Camp Whore

By Michael

Published on Dec 24, 2022


Lunch consisted of an expected camping menu, Burgers, Dogs and an assortment of bagged saltly items. Danny was our grill master and was always happy to customize where he could.

"Alright who wants what?" Danny announced.

Chet was first, of course "Burger and burn it" Is what he requested.

Kris placed his order next "Burger please...Medium rare would be great...Thank Danny" He said politley.

I'm not sure exactly why, but I felt like my order should probably be given last. so I waited for Billy to deliver his.

Billy said "Whatever Dude...You know me I'll eat anything".

Kris couldn't pass on the oppourtunity to bust Billy's balls a bit and quickly quipped "Yeah he will...Like Suzy...can't fucking believe you put your mouth anywhere near her fuck hole" He stated warranting a high five from Chet.

I was hoping that Danny not recieving my order would have gone unnoticed, but Chet wasn't going to let happen.

"Hey Danny...Tee will have a hot dog or maybe 2" Chet said looking to Kris for some indication, but got none thankfully.

I really hoped my face wasn't as red as it felt like it was, but no such luck. Of course Chet couldn't let the moment just slip by.

"It's cool Tee...Your into hot dogs...Nothing to be embarrassed bout boy" He said sarcastically.

Kris would have normally been the first to come to my defense, but I guess maybe our relationship had altered slightly. I guess I can understand why, how could he tell Chet to leave me alone after dumping down my throat. Billy made an effort to shield me from Chet's remarks.

"Fuck Chet...Is this how entire weekend is going to be...Tee is gay...Get fuck over it and back the off already" Billy said stearnly.

Camp fell quiet while we finished up lunch, I did ultimately have 2 hot dogs and it could have been returning paranoia, but I felt like they watched me eat them. I've never been a big fan of beer, or drinking at all for that matter, but Billy kept feeding me can after can.

It is nearly impossible for me to join in on the straight guy conversation about pussy and cars since I don't understand either one. Billy asked if I'd have a another brew , but I thought it might be best to decline, the 3 I already had were having an effect.

"Alright Dude...You ready?...I know I am" Billy asked me while packing a few beers into a small cooler.

I really didn't want to go with him, but I also liked the idea of being out of reach from Chet's relentless innuendo.

"Yeah...I guess" I replied unenthusiastically.

"Great Bro...Lets fucking do this" Billy stated walking towards his off road vehicle.

I watched as he stapped down the cooler with some bungy cords, Threw a leg over the seat and looked back to me.

"Well...Dude?" He said.

I almost forgot for just a moment that Chet was still here, but he was quick to remind me "Enjoy your ride" He said mischievously.

I got to my feet headed toward the rumbling ATV.

"Hows this going to work?...Where you want me...Front?...Back?" I asked him.

"Why don't sit behind me so you can on hold more easily" Billy replied.

I couldn't be sure why he did what he did next, but as I positioned myself to climb on he pulled his shirt over his head with one hand and threw it to the ground. I found myself sitting behind his pasty white bare upper body. Billy wasn't a whole lot taller than me, but had to have a good 30 pounds of addiotnal muscled and it was no more apparent than in his wide shoulders. I was lost in fantasy as the vehicle lurched forward and almost leaving me behind.

"Hold on Bro" Billy ordered.

The luggage rack on this particualr model was located on the front, so I could'nt hold on there. The only available stable location was Billy, so I reached around and locked my fingers together on his stomach. Billy didn't have a rippled six pack, but it was hard and flat just the same.

"There you go...Don't be shy Tee" Billy said as we bounced up the pathway.

I normally love the way a sweaty guy smells, but Billy was beyond that. He was freaking rank. His stench caused me to gag a bit.

"Sorry Bro...I know...Let's go take care of that" Billy stated.

We arrived at the small pond in record time. I was relunctant to let go, but it was either that, or he was gonna drag me off with him. Billy fumbled through the cooler digging out a couple beers and a bar of ivory.

He held up the soap and said "Never go camping without it Dude...This stuff floats".

