Bumping Into New Friends

By Patrick Thomas

Published on Jul 3, 2023



This is a fictional story in which sexual activity between consenting adult males is depicted; it is no way based on true events or the sexuality of any of the persons mentioned.

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Comments can be emailed to: red.cheshire.writer@gmail.com Follow me on Instagram @redcheshire or Twitter @redcheshire_fic RedCheshire Website: redcheshire.weebly.com =============================

This story is set in San Diego, July 2022 during Comic-Con.

Joe Keery made his way through the crowd, a bounce of excitement in his step. He had missed coming to Comic-Con during the pandemic and was glad to be back...and this big bash that Netflix was throwing was icing on the cake. He looked around the room, seeing which big-name celebrities he could spot, still starstruck when he got the opportunity to meet them. "Stranger Things" had taken off like a rocket and he was still getting used to the ride.

*Shit!" He cursed as he ran into a wall, not paying attention to where he was going, his drink spilling onto his shirt. Blinking, it took him a moment to realize that there shouldn't be a wall here...especially a flannel wall. A flannel wall with buttons...with chest hair peeking out...and a dimpled chin with stubble...and piercing blue eyes.

"Oh shit - I am so sorry!" Using the napkin that was wrapped around his glass, Joe attempted to wipe dry the mess he'd made with the other guy's drink, the flannel shirt wet in spots. It took another moment to register that his napkin was wet from his own drink, so he wasn't accomplishing anything. "Man, I am really sorry, I wasn't watching and this napking is wet and your shirt is too and I'm really - "

"It's fine." Joe realized that this was about the third time that the guy had said those words. A big hand gently grasped Joe's shoulder, giving it a friendly squeeze as the man smiled. "Really, it's fine."

"I'm sorry though. I should have been watching where I was going, but..." Joe trailed off.

"You were trying to see who all was here?" One blue eye winked, knowingly and with a hint of mischief, as if sharing a secret joke.

"Yeah. How did you...guess?"

"I did the same thing when I first got invited to stuff like this. It's crazy, isn't it?"

"Yeah. Wow. Thanks for being so..." Joe fumbled, trying to find a word other than 'normal'. "Seriously, I'm sorry about your shirt."

"Naw, don't worry about it." Henry Cavill brushed at the largest wet spot on his shirt, unfazed. "Pro tip..." He looked back up, catching eye contact with Joe. "...stick to gin and tonics at big events. Since it's clear, no harm no foul."

Joe's eyebrows scrunched together, taking in the idea. "That's...a really good idea."

Henry let out a laugh, amused at Joe's seeming to give the idea more contemplation than it probably needed. "That's why it's called a pro tip." Still laughing, he put his hand on Joe's back and turned towards the bar. "Refill?"

"Yeah. And thanks for being cool about...this." He waved his hand at Henry's shirt. "Some guys can be real dicks sometimes."

"Or divas."

"Ha! Yeah. So..." Joe let out a breath, still pondering the 'pro tip'. "Would a vodka seven work too?"

Henry laughed again, more deeply this time. The "Stranger Things" actor was growing on him quickly - something about the earnest and unassuming way he spoke and thought about things, not yet jaded by Hollywood. "I guess you could. But a proper English gentleman would say it's best to go with a solid gin and tonic. Besides, the Seven-Up would be sticky. Tonic isn't." He blinked as he finished the thought, thrown off for a moment as Joe sucked whiskey off of his own fingertip. The thoughts going through Cavill's mind right then were neither proper nor those of a gentleman.

Reaching the bar, he grinned at the cute hunk of a bartender. The guy had a nice solid build to him, biceps bulging against the rolled-up sleeves of his shirt. Nice to look at but...Henry stole a glance over at Joe. Smaller guys were more his type. 'Speaking of which...I told Tom Holland that we would go camping, pitch another tent together,' he thought, his pants becoming a little tight as his crotch responded to the idea...and memories of a previous camping trip the pair had gone on.

"One gin and tonic and..." He looked over at Joe again.

"Make it two, please."

Henry looked back to the bartender with a grin. "Two gin and tonics, please."

"Coming right up." The bartender winked, flashing a big smile as he got to work on the drinks, his eyes darting back and forth between his work and the Superman actor. Henry kept the smile on his face in place, being polite. He'd grown used to people oggling over him...but Keery and his lack of bullshit were stoking Cavill's interest right now.

