Calming Waters

By ngcfan

Published on Nov 7, 2000


Disclaimer: I do not know the BSB or Nsync and do not have a clue about their orientation. This story is pure fiction. For all under 18, please do not continue to read.

I'm actually having fun with this story. I don't hope to offend anyone. This is just a fantasy.

Since it was nearly midnight, Moju decided to take Nick to the only place he figured was still open--Denny's. Neither ordered much since they were each only interested in what the other had to say. Strangely though, the restaurant was too hauntingly silent for them so they didn't exchange many words. It was too public a place for them to talk.

That was when Moju came up with the idea of renting a hotel room. Nick wasn't too happy about the thought, though. "How about we go home to my place?" Nick suggested.

"But will your father be there?" Moju asked honestly.

Nick smiled sadly. "I can ask him to not disturb us."

"You trust that he will keep his promises to you and not listen in on our conversation?" Moju asked, although he felt bad for rubbing the point into Nick.

Nick nodded slowly. "I . . . "

"You're afraid of me, aren't you? You're scared that I will do something to you that you can't control. Yet, on the other hand, this man that you call your father who had basically sold you to other men . . . you're not afraid of him. Am I right?" Moju pushed.

Nick looked away. "Please don't make this so hard. I would feel more comfortable at home. Hotel rooms remind me too much of what I used to do."

Moju softened. "I'm sorry. I didn't mean to be attacking you like that. Let's go to your home."

Nick nodded and followed Moju to his car. Then, Moju sped off into the night, back to Nick's home.

Brian, Justin and Lance decided to call it a night soon after midnight. They were all suddenly energized by their conversation, each with their own agenda to execute. However, they all knew that they weren't going home that night. All wanted to check on Nick and maybe sleep over at his house.

Since they took only one car, it was a mutual decision. All voted to head towards Nick's home. And that's exactly what Brian did. He turned the car around and followed an all too familiar road back to Nick's home.

The car ride was nothing but quiet though. If anything, the three had found it easier to talk to each other. True, they were competing for the same prize, but that didn't really put any darkness into their individual friendships.

The trip to Nick's house, if anything, was joyous and full of relief.

"All right," Brian started, "well, let's each talk about when we fell in love with Nick for the first time!"

Justin laughed. "You're so nosy. And why would it matter to you?"

Brian smirked. "It's to kill time and make this ride more interesting because I don't want to talk about something bland. So you go first, since you were so quick to reply."

Lance laughed. "Yeah, go ahead, Justin."

Justin had a dreamy look to his face. "It was on April Fool's Day about three years ago."

"Woah! Did you say three years?" Lance was full of shock. "How could I not know?"

Justin smiled smugly. "That's because I'm a good keeper of secrets."

"And?" Brian urged.

Justin went back into his dream world. "Well, you guys were definitely still at the top then and so I hated you guys so much. I was envious. I wanted Nsync to be more popular than you guys. So I hated everything about you. Worse, I hated Nick since he was one of the reasons of your huge success."

Lance blinked. "All of this drama was happening around me and I never knew?"

Justin ignored him. "Well, I wanted to do something bad to him. I know, I'm mean, but hey, you couldn't blame me. I was still young. Anyways, I knew you guys were going to be in concert in New York, and we were there on a promotion as well and I couldn't pass off this opportunity. So I got some connections and was able to find his hotel room."

"I think I know where this is heading," Brian grinned.

"My original plan was to secretly enter his hotel room and just put little contraptions here and there to just play with him, you know, a little paint here, some electric zappers elsewhere. You know, little stuff like that. Well, I got carried away and things didn't work out as I planned and he came home back to the hotel room earlier than expected so I had to hide in the closet, all the time, crossing my fingers that he wouldn't see me. You know those closets--you can actually see from the inside out but never from the outside in right? So there I was, still as a rock, waiting for Nick to go to the bathroom so that I could get out of his room. He didn't actually. He walked up to the closet until he was inches away from it. I tell you, my heart was beating a mile a minute. I saw everything but his face.

And I held my breath really well. He walked towards the closet and I was frozen. I didn't know what to do. He started to open the closet doors. I tried to hide behind all his clothes. It was really dark so I was hoping he didn't see me. Well, he was looking for a towel that he placed on top of the racks so he didn't try pushing the clothes that were hanging aside. But he had to lean into the closet to get the towel and when he did that, he accidentally . . . well, his privates just brushed against my right hand. Stupid of me, I grabbed it.

