Camp Whore

By Michael

Published on Dec 24, 2022


I took full advantage of my aloneness and sunned my self on a large flat rock at the far of the pond. There's nothing wrong with making the best of an utterly horrifying perdicament...right?. I couldn't help but consider the possibilty that noone was coming. I needed to formulate a plan that would keep me safe for the night if need be, I could find a tree with big enough limbs to sleep on, surely there had be at least one here that would work, but I couldn't be so far from the water that I might not hear Kris looking for me. I wasn't sure how much time had passed, but at least an hour.

The sun sunk lower and lower in the western sky. It had to be pretty close to 7pm, which meant one hour of sunlight remaing, or there abouts. There were several occasions that I could have sworn I heard something rumbling in my direction, but they didn't pan out, as the saying goes. Roughly another half hour had passed me by and the sun has slipped behing the mounatin. I was lucky enough to find an adequte tree right behind the spot where I'd been sunning myself. I've never climbed a tree clothed not to mention bare assed. I wanted be high enough where I was out of reach, but not so high that I'd be mortally injured by a fall, assuming I don't land on my head. Second set of branches up ought to be sufficient. When I put together my survive the friggin night plan I didn't factor in how uncomforatble the bark covered branch was going to be on my tortured hole, but I was able to find a postion that wasn't god awful. In any event I wasn't getting any sleep tonight.

Just a the darkness had set upon me completely I heard familiar noise heading in what sounded like my direction. I couldn't have more elated, Kris was coming to my rescue as I knew he would. As the racket got closer a light danced around in the tree limbs. I climbed down and cirlced the outer edge of the water, It was still pretty damned hot out and I could have covered the stretch in a fraction of time by simply swimming, but being in water at night has always freaked me out.

I could still see my destination, but getting there guided by moonlight was proving to trickier than I anticiapted. I could still hear the ATV, but it sounded as if it had stopped just on the other side of the last little hill. I thought I heard voices, but I could have mistaken, it wouldn't be the first time tonight. Half the distance I needed to span was behind me when when the headlamp rolled over the hill. I hoped like hell it was Kris, but the reality is that it could have been anyone of them.

"Tee where the fuck ya at?...It's your buddy Danny" Danny yelled loud enough that it echoed across the still water.

I froze in my tracks, I've been around Danny enough to know that presently he was intoxicated.

"Come Come out where eva you are...Tee?" Danny chirped.

I wanted to wait just a minute longer to assess the situation. Danny continued spitting out the first stupid thing that came to mind.

"Where's my little pal at?...You hiding in the woods or something?" He asked with a prominent slur.

He sat quiet for a minute or 2 and I remained motionless. His next words were baffling, he seemed to talking to himself.

"Okay...Okay...Plan B...I get it" He said in a reserved tone.

"Tee?..Buddy?...If your fucking listening...I brought your fucking tent and shit...We'll be back in the morning to get your ass" Danny barked as he tossed the wadded up mess on the sand.

He waited all of 12 seconds before he fired up and rambled back down the pathway. I waited till the night air was quiet once more and quickly closed the gap between myself and some much needed clothing. I liked being naked, but this was getting ridiculous. I've set my tent up hundreds of times and had it ready for occupancy in minutes. He had said and shit?...right?. All I found inside was a sleeping bag, pillow and for some unknown reason the small bottle of olive oil Billy seldom left home without had ended up inside as well. Whatever I thought and made myself comfortable. It's weird how the mind works an hour ago I was worried about wild animals, but now within the safety of my paper thin tent I wasn't concerned at all. I was tired and dozed off almost immediately.

I was woken by some scuffle around my site and the unmistakable glow from a lantern illuminated the side wall.

I heard Danny's voice again "You think he's in there?" He whispered to someone or perhaps noone.

The next set of words I heard rattled me to the bone "Who the fuck you think set this shit up dummy?" Chet asked Danny as quietly as he could.

"Right...Yeah fuckers gotta be in there...right?" Danny replied.

"My plan worked like a fuckin charm...Huh?" Chet said.

"Yeah it did, But...What if he's sleeping I don't want disturb him or nothing" Danny responded.

All I heard after that was zippers and grunts. "ready Bro?" Chet asked Danny.

"As I'll ever be Dude" Danny replied.

I heard and felt the zipped up net door being opened and looked up to see Chet's big meat slid in past the mesh.

"Wakey...Wakey...Queer...remember me?" Chet sacastically asked.

I couldn't have forgotten that magnificent cock even if I wanted too "Yes Chet I remember...I feel like I own a little piece of that" I responded.

"Why ya tellin stories queer...This fucka owned you...Didn't you Momma teach ya bout tellin lies?" Chet said laughing and swinging himself around with a hand wrapped around the base.