I stayed seated on the the four wheeler admiring Billy while he unlaced his boots and rolled his filthy socks. He was a solid ten feet away and I could still smell his B-O, but at this distance it was somewhat enjoyable. He grabbed his socks and soap and made way to the waters edge.

"You gonna take a dip Bro?" He asked me.

"Yes...In a minute" I replied.

I enjoyed watching Billy do his laundry, when his socks were actually white once more he layed them on a rock to dry and headed back for a much needed bath. He quickly swam to the far side and back. I can't be sure how he had managed to get his shorts off undetected by my watchful eyes, but there they were floating. Billy was entirely naked except for a string of braided hemp he had tied around his neck. I figured at some point I'd be able to see what he was working with and although it seemed unlikely maybe he'd as big as his buddies, I mean seriously the odds had to be against it...Right?. Here comes my chance, he was heading toward shore, the water level was passing his hairless chest and with a few more steps it reached his navel. Billy upper body looked fanatstic wet. Just as the his neatly trimmed pubes became visible he stopped.

"Hey Tee..think you could bring me that soap buddy" He requested.

I finally climbed of the rig headed to the water, bar of soap in hand. I extended an arm and said "Here you go Billy".

"Just toss it Bro...Fuck" He asked.

I did exactly as he asked, but probably not what he expected. I realeased my grip on the bar and it fell into the water at my feet, a good 6 feet from where he was situated.

"Fuck Dude...You throw like girl" Billy said laughing intently.

I returned to my previous perch and watched hoping to sneek a peek while he retrieved the soap. Billy has never really been big on modesty, so I inticipated his free swinging meat was going to be available for my eyes to enjoy, but he disappointingly cupped both his hands over his package just as it broke the water. Both hands sufficiently covered his junk, but needing use at least one to pick up the soap may prove to be difficult, I hope. Now with only a single mitt between his cock and my gaze he snatched up the ivory. Keeping himself contained with just one set of fingers was clearly challenging, Cocks or balls snuck out every little gap that was available.

The activities that took place over the last 24 hours had me feeling bold and my thoughts quickly turned into words "Ahh...Come on Billy don't be shy...I mean isn't that what you told me" I stated confidently.

"Give it up Bro...Your gonna have to just use your imagination" Billy said as headed back to deeper water.

"Fine...Whatever...If you do want to show me...I'll just imagine your small and afraid I might laugh at you, or something" I said jokingly.

"Jesus Tee...It's not that I don't want you to show you, I just don't think I should, but just so you know 8.5 inches isn't small" Billy said with his back toward me.

"No shit!!...That puts you between Chet and Kris" I said without thinking.

"What?" Billy turned his gaze back to me and asked.

Trying to shift emphasis quickly I asked "8.5 inches is nice...Is it thick too?".

"Pretty close to that can of beer you have your little fingers wrapped around, If you must fucking know...You gonna come for a swim or not Bro?" Billy asked again.

I rolled my pants up to my thighs and waded into the water, Snatched his floating trunks and threw them on the rocks adjacent to his now dry socks.

"Damn...I take it back...You don't throw like a girl do you?" Billy remarked.

I've always had a pretty good arm on me so I accepted his compliment, but I was still eager to see him "Yeah..I guess I don't, but just so you know...I do everything else like a girl...I mean in case you were wondering" I said feeling extremely clever.

"Funny...I guess I kind figured as much...You know?" He stated.

"No I don't...Explain yourself please" I requested.

"Come on Dude...You know what I'm talking about" He replied.

"I guess I'll just have to use my good old imagination once more...Huh?" I responded quickly.

"Alright...Okay...Well here what I know about gays...There are 2 types...Type 1: Is the more manly one called TOP, Type 2: Is the one whose always on the bottom...Correct me if I'm wrong, but I'd be willing to bet your a Type 2 gay...Right?" Billy explained and asked.

"Abso..fucking..lutley" I replied.

"I wasn't sure, but after the story Chet told us any lingering doubt went right out the window" Billy stated rather aggresively.

"Us?" I asked.

"Yeah...Danny and myself after you and Kris headed back to camp earlier" He responded.

