Bully Corrections ? A trip back to the Neighbors

By Pete D

Published on Sep 11, 2014



Bully Corrections – A trip back to the Neighbors'

The following story is based on the fantastic story by Clark called "Paddled at the Neighbors' ".

Mr. O'Brien sat in his living room, trying to hide his nervousness, wondering what the Bully's Correction Agency had in store for him. He was sitting with his teenaged son Lance. Both of them dressed neatly but casually. Mr. Obrien had recently received an official court order to be waiting for the officer to arrive at this time.

He hadn't meant to break the law but his son needed that spanking. Lance had hurt the Carter boy at school. Nothing serious. Mr Carter hadn't seen it that way, however. He had called Mr O'Brien, raising all kinds of hell. Mr Obrien was secretly proud of his son for putting that bratty Carter kid Jeffrey in his place, but he needed to be a proper authority figure in the eyes of the community so he couldn't let his son get away with it.

"I promised Mr Carter you'd be properly punished. And you will be. After supper." he remembered saying. "And you are going to spanked in front of the Carter's after you apologize to them"

"Please don't let it be that!" Lance pleaded. "Not in front of that bratty little Jaffrey!"

Lance tried to argue with him but Mr. Obrien didn't put up with insolence. He marched his teenaged son 3 blocks to the Carter house carrying his old fraternity paddle. His kid was embarrassed at people in the streets knowing what was about to happen as they saw them walk past.

And thats exactly what happened to Lance as promised and he got it on the bare butt. Mr O'Brien almost always made him pull down his pants and underwear for his whippings. The last few times, he'd even made Lance take all his clothes off. "You're getting too big for your britches, son, so they better come off!" was his dad's line - Mr O'Brien constantly had to reproach his son about his attitude. Even the threat of having to undress completely, if only in front of his dad, caused Lance to blush. So when he had to undress in front of the Carters, Lance was mortified. Mr Obrien was proud that he so effectively punished his son. And just so that his son would not too soon forget the lesson, he made Lance walk the 3 blocks back home in the nude. It was dark by them so no one really saw but the poor boy was almost in tears and he promised never to misbehave again.

Lance felt he was too old to be embarrassed that way. And boy, did people tease him about the incident afterwards. Like all teenagers, Lance was shy about his developing body and to be forced to show it to the neighbours and then to spanked like a little kid was just too awful.

"Dad just has to stop treating me like a kid." Lance thought. "He has to understand what that kind of humiliation was like! How would he like to spanked in the nude in front of people?"

So shortly after that incident Lance called the Bullies Correction agency to report his father.

Now they were both in the living room waiting for some agent of the law to come and administer some kind of punishment to Mr. Obrien. He wondered what it could be. He probably would have to do some community service or perhaps write a letter to some judge somewhere.

Mr. Obrien turned to his son and firmly scolded him "You know son, reporting me was wrong. I was doing what was needed for you. Yes maybe I broke the law and that was also wrong. I admit it. But you shouldn't have involved outsiders."

"Well dad, I had to make you stop punishing me like that. Im not a little kid anymore and men should not be humiliated like that." Lance answered.

"Son, you have a lot to learn in life and one of them is that humiliation is a good teaching tool and that's what you needed. You should just man-up and take it and not go running to some kind of outside authority."

Lance drop his gaze, He knew he could never win an argument with his Dad. His Dad was tough as nails and was a pretty commanding character both physically and because of his authoritative manner.

At that moment, The door bell rang.

When Mr O'Brien opened it he was quite taken aback to find such a young officer. The man looked like he was in his early twenties at the most. A strapping young man with blond hair and thick lips on a still boyish face. He was wearing a tight fitting very official looking uniform.

The officer identified himself as officer Grant and asked Mr Obrien to identify himself. He then went on to explain the mandate of the bully's Correction Agency and its full legal authority.

Mr Obrien looked a little annoyed when this young officer probably, 15 years his junior clearly stated that for the day Mr. Obrien was completely under his authority and all his orders were to be obeyed without question. Non compliance with orders would result in incarceration.

