Camp Whore

By Michael

Published on Dec 24, 2022


I was having the most incredible dream when Kris woke me from my fantasy, I was riding Chet perfect 8 inch cock like a pro.

"Wakey...Wakey...Dude you plan on sleeping the entire freaking day away, It's almost noon bro" Kris said standing just outside of my view.

"I'm up...I'm up...I smell bacon" I replied.

My paronoia set in immediatly. Was it a coincidence that Kris had chosen the phrase "Wakey..Wakey", or had he heard Chet say the same words just hours ago before feeding me his dick. I've always been a just face shit kind of guy, so I got dressed and joined the guys around the camp fire.

"Morning boys...Everyone sleep okay" I asked them.

Chris, Danny and Billy all responded immediatly as common courtesy would suggest, but Chet waited till he could have his own little moment.

Chet stated "I don't kno bout you Tee, But I got some of the best fucking sleep I've eva had...Infact I sleep so fucking well I didn't even wake up wit my cock hard" He said sticking a hand down his shorts to adjust his package.

"Great...happy to hear that...I was having a fantastic dream when Kris rudely snapped me out of it" I said looking to Chet glare.

Billy asked "Sweet....Tell us about it dude".

"Nah...I'm gonna keep that little gem to myself...Sorry" I answered Billy.

I quickly devoured breakfast while the guys made plans for the day with a unanimous vote a hike was going to be todays activity. We gathered our packs and headed into the woods. After trekking an hour or so and with what felt like normal behavior from the guys my paronoia dropped off. I've been to this site before, but never this far into the woods. There was a definite worn path and we figured it must lead somewhere and it did. The clearing of trees ahead gave way to secluded little pond, It couldn't have been more 50 feet from side to side.

Danny was first to suggest what we all likely thought "Fucking hot". He quickly stripped down to his shorts and jumped in like a wild animal. Kris was next to do the same, I had always admired his awesome athletic frame and watched as he ran into the water. After Billys departure Chet and I were alone for the first time since last night and to behonest even though I've already had his cock down my throat he still had the ability to make nervous.

"Tee...Last one in is a cocksucker" Chet whispered, not surprising me one a bit.

I spent 25 minutes in front of Chets naked body the night before, but still couldn't take my off eyes him as he undressed. He was down to his shorts, but this wasn't going to be enough for this alpha stud. Chet dropped his shorts to his ankles and with a foot threw them on top the pile. I could see his huge sack between his legs while slowly walked into the water. Just as the water kissed the beginning of his perfectly round muscled butt he turned to taunt me some more.

"Tee...Looks like your gonna be the last in, but I guess we already fuckin knew that" Chet said laughing obnoxiously.

Kris quickly came to my defense as he always did "Fucking Chet...Leave him alone...Put your friggin shorts back on Bro".

"Why the fuck would I do that...He's gay right?" Chet replied.

"Extactly my point" Chet barked at Chet.

"I ain't got nothing to hide from him then...I don't mind if he looks me over and it ain't gonna be the first time he's seen big dick than...right?" Chet said as he turned around showing me said big dick. The hard-on he had hadn't woken up with was clearly a little late to the party. It was a fantastic site, the tip of his prick just dipped into the water.

"Tee...get it over wit and take yourself a good fucking look" Chet said to me.

It was Billy this time to defend me "Fuck Chet...Put that fucking thing away and leave him the fuck alone Bro".

Chet seemingly ignored Billy "Tee...We good...Ya seen all you need to see" Chet said to me.

I was about as nervous as I think I've ever been, but managed to answer him "Yes Chet we're good" I said while shaking a bit.

Chet turned back to the guys "See Dudes...It's a fucking win win...I get skinny dip and our little queer friend over here gets to admire my shit...Right Tee?"

I was feeling completely exposed, but spit out a reply "Right".

"See fellas...It's fucking cool...Ain't a cocksucker out there that wouldn't admire this fucker...I got me a nice fucking piece don't I Tee?" Chet stated as he wrapped a hand around himself and shook it in my direction.

Danny was quick to try and end the current conversation "Tee you don't need to answer that fucking question" He said.