"Well...If I were you I wouldn't a believe a fucking word that asshole had to say...He's full of shit" I barked at Billy.

"Ohh...I see...So you didn't give cough up 60 bucks to choke down his spunk...He made it all up did he?...Tell me you didn't and I'll believe you" He said challenging me.

"No...I didn't...That's ridiculous...Who in thier right mind would do such a thing...Seriously" I answered trying to sound convining.

"Funny...You've always been a terrible liar...If it makes you feel any better Chet couldn't say enough about your abilities and further more he'd have let you have it free, but you were way to eager" Billy managed to spit out between laughs.

"How the hell would knowing Chet told 2 of my oldest friends in great detail what I did make me feel any better...Honestly" I said nervously.

"Yeah he sure did...Ohh and I've been wondering where were you and Kris this morning...You two had a half hour head start on us, but somehow managed to end up behind us...How the hell did that happen...I wonder" Billy asked.

"Ummm...we got lost...rook a right when we should banged a left...It was my fault entirely...Really" I said.

"Sure...How long have you been taking care of Kris?" He asked.

"What?" I asked in return.

"You know precisly what I mean, but let me spell it out for you...How...Long...Have...You...Been...Taking...Care...Of...Kris's...Cock?" Billy stearnly inquired.

"Fuck...Today was the first time...I promise" I answered nervously.

"How did go for you?" He asked me.

"What do you mean?" I asked knowing perfectly well what he meant, I just wanted to buy myself a little more with what little bit of pride I had left.

"Fine...let's play games all fucking day...Did you give up some ass, or did you just blow him?" Billy asked.

"Mouth only...But..." I replied quickly.

"But What?...Oh wait I think I can figure this little riddle out...You sucked him, but you were open to getting fucked...Right?" He said next.

"Yeah...I guess so" I answered getting back off Billy's wheels.

"You guess So...You either wanted to get fucked or you didn't...Which is it?" Billy inquired.

"I wanted fucked...Hell I still do" I replied to his latest question.

I've blown my share of guys, but only taken cock in the other end twice. Don't get me wrong I loved every second of it, but most guys are content with some good head. Billy had finished soaping up and dunked himself leaving behind a trail of white suds as he made his way to the shoreline. Just as his package was about to break water down went the hands again, but this time unlike the last he was hard and clearly would have needed at least one more hand to fully cover-up his privates. I couldn't see cockhead, but a good portion of the shaft was visible. Billy wasn't exaggerating it appeared to be very stout. I did get a good view from the backside when he lifted a leg to straddle the Atv. Even from 10 feet away I could clearly see the thick vein that ran his length.

I involuntarily let a "WOW" Fly from my mouth.

I sat on Billy's shorts hoping he'd forget he actually had brought them. He put down an entire beer with one tilt of the can. He didn't have a whole lot to say, but judging from the look on his face he had plenty of shit bouncing around in his head.

Than he spoke "I guess if don't plan on getting wet we should probably head back" He said.

Enough fucking around I thought it was time to see just how far I could push him. I walked to the pond edge and pulled my tee-shirt over my head and slowly worked my pant and undiest down over my meaty lil ass. I dropped them to my feet and could have just stepped out of them, but bending over and removing them one leg at a time seemed like a much better idea.

"Damn Tee...I gotta tell you..That ass is sweet" Billy said.

"Ohh...this little thing" I said while I slapped one cheek as hard as I could.

"Fucken A Dude" He said as I dove in.

I got a good 20 feet out before I looked back to see what Billy was up to. He was still where he was the only difference was he was stroking slowly, although I couldn't see past the cooler I was pretty sure the motion of his right arm wasn't polishing the gas tank. I splashed around exposing my ass at regular intervals.

"Hey Tee...Maybe we ought to start thinking about heading down...Don't ya think?" Billy asked while still tugging on his junk.

"I've been thinking the very same thing since you since you took them shorts off" I replied enjoying some more cleverness.

