Calming Waters

By ngcfan

Published on Dec 25, 2000


Disclaimer: Hi people! This is again, a work of fiction. It is not true. It doesn't represent the true orientations of the BSB or Nsync. And all under 18 are advised to NOT continue reading as this contains adult material.

When Brian finally awoke, his arms instinctively reached around for the other bare body on the bed. As he flailed his arms around, searching for something warm and soft to brush his fingers against, Brian realized that there was nothing. His eyes popped open, trying to register with them what his mind realized. Nick was not on the bed!

Brian shot up from bed, nervously scanning his room. Nick was nowhere to be seen! Brian felt his breathing becoming more irregular as the panic began to build. How could he not have felt Nick get off the bed? Brian's mind raced. Where could Nick have possibly gone?

Without another thought, Brian jumped off his bed and slipped out the door. He peeked into every room and clumsily fell down the stairs as he continued his panic-stricken search for Nick. When he finally got downstairs, he noticed a dim light in the kitchen. Holding in his breath, Brian walked towards the kitchen. He ever so gently opened the door, and there Nick sat, motionless and quiet.

Brian didn't know if Nick realized his presence, but Nick didn't turn around to acknowledge it. And even though Brian didn't see Nick's face, he could visualize the sadness on it.

He slowly sidled up to where Nick sat and gently placed a few fingers on the young boy's bare shoulder. He knew that was evil, and he felt Nick's body jerk from the unexpected touch.

"Shhhh, it's okay, Nick. It's just me, Brok," Brian whispered.

When Nick didn't answer, Brian walked around to look into his face. To his horror, he saw tears in the boy's eyes. "G-d, Nick, what's going on?" Brian immediately asked.

Without a word, Nick leaned forward and hugged Brian's waist. He held on tightly, his cheeks pressed against Brian's abdomen. But he didn't stop crying.

Brian shook from fear. He was too afraid to know how unstable Nick's psychological state was. The boy was extremely fragile. Brian unclasped Nick's arms around him and kneeled down, staring into Nick's eyes. "Is it me? Were we going too fast last night?" Brian asked.

Nick shook his head gently. "No." His voice was timid, unsure, confused. But Brian detected the lack of confidence in Nick's voice. He didn't know how he did it, but he suddenly could read through Nick's words and understand the changes in Nick's tone.

"Do you always feel bad after you have sex?" Brian asked as neutrally as he could. He wanted Nick to answer him honestly.

Brian almost missed the tiny bob in the head, but his eyes caught it at the last minute. "Why?" Brian delved.

"Because I'm dirty, and I try to change, but I realize that I can't change. I will always be dirty." Nick's voice was so innocent.

"Nick, if you don't mind, tell me how many times you . . . " Brian asked. He had to know more in order to dispel all these beliefs in Nick's mind.

Nick looked at Brian. To hell with it. He wasn't clean anyways so why should be so evasive with his sex life. "Five, including you, in the past week." Nick's voice lost any hope.

"Five times?" Brian asked, not sure.

"Five people." Nick answered sadly. Brian was deep in thought. Justin. Lance. Moju. Him. That was only four! Brian was now starting to worry. Who else was out there? Was it someone he knew? Was it Randy? Brian's blood began to boil. If that were the case . . .

"Who's the fifth?" Brian asked measuredly.

"You don't know him," Nick responded softly. "But he's gone. Ummm, Moju sort of took him away."

Brian's eyes opened wider. Ever since Moju came and left, he was still clueless. Who exactly was Moju? He didn't think that Nick or Moju explained the situation at all to him.

"So is that why you're so sad?" Brian asked mildly. "Because you feel that everyone is able to sleep with you?"

Nick shook his head.

"Then . . . " Brian began but Nick cut him off.

"Because . . . you're too good for me," Nick suddenly blurted out.

Brian couldn't help but radiate with glee. "Is that it?!"

Nick looked at Brian's smile in confusion. "Yeah."

Brian hugged Nick tightly, feeling the tears of joy run down his cheeks. "You're too cute!" He pushed Nick's face into his chest, trying to calm himself down. All this time, he had thought that Nick's troubles were far deeper than that. But this! Brian couldn't contain it anymore. So this was something he could resolve!

