AM

"Buffy, I need your help. And it's^Å" Willow faltered as she regarded her best friend.

"What, Will?"

"Well, it's about Cordelia."

"What is it? Is she okay?" Buffy asked anxiously.

"Well, she asked me not to tell you this but since she became part-demon^Å"

April 2, 2007 1:00 PM

"Cordelia, I need your help," Willow asked the tall brunette.

"Yeah? What^Å"

"It's about Buffy. Since she's become the super-Slayer^Å"

April 2, 10:45 AM

"Okay Willow. When?"

"The sooner the better. Tonight? Around 10:30?"

"I'll be ready."

"Oh, and Buffy? Don't say anything to Cordelia?"

"Sure, Will."

April 2, 1:20 PM

"Anything for Buffy, Willow. You know that."

"Great. And Cordelia?"


"Please don't say anything to Buffy about why^Å"

"I got it. Slayer pride and all that."

"Thanks Cordy."

The previous few years had been relatively quiet as their lives had gone. Buffy took Dawn to England for a short while to get away from all things Hellmouth-ish. Willow and Kennedy had gone along. They all pitched in to help Giles set up a new Watchers Council ^Ö so desperately needed in the wake of all the newly empowered slayers around the world.

The Council had to create a whole new set of rules, given the fact that there were now at least eighteen hundred slayers around the world. More watchers/trainers were needed. But now, fortunately, the slayers could work in teams and cover each other.

While this was going on, two of the new slayers were sent out to pose as Buffy. This was to confuse the enemies of the slayers and the Council as much as possible. And those enemies were even more numerous. Since rumors started to circulate that terrorist acts caused the destruction of Sunnydale, the slayers and the Watchers had to worry about government operatives as well as supernatural dangers.

Unfortunately, of the two decoys, one didn't make it. The other was still in Rome partying more than slaying but keeping a high profile and taking the focus away from the `real' Slayer.

This allowed Buffy to take on missions as the leader of the Alpha Squad of slayers whenever the need arose. The new responsibility necessitated a move back to the States for the Slayer. She returned to England as much as she could to see Dawn and check in with her friends there but a majority of her time was taken with Alpha Squad. Here the Slayer took up hang-gliding and some other unusual skills as she continued to live up to her name.

After a year, Dawn and Willow returned to the States to help Buffy, Xander and Faith in Cleveland. Kennedy headed out to find other slayers and begin to help them. That was the end of any real relationship for the witch and the new slayer.

They did try to revive their earlier passion when Willow, also out scouting for slayers at one point, and Kennedy were both in South America. They got together in Rio and stayed until Sao Paulo when they finally acknowledged that, while the sex was incredible, the love wasn't there.

Willow returned to England for a short time and Kennedy went to Cleveland to take over Buffy's spot as the leader of Alpha Squad, as Buffy took Dawn and returned to California. To Buffy's old stomping grounds in fact ^Ö Los Angeles.

In the meantime, Cordelia had spawned a demon goddess and lapsed into a coma. For almost a year, she was a heartbeat and a breath away from the Great Beyond. Then, rather than calling her back to the Great Beyond, The Powers allowed her to wake up and resume her life, as a reward for her earlier valorous acts

After a `growth spurt', Dawn applied to and was accepted at UCLA. The Summers girls rented a small, two-bedroom apartment in Westwood so Dawn could easily walk to her classes.

Buffy began to hang out at the Hyperion and even at Wolfram and Hart. While she still loved Angel, her own brushes with death, the loss of her mother, the destruction of Sunnydale and her affair with Spike had finally irrevocably sealed the fate of their once passionate relationship.

When Cordy had revived, she became Angel's right-hand at the law firm and they had a brief, though slightly less passionate fling. Buffy chose to ignore that as much as she could. Truth be told, she was happy for Angel as well as relieved that, even with a passionate, beautiful lover like Cordelia, he never experienced true happiness again.