That did it for him. He jumped back from shock and I, well, I didn't really let go so I fell on top of him. It was, umm, pretty uncomfortable and . . . "

"Well that certainly didn't sound like a love story. That was more like a very, very strange encounter!" Brian laughed innocently.

"Oh all right, so that wasn't when I first fell in love with him. It was more like a first unusual encounter that started to peak my interest in him, okay?" Justin brushed off the comment with a smile as he remembered. "it was damn exciting then. I guess I can't really pin point when I fell in love with him. There were so many times--normal times in which we both went to the mall or both ate dinner together. He would talk to me and give me advice like an old friend. Somewhere along the line, I fell in love with him. I think what I liked most was his smile. It was very contagious. And when he talked, he never mentioned business with me. He always tried to keep the conversation normal. And he never hurt me in any way. I never remembered a time that I was actually angry at him. He just was very yielding. And when I made a mistake, he would just give me these hints without hurting my ego. I think that's what I love about him."

Justin paused. It was nice verbalizing his relationship with Nick. It just made Nick sound purer again and reminded him of why he loved the older boy in the first place. Neither Brian nor Lance commented on it. They found the story very touching.

The red camero pulled up into Nick's driveway. Nick got out and searched for any signs of his father. His father was nowhere to be seen. The lights in his home were still out. He sighed. His father probably won't be back for some time, say the next decade.

Moju, sensing the disappointment in Nick's face walked over to him. "I guess we should have expected that your father might not be around."

Nick nodded and smiled weakly. "Let's get you inside before you get cold." Moju stepped back so Nick could go first. He didn't know why, but he felt like he needed to support and protect Nick so he put an arm to Nick's back as a support.

The two men walked up to the door and Nick opened it. It was unlocked. Nick shrugged. Leave it up to his father to not care about what happened to him or his belongings. Not that he cared much for what was home since he really had nothing in his home but a tv, couch and a bed. He continued inside with Moju following closely behind.

"Are you thirsty?" Nick asked.


"Let me set a fire in the fireplace and we can talk in the living room, okay?" Nick asked.

"Yeah, I'll help you," Moju offered.

Nick nodded and headed towards the living room with Moju closely following behind. When done, they both sat down on the couch. Silence ensued until Moju broke it off. "Where do you want me to start?"

Nick looked at the ground. "Why kidnap me?"

Moju sighed. "First off, you know that my real name isn't Moju, right Nick?"

Nick nodded. "I figured that out since you barged into the bedroom tonight with a gun in your hand."

"I know I haven't . . . " Moju continued, but Nick cut him off.

"You don't have to explain that to me. I know that you're an undercover agent. You don't have to rationalize that. That's your job," Nick said quietly.

Moju smiled at Nick's insight. "You're a great guy, you know that?"

Nick looked up upon hearing the comment. "Thanks," he said shyly.

"As to why I kidnapped you-that was actually a plan that backfired, but I didn't really mind the change in course of the whole plan though," Moju stared at Nick with such honesty that Nick looked down again. "Mr. Banks had been thinking of you for quite some time now. I know because I have been an undercover agent in his case for about one year. Basically, he trusted me as one of his body guards. But I did other things for him as well, like settle his perosnal issues.

Well, he had his ups and downs these past few years and it was only recently that he thought that the worse was over, that the government wasn't as interested in him anymore. Plus, he had stopped smuggling drugs for quite some time. He thought he could live off his wealth for a while. His empire was pretty strong and he had many people working for him. We had to be careful. Though we had all the evidence, we had to be cautious when trying to catch him. We had to first destroy the group of men that helped him build the empire. Otherwise, it would be exceptionally difficult to catch him.

But his men were high in numbers and we needed to divert their attention so that they would be working on something but trying to protect him. That's why we decided to simply back off of our efforts and pretend that we were giving up on him. That was when he finally decided that he had the time and freedom to think about his own pleasures, for example, you." Moju stared at Nick and paused. Nick had to look up, only to see concern in Moju's eyes.