"Nick, all this time, I was thinking the exact opposite. That you were too good for me!" Brian exclaimed.

Nick's eyes widened like a lost child. "Really?" he asked in disbelief. "But I don't deserve you."

"That's nonsense!" Brian said with confidence. "Unless . . . " Brian looked thoughtfully at Nick, "unless, you don't want me!"

Nick vehemently shook his head. "I like you a lot!" Nick suddenly blurted.

Brian didn't think he heard right. Did Nick just admit to him that there was an attraction?" Brian gazed at Nick's face, only to see the younger boy blush. Then he leaned in for a deep, loving kiss.

Justin placed the syringe in his pocket. Less than one week before the concert. He had to act fast. Otherwise, once the tour started, security would be too tough to handle. With one last glance at his home, Justin nodded to the tall buff blond man and both got into the car.

Justin reached into his pocket once again just to make sure that the syringe, with all its contents, were still there. He wasn't nervous, just excited. He had never gone all out before, not like this. But tonight, he will let his spirits free and do something gutsy for once.

He thought of Nick's sweet face and the doubts were completely gone. With one deep breath, he nodded for his chauffeur/partner-in-crime to step on the gas pedal. Yes. Tonight would be the beginning of something new.

He didn't even recognize the lustful look in his chauffeur's face as the chauffeur stared at him with desire. No. Justin was too caught up with Nick to notice that his partner in crime might be more than he bargained for.

Brian woke up late in the morning, and to his delight, Nick was still cuddled up in bed with him. He sighed and let his fingers sift through Nick's soft, silky hair.

"You're just a handful this morning, aren't ya?" Brian laughed softly to himself. He brushed his fingers against Nick's face. Nick smiled unconsciously, making Brian wonder.

Brian looked at the clock. 10:00 am. They had all of Saturday off! What could they possibly do with this time? The park? Restaurants? Jogging? Movie theaters? Brian could think of ten million things that they could do!

But he had to shower first. He needed to wake up and think of something fun for him to do with Nick. Just as Brian was about to get off of bed, Nick's arms clamped around his. "Don't leave," Nick's muffled voice called out as Nick lazily kept his eyes closed.

Brian laughed. "I'm not going anywhere. I'm just showering. You know, I smell bad."

He didn't have to say anymore when Nick quickly released his hand. "In that case, I won't stop you!" He smiled mischievously while still managing to keep his eyes closed. Brian shook his head, still too ecstatic about the night before to respond wittingly to Nick's comment.

Finally, Brian shook his head at Nick's crazy child-like behavior and smiled. "Bugger!" With that, he went to take his shower.

Once done, Brian peeked out from the bathroom, only to find Nick still comfortably lying on the bed. Brian smiled. He could get used to this. He dressed in jeans and a T-shirt and walked over to Nick's sleeping form. He leaned down and pecked Nick on the cheek.

"Mmmmmm," Nick managed to respond, but his eyes remained closed.

"You're not gonna open those dazzling blue eyes of yours to return that kiss?" Brian teased.

Nick rolled to the other side lazily. This was harder than Brian had originally thought. Did he wear Nick out that much last night? He sat on the bed on the spot that Nick just rolled off of. "Come on, little bugger. Time to wake up and work an appetite. Too much sleep can be bad for you! Please?" Brian pleaded.

Nick turned around sharply at Brian's last word and smiled while managing to pry one eye open. Brian thought it was so hilarious.

"What's so funny?" Nick gritted his teeth.

"The way you wake up!" Brian laughed. Nick was about to fall back onto the bed for another round of sleep when Brian's hand prevented him from lying back down. "No you don't! You're gonna wake up and we're gonna go out!"

"Where?" Nick replied, slightly amused at Brian's stubbornness.

"To the park. To the movie theaters. I haven't really decided yet."

Nick smirked at Brian's undecisiveness. "How about to the beach! You know, that private beach a few miles west of here."

Now why didn't Brian think of that himself. "Of course! That's awesome! Well, what are ya waiting for? Get your butt off the bed and let's go!"

Slowly, Nick got off the bed, eyes raised in wonder at why Brian was so excited that morning. "You look like you're high on amphetamines, Brian," he remarked as he smiled suspiciously at the older man.

