Call Me Gangsta

Published on Nov 7, 2021




Its your boy Ryan with another story that he thought out because he was SOO bored at work LOL

Hope you guys are safe, and doing well.

Enjoy this once, hope you like it xx

Peace and love, Ryan


"Lil bro! Sweet man, glad I caught you. Do me a favor, will ya? Tell mom and dad I won't be home for dinner. Make some lame excuse that they'll totally believe. Got some plans with Viper and the boys and you know the parents don't really get on with them."

"Don't get on with them? That's putting it fucking mildly. Jason, come on, don't do this. I know what you and your homies get up to at night. It's all over the local news, all over the socials and one of these days you're gonna get caught, I just know it!"

Jason Pryce just smiled and ruffled his little brother Kyle's hair for good measure. Kyle angrily slapped Jason's hand away before he stared his brother down in sheer disgust.

"Why do you always have to try your ass off to be better than you are? Why can't you just accept that some people have money and riches, and some of us don't? Stealing shit from rich people ain't gonna change that!"

Jason sighed and sat back onto the bed, taking a sip of his Black Label beer before he spoke again.

"Lil Bro, why do you think Mom is busy worrying her own ass off working two fucking jobs? Dad was retrenched from his job three months ago and he hasn't found one since! I'm sorry, Lil Bro, I really am, but if I can change things for us, then that's what I'm damn well gonna do. And its not like we haven't done it before. Okay? Just chill and relax, everything is going to be absolutely fine."

Kyle wanted to pull his black hair out of its roots at the sheer frustration that Jason was giving him, and he knew that there was no talking his older brother out of this. They had been poor all their lives, their parents working hard to make ends meet. They both still lived at home, even though Kyle was twenty, and Jason as two years older.

After Jason had graduated high school, he didn't ever ask if there was money so that he could study his passion, which was Mechanical Engineering at College. He knew what the answer would be, and therefore he had gotten a job fixing cars at a cheaper rate that what dealerships normally charge, in the exclusively rich ass suburb of Runkel, where they lived about ten minutes from. Word of mouth had begun to spread over Jason's ability to make a car look and sound like it had come straight out of the box, brand spanking new, and therefore had built up a loyal fan, and customer base.

But then...and Kyle shuddered as he remembered how the leader of the pack looked and especially how rank he smelled...then The Ravens gang from way north up, outta town, got word of a poor young man who was working inside a rich neighborhood and immediately made them their next target.

Initially, when Jason confided in him about all this, he said he had been forced...Kyle had no idea if he had been, but he was most definitely going along with all this out of his own free will, now. The money he was bringing home helped so much, that it bought their father some much needed time to look for another job, but no luck so far. Their Mom could also afford to have a few more off days with lesser hours at her diner job.

Kyle sighed. That's why Jason was doing this.

That's why they were robbing houses in Runkel, in that beautiful exclusive apartment estate that was probably worth billions in landscaping. Jason had easy access to the estate, as he was servicing their cars, and therefore he was trusted with his own remote for the front gate...and he and his new cronies had unknowingly wreaked HAVOC inside Runkel ever since they gotten hold of him.

Everyone was talking about it, and everyone on the estate was on high alert, and yet they had gotten away with it every single time.

"Jay, all I'm saying is, be careful, because one of these days someone is gonna catch you out. The whole lot of you. You think the Ravens will protect you? Seriously? And then you'll go to jail. Is that you want for Mom and Dad? Really?"

He saw Jason leaping upwards and grabbing him by the collar of his shirt as he held Kyle up and fully stacked against the bedroom wall. Kyle was terrified...his brother and himself had always been so close...he hated what the Ravens was doing to Jason and how they were messing with his mind.

"You didn't fucking complain when I brought you that new laptop for college, did you? Thanks to me, you already completed your first semester! Mom and Dad are so proud, so are YOU gonna be the one to break their hearts? Are you gonna be the one telling Mom and Dad you have been studying your ass off on money that came from stolen goods?"

Those last two words were a mere whisper from Jason as he started threateningly into his brother's eyes.

Kyle was shocked...incredibly so...what the hell was going to Jason's mind? It was like he was addicted to stealing! He literally couldn't get enough! It was then, also, that Kyle's terrified eyes fell onto Jason's wrist, but more importantly, the blue marks that was splashed in huge blots on his skin. Jason's eye traveled down to where his brothers was, before he quickly let go of Kyle and covered his wrist with the sleeve of the shirt he was wearing.

