Calming Waters

By ngcfan

Published on Nov 6, 2000


Disclaimer: Again, this story is pure fiction. I am in no way related to the Nsync or Boys or know their specific orientations. This story is pure fiction. People under 18 should not read on!!!!

Anyways, with all this spare time I have, I'm willing to accept more email. So if you have any questions or comments, just email me at

Neither Brian, Lance nor Justin enjoyed dinner or the clubs that night. They were still upset about the whole situation. Worse, they didn't know what the hell they were doing to themselves and to Nick.

All three sat like stone at their table, none wanting to dance. They simply stared at each other in disdain. Finally, Brian spoke up. "I wonder why Nick would give himself to others for money? He must really need the money to pay for his voice lessons."

Justin jumped right in, feeding on Brian's line. "Well, at least he knew how to make use of his assets."

"And what did he have, Justin? He wasn't old enough to have the maturity. He was too young. All he had was beauty." Lance added, feeling grumpier than usual. "Well, in that case, he made use of his body and looks very well. I mean, I couldn't find a way to make more money than that."

"How . . . ummm . . . how many people did he . . . ?" Brian started but was unsure of how to finish his question.

Lance looked up in surprise. "I . . . don't know."

"And do you know what he actually did with them?" Justin asked, still mesmerized by the issue.

"Well, from what he said, it looked like the full range, from stripping to intercourse. I mean, he was really good," Lance blurted before realizing what he just revealed. "Uh . . ."

Brian's face became flushed with embarrassment at their conversation. Still, he couldn't let it go. "So he told you that he was paid for sexual favors, you got angry, laid him and then walked off?" His voice was edgy, which frightened Brian himself.

Justin stared at Lance, also expecting a reply.

Lance, irritated by the whole conversation, lashed back at Brian and Justin. "Yeah, I did him. So what? He responded didn't he? He was just as dirty as I thought he would be. He was as stiff as a rock when I felt him. So don't you guys blame it all on me." But the moment those words left his mouth, Lance regretted them. How had he gotten so agitated? What was making him so miserable? How had their conversation gotten so vulgar?

Justin stared at Lance with shock. Lance returned the gaze with sadness. "I think everything is too fresh," Justin began. "And I guess judging from how we all sort of ignored Nick today, we've had our own issues to resolve before continuing along this path."

Lance sighed. "I'm still shocked by the truth though. I mean, all the things that Nick told me are still so vivid in my mind. I want to love him so much, but . . . "

"But what?" Brian asked suspiciously.

"You didn't see for yourself, Brian. You wouldn't know how it felt to see him. I mean, one moment, I complimented him on being so chaste, and the next minute, he was on the ground full of lust and desire," Lance explained, the sadness showing in his eyes. "You don't know how it felt."

"But I wish I did," Brian replied solemnly, surprising Lance with his statement. Their eyes met, each suddenly feeling their bond become stronger again.

Lance stared at his drink, averting Brian's gaze. "It felt like I was on cloud nine."

Justin listened intently onto the conversation. Even more so, he was fascinated with Lance's depiction of Nick. Perhaps, Nick wasn't as innocent as he thought, but this new piece of information about Nick only made him more mysterious, more desirable in Justin's eyes. He probably wasn't as old-fashioned as Lance and Brian were. He could overlook Nick's faults readily. But he ignored Nick today, not because he was disgusted by Nick's past, but because he felt that Nick had made a statement by responding to Lance. Justin actually thought that Lance and Nick had advanced their relationship. But after hearing more of what Lance had to say, he realized that Lance's relationship with Nick was not as deep as he thought it to be.

Not that he minded. On the contrary, every minute that passed by, he felt a surging hope. He was still in the race. He just needed to know how to handle the situation. He did however, mentally kick himself for brushing Nick off today. It would have been a great opportunity to get Nick's attention and affection. But there were more opportunities to come, Justin pondered with resolve. He looked over to Brian to see the same determination in Brian's face. For a moment, Brian leveled his gaze and his stare frightened Justin. His determination was mirrored in Brian's eyes. It seemed as if Brian didn't mind Nick's past either.

