Campus Memories

By Male Lover

Published on May 1, 2002


Note: I am sorry that I forgot to inform the readers of the lack of described sex scenes in the first installment. But you can expect more from this one. This installment does not pick up from where I have left off the last time. To see what will happen between Aaron and Jeff, the readers will have to wait for future installment. This installment is purely on Aaron's past, and the day Aaron had to move out of the dorm, which was a day BEFORE Aaron won the date with Jeff. I should pick up the story with involvement of Jeff, but I thought of a good plot to put in, so, Jeff will have to wait.

As usual, my story centralises on straight guys and feelings. If you like my story, I will appreciate if you let me know at

In reality, if you are having sex, please practise a safe one. The characters here are fictional. Hence, they need no condoms. But we do.

In the last installment, Jeff found out that Aaron was gay. So did Jeff's roommate who told the dormmates and other friends in campus. Aaron had a hard time in the U because of this. This installment introduced us to Aaron.

Title: Campus Memories 2

Aaron did not know when his real mother stopped loving him, but he knew where she decided to show it. When he was three, he was left at a shelter. Along with a few clothing he had, there was an attached note, telling him how much she loved him, but she could never be able to raise him. She hoped he would understand and if fate allows, perhaps they would meet one day. Aaron still had that note. He was given the note by his adopted mother when he was 16, when he confronted her to tell him as much she could of his real mother.

It was not that Aaron was loved less by his adopted family. Mr. and Mrs. Young, his adopted parents took him into their home and hearts after being in the shelter for only 2 weeks. Aaron did not cry much when he was brought into unfamiliar but yet, bigger and more comfortable bedroom. He had cried so much for the past 2 weeks, but the lady that he had known as his mother, never came back for him. Interesting-looking toys and funny bedroom wallpaper, plus wonderful hugs from Adam and Josephine Young made him longed less for the past. It was easier for a kid his age, and as days went by, his memories of a pretty, blonde young lady who kept calling him 'my precious baby' faded. It was replaced with 'honey' or 'love', callings by the new parents.

Adam and Josephine Young, a couple only in their early 30's, had tried for many years to bring a baby into their home, but failed. They were just an average income earner and ideas of getting medical help to transfer Adam's sperm to Josephine's egg was out of question as the operation was costly.

Both waited for days for miracle, or at least an orphanage home to tell them that there was a baby waiting for them. When they were offered a toddler, and not a baby, they decided that they could not wait any longer. Most parents preferred to adopt babies, as the babies would start their memories fresh and would not long for the past. But one look at Aaron was good enough to make them feel pitiful for him to be alone. And Aaron was such a beautiful kid, that they were immediately smitten by his cuteness.

And there was no regret for the Young's, as Aaron did not pose any problem that they had feared.

Aaron was a blonde kid, differently from his adopted parents, who had black hair. His eyes were blue, which none of his parents had. Theirs were green. Their hairs were wavy, but his was straight. They were tanner. Aaron was fair. But Aaron never felt isolated, as he was always showered by their love, despite him knowing since 10 years old that he was not their real child.

Aaron grew up to be a fine guy. When he was 13, 2 girl classmates were already having crushes on him. He was able to charm the girls naturally with his nice feature. He became envy of others, as well as admired by teachers, classmates and friends. He had many offers to become boyfriend to the girls. The senior Young's had taught him well to be a gentleman to the ladies, and not to take advantages of the girls. Anyway, he did not have the interest to. Not because he was a perfect gentleman, but because he just did not have the interest to sleep with them. It was only when he was 14, he realised the reason.

When he was 14 years old, he lost his virginity.

Due to a damaged tent, Aaron was forced to share a tent with his 22 year old scout master. Not only had all the juniors admired this scout master for his leadership quality, this scout master was a jock - goodlook, hard-body and a charmer. His name was Jack Hurshey. Jack was out-going, funny and friendlier to the youngsters. He was more adventurous as well, even in daring stunts during the whole hiking, camping, jungle-tracking or even climbing. But he always reminded the eager ones to be patient. One day, he said, they would grow up to be big enough to do what he was doing then.

Although the juniors had their fun skinny-dipping in the pond, the scout masters were more restrained. They swam in their swimming trunks. The young ones giggled when they could see the bigger bulges on scout masters' trunks. The most the youngsters had seen before, was of their coach in school. The scout masters knew they were making an impression on the juniors. Earlier, Aaron's clumsy tentmate fell on top of their tent, causing their tent to be torn. After a discussion, it was decided that Aaron's roommate would have to share another scout master's tent and Aaron, Jack's. Aaron and his friend were not so thrilled about sharing tents with adults, as they were planning to sleep late. Sleeping with a senior only meant for more discipline. But Aaron was thankful that he got the more lenient scout master. That would ease the tension Aaron was having, for sharing a tent with a senior.

Jack was very understanding. He knew that guys Aaron's age would like to stay up as late as possible. Even if the light-out warning was given, some would sneak out to find troubles. But since that the scout masters' tents were nearby, Jack could not allow Aaron to sneak out, even if he was more lenient than the others.

'I sleep naked... is that ok with you?' Jack asked as Aaron slipped into his sleeping bag.

'Er.. ok,' Aaron answered, although his eyes showed that he was stunned by the question, and also from realising that he would be sleeping next to a naked guy.

Jack was a gorgeous stud. As he stripped of his shirt, he was automatically inviting a curious Aaron to feast on his hard body. He did not have bulky muscles, but his body was definitely formed well. His body did not contain one ounce of fat.

Aaron was determined to be as lean as Jack.

Jack noticed Aaron's eyes admiring his naked body.

Sitting on top of his sleeping bag, Jack raised his buttock to slip his track bottom down. Jack was not wearing any brief. Aaron gasped, looking at a young adult's cock. Jack's cock was already semi hard from Aaron's stare.

'Never seen a guy naked before?' Jack asked, as he lifted his feet, one by one, to take his pants off. His face was turned sideway, facing Aaron, who was already in his sleeping bag, but was still in a sitting position.

'Yes.. yes, I have,' Aaron blushed as he answered. He was caught red-handed looking at another guy's dick. He quickly looked away, and lied down, slipping more of himself, into the bag. He turned to face the side of the tent.

'Hey.. hey.. it's ok...,' Jack said, as he tapped Aaron's arm through the cover.

Aaron could hear Jack struggling to get into his own sleeping bag.

'That's nothing wrong with that. I was curious too when I was your age,' Jack added, as he let go of Aaron's arm.

