Calming Waters

By ngcfan

Published on Dec 11, 2000


Disclaimer: Well, I once again would like to warn that those under 18 should not continue reading as the following chapter contains adult content. Again, I do not know the orientation of BSB or Nsync. This story is fiction, a work of my imagination.

I'd like to thank you all for being so supportive. You guys have been so helpful. I know that I can't really put all your suggestions in, but all your emails, in a way, have shaped this story. If you have any comments, I will be happy to read them!!!!

It was evening when Brian finally woke up, only to feel Nick's warm body lying next to his. Brian smiled sadly as he strained to turn his head so that he could watch Nick's face. Finally, after a little stretch, his eyes leveled on Nick's peaceful face. What was he going to do about Randy? How could that man even be called Nick's father? That man was a monster!!!!

Brian couldn't imagine any parent putting their child through what Nick had experienced, especially a child so beautiful and pure as Nick. Brian didn't care what reason that monster had, but he had no right to put a boy through that much torture. To think that Brian had treated the man decently last week!

He couldn't just keep silent, could he? There had to be a way to put an end to all this. Had that man actually touched Nick while Nick was in the group? Kevin didn't think so, but now, Brian wasn't so sure anymore. Nick was growing more beautiful every day. Brian wouldn't be surprised if . . . no! He couldn't think that way.

Gently, Brian lifted his right arm and nudged Nick a little bit. Too much sleep is bad for the boy, even if he was feeling a little down. "Nick, you there?" Brian asked softly.

"Mmmmm," Nick mumbled, making Brian smile.

"Wake up, Nick. We gotta get something to eat."

Slowly, Nick moved his arms a little. Brian chuckled. "Come on, ya big baby. Wake up. I'm starving."

"Me too," Nick answered automatically. With that, he opened one eye and looked up at Brian. "What do you want to eat? Want me to cook?"

Brian gaped. "No! You are not doing any work. I'll cook," Brian said proudly.

Nick smirked sleepily. "You don't know how to cook," he said matter-of-factly.

Brian frowned. "It can't be that hard."

"All right. You cook. But I'm not going to promise you that I'll eat everything," Nick replied, half chuckling.

Brian sighed in relief. "Okay, you can help me."

Nick chuckled harder. "Well, thanks for giving me permission to help you, but if I'm thinking straight enough, I don't think that my best efforts could save your cooking."

"Ha ha, very funny," Brian said dryly as he jabbed his finger into Nick's tummy.

Nick immediately jumped a foot off the bed. "You know I'm tickling!" he cried out, exasperated.

Brian was so tempted to jump on Nick, but he was worried that Nick would not be able to handle that much physical contact. "Sorry!" Brian smiled gently.

Nick looked at Brian appreciatively. "You don't have to be sorry," he said shyly. Brian could feel his love for Nick swelling with each passing minute. How could someone that sweet live such a horrible life?

Slowly and reluctantly, Brian crawled off the bed. "Why don't you shower or something? I'll get the pans and food out," Brian offered.

Nick simply sat on the bed, refusing to budge. "Could you stay here while I shower?" he asked softly, almost as if he were afraid that someone would attack him while he was in the shower.

Brian looked at Nick's youthful face and immediately agreed. "I'll sit here on the bed then . . . if you need anything, just holler, okay? I'll be right here."

Brian looked sadly as Nick slowly got up and entered the bathroom. How did such a youthful guy with so much ahead of him be transformed into a naive little kid who is so fearful? What had his father done to him to make him become like this? At this age, Nick should be confident and daring, not depressed and unsure.

The worst thing about Brian's house is that all the walls were very thin. He could hear everything in the bathroom. He heard how Nick slowly pulled his shirt off of him. He heard as Nick pulled his pants and boxers down. He heard Nick's light footsteps as he went into the bathtub. And he heard as the water cascaded down Nick's body.

By now, Brian was groaning from erotic thoughts. He couldn't help it. How could he ignore his raging hormones when Nick stood in the bathtub, naked and wet? Brian clutched the bed as he tried to put chaste thoughts into his mind. Nick's mother naked. Nick's mother naked. My mother naked. No use. It wasn't helping as Brian looked down at the bulge in his pants.

Sheesh. What is Nick doing to him? He couldn't go on like this. If every little thing Nick did turn him on, how could he share a room with him without being obvious? "Oh, Nick," Brian groaned, hoping that Nick didn't hear. The shower was pretty loud. Nick couldn't possibly hear.