"Jason...Jay, is that...?"

"Shut up! Just SHUT UP! Don't say anything, don't ask anything, the least you know, the better, okay? I'm heading out. Don't wait up," Jason said, his voice slow and smooth, almost what Kyle thought DEATH would sound like.

"Jay...Jay come on. Jay, don't do this!" He still managed to shout after his older brother but it was no use.

He quickly jogged to the living room window and he saw Jay putting on his bike helmet, before getting on his Kawasaki Ninja motorbike and speeding off in the direction of the main highway, the very same road that led to the estate of Runkel.

"Fuck this. Nah, fuck this shit. If he wants to be caught out, let him, I ain't worrying about his ass no more," Kyle whispered angrily before slowly walking back to his room.


"Jason! My"

Jason placed his arm around his dad's shoulder when Kyle was casually walking into the kitchen area. His brother was beaming so much he looked like he had slept with a hanger inside his gob.

"I did it, didn't I? Paid our rent in full for the next three months. Where's mom? I wanna tell her the good news as well!"

Kyle's eyes narrowed.

Was it the sheer aftershock of Dad losing his job at such an early age, or was it pure stupidity on his father's part?

Did he really believe that Jason had a "job" like he always so conveniently always told them? Three months rent paid in full! What? What kind of job actually PAID that sort of money unless it was illegal?

Then again, Mom and Dad never wanted to know anything wrong with their precious first born Jason, whilst he, Kyle, felt like an outsider with him studying and not financially contribute to the household. Sometimes he knew exactly what his dad was going through.

"Lil Bro! Why so quiet all of a sudden?" Jason asked as he fist bumped his little brother on his shoulders in a playful manner, but Kyle didn't think it was funny. Not at the least.

"WE need to talk. Now."

Kyle stormed upwards into the apartment and entered his room, pacing up and down, furiously, he was so angry at Jason. As the latter entered the room in sheer dumb confusion, Kyle was on his older brother like a flash.

"You're giving them false hope, Jay! Jesus, how long are you gonna keep this up? Weeks, years? Why don't you get an actual JOB and earn some actual money! When was the last time that you fixed A CAR? Don't you think the rich bitches out there in Runkel are gonna realize what's happening?"

Jason ran a hand through his hair and sighed. He looked at his younger brother with a mixture of restlessness and anger.

"You want us to suffer? Right? You want Dad to be miserable because he can't find work? You want Mom to worry about the rent and us being chucked onto the streets because we can't pay it? BY ALL MEANS, lets tell everyone what I'm doing, for this type of living that we have now and hand me over the fucking cops while you're at it, shall we?"

"Jay, please..."

"Kyle, the day...the DAY YOU bring in some decent money, THEN and only THEN you can tell me about how WRONG this is. But until you do...SHUT, THE FUCK, UP!

Jason turned around to walk away from his brother, but a text on his cellphone came through, and he took it out to read it. From his facial expression turning ever so dark, Kyle knew, he just KNEW, that it was a message from the Ravens.

"Its them, ain't it?" Kyle asked with bated breath.

Silence from Jason all but confirmed the answer to his question.

"Jason, for god's sake, just LISTEN to can still get out of this. Please, just don't go! I'll go to the police with you, we can stop all of this, we can say you were forced or that they were threatening you, just please, don't go!"

A sudden howl of laugher from Jason startled the gentler Kyle, as he saw his brother double over in several fits of laughter, giggles and even going so far as holding his stomach dramatically whilst he was trying to get a grip over his senses. He patted Kyle on the back as he put on his leather jacket and came to a stop before the latter.

"The police? You're having a fucking laugh! Some of the cops are in WITH us! How do you think we can get in there so easily? I know the area and the people and the houses and their schedules, but if we weren't protected by the cops, then we would have been done LONG time ago. In return, we give them a cut of what we steal and sell. What, you think cops can live on their salaries alone? Gimme a break. Catch ya later, Lil Bro!"


Kyle jolted awake. Damn, it was nearly two a clock in the morning. What the hell had woken him up?