Jack let out a loud sigh. He was glad that another hectic day was over. They were supposed to be camping for 2 nights there.

'Really?' Aaron said, as he turned around, to face Jack, who had slipped into his bag and was lying down, staring up at the tent.

Jack turned to Aaron and smiled. 'Of course, kid!'

Aaron smiled, relief. He was only glad that Jack was not angry.

'Here,' Jack said as he flipped open his cover, exposing his semi-hard dick, which was lying on his stomach.

Aaron's eyes grew rounder as he was given his opportunity to see a male organ, other than his own, up close. And the fact that it was not another guy's of his age made the opportunity more exciting. Aaron knew the other friends were curious of Jack's. So, Aaron considered himself damn lucky.

'Enough?' Jack asked.

Aaron blushed again, as he nodded his head a little, before retreating himself back to lying down.

They lied down together for minutes before Jack spoke again. He knew Aaron could not sleep. Aaron tossed and turned too often.

'So, got yourself any girlfriend?'

'No...' Aaron answered, turning himself onto his back again, trying to find a comfortable position. The cover was too thick for comfort.

'How come?' Jack asked.

'How come what?' Aaron replied, turning his head to see Jack. Jack was still facing up.

Jack turned his face towards Aaron. 'Why no girlfriend? I mean, with your look, I bet there are many girls crazy about you,' Jack said.

It was true that quite a number of girls had been asking if Aaron was interested in them. But Aaron did not feel the urge to get one.

'I don't know,' Aaron answered, as he turned onto his back again, staring at the spot of tent where Jack was looking at earlier, as if an answer would be there.

'What about you?' Aaron asked. 'Many girls too, huh?' To Aaron and the other kids, Jack was a stud. So, surely Jack would have his hand around many girls' shoulders.

'Yeah, I have one back in college,' Jack answered. 'Joan, that's her name.'

'Is she pretty?' Aaron asked, as he turned back to face Jack, supporting his right cheek with his arm.

'You bet, kid!'

'Why didn't she come along?'

'Nah... she can't. It's an all guy camp, re-mem-ber?!' Jack said, chuckled at Aaron's innocence.

'Yeah...' Aaron blushed again.

There was a short pause again, before Aaron broke the silence.

'Why we need girls?' Aaron asked.

'You are what.. 14? And you are asking me this?!' Jack asked.

'I mean... yeah, sure.. we'll get married one day, but why we need a girlfriend so early?' Aaron asked again.

'We need to talk to someone.. maybe to know someone care for us.. and stuff like that!' Jack said.

'But we have friends for that,' Aaron said.

'But you don't fuck a male friend, do you?' Jack answered at Aaron, but somehow the tone was a little too harsh, sounding like he had lost his patience. He was not. He was immediately sorry his tone came out wrong.

'Sorry...' Aaron apologised, before pulling his cover up, covering until his shoulders. Aaron thought he should not ask anymore. He shut his eyes.

'No, kid.. I'm sorry... I did not mean it. I was not angry.. but you were asking questions with obvious answers,' Jack said.

Aaron kept quiet, but could still afford to give a little smile.

'Let's just talk until one of us falls asleep, ok? You can ask anything...' Jack said.

Aaron smiled wider. He was glad that Jack was not angry.

Aaron sat up. He was tired of unable to sleep. And the ground was not that comfy. Around their tent, it was quiet, except for the sound of crickets and eerie soft howl of breeze. It was going to be a rainy night. But it was not helping much yet as the night was warm.

'So, what do you like about your girlfriend?' Aaron innocently asked.

Jack was caught by the question. It was nothing special about his current girlfriend, Joan. Jack was not into long commitment and he switched girlfriends often. Some of the girls he was dating were cool with it, as they just wanna laid stud Jack. The rest tried their luck to see if they were the ones to hook Jack for good. How could Jack tell Aaron that he needed someone to blow him and to fuck? If Aaron was one of those brats, Jack would not hesitate. But Aaron was not. He was one of the exceptional goody ones.

'Everything..' Jack lied.

Jack thought of Nicole with the luscious ass, Carolyn with her thick lips, Diana with her tongue skill and Joanne with her wild passion. And yes, Joan's large tits. Yup, it was everything. And his cock was growing. Jack had not masturbated for a day. That would be a record.

'Hey kid!' Jack called, softly.

'Yes?' Aaron asked, turning his face to Jack's.

'Do you mind if I beat off?' Jack asked.

'Now?' Aaron asked.

'No, tomorrow... but I thought I just be polite enough to ask your permission in advance,' Jack answered sarcastically, which was a waste of effort because Aaron did not get it.

Aaron's face showed a puzzle expression. 'Sorry?'

'No, nothing.. Yes, I mean now...' Jack said as he flipped his cover opened, showing his hard cock, which twitched at the feel of freedom.

Aaron went ohhhh... with his eyes telling awe. It was Aaron's first time seeing another guy's hard-on.

'Er... do you want me to leave?' Aaron asked. His eyes did not move away from staring at Jack's young manhood. It was 7 inches hard, cut. The mushroom head was big.

'Nah... it's ok. Never jerk off with your pals before?' Jack asked, as his hand reached down and wrapped his fingers around his cock.

Aaron watched Jack's right hand moving up and down his stiff cock. Aaron just shook his head lightly, answering Jack. Aaron did not realise that his jaw dropped a little.

'Kid! Don't tell me you do not do this at all?' Jack asked, and his hand was not showing any sign of slowing down.

Aaron nodded his head. 'I have... but never see others doing it..' he uttered softly. His blue eyes never left Jack's hand, stroking the 7-inch tool.

'Well, consider this your lucky night, kid!' Jack said with a grin, as he looked down at the work of his hand. 'Don't tell anyone, ok?'

Aaron nodded with a smile. It would be stupid to snitch on a cool scout master. Besides, the gang would trust Jack more than Aaron.

Aaron watched as Jack skillfully cupped his balls with one hand and another on his shaft, stroking from the base until the palm covered the head. Everytime Jack pulled his cock, his body tensed. When he stroked it down, Aaron was rewarded with a view of Jack's bloated cockhead. Aaron's own dick was beginning to harden inside his shorts.

'Are you gonna join me?' asked Jack. Aaron blushed, and shook his head.


Aaron nodded, still blushing.