Slayer-Prime, as Xander liked to call her, decided to go back to school. Fortunately, thanks to the miracle of computers and networks, her credits from UC Sunnydale survived the destruction of the town and allowed her to bypass pre-req classes and go right into her major ^Ö psychology.

When she wasn't studying or helping Dawn with her studies, she'd help Angel and his crew out with whatever problems arose. And she became aware of Angel's interest in a client even before Cordy did.

When the Apocalypse came to LA ^Ö again ^Ö Buffy was there helping the good guys out. Willow, who was visiting from England, lent her magick to the fight and the Apocalypse was delayed once more with only a minimum of loss to the crew. The Slayer and Cordy ended up literally fighting back-to-back in the worst of it.

Afterwards, they helped nurse their survivors and each other. Fortunately, the worst of the damage was Wesley losing his hand and Gunn gaining a permanent limp. Connor, Illyria and the rest came through relatively unscathed.

Connor returned to the home the Powers had created for him but he was never more than a phone call away if he was needed. Wesley returned to England to help with the new council and Gunn decided to take a break and left LA for an unspecified length of time. To make up for the loss of manpower, Angel would occasionally call on Kate Lockley, now a private detective who specialized in unusual cases.

Cordy and Angel agreed that they weren't meant to be lovers but remained friends. Nina, a lovely girl with lycanthropic issues, became Angel's new^Åfriend.

Buffy was there to lend a shoulder to cry on for Cordelia. Cordy really didn't cry much but the two became even closer. The oddity of this was not lost on those who knew them and their past relationship in Sunnydale.

When school let out after the spring term, Buffy found herself spending more and more time with Cordelia. They went clubbing, shopping or just spent the day hanging out together. They even tried double-dating a couple of times. Buffy was most impressed with the changes in her former semi-nemesis.

Soon, she found she didn't want to spend time with anyone else. Finally, sucking up her courage, she asked Cordy out on a date ^Ö a real date. To her surprise and delight, Cordy said yes.

To no one's surprise - considering how close they'd become - the Slayer and the Seer soon became lovers. Shortly after that, Cordy moved in with Buffy and Dawn. And soon after that, the three of them bought a bungalow in Venice near the old canals. Buffy and Cordy settled into a state of domestic near-bliss. But it was a level of happiness neither of them had in their lives for far too long.

When Willow finally admitted she missed the US too and returned, she stayed in the Venice bungalow for a time. The place was big enough for her to take the third bedroom with out it seeming crowded. The three former classmates soon became fast friends ^Ö doing practically everything together. And Willow's residence became a permanent thing.

No one seemed to notice how she gazed at both of her former classmates when they weren't looking.

After that first year, Dawn graduated and wanted to move up to Monterey to be with her old friend and one-time lover Kit. Surprised by the revelation but happy for her sister, Buffy let her go with two conditions. First, she had to be able to support herself. (She did when they opened a coffee shop/used book store/café on Fisherman's Wharf near the old Cannery Row district.) Second, she had to come back to visit often. (She did.)

April 2, 2007, 10:30 PM

Willow nodded a welcome when Cordelia and Buffy came into the living room of the bungalow. She had already moved several pieces of furniture and arrayed dozens of candles around the room.

On the hardwood floor, there was a nearly perfect triangle on the floor made of masking tape in the center of the room. It was four feet along each side.

All three women were in dark, floor-length robes and nothing else ^Ö per Willow's instructions. When they found two in their room, Buffy wondered where Willow had found monk's robes that were so soft. Cordy, who was more versed in LA as it had become recently, didn't give it a thought.

"Thanks for coming," Willow said. "I'm glad you followed my instructions. It'll make it easier."

What Willow didn't know was that the two lovers, who had no secrets from each other, had discussed the upcoming ritual.

April 2, 5:30 PM

"^Åsaid something about demons from the id," Buffy recalled.

"Demons from the^Å Wait a minute. You sure that's what she said?" Cordy asked.

