Camp Whore

By Michael

Published on Dec 24, 2022


It's been a 7 years since highschool and we've all gone in completely seperate directions. Billy and myself stayed close to home taking local jobs and both Kris and Danny had moved to the city, but we still managed to get together a few times a year. This coming weekend was one of those such times. I took it upon myself to make all the camping arrangements and even went as far to head up a day early and set the site up.

I've found what I think could be the best camping spot ever, it had everything incuding limited access. Even with a four wheel drive vehicle the washed out road was a bit of a nightmare, but once you've navigated your way to the top it's breathtaking. The well treed lot had an incredibly picturesque small lake fed with crystal clear mountain run-off. It almost looked as if I were the first person to ever set foot on what looked like virgin ground, but in this day and age that seemed unlikely. I worked up a good sweat getting things in order and decided to take full adavntage of the situation, stripped down to my shorts and took a quick dip to cool off.

I guess I should tell you a little about myself, my name is Thomas, but I go by just "Tee". I'm 23yo., stand all of 5'3", dark hair and eyes. I've always thought myself ordinary, but I have been told more than once I have a hot little body. I knew the moment I hit puberty that I was most definitely gay and didn't make any effort to hide that fact. Although straight, Billy, Kris and Danny were cool with my sexuality and to the best of my knowledge it's not been an issue over the years. Of course I find all three hot, they're straight and I wouldn't destroy the great friendship with an impulsive mistake. Billy was first to arrive in the morning, the noise his ATV made woke me from a sound sleep. I unzipped the screen and stuck my head out.

Billy spoke first "Wake the fuck up Tee and where's the beer at?" He said.

I answered still half asleep "Beer?...It's 7am dude".

"Camping is the exception to the rule...Drinking at 7am is perfectly acceptable...If you would be so kind to just point me in a direction" Billy asked me.

I pointed him in the direction of my Jeep and watched as he made way to it. Billy is a tall blond haired surfer type looking guy, almost pretty. He is handsome enough just not really my type, but he is nice to look at. Billy sniffed out the cooler location with little effort.

"Can I grab ya a cold one camper?" He asked as he flipped open the lid.

"Hell...Why not" I answered against any better judgment and climbed out of my tent.

"Here you go Dude" Billy said tossing me a brew "Oh shit almost forgot...Slight change of plans Tee...Kris is bringing along one of his buddies from work...Hope that's cool" He added.

"I guess it's okay...I mean...Do you know him?" I asked Billy.

He replied "His name is Chet and no I don't... you know as much as I do".

I really didn't like the idea, but if Chet is Kris's friend so be it. My mind ran a little wild with possibilties as I imagined what this Chet might be like. Kris is a rugged handsome guy and I figured it was a safe assumption to expect the same from Chet. My day dreaming was broke by the sound of an approaching vehicle.

Billy said "Ahh..that must be them now".

"Hey Billy...Before they get here...You think Kris told him about me?" I asked him.

"Not a fucking clue Dude...But you can asked him yourself" He answered as he waived them in.

I sat quietly and looked on as the guys climbed out of the vehicle. Kris was exactly as I remembered , but Chet wasn't even in the same ballpark of what my mind conjured up. He was on the shorter side maybe 5'8", slightly chunky at about 160lbs. or so and even from the distance between us it wasn't hard to tell he was a full on redneck. He sported the stereotypical camo ball cap, Torn tan khaki shorts and a well used fishing vest. Kris and Chet approached.

Kris said "Sup fellas...This is Chet" He said pointing in his direction "Chet these two fuckers are are Tee and Billy...Where's Danny fellas?" He asked.

I knew the answer to that paricular question "He's running a little late...Should make it by lunchtime". I stated.

Chet extended an open hand toward me, I grabbed it firmly and gave it a shake "Nice to meet Chet" I said trying to get my hand back.

I followed Kris as headed back to his truck "Hey Kris...You didn't by chance happen to tell Chet about me did ya?" I asked him softly.

Kris replied "Shit...Didn't think to mention it...I will though".

"It's no biggie...just forget about it" I said.

"Nope can't do that Tee...Wouldn't be fair to you" He said before yelling across the site "Hey Chet I forgot to tell you Tee is gay...hope that's cool" He screamed.

I was completely comfortable with my buddies, but being outed to Chet in this manner horrified me. Traditionally his sort is very narrow minded and usually homophobic. I was frozen where I stood till I heard some kind of response.

"Shit...You coulda fuckin mentioned that earlier, but it's all good...Whatever" Chet yelled back.