However Chet was intent on not letting sleeping dogs lay "Tee?" He asked again as he turned back in my direction giving me another view of his magnificent manhood. "It's a simple fucking question...Ain't it Tee?" He added.

"Yes" I replied.

Chet was quick to quip "Yes what?...It's a simple fuckin question or Yes I got cocksuckers dream hanging tween my fuckin legs".

Kris spoke up "Chet leave the kid alone and just enjoy the friggin water already" He said.

Chet was relentless though "Just answer the question and we can be fuckin done wit it...Tee?" He stated.

"Yes to both I guess" I answered feeling like I had just been outed all over again.

Billy chimed in quickly "Great glad that's over...Can we just fucking swim already...Tee you coming in?" He asked me.

Chet now joined the guys on the far side of the tiny lake "Water feels great on my meat Tee...In case you been wondering" Chet said laughing some more at my expense.

I chose to ignore his last comment and sat quietly as the guys enjoyed the picture perfect day. Kris who was the first in was also the first out. He took seat on the rock next to me.

"Tee...I'm sorry about Chet...He can be a real asshole...Just tru to ignore him...Okay?" Kris said.

"Don't worry about it Kris...I can handle him" I responded.

The always listening Chet piped in with 2 more cents of sarcasm "Yeah...he can handle me allright" He said in a tone that absolutely implied something.

Kris didn't say a word, but he didn't need to, the look he threw me spoke a thousand of them. He did however make an announcement.

"Guys...Tee and I are gonna head back to camp and start on lunch...It will take a little while, so don't feel like you need to hurry down." Kris said as his tanktop came to rest on his beautifully developed shoulders.

Kris seemed to be double timing it down the trail and his long strides made it difficult for much shorter legs to keep up. We chatted along the way, but it somehow felt different. I've known Kris most of my life and when things between us aren't quite right it's blaringly obvious.

I felt a need to clear the air "Kris are we good?" I asked him.

Kris replied in a tone "Yup...Why wouldn't we be?".

"I don't know...I feel like your mad at me or something" I said.

"Mad?...Why would I be mad at you...Oh wait...You did wake me up last night having the need for 60 dollars out in the middle of the woods...I know I agrreed to no questions asked, but you can't expect me to not be at least a little curious why you needed money in the middle of the night in the middle of fucking nowhere" Kris barked.

"I know I'm sorry Kris, but I'd really rather not talk about why" I answered him.

Kris replied "Fair enough...I'm pretty sure I have all figured out anyway".

A solid 15 minutes went by in total silence. We were all the way down to where the path split and though Kris always had a great sense of direction took a right when I knew campsite was down the left side.

"Kris...Shouldn't we be going the other way?" I asked him.

He stopped in his tracks and I nearly ran into him "Well...I guess that is up to you" He said without turning around.

I asked in response "What do you mean...Up to me...What?".

Kris cuaght me completely off gaurd with his next statement "I'm going to need you to explain the money thing...I guess I just can't get past it...So here the part that's up to you...We can either have that conversation back at camp...Where it's possible you may be heard, or you can shut the fuck up and follow me down this fucking path...Now wait before you make a decision keep in mind your going to be talking non stop for at least 15 minutes" He said snarkly.

I followed Kris down the unknown path and contemplated the choices, meanwhile Kris marched on, it seemed the choice had already been made for me. Without warning Kris veered off the beaten path and as you might imagine I remained in tow. You didn't need to be a genius to decipher as to where this situation was going to end up.

I broke the awkward silence "Kris...Where the hell are we going?" I asked him.

Kris said absolutely nothing in response and kept heading deeper and deeper into the forest. I'd be lying if I said my mind wasn't running wild with possibilities and I'd also be lying if I said I never wondered how hung Kris is. Kris is a foot taller than me, so that puts him at right 6'3" "". Most off his features were what you might call oversized, Huge strong hands, A big nose that somehow didn't detract from his handsome lumberjack look, I snuck a peak inside a sneaker of his oneday size 14ee and you know what "they say...right?.

"God Kris we almost legs are getting tired" I said jokingly.

He replied "Shit I guess here is as good as any...You ready explain yourself?".

"I would really rather not...I'm ashamed of myself...Can't that be enough" I said watching Kris take seat on a granite outcropping.