Handing Joe his drink, the pair made small talk for a little bit. Henry found himself smiling more and more, finding the younger man's enthusiasm to be quite infectious. Joe wasn't trying to hit him up for a role, or angling to get Henry involved in some project he was working on...and was self-aware enough to ask some newbie questions while not focusing on just talking about acting. In fact, Henry was a little disappointed when Keery said his good-byes and headed off, not wanting to monopolize Cavill's time. Joe was certain that the actor had better things to do and more-important people to talk about...and was completely unaware how much Henry was enjoying their conversation, a wonderful respite from the rocky storm that could be dealing with the industry.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~

"Sticking with the gin and tonics?"

Joe looked over to find Henry standing next to him again. It'd been a half hour or so since they'd run into each other - literally, he thought, still feeling embarrassed by the encounter.

"Yeah - actually, they're growing on me." He said the words in an English accent which...did not come out well, based on the way Cavill cringed in faux pain, setting off the pair into a fit of laughter. They picked up the conversation where they'd left off, Joe feeling more comfortable this time with Henry's drink securely in his glass instead of his shirt.

"Coming through! Sorry!"

They looked over to find a crew carrying a large object through the room, preparing for a convention event scheduled to take place the next day. A very large object that was moving quickly in their direction, causing the crowd to bunch in closer...and closer...and closer.

Joe gulped as he found himself pressed up against Henry, chest to chest...thigh to thigh, the people nearby grumbling about the close proximity they were forced into by the sudden intrusion. Keery fought to keep his pulse steady, which wasn't helped by the fact that he had a very upclose view of the chest hairs peeking out of the top of Henry's shirt, the dimpled chin just an inch or so away, that big beefy body right up against his. He began trying to run math problems through his head but it was too late - his cock was hard within an instant.

'Fuck me, fuck me, nooooooo!!!' Joe was screaming inside his own mind, embarrassed and praying that Cavill couldn't feel his bulging crotch. Which...maybe he didn't. Henry had an expression of unbothered patience, waiting for the procession to finish passing by so that the crowd could space out again.

"Sorry, almost done!" A voice rang out again as an even larger object came through, bringing about even more grumbling as the people in the hall had to squeeze in even tighter. Joe grunted as someone behind him stumbled, pushing him up against Henry...who quickly responded by bringing his hand around, moving by instinct, his flat palm pressing against the small of Joe's back, bracing him.

The move had the effect of pinning their bodies even closer together.

Joe closed his eyes, trying to clear his head...and then felt something throb against his hip. Something...large...and hard...and... 'Oh my god - is that Henry Cavill's DICK??!!' he thought, flabbergasted. He looked up, finding no sign of anything on the other man's face...and yet there it was again, definitely a hard lump throbbing against Joe's midsection.

The moving crew finally finished, allowing the crowd to disperse. And yet, neither Henry nor Joe moved for a moment, Cavill's hand gently but firmly on Keery's lower back.

"Pro tip..." Henry swallowed, the large Adam's apple bobbing just inches away from Joe's face.


"Deep breaths help when you're nervous."

"I...huh? What makes you...why would I be nervous?" Joe stammered, giving away the pretense.

"Dude." Henry's accent shifted for a moment, sounding more American than English. "Your pulse is racing."

"It...it is?"

The British lilt returned, in a rumble that was so sexy it caused Joe swallow again. "Yes. Positively so." The bulge was still pressed against Kerry and throbbed again, driving home his point in silence." Joe looked up to find those blue eyes looking into his own, a wonderful stormy blue color that he could just get lost in...and then Henry winked.

~ ~ ~ ~

'Oh fuck!' Joe Keery's mind reeled at the mess he'd made...but this time he was grinning ear to ear. His tongue swirled around Henry Cavill's nipple, feeling the nub harden, suckling on it. Looking across the massive chest, Henry's fur was matted down against his skin, the result of Joe's tongue exploring every inch, again and again. As Keery teased his nips once more, Cavill's hips rose up, grinding against the smaller man's frame, his weighty cock pressing upward as he groaned with both pleasure and need.