"You see Tee...No worries little buddy Chet is cool" Kris stated patting me on the shoulder.

It could just be paranoia , but Chet seemed to keep his distance from me after that moment. There was little or no eye contact the rest of the day and if we exchanged words they were few and to the point. We spent a glorious day hiking, fishing and swimming. We got back to camp just after 6pm and Danny had finally made it. After a few quick introductions and some bullshitting life in camp got back on track. As the sun began to set I lit a fire in the cirlce of stones I created a day earlier and arranged folding chairs with perfect simitry around the flames. We ate like starving savages before a bottle of whiskey began a perpertual loop around the blaze. I didn't drink any, but happy to pass it along.

Kris said "Great spot you found here Tee...Thanks for putting this together".

I answered "Yeah...This place is a real gem huh".

Billy threw in his 2 cents on the topic "Nice job Dude...This is perfection...Listen...You here that Tee?" He asked.

I knew where this was going and gladly walked right into it "Nope I don't hear a damn thing" I answred Billy.

"Exactly Dude" He said laughing.

We sat around the fire bullshiting and as usual after a couple of drinks straight guys felt the need to talk about girls. After listening to them try to one up each other for a solid ten minutes I made my break.

"I'm gonna hit it guys...Night" I said to no one in particular and crawled in to my tent.

I can't be certain, but I'm pretty sure only three goodnights came back in reply. I fell asleep quick and after what could have been 2 minutes or two hours I awoke to their talking.

It was Chet's voice I heard first "Hey Tee...You awake Dude?...Hello...Billy you still up...Danny?..Hello?" He said loudly.

I thought it might be best to not answer, so I didn't and just listened.

"See Kris...Sleepin like fuckin babies they are...So has he?" Chet asked Kris.

Kris asked in an irritated tone "So has he what?".

"Ya know Bro...Offered to take care of you" Chet asked.

"I know what your fucking getting at Dude...No...It's not like that...We've been friends since we was 15years old" Kris responded.

"Really Dude?...Not even when you were younger?" Chet inquired yet again.

"Nope...Sorry to disappoint you Chet...We're friends" Kris replied.

"Well shit...He ain't my friend" Chet said laughing.

I didn't like Chet the moment we met and now listening to his redneckness rear it's ugly head he was beginning to disgust me. I should have inticipated this situation and to be honest if he was a better looking guy, I might not mind quite so much.He might be shallow, but if nothing else it's honest. I guess what irritated me most was he didn't seem interested talking to me, but he sure enjoyed talking about me.

Kris stated "Leave it alone Dude".

Chet replied "Alright Dude...I'm just saying I got needs and believe me when I tell ya queers live to suck cock" He said laughing some more.

This guy is a world class asshole, his Needs?, I'll tell you what this douche bag needs, he needs an ass kicking. I heard some movement and next I heard Kris's voice.

"Chet...I'm going to bed...You should do the same" Kris said as he passed by my tent on way to his.

I layed motionless, I knew that piece of shit was still out there. The sound of an opening beer broke the otherwise silent evening. I could hear Chet gulping down the cans contents. After soundless half hour little stones began pelting the side of my tent.

"Tee?...Buddy you awake in there" Chet said just as another rock bounced off the nylon.

I wanted to go out there and give him a piece of mind, but in his drunken state, now was not the time. The rocks increased in size and after each shot he'd mutter some nonsense.

"Wakey...Wakey...I'm lonely" He said slurring.

I didn't think it were possible to dislike Chet anymore than I did an hour ago, but boy was I mistaken. Another stone finds the side of tent, this time quite a bit larger. It came with in a couple of inches of hitting me square in the face before rolling down to the ground.

"Shit...You gotta be up after that fucking boulder...I just need my cock sucked queer...No big deal...What the fuck am I saying...It's a big deal allright" Chet said clearly enjoying his words.

I could hear Chet's dragging feet as he circled my tent like a wild animal or something and of course you know what happened next. He tripped on the one line not illuminted by the fire glow and down he went collapsing the tent on top of me.

"Come on Tee...Ain't nobody able to sleep through that shit" Chet said still laying on the ground.

It seemed pointless to continue my pretend slumber any longer "Chet is that you...What the fuck are you doing?" I said.

It was difficult finding the zipper, but I managed. I crawled out and made it to my feet.

"There he is...There's our little camping buddy" Chet said from the darkness of the woods.

I disregarded his comments and immediately went to work getting my tent back up. Chet harassed me the entire time.

