Bull Riders Lady

By John Nail

Published on Sep 6, 2009


It was March 2, 1986 and Jack McCann was pulling into Bay City Texas with a couple of his buddies Chris Nesbitt and Richard Anderson coming to ride at the rodeo. He was hoping to draw a good bull and have this year go well. Jack got his PRCA card at the end of December of last year and he was planning to make the most of it he is coming to his 3d month riding professionally and his buddies and him have been splitting the expenses evenly and he needed a win.

Chris said," Jack and Richard I have an uncle who lives about 15 minutes from here and he said he would be more than happy to put us up while you ride Jack."

Jack said," That sounds good my money from the savings is getting pretty thin."

After paying the entry fee Jack, Richard and Chris headed to the battered looking Chevy 1979 Malibu but it was solid running.

They pulled onto the two-lane highway and Jack said," I am hungry what about you guys?"

Richard said," I am famished why don't we look for some place to get something to eat."

They rode on and found a diner and pulled up front of it.

They went in laughing and joking and found a booth Jack sat on one side and Richard and Chris sat across from him.

A beautiful red-head came in who was about 5'6" and was walking by and for an inexplicable reason stopped by at their table.

She looked at Jack and said," So, cowboy where are you from?"

Jack smiled and said," We are from a small town in Wyoming called Pinedale."

She said," My name is Janet Williams and I don't live far from here. So are you here for the fair."

Jack said," I am here to attempt to ride a bull."

Richard laughed and said," Attempt that is a good word because he hasn't really ridden any for 8 seconds yet."

Janet asked," You ride bulls isn't that dangerous?"

Jack said," It can be I just got my PRCA card right before the season started."

She looked at Richard and asks," So, what do you do?"

Richard said," I am in calf-roping."

She said," So you are really cowboys huh."

Richard laughed and said," Yeah as little as we can get away with."

Janet asked," Can I sit with you Jack? I just got off work and grabbing a bite to eat before going home."

She asked," Do you have a place to stay? I know traveling can be expensive." Richard said," Well, Chris said we can stay at his uncle's house while we are here."

Chris said," That reminds me I better call my uncle to tell him we are in town."

Richard said," I thought you said we could stay there."

Chris said," I don't think we should just show up at his doorstep and surprise him."

Jack said," Go call your uncle we will be here."

They talked a couple of minutes with Janet offering they could stay there saying she had extra pillows and blankets.

Chris came back smiling and said," It is a go I told him we are eating will be there as soon as we are done eating."

They made their order Jack ordered the fried chicken dinner and Richard ordered a roast beef sandwich and Chris ordered the same and Janet ordered a tuna sandwich and salad.

They talked for about another 15 minutes and their orders came and they talked and laughed.

Janet looked at Jack and smiled and Jack melted and Richard laughed.

Richard laughed and said," Looks like you have broken down his will."

Janet squealed and said," Really, is that all it takes is my smile?" If that is it I can have some fun with you."

Richard said," A woman flashes a beautiful smile at him and he is hers."

Jack said," Hey what can I say I have a weakness for beautiful smiles from a lady."

Well they finished up supper and Janet headed him her number on a napkin.

They walked outside after Jack held open the door for Janet.

The three men were piling in the car when Janet said," I thought cowboys were supposed to ride pickups."

Chris laughed and said," Normally we do, but there isn't enough room for our gear and us in the cab of a pickup."

Jack and Janet said bye and they all get in the car headed to Chris's Uncle Brett's house.

About 10 minutes later they pulled into the drive of Chris's uncle.

Chris knocked and his uncle opened the door and hugged Chris and said," You must be the up and coming bull-rider Jack and you Richard you are here for the calf-roping why don't you guys come in."

They talked for 2 hours and Jack noticed it was 10:00 and Brett pointed to the 2 guest rooms. Richard and Jack took the first one and Chris took the second one.

Richard and Jack stripped down to their underwear and quickly climbed into their own beds. Jack quickly fell asleep with a smile thinking of his luck with the new lady he met named Janet.

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