Joe ignored the rock hard appendage, venturing upward and to the right, running his mouth over the expansive bicep, continuing onward to the toned forearm, feeling the hairs there under his tongue. He moved back, meaning to attack Henry's chest again...and got distracted by the stud's musky scent. He moved, his tongue dragging along the hard muscles of Cavill's upper arm, entranced...and found himself where Henry's arm met his body. Looking up into those piercing blue eyes, he stuck his tongue out further and grazed it along the edge of Henry's armpit, hearing the other man groan again. It was all the motivation he needed as he pushed his face downward and began feasting on the meaty joint, hairs rasping against his tongue, his senses overwhelmed. His own cock was leaking like crazy, making a sticky puddle on Cavill's thigh.

Joe moaned - he normally wasn't into armpits or body worship. But he was naked with Henry Fucking Cavill - Superman himself, with the body of a god. And Keery intended to show it the devotion that he felt that divine form deserved.

Joe lost track of time, his eyes rolling back in his head as he continued licking and sucking, his nostrils flaring with heavy breath as he finally came up for air. Quickly crossing over Henry's broad chest, he dove back down, attacking the other pit, causing Cavill to moan louder and longer.

The fervent bucking of the stud's hips brought Joe back to the present. Pulling back, he saw that the dense patch of hair was soaked with spit. He pressed his face into the middle of Henry's chest and sucked and licked his way down, across the muscled torso, until he felt something hard pushing against his jaw. Turning his face, he took in the sight of the Englishman's cock - over eight inches of thick meat, thicker near the uncut head, like a baseball bat made of flesh, pulsing in the air, a shiny drop of fluid appearing at the slit before descending down through the air, a silvery strand that connected the helmet-shaped head to Henry's hairy stomach for a moment - until Joe's tongue caught it, lapping at the meaty tip before sucking it into his mouth.

It was his turn to groan as he felt Cavill's fingers curl into his long locks of hair, digging in tightly and using his grip to propel Keery's mouth up and down his pole, plunging all the way down the "Stranger Thing" actor's throat, a happy mewling sound rolling out of the slender throat as it was filled again and again with manmeat. He humped against the muscles of Henry's calves as he sucked on the man's third leg, slobbering on it, relishing the face fucking he was receiving. If he'd known this was how the night might end, he would have thrown his drink on Henry Cavill on purpose.

The giant paw entangled in his hair pulled Joe's face up and off of the big dick, pushing his face down to the huge furry balls. Obediently, he ran his tongue across the orbs, licking and sucking on them. Cavill spread his legs, giving Joe better access to his nuts, tilting his hips so that the other man could work them over properly.

His eyes went wide as Cavill rolled over, shifting back into position, his legs spread...two gorgeous beef cakes were right before Keery, the globes massive and covered in fur. He stared for a moment, his jaw hanging down, a little bit of drool escaping from his lower lip. Blinking, he woke himself out of the stud-induced daze and shoved himself forward, burying his face between the muscled cheeks, eating out Cavill with a vengeance.

He went at it hard, breathing hard, both men groaning and growling. The more he feasted on Henry's hole, the more the giant "Witcher" hunk spread his legs until he was laying splayed out on the bed, whimpering at Joe's oral assault.

Henry tilted his hips upward - again, to give Joe access...but this time it wasn't Keery's tongue that he was craving. He rolled his lower body, silently expressing his desires. Well, not so silently - the stud was moaning loudly. Seeing that his new friend wasn't getting the hint, Cavill went for the less-subtle route.

"Fuck me."

Joe paused, his tongue pressed flat against the tight ring, surprised. Henry Cavill hadn't struck him as the hungry bottom type of guy...and yet here he was, pushing his ass against Joe's face, begging for it.

"Oh gods, fuck me, please!"

Joe rose up, wiping his lower face clean of spit with the back of his hand, one side of his mouth pulling up with a devilish grin. He crawled forward, his knees nudging Henry's massive thighs further apart. Taking hold of the base of his cock, he tapped his length against Cavill's cleft, the hard meat slapping against Henry's opening.

"You want this?" His grin grew as Henry pushed back, rutting against Joe's dick. "Fuck - you do. Where's the lube?"

"Bugger that. Just spit on it and shove it in."

"Fuuuuuuck..." Joe's eyebrows rose up in awe. The word 'hungry' didn't begin to describe how bad Cavill wanted it. Pursing his lips, he pushed out saliva, watching it fall through the air, pooling against Cavill's knot. He did it again and again, sliding his manhood through the furry crevice, slicking up both Henry's crack and his own meat. When he felt that there was enough spit and precum...and with the way that Henry was pushing back in earnest, he angled his rod against the hole and pushed forward.

