Camping with a Ranger

By Lucas Baker

Published on Mar 21, 2021



After graduating college I took a year off to backpack through Utah and Colorado. I started spring and summer in Western Colorado and August in Southern Utah, but it was packed with tourists. I wanted some quiet so I ended up driving north to Canyonlands, getting a permit to spend four weeks roaming the backcountry.

The first week I barely saw anyone as I trekked the landscape of cliffs and canyons, exploring the untouched desert. My idea of paradise. Broad vistas and natural quiet.

One afternoon I was hiking next to a canyon when I heard a faint yell that jolted me from solitude.

"Ahhh... ahhh... ahh..." came the sound of a man's voice in the wind. Adrenaline hit my chest and I immediately quickened my pace towards the sound, fear pounding through me. We were deep in the wilderness, days from help and if he was badly injured he could be in serious trouble.

I hustled towards the side of the canyon, the contents of my pack clanging around. I rounded a bend, stopping to look furiously, about to call out when I saw him.

About 15-20 feet below me was a man spread out on a boulder in the sun, but I quickly saw he wasn't injured. A tall, fit guy in a park ranger's hat and uniform was pumping away at his cock, his shirt unbuttoned and pants around his ankles. Maybe in his late 20s, he had olive-tanned skin and dark hair covering his body. Even from a short distance there was no mistaking he had a huge, amazing cock and set of bull balls.

From my perch above there was no way for him to see me. He probably assumed there wasn't another soul for miles and enjoying a perk of the job.

My cock twitched as I saw him squirm, bucking his hips up, panting and moaning as he pleasured himself. He picked up his pace, pounding harder until he started yelling again.

Right before it seemed like he was about to bust his nut he threw his hands back, chest heaving, growling as he fought to hold in his load. After about 20 seconds he reached back down and started lightly stroking again.

At this point I was painfully hard. I had never caught anyone jerking off, but it was hot as fuck. This wasn't just a guy doing a quick tug to relieve pressure, this was a guy giving himself five-star treatment. I started squeezing my hardon through my pants as the handsome ranger let his freak flag fly.

With his free hand he started rubbing his chest, cupping his pecs and tweaking his nipples. Next he stacked his hands on top of each other and started fucking up into them. To my delight, he started talking dirty to himself.

"Mmmm you want my cock, don't you? You want to suck this big cock, huh?" He said as he teased himself. "It's been soooo long since I got sucked... Yeahhh I want it nice and slow... trust me you'll be rewarded for your patience."

I had to free my cock before I creamed down my leg. This guy was making me so horny I felt dizzy. It'd been six months since I'd had a cock between my lips. Adrenaline still pumping, I pulled my pack off, careful not to make noise as I set it down. I unzipped my fly, stuck my hand into my boxers and freed my dick.

Hard penis bobbing in front of me, I quietly crept closer to the edge to see more clearly.

"You want my big load?" He said below. "Mmmm, yeah?"

I then saw him spit on his free hand, reaching down to rub and squeeze his balls. I was now jacking along with him, matching his pace, imagining I was the one stroking and sucking this horny ranger.

"Mmmm yeah lick those nuts... god I love that," He groaned. "Shit that feels soooo good."

Closer up I could see him clearer. He was a rugged, hairy man. He wasn't a movie star, but he was handsome in a guy-next-door kinda way and had a wilderness vibe.

His beard wasn't bushy but wasn't trimmed. He didn't have bulging muscles like he lifted weights, but he was wiry without an ounce of fat on him. Two perky nipples pointed up from his pecs and an enticing treasure trail led down to his cock. A pointed, pink-purple head appeared and disappeared as his foreskin swallowed it. At the base was a dense, natural bush and his large nuts that bounced with each stroke.

I was fantasizing about crawling between his hairy legs, edging him until he lost control, when suddenly a radio chirped and static crackled from his pack.

"Base to Noah, checking in, copy," came a gravely, old man's voice between beeps.

"Shit," he muttered, letting go of his cock and pulling his pants up to take the few steps over to his pack. I quickly tip-toed backwards to avoid being seen. I couldn't tell who was more disappointed, me or him.

"Afternoon Stan, I copy," Noah replied with a sigh. "What's up?"

"Just wondering how the survey is going?" He asked.

I tucked my own cock back in, seeing my chance to walk up without scaring him. Grabbing my pack, I walked quickly back around the bend and found a spot to climb down to the canyon floor.

I re-rounded the bend below, coming into his line of sight. His chest hair was rustling in the light breeze, shirt flapping behind him. He caught sight of me, a bit startled.

"... strong storm coming. Weather Service says it's gonna be a wet one so try to find cover for the night, over," said the other ranger as I walked into earshot.

"Ten four," he said, "I'll check in tomorrow morning, have a good night Stan."

The radio chirped as he released the button and it went quiet.