"Fine...I guess...I'll just ask Chet when we're all siting around the fire tonight, Since I'm pretty certain the 60 bucks that was once mine now lines his pocket" Kris stated directly.

"Yes...It does...Can we head back now?" I asked him.

Kris ignored my request and made one of his own "Why is my money now Chets?" He asked.

"Is it really that big of a deal...I'll pay back as soon as I can" I told Kris.

"Here's what I think happened...I'd bet another 60 dollars Chet is blackmailing your ass...Which means you must have done something you'd like to keep a secret...Right?" He half asked me.

"Not exactly, but something like that...Can we go now?" I replied.

"What did you do?" He asked.

"Just use your imagination...I'm not real proud of myself, but I was powerless" I said.

"Powerless?...What?...were you paralized or something?" Kris inquired.

" that kind of powerlessness...The other kind...I was unable to control myself...after" I answered.

"What the hell you mean after?...after what?" He asked me.

"After...After I saw...I had to" I replied.

"What could you have possible seen that would cause you to lose control of yourself" Kris asked.

"Fine here the whole frigging story...Here goes nothing...After You went bed last night Chet circled my tent like a predator trying to wake me, even though I was awake the entire time I remanined motionless and silent...I thought he'd tire at some point and just give up, but he didn't...and Then..." I stop for a moment to choose least hte embarrassing way to word things.

"Why was he trying to wake you?...What did he want?" Kris asked.

"Alright...He wanted me suck him off...Are you happy now?" I said in response.

Kris said next "Yeah I kind of figured that, But where does the 60 bucks come into the picture?" He asked.

"I swear to God I told him no over and over for nearly an hour...I really wasn't interested in doing anything like that with an asshole like him,But..." I replied.

"But what?'' Kris asked.

"Like I said I kept saying no, but he was relentless with his taunting...He really seemed to get off on telling me how big he was and shit...I can't believe you didn't hear any of this last night...I mean he didn't make any effort to be quiet." I said next.

"Sure sounds like you were in total control of your faculties...What changed that?" Kris asked.

"Once I saw what he had been telling me about for an hour...I just had to...I'm so friggin embarrassed" I said shyly.

"So you did then...What about the money part of the deal?" Kris inquired.

"Like I said I resisted the urge for as long as I could manage, But I just fucking had to have it...He's magnificent...So when i finally gave in to my hunger he was pissed I had made him wait...Chet charged a 40 dollar late fee and an additional 20 bucks if I wanted to swallow his nut and boy oh boy did I want to fucking do that...There now you know everything...Can we go make lunch already" I said not able to look him in the eyes any longer.

"So that's what he meant when he jokingly implied you could handle him...Wow...I spend 200 bucks a pop on head and those chicks spit" Kris said.

"Really...But your so handsome...I always figured you got all you needed if not more than" I stated.

"Thanks Tee...You reallt think I'm handsome..I'm flattered" Kris said smugly.

"Come on Kris you know your fucking hot and your probably hung too?" I said hoping he'd spit out a number.

"Yeah...I guess I've been pretty lucky in that could say...I mean I've never had any complaints" Kris suggested.

"Nice" I said optimistically.

"So...Were you able to handle all of Chet" Kris asked.

"Yeah I already told you that...I sucked him" I answered.

"Christ do I need to spell it out for you...Fine...Can you deepthroat or not?" Kris asked surprisingly.

Kris's thin nylon shorts hid very little and the way he layed back on the boulder only accentuated what he had going on. There was a growing lump dancing around on his lap. Every little detail about the his current pose screamed "come suck my cock", but there's always the chance I'm seeing what I want to see and not the reality of the situation.

"I took every inch of Chet's 8...Yes" I answered Eyeing his buldge to see what effect my response might have on it.

"Impressive...I don't know if girls can't or they simple just don't want to, but I never been down a throat...Just saying" Kris commented.

"What a crying shame...You poor thing" I said laughing.

"I don't know what could possibly be fucking so funny...I've been searching for decent cocksucker my entire adult life" Kris said laughing aswell.

"Well look no further" I replied still laughing in the moment.