Officer grant asked if that was all completely clear and Mr. Obrien hesitated not sure how to answer. He didn't like the idea of taking orders from someone so much younger and he didn't like the idea of being treated disrespectfully in front of his son and in his own home!

"Sir, you didn't answer fast enough", Officer Grant stated loudly. "Turn around and grab your ankles!" He ordered.

Mr. Obrien asked if the officer was serious.

"Now!" shouted the officer making Mr. Obrien jump. He looked over at his son who looked quite surprised and then he reluctantly turned, bent over and grabbed his ankles.

Officer grant gave a hard slap to the seat of Mr Obrien's pants. It didn't hurt much but Mr Obrien turned red at the indignity of it. He stood back up and gave his son and the officer an angry look.

"Clear?" the officer once again shouted.

"Yes sir", Mr Obrien answered. He then turned to his son and calmly added "Son we should always be respectful of the law"

"Stop talking !" the officer once again ordered. Mr Obrien turned a little more red with anger and stood there waiting for the next order.

Ok lets go, Mr Obrien.

"Go where?" asked Mr Obrien.

"I'm taking you over to the Carters' to give you your spanking. That's where!"

"A spanking ? Seriously?" Mr Obrien stared at the young officer in amazement.

"According to our investigation, thats where your bullying crime took place so thats where you are going. They witnessed the crime so they will witness the punishment. Now move!"

Lance stood and walked haltingly toward his father. Mr Obrien stopped him "Son. You wait here for me."

No the officer interrupted.

"Lance is the one you spanked, remember? It's only fair that he sees me spank you. Now hurry up!"

Mr Obrien protested, "Officer, you can't be serious!"

Officer Grant answered "Do you prefer to go from here to jail? Imagine the court proceedings, the public knowing that you are a criminal in prison! Do you want to be even more disgraced than you're already going to be? Then move!"

"We aren't driving, Mr. Obrien, we're walking."

Mr Obrien, still somewhat in a state of disbelief, asked, "Walking?"

As they were walking out of the house, The young officer went to his car "We can't go off without this, now can we?" He picked up from the car a sturdy wooden paddle.

Mr Obrien was silent in shock as his son shut the door behind them. Then he burst out, "That's my fraternity paddle! How did you get it?"

"That's right it is, your son has graciously supplied it to us. I believe it was the instrument you used on him."

"You aren't gonna use it on me?" The older man responded.

"Yes, you will punished just as you punish your son. We always try to make the punishment fit the crime. Now, come on. I told the Carters we'd be there right at seven." Officer Grant stepped behind Mr. Obrien and propelled him forward with a hand to shoulder.

"Officer! Please! I'm an adult!"

The officer stopped. "Okay. We can take you to jail if you'd rather."

"Come on Dad", Lance chimed in. "You have always taught me to obey the law."

"Yes but this is...." Mr Obrien was obviously at a loss on how to deal with this situation. Lance took some satisfaction in that. He respected his father but very much wanted to see him get a taste of his own medicine.

"I thought you'd prefer the paddle. Let's go!" ordered the young officer.

As they resumed their walk down the sidewalk, the appalling nature of Mr Obrien's predicament fully dawned on him. Here he and his son were, strolling along, with Officer Obrien cheerfully swinging the paddle. The officer's uniform clearly read "Bully Corrections". Everybody who saw them would know what the father was in for. And at this time of day, the neighbourhood was quite busy, with other fathers coming home from work and kids out playing - this was summer and there was still plenty of daylight to enjoy. No one was in sight now; but Mr Obrien, was looking around furtively at the terrifying prospect of meeting somebody. He had to be nudged forward by Officer. A car pulled up to the curb, and Mr Barton, a friend of their family, got out. On seeing the OBriens, he waved and called hello. Then, observing the officer and paddle, he said in a mocking, grave tone, "Uh oh, somebody's gonna get it! And I don't think it will be Lance this time"

The grown man blushed and he tried to muster an answer But Lance quickly answered, "Fraid so, Mr Barton, he definitely deserves this."