"Hey there," I called as I walked up. "Sounds like we're getting weather?"

"Yep, this canyon is pretty safe though, not a huge concern about flash floods," he replied. "But the skies open out here."

"Good to know, I'm Lucas," I said introducing myself, sticking a hand out to shake his. It still felt a bit sweaty and warm from the pumping he'd been performing.

"Noah," he replied. "Nice to meet you."

"...are there any caves or overhangs nearby I could set up my tent in?" I asked, thinking on my feet. "I have a rain fly but the wind tore it up in that big storm two nights ago."

My rain fly was perfectly fine, truth be told. I actually carried two since a drenching a few months back.

"No, not really," Noah shook his head. "This curve in the canyon here helps with the wind, but there really isn't good cover you can reach in time."

"Damn, okay... would it be alright if I post-up here too then? I got whiskey," I said, patting my pack.

He glanced me up-and-down for a moment, but more in a sizing me up way than a sexual way. He was likely regretting losing privacy for busting his nut, but if I had my way, he still would.

"Yeah... I guess that's alright man," he said.

He probably thought he could take me if he needed to. If only he knew how I wanted him to take me.

"Thanks," I said, pulling my pack off.

I started setting up my tent about 10 yards away on slightly higher ground, while I saw him button-up his shirt. When he wasn't looking I stuck my knife in my pack and made a few quick slashes in one of my rain flys before pulling it out.

"So where are you from?" He asked as I started staking the corners and sliding poles in the canvas.

"Graduated college in the spring," I said. "Spent the past four years in Denver and I've been backpacking across Colorado and Utah the past six months. What about you?"

"Been here about seven years," he replied. "I grew up on a small farm in Oregon. Since the first time I came out here I knew this is the place I wanted to be."

We bantered for a while, chatting while I finished setting up a tent. He was a bit shy and I got the sense he spent most of his time alone, but he wasn't unfriendly or awkward. I couldn't believe my luck that I was hanging out with this sexy ranger.

For dinner I pulled out some sandwich bread and salami and he pulled out some cheese slices and chips. We ate around a bright lantern he set out and I found him warming to me a bit more.

As the sun started going down, black clouds appeared on the horizon. I pulled out a large flask, took a swig and passed it to him.

"Honestly man, just take your tent down and toss your sleeping bag in mine," he offered, looking at the ominous sky and over at my tent.

"Are you sure?" I asked, trying not to sound like I was getting exactly what I wanted.

"I know these skies and I'm sure you'll be soaked to the bone if you don't... and I'm also sure I don't want you asking to bring a sopping wet sleeping bag in later," he laughed.

"Thanks man, that's really cool of you," I said.

I took another swig of whisky, handing it back to him while I broke down my tent and put my sleeping back in his. I threw my damaged tarp over his and bungeed it down.

"One and a half tarps will keep us a bit drier. And don't go easy on that," I grinned, pointing at the flask. "I've got two more."

We continued shooting the shit, getting pretty thoroughly drunk as dusk set.

"So what's it like living out here man? How do you even meet girls?" I asked, adding a little extra slur to my words.

"You don't," he replied, shaking a finger at me with drunk wisdom. "It's slim pickings. My second year out here I had a girlfriend, but she moved to California. As much as I love it out here, being here alone... that's the one thing that makes me question staying."

"It's been hard going without sex the past six months, I can't imagine being so isolated," I said, taking a swig to work up some courage. "Mostly been with women, but I'm bi so I guess my chances would be double... still not sure I have it in me."

I saw a brief flicker of surprise on his face, but he didn't seem phased by this news. I also wasn't bi, but I'd been with girls, so it was a white lie.

"Yeah, it can be a hazard of the job..." he replied.

But before he could say anything else, rain started pelting down without warning.

We jumped up, Noah grabbing the lantern and ran for the tent as thunder echoed through the canyon like a thousand bass drums. He fumbled with the tent zipper, jumping inside as the entire sky lit up. I ducked in after him, zipping the door and collapsing down onto my sleeping bag.

Noah wiped water from his face, took another swig from the flask and handed it to me. I took another swig, finished the flask and put it aside. We were sitting cross-legged on our sleeping bags, facing each other.

"Thanks again for keeping me dry tonight, I owe you," I said.

"Thanks for getting me lit," he grinned, pointing at the flask. "You pay taxes, you paid for this tent. Plus if you get hypothermia and I need to rescue you, it just makes paperwork."

I laughed, playfully fist-tapping his shoulder, but wasn't sure how to maneuver from here. I wanted this rugged stud badly, but I didn't want to make it weird in the only safe shelter I had. Luckily Noah tipped the next domino for me.

"Is it true guys give better head?" Noah blurted out, more curiously than asking me to blow him, but my heart started pounding just the same.