"Come on Tee...Just have a beer with me" Chet whispered from just outside the lit up area.

"Chet will you please leave me alone I need to get this tent erected" I said before taking time to choose my words more carefully.

I turned away from my task for just a moment and saw Chet leaning against a tree wearing just a pair of white boxers. His left hand stuffed down the front.

"I got something I bet you could erect in no fucking time queer" Chet stated still encouraging his cock.

"Fuck off asshole...Not a fucking chance douche bag" I said and went back to work.

"Didn't Kris say you were a queer?...Did I hear him wrong?" He asked me.

"You heard him right...Yes I am gay...I'm just not interested...Asshole" I replied coldly.

"Well queer get it right I'm a big asshole" Chet said as his cockhead snuck out a leg of his boxers.

I couldn't stop myself from sneeking a peek, The first couple of inches were thick and beautiful. I couldn't take my eyes of his meat as it snaked down his leg.

"You ain't the slightest bit interested...Do ya?" Chet said.

"Nope...Not in the slightest" I said trying to keep my gazes in check.

"How big ya think I am queer?" Chet asked me as he tugged his boxers up freeing a couple more inches.

I was unable to keep myself from looking, Chet had an impressive piece to say the least. A quick assessment would put him around 7 inches. The disgust I had felt toward Chet was waning and an overwhelming hunger took its place.

"Chet I don't know and I don't really give a shit" I said trying to sound convincing.

Chet replied "You got that tent back up a good 5 minutes ago and you ain't back in it yet...I think you do fucking give a shit queer...Give it guess". As he freed the entire length out his boxer leg.

It was spectacular, My previous estimate needed to have an inch added. Chet had a solid 8 inch porn cock, It was georgous. Chets ballsack was equally impressive, Huge hanging sweaty nuts filled with straight guy nectar.

I answered him "I don't know Chet...8 inches maybe".

"Bingo baby...8 fat inches" Chet said as a hand ran down the length slowly.

I wanted to suck him badly, but couldn't help consider any possible consequences. Chet had a big mouth and would likely tell the guys. What would they think of me if I blew him, could it ruin our frienship. I didn't want that to happen and then I considered something I hadn't thought about till this moment. They could have heard the entire conversation and instead of coming to my defense were they were curious to see where things went.

"Okay Chet...You have a big dick...So what" I said as I unzipped my tent and crawled in.

Chet stood in front of my tent and pressed his big dick against the mesh "Last chance for free cock queer...Got nice big load for ya" Chet said working his unit from side to side.

The dying fire cast just enough light to illuminate Chet as he tucked himself back in to his underwear and wandered in the direction of his tent. I tried to fall asleep, but the vision of his dick danced in my thoughts. Every few minutes or so Chet would find way to let me know he was still awake.

"Tee...Buddy?" Chet said loud enough for all who were listening to hear.

"Come on baby....Tee?" Chet said.

If it were just the two of us here I would already be blowing him, but my childhood friends presense had to be figured in to the equation. I really didn't want to get caught with Chet stuffed down my windpipe giving them a memory they wouldn't likely be able to forget.

"Damn I bet them fucking gay lips would feel great wrapped around my big shit" Chet said loudly.

I couldn't handle the situation any longer and made my way Chets tent to have words with him.

"Chet will you please be quiet...People are sleeping" I said in to the darkened tent.

Chet laying on back staring at his phone "What?...Can't a guy whack-off...I ain't nutted in 3 days queer" He said as he tilted the glowing screen lighting up his package.

From this angle his pole looked even larger. His hard cock stood straight up with out any assistance, It was remarkable. Uncontollably my tongue ran the circumference of my mouth and I chewed on my lower lip.

"You like that big shit?..Don't ya queer?" Chet asked.

I couldn't fight off my hunger any longer and answered him "Chet...It's wondrous".

"You wanna nurse on this fucka?" Chet asked.

"Yes" I said quietly.

"Say the fuckin words" Chet demanded.

"I want to nurse your cock...Chet please" I said almost begging.

Chet unzipped his tent passed me by, Taking a seat by to the still burning camp fire "Throw a couple of logs on there and grab me a beer queer" He said pointing to the blaze and than toward the cooler.

I did just as he asked, watching his big shaft the entire time. I stood between him and the flames and delivered the cold beer to his open waiting hand. I stood quietly as Chet put down half a beer in one chug.

"Ya gonna just fucking stand there?" Chet asked.

I intinctivly fell to my knees and shuffled between his legs, I placed a hand on each strong thigh and awaited my next set of orderers.