"FuuuuuUUUUUUCKKKKK!!!!!" Both men gasped - Henry at the feeling of rough intrusion...and Joe at the intense heat and tightness gripping his pole.

"God DAMN." His hazel eyes rolled back in his head as his hips moved forward on their own, Cavill's greedy ass sucking in his meat, the glutes massaging his shaft as it plunged inside. Before he knew it, his balls were pressed up against Henry's rear, both men panting.

"Jesus FUCK! You're...oh fuuuuuuuck!!!!!!"

Keery groaned as Cavill rolled his hips, fucking himself on the seven inches of hard dick, rutting like a bitch in heat. His tunnel was gripping Joe like a vise, feeling like it was so tight that his rear might not ever let go of the cock stuffed inside. Not that Joe would complain if he were stuck in this position forever.

Raising a hand on impulse, he smacked the big ass, causing Henry to slow down. Taking hold of the large hips, he began pummeling in and out. His palms slid upward, across the broad back, until he was in a push-up position above Henry, driving his hips up and down, pounding the ravenous hole.

"God daaaaaaaAAAAAAMN!" Joe was panting heavily, soon drenched in sweat as he worked his body as hard as he could, trying to satiate the beefy stud beneath him. Henry kept moaning and whimpering, begging for more, for faster, for harder. Keery felt as if the most intense workout of his life wouldn't hold a candle to how hard he was going at it right now.

"FuuuUUUUCKK MEEEeeeeeee!" Cavill dug his hands into the mattress and pushed back, rearing his hips up, almost knocking Joe over. He worked his own hips, working back and forth, meeting Keery's thrusts. The sound of wet skin on skin slapping together echoed through the room, the smell of Henry's sweat and musk filling Joe's nostrils, causing him to drill harder.

"I'm...fuck...I'm...getting...close..." The words came out between gasps of air as he tried to cling to the hunk below. This wasn't sex - it was a fucking rodeo of hormones and lust.

Cavill crawled out from underneath Joe. Keery moaned as the tight anal ring slid along his shaft one more time before releasing his dick for the first time in what felt like forever.

"Right here." Kneeling on the floor next to the bed, Henry patted his chest, the hair slicked down to his flesh with sweat. Joe moaned, his cock ready to burst at any moment, as he slid off of the bed and stood with his legs spread. Holding onto the top of Henry's head to steady himself, he began flogging his dick, turned on by Cavill's murmured tones from below. "That's it, give me that cum. Shower me in it."

"FuuuuuUUUUUCKKKKKKIINNNNGGGG HELLLLLLLLLL!!!!" Joe cried out as his cock exploded, sending a volley of cum out that slammed right on target, where Cavill's neck met his chest. Keery's body clenched as he fired another shot, which went wild, streaking across Henry's face. Changing his grip, the muscles of Joe's body contracted as his balls steadily let out one streak of jizz after another, painting Henry Cavill's torso from shoulder to shoulder and down his chest. The splatters succumbed to gravity, small rivulets beginning to slowly run down the massive chest which heaved as Cavill was both turned on and sought to catch his breath.

When the last shot was fired, Henry moved forward, taking Joe's length in his mouth, sucking hard to get the last drops out of it. When there was nothing left to take, he let the half-hard member fall from his lips.

Spent, Joe sank to his knees, pressing his face against Henry's neck as he let out a great satisfied sigh. Forgetting the shot that went astray, he found his nose and mouth covered in his own fluids where they had landed on the thick stubbled neck.He didn't get long to relax.

"Oh shit!" Keery hollered in surprise as Henry quickly stood up. He easily lifted Joe's smaller frame in his large arms, pulling the younger man up with him as Henry rose up to his feet.

Joe's legs wrapped around Henry's hips out of instinct, trying not to fall. Looking up from the floor, he found Cavill smirking.

"My turn." Still holding Joe up against his torso in the air with little effort, Cavill swiped his paw across his own chest, slathering his palm with Keery's cum. Reaching down, he smeared it up and down his cock, which was pressing up against Joe's exposed rear end. Lubed up, it easily penetrated inside, the thick member stretching Joe's hole as he sank down its length. His descent was aided by Cavill's grip on his shoulder, pulling down on Joe's body until his ass cheeks were flush against the bigger man's thighs.