Mr Barton chucked Mr. Obrien on the shoulder playfully with his fist. "Too bad, pal," he said, added a good-bye and walked on to his house.

Immediately after that encounter, Lance spotted a group of neighbourhood teens Lance's age. They were playing ball directly in the path that they were taking. Lance slowed his walk and Mr. Obrien tried to walk faster, but the officer's hand gently restrained him. The group had now already seen the oncoming O'Briens.

To Mr Obrien's alarm, The officer spoke first. "Excuse us, gentleman. Mr Obrien and we have an important appointment to keep."

"Hi, Mr O'Brien hi Lance!" the teens responded. They had observed the paddle in the officer's hand and many knew what the bully corrections agency was. Inferring the nature of the appointment, they were quite cheerful at the thought that this tough sometimes arrogant yet respected man was about to get his butt heated.

"Way to go Lance", one said to Mr. Obrien's proud son. "I wish that was my Dad", another said.

As Lance and his dad passed on, Mr. Obrien moaned to himself, "I can't take two more blocks of this!" But the next stage of his ordeal was already apparent: another group of kids, this one consisting of little boys and girls.

The grown man steeled himself as they approached the brats. Catching sight of the father and son and an officer looking like a police man with a paddle, and no doubt quickly appraising the situation, one of the boys nevertheless maliciously asked, "Whatcha doin', Mr O'Brien?"

Lance gladly answered "Oh, the officer and I are taking Dad over to the Carters' so Dad can get a paddling!" Mr. Obrien turned to his son to admonish him but the officer signalled to him to hush. He dispelled any merciful feeling by swinging the paddle menacingly.

"Ohhh," said a number of the boys, obviously aware of the nature of this meeting. Some of the girls giggled. All of the kids went into a huddle as Lance and his dad passed on, and their whispering and occasional amused glances at Mr. Obrien seemed more humiliating then anything thus far.

As the O'Briens walked away, a few of the boys broke out at last, calling in that jeering tone that only gloating little kids can master, "Mr Obrien is gonna get it on his bare butt!"

"Officer!" Mr. Obrien stated, hoping he would put a stop to the childish ridicule.

Lance turned and replied, "He sure is! Have fun, guys!" He then told his father, "They're just telling the truth, Dad."

"You mean I am gonna get it on my bare behind? While the Carters watch?"

"Hey!" the Officer stopped and gave Mr Obrien a stern look. "Stop talking so much!"

They continued their agonizing route. "But to answer your question: Yes, you are."

"You're going to make me pull down my pants and underpants in front of Dave Carter and and his kid and my son?!" He stopped walking, his face going white at the thought.

"It's worse than that, Mr Obrien."

"You mean..."

"That's right. You're going to take off all your clothes for us."

"What!? You can't! Please no! Don't make me do such a disgraceful thing!"

"You made your son take 'em all off. You put him through that embarrassment, so you're taking 'em all off too. Now, hurry up, we're going to be late."

He looked at Lance who smiled and shrugged his shoulders.

And as much as Mr Obrien hated being thus paraded through the neighbourhood, he dreaded even more finally arriving at their destination.

As Officer Grant knocked on the Carters' front door, Mr. Obrien prayed that they wouldn't be home. He knew his hopes were in vain: Mr Carter and Jeff were no doubt eagerly awaiting them.

He was surprised that Mrs. Carter opened the door. "Hey, Miles," she spoke, I'll tell my husband you are all here. Dave Carter came and shook the officer's hand. Then he looked disapprovingly at Mr Obrien. "Hello, Miles," he said indifferently. "Come on in. We've been expecting you."

He opened the door to admit his guests, and Mr. Obrien saw little Jeff, a cruel smile on his face, standing at the end of the hall. Mr Carter asked, "My wife wanted to see. I hope that's ok."

The officer agreed. "I'm sure Lance appreciates it as it will just make Mr Obrien more embarrassed. Isn't that right Mr. Obrien?"

Mr. Obrien didnt answer but his blushing expression revealed his agreement.

"And I kept Jeff home from the scout meeting - just for this."

