Campus Memories

By Male Lover

Published on May 14, 2002


As usual, if you are one of those who do not approve of male-to-male sex, please do not proceed.

This story is purely fictional, just like the characters. The story here is written totally from imagination, not based on any true event.

For those who have written in, thank you very much for the support. I truly appreciate it. Just like before, my stories are not based on sex only. I like to build plots around the characters, to spice up the story-telling. If you are expecting pure sex stories, this one is not for you.

As the characters here are fictional, they could afford to have sex without protection. We, those in the real world, should not.

If you like my story, please do let me know at Thank you. Your support is important to me. Any comment other than my grammar is appreciated.

In chapter one, Aaron was out-ed by Jeff's roommate, but Aaron suspected it was the innocent Jeff who exposed him. Since the gossip, Aaron had found his first year life in campus a living hell. But one event led to another, Aaron won a dinner date with Jeff. But the question was - would Jeff show up for the dinner? In this chapter too, we were introduced to Jeff's past - a straight guy who was the son of a business tycoon.

In chapter two, we took a day back to know about Aaron's moving out from the dorm, and lived out campus. We were introduced to his past, and his encounter with his ex-dormmate, straight Brandon. This new chapter picks up where chapter one ends.

Title: Campus Memories 3

Jeff watched Aaron from a distance. As his body was partially covered by the tree in front of him, Jeff was not worried about being detected by Aaron. Although Aaron was quite a distance away, there was no way that Jeff could make a mistake in identifying the figure for Aaron. Jeff knew Aaron was waiting for him. It was already 7.05pm but Jeff had yet to make any move to approach Aaron.

Jeff was right. There were a few busybodies there, who were eager to find out if Jeff would show up for the date. And he was right too, that Aaron had forced himself to show up. By the way Aaron was avoiding eye contacts with the few girls who gathered a few feet away from him, Jeff knew Aaron was uncomfortable. Aaron bowed his head low, kept his stares on his shoes and occasionally looked up to see if Jeff showed up.

A hour earlier, Jeff was still contemplating on showing up, or a no-show. Aaron's surprise throw in the fair earlier, had won Aaron a dinner date with Jeff, a prize in the contest. But dinner with Jeff was meant to be won by the female students in the campus. It was not, and had never meant to be for guys to be winning the male date prize.

After Aaron had walked away from the contest, the organisers and the crowd gathered and made a big fuss over it. There were still name-calling of Aaron as faggot and how that throw should be disqualified. A few sympathisers and even Kyle, the chairman of the game contest, agreed that no written rules were set. So, Aaron was indeed a legitimate winner. That caused more uproar among those gay-haters. But Jeff kept quiet to himself, as he changed his wet shirt to a dry one, flashing his lean body to the happy girls in the crowd. Jeff was too disturbed to offer his opinion.

For the rest of the day, Dean kept harassing Jeff when they had retreated back to their dorm. Dean wanted to know if Jeff would be going. Jeff said no. But deep inside, it was not a complete no. Jeff knew that Aaron should not have thrown the ball. It was meant for a girl to throw the ball. And by going, it would be too queer for Jeff.

But then again, the whole incident with Aaron being bullied started with an incident that had included Jeff. It was not Jeff's fault, but Jeff could have stood up for Aaron, and he did not. He was too coward to be labelled as one who supported queers. It did not matter if the crowd listened to him if he were to object to their discrimination of Aaron. Aaron was a nice guy. And Jeff felt even worse for allowing his friends to pick on Aaron. This was the reason that Jeff felt he should show up, just in case others would continue to make fun of Aaron being dumped by his date.

Jeff knew he had a lot to lose. But Aaron would lose even more.

Barry showed up to bitch about Aaron. And then on June. And back to Aaron. Dean and Barry would laugh at their senseless humour on how these two hooked up. Jeff realised that he would be a part of their jokes if he were to meet up with Aaron. His heart felt heavy.