"Always the first question when I tell a dude," I laughed. "Head is head, anyone can do it well if they put their mind to it... but guys do have an advantage. If I was super horny at a bar and I had to gamble... I'd probably go for a gay guy. It's more reliably a sure thing and gonna be good."

"Interesting," Noah said, impossible to read. "I'm so bad at signals for shit like that."

"That's the other thing," I shrugged. "Guys are usually more direct once they know it's okay to be. Plus, there's nothing like fucking a tight ass and they're more open to it."

I'd poured a good bit of whiskey into me and I was getting increasingly bold. I had to be careful, I reminded myself.

"You're how old and a girl let you fuck her in the ass?" He asked. He sounded both impressed and jealous.

"22," I smirked. "Yeah, but only one. Handful of guys."

"Shit... I'm 29 and apparently haven't been living," he lamented, adding "never done anything with a guy, that's crazy man."

"Well it's definitely different, but don't knock it until you try it," I said, trying to straddle the line between encouraging and not being pushy.

"Wanna smoke a joint?" he asked suddenly, a drunk grin spreading on his face. "Been a minute since I got faded and a little extra warmth in this tent would be nice."

I was startled by the abrupt change in topic and a little disappointed. I was hoping for a different kind of heat. But weed sounded good too.

"Don't worry, I promise I'm not going to arrest you," he laughed, seeing my face. "My job is to protect the land."

"Sorry I was just surprised... I'm down," I said, recovering with a laugh. Weed got me horny, I could only hope the same was true for him.

Noah leaned over and pulled a joint and a lighter from his pack, lit it and took a deep drag.

I also took a big hit, pushing it out my nostrils into the small tent. We spent the next few minutes passing the joint, fumigating the tent. Outside the rain pelted the material above us and wind ripped by, the wet air kept the smoke hanging.

"That's real nice," I commented, my head swirling from the whisky and weed. "I just wish I could look at the stars right now, they're something else out here."

"They definitely are," he agreed, shivering slightly. The temperature had dropped substantially since the sun went down and cold rain sapped heat from the rock around us.

"Fuck man, I'm gonna freeze if I stay in these sweaty clothes tonight," he continued, arms crossed, rubbing his triceps for warmth.

While I was taking a hit he unbuttoned his uniform, revealing his hairy chest. I did my best not to stare as I exhaled, passed him the joint and peeled off my own t-shirt.

As he pulled his pants off, I briefly got a close glance at his large, soft equipment and firm ass before he crawled into his sleeping bag. I followed his lead, but kicked my pants off in my sleeping bag because I was half-hard. The roach was snuffed, and he tossed it in a trash pocket.

I put my elbow on my pillow and propped my head, lying feet from the ranger I wanted more than anyone I'd ever wanted. Maybe it was six months without skin-to-skin contact, maybe it was the prospect of turning this horny ranger, maybe it was the alcohol and bud, but every cell in my body buzzed and wanted a piece of him.

He was also propped on his elbow, His green eyes seemed bright, even in the dim light of the lantern.

He resparked the conversation. "If I'm being honest, I've never met a gay or bi person," he said. "Where I'm from, there just wasn't anyone who was..."

"That told you," I winked.

"That told me..." he said, cocking his head considering this revelation. "I guess you could say I've been pretty sheltered, never been to a big city or around many people. I'm not prejudiced, but I also can't say I know much."

"Well I'm an open book. What do you want to know?" I asked.

"Well... how did you know?" Noah asked, his voice quieter.

"I grew up pretty conservative and started with girls," I said. "But when I got to college, one night a few weeks in, a buddy and I were sitting on his couch getting wasted. We couldn't decide what to watch, so he flipped on some porn. One thing led to another and next thing I knew he was sucking my dick."

Noah was hanging on my every word.

"The next day I was feeling weird at first... but I couldn't deny that I liked what happened. He and I talked about it and I realized two things: nothing we did was wrong and it was the best blowjob I'd ever had. We became fuck buddies that semester and he did things to my body I never even imagined. I never imagined how much I'd enjoy pleasing him, either."

"But...when he first started sucking your dick... how did you know a guy would turn you on?" He asked, taking it all in.

"I didn't," I laughed. "I was drunk, horny and suddenly my cock was in a warm mouth. I think when someone is gay or straight, they have a strong desire for a certain kind of sex. And more than that, they feel strongly they don't want to be physical with one gender. I discovered I'm just a horny shit and don't have that boundary."

Noah laughed. "Fair enough man, fair enough," he said. I felt relieved I hadn't overshared or weirded him out.

"I honestly haven't thought to even think about any of this," he admitted. "But it's been almost four years since I've had sex."

"Four years," I breathed, trying to sound more sympathetic than surprised. "I'm sorry man."

"I'm sorry, you probably don't want to hear this man, it's just been lonely," he said, looking pained. "The few girls I've wanted, haven't wanted me. And the one chick who wanted me, I didn't want. It chips away at your confidence. Can I... What do... sorry this is hard to talk about..." he said.