"Fuuuuuck me..." He meant it more as an exclamation of surprise than a command.

"Like I said..." Henry winked, that same look of mischief that had led them from the Comic-Con event to his hotel room. "...my turn."

Joe moaned as he sucked on Henry's tongue, the large pink piece of flesh diving in and out of his mouth. Pulling off, he moaned as he sucked in the other man's lower lip and then went back and forth, devouring his mouth the same way that Henry's cock was ravaging Joe's hole.


Joe let out a long groan as over eight inches of cock rammed back into his ass. "Gin and tonic?"

Henry let out a large laugh - his quaking chest caused Joe's body to bounce even more. "No - deep breaths." Picking Joe up by the waist, Henry slammed the smaller man's hips back down, impaling the "Stranger Things" stud. Joe let out a howl of pleasure and pain, his anal ring stretching out.

Cavill continued bouncing Joe up and down, pounding the slim tight ass. Joe's legs jerked in the air behind Henry's back, his hands clasping the the broad shoulders, clinging on. The sweat covering their bodies made it easy for Henry's cock to glide in and out of Joe's ass...but it made it difficult for the younger man to keep his grip.

Letting out a growl of lust and determination, Joe clambered to bring his feet in, bringing them to rest on Henry's hips. Smirking, he curled his toes, latching on as he pushed up, flexing the slim toned muscles of his legs. The effort moved him up in the air. Shifting his hands, he got a better hold of Cavill's shoulders as he lifted up once more, relaxing his legs and dropping back down.

"Someone knows a trick or two." Henry grinned, his cock twitching happily inside Joe's hole.

"Or three." Biting his lower lip, Joe twisted his hips as he pushed himself up and down, impaling himself on the thick baseball-bat of a dick. Henry watched, impressed, as the other man happily fucked himself with abandon on the piece of British meat, both of them moaning louder and louder.

Several minutes later, Joe winced as his calf muscles began to cramp up. Sensing it, Henry wrapped the American in a big bear hug, pulling him close against his big hairy chest...and pinning him in place as Cavill thrust up into his rear.


"Fuck me - what...fuuuuuuck...what are they?"

"Pinned to the wall...mmmm..." Henry paused, grinding his hips, causing them both to growl again. "...or back on the bed."

Joe panted - in his mind, he could see them together, up against the wall, Cavill's ass muscles clenching as he slammed his hips in and out, Joe's own legs bouncing in the air.

But it was getting harder and harder to keep hold of the big stud, their bodies drenched with sweat.

"The...bed...fuuuuck meeeEEEEEE AHH!" He laughed as he was tossed onto the bed, rebounding off of the mattress, rising a couple of inches into the air before coming back down.

Henry took hold of Joe's ankles, lifting them up and separating them, making a large V shape. His dick moved like a guided missile, easily finding Joe's entrance and sliding back inside, both of them sighing with pleasure.

Keery arched his back, reveling in the way that Cavill thrusted in and out, grinding his hips to somehow open up Joe's hole even further, drilling deep inside. Big strong hands caressed his legs as they were held apart, toes curling in the air.

"I can't...I'm fucking...oh god...ohhh OHHHHH DAAAAAAAAAAAMMMMN!"

Joe's eyes rolled back in his head again as his nuts throbbed, spilling his seed all over his stomach, waves of pleasure cascading through his body. Fuck, he wasn't even touching his dick. He hadn't ever...fuuuuuuck. He chewed on his lower lip, trying not to black out from the intensity of his orgasm.

"Shit - you...got...even...tighter...not...going...to...where?"


"Fucking hell man, I'm about to blow - where do you want it? In your ass?" Henry's lip curled up in a combination of lust and grimace, trying to hold back.

"Are you fucking kidding me? I want to taste every damn dro - AHH!"

Joe reached down, feeling as if his hole was a gaping crevice, left empty as Cavill pulled out and clambered onto the bed, kneeling next to Joe's head.

Joe moaned - his vision was filled with a huge cock. Beyond that, big fucking muscles tensing as Henry ('fuck me, Superman is fucking me', were the words ringing through his mind) Cavill stroked himself over the edge.

As Cavill came, he rammed his cock into Joe's mouth, the head pressed firmly against the inside of Joe's cheek. Keery could feel it throb hard as the first shot came out, hitting the wall of his mouth and spreading out, quickly coating his tongue, mouth, and throat as he closed his lips and swallowed greedily.