Brian smirked at Nick's comment. "Yep. You're the stimulant!" he shot back good-naturedly, making Nick blush. Brian smiled sheepishly. Then, he reached out to pull Nick off the bed. Nick gave up and followed Brian.

"Come on! You need a shower!" Brian said enthusiastically as he began to tug at Nick's shirt.

Sensing that Nick was still slightly uncomfortable with intimacy, Brian decided to let it go. "Umm, I'll be down in the kitchen, making breakfast, okay?" Brian said with no irritation. He didn't want Nick to think that he was trying to push him.

Nick nodded, his eyes wide with relief and appreciation. "I'm sorry Bri. I didn't mean to ruin your mood," Nick began.

But Brian cut him off. "No sorries allowed. You couldn't possibly do anything to dampen my excitement, Nick. And if you ever feel uncomfortable, let me know. I don't want to push it. I want our bond to last!"

Nick smiled. "I want it to last too."

Brian gave Nick a quick kiss on the cheek. "Go shower!" With that said, Brian left Nick to cleanse himself.

Justin stepped into Nick's bedroom in awe. Neither clean nor messy. It was colored in all shades of blue, making Justin feel at ease. He wondered if when Nick decorated the room, did he know that it wreaked with his personality. The room was so appealing in a calm, sedated way. Justin couldn't help but smile.

Slowly, he sat on the bed, slightly ruffling the blue bed sheets. Patience, he told himself. Patience, and tonight, he would get his reward. Justin laid down on Nick's bed and waited. His chauffeur was outside, ready for his command. But they couldn't do anything until Nick came back to his home.

Justin knew that Nick would come back. If not today, then tomorrow. But Nick always made sure his home was still in one piece every week. Justin shook his head in amusement. He relayed his plan over and over in his head. There was no way he would falter, not this one time.

Justin let his head sink into the pillow. The pillow was so soft. Yes, he would rest here for now and wait. He will wait for Nick.

Brian pulled into the quiet parking lot. The beach was only a few hundred yards away. He got out of the car and was breathtaken by the beauty. The waves crashed onto the sands as the light winds ruffled them even more. He was so happy that Nick had thought of this. It was absolutely beautiful. Brian grinned and turned around to look at Nick's expression.

He was delighted to see the awe in Nick's eyes. Nick stared deeply into the blue waters, completely absorbed in its beauty. Slowly, he stepped onto the sands, not forgetting to hold onto Brian's hands.

Nick smiled at Brian and squeezed his fingers before pulling him towards the water. As they neared the crackling waves, Nick picked up the pace. Towards the last few feet, they ran so fast that Brian tripped and brought Nick down with him. The two rolled in the sand for a few seconds and laughed.

"Brian, you're so goofy. Now look what you did!" Nick squirmed beneath Brian's weight.

"I don't see what the problem is," Brian responded tartly as he grinned at their positions. He was straddling Nick.

Nick laughed and pushed him off. "You're horny!"

"I do what I have to do to feel like a man," Brian teased. He was about to lean down for a kiss when Nick slipped out from under him. All Brian's lips felt was the warm sand. Nick laughed gleefully and trotted into the water.

"That's it! You're gonna get it!" Brian hollered as he too jumped into the water. They wrestled and splashed water at each other.

Brian once again lunged himself at Nick playfully. Unfortunately, he misestimated the distance and fell just short of Nick. However, his hands reached and grabbed the top of Nick's pants. Nick instinctively jumped back, but was too late. He too fell head first into the water, his gleeful laugh replaced by a gurgle as he sucked in the water.

When the both of them finally stood up again, they were soaked. Nick laughed even harder. "Brian, you look like a . . . a mop!"

Brian grinned at Nick's word choice. "Well, I couldn't use a better word to describe you at this moment!"

Quickly, Brian dodged as Nick tried to splash him. He stood up once again in pride when he suddenly noticed as Nick started heading for shallower water. "That's it! You're gonna get it now!" Brian laughed as Nick struggled out of the water.

This time, Brian successfully pinned Nick to the sand, although they haven't entirely gotten out of the water. Brian's eyes widened with desire when the waves hit the sand and the water spread around Nick's cool body, pushing his hair upwards. It felt so magical.