I don't think he had ever really talked with many people about sex, certainly not sexuality.

"Take your time," I said gently. He nodded appreciatively.

"I feel like it's safe to ask you this... but I also don't want to make this weird. I've never had someone to talk to about this... and now that I have I could see trying some stuff with a guy..." Noah stammered quiet and nervous. "What I'm trying to ask is, would you want to try some.. stuff.. with me?"

Noah whispered this last part, almost drowned out by the storm.

I probably could have seduced him a few times before this, but it'd been so much more thrilling to gently open doors for him to lead himself here. It was 100 times hotter knowing this wasn't just sucking some random dude's cock, but a true sexual healing and awakening for him.

"Well... I did say I owe you for keeping me dry tonight," I joked, cutting some of the tension. "Plus you're hot."

He laughed, looking both a little unsure and a lot relieved.

"So... how does this work with two guys?" He asked, starting to sound excited. "It's been so long since I've had sex... I kinda need you to show me the ropes."

"We'll get to showing our ropes in a second," I smirked, making him grin.

"Don't keep any dirty talk or desires to yourself. You can be rougher, dirtier and more intense with me than most girls. No inhibitions, no volume control," I said, gesturing around at our remote location. "And don't rush through anything: we have plenty of time and privacy. Anything you don't wanna do or you want to stop, no worries."

"I'm liking the sound of this," he said. Seeing his sex face and sex eyes was getting me hot as hell.

I took the lantern between us and crawled to hang it on a hook above us so the whole tent was illuminated and scooched closer to him.

"What do you say we unzip these sleeping bags, then zip them together to uhh `keep warm'?" I prompted.

Noah's eyes twinkled and he started slowly unzipping his sleeping bag, pulling it back to reveal his hairy body and a hard, leaking cock. Always a good sign. Up close it looked better than I imagined, it was definitely the biggest cock I'd ever seen in person.

"You may be the sexiest man I've been with," I said seriously, after taking in his features up close.

Instead of blushing, a confident smolder came over Noah's face and I knew this canyon was going to get loud tonight.

I wasted no more time and unzipped my sleeping bag, revealing my own body. I was smoother, had more definition in my muscles from years of weights, and the trail lifestyle had put me in great shape.

"I've never seen another guy naked this close," he said in amazement. "You have a nice body."

I zipped our sleeping bags together and crawled over to him, my cock brushing into his hairy abs and his cock and balls pressing into my leg as I pushed him against the side sleeping bag, cocooned as our hot flesh connected and we both gasped.

"Ohh fuck!" He swore loudly, whimpering as his whole body shuddered and jolted. I held our bodies firmly together, staying still as we both had our first naked contact in far too long.

"Do you want me to let go?" I whispered in his ear.

"No," he said quickly. "... I.. I had no idea a hard cock on me would feel so good. Different... but good!"

"You feel amazing," I said, kissing lightly at his neck. "What's it like to break a four-year dry spell?"

"You have no idea," he whispered, overwhelmed. "Thank you."

I ground my cock against his hair and muscles, savoring the delight and discovery playing across his face. I felt a strong obligation to give Noah the best sex of his life, turned on by all the firsts I was about to give him.

I leaned in slowly, brushing my lips on his, snaking a hand behind his head to pull him into a deep kiss and body meld. He groaned into my mouth, meeting me with a passion and longing that surprised me, showing me some of the virile stud I'd spied on earlier.

"So what kind of `stuff' did you want to try?" I asked in a low, sexy voice.

"I love getting my dick sucked," he said. "My balls too. I wouldn't have said this yesterday or even this morning, but when I saw your dick... I got really curious about sucking you. Then... I've always dreamed of fucking a tight ass, and when you mentioned..."

"Oh you're definitely fucking me stud," I interrupted him. "Do you trust me?"

"I do," he smiled, groping my ass.

"Good, because I'm going to slip some surprises in along the way," I said mischievously. "Hold onto your load as long as you can," I dared him, knowing privately how much he loved edging.

This time he leaned in and kissed me. At first he started uncertain and slow, but as our bodies ground together, he got rougher and really into it, unable to wipe the pleasure smile off his face as he got more comfortable with me exploring his body and exploring me in return. I loved running a hand through his chest hair and the pre-cum I could feel leaking from his heavy, steel-hard cock onto my thigh.

I sat up, swinging a leg over him, straddling him so our cocks touched. I used both hands to grasp them together, stroking our dicks firmly and slowly.

"Fuuuuck yeah," he groaned. "I haven't had someone else touch my dick in so fucking long! Shit this feels amazing... I forgot how fucking good unnnhhh... can I try?"

I released our dicks and felt his rough, strong hands close around them and sensually pump us. I fucked into his hands and shaft, our balls bouncing and rolling together. I'd imagined this happening for hours, but I never imagined it'd actually happen.

