
By ten.htuoslleb@0341retsknah

Published on Nov 14, 2009



The first incident occurred late in my sophomore year in high school. I remember I was feeling really good that particular day. Johnny Henderson and I were making plans for my upcoming sixteenth birthday. We were kicking around who should be invited and who shouldn't, and if you invite him, you gotta invite her, etc., etc.

Suddenly a strong arm grabbed me and threw me hard against the concrete wall of the school yard. He put the whole force of his bulky body against me, and shoved his face into mine. His breath was bad, and I tried to turn my face, but he grabbed my chin and pulled my face back so that we faced each other eye to eye.

"Get off him, you bastard," Johnny yelled as he tried to pull Brian (Butch) Cassidy off me. Butch just elbowed back and caught Johnny in the face, causing his nose to bleed. Poor Johnny ran off, presumably to attend to his bloody nose and hopefully to get me some help.

What happened next was not what I expected. Butch was leaning his whole body hard into mine. He wasn't hurting me at all, but to any casual observer it appeared that he was crushing me as hard as any bear in the woods might crush a human being.

"You're a faggot," he kept yelling, and all the time he was rubbing hard against me. I could feel his erection pressing into my abdomen. The fucker was dry humping me, and since he was doing no real harm to my body, I began to get hard too and I rubbed even harder into him. I had no idea what was happening here, but I'm no dummy, and I sure as hell knew when he came. He was obviously stifling a scream which turned into several short whimpers. He stayed pushed against me for quite a while. I was aroused but I was a long way from cumming.

"Stay out of my way, you shitty piece of fairy dust, or I'll get you again," he yelled, as he ran off leaving me confused, dazed and very aroused. When I got home, the first thing I did was go into the bathroom and whack off. As I did, I could feel Butch's big dick grinding into me. I almost thought of inviting him to my birthday party, but I knew he wouldn't come.

Butch didn't bother me again for several days. Then one day, in full view of dozens of kids in the school yard, he tackled me from behind. I was thrown to the ground face down. Butch turned me over and laid his bulky frame on top of mine. At least his breath was sweeter this time. In fact it smelled as if he had just consumed a breath mint.

He rocked my body back and forth as if he were shaking the life out of me. In truth he wasn't hurting me in the least, but his bulky cock was dry humping me once again. What could I do? I ground hard into him and did a little dry humping of my own. I actually gave him a Mona Lisa smile, but he didn't respond to my invitation for better things to come, or cum, as the case may be. I pretended that he was hurting me, and screamed for him to get off of me.

After he came, he continued to shake my body. Eventually he stood up and ran away, and finally some of the other students came to my `rescue.' "Are you OK?" they all wanted to know. The sissies had been too scared to stand up to Butch, and boy, was I glad about that. In fact, I couldn't wait for Butch to bully me again.

I tried hard to figure Butch out. Obviously he was as gay as I was, but whereas I didn't try to hide my sexual preferences, Butch went to extremes to hide it. He bullied everyone; he pretended to be bored and disinterested in class, but his grades were good. He dated the hottest chicks in our class, and boasted afterwards what good pieces of ass they were. I was very friendly with one girl he dated, and she told me that he was a perfect gentleman on their date.

Obviously Butch knew he was gay and he couldn't handle it. I actually began to feel sorry for him. You could not go through life, denying the very essence of who you are, and be happy. If he married, he would be miserable, and eventually his wife would be too, and perhaps his children. I so wanted to discuss it with him, but I knew that was irrational, and he would never talk to me in private.

After I figured all that out, I began to wonder why Butch's bullying was directed at me. There were other gay guys in our school, who were out of the closet. I thought maybe it was because I was the most effeminate gay boy on campus, but I had to discard that theory. Most people didn't even suspect I was gay. I just didn't hide it. Then bingo! I thought; could he want to have sex with me? Since he would never express his true feelings, he got his rocks off with me as best he could, by pretending to be hurting me for being a faggot.

What did I know about Butch? I've known him since he moved to the neighborhood when he was in the second grade. He and I share the same birthday, but I had never been invited to his birthday parties, nor was he ever invited to mine. Now that we were both nearing sixteen, much to my dismay, Butch had outgrown me by a good five inches. His frame rivaled any professional football player's. He actually did play football for our high school, whereas I did everything I could to avoid playing sports.