Moju continued once satisfied that he held Nick's gaze. "Actually, he didn't just start seeing your face in his dreams all of a sudden a year ago. The real story is that we've been dropping him hints and tweaking his hormones a little. We snuck pictures of you into his view. Even that didn't do it for him. We were quite disappointed. Our next step was, well, to actually approach your father and ask him to contact Mr. Banks and . . . umm . . . offer you to Mr. Banks. We thought that you would be the best distraction for him and his men, especially since you were famous and it would be difficult to get you in bed. So that would take a lot of time and energy on his and his men's part.

But, your father was one step ahead of the game. I'm sorry I have to say this, but we never contacted your father, actually. I lied today, Nick. I didn't want you to be too shocked too soon, but you have to know the truth. Your father did not work for us. He wanted money and he offered to lure you into Mr. Banks estate. He made a phone call to Mr. Banks one day and offered to fly to Florida and trick you into Mr. Banks' bedroom himself. Well, he did one thing--he managed to initiate the lust in Mr. Bank. Mr. Bank told him not to come to Florida though because he thought that with the number of men that he had, he could find a way to get you without your father's help.

Unknown to him, he didn't really know how hectic of a schedule you had and that it was virtually impossible to track you down since your management did a very good job of trying to hide you. So he and his men spent quite a while trying to track you down, but your management was so elusive. Strange how his men were so skilled at smuggling and illegal stuff yet find it virtually impossible to get to you.

Finally, you had that break in your tour. That was the day that you had that party at your friend's house. We thought that that would be the best time to snatch you. Your father knew of the plan to, although I don't know how. He decided to fly to you that day. I think he wanted to get some credit for luring you so that he could get some money out of the whole thing. Anyways, Mr. Banks wanted you so bad at the time that he finally didn't care anymore and told us to find the most opportune time and snatch you. Since you were always with your buddies, it was really hard. But there was a moment when the party was at full blast and no one was really paying attention to you. So me and my fellow partner kidnapped you. Mr. Banks was actually waiting on his yacht a few miles from shore. What we didn't plan was that strange storm that happened off the shore."

Moju stopped to let the story sink in. "I'm sorry about your father."

Nick's eyes became watery. "I am, too," he whispered.

Feeling a little wave of confidence, Moju inched closer to Nick and put his arms around the younger man. Nick leaned in, grateful for the show of affection.

Moju then continued, hoping to ease up the situation. "Everything that happened on the island was unplanned. Over the months, I also kind of found you attractive. I lost control there in the island, and sort of went wild thinking that no one would know. I don't know what went wrong there. And about that language, well, I didn't want to answer too many of Brian's and Lance's questions, and I definitely didn't know how I would answer your questions so I chose to pretend to not speak English. It was cheap and dirty, I know."

Nick, despite his tears, smiled a bit at the statement. "It was cute."

Moju smiled as Nick leaned into his chest more. "The rest is probably self-explanatory. Your father knew what happened and led Justin to find you guys and I ran off."

"Why didn't you run off in the first place?" Nick asked.

"I wanted to stay with you. I was afraid that you would get hurt on the island, that you didn't know how to survive," Moju answered earnestly.

"Even if it meant that you might blow your cover?" Nick asked.

Moju lifted his hand so that his fingers wiped away some of Nick's tears. "Yes." He then lifted Nick's face and gave Nick the gentlest kiss Nick had ever had.

Brian pulled the car up to Nick's driveway, only to see a red camero parked there. All three looked at each other in concern.

"Do you guys recognize that car?" Lance asked.

Both Brian and Justin shook their heads. "No."

Quickly, all three got out of the car and Brian took out from his pocket a spare key that Nick had given him ever since he first bought that house. Brian pondered not knocking on the door and just barging in, but decided against it. If they were to make a good impression on Nick, then they'd better do things the right way.

So Brian knocked on the door. He knew that somebody was home. The lights were on.

Nick jerked, stopping the kiss abruptly at the sound of a persistent knocking on his door. Both felt disappointed at the abrupt end to the kiss though. "Umm, I'd better see who it is," Nick said, averting Moju's eyes.

"Okay," Moju whispered.

Nick slowly got himself off the couch and headed for the door. He wondered who could possibly have come at this hour. Could it be his father? Nick stared out the peephole, only to be shocked to see Brian, Lance and Justin waiting patiently on the other side. His heart skipped a few beats, not knowing what they wanted.

He opened the door quickly. "Guys?"

"Nick!" Brian was the first to smile and greet him. "We wanted to drop by and see how you are doing!"

