Caleb's Arrival - Gay/High School

By moc.liamykcul@xelykcul

Published on Mar 28, 2010



`Oh shit, not again!' I thought as Dad's phone conversation took a familiar turn. Mum and Dad are foster parents for the local authority, and I think they must be pretty high up the list judging by the number of kids we've shared our house with over the years.

Of course, I realise that these kids needed somewhere to stay when their families broke up for whatever reason, but did it always have to be us?

We've had everything from bed-wetting six year olds to spotty adolescents. From pudgy pasty-faced girls to acne-riddled oily-skinned teen boys. Fortunately they usually stayed for just a few nights before moving on to somewhere more permanent, but I overheard Mum and Dad say that they wouldn't mind taking on another kid permanently and giving up the short-term fostering. I just hoped that it wouldn't be anyone too hideous, and hopefully it would be a girl so I wouldn't have to share a bedroom.

Maybe I should tell you a little about myself. I'm Chris Westbrook, I'm sixteen years old with brown hair and blue eyes. I hate all sport except cross-country running and tennis. I've got a slim build and down below I've got a little over six inches hard, which doesn't shrink too much when it slackens off, so it always looks pretty respectable down there and judging by the glances I get in the showers, some of the other guys are pretty envious; either that or they're gay like me and just wish they had the guts to reach out and grab. Oh, and I'm uncut by the way, just like most English kids.

When Dad put the phone down he turned sympathetically to me and said, "Sorry son, it's another boy." When we had a boy to stay Mum and Dad usually put him in my room in case he felt lonely or upset. At least I'd be there to give him some support. Unfortunately so far there hadn't been a single kid who was remotely fanciable.

"OK Dad, tell me the worst."

"His name is Caleb Westfield, and he'll be fifteen next week. He lost his father in a motor accident two years ago and his mother has had difficulty holding it together ever since. From what I gather the poor kid's had an awful lot to put up with because the woman's been on hard drugs ever since she's been on her own. She sold practically everything the family had to fund her drug habit and Caleb suffered as a result, but apparently about a year ago she put him forward for a modelling job and he's had a steady run of work ever since. The problem is that she's also spent every penny of his earnings on drugs. Things finally got to the stage where he couldn't cope any longer, and rather than see her get any worse and do nothing about it, he called social services and asked to be taken into care. When they turned up to see what was going on and looked at the state of the house, not only did they take him into care but they convinced his mother to undergo a rehabilitation programme.

Having said all that, I'm assured that Caleb is a well-adjusted, confident young man, and I hope you two get on together.

"Caleb ... what kind of name is that?" I asked.

"I think it's biblical." Mum said.

"You say he's fifteen next week. I suppose that's not too bad." I said.

"Well, we'll find out in a couple of hours. He should be here at about eight o'clock. Are you OK to share your room with him?" Dad asked.

"Yea, sure." I said, thinking that if he had been modelling, he should be pretty good looking. Maybe even as hunky as the kid who modelled the really tight briefs in Mum's catalogue. Now he really must have had something shoved down his front. No kid could look that good at that age.

"Chris, you'd better go upstairs and straighten things up in your room." Dad said.

"Yes, and make sure all of your smelly socks are in the washing basket." Mum added with a laugh.

"My socks do NOT smell!!" I said, feigning hurt.

"Not to you, maybe, but they sure do to me." She replied, patting my butt. "Now get upstairs and get tidying."

It was Friday evening and I was going to tidy my room over the weekend anyway, so it wasn't really a hardship.

I made sure that everything was tidied away, put all my dirty washing into the laundry basket and made sure there were empty drawers for Caleb's clothes and a space in my wardrobe for anything that needed to be hung up. Mum came in and made up the spare bed, which was identical to mine and was parallel to mine with a single bedside cabinet in between. It wasn't a huge room, which meant that the spare bed was against the wall, and by virtue of this fact I always managed to get a good look at foster kids when they undressed, as they had no choice but to face my bed. There was room for a desk, which had my laptop on it and there was an armchair in case I wanted to sit and read in peace. After a quick glance around, Mum gave her nod of approval before going back downstairs to get dinner dished up and on the table.