"Brian?" he suddenly heard Nick call out his name. "Brian, you there?" Nick's voice had a hint of panic in it.

Quickly, Brian ran towards the bathroom door, panting a little. "Yeah, Nick? I'm here. There's nothing to worry about," he managed to say.

Thank goodness that was enough to calm Nick down. "Okay," Nick's voice answered softly. There was relief in it as well.

Brian sat back down on the bed. He didn't have the time to settle the bulge between his legs. Damn! He just hoped that Nick wouldn't notice.

Finally, the water in the bathroom stopped. Again, Brian had to sit painfully as he heard Nick dry himself off and put on his clothes. It took all of Brian's will not to come right there on his bed. Breathe! Breathe! Brian told himself.

The door to the bathroom opened as Nick stepped out, his hair still wet and ruffled. Brian couldn't help but stare longingly. But before Nick noticed, Brian looked away.

"Do you want to shower, Brian? You look like you need a shower," Nick said.

Brian didn't know what to say. "Uh, sure."

"I can go ahead and start making the food," Nick offered.

"That would be great!" Brian said, almost too anxiously. Nick gazed at him suspiciously. Brian continued, "I mean, you're better at cooking. Why don't you go ahead down there and start attacking our dinner?"

"You're so ready to get rid of me, aren't you?" Nick smiled teasingly.

'If only you know what's happening to me at this moment, you'll be glad I'm sending you away,' Brian thought to himself. "I'm just hungry, that's all!"

"All right!" Nick said as he bounced out of the room. How could anyone be so oblivious, yet so lovable at the same time? Brian wondered. He didn't know whether he was glad that Nick was so oblivious to what he's doing to Brian. At first, he thought he was relieved, but after thinking it through, he wished Nick could see that Brian was falling hard for him.

With a sigh and a frown, Brian headed into the bathroom and took a shower as well as settle his problem. This time, he made sure that he was quiet about it. But how could he be when the whole bathroom had Nick's aura and scent about it?

When Nick climbed down the stairs, he was surprised to see Matt, their bodyguard still at Brian's house. "Matt?" Nick called out to the older man.

Matt immediately woke up to Nick's voice. "Hey, little buddy. What's up? Ya feeling better?" The concern was evident in his voice.

"Yep! And hungry. That's why I'm down here, to make some dinner. Are you hungry?" Nick asked. To Nick, Matt was like a brother. He was always so caring. Besides the Boys, Matt was the one person he trusted.

"Hey, kid. I'll help you!" Matt smiled as he got up from the couch.

"You do know how to cook, right?" Nick asked suspiciously.

Matt laughed at his childish innocence. "Tell me what to do and I'll do it."

Satisfied with the answer, Nick waved for Matt to follow him. Together, the two entered Brian's kitchen. Nick jumped for the refridgerator, trying to find anything that was edible. Finally, he found some frozen beef with some fresh vegetables.

"I guess this will do," Nick said, unimpressed. He put them on the counter.

Matt laughed. "Look, kid. Don't expect too much from Brian. This is as impressive as it gets for him!"

Nick smirked. "Tell me about it. He couldn't take care of himself."

Matt looked at Nick. "But he does know how to take care of you." Matt's voice was soft, but firm, almost fatherly in a way.

Nick looked down at the food, but he was deep in thought. "Yeah." His voice was full of affection.

Matt looked at Nick. "How do you feel about him?"

Nick smiled to himself. "He's painfully sweet. He makes me feel safe." He looked to Matt with an expression that meant that he was about to say something naughty, but stopped himself before he did. Nick decided to say something safe instead. "I like him a lot."

"Like?" Matt raised an eyebrow. "Do I detect something there, Nicky?"

Nick blushed. "You're not going to make me admit anything!"

Matt laughed, knowing that the moment Nick said that, he just admitted to having feelings for Brian. "Fine!" Matt pretended to be uninterested. "Have it your way then. Oh, and one thing. As good as your food is, I'm dying for some Italian food. Plus, my girlfriend is waiting for me at home. You don't mind, do you?"

Nick smiled brightly at Matt. "So you kept your girlfriend waiting all night, huh?" As if suddenly remembering something, Nick cried out, "Wait a minute." With that said, he disappeared up the stairs.