"I'm doing okay," Nick answered, not too entirely comfortable telling them about what had happened earlier that evening. "How about you guys? What are you guys doing here so late?"

"We thought the bar was really boring. And we thought we'd just keep you company tonight," Justin offered.

"Yeah, Nick, can we sleep over?" Lance asked, hopefully.

"Ummm . . . " Nick didn't know what to say. That meant that he would have to explain why Moju was there.

Brian was the first to realize what could have been wrong. "You have company?" he asked sadly.

"Actually," Nick replied, feeling bad about his reluctance, "we were just done talking. You guys can come in and meet him. Uhh, you actually know him already."

This peaked Brian's, Lance's and Justin's interest. "Who?"

Nick blushed slightly. "Uhh, why don't you guys come in."

All three jumped inside at Nick's offer. After closing the door, Nick led the three into the living room where Moju was sitting, waiting for Nick.

Brian and Lance gaped at the sight of the 6'6" man before them. "You?!!!!" Brian gasped.

"What is he doing here?" Lance became alarmed.

"Who is he?" Justin stared, confused.

Nick replied quickly before they jumped at Moju. "It's not what you think. He's not here to hurt me. We were just talking. Please, don't kick him out." Nick panicked, afraid that Moju would leave.

Moju immediately stood up and tried to calm Nick down. He stared into Nick's eyes, ignoring the other three. "It's okay. I'm not going anywhere. You don't mind if I spend the night here, do you?"

Nick let out a sigh of relief. "I have lots of room." He then turned to face the other three. "For all of you. I mean, I have two king sized beds so we can share. Plus, there's the couch."

"All right, it's getting pretty late at night and I think we all need our rest. How about we sleep on this for now, Nick?" Moju reasoned.

Brian, Lance and Justin stared in awe at the way Moju was talking. He seemed so confident and he was actually taking control of things. And the way he addressed Nick got them all alarmed.

"But let me at least introduce you properly to them," Nick said to Moju. He then turned to the other three. "Guys, his name is Moju. And Justin, he was the guy that was on the island that you didn't get the chance to see. He's actually not a criminal. It's a long story and Moju will probably tell it better than me, but you can trust him!"

"And where's Randy?" Brian suddenly asked.

Nick looked to Moju for help, which didn't go unnoticed by the others. Moju sensed Nick's hesitation and decided to answer for Nick. "He's busy. He had a few things to settle so we don't know where he is."

The way Moju talked of Nick and him as an entity was discomforting to Brian, Lance and Justin, but they pushed it aside and smiled bitterly. "Okay, so how do we break this up?" Lance initiated.

Nick felt the heat rise in his cheeks. He didn't know if he could share a bed with any of them, considering that they knew about his past sexual activities.

"I got an idea. Let's put five strips of paper in the designates the place where you sleep tonight and then put it in a bag and each of us draws a piece out," Brian said excitedly.

"Hey, great thinking!" Justin replied.

Nick nodded. Brian's idea actually eased the tension for him. He quickly ran to cut up some pieces of paper and wrote on 'bed #1' on two of them, 'bed #2' on two other pieces and 'couch' on the last slip of paper. Then, he placed them into a black bag and each of the guys grabbed a sheet.

Brian cried out first, "I got bed #1."

Justin was next. "I got bed #2."

Moju was next. "I have the couch."

Lance was disappointed, knowing that whatever he got, it wouldn't be with Nick. He pulled out the sheet. "I have bed #1," he said glumly. He looked to Brian who mirrored his expression.

Justin's face lightened when he heard Lance. "All right, let's get going then. Come on, Nick. We should let these guys sleep."

Nick smiled. "All right. Let me just get you guys some warm blankets." Nick ran off to grab some blankets, especially for Moju.

Then together, Nick and Justin headed back to Nick's bedroom while the rest settled in as well.

When they entered Nick's room, Nick asked Justin, "Which side do you want to sleep?"

Justin smiled. "Doesn't matter. Either side is fine with me."

Nick looked at Justin shyly. "Ummm, sorry I only have one blanket left. It's a big blanket though. I think we'll have to share."

Justin was delighted at the thought. "No problem here."

They stood there, not knowing what to say next to each other. Then Nick broke the silence. "Maybe we should change."

"Yeah," Justin answered, walking towards Nick's closet. Without warning, he began to undress. Nick gazed at him uncertainly and began to undress himself. When both were only in their boxers, they hung their clothes in Nick's closet.