They were both clearly drunk out of thier minds. I just layed there with my eyes closed hoping he'd tire, pass-out, or something.

"Why don't ya come out and a beer wit your old buddies" Chet said.

"Thank you for the offer Chet, but I'm good" I asked knowing it was going to be pointless.

"Oh no you fucking don't" Chet slurred and finished unzipping the tent.

I hated him, but I did like to look at Chet he was smoking hot, so I watched his big strong arms as he grabbed the end of the sleeping bag and dragged me and it on to small patch of beach. I somehow managed to stay inside throughout the entire journey. I opened my eyes just in time to see Chet walking toward me with a leg on each side, Lantern in one hand a can of beer in the other and sat on my chest. I was fucking trapped.

"Danny wanted to come on up and spend a lil time wit ya and I tagged along..Hope that's cool queer" Chet asked in his typical asshole tone while he shimmied a little farther forward allowing his cock to come to rest on my chin.

As I open my mouth to provide him with an answer he masterfully filled it with his dripping cockhead, I instinctively locked my lips around it.

"I'm thinking by the way your swirling that queer tongue of yours around me...Not only are ya not fuckin minding, but I think your down right happy to see me again...Am I fucking spot on or not queer?" Chet asked.

I didn't want to irritate him by trying answer while he still occupied my mouth, so I nodded as a sign of approval.

"What was that queer?...I couldn't fucking hear ya...Ohh...I get it...Can't talk wit a mouth full of cock...Damn boy your fast fucking learner...Ain't ya?" Chet asked as pulled himself from the grip of my cocksucker.

"I'm over come with joy I can't even find the words to properly describe delighted I am to see you Chet" I replied talking more to his meat than to him.

"Hey Danny...What the fuck ya doin Bro...Git the hell over here...Your gonna wanna see this shit" Chet ordered.

I couldn't see Danny in the shadow, but I heard all I needed to to know he was present. He was standing somewhere between Chet, myself and the tent I was just dragged from.

Chet set his beer down on one side and the camping lantern on the other. Than he took a push-up stance dangling his meat all over my face with a pelvic motion from side to side.

"Check that shit out Danny...Everytime my fuckin cock slips across them lips the little fag opens up...Told ya...Little fucka loves my shit" Chet said to Danny.

Danny took a step or two closer bringing himself into view. I couldn't quite see his face, but his hanging pole was want I wanted to see anyway. There it was long, thick, beautiful and hanged at a perfect ninety degree angle from his body with a slight turn to the right. He may not be as lenghty as Chet, but a good 7.5 inches easy. Danny saw my intent stare.

"Fuck ya looking at Tee?" Danny asked me.

"You Danny...I'm looking at you...Very nice" I replied with a smile.

"Like what ya see?" He asked.

Before I could reply Chet took control the conversation "Well don't just fuckin stand there...Give em closer look see" He directed as he took seat back on chest.

Danny swiftly squatted placing a folded knee on each side of my head. His sweaty sack landed on my forehead and his pole spanned the distance between there and the edge of my opened mouth. I didn't see it, but heard the slap made by an expected high five between the guys.

"You see Bro...Told ya he'd be down to suck you" Chet snarked while exchanging another high five with Danny.

They took turns guiding thier meat over my extended toungue.

"How bad you want this fucker" Danny asked while slapping the backside of his pipe against my lips.

"Mmmm...Bad" I replied.

It was Chet's turn "How bout me fag?...ya want on this shit?" He asked while slipping his swelled mushroom into my mouth for a brief instant.

"Please" I responded politely.

After a little discussion and a few rounds of rock, paper, scissors. Before I learned who had come out on top, Chet's balls were bouncing on my chin and he had buried himself comforatbly in my windpipe.

"Told ya Danny boy...We got us a world class cocksucker here" Chet stated while having his way with me.

"Damn Dude...No fuckin gaggin or nothin" Danny responded as he watched Chet slide in and out of my throat.

Chet's full inward outwards motion did allow me grab some before the next plunge. For this kindness I gratefully accepted every inch. I loved how the guys spoke as if I were some inanimate object for thier use.

"Look how fuckin easy I get down that fuckin throat...Ya ever found a chick that do this?" Chet said as his pubic hair engulfed my nose.

"Nope Bro...I can't fuckin wait Dude...Let me have a go" Danny replied anxiously.

"Wait ya friggin turn...I'm just about there" Chet said as he aggresively pumped at my mouth.

The talking and throat ravaging went on uninterrupted for a solid two minutes and than Chet sat back on my chest and jerked his juice all over my face. Once he had thoroughy gotten off he jammed his cock back into mouth to give a quick cleaning. I was eager to lick him clean, I was finally able to free one hand from the sleeping back and used it to squeeze the last bit of jizz from Chet's cock.