I didn't realise it at the time, but there was one item that I hadn't put in its proper place, and that item that would quickly break the ice between Caleb and me.

Shortly after we'd finished dinner and cleared the table at about 7.50 the doorbell rang and Dad went to answer it. I heard Shelly's voice; Shelley was the lady from Social Services who usually brought our foster kids, and then I heard a pretty well-spoken adolescent voice, which was obviously Caleb's. He certainly sounded okay, but I left it to Dad to sort things out in the hall and waited in the living room. Eventually I heard Dad say, "Just leave your things at the bottom of the stairs, Caleb, and I'll get Chris to show you upstairs shortly. Come into the living room and meet the others."

I'm certain my bottom jaw touched the carpet when I saw Caleb for the first time. Not only was he like the undies model in Mum's catalogue, he WAS the undies model in Mum's catalogue. And was he cute or was he C-U-T-E?

"Chris ... Chris ... Chris ... I hear Mum saying. "Are you okay Chris?"

I dragged myself back to the here and now and apologised. "Sorry, folks, I just sort of zoned out there." I said. "Hi Caleb, I'm pleased to meet you." If anybody cared to glance downwards, my cock would have shown them just how pleased I was!! "Come on, Caleb, let me show you upstairs." I said, leading him from the room. I picked up one of his bags and he took the other and followed me upstairs and into the bedroom.

"Hey, not bad." He said as he came through the door.

"Probably not what you're used to, you being a top model and all that."

Caleb hung his head. "Oh, you know about that then." He said.

"Yup, know about it and seen the pictures." I said.

"You HAVEN'T!!!" He said, blushing.

"Mum has the undies catalogue." I said. "You look pretty good, though." I added.

"Shit, that was the worst one of the lot. My mum made me do it. I never wanted to in the first place, and it was soooo embarrassing." He said.

"Why embarrassing." I asked, sitting on the bed.

Caleb threw himself into the armchair. "Well, there were two other boys there. One was about five and the other was about eight. I was thirteen then and we had to share a dressing room. Of course, as we were modelling underwear we got to see everything the others had. I wasn't exactly interested in them as they were much younger, but they were certainly interested in what I had. I'd started to get hair down there too, so you can imagine the questions they asked."

"Wasn't there an adult there? What do they call them, a ... a ..."

"A chaperone, yes there was, but he didn't really take any interest. Plus the photographer's assistant was an absolute pervert and he kept appearing in the dressing room every time I had to change."

"Dirty bugger," I said, secretly wondering what it took to become a photographer's assistant.

"Did you ... um ... well,"

"I know what you're going to ask me." He said. "Everyone asks the same thing, but no, there was no padding, it was all me." He said with a grin.

"Lucky boy." I said.

"I suppose I am, I've always been advanced for my age. I got my first fuzzy pubes when I was eleven."

"No kidding!!" I said. "I suppose I'm pretty average down there."

"Wanna compare?" Caleb asked, hands on belt.

Hold on,' I found myself thinking. I've only known this kid for five minutes and he wants to get into my pants.' Then I thought again; `What am I saying? I want to get into his pants just as much.'

"OK," I said before I had time to think again. We both lowered our trousers to our knees and I saw that Caleb was wearing tight white briefs, and if I wasn't mistaken there was some movement inside them.

"Ready?" he asked.

"Just a minute." I said as I shuffled across the room and locked the door. Rather than shuffle back I kicked off my jeans and walked back to him. "OK, Ready."

We both lowered our pants and, sure enough, Caleb's cock was throbbing with his heartbeat and growing at every throb. Of course, under the circumstances I had no control over my own manhood and it too was stiffening up.

"Shit, you're bigger than me down there." I said.

"Not much though," Caleb said, staring. I had to swallow hard because I was salivating at an alarming rate and almost stared drooling.

"And you're not even fifteen yet!" I marvelled.

"Not until next week." He replied.

"Are you decent, boys?" Mum's voice asked from outside the door. You have never seen two kids stuff their cocks away faster than we did just then.

"Just a sec, Mum." I said, battling to get my jeans back on while walking to the door. I looked around to make sure that Caleb was covered and saw that he was sitting on his bed looking flushed but presentable, so I opened the door.