When Nick finally entered the kitchen, Matt noticed quite a few things. Well, for one, Nick was carrying a pretty necklace. Nick placed it in Matt's hand. "This is for your girlfriend. Tell her it's from you so that she doesn't get angry. It's not real gold or anything."

Matt looked suspiciously at Nick. "Why is it in this house and not yours?"

Nick blushed. "I told Brian that you always complain to me about your girlfriend feeling that you're never there. Then I told him I wanted to do something to help you. He suggested I buy a necklace so that you could give to her. So we went shopping together . . . and . . . " Nick blushed when he said Brian's name.

"Uh, huh. That was certainly a good excuse to spend some time with Brian," Matt teased. Nick blushed even harder. Matt could have sworn that Nick had witnessed something upstairs because whenever he mentioned Brian, Nick's face became beet red. "All right. I won't tease you anymore, ya little bugger."

Matt walked up to Nick and planted a kiss on his forehead. The kiss was chaste, but affectionate enough to let Nick know that he was there if Nick ever needed to talk. "I gotta go," he whispered.

Nick smiled. "Yeah, go before your girlfriend refuses to let you back in the house!"

Matt smiled and left.

Nick quickly focused back on dinner, trying to think through what had just happened upstairs. At first, he didn't even know. He just wanted to go up to Brian's bedroom and find the necklace. But as he stepped into Brian's bedroom, he heard panting and groans coming from the bathroom.

He wanted to find the necklace quickly, but he guessed that he wasn't quick enough because the next thing he heard was his name. "Oh, Nick!" Brian repeated over and over, making Nick hot. He didn't know what he felt. Perhaps fear? Or maybe shock?

He knew Brian could possibly have feelings for him. Sometimes he was confused, yes. But lately, it seemed that Brian was becoming less subtle about it. And then . . . it happened so fast. Hearing Brian's voice in the bathroom had crushed the last bit of doubt in Nick's mind. Brian's voice was filled with desire.

Nick bit his lip. Brian was the only one he hadn't given his body to, not yet. Nick was afraid. He was scared that Brian would be unimpressed. He was scared that Brian would think he was a slut. But wasn't he already, especially since he basically made out with everyone else.

But the thing that scared Nick the most was that Brian only wanted him for the sex. And if Brian had asked, Nick would not have hesitated before satisfying Brian. He knew that for a fact. He would give in to Brian's desire. He would have stripped right then and there just to make Brian happy.

This feeling is different than with the other guys. With Justin, he was less willing. Yesterday, he had gone through all the moves, but held back on the passion. He didn't feel anything with Justin.

With Lance . . . well, he was excited because it had been a long time since he made out with anybody. He liked Lance, but it was probably more of a crush than anything else.

Then with Moju? In fact, the only reason he responded was because Moju was equally as experienced as him in physical intimacy. The way their bodies moved and touched . . . Moju just knew how to touch to make Nick feel the lust.

But with Brian . . . there was ecstasy. Though Nick hadn't really done anything physically intimate with Brian, he knew that it would have been extremely intoxicating. He knew because there was a purity about Brian that made him excited. He loved the way Brian cared for him. He loved the way Brian looked at him with so much affection. And there was a sense of trust there. He would give everything he had to make Brian happy. He would let his body yield to everything Brian demanded.

He loved Brian! Nick finally let himself admit it. He loved Brian, but he was afraid that the love he offered to Brian was nothing more than cheap, but well-practiced sex. Nick felt a tear trickle down his cheek. Apparently, from Brian's groans in the bathtub, it could be that Brian was curious about Nick's bed skills as well.

But Brian had been so nice to him. Should he just forget all this thinking and just give Brian what he wanted?

Nick was so deep in thought that he did not notice as Brian stepped into the kitchen. But when Brian was within a few feet of him, Nick felt his presence. "You want to chop up the vegetables?" Nick asked softly.

Brian jumped from surprise. "Geez, you scared me!"

"Sorry!" Nick smiled sadly, not daring to turn around to look at Brian.

"You okay, Nick?" Brian asked, concerned.

"Yeah. I guess I'm still bummed about what happened this morning," Nick fibbed.

Brian walked up to him and put a hand on his shoulder. Immediately, Nick felt weird. The touch might have been innocent, but his mind cried out that Brian was demanding some physical intimacy. Nick pushed those silly thoughts aside.

"So you want to chop some vegetables?" Nick asked again.

Sensing that Nick didn't want to continue with the matter, Brian agreed. "Okay." They made dinner in silence. Brian was becoming extremely nervous about the way Nick was acting-so reserved.