I let my gaurd down for all of 10 seconds and within that time Billy had managed to get his shorts back on. I needed to try to accept that what I thought might be going on is starting look less likely. I made my way to shore and in one last ditch effort I turned my backside toward Billy and put my clothes back on in the same manner I removed them, Making sure he got a good look at my ass again.

"Damn Tee...Cover that fucking thing up already...Fuck Dude" Billy requested as he ties his shoes.

Billy's Atv rumbled life just as I tied the string in the waistband. Pullied my shirt back over my head while walked toward him.

"Hey Buddy...I think maybe you should drive us back to camp...I'm a little too buzzed" Billy said.

I watched as He slid back on the seat allowing enough space for me to wiggle into. There was a definite lump of cock in his tight trunks.

"Sorry Dude hope this cool...I didn't plan on emptying the cooler, but it seems I've done just that" Billy stated.

I lifted the cooler lid and it was indeed empty and than my glance went back to his bulge and in another moment of skillful wit I said "From where I'm standing looks there's at least one left".

"Great pass it to me Bro...I'll drink it the way back" Billy said as extended his left arm in my direction.

"Pass you what Billy?" I asked in return.

"Didn't you just get done telling me there's a can of brew left still?" Billy inquired.

"I did...But I was refering the beer you clearly have stuffed in your right pocket" I answered and pointed to his swollen member.

"Aren't you the funny fucker of the day...Sorry about that...I don't mean to tease you" He said as stuck a hand down his shorts and recaged his wandering pet python. "You know how it is...They have a mind all their own sometimes" He added.

"No worries Billy...It's all good...Believe you me" I said as I swung a legs over the seat.

With a foot now place on each of the pegs I just stood there for a minute. I wanted Billy to have ample time to get a good look at my butt one more time. I had decided to leave my underwear behind and the thin nylon fabric of my pants was aggresively sucked into my crack. If his earlier admiration was any indication he was likely looking me over pretty well in this moment.

"Come on Dude...Fucking sit already" Billy requested.

I did as he ordered, I sat down and pushed myself back toward him till I could him against me.

"Jesus Tee...Quit fucking around and lets go" Billy said as he pushed me with one hand on my lower back.

Damn this guy is proving to be a real challenge, But I had a plan that just had to work. I slyly tugged free the the knot that was holding my running pants in place and put my plan into motion.

"Shit Billy...You forgot to strap down the cooler" I said.

"I never took it off..It should be good to go Tee" He replied.

"I'd feel better if I knew for sure...I'm just gonna check it...Allright?" I stated.

"Have at it Dude" Billy stated.

Instead of getting off and walking around to front like he may have thought I might do, I simply stood again and bent myself over the handbars and just as I devised when I did so down went my pants. My bare chunky little ass was looking him right in the face.

"Fuck Dude...Your losing your pants man" Billy said.

I didn't say a word and kept on pretending I was fiddling with the cords that securely held the small cooler in place. Than there it was, Billy's left hand massaging and squeezing the same cheek I had redened earlier.

"Fuck Dude...That shit is nice" Billy said in a softer more gentle tone than he usually exhibited.

I moved myself from front to back with each backward motion I would get just a bit closer. Then Billy's right hand found a home on my other cheek.

"Damn Tee...What the fuck you trying to do to me Bro" Billy said.

I thought it might be best to just keep my mouth shut and let Things find thier on course. I pushed backward until I could feel his warm breath on my hole. Then what happened next caught me completely by surprise. Billy spread ass wide as it would go and began tongueing my fuck hole.

"Hope this allright Dude...I just gotta eat your fucking pussy Bro" Billy said before heading back in for a taste.

"I'd heard you'll eat anything...Have yourself a feast my big cocked friend" I answered quickly.

This was a first for me and it felt better than I could have imagined. Billy mustered up a wad of spit and dribbled it on my hole before stuffing his two longest fingers knuckles deep inside me. It hurt for sure, but I wanted more.

"Damn Dude...Your friggin tight as shit" He said before adding a third finger.