To ease Nick's tension, Justin went ahead and laid down on the bed. Nick followed suit and both pulled the blanket over their warm bodies. The blanket was big, but not big enough so that they had to move a little closer in order to cover both of their bodies. That meant that they were touching flesh to flesh. Justin couldn't believe his luck. He scooted even closer to Nick until both of their bodies touched from head to toe.

Nick was afraid that Justin would feel awkward about the whole situation. "Are you okay with this?" he asked.

Justin looked at him and smiled. "You forgot what I asked you for last week?"

Nick blushed.

Justin continued, moving so that his body faced Nick now rather than laying flat on the bed. "Nick?" he whispered.

"Yeah?" Nick whispered back, unsure of where this was heading.

"I haven't changed my mind since last week," Justin said truthfully.

"Please, Justin, not tonight. It doesn't feel right, tonight," Nick answered.

Justin leaned forward so that Nick couldn't turn his face away from him. "Why? Tell me." His face was inches from Nick's.

"I'm tired," Nick responded.

"I don't mind your past, Nick," Justin continued. With that said, he flipped his body so that it was right above Nick's and they were face to face. Their chests touched.

"No, Justin. You don't know everything that's in my past. And I'm too tired to explain tonight," Nick answered.

"Shhhh," Justin hushed Nick. "You don't have to explain. I'm not asking for you to return my love," Justin said seductively. "Just don't reject it just yet, okay?"

Nick nodded, speechless.

"Good," Justin whispered, his lips millimeters from Nick's. He began to nibble on Nick's lips. Slowly and gently at first. He wanted the night to last. Nick did not push him away. Good! He was using the tactics that Lance had used on the island. He was being less aggressive than Lance, though. It looked like that worked well. With Nick, he had to be the driving force.

He kissed around Nick's lips for five minutes before he felt the heat rise to his cheeks. Slowly, he pushed a little harder, gently prying Nick's lips open. To his surprise and delight, Nick's mouth opened slightly, letting his tongue in. He took advantage of that and deepened the kiss until it was a full blown French-kiss. He felt Nick's arms on his back tightening and Nick's legs spreading.

Wow! Lance was right. This was amazing. He continued with more force by using his arms to pull Nick into a tighter position. His breath was becoming ragged. His hands roamed Nick freely now, resting on Nick's boxers. He dug his hands into them and felt, to his pleasure, that Nick was stiff. He was about to continue to massage Nick's stiffness, but suddenly, Nick pushed him off.

"Don't. I don't want to mislead you. I'm not in love with you, Justin."

Justin couldn't find the words to describe his disappointment. "But just now, when I felt you, you were . . . "

Nick turned even redder. "You know what I used to do for a living. Why do you have to ask?"

"Look, Nick. Don't think that I think any less of you because of your childhood. I love you regardless. I'm sorry. I truly am. I didn't want to impose myself on you. If you want, I'll sleep on the floor."

Nick looked in surprise at Justin. "Believe me Justin, you'll find sometime a hundred times better than me, someone who will actually care for you more than I do."

"Don't Nick. Don't try that. Those are things I already know. But I can't just say that to myself and force myself to change my feelings for you at this moment," Justin said.

"Is there anything I can do to make you feel better?" Nick asked hopefully.

Justin looked into Nick's eyes. "Nothing that will make you happy."

Nick nodded. "If you, ummm, want, we can finish. I just didn't want you to get the wrong idea and give you hope when I don't love you."

Justin's eyes sparkled. "Oh really?"

Nick slowly laid back down on the bed and spread his legs once again. Justin could still make out the bulge under the boxers. Without a second thought, Justin hooked his fingers around the boxers and pulled at them.

Besides, Justin wasn't going to pass off a chance like this. He needed whatever ground he could step on. The best thing about Nick was that when he rejected, he wasn't harsh enough. And Justin just had to make use of the soft spot in Nick's heart.

Justin stared down at the reason for his lust. Though the room was dark, he could make out the all the curves and edges of Nick's body. He lowered his face so that his lips at first brushed against Nick's bulge. Slowly, he began to take Nick in, inch by inch. The rest was a pure haze of bliss.

He wasn't going to accept any rejection from Nick, and he knew exactly how he was going to go about getting the older man to give in to him.

Next: Chapter 8

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