After a minute, I got off him, laying back down on my side facing him. Even fully hard he had a fair amount of loose foreskin. I lined up our heads, the soft, fleshy helmets rubbing as I pulled his skin gently from his base, gliding it to envelop my head. He watched, mesmerized as our cocks connected under his skin.

"Wow..." he bit his lip. "This is wild."

"It's called docking," I said, gently pushing my dick into his skin where both our heads were leaking. "Feel good?"

"So good," he breathed. "It's like cocks were designed to do this."

We took turns gliding his skin over our cock heads, gently gyrating our hips as we savoured the wonderful sensation. His foreskin was clearly sensitive when I played with it, a mental note I made for what I was about to do.

I straddled him again, my taint, balls and cock pressing into his chest as I kissed him. I felt his firm hands find my bubble butt, squeezing my cheeks and pulling me into him.

"I'm going to worship your dick like a thirsty slut until you lose control," I said in a low, husky voice in his ear.

He let out a masculine, sexy chuckle. "It's all yours."

I kissed down his neck, sucking at it like a horny teenager. It was definitely going to leave a mark, but his emphatic moaning told me he loved it. His hand found my head, fingers pushing into my hair as I licked one of his nipples.

"Fuck," he gasped. "Oh fuckk... mmmm yeahhh," he moaned as I sucked on his small, hard nipple.

Wetting the tip of my tongue, I lightly dragged it through his hairy chest down to his navel where I made light kisses on his treasure trail to the prize I'd worked so hard for today. He grabbed my pillow, doubling up so his head was propped up to watch.

I grabbed his impressive manhood and kissed the tip, our eyes locked while I kissed the sides of his shaft. I slapped it against my face a few times, making him let out another deep, sexy chuckle. His eyes were full of lust and pleasure as I ran the tip of my tongue along the left and right sides of his penis, before I wet it again and ran it from just above his balls to his tip.

Noah's back arched as I did this, one of his sexy yells escaping as he threw his head back.

"Fuckkk," he groaned. "You're getting me so fucking hot... ahhhh yeah!"

"I love your cock," I said, smacking it into my cheek again.

"Mmm it loves you," he grinned, putting his arms behind his head.

Eyes still locked with his, I flicked my tongue twice across the top of his head and took him into my salivating mouth.

"Ohhhhh yes," he said, his eyes growing wide as his cock entered a warm mouth for the first time in years. I savored his masculine musk and lightly funky taste. "I needed this so bad," he whimpered.

I twirled my tongue around his shaft, then poking it into his foreskin to circle inside his skin, feeling the ridge of his helmet with my tongue before plunging inches more of his cock into me. I felt his hands slide back into my hair, pushing me down onto him.

I started to bob on his pole, running my tongue generously along the underside of his head as I struck a rhythm. I was in cocksucker heaven, completely wrapped up in the thick, long pole invading my mouth and throat.

"This is the fucking besttt," he groaned. "Guys definitely give better head... shit! My cock has never been this hard!"

At this, I plunged his cock into my throat, working down the last inch until my nose was deep in his bush, poking his navel.

"LUCAS!" he yelled loudly as I deep-throated him.

I held my nose in his pubes while he bucked his hips up into my mouth, burying his dick in the warm wetness of my throat. I gagged a little, pulling up and went back to my rhythmic sucking.

"Mmm take a breather, you're getting me close," he gasped, pulling me up towards him.

I kissed him more passionately than I'd ever kissed anyone. We were deep in the desert, trapped by a raging storm, having intense, animalistic sex.

Noah kissed me back forcefully, feverishly as his arms squeezed me tight into him.

"I've never had a blowjob so good," he said in wonder, his eyes wide as he ran a hand through my hair along the side of my head.

I smiled as I slid back down to work on his next wish.

"It's not over yet," I said, winking.

I brought my face back to his crotch, but turned my oral attention to his bull balls. I licked them hungrily while his body convulsed, sucking each plump orb into my mouth.

"Shit... mmmmm!" he exclaimed. "Oh fuck yeah, suck my nutsss!"

I got his balls nice and wet, before rolling them all over my face, my tongue hanging out. I was completely wrapped up in pleasing Noah, delighted by his appreciative moans for my work. I grabbed his dick, stroking him while I went crazy for his balls and taint.

It was time to introduce a surprise. I grabbed under Noah's hairy thighs, pushing then wide and up towards his chest without warning as I dove into his firm, hairy ass.

"Wait, what are... FUUUUUUCKKKK," Noah yelped in surprise and then ecstasy as I started unrelentingly eating him out. I smacked his cheeks hard, spreading them roughly while I gave him his first rimjob.

"Oooooo... ohhhhh gaaahhhdd.... SHITTT... mmmMMMMmmm," he yelled and thrashed, shaking the tent.