My best friend, and hang out with' buddy, was Johnny Henderson. As far as I knew Johnny was straight. He knew that I was gay, but he remained my friend. I think that if he was gay, he would have told me. Occasionally Johnny dated a girl, but I didn't ever double date with him. Butch hung out with the other guys on the football team. There were always girls mooing and cooing over him and hanging on to his arm. Well why not? Butch was a hunk. He got my juices going and when he was bullying' me, I got as hard as a rock. I may only have suspected that Butch wanted to have sex with me, but I knew for damn sure that I wouldn't hesitate to have sex with him.

I began to wonder if Butch wanted more than sex with me. I began to wonder if he loved me, or if I loved him. I warmed to the concept, but it was so preposterous that I stopped giving it any thought. Why waste my time?

The next time Butch `bullied' me was the first week of our junior year. I did the stupidest thing that afternoon. I went to watch the football team at practice. I sat in the top most row of seats and watched the coach put those hunks through their paces. The team members grew hot and sweaty. It was 86 degrees on this hot September day. My cock twitched looking at them, and especially looking at Butch. Finally, the coach blew the whistle and he yelled, "OK guys, hit the showers!"

They all turned and headed for the school building until Butch yelled, "Look at that faggot staring at us. I'll fix his ass."

"Leave him alone," somebody answered. "I for one am headed for a cold shower." It seems everyone agreed with him and only Butch was running toward the stands. Just because he hadn't hurt me in two previous `bullying' sessions, didn't mean I was home free. I wanted to run, but I had no place to run to. I had to sprint down the rows of seats and Butch could certainly intercept me. I looked over the railing of the top row where I was standing. The drop to the ground was about twelve feet. The ground below was grassy and looked soft enough. I made a foolish decision. I jumped over the rail.

The minute I hit the ground on my feet, I knew I was in trouble. My right ankle felt like a lightening bolt had gone through it. It was on fire. I could wiggle my toes so I knew that it wasn't broken. At worst, it was badly sprained. I literally saw stars. Then I heard Butch ask me, "Are you hurt? Are you OK?"

His voice was very compassionate and it shocked me.

"I think it's just a sprain, I'll be alright," I answered.

"It's my fault," he said. "Let me get you to the infirmary."

I winked at him. "I'd prefer it if you would just bully me. I'm sure that I'll be OK in a minute."

He smiled at me. "Not this time," he said. "Let me help you stand up, at least," he offered.

He got me up and I was grateful that I could put weight on both feet. "There," I told him, "I told you I would be OK. The pain is almost gone. Why don't you go shower. You stink."

"Sure," he said as he started to walk away. There was nobody around so I grew very brave, and I called after him.

"Butch, meet me where nobody could possibly see us."

He turned toward me. He looked very sad. "I'd like to," he said, "but I'm scared." He was gone in an instant.

The next time I saw him was just before Thanksgiving. This time the weather was bitter cold. I was walking home with Johnny and before we even got out of the school yard, Butch appeared from nowhere. He didn't touch me, but he started razzing me. "If it isn't Freemont High's sexiest fairy? I bet you would love for me to play pocket ball with you."

Indeed, he thrust his fist into my right trouser pocket and tapped lightly on my balls. He withdrew his hand pretty quickly. He laughed and ran away. I gingerly reached into my pocket and felt a wad of paper. I couldn't get home fast enough. I ran into my bedroom and closed the door. I reached into my pocket and withdrew the wad of paper. It was all crunched up from having been held tightly in Butch's fist. I unfolded it carefully so as not to accidently tear any part of it. I read:

Can you meet me Friday evening about 7:30 in the gazebo down at the lake? Nobody goes there this time of year. Please call me at: 950-555-2213 and just say yes or no. Do not say anything else. B

My heart skipped a beat. At dinner that evening I asked my folks if I could go out with some friends this Friday evening. They were delighted to give me permission. I rarely went out because I had so few friends, and Johnny was beginning to date girls with more frequency now. I was finding myself alone more and more.

The park was indeed deserted. To make matters worse, it was snowing lightly, and the night was exceptionally dark. I was barely able to find the path to the gazebo. When I did see it, I strained to see if anyone else was there yet, but it was just too dark to determine. As I approached the gazebo, I heard Butch's voice. "I'm here," he said, "on the other side of the gazebo, facing the lake."

I ran around to the other side of the gazebo, but I stopped a few feet away from Butch. I really didn't know what to do. My first instinct was to hug him and kiss him, but I was frozen in time. I still couldn't be sure about him, so I innocently asked, "What did you want to talk to me about?"