'Okay... feel free to join me anytime you want, ok? You don't have to be shy with me around in private, okay?' Jack said. His eyes were watching Aaron to see if he was scaring the kid. Aaron looked ok, in fact, more curious than fear.

Jack continued to stroke himself, thinking of the night his dick was stuff into Joan's pussy. His hand went faster on his dick. Jack shut his eyes, and stroked hard. When he felt he was cumming, he stopped. He relaxed his body for a while. He did not want to cum too fast. He liked to hold back his orgasm until he was tired. A few rounds of this would make sure that when he cummed, it would be one that really drain him out to the max.

Jack panted for breath. He could feel the urge for his cock to erupt was slowly dying. His palm was grabbing the base of his shaft hard. His cock was still hard, and Jack waited for the sensation to subside further.

But suddenly he felt a palm feeling his cockhead. Jack's body shook in shock. He quickly opened his eyes and were treated to Aaron's hand wrapping his cockhead. Aaron's palm was moist with Jack's precum and instead of disgusted by it, Aaron played with Jack's head.

'What are you doing, kid?' Jack asked, stunned.

'Jerking a buddy off...' Aaron said, as his eyes feasted on the cock in his hand.

Aaron gave it a few more pumps and Jack's cum burst out.

'Aaarhhhhhh.....' Jack whimpered, as more and more cum oozed out of his cock-lips. The cum ran down his shaft and some caught around Aaron's fingers.

'Ahhhhhh! That's so good!' Jack complimented, referring to the surprise present for him. 'Here!' He reached for his towel near his bag and threw it to Aaron.

Aaron caught it and cleaned his hand.

'You could've given me a warning.. I would've guided you the way I want it... Hmmm...' Jack said, pretending to make a fuss.

Aaron just blushed. 'Sorry...'

'What? Nothing to be sorry about.. Hand me the towel.. I should thank you, kid!' Jack wiped his dick clean. 'Do you like it?'

What's there not to like? To have a guy's dick in the hand and to make him feel good. And there was something about Jack that made Aaron feel himself extra hard that night. Aaron nodded his head.

'Do you want me to do you?'

Aaron looked down at his short. Jack followed his eyes. The dent on his shorts told Jack that Aaron would like that.

'Hmmm... someone's more excited than I thought he would be... hahahaha!'

Aaron smiled, shyly.

'Come, take off your shorts!'

Aaron obediently, although shy, took his shorts off.

'Wow! Kid! How big is yours?!' Jack was surprised to see Aaron's cock size.

'Six. Maybe another half. Why?' Aaron asked in fear.

'Wow... you're gonna grow a big one when you are older.. I mean, Jesus! Yours is almost as big as mine!' Jack expressed his amaze. Jack reached out and grabbed Aaron's dick. Another wow escaped his mouth.

Aaron knew he was bigger than his friend, even when their cocks were flaccid during locker room shower. But he had never thought it was anything bizarre, until Jack, an older guy, admired it. Aaron knew then a big boy-tool could and would impress sex partners.

'Here.. just lie down,' Jack ordered.

Aaron did as ordered. His hands hanged on to the end of his shirt, twisting fingers around the material excitedly, waiting in anticipation. He was embarrassed to expose his groin to another person, but yet he was excited.

'Tell me when you are gonna cum, ok?' Jack said, before he moved his eyes his hand wrapping around Aaron's cock. Jack was squatting beside Aaron, who had lied down - with his head on his left arm.

Jack moved his hand up and down on Aaron's shaft. It was quite thick for a kid. But it would grow thicker, Jack said to himself.

Aaron groaned to the sensational feeling, caused by Jack's hand stroking his cock. It was his first. It felt good. It felt different from jerking off oneself. Jack was gentle, and yet at times tricked Aaron to feel surges of excitement. Aaron just lied there, allowing Jack to play with his meat.

'I think I'm cumming...' Aaron whispered.

Jack let go of Aaron's cock.

'Huh? Why did you let go?' Aaron inquired.

'Kid, I am gonna show you something, but I really need to make sure that you won't tell anyone, ok?'

'Ok..' Aaron answered.

After getting the assurance from Aaron, Jack smiled and lowered his head to Aaron's groin.

Aaron thought Jack was going to bite his cock off. He jerked up, but Jack held him down. And then, Aaron felt it. Warm, moist mouth wrapped around his hard cock. Damn it felt good! Aaron moaned. It was the first time he felt something so wonderful. As Jack sucked his cock hard, Aaron pulled his knees up, only to be pushed back by Jack, who was still going down on Aaron.

'Arh.. arh.. Jack, I am gonna cum.. I AM GONNA CUM...'

Jack quickly removed his mouth. A cum shot up and hit Jack on his face. And more cum spurted onto Aaron's body.

Jack breathed hard for air, pleased with his job. He wiped Aaron's cum away from his face, and rubbed his hand on the towel.

Aaron quickly sat up, embarrassed that he had shot cum onto Jack's face. He quickly apologised.

'It's nothing...' Jack told Aaron.

Jack passed his towel for Aaron to wipe the cum stain.


'Yes, kid?'

'Do you want me to do you?' Aaron asked.

'You mean, blow me?' Jack questioned, interested.


'Sure, dude!'

That night Aaron learnt to suck a cock for the first time. Jack taught him how to do it properly. But Jack, begin horny and demanding, tricked Aaron to blow him slowly. Instead of really giving Jack a blowjob, Aaron was taught to hold Jack's cock in his mouth for a long time. Jack loved to feel his cock stuffing a mouth. But when Aaron complaint of his jaw aching, Jack gave in and taught Aaron how to complete the job. Aaron followed Jack's instruction, did a poor job, but Jack was understanding, as Aaron was a beginner. Jack jumped a little, when Aaron was careless with his teeth. But when Jack cummed, he felt very much satisfied.

'Aaron?' Jack whispered. Jack had learnt Aaron's name, and was no longer calling him kid.

'Hm?' Aaron asked, as he let go of Jack's from his mouth and looked up. This was their second and last night together. Aaron had waited impatiently for night to come, so that he could go back to pleasing Jack. He loved to take and taste Jake's manhood in his mouth.

'I wanna do something else tonight. Not just sucking. Is that ok?' Jack asked.

'What do you want to do?' Aaron asked, as his hand still continue to slide up and down Jack's saliva-lathered cock.

'Come here,' Jack ordered, as he patted on Aaron's sleeping bag beside him.

Aaron obeyed again, without question. He sat down. His eyes were still fixed on Jack's cock.

'No, no. Lie down. On your stomach,' Jack said.