I spread my tongue wide, licking from the bottom of his crack to his nuts, making him shudder like an earthquake was passing through his body.

"Should I stop?" I asked impishly, looking up at him as I circled his tight hole.

"Don't you dare!" he gasped. "Fuck... I had no idea my ass could feel this way!"

I grabbed his cock again, jacking him while I rapidly darted my tongue into his pucker. Despite being out in the backcountry he tasted pretty clean. Noah bucked his hiking-sculpted ass into my face, his yelps and gasps filling the tent and campsite.

"Please suck my dick," he pleaded. "The pressure hurts, I need to cum soooo fucking baddd!"

I let his thighs fall back down, delighted to have this stud right where I wanted him. Wrapping my hand around his throbbing cock, I pulled his skin up, pushing two fingers inside to pull it open so I could stick my tongue in to tease his head and frenulum.

Noah had lost the ability to form words that weren't swears, yelling, growling and groaning like a wild animal. He was thrusting his hips into my mouth, his legs thrashing and his chest heaving as I poured on the gas. His eyes looked crazed as I sucked him with months of pent-up sexual energy, both of us losing all dignity and reservation.

"Shit... ooohhh-ooooh-oooh, fuck-ing hellll... uuuunhhh.... fuck.. unhh fuck... unnnnhh fuuuuckkk," Noah groaned as I worshiped his dick.

Intuition told me Noah was approaching the cliff. I was all-too-happy to steer him off.

"Fuck.. FUCK! FUCK! FUUUUCKK!!" he bellowed, his hands pulling my hair roughly as he thrust one final, forceful push and hot, gooey cum gushed into my mouth with the force of a fire hose. His cock swelled as volley after volley hit the roof of my mouth, flooding it with his delicious spunk, forcing me to gulp down repeatedly as it kept filling.

"AAAHHHH... ahhhh... SHITTTT," he yelled, grunting as his body collapsed limp into the sleeping bag, tensing as my mouth moved the slightest bit on his sensitive cock now oozing his hot lava. His eyes were closed and a sexy grin plastered on his face as I rubbed his thighs, lightly sucking him until it was too much and he pushed me off gasping for air.

I don't think I'd ever enjoyed getting someone off more than him or had someone enjoy me getting them off like Noah. I'd swallowed some big loads, but it was like a few men had busted their slimy nut down my throat.

Noah's breathing became less sharp and ragged, his chest still rising and falling as he recovered. I crawled out from in-between his legs, collapsing at his side as he opened his eyes to face me.

"Jesus!" he panted, grinning impishly at his discovery of dude-on-dude sex. "I've never cum so fucking hard in my entire life!"

I smirked, leaning in to kiss him. He shoved his tongue into my mouth to express what his words couldn't.

"Seriously... fucking hell! My whole body is tingling..." he said emphatically, unable to stop smiling in delight. "What you did to my ass?! Fuck!"

"Rimming? You liked that, huh?" I teased.

"LOVED it," he said like a little kid discovering ice cream. "Never could've guessed I'd like it or that it would feel so amazing! Everything you did was amazing! I cannot fucking believe a dude just made me cum in his mouth!"

"I'm glad you loved it," I said, my eyes bright. "I loved it too."

The storm had picked up, wind gusts rattling the tent and whipping water against the canyon and canvas. A particularly strong gust felt like it was going to rip the tent in half and blow us away.

"Well, I guess I can die a happy man," Noah joked, looking at the tent a little uncertain, sitting up to cross-legged again. "I really want to make you cum, but do you mind if we smoke another?"

"Let's do it," I grinned, delighted to hear he wanted my load and had more bud.

Noah lit another joint, handing it to me first. I smiled appreciatively as I filled my lungs, passing it back. He took a deep drag, held it and leaned in to shotgun it into my mouth.

"Haven't had someone I could do that with in a while," he smiled meekly.

We spent the next few minutes taking hits, sitting close for warmth in our big, connected sleeping bag. Noah surprised me by putting his arm around me, resting on my shoulder but holding me close to his body. His warm, hairy muscles felt so nice against mine.

"You're a cool dude Lucas," said Noah, squeezing his hand on my arm. "I can't believe I've never thought about being with a guy before."

"Switching teams?" I teased, grinning.

"Honestly? Pretty sure I am," he said confidently, surprising me.

"No girl has ever loved sucking me the way you just did. It always seemed like a chore they just put up with... I thought that's how it was, that I'd always need to repress my sex drive," he shrugged, his eyes glazed from the pot. "I don't know if I want to go back now that I've had a taste of what I was missing."

I was beaming inside and out. There really is no confidence boost like someone saying the pleasure you gave them rocked their world and changed their sexuality. There was nothing left to say, only more steamy sex to be had.