The officer tousled Jeff's hair. "That's too bad, pal, but I'm going to see to it that you don't regret it." He gently smacked the paddle against his palm. Jeff laughed.

Mr Obrien always felt that Dave Carter might be a repressed homosexual by his effeminate manners. "Maybe thats why he was so eager to participate in this humiliation" he thought.

The officer turned to Mr Carter. "So where do you want to do this?" "How about here - in my den." "Fine." They all entered, and Mr Obrien heard the officer tell Dave Carter, "I'll make him take off all his clothes for this. Now, if you think that will embarrass your wife..."

"No, go right ahead and handle this as you usually do. Mr. Obrien knows he has a great body, always working out in the gym and strutting around. This is a great chance for him to show it off. My wife will quite enjoy the view." He smiled at Mr. Obrien as he said this mockingly. Mr. Obrien was dumbfounded. He was feeling quite violated and vulnerable.

"I want Jeff to learn a good lesson from this as well. About what happens to bully's no matter how old they are" Jeff, who had been too busy smirking at Mr. Obrien to listen carefully, heard his name and walked over to the officer.

"Am I going to get to see Mr. Obrien's bare butt?"

The group all laughed, except for Mr Obrien. Lance was surprised at his father's failure to say even one word of reproach to anyone.

The officer answered, "You're going to see Mr. Obrien's bare everything, Jeff! He's gonna take off all his clothes for us in just a minute! He'll be standing there naked as a newborn baby!" Jeff clapped his hands in delight.

"Are we ready?" the officer asked everyone but Mr Obrien. "Okay, Mr and Mrs Carter you sit here, Jeff and Lance over there, I'll sit right here for the time being. Mr. Obrien, you don't sit - not now, or for quite a while." This produced general laughter, again with the exception of Mr. Obrien.

The audience sat on straight-backed chairs facing Mr. Obrien , and the officer who moved another chair between them. The officer finally took his position in the chair, sitting comfortably with the paddle balanced across his knees. He gave Mr Obrien a condescending scolding look that one normally gives a child, not a man about 15 years your senior.

"All right, Mr Obrien." He leaned back and placed his hands behind his neck. "Take off all your clothes."

Mr Obrien attempted a final appeal. "Officer, really, I think this has gone far enough. Your point has been well made."

"Mr Obrien," The officer commanded, "If you don't do just as I say, I'll have to add a nice long jail sentence to your punishment."

Mr Carter asked, somewhat disapprovingly, "You mean you haven't already?"

Officer Grant tapped the paddle. "Believe me, this will be enough." He faced his charge. "Unless Mr. Obrien fails to cooperate."

"I'm cooperating, I'm cooperating!" Mr Obrien muttered and began removing his shoes. He knew how much his son loved him, and couldn't believe that he was behind this. But he reasoned that the only way things might go a little easier would be if he did exactly what this officer said.

As he undressed, he tried to pretend he wasn't being watched. This was easy as he removed his shirt, but became almost impossible as he pulled down his pants. Mr Obrien felt the relentless gazes on him as he revealed breath-taking expanses of muscular body, hairy chest and abdomen and sturdy hairy limbs. At last he stood with only his underwear remaining, and hesitated once more. He was sweating profusely and he felt foolish standing in his underwear in a normal looking living room full of normal fully dressed people.

"What are you waiting for, Mr O'Brien?" The officer asked.

"Officer, please..."

"Everything!" That single word allowed no argument.

Lance smiled at his father in triumph.

Mr O'Brien blushed as he reached to lower his white cotton briefs. He pulled his underpants to the floor, stepped out of them, then kicked them away to join the pile of his other clothing. He now stood completely naked in front of his son, the Carter family and this young officer. This manly muscular man was really well-endowed, and in other circumstances would have been proud to exhibit his equipment. At the moment, however, being the only one naked, he felt at a disadvantage.

Officer Grant indicated to the group, "There he is. Naked as little baby, just as I promised!" He let this sink in; everyone get a good look at those bushy pubes, big cock and low hanging balls. He then addressed Mr. Obrien. "So is it nice being naked in front of people?"

