Camping with Bill

By D One

Published on Oct 15, 2009



Trevor and Bill hiked away from the highway. He was delighted how quickly the sounds of civilization disappeared and replaced by birds songs, waving branches and the crunch of his hiking boots on the trail.

Bill had been trying to urge him to go for months. His experience with the Scouts equipped him with the knowledge and tools. Now both carried the backpacks stashed full of food, burners, bed rolls and a tent.

Trevor scratched his bare leg. "Fuck" he uttered.

"I told you to wear long pants, not those cutoffs you always wear" Bill turned his head hearing the curse.

"Yea yea yea" Trevor said not willing to admit he had been wrong. He scratched his free dangling cock and balls. He never wore underwear when he wore the jeans. He had cut off the legs himself, just below where his long penis hung.

"Come one dude, we have to get to the hill before dark" Bill said quickening the pace.

Trevor wondered if he should have finally agreed to join his friend. He wasn't an outdoors person like Bill. In fact he preferred to sit n front of his computer playing games or surfing the net.

Lately his surfing had expanded to include a type of porn he was reluctant to tell anyone, even his friends. They all had been locating pornography of big breasted women. He thrilled when a hot naked man was with them and if he saw their cocks he got even more excited. But he could tell the others didn't in fact sometimes they avoided the videos or pics when there were several naked men in them adding a "Yuk" when seeing their hard penis.

Trevor was different and he slowly began to realize it when he found pornography with more then one man in it. There were shots of men touching each other, even sucking and fucking each other. He felt guilty but as he watched he stroke his own erection until he sprayed the rag he kept nearby.

"We're almost there" Bill announced.

Bill was one of his favorite friends. They seemed to like the same things, have the same complaints about parents and school. Both liked the same people and comic books. They played video games too.

Bill had belonged to the Boy Scouts and tried to get Trevor to join. But only now had Trevor agreed to join him in a trip to camp outdoors. The house was full of his parents and siblings, even two more had come home from college and the Army.

"They won't even know I'm gone" he muttered to Bill as he accepted the invitation.

"Look at this" Bill waved his arm. They stood on the peak and looked at the ocean and mountains that while they were miles away, looked closer. If they looked the other direction, building, highways and the world they left behind could be seen.

Trevor and Bill chose not to look that direction. Bill dropped his backpack and stripped his shirt off.

"Come on man, feel the wind" he urged. Trevor stood beside him and stripped his short off too. He wondered if anyone could see them.

"What are you doing?" Bill asked

Trevor who now held his cutoffs in his hand smiled "Nobody can see us right? Hell man it feels great"

"Yea I can see you like it" Bill laughed as he began to peel his jeans off. The sight of Trevor's erection didn't stop him.

"Feels good, man you were right" Trevor said

Bill, now naked himself hardened seeing his friend standing there bareass turning around and clearly enjoying himself. His hard cock bounced. He had seen Trevor naked before of course, but this was different.

"Hey what are you doing?"

"Stand still" Bill had moved behind him and wrapped his arms around his friend.

"You need this" his hand moved to Trevor's cock and began to pump it as he had pumped his own many times before.

"Fuck" Trevor felt Bill's body pressed against his back, his friends hand was touching his cock. It was the first time anyone had touched it since he began to get hard years ago.

"Just relax" Bill said as he masturbated his friend.

Trevor's body twisted, convulsed and he moaned. "God do it man do it" he begged letting Bill hold him and control him.

When Trevor's body exploded he yelled loud with each pulse that shot out a stream down the hillside.

"Shit you were horny" Bill said.

"From he feeling of your dick between my asscheeks you are too" Trevor said turning to see that he was correct.

"Yea wanna jack me?"

Bill needn't have asked. Trevor was already on his knees reaching for his friends cock. Bill lay on the ground and Trevor continued until his face and chest dripped of Bill's cum.

"So this is what you do in the scouts on camping trips?" Trevor said as he wiped his face with his discarded shirt.

He watched while Bill held his penis and let a stream or urine arch out onto the same hillside where his cum had gone earlier.

"Hell man we do that and more. I think you're gonna love it" Bill said "Ever suck a dick?"

Trevor had pulled his backpack on remaining otherwise naked. "Where are we gonna camp?"

Bill laughed but immitated his friend so they were now hiking naked.

"What did you ask me?" Trevor said now hiking beside his friend.

"Later" Bill said knowing that when they camped for the night, he had several things to show Trevor about camping.

Trevor had heard the question. He had watched more then one video of guys sucking cocks even fucking other guys.

He looked forward to the nights ahead wishing he had agreed to go camping a long time ago.

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