He slowly made his way out of bed and saw that the living room's lights was still on. Frowning, he wiped his eyes and walked out of his bedroom and down the small flight of stairs, before seeing his mother fast asleep on the couch and his dad drinking what looked like coffee. There were several other empty coffee cups standing around on the small kitchen table, as proof that his dad had been here for quite some time.

"Dad! Why aren't you asleep? What are y'all doing down here?" Kyle whispered as softly as he could, before kneeling before his father, and he was shocked to see how red the older man's eyes was, and how severe the bags looked underneath his eyes.

His father sighed and squeezed Kyle's shoulder.

"Didn't wanna wake you or your mother. We have been waiting for Jason to come back from work, but he still hasn't showed up. He hasn't told us anything of where the job is or what it is, exactly, only that he is doing some sort of deliveries. I have phoned him, it must be like forty times about now, and he still hasn't answered."

Kyle froze. Never mind what Jason had done or what he was busy with, he was STILL his brother. And HE knew, where Jason was, or at least, where he might have been. And his father was right, Jason NEVER came home this late. Something was wrong, Kyle just had an internal bad feeling about all of this.

He swallowed and took the coffee up from his father.

"Look, Dad, he told me once whereabouts the headquarters for his job are. I'll take the car and go look for him, okay?"

"Kyle,, its too late and too dark, who knows what's waiting for you outside there..."

"Dad! I'm twenty years old. Okay? I'm not a toddler anymore. Right now, I'm the only person who knows where to find Jason and I'm gonna bring him back safely. You wake Mom up and take her to bed, its cold as hell out here. Ill be back as soon as I can. I promise."

His father slowly nodded and yawned once, before he finally got up and stood up tall in front of his son. He looked lovingly down at Kyle before he pulled him into a hug.

"Be careful. Please, Kyle. I suddenly have a bad feeling about this...this JOB he had been telling us about. A decent job, and he would have been home yonks ago. I just...just be careful. Please."


It was a majestic apartment complex. Geez.

Kyle could understand why people would target this place as a potential crime paradise, what with all the wealth that it portrayed. Only the cream of the crop could afford to live here, that was for fucking sure.

As he drove towards the complex and the huge security gate that was situated before said building, complete with masses and masses of barbed wire and electric fencing, Kyle suddenly stopped, as his heart dropped inside his chest.

Something he didn't think of when he so quickly drove away from home to look for Jason.

How the fuck was he supposed to GET IN there?

He could see the security firm the estate employed, marching up and down with guns the sizes of fucking Volkswagens inside the complex, which begs belief, still, how did the Ravens get in here, time and again?

Somewhere in the back of Kyle's mind he suddenly remembered how Jason had said that some of the local cops was in on this operation, and they always demanded a cut from what was taken and sold. Anything for money...Kyle snorted. Cops were always underpaid and overworked, so it kinda made sense that they would be in on a scheme such as this.

Kyle felt useless.

He didn't know how to get in there, and he didn't hear or could he see anything suspicious going on. Were they even targeting Runkel tonight? Or where they headed to some place else? God only knew. He was so afraid that the security guards would get weirded out seeing an old, outdated Sedan parked outside the building for far too long, but he didn't just wanna up and leave. He promised his dad that had find Jay and bring him back safe and sound.

Ten more minutes or so, passed, for Kyle they felt like ten years. Everything was deathly quiet, perhaps too quiet. The guards probably hadn't noticed the car parked in the shadows before the building as they were still doing their rounds.

Suddenly, and entirely unexpectedly, sirens began to BLOW razor sharp across the entire compound that was the luxurious apartment complex of Runkel. Kyle sat up, his eyes as wide as saucers, as he heard the vicious blows of alarm that seemed to stream across the entire estate, red and white lights flashed thunderingly across the terrain and suddenly those guards, with those massive ass weapons they had possessed, weren't at their post any more.

Kyle wanted to get out and have a closer look, if he could possibly see Jason anywhere, he didn't give a shit about the Ravens, but he did care about his brother, before several massive amounts of gun shots blasted behind those massive gates of the Runkel.

"Jason!" Kyle whispered urgently, and took a deep breath. He couldn't just SIT here, for fuck sake!

He switched on the engine of the car and drove closer to where the complex actually was. Being so close to Runkel, he could now clearly hear various shouts and screams, several orders being given out, before MORE gun shots wreaked across the area.

"INTRUDER ALERT! INTRUDER ALERT!" came the robotic voice of the security system and Kyle gripped the steering wheel in sheer freight.