"Why did you have the door locked?" Mum asked.

"Oh, I was just having a heart to heart with Caleb and thought we'd be better in private."

"Oh, I'm sorry to have interrupted you." She said. "It's just that I wanted to check that Caleb would eat pork chops. I'm sure he must be hungry and I could cook him one quickly with a few chips (that's fries to our American cousins)."

"That would be great Mrs Westbrook." He said.

"OK, I'll leave you to your talk then." She said and closed the door behind her.

Caleb let out a huge sigh of relief. "Man, that was close." He said.

"Sure was." I said, shoving my hand down the front of my trousers and adjusting my hastily wrapped package. "But Mum never comes in without asking. She caught me once, and she's always been wary since then."

"Caught you what?" He asked.

"What do you think?" I replied.

"No shit!" he said. "Bloody embarrassing."

"For both of us." I replied.

"Still, it's good to know that we won't get caught." Caleb said.

I didn't comment at the time, but I thought that that statement was full of promise.

"Come on, I'll show you where the bathroom is, then I'll give you a hand to put your things away." I said.

"You know, I was dreading coming here." Caleb said as we walked along to the bathroom. "I didn't know what to expect, but I'd heard rumours that foster parents are only in it for the money, and they treat their foster kids as servants. But somehow I don't think it'll be like that here."

"Mum and Dad are pretty cool," I said. "I'm not saying that you'll get away with murder, but they're fairly easy going."

"Just as well," Caleb replied. "With my Mum the way she is, I think this may be a long-term thing. If you'll all have me."

"So far, so good." I said. "I think it could work okay."

"While we're here, I need to pee." He said.

"Okay, I'll leave you to it." I said.

"Don't worry," Caleb said. "You've already seen what I've got, and I'm not exactly modest, at least; not with you." He said, pulling out his now limp cock and letting loose with a golden stream.

I began to get hard again, so I walked back to the bedroom, readjusting myself as I went. I was joined a couple of minutes later by Caleb who took the first of his bags and began to unpack. "I want to get out of this school uniform," he said, "but my other gear is not very presentable. Mum didn't spend much money on clothes, but she always made sure that I looked good for school."

Caleb's casual clothes were pretty shabby, and very well-worn. "I think Mum and Dad will probably take you out and get you some new gear." I said as he changed into them.

"Would they do that?" He asked. "I don't want to be a burden, or for them to be out of pocket."

"I wouldn't worry about that." I said. "We're not the wealthiest of families, but we're not short of cash. Mum and Dad are thinking of moving to somewhere bigger, but Mum grew up in this house and she's reluctant to move, even though we could afford somewhere a lot bigger."

"Yea, but even so, I don't want to be a burden."

"You're not." I said. "At least, not in my opinion."

"I don't know what we're going to do about school." Caleb said. "I go to Collis Hill Secondary, but that's across town, so it could be difficult."

"Well, in the past we've managed to get foster kids into the local school. It's not bad there, and Mum teaches languages there, so kids tend to leave me alone."

"What do you mean, leave you alone?" He asked.

"Well, ... ... the truth is ... ... well, you're going to find out anyway. I was outed last year."

I waited for Caleb's reaction, expecting fear, hostility or worse.

"Outed? You mean you're gay?"

I nodded, still apprehensive.

"Wow." He said.

"Wow? That's all you have to say?" I asked.

"Yea. If you're gay, you're gay. I don't have a problem with that."

I breathed a sigh of relief.

"I don't like putting labels on people." He said. "I don't know what I'd call myself. I've had fun with boys and girls, and I like both. I probably like boys best at the moment, but I'm keeping my options open." He added.

"I've never been with a girl." I said. "Girls just don't do it for me. I have a very good friend named Charlie. She's been a good friend for several years. Originally she was trying to get into my pants, but when I was outed, rather try to convert me to being straight, she became a really good friend. I think if I could fancy a girl, she would be the one, but it just doesn't work that way with me."

"What about guys?" Caleb asked, continuing to unpack.