Mr Obrien was loath to answer, he turned even more red as he didnt enjoy being lectured to like this but what cold he do?

"No," he said plainly. Some anger in his voice.

"Good. Now you know what it feels like. Now the first thing you're going to do is apologize to Lance for making him go through this."

As awkward as it was for him to apologize to his own son, Mr Obrien delivered a pretty decent and humble apology. Lance listened to his father intently trying very hard not to laugh.

"And now apologize to the Carter's"

"I'm sorry Jeffrey", he said, "Im sorry Mr and Mrs. Carter". Mr Obrien was a little surprised with himself that he subconsciously didn't use the Carters' first names. But at the moment he hardly felt their equal. They both smirked evidently also feeling the differential.

Officer Grant turned to the Carter's and asked if they were satisfied. Little Jeff gave his reluctant assent, but then added "he kind of smells!" The people sitting all laughed.

"Did you shower today Mr. Obrien?, the officer asked. You do have some B.O. You were ordered to be clean and ready for my arrival today"

Mr Obrien was quite shocked at this question but he stammered a reply; "Yes... Yes I did... I guess I have been sweating ... from the .. stress maybe"

The Officer shook his head disapprovingly, "Mr. Carter would you like to check Mr. Obrien's personal hygiene. If he didn't clean himself properly today, I'm going to increase his punishment"

"Gladly", Mr Carter said as he eagerly jumped from his seat.

Mr Obrien was ordered to stand there with his hands on his head, while his neighbour, a man who he suspected was gay, knelt in front of him and lifted his meaty flaccid cock. Mr Obrien winced with the touch but didn't move.

Mr Carter played around with the big man's genitals. Getting a good feel of the sausage like member and then rolled around the weighty hairy ball bag and then lifted it to get a good look underneath. After having a good grope he stood up and took a deep sniff of the helpless man's hairy pits.

"The bastards enjoying himself!" Mr. Obrien thought but he stared forward obediently with red stoic look on his face. "Checking my hygiene! What am I? A kid going through puberty?! Im a grown Man!!" He wished he could say all that, but he kept his mouth shut.

I think he's clean. This is fresh sweat. Mr Carter finally announced.

"Hmm" the officer said. "Thank you Mr Carter. Mr Carter sat back down. Come towards me Mr Obrien"

Mr Obrien came up close to the sitting young officer. He felt like a bad little boy standing helpless and naked in front of an adult. How ironic that this punk ordering him around was so much younger them him.

"Turn around, bend over and pull your butt cheeks apart. I want a good look at how well you cleaned."

Mr Obrien responded with an agonized look. He saw from the officer's expression that he had no choice and he reluctantly did what he was told.

As he held that position bent over, reaching back holding his ass open, so the young officer Grant could inspect his most private area, he turned his head to the left and saw Lance covering his face, completely loosing the battle not to laugh, snickering through his hand.

He turned the other way and saw Mrs Carter shaking her head laughing, a hand partially covering her eyes. Mr Carter ,and that brat son of his, were eagerly watching. Both of them leaning forward to get a better view; the young one wide eyed with curiosity and the older one almost drooling with lust.

He turned forward trying desperately to drown out their snickers and pretend this wasn't happening but then he heard the officer slap on a rubber glove. He braced himself for the inevitable and then his tight ass was invaded.

He slightly lurched and then despite his best attempts he grunted loudly from the sensation of the probing finger. The snickers and laughter filled the room.

After an agonizing minute the officer suddenly withdrew his finger making Mr Obrien gasp much to his audience's amusement.

"Ok clean enough."

Finally he was allowed to stand up and face the sitting spectators. He was dizzy with humiliation and had to concentrate on not loosing his balance.

Mr Carter pointed a finger at his son and admonished, "Pay close attention, Jeff. This is what happens to bad men who misbehave."