"Damn Jason, what the hell you got me into?" he shouted to no one in particular, before he sensed movement at the gates.

Several masked hooded figures stormed across the gates; they must have turned off the electric fence generating electricity...but that was before Kyle saw they were dressed in what looked like rubber gloves. Those heavy-duty shoes they had on must have rubber soles on as well, therefore they didn't feel a fucking thing. One by one they came storming past where Kyle was still hiding inside the car, until there was no one left.

"Boss, what about Pryce? Jason is still in there!"

Kyle's blood turned ICE cold at hearing that.

"Let him save himself, we won't help him, we can't now!" came the voice of the so-called Boss, and at once, they had sped off, all in different directions, and behind Kyle, it still sounded like a war zone inside Runkel.

It was then, quiet for a fair few seconds, before two more gun shots rained out.

Kyle so desperately wanted to get out and see if he could spot Jason somewhere, and finally, after what felt like hours...he saw a tall figure quickly coming towards him...there was no doubt as he came closer...he saw his brother...running towards the gate like the devil himself was after him. Jason wasn't wearing a mask or a hoodie either, and he stormed towards the gate with a more than petrified expression on his face.

Kyle straightened himself out and drove the car towards the entrance of the gate, parked, and then finally, got out of the car, to where Jason would be able to see him.


Hearing his name being called out, and by his little brother's voice seemed to startle Jason, and he came to a screeching halt, his head and eyes flickering everywhere, until he finally saw Kyle.

"HOLD THE CAR, LIL BRO!" he screamed but before he could move a step further, he clutched his chest, with both hands, with a shocked expression etched on his face. Kyle stood by the car, and it seemed like time was going in slow motion, as several red blots of blood was quickly beginning to seep out of Jason's chest.


Kyle didn't care about himself anymore. It was now way beyond that. His brother had been shot!

He ran towards his brother as fast as his young legs could carry him, and he was with Jason in a flash. Jason sunk to his knees with a confused expression on his face, and looking at his bloodied hands with sheer disbelief.

"Oh shit, Lil Bro...they got me..." he said weakly, before his eyes rolled back inside his skull and his entire body became limp.

"Bro! Hold on! Please, I promised Dad!" Kyle shouted, more in hope than in actual reality, because he felt fucking hopeless and useless, he didn't know how to handle such a situation. He tried picking up his brother, but before he even could, he was surrounded by the same security guards that had been patrolling up and down the apartment complex earlier. Kyle closed his eyes and held up his hands in pure surrender.

"I didn't do anything! Please, help me, my brother has been shot!" he shouted in complete and utter despair but none of the guards seemed to wanna help him.

"Call the damn ambulance, for this pathetic waste of space, we need them both alive!" one the guards ordered.

That was the last words that Kyle heard before he was rapidly taken and cuffed, and still, all he could think about, was the bullet wound inside his brother's chest.

"Lemme go! I didn't do anything, I wasn't part of this!" he shouted once more, but it didn't' seem like anyone was listening to him.

Despair took hold of his heart...he was innocent! He didn't DO anything!


"Mom! Dad!"

Kyle bolted from the holding cells when the guard on service told him that his parents were here.

He was tired as hell, sweaty, warm and his eyes were red as apples from crying all the time, at the unfairness of what was going on and how he was being treated like common criminal. That, and combined with he had no knowledge if Jason was even still alive, and that he had to spend the night in a cell, he just wanted to go home. Nothing more. Not even an inch more. He just needed a shower, and to know how and where Jason was.

" God, what did they do to you?" Laetitia, the mother of Jason and Kyle asked with so much pent up emotion in her voice, as she held his hands up to her face in sheer shock of seeing her youngest son in so much worse for wear.

"How you holding up, son?" Pierre, their father asked, tiredness and worry etched in on his sun-bleached face.

"Guys, I'm okay. Really. I just wanna get outta here. Did y'all hear anything from Jason? Where is he? Is he okay?"

Laetitia and Pierre glanced at each other, and suddenly neither of them could look Kyle in the eye. The latter's heart sank as he immediately thought the worst, before his dad placed his hand on his son's shoulder.

"He's...he's dead, isn't he?" Kyle whispered, his own voice raw with anticipation and fear.

Pierre shook his head and Kyle sighed of sheer relief.