Aaron pondered, but decided that Jack knew what he was doing, and he trusted Jack.

When Aaron had lied down, he felt his shorts slid down and then off it went.

'Why don't you take off your shirt too?' Jack asked.

Aaron was puzzled but he took it off anyway. So there Aaron was, buck naked, lying on his sleeping back, with his ass exposed for Jack's view. Aaron turned his head. He saw Jack lowering himself down onto him.

Jack was on top of him, naked. It was skin-to-skin, except for Jack's pubic hair brushing his asscheeks. Jack had a smooth body, hard and lean.

'You know you are such a beautiful boy. You're gonna make many girls.. and guys happy,' Jack whispered to Aaron's ear.

Jack's hard dick, still moist with Aaron's saliva, slid up and down Aaron's back, as Jack rocked his body to and fro.

Aaron felt the heat from the Jack's skin, resting on his back. He liked it. As Jack's body crushed onto his, Aaron groaned, but it was a groan of excitement.

'I wanna put my cock in you... is that ok?' Jack whispered again.

Aaron knew Jack meant his ass. He liked his scout master too much to say no, although he feared the pain. Silently, he nodded.

Aaron felt the weight of Jack's body lifted as Jack reached into his bag to get something. It was a lotion bottle. Aaron turned to face in front, fear that by looking, it would be more painful. Aaron shut his eyes. His teeth were biting his lower lips, worried.

Aaron heard the cap opened, and then wet fingers slipped between his asscheeks. The tips of the fingers found his asshole, and Aaron could the fingers were mosturing the area. A finger was trying to poke through. Aaron got scared, and he tensed up.

Jack saw Aaron's buttcheeks clenched. He tapped Aaron's asscheek lightly. 'Relax.. it would be better if you just relax.'

Aaron forced himself to calm down. He could feel the finger was trying to poke into his anus. He kept telling himself to relax. He wanted badly to please Jack. The finger managed to wriggle its way into Aaron. Aaron realised that it was not so bad after all. The lotion had made the finger feel smooth. Aaron realised that he liked the feel of the finger sliding in and out, inside him. His fear subsided, and he was able to open his eyes.

But when he felt the second finger tried to enter him as well, Aaron closed back his eyes. He can't wait for this to be over.

Jack had no problem in getting the second finger in. He needed to make sure that Aaron's ass was ready for his cock. A few more times of playing Aaron's anus with his fingers, Jack felt that Aaron was ready.

Aaron was already sporting a hard-on. He enjoyed the finger-fucking.

Jack slipped out his fingers and climbed onto Aaron's thighs. He aimed his stiff cock at Aaron's ass, pushing its way through the asscheeks. The cockhead poked and pushed itself into Aaron's anus.

Aaron yelped.

Jack quickly lowered the rest of his body onto Aaron, as his hand reached out and cupped Aaron's mouth. Jack's cock was pushed almost all the way in.

Aaron felt like a jolt of electric burnt through his body, with its source of energy spreading from his anus. But he loved feeling the thickness of Jack's cock inside him. It was a burning sensation and yet, Aaron felt he was not able to complete the task. He wanted to back out, but yet he did not feel he should not. He wanted this as bad as Jack.

Jack began to pump his cock in and out of Aaron's ass. He loved the feel of his cock, wrapped tightly by the inner wall of Aaron's anus. He loved the feel of his groin bumping into Aaron's ass everytime he lunged into Aaron.

Jack played with Aaron's ass a few times. Everytime he felt himself cumming, he slowed down and stopped for a while, before fucking willing Aaron again and again.

Aaron had already cummed 10 minutes later. The impact of Jack's cock ramming into him, causing his cock that was pressed on top of the sleeping bag, to rubbed to and fro, on the smooth material. He had ejaculated when Jack was humping him fast.

More than half an hour later, Jack gave in. He shot his cum into Aaron.

That night, Jack slept naked, by Aaron's side.

When Aaron came home from camping, he showed his parents all the prizes and badges he had won. Aaron won first in canoeing and rope climbing. And second in treasure-hunting, plus third in identifying wild plants. Aaron had lost in skills associated with tying ropes. His parents tried to comfort him. They told him to lose is normal. One should not be sad over what he had lost.

Aaron knew he was not. He was happy that he had lost his virginity.

Since his camp, Aaron had been conscious of his appearance and how the girls were glancing his way. But fear built inside him. He was worried. He knew he liked guys. He was checking out other guys. While his friends would whistle at sexy girls who walked pass by them, Aaron was more interested in checking his male friends.

Aaron knew how his friends feel about gays. They despised guys who like guys. Aaron was scared. He was at a lost. He could only talk to Jack, who came back from his college one month once. After fucking Jack, Aaron would tell his fear to Jack, who kept trying to convince Aaron to get a girlfriend. Jack told Aaron that he could be a bisexual, so it would not be as bad. Or he could be just like Jack, one who fucks anything beautiful that breathes and has willing holes. Aaron was not convinced, but he tried.

Aaron started to date Laura Penning. Laura was a beautiful girl, smart and clicked well with Aaron. But Aaron had never gone anything beyond kissing Laura. When Laura asked, Aaron lied. He said he believed in sex after vows. That won Laura's admiration, but she was frustrated too. She wanted to bed with Aaron so badly. But she wanted Aaron more than sex, so she gave in. Their relationship was plain as it could be.

Aaron's problem was not Laura. His problem came in the form of a new cute boy in school when Aaron was 16, and his name was Joshua Haden. Aaron could not get his mind off this new guy, and fate had it that Joshua was interested in Aaron too, although his arm was always around the girls in school. Joshua was almost like Jack, but a younger version, in the sense of flirting with girls.

On one particular night, after the other friends had left home, Joshua invited Aaron to walk him home. After bidding goodnight, Aaron turned to walk back to his house. When he heard his name called, Aaron turned around, just to find himself hugged, and his lips kissed, by Joshua. A quick kiss, but it meant everything and much more to Aaron.

A relationship pursued, and Aaron had, for the first time, felt what it was like to be in love. The joy was tremendous. And as both of them had girlfriends, it was a good cover-up. No one would suspect him.

