Business in Trouble

By Brit pup

Published on Mar 14, 2014


The usual disclaimers apply. This story is meant for a adult audience. It is based loosely around a true story.

None of the characters/Companies named are real. Any references made to a real company is completely accidental.

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Jack knew he was in trouble. The firm he owned had messed up on a order big time, and his biggest customer -Howard Jones & Sons was not best pleased. He couldn't afford to lose their business, so he was willing to do almost anything to rectify the situation.

Here he was a 42 year old man, living a comfortable life, but now facing bankruptcy.

His secretary entered with a note..Unusual these days as almost everyone emailed, however his secretary quickly explained that the owners of Howard Jones had called and insisted that she write a note and deliver it by hand. Jack examined her face, she was blushing and almost couldnt wait to leave the room. He dismissed her and picked up the note.

Jack-Due to recent issues regarding the quality of goods supplied by yourself, we intent to conduct a inspection/audit of your business. The results of the this inspection will determine whether we continue placing business with yourselves. We will be at your premises at 11am today. Also I am sure you understand that your mistake has cost our company greatly. Therefore we now seek compensation from you personally.

Rather than placing a monetary value on this matter we offer you an alternative solution. We expect to find you waiting for us in your reception shirtless and barefoot.

Jack did a double take at the last remark. What did that mean? He wasn't sure he liked the idea of that however the mistake had already cost him money, as he had to rework the components- costing in materials and labour. He couldn't afford much more. Maybe this was a viable option and it couldn't be that bad right?

And so it was that Jack waited in reception, shirtless and barefoot, trying to hide the fact from his staff. He had walked through the office fully clothed of course, and then removed his clothing in the reception area. At 11am exactly the two owners of Howard Jones and Sons arrived. Jack quickly studied them. Two black guys, brothers, both early 30's oozing charm and masulinity. Dressed smartly in their expensive suits Jack couldn't help but feel humbled as he stood there barefoot and bare chested.

The men (Denzl and Corey), sniggered as they saw Jack standing there. They quickly explained their plan. Jack would escort them round the offices before lunch. After Lunch they would inspect the workshop. He would be attentive to their needs, and by way of compensation they inteneded to humiliate Jack. That would be his punishment. Hopefully his staff would learn to be more careful when they saw their boss being humiliated this way. They then gave Jack a choice, he could get dressed and they would leave or he could remove his trousers and lead the way...

Jack felt he had no choice, and so slowly removed his trousers revealing his underpants showing off a small bulge and a tight ass. He felt vulnerable and quickly picked up his clothes to lead the way. He was stopped however when Denzl ordered him to drop the clothes and leave them behind. He obeyed and led the men into the offices. His staff gasped and stared, stunned into silence at seeing their boss in his underpants escorted by two big black men.

Corey quickly explained that they were here in to inspect the business. Everyone knew about the mistake however it didn't explain why their boss has nothing but his underwear on! Denzl then asked Jack to explain, which he promptly did, explaining that by accepting the unusual punishment he was probably saving their jobs and the business. Denzl and Corey laughed and asked for the Finance Manager to show them the accounts. They wanted to audit the invoices sent to their company.

When they had sat down they asked Jack to fetch some drinks. Upon his return the ordered Jack to get on his knees and shine their shoes with his tongue! Jack felt embarassed, the whole of his office staff could see him, kneeling on his knees licking the black mens feet. By kneeling on the floor he was also very concious that the underpants were stretched thinly and he felt his ass was on view to everyone...

After 30 minutes Denzl tutted and grabbed Jack by the hair. He pulled him up into a sitting position and explained that there was a irregularity between invoices. As such they felt that Jack deserved to punished for the slack behaviour- regardless of the fact it was his Finance Manager had made the mistake. They made Jack stand up and face his staff. He waited nervously. The office went silent. Suddenly a hand grabbed the back of his underpants and they quickly fell to his feet! The cool air on his now exposed genitals made him shiver slightly. He moved to put his hands in front of his cock, but they were suddenly grabbed and pulled above his head. He felt embarassed and ashamed. Staff members were laughing and pointing at his tiny shrivelled white cock which on good day was only 4 inches when hard..

Corey grabbed him and bent him over the desk and proceeded to spank him... Spank spank spank, relentless in his assault on poor Jacks bottom. Jack was begging for mercy, the pain was immense as the black mans large hands turned his white ass into a nice shade of red. Somewhere a ruler was procured and this replaced the hand making Jack howl even more.

Finally it was over..Jack was allowed to stand up and much amusement was caused at the 'spanked boy' dance he performed as he rubbed his red bottom- Causing his penis to swing around wildly. He was then ordered to escort the men to his office where they would enjoy lunch. He looked around for his underpants but was quickly informed that he would not need them back yet.

Once in his office he quickly realised what his lunch would consist of..Black sausage. Two of his youngest staff members were instructed to bring the buffet lunch into his office, and they were not suprised to find Jack, Their boss and the owner of the business, on his knees choking the black mens large cocks. He hadn't dared to protest even when he heard the staff members laughing. He just closed his eyes and carried on his duty. He had never sucked a cock before, nor even thought about it however he knew that in order to save his business he must do it. It tasted strange, not unpleasant just a bit strange. He didn't enjoy the taste of their semen though!

More to follow- Things will get much worse for Jack when he tours the workshops..So far he has a virgin ass however that may not last much longer...Also rules might be set for any future meetings with the men..

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Next: Chapter 2

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