Nick was no longer laughing, but rather, the corners of his mouth were tilted into a look of wonder. Brian gently leaned down and planted soft butterfly kisses on Nick's lips, never once deepening the little kisses, knowing that Nick might be too uncomfortable. Plus, he didn't want to make the mood more lustful than it should be.

He must have done it right because Nick just laid there, as if paralyzed from pleasure. There was no sign of discomfort, not even a flicker of distrust in the boy's blue eyes.

It was as if nothing around them mattered anymore. Brian could still feel the cool breezes around him and Nick, but that was about all he felt besides Nick's intense gaze.

Justin woke up from the persistent sound of his cell phone ringing. "Hullo," he mumbled softly as his partner's voice answered.

"Thought you might like to know that it is nearly seven hours since we waited. I doubt your 'crush' is coming home tonight."

Justin smirked. "He'll be here. Be patient." As an after thought, Justin continued. "If this is successful, you'll get your reward." Justin knew he still had quite some money left in his account. He didn't give it all to his mother.

Unfortunately, the partner was thinking of a different sort of reward. "All right, I'll wait." With that, the man hung up.

Justin smirked at the phone and went back to his dream. Too bad it had been interrupted by that idiot. He had been dreaming of Nick. They were at the beach, just the two of them and things got pretty erotic!

"So where do you wanna go eat tonight?" Brian asked excitedly. Although they had spent the entire day at the beach, Brian didn't find himself exhausted at all.

"Sick of my cooking already?" Nick asked teasingly.

Brian smirked. "You're insecure about your cooking, aren't you?" With that, he hugged Nick's waist. "Admit it."

Nick laughed as Brian tightened his grip. "All right. All right. You win. I'm insecure about my cooking."

"No you're not."

"Yes, I am."

"No, you're not."

"Umm, Brian? You're holding on a little tight," Nick finally said uncomfortably as Brian's hands clutched his waist even harder.

"Oh, uh . . . " Brian immediately let go, staring at Nick sheepishly. "Just got excited there!" Brian smiled sweetly.

Nick smiled wider. "Yeah, uh huh. How about we go to my place and clean up. Then we'll find a nice restaurant so that you can eat your heart out!"

Brian grinned. "You know, you have a great mind."

Nick shook his head. "Just because I agreed with you." Sigh.

Brian had to laugh at Nick's antics. He could never have imagined that his lover would be this perfect. So down to earth, so fun to be with, yet so alluring and captivating at the same time. It was as if Nick were the perfect blend of humor and romance. There would be no one else for him. It's either Nick or loneliness, and he wasn't dumb enough to choose the latter."

With that, they jumped back into Brian's car and headed for Nick's place. The night was still too young. This will be one night Brian wouldn't want to forget--his first official date with his now boyfriend, Nick.

Justin immediately heard the car as it pulled into the driveway. It wasn't Nick's Durango. Justin was sure of it. Justin sneaked a glance out the window only to see two figures in the front seat. The one on the passenger's side was Nick! Justin knew it. He couldn't see the other man's face clearly, but the car gave it away. Brian!

Justin glared in jealousy as Nick leaned over and pecked Brian on the cheek, all the while smiling and whispering something to him.

Quickly, Justin grabbed his cell phone and called Jeff, his now essential partner-in-crime. "Hello?" the man answered.

"It's me, Justin. Nick's back, but there's a problem. Someone's with him."

"What? His boyfriend?" Jeff's callus words hit Justin like a brick.

"No! Nick doesn't have a boyfriend!" Justin gritted his teeth.

Jeff tried to pull some more strings. "Come on, Justin! It appears that you're not the only one in his life." Justin didn't know why Jeff was trying to make a big deal out of this.

"Just be here as fast as you can so that we can do something about the other guy. I don't want any obstacles, okay?"

Jeff smirked. "You know, there are other guys out there who's blond and cute just like Nick, and who actually lust for you."

Justin gawked. Did Jeff just propose? Well, even if he did, Justin didn't care. His heart was set on Nick and nobody else would replace it. He didn't care if Jeff was a handsome blond guy. No one compared to Nick. Jeff lacked Nick's soft heart and his penchant for humor. Plus, Justin was, at most, only half as handsome as Nick. "Well, get your butt here and help me!" With that, Justin hung up.

Well, that's it for chapter 12. I hope you guys like it!

Next: Chapter 13

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