Aaron's happiness was somehow shortlived. Adam Young was killed in a car accident. It was a hit-and-run case. All of a sudden, it was like life had handed him doors of more responsibilities. Although there was insurance money, Josephine Young knew it would take more to support Aaron. So, she worked overtime. Aaron, feeling the need, looked for part-time job too. Between his time to accompany Josephine, for his studies, his school sports, his part-time job and Laura, Aaron was seeing Joshua less and less. But it was not that Joshua was crying over the loss. Almost a year into their secret relationship, Joshua began to disappear, from school, from his girlfriend and from Aaron. Aaron could hardly see him, even when he went over to Joshua's place.

Aaron had contemplated on skipping college, to be with his mom. He felt his mom should not be alone. And that, perhaps, they had not enough money. The scholarship he had applied for, was given to a student who was much better than him. Aaron was second in the scholarship list. Just when he was about to make up his mind, a letter came.

Because of his excellent results, and his active participation in school games, Aaron was given a partial scholarship, without any bond. Half scholarship was good, but Aaron still worried whether he could afford to spend that much money in university.

Josephine Young showed him something that made him determined to go through undergraduate school. It was a big photo frame, made by Adam Young long ago. There was a small photo of Aaron when he was a baby. Below that, there was another of him in preschool, followed by one more of him smiling and waving during his first year in school. There was one of Aaron before the school prom night, which Adam did not get to see. There were two empty slots at the bottom. One for his high school graduation, and another meant for the photo when Aaron become a graduate.

'It was what your father had wished for.'

Aaron broke up with Joshua and Laura on the same week. One was in the beginning when Aaron caught Joshua kissing a guy who was older than them by a few years. Aaron was not so sure who that guy was, but it was good enough to break his heart.

Laura asked Aaron for the break-up. Her family was moving away, to be closer to her future college. She was not going to the same one as Aaron.

'And Aaron...' Laura said as she watched Aaron walked away.

'Yes, Laura?'

'The next time when you say to a girl that you love her, make sure that you really do,' Laura said, as tears ran down her cheeks.

'But Laura.. I do...' Aaron tried to say but failed to complete. He realised that it was such lie that had hurt Laura.

'Shhhh...,' Laura silenced Aaron. 'Let us not leave one another in another lie. Two years are enough..' Laura spoke, with such a weak voice. Aaron realised that he had hurt her that much. He hated himself so much that moment.

'How.. I mean, when did you know?' Aaron asked.

'Long time ago,' Laura answered, as she wiped her tears on her cheeks with her hand.

'It was when I kissed you. I knew I was not the one.'

'I'm sorry, Laura. Did not know I will hurt you this much.'

'No, Aaron. I am not that sorry. You are a wonderful guy. I'm not sorry that I had the chance to be your girl. I'm only sorry that I can't continue to be one.'

Aaron forced himself to smile, accepting Laura's words. He held Laura's hand and patted it gently.

'Thank you,' Aaron said as he hugged Laura for one last time. As he kissed Laura's wet cheek, he tasted the bitter pain Laura had gone through. Aaron vowed not to hurt another girl that way.

'Bye, Aaron.' Laura turned and ran off.

'Bye,' Aaron bade, choking back his tears.

It was Friday afternoon, the horrible day for Aaron. It had started with Simon, Aaron's roommate, breaking a photo frame of his mom and him. And then, his towel was stolen. When he got to the class, someone had written 'FAGGOT' with a black marker on the seat where he would often sit on.

All these were the normal teases Aaron had received for the past few days, since someone leaked out that Aaron was gay. He could have tolerated them. But just when Aaron thought that his nightmare would be over, as he had found a room off-campus to move into, he realised that the guys would not give up. Although he had disagreed to move out, Aaron had been searching for a room, just in case things turned out ugly with Simon. He found this place in the nearby town. It was okay, according Aaron's calculation, as he was giving individual tuition classes to a few high school students. But someone called up the parents of his students and told them that their boys would be in danger of molest if they continued under this gay tutor.

Aaron found out that he had lost all his tutees on Thursday night when he went over for tuition. And since then, the pressure built up fast.

'So, you're moving out?' Tomas Calso, the RA of the dorm asked.

'Yeah. I'm not packing up for fun,' Aaron answered sarcastically as he lifted his box to carry out.

In the one week of commotion, Tomas had never showed his concern for the problem. He was only acting like he cared for the students, when the university officers came over. Tomas was a jerk, just like Simon. Most of the dormmates disliked him.

Tomas looked around Aaron's side of the room.

'Hmmm.. everything seems to be in order here,' Tomas said, as his eyes scouted around for any damage which he could ask Aaron to pay up before Aaron could leave. 'You did not take anything that's not yours, right?' He asked, as he eyed Aaron's 3 big and 2 small boxes.

Aaron did not have much stuff, so these 5 boxes were all he needed to transfer his books, clothes and personal items. Aaron was not in the mood to entertain Tomas. So, he kept quiet. Tomas looked at the boxes and then another look at Aaron's room, before deciding that Aaron's boxes did not look big enough to carry the dorm's stuff.

Aaron carried his boxes, from the second floor, all the way to the lobby, without an offer of help from Tomas. Aaron felt that Tomas was only too happy to get rid of him. There was not a single moment has Tomas sided him when Simon was clearly violated the dorm rules.

When Aaron went up to carry the fourth box, Danny, who stayed opposite his room, came out carrying his books. Danny was on his way to his class. He helped Aaron to carry a box.

'Aren't you helping?' Danny snapped at Tomas.

'I can't. I have a bad back,' Tomas lied. He was just lazy. But he was willing enough to escort Aaron and Danny down to the lobby. A group of students had gathered, just like how Tomas would like it. He loved the publicity. By being there, it would look like he had managed to get rid of Aaron, the gay student. It had almost looked like he had served majority of the students.

Another bad news was waiting for Aaron. June's car had broke down. She rushed over to the guy's dorm, ignoring the whistles she was getting, and some rude remarks from Simon's friends.

'I can't get the car ready until tomorrow. I think someone messed with it,' she said as her eyes darted to where Simon was standing. June had been accusing Simon of being responsible for all the trouble, and she might be right.

'June, go on. Get out of here. I'll manage,' Aaron hurried her.

'No. How are you gonna carry all these five?' she asked, pointing to his boxes.

'Well, RA, aren't you gonna help?' Danny snapped at Tomas again. Danny's stuff was stolen and Danny had suspected that the thief got away because he was Tomas' friend.

'I.. I.. er.. can't. My car broke down too,' Tomas quickly answered. His eyes looked around for a escape goat. And he saw another committee member.

'Ah! Brandon!' Tomas said, with a wide grin. 'Brandon here will help you. He has a car,' Tomas offered Brandon's help.