I moaned like a cockhungy little bitch and looked back to get a look him. Billy's face had a huge smile plastered across it and if that wasn't enough confirmation the full on hard-on trapped in shorts was. Even covered-up it was impressive and the chances of me getting on it have dramatically increased...I think. I was one of those guys who never took time to tie my shoes properly, so they were kicked off easily. I didn't want to disturb the hot stud chowing down on my boy hole, so I took it upon myself to wiggle one leg at a time out of my pants. I was naked from waist down and saw no need to keep my shirt on. I tried the one at a time method like I had on my bottoms, but this was proving more troublesome. I stood up for just and instant, yanked it over my head and threw it where ever the fuck it went.

Billy's hand worked it's way up my back and found my neck "Bend the fuck over" He odered while applying significant pressure in a forward motion.

I was more than keen to comply, I rested my forhead on the gas tank and enjoyed what ever he wanted to do to my fuckhole. Reaching back my arm was just long enough to reach the head of his cotton covered cock.

"That what you want Dude?" Billy asked.

"Yes...Please" I replied rapidly.

"You sure?...It's fucking big Bro...I might tear your tight, little boy pussy wide open" He said.

I knew it was going to hurt like a mutha fucker, but it was something I just had to have, so I answered "I know....I'll take my chances".

"I always wanted to fuck some whore in a situation just like this one, but it never came to pass...You want to be my little whore Tee?" Billy asked.

"I do...More than anything...I do" I replied.

"I fucking love they way your begging for it Dude" Billy stated.

I didn't have a clue he had somehow gotten his shorts off without getting off until they flew past my line of site. I wasted no time and looked back to see my prize, finally. There he was in all his slendor a hand on each fender and His 8.5 inch fat pole standing at full attention. Billy's pipe was thick, Glorious and thick. The site of it almost caused an anxiety attack, but I was commited by this time and there was no turning back.

"You been trying to get eyes on this fucker allday...What you think Dude?" Billy asked as he greased himself up with some spit.

"I think I'm scared...That's what I think...You got a damned horse cock there Billy" I answered cautiously.

Billy applied a fresh load of saliva to my hole with a sticky finger and said "It's fuck time whore...Billy's fat cock ride is now open for business".

I closed my eyes, bit my botton lip and expected to feel some movement behind me, but it didn't go that way. I looked back to see Billy just as he was and than his hands pulled me toward his waiting monster. Just as his head began to tease my hole I braced myself for what coming next. Billys spread my cheeks apart and I'm sure he was expecting me to take him with ease and bounce on his lap. I didn't want to, but freaked-out and pulled away.

"The fuck you doing Dude?" Billy asked.

"Sorry Billy...I'm nervous" I replied looking back hoping he'd see the fear in my eyes.

"We can do this the easy way or my way...not doing it at all is not going to be an option...Up to you Bro?" He asked.

I was curious so I asked "If I were to chose your method what would that entail" I asked in an effort to stall for time to get used to idea.

"You won't like it whore...Let's just say that" He answered.

I kind of figured something like that was coming. I wanted him inside me, but I was fearful of the pain this is going cause. I must have taken to much time to mull over my options and Billy decided it was going to have to be his way, I guess. He jumped off and rounded the front of his bike.

"We can have you running off...Now can we?" He said as he freed the bungy's that fastened down the cooler and one by one tied my hands to the grips.

I managed to get a closer look at his donkey cock, the site of it set of a minor panic attack, but also excited the hell out of me. I've never thought about being tied up, but was digging it. I felt vulnerable and liked it.

"Let's see you get away now whore" Billy barked while he circled back behind me.

He positoned himself according to his intentions. Than he reached down and somewhat voilently pulled my legs back on to the rear fenders. My ass naturally spread open in this new position, an experienced guy like Billy probably knew that would happen. I've never felt so exposed im my entire gay life. After delivering some fresh slippery spit to both cock and hole, his left hand landed on my lower back and the right guided his pole toward my boy hole. He spread his saliva around my hole with end of himself sneaking and inch or two in while doing so.

"You ready for pounding whore?" Billy asked just before spitting into his hand and slathering his meat.