I rolled my body back into Noah's. I couldn't get enough of his hairy body against mine or his beard on my face as we made out. I rolled onto my back, pulled him on top of me, thrilled to be pinned to the earth on a thin ground pad under such a sexy man. We became a hot chorus of heavy breathing and groans again, getting more comfortable letting our guards down, getting freaky and chasing ecstasy.

Noah's hard shaft slipped between my legs as he sucked my neck like a vampire, but I was so happy to be marked as his, surrendering to him. He took time exploring my body with his lips, which I was happy to encourage.

"Ohhh Noahhh," I moaned as his lips locked onto one of my nipples. "Mmmm that feels so good!"

His beard tickled my chest as his hot tongue flicked my hard nipple repeatedly. He sucked them into his mouth and bit at them gently, making me stretch and squirm. Kissing down my chest he pushed back the sleeping bag, giving me a great view of his body.

He rolled his fingers closed around my cock, giving it a stroke or few while he stared at it intently. After six months of beating it quietly in campground showers and my car, to have plenty of space and privacy with someone else touching me was such a luxury.

"How do I do this?" He asked, biting his lip. "I want to make you feel the way you just made me feel."

"You know what feels good and just copy some of my moves," I smiled. "No teeth, eye contact is hot and keep switching it up. Don't worry about taking all of it, just use your hand on whatever you can't take and enjoy yourself."

Noah looked like I'd just handed him keys to his first car, grinning as he leaned down to lick my shaft, sending chills through my body.

He must have liked it because he licked more around my hard penis, even kissing it until he reached the tip.

"Taste good?" I asked in a lusty voice, my whole body overwhelmed from a wet tongue on my cock.

"Didn't know what to expect... but I love it," he said, a fire in his eyes as he kissed my helmet one last time before sliding the first few inches into his warm, soft mouth.

"Mmmm... fuck.... fuuuuck yeah," I groaned, my cock growing to its' full hardness as Noah moaned with a mouthful of dick, the vibrations sending pulses of sheer joy through my navel. "You're making me feel amazing... shittt... yeah suck my dick!"

He was a quick study, teasing my head while he pumped at the base. The next few minutes were a blur of carnal bliss. I don't think either of us blinked, my arms behind my head, watching Noah find the cock-obsessed slut inside him and sending me into the atmosphere.

Noah let my cock fall from his lips. "Holy shit... I love sucking dick," he said, amazed. "I love sucking dick... holy shit!"

"Then get back to it stud," I smirked playfully, pushing him back down on me.

Noah really got into sucking me, taking my body to a place it hadn't been in far too long. He twisted, bobbed, squeezed and teased. I was panting, yelling into the night while my cock got serviced. I started pushing up into his mouth and he met my thrusts by pushing more of me into him. He coughed a bit as he tried to fit all of me in his mouth, pulling off for air. I gripped my slick rod at the base, playfully rubbing it over his face.

I then crawled so my face was in his crotch, looking down to see him suck me as I closed my lips around his. The tent was full of sucking sounds, thunder booming as we both fixated on each other's cocks. My mouth was stretched wide as he started to fuck my throat with sensual thrusts. And he was turning into quite a cocksucker. It was a blissful connection.

"Lie on your back," I commanded, and Noah spread out next to me, eagerly.

I crawled over and straddled him, stretching my ass wide in-front of his face as I leaned down his hairy chest to suck his dick.

Seconds later I felt a soft, wet tongue make contact with my hole at the exact moment a particularly deafening boom of thunder shook the canyon, and my body spasmed. I'd forgotten just how good this felt.

I felt Noah stretch me wide and slowly crescendo his sensual licking. He was a passionate lover, clearly wanting to make me feel great. His warm tongue teased my hole and his beard tickled my crack as he ate me out.

"Fuckkk Noahh," I moaned, jacking his slick dick for a second while he pulled my ass tight to his face, shaking his head and darting his tongue around like I had. "You sure you've never done this before?"

"Nope, but I've eaten pussy. A few girls told me I was the best they'd ever had," he said, diving hungrily into my ass.

"Shitt... I believe it, fuck you're making me feel so good," I groaned, my voice getting higher.

Noah got my ass super wet and me super loud. I let his cock fall from my lips, leaning back to sit on his face, as he ate my man pussy.

My ass was starving, begging for his dick and I wanted him to fuck the cum out of me. I spun so my ass was just in front of his dick, our eyes connecting as we both silently understood this hookup was moving into uncharted territory.

I grabbed Noah's huge, wet rod behind me, lining it up with my hole and started pushing back onto him. My hole was tight from months without getting fucked and taking him was no small proposition. I pushed my muscles to relax, building the pressure of his head at the entrance to my tight chute, until my sphincter gave way and his head and another inch popped in.

I winced a little. It felt like his fat head was splitting me in two, but I took some deep, relaxing breaths, determined to take him.