Officer Grant ordered, "Up against the wall, Mr Obrien." Mr Obrien obeyed. He stood a short distance from the wall with his hands against it and his legs spread. His hunky pair of milky-white mounds flecked with course black hairs was thrust out enticingly. The young officer, content with these arrangements, asked the group sitting, "Does everybody have a good view?"

Receiving an affirmative answer, Officer Grant raised his paddle. He then noticed a slight imperfection in Mr Obrien's posture. "Hey, mister, you know that's not quite right." Mr Obrien, unaware of what this meant, only shuffled uneasily.

The young officer ordered, "Come on! You make your son do this all the time, now Stick that butt out!"

Jeff echoed maliciously, "Yeah, stick that butt out!"

The poor man crouched down even more. He knew from everyone's giggling that he was making an embarrassing spectacle of himself.

His arched back and spread legs were causing him to once again spread his ass cheeks for the room. His scrotum swung visibly under that hairy region.

"His butt crack is so hairy!" announced Jeff innocently making the spectators laugh even more.

Officer Grant pushed down on Mr Obrien's back arching out his ass just a little more.

"That's more like it!" the officer approved.

Mr Obrien closed his eyes, and after a short wait, Smack! The paddle struck the center of his offered buttucks. "Yeow!" he howled, thrusting his midsection forward, but not daring to reach back and rub his afflicted parts. "Back in postion, Mr Obrien!" the the young man commanded. Mr Obrien once more stuck out this butt, only now its snow-white hair specked surface was decorated with a pink rectangle. Smack! the paddle obscured the pink area and drew another yelp from Mr Obrien. The rectangle was now red.

The officer announced, "I think I'll work on this cheek for a while!" He placed several smart blows on the right side of the older man's butt. Tears formed in the man's eyes and he pounded his fists against the wall.

"Come on Dad, Lance encouraged, you can take it. This is what you did to me remember?"

Smack! Officer Grant delivered a swat that Mr. Obrien just couldn't take. "Oh my ass!" he yelled. He grabbed his reddened buns with both hands and began dancing from one foot to the other in a wide circle. The audience thus received an ample display of a wildly bouncing set of grown man's hairy cock and balls.

The officer practically pushed the dancing stud back against the wall. "Now stay there! You've just earned yourself some extra licks!" He immediately began giving Mr Obrien's other butt cheek some required attention.

Jeff couldn't help rubbing in, "Gee, Dad, Mr Obrien's butt is awfully red, isn't it?"

Indeed it was. The grown man howled through his tears as the strapping young officer paddled away. He wasn't quite keeping still, but was wiggling his bright red butt from side to side making his scrotum swing "Oh, Officer, SiR!, please!" he begged, not believing his butt could get any hotter until the next lick of his own fraternity paddle convinced him otherwise.

"Please!" the humbled man shouted, "I've really learned my lesson!"

The paddling stopped at last. Officer Grant stood aside and surveyed Mr Obrien's glowing buns. "That looks red enough to me. But are all of you satisfied?"

Mr Carter answered for them "Yes I that is enough. He had the arrogance to suggest I spank my boy before he left here last time. I think he now finally understands what this punishment really is"

Officer Grant said, "Okay, Mr Obrien, you can go stand in the corner for a while." Mr Obrien obeyed. Lance and Jeff went up and carefully surveyed the well-blistered man butt.

Meanwhile, Mr and Mrs Carter chatted with the officer about how many bullies needed to be put in their place these days. Mrs Carter went to the kitchen to fix coffee for them, and even brought Mr Obrien one in his corner which he declined.

He fumed in his corner to himself. How can a grown man be treated like this? Standing here naked, red butt on display while they all chat! Its just not right. How would officer Grant like a taste of his own medicine? He imagined the strapping young man bare ass naked, bending over getting his plump ass pummelled. I bet I could make that cocky bastard cry with one stroke.

He tried to image Officer Grant with his bare ass cheeks reddening. He wondered white kind of body the young man had. He could see through the uniform that Grant was well built but was he hairy or smooth? Did he have a tan line? Was he well hung? He hated that Officer Grant was thoroughly familiar with every inch of his own body but he could only imagine how the younger man looked naked. How demeaning. How he would love to equalize things!