Finally, they ate dinner. Nick made a few attempts at small talk, but the dinner felt sour in a way. Brian was really starting to worry. Nick was obviously deep in thought. "Uh, so where's Matt?" Brian tried to keep the conversation light.

"He didn't want to eat with us. Said he wanted to go back to his girlfriend's and eat with her." Nick paused.

"Oh!" Brian exclaimed. That ended their conversation at the dinner table.

After a few minutes, both Brian and Nick headed back upstairs. "Umm," Brian didn't know how to start. "Uh, the room next to mine . . . uh you can use that one if you're all better now."

"Ummm, okay," Nick answered softly.

"But you'll have to get some blankets from my room," Brian replied uncomfortably.

"Okay," Nick replied softly.

Brian led Nick into his room. He headed towards his closet where he had some extra blankets. He suddenly noticed a clicking sound as Nick closed the door behind him and locked it. "Brian?" Nick's voice sounded strangely seductive.

Brian turned around, only to see Nick's face full of confusion and a little sadness. Then, he saw Nick's fingers latch onto his shirt as he pulled it off. Brian stood there in shock as he saw the shirt slip off of Nick's body. Then, Nick's fingers slowly latched onto the zipper on his slacks as he slowly pulled it down. If Brian hadn't been to shocked and excited, he would have noticed how nervous and unsure Nick was. He would have noticed that there was an urgency, a desire to please in Nick's actions.

But Brian was too mesmerized by the scene unfolding before him to do anything but just stare . . . with hunger. Nick then pulled his boxers down and revealed his bare groins. Brian didn't know if he could breathe. The sight was so alluring, so seductive.

Slowly, Nick walked up to Brian. Brian's mind whirled. Wasn't that what Kevin said? To let Nick make the first move and simply act upon it? Brian tried to breathe, but his breaths became gasps. He felt himself harden, not trusting his fingers, which were now trembling from anticipation.

Nick's nude body was the most beautiful thing he had set eyes upon ever. No wonder Justin and Lance were so high when they talked about Nick. No wonder they would go through every dirty trick in the book to get him in bed. Brian stared dumbly as Nick licked his lips nervously. He slowly lifted his hands to hold Brian's trembling hands. Slowly, he pulled Brian's hands around his naked waist.

Brian felt Nick's cool skin underneath his fingertips. Slowly, he eased a little and rested his palm on the small of Nick's back, afraid to move them lower. Brian swallowed a few times to tell himself that this was real. Then, Nick's hands clasped over Brian's again as he pulled them, guided them towards his manhood. Brian simply let Nick move his hands wherever he wanted.

Finally all four hands rested on Nick's manhood as Nick urged Brian to massage it. Brian didn't need any more encouragement. His hands moved as if he had done it so many times before. It felt so warm and inviting.

As Brian's movements became more passionate, Nick slowly backed up to the bed. Brian followed.

Once Nick's legs hit the bed, he slowly laid down, taking Brian with him. By now, Nick was semi-erect. He was so slow and teasing that Brian was already hard again. Brian was afraid to admit it, but he couldn't deny it either. Nick was soooo good in bed.

Brian didn't even know when Nick had shed him of his own clothes. The next thing he knew was that both of them were in bed, naked. He was straddling Nick while Nick pulled him down for some intense kissing. Still, both of his hands never left Nick's hard organ.

Brian was so caught up in the ecstasy that he didn't even notice the sadness in Nick's eyes until it was too late. He didn't see the fear in Nick's eyes until long after he penetrated and thrusted into Nick. He didn't notice the warning signs, the last flicker of hope in Nick's eyes, until he came inside of Nick, filling Nick with his lust and desire.

He only remembered feeling dizzy in the end as he came to his senses. And the pain stabbed his heart as he realized that there might have been a reason why Nick suddenly quenched Brian's sexual desires. And that was when he recognized the desire to satisfy in Nick's eyes. It wasn't an act of love on Nick's part. It was more an act of fear, fear of letting Brian down.

Brian cried himself to sleep. How coud the act of love-making be so wonderful yet bitter at the same time? How was he going to convince Nick that he loved Nick not for his body, but for his soul? How could he let Nick know that his love went beyond physical intimacy? How could he manage to do all that when he had succumbed to the sex so willingly?

A little more sensual than usual? Tell me what you think!!!!! I love email.

Next: Chapter 12

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