"Yup. That phrase sounded so ominous that I wanted to remember to ask my psych prof about it the next week. Maybe even Giles when he calls. Why?"

Cordy had a small smile on her face. "That sneaky little^Åwitch!"


"Remember that night when you were so tired and went to bed early? Will and I stayed up watching TCM?" Buffy nodded. "It was a Walter Pidgeon night and one of the movies we ended up watching Forbidden Planet. In it, Pidgeon used that line!"

"So it wasn't your id?" Buffy smiled. "She made it seem like your prophetic powers could get out of control. So then, when she told you about absolute power corrupting absolutely^Å"

"Yes, she was afraid of your powers going to your head."

"Maybe so but that line was from an old Star Trek she and I watched last week. The one where the guy got super-ESP and went all God-ish on the ship. You screamed and ran out saying something about having your nails done," Buffy added with a smirk.

Cordy groaned, "The one with Silver Eyes? I remember Xander making me watch that once. It was enough ^Ö I've tried to blot that out of my memory."

Buffy laughed, "And that's where she got that line about me since I became^Åuh^ÅSlayer Prime." Buffy sighed. "I gonna kill Xander for that one of these days," she muttered.

"So what's her deal?" Cordy asked.

"I'm not sure. But knowing Willow^Å" Buffy let the statement dangle.

"Has she gone all Dark-Sidey on us?"

Buffy shook her head, "Nah. Unlike your evilness, anyone can see when Willow goes dark."

"My evilness? Wait just a minute, girlie!"

Buffy smiled broadly and kissed her lover on the nose. "I'm kidding, baby. I love your evilness."

"So, the question remains. What's Willow up to? Naked under our robes? Not that I mind being naked with you but I don't know if I'll be able to concentrate."

Buffy looked blank for a moment. Cordy heaved a big, fake sigh, "Because I'll be thinking about your naked-y goodness under your robe?"

A big grin lit up Buffy's face, "Oh? Oh yeah!"

"Jeez, dense much? How blonde are you anyway?"

Buffy chuckled, "You should know^Å"

"Alright. Before we get sidetracked and miss dinner^Åagain^Åwhat is our little wiccan up too?"

Buffy cocked an eyebrow as she gazed at Cordy's voluptuous body. "Given how I've seen her looking at you lately, I think I know^Å"

"You mean how she looks at you," Cordy corrected.

Buffy nodded and snapped her fingers, "That's it! Now I know what she's trying to do^Å"

April 2, 10:31 PM

"Okay. Where do you want us Will?" Buffy asked.

"Um^Åthe triangle? Stand on the apex next to you. You too, Cordelia."

The three young women stood at the corners of the triangle.

"Sanctum vularium tribium solantius^Å" Willow started to chant in a Latin-ish dialect. Her forehead was damp and her voice quavered as she spoke. Her voice droned on briefly then faded into silence.

"Will?" There was concern in Buffy's voice.

"Uh, yeah. Uh, that's it. The spell's finished and^Åwe can all go to bed. I mean you two can go to bed. Together. And, uh, I'll go to my bed and^Å I mean^Å" Willow was blushing furiously. "I'm finished. I^Å"

"What about Cordy?"

"What about Buffy?"

The lovers' questions were practically simultaneous. And Willow was too distracted to hear the levity in their voices.

"Um^Åyou're all better now. Thanks." Willow turned to go up stairs.

"Willow^Å" Buffy purred.

"Yeah, not so fast, Witchy-woman," Cordy stated.

"What's going on, Willow? You came to me and said you needed my help to cure Cordelia."

"Me?!? She told me I was going to help cure you," Cordy protested, her face twisted with a wry grin.

"ImadeamistakeandI'msorry. Everythingisokayandyoubotharefineanddandy. Iwantedtobe^Å" Willow's stream-of-conscience babble cut off short as Buffy put a hand on her shoulder. Cordy reached out and gently combed her fingers through Willow's silky red hair, cupping the witch's cheek with her palm.