"did I tell ya you could fucking touch me queer?...Touch me again and I'll tie them fuckers behind your back...Got it?" Chet asked.

"I understand" I replied quick like.

Chet shimmied forward on his lawn chair and layed back, His still erect cock was just a few inches from my face. A batch of spunk was oozing from the head, The site got my tongue going again.

"You wanna lick that shit up?...Don't ya queer?" Chet half asked.

"I do...I really do" I replied eyeing the shiney juice.

"You got permission...Tongue only" Chet said directing his cock toward me.

Chet lowered me down toward his cock with a hand full of hair and the second I was close enough I cleaned off his sticky head. The combination of his flavor and the stink of his sweaty junk was amazing. I took a big wiff and savored the taste.

"That taste like gizz queer?" Chet asked me still holding a handfull of hair tightly.

"Yes...Your sweet Chet" I replied eagerly.

"I am a sweetie aren't I?...If I was an asshole I'da been in your tent throat fucking ya the second Kris hit it" Chet said grinning.

"Yes...I have to admit I was all wrong about you...I am sorry" I said eyeing his thick meat.

"You'd love to get your queer mouth on this fucka...Wouldn't ya?" Chet said slyly.

"Please Chet...Please" I said extending my tongue hoping to get it on the hot cock just an inch from my mouth.

"Boy oh boy...Ya sure do seem interested now..Don't ya?" Chet asked.

"Yes" I answered closing my mouth only long enough to form the word.

"How much?" Chet said while swinging his pole past my open mouth repeatedly.

"What?" I replied.

"Well here's the thing...An hour ago this shit was free now it's gonna cost ya... 40 bucks oughta do it...Let's call it a late fee" Chet stated as he allowed me to rest my lips against his swollen head and give it a kiss.

I was mezmerized by Chet long pipe and would do about anything to get on it "Yup...That seems fair...I didn't bring any money Chet...Can I owe it to you?" I asked hoping he'd accept my terms.

"No cash...No fucking cock queer...I know Kris brought a wad with em...Bet ya can figure something out...Don't you?" Chet said pushing me away.

The part of my brain that makes me gay was running the show know and I was on my feet and heading to Kris's tent before Chet spit out his last statement in it's entirety.

I was in Kris's tent and rifling through his backpack in under 30 seconds. I tried to be stealthy, but he woke up just the same.

"Tee...What hell are you doing" Kris asked still half asleep.

"Kris sorry to wake you, but I need a favor...I need forty dollars" I asked him.

Kris inquired "What could you possibly need forty dollars for out here?".

"Well...Actually I need two favors...I need to borrow forty and I really need you to not ask why...Please" I replied.

"Allright...Front pocket..Take what you need Tee" Kris said and layed back down.

I found exactly what I needed, quickly put myself back between Chets legs, handed him the money and eagerly unhinged my jaw.

"Not so fucking fast queer...40 bucks to suck on it, but If ya got plans to eat my nut it's gonna cost ya another 20 spot" Chet said keeping me at arms length.

I said I'd do just about anything to get on that meat and snatching another 20 fits into that criteria. Kris was alreay snoring away and now thta I knew where is money was It easy to quiet about it. I hurried back to deliver the latest installment.

"Well...Now let me see...20 and 20 is 40...and another 20 makes 60...The financials seem to be in order...What the fuck you waiting for queer...Get on that fucking thing" Chet said as he layed back and finished off his beer.

I made a request thinking Kris may still be awake "Chet you think we could take a little walk?" I said quietly.

"What?...You afraid you gonna get caught wit cock in ya mouth?" Chet said.

"Yes...I guess...They're my friends" I answered.

"I ain't fucking moving...Time to get them fucking knees good an dirty queer" Chet barked at me.

"Please Chet?" I said begging.

"Well...I guess if ya so fucking worried..I could jack off and shoot my seed in the dirt...But that sure seems like a fuckin waste" Chet said as he stroked his pipe hard again.

I couldn't hold off any longer and dropped to my knees. Chet released the grip on his pole and folded his arms behind his head and spread his legs as wide as he could. My hands rans up his strong legs and found his fat pipe. I was in shock at his girth.

"This is gonna be fucking awesome...I've heard bout you fellas...Quit fuckin playin wit yer food queer" Chet said with a big grin on his face.