Neither of them noticed as Lance was in a pensive mood as well. Unlike the others, Lance had the added benefit of experiencing Nick first hand. He too had made a resolve at that moment to fight for it. He thought that his integrity would convince him to dump Nick, but seeing the desire in Justin's and Brian's eyes only made him desire Nick even more. He was afraid to lose Nick. He knew that he was ahead of the game. He remembered the way Nick had lusted after him. There was no denying. Nick had wanted him just as much as he had wanted Nick. Brian and Justin better not underestimate him. His mind then drifted off again to the moments before they left the island. The erotic images were forever imprinted in his mind. He wanted it to happen all over again, he suddenly realized desperately. His cheeks burned with anticipation. He had to act fast. He could see the unrequited lust in Brian's and Justin's eyes and knew that there was no room for more mistakes.

Nick showered quickly. He dressed in a black long-sleeved shirt and black slacks. He thought it was good enough. He hated being too formal. The shower did him good because he suddenly felt light and relieved. He felt like he washed away some of the shame. Plus, not seeing the others made him feel better. He wasn't burdened as he was before the others left.

He was ready to move on. If that meant living alone for the rest of his life, then so be it. Besides, he had so many other things in his life--his career for one. He didn't have to put too much emphasis on love. It was sad, but it was true. He couldn't expect too much when he had so little to offer. The less his expectations, the less his heart-ache. He walked out of the showers, ready to have a nice time with his father.

Before long, he peeked out of the dance studio to see a red camero pull up with his father in the passenger seat. So his father decided to borrow a car. He was disappointed when he saw that someone else was in the car with his father. He had hoped that they could spend more time alone.

He took a few more steps forward. He couldn't visualize the driver's face since the driver was looking in another direction, but he could make out the blond hair. Quickly, he approached the car, but stopped dead in his tracks when the driver suddenly turned around and made eye contact with him.

Nick was speechless. He took a few steps back and breathed in deeply, trying to calm himself down. He gazed at the man's eyes, revealing his recognition. The tall, lean blond man returned the gaze, but without remorse. Nick continued walking forward towards his kidnapper, the mystery man that he had encountered on the island. The situation was compelling. He felt no fear, just wonder. This was one car ride he would not pass off. He continued towards the car, never once breaking eye contact with the driver. He no longer cared about spending the free time with his father.

"Nick, son, I've hired this nice gentleman has offered to drive us to this place I'll know you love. I've planned this very special dinner. Don't worry, he won't be bothering us through our dinner. So come on in and let's get this night started." His father did look at him with a little apprehension, but nothing more. There was no concern. It was then that Nick knew. Or perhaps he had known all along, but refused to accept it. His father's love for him was built on anything but love. It was a painful truth. He had sort of felt it when his father had appeared out of nowhere. He had made so many excuses for his father, overlooked so many flaws, but in the end, he had to face the truth. He did not weep though. What was there to weep? His innocence was gone. He had lost any hope of love. All he could do now was seek an answer, an answer to this mysterious kidnapper and how he was related to Nick's father.

But one thing made him confused. Did his father know that the man in the driver's seat was the man who had kidnapped him and got him stranded at that island? If he did, then he sure was good at hiding it.

"Thanks" was all Nick could muster. The kidnapper/driver got out of the car and opened the door for Nick.

"You're welcome," he said in perfect English without any hint of the accent and whatever language he was speaking on the island. Nick got into the car without a question, letting the driver have full control. The smile that had formed on his face was now replaced with indifference. Thoughts of Brian, Lance and Justin were gone, replaced by an inquisitiveness.