"Ohhh gaahhd," he croaked, biting his lip. "You're so tight... it feels so good. You okay?"

"Getting there," I grimaced. "It's been a long time... but the pain is going down."

I started pushing down on his penis, driving more of him into me as his eyes grew wild again.

"Fuuuckk," he groaned, carnal pleasure painted on his face. "Mmmm Lucas, this is the best."

I slowly started bouncing on his dick, pushing it deep until his balls rested against my cheeks and his head was rubbing my prostate.

"Oh god I missed this, your cock feels so fucking biggg... unhhh," I groaned loudly, throwing my head back as I used my weight to plunge him into my ass and lift up. "Unnnghh fill me with your huge dick."

Noah started bucking up into me, sending shivers through my body each time his head pressed my prostate. His hands firmly squeezed my cheeks, spreading me wide as we started making passionate love. I leaned down to kiss him as his thrusts got bolder, our tongues twirling as we both moaned with each thrust.

"Unnh... unnghh... unghhhh fuck this is so hot," he growled. "Definitely better than pussy. Your ass is hugging my cock so tight... so warm and soft... oh Lucas you look so fucking hot right now."

I was sweating and saw perspiration on his face too as we made love. Now that I'd readjusted to having a big dick in me, I wanted him to drive. I pulled up off his dick and collapsed down next to him, pulling my legs up. Noah crawled over to take control of me, diving his face back into my ass.

"NOAHHH," I gasped in delight. "Stick it back in, fuckkkk... my ass is yours... fuck my load out of me!"

Noah lined his cock back up with my hole, making me whimper as he shoved it deep into my ass. I felt his hairy torso on my cheeks, my balls resting below his abs as he started pumping into me with increasing power and depth.

My cock was getting hard again and I started jacking off while Noah used my ass to pleasure us both.

"Fuck yes," he yelled. "Ohh fuuuuuck yeah, oh yeah you take my dick like a champ... I've never had sex this good!"

The tent rocked with us as Noah rocked my world, the sounds of our bodies slapping and sleeping bag rustling provided backtrack to our uninhibited fucking. Noah ground his hips sensually, forcefully and powerfully into my ass. The pressure of such a big dick invading my insides was a little uncomfortable, but overshadowed by all the pleasure of having my buttons hit. We were both dripping in sweat, drops rolling off his face onto my chest, as we made athletic love. Noah picked up his pace, taking me to nirvana.

I was jacking myself furiously, getting pounded furiously, as I felt pressure building in my balls. I never wanted it to end, looking up to see a look of potent ecstasy on Noah's face as he gave me the fuck of my life.

"Ohh you're getting me close," I panted. "Oh fuck this is sooo good. Give me all you've got stud."

I felt the familiar, glorious build-up of my orgasm, but it'd been so long since I'd cum or had sex, I thought my cock was going to explode like a bomb.

"Shit I can't hold it any longer, fuck here it comes... fuck me.. fuck meee.. fuck, fuck, FUCK, FUCK," I saw stars as I yelled at the top of my lungs, my hole clamped down on Noah's cock. My cock fired ropes of cum like a machine gun, spraying his hairy chest and painting my own with hot spunk, my hole squeezing him with each shot.

Noah wasn't expecting the pressure of my hole squeezing him and he yelped, sending a hot wave of cum into me, both of us gasping and shuddering. I'd never had a fuck so good or an orgasm so strong. Noah was the best lover I'd ever had.

I felt his cock slide from my hole with a pop, leaving me feeling empty as he collapsed next to me. Our bodies were wet with sweat and cum as he pulled me into him and we kissed. The kissing was passionate and we laughed deliriously as we made out, moaning and sighing.... spent.

"We're a fucking mess," I laughed, breaking the silence.

"That was the best sex I've ever, ever had," he said, amazed.

We kissed again for a minute, celebrating our glorious pleasure together. Noah pulled me tightly into his body and just held me for a minute as our heart rates came down and breathing slowed.

"What do you say we rinse off real quick outside? I've got towels and we can warm up together."

He unzipped the fly and we jumped out into the cold rain yelling as we rubbed sweat and cum off ourselves before diving back into the tent seconds later, shivering. Noah handed me a towel and we both dried ourselves before collapsing back down into our sleeping bag.

Noah quickly pulled me into his body, a serene and satisfied look on his face as his green eyes blinked inches from mine.

"I've had sex at least 100 times, but it feels like you just took my virginity," he smiled, shivering a little bit. "I'm really glad you showed me the ropes, tonight was amazing."

"I've never had sex like that with anyone, that orgasm was unlike anything I've ever felt before," I grinned. "I can only imagine how good you'll get with more practice."

"Please tell me we'll be doing more practice," he said seriously.

"I would be disappointed if we didn't," I said, caressing his rugged face.

Noah squeezed me tightly as we dozed off.

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