"Was that an offer Tee?" Kris said sitting up to look at me.

"Yes...I mean if you wanted...I would...Or not...Whatever" I said feeling bold.

"Wow...I don't know what to say" Kris replied.

"You don't really need to say anything, the fact that your cock is desperatly trying to free himself from your underwear speaks volumes" I said staring at his growing bulge.

"Yes Lil Kris would really like to come out and play, But..." He said.

"Well...unleash the horses" I said feeling clever.

Kris said nothing and just stared at me for a few moments and than reached down and tugged the crotch of his undies to one side. His previously packed away junk unfolded and flopped down on to the rock. Kris had a seriously large dick. I sat and stared nervously waiting for clearance to move in.

"Damn Kris...How the hell were you able to hide that thing from me all these years" I said giggling.

"The same way you were able to hide that fact your a throater from me...It just never came up....I guess" Kris asked.

"Holy fuck Kris...unbelievable" Was all I could say.

"Yeah...I've heard that before" He said while he stood and stripped completely naked, layed his tanktop on the rock and sat back down.

Kris's total lack of clothing was the most incredible.The way his log hung off the edge of the rock was amazing in a way I couldn't adequately describe with my available vocabulary.

"Kris...My god" was all I could muster.

"What this little thing?" Kris said wrapping a hand around his shaft and pointed toward me. "Little Kris meet Tee and if he ever finds his way over here he's gonna become your new best friend" Kris added while slapping the pipe against his leg.

I was quickly in postion, kneeled between Kris's spread wide legs and my hands wandered up to the trunk of his tree. His girth was equal to Chet's, but he had a good 1.5 inches more in length. After admiring Kris for a few seconds I began my descent, Just my lips made contact with hot sticky skin.

"Woah...Wait a frigging minute cocksucker...How much?" Kris asked in a serious tone.

"For real..." I said speaking into the microphone.

"Nah...Just fucking with you...Show me them skills cocksucker" Kris ordered.

I was able to get half his 9.5 inches down on the first plunge and each downward motion after that consumed another inch or so. I gotta be honest, After I saw what he'd been hiding from me, I was worried I wouldn't be able to deliver, but much to my surprise and his I took it all. Kris is only the 3rd straight guy I've blown, but they've all asked the same question.

"Damn...You like that big dick cocksucker?" Kris asked.

With Kris balls deep I knodded my head up and down signifying an affirmative response.

"Little Kris is pretty fond of you as well, or at least that fucking mouth of yours" He stated laughing a bit.

Kris had plenty of cock to accomadate my mouth and both hands, so that how it went for a good ten minutes. Than with no warning he dumped down my windpipe 4 good sized load of cum.

"Fuck Tee...If I only knew?" Kris said.

I finished cleaning off his softening pole before inquiring as to what he may have meant "If you only knew what Kris?" I asked while savouring his flavor.

"What I've been missing out on" Kris replied.

"You and me both" I said as I got to my feet.

"You got a little bit of me on your cheek Tee...You may want to get that before it dries" Kris said with a big smile.

My finger quickly found what he was refering to and into my mouth it went "MMMM" I moaned.

"You like that stuff...Huh?" He asked me.

"You could say that" I replied.

I watched with disappointment as he got dressed and when Kris walked past me he gave me a pet on the head as if I were a well behaved dog, or something and truthfully I felt like one. We began the trek back in the the direction of camp. What little talking we did was instigated by Kris and about sports or other strickly men topics. We came to our right turn and were within ear shot of camp. Judging by the hooting and hollaring the guys had beaten us back to camp.

Kris stopped walking and spoke just as we reached the edge of camp "If your intention is to keep what just happened a secret and I would suggest you do...Than your going to want to clean your knees off before the guys see them and put 2 and 2 together".

I scurried into my tent and pulled on a pair of jogging pants. I listened on as the guys did thier usual camping rituals, high fives and bragging about the varied shit they've conquered throughout life.

Billy sounding at bit agitated yelled out "Hey Tee I'm gonna do a little ATVing after lunch...You game Bro?" He asked.

"Yeah...I guess" I answered him.

"Sweet" Billy stated before exchanging another five with his buddies.

Next: Chapter 3

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