"You were going to try and get us to have sex with you, weren't you?" Buffy asked in a soft voice.

"N^Åno! No! Absolutely not! I^Åwas^Å I^Åreally wasn't^Å Oooh^Å" Willow moaned as she felt Cordelia's tongue lick the outside of her ear.

"It's okay Will," Buffy said. She moved closer and her hand moved down to palm Willow's breast through the soft robe. "We want it too^Å"

Buffy kissed Willow softly as she felt the redhead's nipple harden under her palm. Her tongue slipped into Willow's mouth as she ran her fingertip around the robe-covered nubbin.

Willow moaned as a frisson of joy ran up and down her spine. Buffy was kissing her! Her Buffy was kissing her! And Cordelia was licking her ear^Ånibbling on her earlobe!

When it was her turn, Cordelia's kiss was stronger as her tongue probed Will's lips. Her mouth opened to allow Cordy's tongue entry and the two began to sensuously kiss while Buffy looked on, smiling.

"May I cut in?" she joked. Cordelia pulled away from the witch with a smile.

"Be my guest^Å"

Buffy and Willow shared a another long, drawn-out French kiss that left both of them panting. Then Buffy kissed Cordelia as Willow watched ^Ö excited by seeing these two lovely women together.

Regaining her breath, Willow looked quickly from one to the other as her mind raced. "What^Å? Why^Å? I^Å"

"Ssh, Will," Buffy whispered, laying her finger across Will's sweet lips. "Talk later."

Cordelia opened Willow's robe and the two lovers each took a rose-colored nipple in their mouth. Suckling and nibbling on the hardened buds, the Slayer and the Seer's hands slid down the Witch's flat stomach until they reached a thatch of russet-colored curls.

Willow watched as the two beauties ravished her breasts until a wonderful spasm had her throw her head back, eyes clenching tightly in rapture, as she cradled to women's heads to her breasts. Her long, red hair brushed her back above the slumping collar of her robe. She had long dreamed of this but, even with her mystical ruse, she never really believed she'd be the recipient of such pleasure from her two favorite women in the whole world.

Lovers' hands moved further, discovering their new lover's arousal.

Two hands toyed with the excited, aroused flesh while the women directing those hands continued to nurse at the redhead's bosom.

Partners in love and life, and now in the seduction of their little witch, Buffy and Cordy poked two fingers each into Willow. Creating a rhythm of Buffy thrusting while Cordy withdrew then Buffy withdrawing as Cordy shoves into the snug channel, they also took turns caressing the hood over Will's clit, then the clit itself as it emerged.

Their other hands weren't idle. Each helped hike up the back of the open robe Willow still had hanging loosely on her. Each hand found a wonderfully round and firm cheek to caress and fondle until fingers drifted, almost as one, into the tight cleft between said cheeks.

As more and more honey gushed out of Willow, the pair's pace intensified. Willow began to reach the crest of her first orgasm as someone's finger ^Ö she never learned whose ^Ö probed her tight rosebud, pushing her over the edge.

Smiling at the groans they heard, Buffy and Cordy helped Willow stay on her feet as they gazed to the woman in the throes of rapture.

Gently lowering Willow to the couch pushed up against the wall, the two lovers joined her. Gently caressing and kissing the girl between them, they waited for Willow to recover before they resumed their loveplay.

April 2, 10:52 PM

Willow opened her eyes, hardly daring to look to see if it had all been a dream. To her joy, she gazed on the two women who had brought her such release.

"Hi," Buffy said simply.


"Hello my little witch," Cordelia said.

"Uh, hi, my little^Å" Willow stopped. Her brain was too fuzzy to come up with anything. "Why?"

"Why? Because we love you, Willow. You've been a huge part of my life for^Åwell, forever."