"No, he's not, but Kyle...I can't lie, it's not looking great either. They operated. He...Jason was shot inside his chest and...well, things didn't go too well. He's in a coma right now. He's still alive, Kyle. Your quick actions saved your brother's life, you realize that?"

Kyle slowly swallowed.

"This is all my fault! I could have told you sooner what Jason was up to. I wanted to tell you so bad, but then he would bring home all that money and he damn well paid the rent in full for three fucking guys were all so proud of him, how the hell could I ruin all that? I honestly thought he would stop at some point, I truly did. And now...and now..."

The sob was out of his chest before he could say or do anything. Before he could stop it, because he always believed that men shouldn't cry. There was a fine line between all of that, as both his parents embraced their son, giving them their full support as they always did.

There was still a piece missing of the puzzle though. And uncomplete, a gap was there, and it was very much felt...Jason was still in a coma.


"The court, in the end, has to make a ruling about this. You, Mr. Kyle Pryce, was found at the scene of the crime where two security guards were fatally wounded. And since there was no other proof that you were there, in a purely supportive capacity, the court has no other option but to find you GUILTY of all charges!"

"WHAT? Are you fucking kidding me? I didn't do anything! How can there be no proof, my brother Jason is a witness that I wasn't part of the Ravens and their crimes! He's all the proof you need!" Kyle shouted back at the judge passing that despicable sentence, his heart beating faster than that of a hamster at this point.

There was no way. No fucking way that he was going to prison for something JASON did! What the fuck? Where was the justice in that?"

The judge cleared his throat and signaled something, incoherently, to his bailiff.

"Mr. Pryce, where exactly is your brother, Jason Pryce, at this point and time?"

"He is...He is in a coma in hospital, Your Honor," Kyle said, the truth as well as the severity of this all suddenly dawning on him. It was like he knew what was going to be the next set of words out of the judge's mouth.

"Then, well, I'm afraid, Mr. Pryce, that there is then, no proof or evidence that you were as innocent as you deem to be. All that we know for sure, is that it looked like you were helping your brother and his hang escape with a car waiting outside the estate of Runkel. You were found at the scene of the crime, and your brother had numerous of stolen goods on his person. Therefore, I have no choice, but to sentence you, to five years imprisonment. That's the order of the court."

"NO! NO, COME BACK, YOU CAN'T DO THIS!" Kyle shouted in sheer disbelief, but it was to no avail.

He turned towards his parents, and he saw that his father had his mom in a solid embrace, and he was gently wiping her tears as he spoke softly to her.

"Mom! Dad! Jason has to wake up! He has to! Only he can tell them the truth, they won't believe me! Do everything you can! Jason has to WAKE UP!"


The first night in the slammer, had to be hardest Kyle had ever endured.

He was literally pushed into a cell with several filthy ass men, each of them more rank smelling than the next. There was no bathroom or toilet in the small holding cell either. If you wanted to do your business, you had to keep it inside or DARE do it against the already brownish grey walls or floors of said cell.

Kyle kept to himself but he felt other's eyes on him, he felt as if every single person in that cell was staring at him, the new guy, who was rather a handsome fellow, unfortunately for this instance. He didn't talk to anyone; he didn't even dare move. It was so incredibly cold, but he refused to show any weakness. Damn you, Jason. Damn you, for doing this to me...was all he could think of.

The only way he could get out of this, was if Jason woke up from his coma. Jason is the only person who can confirm that Kyle was innocent. He had nothing to do with the robberies of Runkel Apartment Estate...but there was just no way to prove it. It seemed that the Ravens had all gone into hiding after what had happened to Jason, no one had heard from them or had been terrorized by them since.

Hours became days...days became weeks...and weeks eventually became nearly a month.

Kyle's parents frequently visited him but there was no good news to tell him. Jason was still in a coma, and by the looks of it, wouldn't be waking up anytime soon. And without Jason's version of events, there is no proof that Kyle was no where near that crime spree or indeed, part of the Ravens.

Just a couple of days short of being in there a full month, Kyle was heading to the showers one early morning, as he always tried to get in there early because you never knew with these vultures he was sharing a prison with. Thus far, thank God, he had been left alone, with no one bothering him unnecessarily, because he basically just kept his head down and got on with things, but the wards were about to shuffled and it looked likely that new prisoners would be joining theirs.