He walked me into the gazebo and sat me down on a bench. He sat down right next to me. He looked me straight in the eye and said, "I'm gay and I'm scared to death. Please, I beg of you, help me."

I wanted to say `doh,' but that would have been very disrespectful, and I was crying for him in his agony. I merely said, "I know Brian (I avoided calling him Butch). I have wanted to talk to you about this for a long time."

"You have?" he asked. "What did you want to talk to me about?'

"Brian," I said, "you can stay in the closet if you want to, but don't ever think that marriage will cure you. You'll be miserable and your wife will be miserable. The hunger you feel now will never go away. It will only grow and grow. You'll have to be very careful."

"I know. I have never been with a guy that way," he stated. "Have you?"

I shook my head. "Sadly, no," I answered him.

He pushed himself closer to me on the bench and put his arm around my shoulder. My head began to spin and my cock began to stiffen. He leaned his face into mine and he started to kiss me. What did we know about using a tongue? Our kisses were chaste but full of longing. The kisses were feeding our desires.

"I want it so badly," Brian said, "and I want it to be with you. I've wanted that since second grade."

"You have a funny way of showing it."

"I'm sorry, but I am so scared of the consequences." Brian held me closer.

"Where can we go?" I asked. "You don't ever want to be seen with me except if you are pretending to bully me."

"I know that both your parents work and you are an only child. I've got a house full of brothers and sisters at home. Why don't we cut school one day soon, and I'll sneak in your back door?" Brian resumed kissing me. My cock was tearing at my trousers. Somehow he knew. He reached down and laid his large hand on my crotch and started massaging. "Do that to me," he begged, and so I did.

Stupidly we both came in our pants. It was uncomfortable and embarrassing. "I'm kind of used to it," Brian said. "Thank you for that."

"It was certainly my pleasure," I said.

"Let's decide when we are going to get together and then I think we should go home. It's getting awfully cold." We agreed that the following day was as good as any.

I always left the house after both my parents had gone to work, so it was no chore to just stay home. The only one who might miss me was Johnny and he wouldn't come by until after school. Brian would be long gone by then.

As soon as my folks were gone, I called the school. I pretended to be my dad, deepening my voice, and I reported that I was running a fever and would not attend school that day. I wondered what Brian was doing about missing school. Frankly I didn't really care. The moment I hung up there was a knock at the back door.

Brian stood there grinning from ear to ear. He was so beautiful, I grinned back at him.

"I brought condoms and lube," he said.

Geez! I hadn't even thought about it. I had only thought in terms of oral sex. I hadn't considered anal sex at all, but the thought of it excited me.

I couldn't speak, so I took him by the hand and led him to my bedroom. I'm not sure why I did it, but I shut the door. As soon as the door was shut, Brian began to strip, so I did too. When we stood naked examining our bodies, I actually got scared. Brian was huge. He was fully erect, circumcised, and at least seven inches, but it was the width that scared me. His cock dwarfed the circumference of any salami I had seen hanging at the deli. I was fairly average; cut, about six inches, but I had half the width that he did.

"I hope you're not thinking of fucking me with that monster?" I asked.

"Yes, I was hoping. Please let's try. If it hurts too much, we'll stop."

"I hope that I can at least get it into my mouth," I informed him.

We lay down in my bed. Neither of us knew exactly what to do, but instinct took over somewhat. We turned toward each other and groped for our cocks. We began to stroke each other and I had to ask him to stop. I was about to cum, and that's not the way I wanted it to happen. Brian was still scared shitless, so I decided to take the initiative.

"Lie on your back," I instructed. He did, and then I leaned over him. I began to kiss him, but this time my tongue parted his lips and my tongue found his. Brian began to moan with pleasure. One of my hands found one of his nipples and I began to pinch and stroke it. I could feel it harden. I moved from kissing his mouth to kissing his tits and then I started sucking them. Brian was now sighing deeply. He placed his hands on my head and pushed down so I sucked harder and he sighed louder. Then I could feel his hands pushing my head downward. I was as anxious to taste his cock as he was to have his cock sucked. I moved further down and wrapped his rod in my hand. I stroked for a while and then I leaned over and took him into me. I swear, big, macho Brian began to cry.

"Are you OK?" I asked.