'What?!' Brandon yelped.

'Oh.. look at the time.. I gotta go.. bye guys...' Tomas said as he quickly dashed away, leaving the guys and June. Danny and June were humming mad.

'Hey, I'm not getting involved in this...' Brandon said.

'It's ok. You don't have to,' Aaron said.

'Come on, Brandon... I know you are better than them,' Danny said.

The other guys around were mumbling and some even asked Brandon to tell Aaron to fuck off.

Aaron was definitely getting restless there, so he tried to lift his box, only to find Josh tripped him and ran off. Aaron fell, but luckily it was his box of clothes. So, he landed on something soft.

'Coward! Bastard!' June yelled.

There was a loud jeer from the crowd. It was getting ugly, with June exchanging insults with the guys.

'OKAY! OKAY! SILENT EVERYONE!! JUST SHUT THE FUCK UP!!!' Brandon yelled. The commotion subsided.

'Let's get out of here, before I change my mind. You know where my car is. I'll go and get my keys,' Brandon said, much to the disappointment of the guys there, who were hoping to see more of Aaron's suffering.

Danny and a few more guys helped Aaron to carry his boxes to Brandon's car. They waited around and saw an unhappy Brandon approaching. Brandon opened the boot of his car and they stuffed Aaron's boxes into it. A few more jeers were heard from the lobby. June wanted to come along, but Aaron advised her to take care of her car. Aaron assured June that he would be fine. Aaron thanked the other guys and got into Brandon's car.

It was one of most uneasy car rides Aaron had to take. Brandon was quiet, but Aaron figured he knew what Brandon was thinking.

Brandon was one of those guys who stayed away from Aaron, although he did not take part in throwing insults at him. Aaron did not know whether that was because Brandon was not an anti-gay, or was it because Brandon was a committee member of the dorm, which meant he had to be neutral. But Aaron figured Brandon was more likely to be second type. It was such a pity, because Aaron thought Brandon was cute. Aaron had seen Brandon topless, and he wouldn't mind a night of lustful sex pumping with the guy.

Brandon was a third year student, major in Physics. An excellent basket ball player, as well as a stud. He was good-looking, and had an impressive body-built. His arms showed nice bulges from the many games he played. In fact, Aaron used to play games with Brandon too, before the news about him spread. Words have it that he had just broken up with his girlfriend, Debbie. They had been a couple since the first year, but without any reason know to the guys, she wanted to see other guys too.

'I don't understand why you guys have to be like that? I mean, what's the fucking deal?' Brandon snapped at Aaron. 'To the right or left?'

'Right,' Aaron answered to Brandon's inquiry of direction.

Brandon turned his car, out of the campus, following Aaron's guide.

'It's a straight road to my place. I'll tell you when to stop,' Aaron said.

'So?' Brandon asked again.

'So??' Aaron asked back.

'I mean, why you have to be a fucking gay?' Brandon asked.

'Who said that I am?' Aaron questioned back.

'So, you are not?' Brandon replied with a question. His eyes were fixed on the road, wishing not to have any eye contact with Aaron.

'I don't have to answer that,' Aaron answered.

'Then you are bloody fucking are,' Brandon replied. 'Why can't you like girls?'

'Coz guys suck better!' Aaron snapped at him. It was an outburst. Help or no help, Brandon had no right to slam at him like that.

Brandon was surprised with Aaron's answer. Of course Brandon had heard that gays sucked better, but to hear from a suspected gay, it felt different.

'Sorry, and thank you for your help,' Aaron said, softly. He regretted his outburst, although Brandon was not in the right.

Brandon just kept quiet. His eyes looked around for any building which would be their stop.

'Well, since that we're not going to see each other that much anymore, I guess it does not hurt to tell you now that you're a great basket ball player. I enjoyed watching you play,' Aaron said, sincerely.

That got to Brandon. He knew he was a good player, but the coach was giving him hell. It was like suddenly something made him ashamed of the way he treated Aaron. He remembered Aaron playing in the same team as him, when the dormmates played games for fun. He was usually chosen as the group leader, and he liked to choose Aaron as Aaron was quick and sharp. Brandon realised he would miss having Aaron in the court. It felt so wrong to send away a friend.

'Really?' Brandon muttered. His voice went weak.

'Listen... I'm not as good as you, but excuse me for offering these tips. Use your left leg more to jump. That's your stronger leg. And don't shoot straight. You're better in using the board as a rebound,' Aaron said, as he recalled Brandon's move.

Brandon was stunned. He did not realise that someone was studying his move. He had asked for his coach's advice, but the coach seemed less interested in his development.

'You've been watching that detailed, huh?' Brandon asked, for the first time, facing Aaron for a while.

'Yeah.. I like your style. Like I said, you are good, if not superb.'

Those last sentences boasted Brandon's ego. He was flattered someone actually had thought of him so highly.

'You actually watched me?!!' Brandon quizzed again, still could not accept that someone analysed his moves.

Aaron was getting irritated being asked again.

'Yeah... what can I do.. I mean, I am gay and you are a beefcake. So, why not?' Aaron snapped.

'Ohh...' Brandon sounded disappointed.

'Just kidding!' Aaron quickly said. It worked. Brandon smiled. But the truth was that Aaron did read Brandon's move. And Brandon's body too.

'Here. This is the place,' Aaron pointed to a parking space in front of an empty building. It was a row of triple storey buildings. But the building where the car had stopped in front of, looked shabby and dark. Those at the right and left were occupied.

'Here, let me help you,' Brandon offered, when Aaron tried to unload the boxes.

'I can do it. I don't wanna bother you any further,' Aaron said as he pulled one box out.

'Nonsense.' Brandon locked his car doors, got another box out and carried them together with Aaron to the stairs at the building.

'No, wait! Not that one. This one!' Aaron called Brandon.

It was not the staircase going up, but the staircase going down. Aaron was getting himself a basement for a room.

They stepped down slowly the narrow steps. Upon reaching a separate door, Aaron unlocked the grill and then the wooden door. The door looked thick enough to discourage any thief to try to break in.

Aaron flicked on the light. Brandon could see the basement where Aaron would be living in.

'Cool!' Brandon yelped, admiring the place.

It was a spacious basement, probably 700 square feet, once used as a guard room. The building was used to store tiles and other stuff used by a construction company. Once video cameras were used, the basement was no longer suitable as the cables could not reach the basement. The security guards' room was moved to the second floor, while the deliveries were done by the back door. So, Aaron would be free from any disturbance, as he was allowed a personal access door of his own.