Nervously, as always when he had taken showers inside the prison quarters, Kyle slowly undressed, looking back at the entrance every once so often to make sure no one had followed him, his flat, six pack stomach showing off proudly to the walls of the bathroom, his soft four-inch cock dangling down to the floor with his plump balls daily reminding him that he hadn't cum in nearly a fucking month.

Make no mistake, he KNEW all of this, but there was no way he could afford to jack off in here. Not if he valued his life.

He froze when he heard a noise coming from the entrance. Like once, he was out of the shower and still wet and dripping, he grabbed his towel and wrapped it around himself. He was shaking by now, he had never been bothered in here before ever since he had been in prison...and suddenly the "tip tapping" of footsteps could be heard coming ever, ever so closer to him.

"Hey there, homie! What up? You new?" a voice suddenly asked out of the blue.

Kyle was literally frozen to where he was standing, he was still shaking and afraid beyond belief that whoever it is was going to hurt him...all the terrible things he had always read about that happened inside of a prison came flooding back into his mind.

The guy stopped right before him...and Kyle's mouth dropped open.

In all his life, he had never, EVER seen a person stunningly handsome and just, hardness personified. He wasn't beautiful like many young twinks these days, at that, but rather manly and brute, youngish, Kyle thought he was about his age or just a later older. Muscles everywhere you looked, his biceps were strong and ripped, his stomach was six blocks of solid perfection...his dick...oh my god, his dick...that thing had to be eight inches when it was hard.

Kyle's eyes wandered from this man's cock back upwards quickly, to his face, where a friendly smile greeted him.

"So, are you gonna answer me, or just stand there checking me out?" the dude said, his eyes sparkling as he did so.

Kyle almost dropped the fucking towel he was still holding around his naked waist.

"I...I wasn't, I mean...well..."

The man before him laughed and leaned forward to ruffle Kyle's hair. Immediately the latter started to get emotional, because that gesture...that was something special, or used to be something special between him and Jason, long before his older brother had ever gotten in with the wrong crowd.

The dude must have misunderstood, and probably through that it was because of what he had said, that Kyle had become emotional, because he gently lifted up both of his hands, that thick flat penis, shaking violently as he did so.

"Yo homie, I'm sorry, man. I don't always think before I speak, look, I'm Wazza. Wayne, actually, but everyone calls me Wazza. I have been in Solitary for over a fucking month now, and I don't recognize you, so you must be new. Right?"

Kyle swallowed. What the fuck was he doing bawling his eyes out in front of his HUNK of a man? He cleared his throat and quickly nodded.

"Yeah. I've been here nearly a month. You must have been sent away just before I came here. I'm Kyle. Kyle Pryce."

Wazza reached out his hand and offered it to Kyle, who slowly, carefully, still scared that all of this might be some sort of prank, reached out his and the two young men shook hands.

Electricity RIPPED through Kyle unlike anything he had ever felt before. It was so intense and so SUDDEN, that he was afraid he might pass out. Wazza was just perfect, in every sense of the, oh man...

The two men held each other's glance and suddenly the handshake went on far longer than it normally would. Finally, it was Wazza who cleared his throat and removed his hand from Kyle's.

"Listen up, homie, if anyone gives you any sort of trouble, or if they wanna mess around with ya, you come and tell me. You hear? I always fight for the underdog!" Wazza smiled and walked towards one of the shower heads and turned it on full blast.

Water immediately cascaded out of the faucet and onto this beautiful, sexy ass man, it flooded through his dark, long hair that hung on his shoulders, it powered down that man's insanely ripped torso, and finally, it cooked on the manscaped public hairs that could be seen down there.


Kyle felt himself getting rock hard underneath the towel. He didn't wanna touch his cock of will it to go down because it might look like he was jacking himself off looking at this absolutely stunning piece of prime rib before his very eyes.

Without as much as a goodbye to Wazza, Kyle gathered his toiletries and got the hell outta there. Jesus Christ. He begged and prayed every night to whoever was Up there listening, that no one, that NO one would EVER find out that he was into guys. That was as good as a death sentence in a place such as this.

With a last lingering look back at Wazza, Kyle sighed and slowly walked back to his cell.



Wanted to set the background for the story as always first, before the juicy bits start hahaha. Wanna read more? Lemme know xx

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