"Yea, I've had a couple of flings, but nothing serious. The only boy I really liked was the one who outed me. I misread the signals and came on to him and be blabbed to the whole school."

"Just a minute," Caleb said. "Your Mum teaches at the school, so does that mean that she knows about you being gay?"

"Yea." I said, "Mum and Dad know, but they think it's probably just a phase I'm going through. I've told them it's not, but they think they know best. They're OK with it at them moment, but when they realise it's for real, they may not be so accepting."

"Well, I hope for your sake they are." He said. "Now, where can I put all this stuff?" He asked. I pointed out where everything went and he began putting stuff away.

"Oh, and anything you might need during the night you can put in the bottom drawer of the bedside cabinet." I said. Caleb grabbed a book and an inhaler and opened the bottom drawer and then stopped dead. He looked into the drawer and then began to giggle.

"And what, may I ask, is this?" He asked pulling out a disreputable piece of yellow-stained cloth with the tips of his fingers. "Is this what I think it is?" There was a sneaky smile on his face as I realised what he was talking about. Of course, it was my clean up' cloth, and this was what I referred to earlier on as the ice-breaker'.

"Shit, Caleb, I'm sorry. I didn't realise I'd put that in there." I said, snatching it off him.

"I'll bet." Caleb said, snatching it back. "Hmmm, sweet." He said, raising it to his nose. "Wouldn't mind tasting the fresh stuff a bit later."

"Caleb, that's GROSS!!" I said, snatching the cloth back again and hastily shoving it into the top drawer.

"I usually use these." He said, putting a box of tissues into the bottom drawer, "But no doubt you'd have found that out before very long."

"Caleb, is nothing sacred?" I asked.

He thought for a moment. "If we've got to share a room, then no." He said.

"Your meal's ready, Caleb." Mum called up the stairs.

"Come on," he said. "We'll talk more later."

"Just talk?" I asked, raising my eyebrows.

"We'll see, you randy perv." Caleb said, "Ummm ... I don't have any slippers." He said.

"Don't worry." I said, "As you can see, I just wear my socks, or I go around barefoot. They won't mind."

"See you downstairs." He replied and disappeared out of the bedroom door.

I put Caleb's empty bags on top of the wardrobe, tidied around a little and then went downstairs to join the rest of the family in the kitchen, which is where we usually gravitated to if one or all of us were eating. As I entered the room the conversation stopped abruptly. "Somebody talking about me?" I asked.

"Now why would you think that, big head?" My Dad asked with a grin.

"Why else would you have stopped?" I asked. "Come on, tell me all."

"You'll never hear good of yourself that way." Mum said.

"Ah, so you were running me down then." I said in jest.

"No, your parents were asking me how we were getting on, and I told them the truth."

"Not the whole truth, I hope," I said with a grin. Caleb grinned back at me as I went to him and ruffled his hair.

"Hey, you're behaving like brothers already." Dad said. "It's good to see." He gave me a wink and mouthed the words thank you' behind Caleb's back. I gave him the thumbs up' and sat down next to Caleb and pinched a chip off his plate.

"No tomato ketchup?" I asked.

"Can't stand the stuff." Caleb replied.

"Hooray," Mum said. "Chris eats enough for two as it is."

"How can you NOT like ketchup?" I asked, stealing another chip. Caleb slapped my wrist as I did so, then wondered if he had overstepped the mark and blushed.

"Looks like Chris has met his match at long last." Mum said, putting Caleb at ease. He was certainly tucking into his food. "Is that all right for you, Caleb?" Mum asked.

"Fantastic, Mrs Westbrook. I've had nothing but microwave ready meals for as long as I can remember. I'd forgotten what real food tasted like."

Mum preened herself with pride as Calvin gave me a wink, showing that he was piling on the flattery. I think he could probably charm the birds out of the trees. He certainly had my parents where he wanted them; and if he played his cards right, he could have me where he wanted me too. But that would come a little later on.