A corner of the basement was converted into a bathroom. It was a small bathroom, with a toilet bowl and a showerhead, just nice enough for Aaron. The owner provided Aaron with a sofa bed, but the condition was not that good. Aaron figured it could still be used. With his budget, he could not be too choosy.

After loading all the boxed into Aaron's room, Aaron rushed to a nearby convenient store and picked up two cans of beer for Brandon and him.

When Aaron stepped into his room, Brandon was sitting on one of the boxes, wriggling his right shoulder.

'Something wrong?' Aaron asked.

'Fell down yesterday. Still got that sore.'

'Want me to have a look at it?' Aaron offered. He had a few accidents himself back in high school and his coach had shown him a few moves to lessen the aches.

'No way I'm letting you touch me, faggot,' Brandon said. But his tone this round was more like kidding than insulting.

Anyway, Aaron decided not to. Aaron passed Brandon his can, and opened his. It felt good to gulped down the cold beer. Brandon took his as well.

'Hey, man. I'm sorry for all the shit you went through,' Brandon said, apologising at last.

Aaron just smiled. There was nothing for him to say.

'Any boyfriend?' Brandon asked.

'Me? What about you and your girlfriend?' Aaron asked, avoiding the question.

It was Brandon's turn to avoid the question, but he had nothing to say. He had acted desperate, hanging on to his ex, hoping that she would come back to him. But she was giving him the cold shoulder. The only time she actually entertained him was when she needed him to help her with her assignments.

'Girls are so fucking with me. She wants in. She wants out.' Brandon sighed, as his eyes stared blankly at the can he was holding. 'I just don't know what she wants anymore...' he mumbled.

Aaron paused. He had breached the sensitive area which he was not sure he wanted to go in. But he had started it, and it would make him look bad if suddenly he turned deaf.

'Hey, hang on... it would be over before you know it,' Aaron said, hoping that Brandon would not go on.

Brandon hesitated, but he did go on. He crushed the can in his hand a bit. His frustration was showing. A bit of beer was spilled onto the floor. Brandon made no notice of it.

'After two years, suddenly she's bored. She wants someone new. I mean, what's wrong with me?' he burst.

Aaron wished he tell Brandon that there was nothing wrong with him. In fact, Aaron would love to worship him sexually. But he said nothing. He just listened, as he placed his buttock on another box, as he shifted his position to face Brandon.

'You know what I'd done for that bitch!' Brandon yelped.

Aaron shook his head, although he had heard rumours.

It was almost like he had betrayed Debbie by calling her a bitch in front of an outsider, who did not even know them well.

'Then, why are you still sticking to her?' Aaron asked.

'I don't know,' Brandon answered. His hand rubbed his forehead. 'I just don't know. There was still a part in me who wanted her to come back. And I can't imagine her without me...'

Aaron was only thankful that Brandon did not turn into a sobbing type. It would be too awkward.

'At times, I got so angry that she was so cold. But then she called. She could not do this. Could not do that. Bloody fucking with my mind. I wanted to ask her to fuck off. But I can't... I just can't,' Brandon added.

'Brandon...' Aaron paused, thinking of the next best word to continue. 'She's just fucking with you. Forget about her. She's over you. And.. and she's just using you.'

Aaron watched Brandon, wondering if Brandon would break his face into pieces for telling him.

Brandon knew Aaron was telling the truth. He knew that along. But he had given so much to the relationship. He felt so dumb! The can in his hand suffered more of its fate. A little more crush and the can bent in the middle, spilling more beer onto his hand and the floor.

Aaron knew how Brandon felt. Debbie was an ex-Miss Teen Hawaii. It would be hard to let go such obsession.

'And what's worse is that you're letting her to continue to use you,' Aaron said, as he got up and took the can away from Brandon's hand.

Aaron threw the can into the empty plastic bag he carried back from the convenient store earlier. The two guys kept silent.

'She might not be the type for you, you know. And do you know how many other girls are waiting for you? Man, I can say that you're just teasing them, the more you kept them waiting,' Aaron said.

Brandon smiled. He knew. But he had avoided dating any girls since the breakup, hoping that Debbie would come to her senses and take him back. Although he knew she was mixing more with Donald, a final year student, Brandon still believe there was still a chance, as long as it was not 'official'.

'And I bet you too, huh?' Brandon was able to break away from his mood and cracked a little.

'More than you could imagine,' Aaron joked back, with a laughter. Brandon was a hottie, but Aaron would not say that he would be all over Brandon.

Brandon laughed too.

'You think gays think I'm hot?' Brandon asked, interested to know.

'Huh? Oh...' Aaron realised Brandon was just curious. 'Well, if I were a gay, hmmmm... maybe I will give you a 7.. if I were a GAY!' Aaron answered, lying about the gay-thing, but truthful about the scale.

'What a 7 only, with this body?!' Brandon joked back, pulling the front of his t-shirt up, exposing his lean stomach. His brown nipples were exposed too. He chuckled.

'Ok.. ok.. 7 and a half but the decision is final!' Aaron answered.

When the laughter subsided, Brandon felt good that he got to know Aaron better. This private conversation had helped to make him to be more relax with Aaron. And although Aaron was still denying his sexual preference, Brandon did not care much. He was not interested to know, as he was sure that he won't be seeing Aaron that much, now that they were not staying in the same dorm and moreover, Aaron was not welcomed by his circle of friends.

Brandon's handphone rang. Aaron just left Brandon to talk in private, as he went over and inspected the damage on the bathroom door. The whole basement was still new, as it was just repainted by the owner of the building. When the guards were using the basement, they pampered the place. But they did not mind moving to the room upstairs too, as it was equipped well, with high tech equipment. They left the sofa bed that they used for a quick nap, because it was unable to fit into the new room.

There was a staircase at the further end of the bathroom that led to the first floor. However the door was sealed closed tightly so that none from either side would intrude the privacy.

The owner of the building, Mr. Harrison, did not need to rent out the basement. But when he heard of Aaron's problem from June's dad, he had decided to let Aaron have the place, at a suitable price. Whatever he did not know was that he made a mistake to leave the rental detail to his wife. Mrs. Harrison was not such a pleasant person and she was determined to get every cent worth from Aaron. Right now, Aaron had found the price to be just alright. He had no idea the rent would be going up in future without Mr. Harrison's knowledge.