He didn't know what he was heading into, but there will be no regrets from this point on. Something at the back of his mind, though, told him that he wouldn't regret this move. For some reason, he felt a deep trust in this blond man, although he couldn't say the same for his father. The kidnapper/driver quickly got behind the wheel and sped off.

Nick was mesmerized once the car stopped. The kidnapper/driver got out of the car and opened the door for Nick, who was breathless at the huge mansion in front of him. While he got of the car, though, he made eye contact with the kidnapper. There was a hint of apprehension in his kidnapper's eyes. The blond kidnapper gazed at Nick longingly, as if he wanted to say something, but couldn't. Those eyes seemed to plead with Nick for a millisecond before the kidnapper masked it with indifference again. He then led Nick through this beautiful garden and stopped before a candlelit dinner table out in a vast, clean-cut, beautiful lawn with a nice, huge swimming pool a few hundred feet away. The site was breath-taking. He followed closely behind the blond kidnapper while his father followed him from behind. The kidnapper man did not show any emotion nor did he even attempt to talk to Nick, which confused Nick even more. What was going on? He was being led into the lawn of a huge mansion with two escorts who he could honestly say he did not know too well.

Just then, the kidnapper pulled a chair for him, motioning him to sit. Nick didn't bother to turn around to see his father. He sat in the chair. The kidnapper poured a glass of champagne for him. Nick still noticed that his father was standing though.

That was when a man suddenly appeared from behind him. He noticed his father moving towards the man. "Nice to see you again, Randy," Nick heard the man say in a low, deep voice.

"It's a pleasure, Mr. Banks," Randy's voice rang loud and clear. Randy never once addressed Nick. Instead, he continued waiting on this Mr. Banks. Nick then heard Mr. Banks reach into his pocket and take out something.

"Here, well done," Mr. Banks complimented Nick's father.

"Thank you, sir." Randy's acrid words hung in the air. Nick could feel his anger burning, but made no motion to do anything about it. Before long, Nick's father walked off in the direction of the camero. Nick remained silent while in the presence of his kidnapper and of Mr. Banks. He refused to turn around. But he didn't need to. Mr. Banks started to walk around to the other end of the exquisite table to face Nick for the first time.

He was a gentleman of about forty some years of age, although his hair and mustache were both peppered with evidence of his increasing age. Nick gazed at him intently, awaiting the next step. Mr. Banks merely smiled at Nick's facial expression.

"You're pretty quiet today, Nick. You weren't so six years ago," Mr. Banks laughed, smirking at Nick. Nick knew that smirk too well, and he hated it.

"What do you want with me here? If you haven't noticed, the past is behind me. I don't do anymore 'favors' for anyone," Nick said calmly.

"Don't be so uptight, my boy. I just wanted to have dinner with you so that we could have a heart-to-heart talk."

"About what?" Nick asked. "We're through. We were through six years ago. You got what you wanted. I can't give you anymore."

"Come on, Nick. It's okay. All I wanted was to have dinner with you. That's all." With that, Mr. Banks snapped his fingers. Nick saw the kidnapper guy bring some appetizers to the table.

"It's a seafood salad. It's very delicious," Mr. Banks urged Nick. While the kidnapper placed the salad in front of Nick, Nick quickly snuck a look at him, only to see a hint of concern underneath. And then, the kidnapper winked at him so that Mr. Banks couldn't see. Oddly, Nick felt comforted by the kidnapper's actions. Once the kidnapper was done setting the plate down, he backed away to allow Nick the chance to eat.

"Try it," Mr. Banks urged as he himself elegantly grabbed his fork and awaited for Nick. Nick slowly grabbed his eating utensils and began, although he didn't have any appetite at all. He didn't know what Mr. Banks had in store for him, but judging from the calmness in the man's expression, he knew that something bad was going to happen soon. He wanted to look at the kidnapper for more support, but refrained.