Cordy nodded, "Yes. Mine too." Toying with Willow's nearer nipple, the Seer continued, "Ever since that night at the school when the vamps went on the warpath, I've wanted to be with you again. But, high school being what it was, I never dared. Then I moved here and^Å"

Buffy took up the story, "Every time Cordy told me about how you helped her calm down while you were trapped in the closet, I would get so hot^Å I wanted to be there with you. This is the next best thing."

"And our living room does not smell like a janitor's closet," Cordy snorted.

"No, just like some sex den^Å" Buffy added as her hand combed through Willow's wet, red pubic hair. "Willow, I've been secretly fantasizing about you every since you came out. In fact, at first, I was upset that you never tried anything with me."

"I never thought you'd^Å You always had boys hanging around you and^Å"

"I know. But, you know something? I was never really happy until Cordy and I finally got together^Å"

"What about Angel?"

"That's different. And it was far too dangerous." Cordy silently nodded her agreement. "And, like I said, I have never been happier.

"And then when Cordy and I compared notes, we figured out what you were trying to do."

"Yeah, between those goofy movie quotes and ogling us every chance you got^Å" Cordy chimed in.

"But I asked you not to^Å"

Cordy arched an eyebrow as Buffy giggled, "You really think that would stop us? Gullible much?"

Willow blushed as she realized how silly it was not to expect these two to share everything.

And now that included her!

"Enough talk! I wanna taste you again," Cordy declared.

"And I wanna taste you for the first time."

Willow felt like she could fly, "And I^Åwant both of you."

Cordelia stood and opened her robe, her gorgeous body a treat to Willow's and Buffy's eyes. As it fell and pooled at her feet, Cordy held her hands out to her lovers.

Willow stood, her robe sliding completely off onto the sofa. Buffy shrugged hers off and the three beauties reveled in their nudity and their sexuality.

Willow guided Cordy onto the floor and crawled between her legs, eager to see if the brunette still had that tangy taste she remembered so well. As her tongue slipped into Cordelia's labia, Willow was thrilled to find it was even more delicious than her memory.

Buffy, eager to taste her oldest friend's sweet nectar, knelt behind Willow's raised butt and softly kissed each cheek several times before moving down and licking the hot, still-dripping slit before her.

Tongues slid into tight sugar-walled goodness before prodding erect buds proudly poking out above those love channels.

For the next hour, Buffy, Cordelia and Willow brought each other to the brink of orgasm several times in several different ways. Each instinctively knew when to pull back and allow their most-willing victim, or victims, to retreat back from that crest.

Eventually, all three were desperately in need of release. Almost as if guided by an unseen hand, they moved into a configuration that would allow each of them give and receive bliss simultaneously. As the lovers joined in a daisy-chain of love, energy began to form within and around each of them, unseen by the lovers.

While the three women made love, etheric tendrils of this energy began to flow up from their bodies. It began to join together forming a three-sided pyramid. The apexes at the base were each located over a gyrating body.

The energy brightened, still unseen by the women as they neared mutual orgasm. The power joined in the center of the pyramid as a near-blinding pinprick of light.

As each woman felt her body build up for her climax, she increased her oral pleasure of the girl whose legs her head was between. Each was trying hard to cause her partner to climax first ^Ö such was the giving nature of the Slayer, the Seer and the Sorcerer.

Willow was actually the first to cum. She felt her body seemingly explode as pleasure flooded her. This caused her to press her tongue deeper into Buffy who then had her own lustful detonation. In turn, Buffy pressed her face deeper into Cordelia who came loudly, her screams muffled by Willow's throbbing pussy.

These orgasms came within nanoseconds of each other and were the trigger for the pyramid to release its power. With a soundless, nova-bright flash, the power in the center broke up and flowed back into the three lovers, bringing them to a bliss-filled plateau none had ever dreamed of.

April 3, 1:20 AM

"Oh my god!" Willow gasped, her face still slick with Buffy's juices.