As there was no school the following day Caleb and I were allowed to stay up pretty late. It had been a horrendous day for Caleb, all things considered, but he seemed to have come through it very well, but just occasionally I caught sight of a chink in his armour and saw the vulnerable young boy hiding behind it, not sure of his future and not wanting to go back over his past. Mum and Dad sat in the two armchairs and Caleb and I shared the sofa. As the evening wore on we changed our position, laying with our backs to the arms with our feet together in the middle of the sofa. Mum and Dad were pretty engrossed in the television programme and I let my foot slide between Caleb's legs until my toes were against his crotch. I gave him a little rub and he turned and grinned at me, then slipped his foot up and began to massage my cock which was already at half mast. After a few minutes stimulation I was approaching the point of no return and it took all my strength to push his foot away from my crotch before I went over the top, and the whole thing turned into a mini wrestling match.

"Hey you two," Dad said. If you're going to horse around, you'd better do it up in the bedroom and leave me an your mother in peace."

"OK Dad," I said, I'm pretty bushed anyway. I'll see you both in the morning. Are you coming, Caleb?"

"Yea, sure. Goodnight Mr And Mrs Westbrook. I'll see you in the morning."

"OK Caleb, but just a couple of things before you go up. We'll have to decide what you're going to call us if you're going to be with us for a while, but we can do that tomorrow if you want to give it some thought. The other thing is just to say if you need us during the night, don't hesitate to wake us. Chris is a pretty good shoulder to cry on too, and it wouldn't be the first time. I know you're with strangers in a strange place, but try to get some sleep and we'll see you in the morning. Goodnight."

There was a tear in Caleb's eye as he left the room and he was sniffing hard as I followed him up the stairs, admiring his cute bubble butt on the way, and once we got into the bedroom the floodgates opened. I held out my arms and he came to me, so I really was `a shoulder to cry on'.

I sat him down next to me and just held him while all the angst came pouring out. Caleb kept trying to apologise, but I told him just to let it all go. The sobs slowed almost to a stop several times and then started up again. I didn't know quite what was going through his head. All I could do was be there for him and make soothing noises. A little later I heard Mum and Dad come up the stairs and it was during one of Caleb's louder moments. Dad tapped on the door and popped his head around it. "Are you OK, Chris?" he asked. I smiled and nodded and he gave me the `thumbs up' and closed the door again.

"You've all been so good to me," Caleb wailed, "and all I do is cry my eyes out."

"Don't be daft," I said. "It's a good thing that you've been able to let it all out. Just think of it as letting out all of your unhappy past, and only the happy memories will be left. Then you can face the future with more positivity."

"Are you sure you're only sixteen years old?" Caleb asked looking up at me. "You seem to me like an experienced philosopher."

"Just remember, I've had foster kids here before." I said, gazing down into his beautiful eyes.

"And do you treat them all like me?" He asked.

"Not quite." I said as I leaned down and kissed him tenderly on the lips.

"Are we going to get undressed now?" He asked with a grin.

"Yes please." I said, waggling my eyebrows and looking as lascivious as I could. Caleb laughed.

"That's a good sound to hear," I said as I reached down and pulled the bottom of his T-shirt upwards. Caleb leaned away from me and raised his arms so I could pull it right off. His nipples stood out like organ stops and I couldn't resist kissing each one lightly causing him to moan softly.

I unbuckled his belt one-handed while I ran the other over his chest, then reached down and unzipped his fly. Caleb stood and his jeans fell to his knees revealing his hard erection trapped inside his briefs. He pushed them down and off and with them went his socks. Even his feet were perfect, and believe me I don't have a foot fetish, bit in his case I was willing to make an exception.

"Ready?" I asked.

"Ready and waiting." Caleb replied. I took the waistband of his underpants and pulled it out and down over his wonderful boyhood, which was standing almost to attention and pulsing with every heartbeat.

"Gosh, you are big down here," I said, leaning forwards and kissing the tip of his exposed glans.

"Wow. That feels good." Caleb said, "But let me get you undressed now."

We stood, and before Caleb had a chance to begin stripping me, I couldn't resist reaching out and gently caressing his rampant cock, which had begun leaking precum."

"Please be very careful, Chris," He said, "I'm almost there." I bet over and kissed his glans again and he pushed me away. "Don't! Not yet, please." He begged.