He then took his first bite, knowing that something had to be in the seafood salad. He knew this Mr. Banks. The man was sly and did everything illegal, from snuggling marijuana to selling coke in the black market. But he also knew that had he gone off and ran, his life would be on the line.

Hopefully, this man would just get on with it and let him go. Nick couldn't believe that his father had kept in touch with this monster all these years. Wasn't it bad that Nick suffered so much pain six years ago with this man? Why did he have to go through it all again? Nick knew that if his father hadn't contacted Mr. Banks, this man would have never sought him out. Randy wanted money! That was the only thing that Nick could think of. And so, Randy decided to go back to his old ways and sell Nick off to a drug dealer again.

Nick continued eating the last of his seafood salad. Once done, Mr. Banks snapped his fingers again and Nick could smell the aroma of the steak from afar. Had this man not been a criminal, Nick might have fallen in love with him. Then, the kidnapper placed the plate in front of Nick and another in front of Mr. Banks. Nick stared at his plate, actually gaining some of his appetite back. Mr. Banks smiled. "Go ahead."

Nick began eating, although somewhat consciously as Mr. Banks stared at him. Halfway through, Nick began to feel a tingling sensation in his groins. His mind started to feel a little clouded. It was as if in the food, there was wine mixed with some sort of aphrodisiac. Well, it had to be. He knew this feeling before six years ago when the same Mr. Banks had wanted to add some excitement to their 'sessions'.

Mr. Banks laughed. "Done, Nick?" he asked tauntingly.

Nick nodded. This time, the alcohol seemed to be stronger because he was starting to get dizzy. Either that or his tolerance for alcohol was decreasing. Nick put his hand to his head. "I'm done," he whispered, knowing what was going to happen next. He got up out of his chair, but only started to collapse from dizziness.

That was when Nick felt arms pull up from behind him. They belonged to his kidnapper. "Good, then. Moju, get him to the bedroom," Mr. Banks said as he himself continued to finish his dinner.

Nick's mind somewhat cleared at hearing the name. "Moju," he whispered into his kidnapper's ears as the kidnapper led him off towards the mansion. He let his kidnapper ease him into the mansion. Nick felt the heat rising in him. Mr. Banks knew that without any aphrodisiacs or alcohol, Nick would never respond to him.

Nick began to smile from ecstasy as the drugs continued to be absorbed into his system. The thrill of years ago was coming back. While Moju was easing him towards the mansion, he began to snuggle up against the tall blond man and kissing the man's neck. Moju continued walking, never once slowing down, although the blood was racing through his veins.

"Nick, calm down," Moju whispered, causing Nick to look up in surprise. That was the first time he heard Moju address him so personally.

"What's going on?" Nick whispered back.

"Look, I know things have been very confusing, but you have to trust me. Everything I did, including the time when we were stranded on that island, I did to help you. It's a really long story. Just trust me, okay?" Moju asked quietly.

"Okay," Nick responded just as quietly.

"Tonight, ummm, go ahead and just work him until he's completely exhausted. Everything else, I will take care of. Don't try to resist. He's a dangerous man to cross. You've done well so far. Keep it up, okay? I'll be there for you afterwards. He has more plans for you. If we ever get out of here alive, I swear I'll tell you the whole story."

"Okay," Nick responded, feeling better.

Soon, they entered the mansion and headed upstairs towards the master bedroom. Moju gently placed Nick on the bed and grabbed the silk bathrobe on top of the drawers. He then brought Nick into the bathroom. The tub was filled with lukewarm water and soap. Just take a dip and we'll dry you off and change you into this bathrobe.

Nick nodded and did as he was told. Once done, he wobbled out of the tub while Moju held the towel for him. Moju then placed the bathrobe around him and led him to the bed. Without another word, Moju left Nick. Nick sat on the bed, anxious. His mind cleared a little, but the tingling in his groins remained.