His thoughts were interrupted by that bratty kid Jeffrey shouting "He has a boner!"

He looked down at himself and was horrified to see the kid was right. Did he get aroused thinking about another man naked? The shame was overwhelming. This never happened before!

"Turn around!" Officer Grant commanded.

Mr Obrien hesitated. He tried desperately to think of something else so as to loose his erection.

"Now!" Grant repeated.

Mr Obrien reluctantly turned around revealing his big hard cock to the room.

Lance covered his face apparently finally feeling shame for his father. Mrs Carter grabbed her son Jeffrey and pulled him out of the room despite his protests. Mr Carter stared lewdly.

Officer Grant was scornful; "Why on earth would you be turned on by this? Is this why you like spanking others?"

Obrien tried to answer but when he peered into those stealey blue eyes of the handsome young officer, he couldn't help again imagining the young man naked and his boner raged on.

"Were you jerking off in the corner there or something?! Maybe we should make you do that now!" Officer Grant admonished. "Maybe you need to shoot your load right here in this living room!"

"No please officer, Mr Obrien now said through tears. I don't know why this is happening". He looked again at that pervert Carter staring at him and felt totally violated.

"Please officer, don't make me do that. Not in front of my own son and Mr Carter." The big man was begging.

"Fine", the officer said. I'm so disgusted that I'm going to leave. Your son Lance will take you home and then this session will be considered over.

"Thank you Officer" the previously proud man said, hating himself for being such a little sissy.

The officer said his farewells and left, telling Mr Obrien that he was now in the custody of his son Lance until the end of the day.

With the hot officer gone, Mr Obrien relaxed somewhat and erection faded.

"So have you learned not to spank me anymore Dad." Lance said. "It won't happen again, will it?"

"No," his father sniffed.

"All right, Dad, let's go"

Mr Obrien bent down to retrieve the pile of his discarded clothes, but his son scooped them up and said, "Sorry, Dad, but you don't get them until we're back home."

The full impact of these words struck him suddenly. "You mean I've got to walk home - naked? Lance!"

"To reinforce the lesson, Dad. You've been acting like such a big man around the neighbourhood. Well, the neighbourhood is going to get a good look at you and find out how big you really are!" He added in an undertone, "It's practically dark, and I doubt we'll meet anyone. And if we do, they won't be able to see anything. Or, at least, not much."

Lance clapped the unwilling and unclothed adult on the back and nudged him out the door. He himself paused in the doorway and turned to the smirking Carter family gathered there and thanked them for their help.

It was indeed practically dark, but Mr Obrien's cheeks once again this evening tingled with embarrassment, this time at being forced to walk buck naked in such a very public place. They tingled even more when he realized that by tomorrow, the entire neighbourhood, now thankfully quiet, would know of his humbling.

Lance reflected a moment, then laughed. "Okay, Dad," he picked up the paddle, "Now get down in a runner's crouch."

Mr Obrien obeyed and crouched over with one leg ahead of the other like a man about to sprint in a race.

Mr. Carter gratefully took in one last view of the meaty parted butt cheeks with those low hanging dick and balls swinging freely.

Lance said "Let's see if you can make it home without anyone seeing you."

His father nodded, silently begging for the signal so he could end this humiliation. He had assumed the traditional starting position, half-kneeling. His butt was stuck up and out, once again furnishing a perfect red target, as it had so many other times that evening. Lance didn't fail to take advantage of the opportunity. Not with the paddle, but considerately, with his hand, he delivered a sharp smack to his Dad's left butt cheek. "Off you go!".

The man howled as his tender butt tingled yet again, and took off. The Carters laughed at the hysterical site of a grown man running down the street in the nude. His hairy ass pumping, looking side to side to see if there were any spectators. Although his pace was somewhat slowed by his repeatedly grabbing his freshly stung butt, he ran the distance in record time.

Mr Obrien never again used corporal punishment on his son. He did often think of that sexy hot young officer Grant and he considered making a complaint of his own to the Bullies Correction Agency.

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