Aaron heard Brandon's voice tensing, before breaking into a weak voice, like he had given up. There was no mistake that Aaron had heard Brandon mumbled Debbie's name into the phone.

Aaron looked up when he heard Brandon clicking off the phone set. Brandon was forcing himself to smile at Aaron. Aaron knew why. It was like Brandon was heading for another trap again, and although he knew he would be defeated, he was gonna go through it.

'I gotta go...' Brandon said.

'Your choice, man!' Aaron said, as he joined Brandon, walking him out.

'You're lucky you don't have girl's problem,' Brandon said, jokingly sneering at Aaron.

'Well, I am one lucky dude..' Aaron joked back. Aaron did not feel lucky. He did not have a boyfriend. He was pushed out of the dorm. He did not have any side-income to support his expenses. And he felt there were other problems, waiting for him to uncover. Aaron forced a smile out. There was no reason for Brandon to join his downbeat feeling.

'Stay gay, ok?' Brandon joked as he turned to face Aaron at the entrance door.

Aaron stopped, patted Brandon's arm.

'Well.. I think I may just do that...' Aaron answered back. 'Besides, I think they can give better blowjobs than girls. Maybe even Debbie...' Aaron chuckled.

'Bye, dude! Stay cool!' Brandon laughed as he turned and climbed up the stairs.

Aaron shut the door and looked around his empty room. He had some shopping to do, and cleaning up.

It was 1 in the morning, when Aaron heard knocks on his door. He was just about to unpack the last box. It could not be June. She had stopped by earlier to eat dinner with him. It was too late for June to come all the way from the campus.

Aaron walked to the door.

'Who is it?' he asked loudly. He was not planning to be mugged on his first night there.

A soft voice answered, but Aaron could not hear.

'Who?' Then he heard the answer clearly the second round.


Aaron quickly unlocked the door. It was really Brandon. His eyes were showing hurtful expression and yet weak too. Debbie must have done it again.

'What's up, man?' Aaron questioned, as he fumbled through the key lock of the grill. But his eyes saw what Brandon was holding. It was his jacket.

Brandon raised his hand, to let Aaron see what he was carrying.

'You left it in my car.'

'Oh... ok.. come in.. come in...' Aaron answered, as he made way for Brandon to move in.

'Thanks. I'm not interrupting, am I?' he said as his eyes looked around Aaron's room.

Aaron closed and locked the grill, and the wooden door.

'You're not here because of my jacket, are you?' Aaron asked. Brandon could just return it any other day.

Brandon turned to face Aaron. His face was barely 3 feet away and Aaron could tell Brandon was hurt, angry and frustrated. This was not the right time to tell Brandon 'I-told-you-so'.

'Is it true that guys give better blowjobs?'

'Yeah... oh.. yeah...' Brandon moaned as Aaron slurped his way down on his cock. Brandon's hands were placed on the back of Aaron's head. They were pushing Aaron's head lower, to take more of his 6-inch thick cock in. Lustful hum slipped Brandon's mouth. Aaron was good with his mouth and Brandon welcomed the attention. He had been deprived of sex since his separation from Debbie.

Aaron swallowed his saliva, and Brandon's precum, as he kept Brandon's cock hard with his tongue and lips. As his lips engulfed the thick cock, sliding up and down the shaft, his hand massaged Brandon's balls. Brandon moaned again, obviously approving Aaron's move.

Brandon was sitting on the sofa, with Aaron squatting in front of his open thighs. Brandon's khakis was already yanked off earlier, as Aaron seeked the chance to taste Brandon before the latter changed his mind. It was easier to target a straight when he was sexually frustrated. And Brandon was worth the blow. He was adorable.

Aaron worked his grip on Brandon's shaft, stroking it hard, up and down as he pulled more of the cock into his mouth. He sucked hard as Brandon retreated his hips, pulling his cock away. He repeated the assault on Brandon's mouth, bringing much ecstasy for Brandon.

Aaron released Brandon from his mouth.

Looking up, he could see a satisfied smiling Brandon, who was waiting for more action.

'Want to try something else?' Aaron offered Brandon.

'What do you have in mind?' Brandon asked, curious.

'Ever fuck an ass, before?'

Aaron lied on his stomach, buck naked, on the bed. Brandon had taken off all his clothes too. Brandon's groin was on top of Aaron's ass, with his cock all the way inside Aaron. Brandon kept a steady rhythm of humping Aaron's ass, driving his thick cock all the way inside Aaron's anus, until his pubic hair bumped onto Aaron's ass.

'Oh God! That's feel good!' Brandon yelped. His muscular body was covered with his sweat, mixed with Aaron's.

Brandon was worried that he won't be able to keep his mancock up, but Aaron's bubble butt was really a turn-on, in fact more than Debbie's when she knelt on all four for him in the past. Brandon loved the feel of the fleshy, but hard butts, when he thrust his groin forward.

Aaron felt Brandon's cock shoved all the way in and was pulled back halfway, before another lunge. Brandon repeated the same rhythm as his hands held on tight on Aaron's hips. Brandon's thick cock forced his anus to open up more as Brandon's groin slammed onto his ass.

'Come on, Brandon.. faster! You can give that!'

Brandon sped his fucking rhythm. He thrust his cock forward faster, only to be turned on even more by Aaron's moans.

'Yeah... I'm cumming.. I'm cumming...' Brandon yelled, as his cum was spurted inside Aaron. 'Arghhhh.. Yeah...'

Brandon panted for air, before collapsing onto Aaron's back. His cock was still buried inside Aaron.

They lied there for a while, before Aaron pushed Brandon aside. There was a wicked grin on his face as he looked at Brandon.

'Wanna try something else?'

'What else?' Brandon asked. Brandon was not planning to end the night too early. His cock was still hard, and Aaron knew it.

Aaron looked down at his own hard 8 inches. Brandon's eyes followed his down and saw what Aaron meant. Aaron's hand was holding and stroking gently his own monster hard dick.

'Wanna suck this?' Aaron invited.

Brandon looked back at Aaron. His face expression was a stunned one, but a smile was slowly forming.

The next morning, Aaron woke up to find himself alone. After about three hours of sex, Aaron and his unexpected guest had fallen asleep on the bed. There was a note on the box, thanking Aaron for the good time but hoped that Aaron would keep it a secret between the two. Aaron got this feeling that Brandon might not return anymore.

THE END Date: 2 May 2002

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Next: Chapter 3

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