He hadn't done this for so long. Well, besides with Lance, he hadn't done this for so long. He then started to hear the footsteps. He looked up to see Mr. Banks walk into the room. Nick stood up, nervous. That night would promise to be a long night. The man walked up to Nick so that they were less than a feet apart. He reached his hand out and tugged on the robe letting it drop to Nick's feet. Without a word exchanged, they consummated the sexual act.

After two hours of endless love-making, Mr. Banks and Nick drifted off to sleep. But their sleep was disturbed when Nick suddenly woke up from a noise. Before he knew what happened, the door to the bedroom was kicked open and about twenty men armed with machine guns bursted into the room, aiming at him. Or were they aiming at Mr. Banks. That was when he caught sight of Moju among those men. All eyes were focused on him and Mr. Banks, who was finally waking up.

Nick felt so awkward. He was completely naked from head to toe save for the bed covers that partially covered him. He had never felt so utterly humiliated as now. Before he could react, Moju ran over to where he was and dragged him off the bed. Unfortunately, he wasn't able to grab the bed sheet in time and so was fully exposed to everyone in the room. He tried to hide behind Moju to cover him up. Moju pulled him away from Mr. Banks into a corner where he was behind the line of men that were pointing their machine guns at Mr. Banks.

"Hands up, Richard Banks!" the armed men ran towards the middle-aged tycoon and tackled him before he had the chance to react. As soon as all the hype began, it disappeared as all the men filed out of the room, leaving Nick behind to wonder about the whole event. As the men filed out, they all gave Nick some sideways glances, as if snickering at him. Once the last of them left, he and Moju were alone.

Then it hit him. They were the FBI going after this drug lord, and they used him to distract the tycoon's attention while they went about rounding his men. He was simply a bait for them. He turned around, looking for something decent to put on, but Moju grabbed his arm.

"Nick!" Moju exclaimed.

He pushed Moju away, embarrassed. "Nick, please." Moju continued. "You haven't heard my side of the story."

Nick turned to face Moju. "I just wanted to put on something to look more, umm, decent." Nick's voice wavered, more from embarrassment than from anger.

Understanding what Nick was doing, Moju stepped in front to find the bathrobe lying on the floor. Nick's face flushed even more. "I wanted to put my shirt and pants back on."

Realizing how embarrassed Nick must be, Moju searched for Nick's slacks and shirt. He remembered that he had left it in the bath tub and went off to search for it.

Nick grabbed the clothes quickly from Moju's hands and began to dress, but was even more uncomfortable when Moju didn't turn his face away.

Once done, Nick sat on the bed. "I'm listening," he whispered.

"I'm an undercover agent for the FBI. We've been tracking this man for many years. You probably know that he's a drug dealer."

Nick nodded.

"We needed someone to distract him. Everything was set. We had all the evidence. We had the manpower, but to be on the safe side, we needed to distract him. Let's just say that he was bathing in his own glory and not realizing that he was at the end of the rope. We knew that he had this thing for young guys and that at one moment in time, he had been pretty addicted to you." Moju paused.

Nick blushed. "That was a long time ago."

"Still, we knew that one of his fatal flaws was lust. He lusted over you for quite a few years, I heard. And then, we came in contact with your father . . . "

"You mean, my father's not part of them? He was working for you guys?" Nick asked, not feeling any better either way.


"So he knew about the kidnapping and stuff?" Nick asked, still confused. "And why did you guys kidnap me? What was all that that happened back on that island? Why did you try to . . . ? Well first, why did you pretend to not speak English? And why did you try to, umm, after we flung that snake into the ditch?"

Moju sighed, knowing that he would eventually have to answer all the questions. Well, the last question was easy enough to answer. It had nothing to do with his mission. It was a spontaneous act where he just felt like it. Like any other human, he had lost control. Who wouldn't in his circumstance? "Would you like to talk over dinner?"

Nick nodded shyly. "Umm, let me just take a shower first."

"Of course," Moju smiled widely, knowing that Nick was not angry.

Next: Chapter 7

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