I stood and let him unbutton my shirt. He pushed it back over my shoulders but as I hadn't unbuttoned my sleeves it acted a little like a straight jacket as he leaned forwards and nibbled on my nipples, causing them to stand proud. He continued to nibble as he rubbed his hand against my package. I was uncomfortably swollen inside my clothes, but it felt sooooo good.

Before I knew it my shirt was right off, my belt was loosened and my zip lowered. The pressure was released to some extent an my hard cock burst out of my flies, still covered by my underpants which now had a huge wet patch on the front. Speaking of wetness, a bead of precum from Caleb's cock was beginning to form a hanging string, so I quickly scooped it up with my fingers and placed it on my tongue. It was a little salty, but not unpleasant.

Unceremoniously Caleb wrenched my underpants down to join my trousers, then he pushed them down to my ankles and I stepped out of them, and then raised one foot at a time so he could remove my socks. He stood and stepped back and we stood gazing at each others' naked bodies. I couldn't believe that Caleb was so much younger than me. It's true that he was smaller physically, but sexually he was slightly ahead of me and certainly had a great set of equipment between his legs.

Without warning Caleb dropped to his knees and took my cock into his mouth. First just the head, while his tongue went to work on my glans, then I felt myself disappearing further into his mouth until I felt his nose in my pubes. Never had any other guy managed to get so much of my cock in his mouth, so I knew that Caleb must have had a lot of experience. I would have to ask him about that, but just at this moment I was unable to form words in my brain, let alone with my mouth.

The next thing I knew I was being pushed backwards on to my bed and Caleb knelt across me and once again began playing with my nipples. While he did this his precum was dripping into my pubes, which was turning me on even more. "Can you reach the bottom drawer?" Caleb asked.

"I think so, why?" I asked

"There's a little blue and white tube in there. Would you pass it to me?

I reached down and opened the drawer and pulled out the tube in question. Immediately I saw the letters `KY' I knew what this was, but only because I had read about it in stories. "We're not going to ... ...?" I asked

Caleb took the tube from me, nodding his head and grinning hugely.

"Oh yes we are." He said. I want you to fuck me." He said.

"But I've never ... I mean ... we can't ..." I stammered

"You mean you're a virgin, don't you?" Caleb asked.

I nodded. "Don't tell me you've already ... well ... done it?" I asked

"I shagged a girl once, but I've never actually been fucked." Caleb said.

"But you want me to ... well ..."

"The word is `fuck', Chris." Caleb said. "Don't be frightened of saying it."

"Not only am I frightened of saying it, I'm frightened of doing it." I said candidly.

"Why?" Caleb asked.

"Because a) You're too young. b) My parents are responsible for what happens while you're here. c) We've only just met, and d) ... ... ..."

"OK, OK," Caleb said. "It's just that, well, I like you, Chris. I like you a lot."

"God, the feeling is mutual, Caleb, but we don't have to rush into things. Let's just ... well, mess around together for now."

And mess around we did, that night and many nights thereafter. Caleb's mother completed her spell in rehab and rather than leave her to manage on her own she came to live with us. After a couple of months we were all getting on so well that Mum and Dad decided to move into a the bigger house that they had been promising themselves. It was a bit of a wrench for Mum because she was born in the old house, but we did it. Because of the new set-up Caleb's Mum agreed to become our live-in housekeeper. Mum and Dad surprised us be asking if we wanted a double bed as we always seemed to sleep together. I had no idea that they knew, but they obviously did and they accepted it. Years afterwards they told us that they suspeced from the first night that Caleb and I were going to be a couple, but were a little frightened to admit it to themselves. Over the years I occasionally had to put up with Caleb chasing after a girl, but I knew he'd always come back to me. If he'd gone after another guy I'm sure I would have been furious. But that never happened.

Caleb's Mum stayed clean for around ten years, but then she disappeared one day and was found dead three months after her disappearance. She had gone back to her old ways and finally had overdosed. Caleb fell apart for a few weeks, but eventually pulled himself together with our help and support.

Today we are as happy as we were way back then, and the sex gets better every time. I say a silent prayer every morning thanking God that he gave Caleb to me, and I pray that we will always be together and as happy as we are today.

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