Buffy and Cordy slowly dragged themselves across the floor to join Willow. With Willow's help, Buffy gently licked her long-time lover's face clean. Buffy then helped Cordy lick her honey off Willow's face, followed by Willow and Cordy returning the favor to Buffy.

"Willow, I love you. I have for a long time," Buffy declared. "And I love you Cordelia. I love you both more than I can ever say."

"Buffy, I love you too. And you, my little witch," Cordy agreed kissing each deeply.

"Me too?" Willow asked, still not quite believing her ears.

Buffy nodded, "Forever and ever."

The next day, Willow moved out of her bedroom and into the master bedroom.

The day after, the three lovers decided they needed a bigger - and definitely stronger - bed.

December 2, 2007

The three lovers were so very pregnant by this point that all they wanted was the blessed event to be over. Cordelia was especially exasperated since she found herself wearing off-the-rack maternity clothes ^Ö designer versions were far too expensive for the little family unit.

In the mid-afternoon, Buffy felt her first pangs. Within seconds, so did Willow and Cordelia. Dawn, who had come into town to help when the day neared, drove them to the hospital.

Within an hour of their first contractions, Buffy gave birth to a beautiful little girl she had with Cordelia. Cordelia had the baby girl she had conceived with Willow. And, of course, Willow had a little girl she had conceived with Buffy.

Their labors were the easiest first births the maternity ward personnel had ever seen.

February 14, 2008

Dawn had stayed for the first month to enjoy her nieces ^Ö even with the nasty diapers newborns have. As the second month rolled around, Kit came down to see her `nieces' and the two decided to stick around for a few more weeks. This gave the three new mothers a chance to have a very special Valentine's Day.

And a very, very special night.

November 14, 2008

As a result of the love-making of the previous Valentine's Day, Willow had another little girl. She was truly unique - a melding of the finest of her three mothers. And she, like her sisters, was the jewel of her mothers' eyes.

May 15, 2025

"And that, girls, is how I met your mothers," Willow concluded. She smiled at her four beautiful daughters sitting on the sofas opposite her easy chair.

"Huh?" Dawn Rosenberg-Summers said. She was named for one mother's sister and looked very much like said aunt but with Willow's dark red hair. She was also the first girl born with slayer powers, an affinity for computers and a touch of magickal abilities.

"Yeah, we had to sit through all that and you still never answered all our questions about you and Momma-Buffy and Momma-Cordy," Joyce Chase-Summers argued. She was a perfect Buffy and Cordelia in one. Even down to her slayer capabilities and her ability for prophecy. And her ability to accessorize.

"Uh-huh. And you never said a thing about how you met Momma-Cordy. You just started with Momma-Buffy coming to Sunnydale," Lilly Chase-Rosenberg said. She looked like Willow in her teen years but with Cordy's long, dark, curly hair. Sorceress and seeress in one brainy package.

Dawn and Joyce both nodded.

"Yeah, Momma-Will, how'd you meet Momma-Cordy?" Elizabeth Ann Cordelia Willow Chase-Rosenberg-Summers added. She was the most stunning of the three young girls, with Cordelia's classic beauty augmented by Buffy's sexy cuteness and Willow's beautiful red hair. She was also the most unique girl in the history of mankind. Besides having three biological mothers (and not one father), she was a slayer, a seeress and a sorceress.

Willow sighed. She figured if she started with Buffy's arrival in Sunnydale and ended with the four young women forming a family eight years later, she'd answer all their questions.

Gazing at the special daughters the three special women had been blessed with, Willow sighed.

"Okay. Well, here's the beginning of how I met your mother - Cordy," the mage stated. "It all began at Sunnydale Elementary School. It was 1988 and the first day of first grade. Momma-Cordy and I were in the same class. From the very beginning she was a royal^Å She was^Å Well^Å"

Willow sighed. This was definitely going to be a long story.

John O'Connor Site: www.asstr.org/~John_OConnor/

Look out Itchy! He's Irish! - Milhouse Van Houten

Errors have been made, others will be blamed.

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