I took a quick glance over my shoulder hoping to not see an audience, but really at this point what difference would it make. I was on my knees between Chets legs with my hands wrapped around his shaft. I turned my attention back to the magnificent piece and guided the head in to my mouth. I've sucked a lot of cock, but Chet had the thickest I've ever seen. It was more difficult than I would have thought, but I managed to get most of him down.

"There ya go...Suck that fuckin cock queer" Chet said watching me go at it.

I tried to keep the slobbering to a minimum, but with Chets overly loud comments what friggin difference would it make. I went as fast as I could hoping to get him off quickly and maybe avoiding the humiliation off getting busted by my buddies.

"Slow the fuck down queer...Worship that shit...Got it??" Chet ordered.

"Yes" I mumbled.

"Didn't your Momma teach you any fuckin manners...No talking wit cock in your mouth...Geez" Chet stated as he rested a hand on the back of my bobbing head.

I worked Chet's entire length in and out of my throat slowly. He definitly had the most magnificent cock I've had the great pleasure to suck. Ever since I could remember I've wanted to blow a hung straight guy and Chet checked off both boxes.

"Damn queer...Your the best cocksucker I've eva used...You like my big cock?" Chet asked as he pulled me off his pole with a handful of hair.

"I'm in love I think" I answered quickly.

"I'm sure that 60 bucks coulda bought you a new purse or something, but I Don't look like you got any buyers remose going on...Eva paid for cock before queer?" Chet asked as he allowed my lips back on his oozing slit.

"Nope never" I replied before managing to get his swollen mushroom back in my mouth.

Chet released the wad of hair he had grasped and layed back to finish off a the last sip of whiskey. I took this as a clear go ahead and swallowed him to the point where my nose found itself buried in his umkempt pubic hair.

"Damn boy you ain't gagging or nothing...I ain't the religous type, but Jesus Christ you can suck cock" Chet said in an almost gentle tone.

I was suprised and slightly disappointed, I would have figured Chet for the throat fucker type. I liked the idea of him forcing himself down my windpipe not concering himself with any breathing I might need to do. He just relaxed and watched as I did my thing. Everytime my lunge made his pole completely disappear a look of sheer approval and small sinister smirk plastered his face.

"You eva swallowed straight guy seed before queer?" Chet asked pushing me off his meat with a hand to my forehead.

I did actually blow a drunk straight guy at a party once and eat his load, but didn't figure Chet had any interest in hearing that story, so I lied "Nope your going to be my first....I hope" I replied with a slight giggle.

"Don't you worry queer...It'll be the best 20 bucks you eva spent...Now fucking finish me off" Chet said and returned to his reclined postion and removed his scratchy hand from me face.

I went right back to it, Chets fat pipe slid in and out with little to no effort. I knew for sure I was definitly in love with Chet, or at least with his manhood. The previous grin had returned to his face and with every plunge his eyes would open a bit wider.

"I gotta tell ya queer...I don't know who's the luckier fucka here...You get to be my first queer, but I get to feed ya your first batch of straight gizz...Who would ya say is luckier queer?" Chet asked as he slapped my cheeks with his wet cock.

"I'm the luckiest gay on the planet Chet" I answered trying to get back on him.

"Damn right...Nuff fucking around...Suck that fucking seed outa them big nuts you been playing wit" He said while and my eager mouth back on his meat.

I went at it with a more aggresive tempo. Judging by the the groans and the hand on the back off my head Chet was getting close.

"Fuck yeah queer" He yelled just before the initial shot fired down my throat.

I hungrily swallowed every blast and there were plenty of them. I felt like I got a bargain, That was at least 40 bucks worth sweet alpha juice. I continued servicing Chet's until he was almost flacid. Without a word Chet pushed me off him and disappeared in to his tent. I removed my tee-shirt to use as a towel and wiped dry my saliva drenched chin. I was really hoping he'd offer to fuck me and but I guess you can't have everything. The campsite fell into total silence minus the trio offsetting snores coming from my sleeping buddies. As unlikely as I thought the time I spent on my knees would have not gone unnoticed it was seemingly possible that I may have somehow managed to fly under the radar, so to speak.

I stood and used the now damp shirt to scrub my soiled knees off and headed off to try and get some sleep. It was a hot sticky night and sleeping naked would serve at least one purpose. I stepped out of my shorts and crawled into my tent. I layed on my tummy and positioned my pillow under my pelvis, doing this definitly put me in an I'm totally open to getting fucked position and on the slim chance Chet felt like sticking his big cock somewhere in the middle of the night.

"Goodnight Chet...Thank you" I said aloud hoping to hear something in return, but nothing came.

Next: Chapter 2

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