"Alright already bitch...You got it all...Get your fuckin hand off me" Chet said as stood and looked down at me "Why don't ya go powder your fuckin nose and wash my nut off that face" Chet added as he sat on the rocks looking very proud of himself.

Danny was in aggreement "Yeah...Go pretty yourself up" He said.

I climbed out of the bag and hobbled down to the waters edge. Dropped to my knees and cupped my hands and splashed some cool water on my face.

"Damn Danny...Check out that fuckin ass...From what I hear that end takes cock just as good as the other" Chet stated.

"What?...Tell me what ya heard" Danny asked.

"Guess you weren't around when Billy got back...Said he pounded the fuck out that thing...Ain't that so bitch?" Chet said making sure he was loud enough for me to hear.

I wanted to return to the safety of my sleeping bag, so finished up with my hooker bath and headed back. by comparison my dick wasn't nealry as large and in an effort to avoid ridicule I hid myself behind me hands and stood where the bag once was.

"Come on guys...Where is my sleeping bag?" I asked them.

"Don't worry bout that bitch...Why don't ya just shut the fuck up and get on them knees where ya belong...Danny' 's waiting" Chet ordered.

I looked to Danny as he closed the gap separating us, he almost appeared to be movng in slow motion, but before long he was just 7.5 inches way sporting a familiar expression. I've known Danny for more time than any of the others guys, he was actually a friend of my older brother before he passed away and he has since kind of felt like the older brother I no longer had.

"Fuckin do it" Danny demanded raising a hand to each of my shoulders and applying downward pressure.

I knew what I needed to do and fell to my knees. Danny was more than happy position his cockhead against my lips.

Chet was watching as you might imagine "I ain't ever seen someone look so fuckin comfy on thier knees...suck that fucka bitch" He ordered me.

I slowly opened up and any newly made space was quickly filled by Danny. He held me in place with a hand to the back of my head and wasted no time bottoming out. He watched my efforts till cock completely vanished and than he tilted his head backward continued using his hand to control my action.

"Damn...That feels fuckin awesome Tee...Why weren't you suckin this dick years ago Bro?" Danny kind of asked.

"Told ya Dude...Lil fag knows how to smoke pole...Huh?" He asked Danny.

"Fuck yeah he does...Gobble that shit down faggot" Danny ordered me.

I could see Chet with a once again fully erect cock out the corner of my eye while I worked on Danny. Judging by the look on his face the wheels were turning.

"That shit feels even better if your sitting down Bro" Chet said as he freed up his spot on the big rocks.

Danny liked the idea, pulled out slowly backed up in that direction swinging his cock back and forth "Com on baby...follow the cock" He said.

I did just as he asked never leaving my knees. Once I was in position Danny layed back on the rock.

"Good little faggot...fuckin get to it" Danny stated.

Just as I was heading back in I saw Chet rummaging through my tent. I knew what he was looking, where it was and what he likely planned to use for. Assuming it was going to happen either way I thought it might be best help him out.

"Hey Chet under the pillow I think you'll find what your after" I said.

"Right you are queer boy...I knew this shit would come in handy" Chet replied while greasing himself up on the short walk back.

I was providing Danny with some expert head when I felt a presence behind me. Two big hands found my waist and with no warning Chet buried his pipe in my already sore boy pussy. It hurt like hell, but it was almost a pleasureful pain. Here I was with a cock in each end and loving it.

"Like my big cock up your fucking ass fag?" Chet asked.

I came of Danny for the second it would take to answer "Fuck yeah" I said and down the length I went.

Danny wasn't quite the talker Chet turned out be, but he did offer some inside.

Danny said "Got yourself a cock loving queer dream going here...Don't ya faggot?" He asked.

I hadn't really thought about it, but yes I fucking did. There are undoubetly countless gays out there right now would pay a pretty hefty sum to switch postions with me. Chet took it upon himself to control the situation, pushing me to and from with an extremely tight grip on my hips. I could stay in this configuration forever. A stud jammed balls deep in each end. Danny was first to explode, with a hand on the back of my skull he forced himself deep and unloaded. Chet shortly later dumped approximately 8.5 inches inside me and with a hard slap to the ass he was done.

Chet got to his feet and with a foot to my back forced me onto the ground. I layed motionless looking up at him.

"If ya wanna get on this fucka again anytime soon you'll stay put till I tell ya otherwise" Chet said wrapping a hand around his sofetening meat.

I know it might be a little hard to imagine I'd have interest in Chet cock after what just went down, But I have to be honest, I was ready for it again...NOW. I made myself a comfortable as possible and watched the still nude alpha studs enjoy a beer while congratulating each other. I somehow managed to fall asleep and Dreamt about the events that occured over the last couple of days and when I woke I found myself naked and alone...Again!

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