I wasn't ready by any stretch, but what hell could I possibly say to stop the impending hole thrashing, so I dug deep for the courage and replied "Fuck yeah give it to me Stud". I said hoping some added enthusiasm would abate any pent up rage he may planned on taking out on me, But boy was I wrong. In one fluid motion his ballsack was resting against me. It fucking hurt, but not as much I feared it might.

"There go whore...That's what you've been after allday...Isn't it bitch?" Billy asked as he began pumping away at me.

"Yes...Hell that's what I've been after my whole life Billy" I answered feeling more confident in my ability to hand such a fat piece.

His tempo was slow at first, but soon enough he was knocking my balls all over the place with his much larger ones. He was certain to bury every inch with each thrust and now that the pain has tapered off, It felt indescribably fabulous.

"Arch that fucking back bitch" Billy directed as he placed a hand over each off my shoulders.

I did as best I could with his request, but the slam fuck that was now in full swing made tough work of it.

"You like my big cock whore?" Billy asked.

"Fuck yes..." I responed between moans.

He really found his stride and pounded away like a commercail grade jackhammer. Everytime we made contact a fairly loud slapping sound would be the result. I have been fucked before, but nothing like this. I didn't expect it, but I actually orgasmed and unloaded on his gas tank.

"You take big pipe like a fucking pro...whore" He said while still pumping away.

I could spend a lifetime being Billy whore, but nothing good lasts forever. He pulled out and dumped, the first eruption ened up in my hair and several that came next coated my lower back and butt. After Billy's balls were thoroughly emptied he used my already sore hole to clean off his cock. he climbed off retrieve his clothing and got dressed.

"What you got say bitch?" He asked as he tucked himself back inside his shorts.

I was at a total loss for words, but knew I needed to respond sounding grateful so I simply said "Thank you Billy...I didn't know just how friggin bad I needed that".

"Your fucking welcome whore" He said as squatted down to wash his hands and splash a little water on his face.

"Billy?...Do you think you could untie me please?" I inquired.

"I thought maybe I'd wait till that shit on your back turned into cement" He replied and continued cleaning up what little mess was made by our presence.

Billy gathered the empty beer cans and placed them back inside the cooler. I thought maybe he'd be a nice guy and deliver my clothing to me, but I couldn't have been more wrong. In the cooler they went as well, at least he had determined it was time to unfasten me from his bike.

"You might want to go wash all that fucking juice off you before we take off...Whore" He said while reconfiguring the cords to hold the cooler in place.

Of course Billy was right, I couldn't show up back at camp looking they way I did, that was for sure, Chet would have a friggin field day at my expense. Billy was at the very least kind enough to toss the soap in the pond for my use, of course he didn't really need to toss it three quarters the way across the puddle. I got to my feet and headed in for a quick bath. I was wishing Billy wouldn't notice, but I felt like I may be walking a little funny and guess what, Wrong again. Billy was nearly hysterical glee.

"You alright Tee...God it almost looks as if you'd had the shit fucked out of ya...Ohh wait...You have" Billy commented cracking himself up.

I ignored the berating and swam out to meet up with the bar of soap. I cleaned my backside off as best I could, I made a pre-bath decision not let soap get anywhere near my clobbered hole, but the cool water sure was soothing. Billy was starting get a little impatient and he fired up his rig. I lathered up my face and hair as quickly as I could and submerged for just an instant to rinse it all off. When I re-immerged Billy had lined his vehicle up with the trail head.

"I got one more lesson for you Tee that will undoubetly come in handy for you...After guys like me are done with whores like you we don't have any intention on cuddling or idle chit chatting afterwards...Don't worry I send someone back for you before dark...Maybe" He yelled before speeding off into the woods.

Mutha Fucker, In hindsight I feel like an idiot. When he packed my belongings away it should have red flagged something...right?. I had only 2 options, first: Somehow hike back down to camp completely bare assed, or second: hangout and wait for someone to collect me. I was guessing it would Kris that would volunteer to fetch me, so I decied to wait it out, option 2 was the least likely choice that would put me in a gang rape scenario with a pack of friggin rednecks out hunting for ginseng or something.

Next: Chapter 4

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