He couldn't keep up. Those big balls held an equally big load of cum, which quickly filled up Joe's mouth. White jizz flowed out from between his lips, despite his trying to latch them firmly around the pulsing shaft, streams of man juice coarsing down his cheeks.


"It's okay. Fuuuuuck." Henry caressed Joe's hair, moaning as the other man's mouth worked around his cock. When he was finally finished shooting, he slowly pulled out, a loud pop sound as Joe's lips fought to hold on. Gripping his half-hard meat, he swiped it along Joe's cheek, cleaning it of cum...and then shoving himself back into the hungry mouth. He repeated the move again and again, until Keery's face was mostly clean, a big happy cum load deposited into his stomach.

Licking his lips, Joe let out a big smack and a sigh, his body finally relaxing and going limp against the bed.

Cavill crashed down beside him, the bed quaking under his weight.

"That was...amazing." Cavill lazily trailed a finger through Joe's chest hair, caressing his torso.

"Fuck. I think that was the best sex I've ever had!" Joe rolled over onto his side, eyes wide. "Seriously. Like, EVER!"

"Wait until tomorrow." Henry closed his eyes, grinning.

"What's tomorrow?" The only response Joe got was a happy rumbling sound as Cavill reveled in post-orgasmic bliss. He prodded Cavill's chest. "What's going on tomorrow?"

"Tomorrow..." Henry opened his eyes, twinkling as he envisioned the morning. "...tomorrow, we'll be refreshed from a solid night's sleep." He turned Joe over, cuddling up behind the smaller man, spooning him. "Instead of coming off the heels of a big exciting party."


"And..." Thick fingers curled into Joe's chest hair tenderly. "And we'll have more energy. If you thought tonight was good..." Henry rocked his hips against Joe's rear. "...wait until tomorrow morning. Oh - you didn't drive here, did you?"

"Yeah, I live in L.A. It's actually a great drive - really scenic, you should..." A finger pressed up to Joe's lips, shushing him politely.

"Extend your hotel by one night."

"Really? Why?"

"Because..." Henry pushed his crotch up against Joe's backside once more. "...I don't think you'll be walking very well tomorrow. Or sitting properly."

"Ohhhhh." The day's events caught up with Joe and he quickly succumbed to sleep, a big smile on his face.


Joe looked down at his phone, checking his notifications. One eyebrow rose up, curious, as he noticed a familiar name. Tapping the screen with growing excitement, his messages app came up.

{Henry C] How're things?

Cocking his head, Joe responded.

[Joe] Good, you?

A photo appeared. It was Henry Cavill, shirtless in a gym, covered in sweat after a workout.

[Henry C] Doing great. Going to be in Los Angeles next week. Want to meet up?

[Joe] Yeah, that'd be awesome!

He got back a grinning emoji.

[Joe] You're planning on showering first, right?

[Henry C] Yeah, the gym has a shower. Proper Englishman and everything. Unless...

A devil emoji appeared.

[Henry C] Your preference.

Joe bit his lower lip, sitting down before the growing lump in his pants became obvious. He imagined licking at Henry's bare furry chest, sweaty from a workout. Fuck, he wasn't even into this kind of stuff but he wanted to taste Cavill so bad...cum, sweat, hair, skin, muscle, pits...all of him. He took a deep breath, willing his cock to calm...but looking down, he saw a wet spot appearing in his jeans.

[Joe] You have a gym you go to in LA?

[Henry C] Yeah, why?

Joe started typing...then deleted the message and started over...and then deleted it and started over again. He was overthinking and he knew it. Grunting, he fired away at the keyboard and hit the send button before he could second-guess himself again.

[Joe] Good - workout. Had to my place after. Skip the shower.

He didn't have to wait long before getting a response.

It was the winking emoji.

And Joe groaned as he creamed his pants. In public. Praying no one noticed...and not really caring, his mind focused on just one thing.



This story is the work of the author and should not be copied or posted elsewhere in any way without the permission of the author.

Thanks for reading. If you enjoyed the story, have feedback or want to share ideas, would love to hear from you. red.cheshire.writer@gmail.com

Follow me on Instagram @redcheshire or Twitter @redcheshire_fic

RedCheshire Website: redcheshire.weebly.com

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