"Oh yes. I'm just so happy. Please don't stop sucking." I sucked away, perfectly happy and content. I just knew when Brian had reached the point of no return. He was struggling with telling me, but he didn't want me to withdraw, so he said nothing. He came in my mouth, but I was waiting for it. I swallowed it all, and then lay back exhausted.

We lay side by side for a while neither of us saying anything. After a while I could sense that his breathing was normal again. He leaned over me and licked his way down my body. Suddenly I could feel his warm, wet mouth and tongue giving me the same pleasure I had given him. It's amazing. It was the first time for both of us and yet we knew just what to do and we were obviously giving each other pleasure.

I too came in his mouth, and he couldn't seem to get enough of my jism. We lay together comparing the taste, and then we grew silent. We turned toward each other, and wrapped our arms around each other and actually fell asleep for about a half hour.

We woke up together. "Did you have a nice snooze?" I asked.

"Uh huh!"

"Did you have breakfast?"


"Then put some clothes on and I'll make us something. I'm starved." Brian put on his denim jeans, but didn't bother with underwear. He put on his sweat shirt and then I dressed similarly. We went downstairs where I made us some scrambled eggs, toast, and coffee.

"Are you happy or feeling guilty?" I asked. I really need to know, because I was in seventh heaven.

"I've never been happier," he said. "Thank you."

"Do you think you are recovered enough to try anal?" I asked expectantly.

"I think I am, but if not, I know I will be in a half hour or so."

"Good," I said. "Let's clean up so my folks won't know that I made breakfast for two."

When the kitchen was ship shape we returned to my bedroom where we quickly stripped again. "Since we were both virgins until a couple of hours ago, do you think we need condoms?" I asked.

"Brian thought for a moment and then he said, "Yes, if only for the cleanliness factor." I couldn't argue with him there.

"I don't mean to embarrass you," he said, "but you are a good deal smaller than I am. Why don't you fuck me first?" That was perfectly all right with me. I wasn't quite hard yet so Brian sucked my cock and straight away it was as hard as it was ever going to get. I put on a condom and I greased my cock with lube. We were both so naïve at this point that we thought doggie style was the only way for two guys to fuck, so Brian rolled on his stomach and instructed me to grease his ass hole. Just doing that to him, made me even harder. I crouched over him and placed my head into his crack. I entered him with very little resistance. He was such a big jock that even his asshole was exceptionally large. In later sessions when we learned to rim, my tongue was able to go almost all the way inside of him.

I lay on top of him with my cock up his ass, frankly not knowing what to do next. Brian began to wiggle and I began to stroke. Do I have to tell you how fast I filled the condom? My cock receded just as fast and I fell out of him. I ripped off the condom and flushed it down the toilet. I wiped my wet dick with toilet paper. When I climbed back in bed, Brian asked, "Well?"

"Awesome," I replied. You'll see.

Brian's entry into my yearning man hole was much more difficult. We used up most of the lube, and I was still in great pain, but I wanted Brian to have the same pleasure I did, so I said nothing and bit my lip. It took great effort and several tries for him to get himself into me, but when he was finally all inside, the pain began to subside. The more he pumped the better it felt, and when he came, he literally screamed in joy and with delight. When he pulled out of me, I felt that my body had been emptied of its essence. I actually began to cry.

We lay in bed together, hugging and fondling and occasionally sucking each other's cocks. We both agreed that it was the best day of our lives, but we knew that it had to end. Brian got dressed about noon and reluctantly slinked out the back door. It was a good thing too, because at about two o'clock, Johnny came around to see if I was all right. I told him that I was fine. I just felt that I needed a day off.

"You should have told me," he said. "I was really worried about you." He stayed for a while and then he went on home.

I yearned for Brian to call. I wanted to chat on the telephone like two good buddies, but I knew it would never happen. Instinctively I knew that the next time I saw Butch, he would throw me to the ground or against a wall and `bully' me while dry humping me. He would call me a faggot, and the bystanders would snigger, but he and I would smile inwardly at our secret joke.

Brian came out after the last football game in his senior year. His team mates were shocked but nobody dared make fun of this huge guy. After that we got together often and had sex the rest of the semester and through the summer months. Then at the end of August, we went off to different colleges. I was very active sexually in college, and I'm sure that Brian was too. Eventually, we found jobs in different cities and completely lost touch with each other.

Sometimes I can hardly remember Brian, but I will never forget Butch and his fantastic `bullying.'

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