He could not stand Barry and Dean. An hour later, Jeff left the room, looking for a place to hang out.

Aaron was tired of waiting. He had been there waiting 5 minutes before the appointment time at the security checkpoint, which was located near the main entrance of the university. Students had called the place as the main guardhouse. Aaron had taken the public transportation to campus. He had to, because he was made to move out of his dorm, and without a car, he had to rely on the bus.

Not only was he tired, he was uncomfortable. The few girls were giggling, and their eyes kept checking out Aaron once in awhile. Aaron was used to girls stealing glances at him. His goodlook would attract attention easily. But at that moment, Aaron was unsure whether they were doing it because they liked him or they knew about him. Whatever the reason was, Aaron felt more comfortable to avoid any eye contact. But his eyes were tired of looking at his own shoes. Aaron wished he had brought something to read. He had been waiting for the past 20 minutes.

Jeff was not going to show up.

Aaron decided to wait for another 5 more.

Jeff was having a hard time deciding. He wanted to approach Aaron, but before he could do so, two more students approached the small gathering near Aaron. Jeff hesitated again. And again, images of how he would be humiliated by Barry and his asshole roommate, Dean, came to mind. It would be a pressure on Jeff to withstand their insults. But befriending Aaron would be the right thing to do.

Jeff watched Aaron getting up. He saw Aaron waving at the girls, who giggled, as he walked pass them. The girls were whispering among themselves as Aaron walked away. Jeff knew what they were talking about. They were making fun of Aaron. Jeff's eyes watched Aaron. Never once did Aaron stop, to tell the girls off. Jeff began to wonder if he had made friends with the right people.

As expected the busybodies began to dispersed when Aaron left. None walked the same way as Aaron, but their eyes were still looking the direction where Aaron was. Aaron had stepped out of the campus, heading towards the nearby bus-stop.

Jeff came out from the hiding place - behind the tree. His feet took him where he should be going - away from the place. And his anxiousness to get out of the place made him take bigger and faster steps. Before long, he was already running. He was dashing away, in hope that no one would see that he was there.

But his eyes kept checking where the figure of Aaron could still be seen, waiting to aboard the approaching bus.

Jeff watched as Aaron went up the steps on the bus. The bus was moving.

Jeff waved, and jumped in front of the bus, which was about to move.

Jeff had made it. He skipped up the stairs, paid his fare and looked around. Jeff was panting away. There were a few other passengers, but the bus was more than half empty. Jeff could easily spot out Aaron.

Aaron's face expression were showing him in state of disbelief. Aaron was happy. Stunned, but happy.

There were many seats empty. Although Jeff was unsure, he thought the first thing he should do, was to show that he had come in peace. He worried about sitting next to Aaron in the two-seater seat, but to do otherwise, it would be showing a sign of keeping the distance. So, Jeff did the thing his heart told him to. He moved to the seat where Aaron was, and stood there, waiting for Aaron to made some space for him.

Aaron was still surprise to see Jeff had showed up. His eyes watched Jeff as Jeff approached him. Aaron returned Jeff's smile, but only a quick one. He shifted his buttock, to make room for Jeff.

Jeff took his seat, beside Aaron.

Both of them were quiet. Both were lost for words. As the bus moved, from one stop to another, both sat in silence. Jeff sat only halfway in. He was worried about being too close to Aaron. He was afraid that he would freak out if their thighs were to brush against one another.

Aaron read his thoughts, but was understanding. And then he wondered if Jeff showed up for the date because he wanted to, or was it that Jeff was giving him a piece of his mind? And if Aaron were to act soft, it would be easier for Jeff to trash him. So, Aaron decided to act cold.

But as Aaron turned his head to the other side, peering his eyes out the window, no matter how hard he tried to surpress - but failed, he prayed that Jeff would not see that a smile was forming on his lips.

The bus stopped at the bus stop near Aaron's place, but he was not about to show Jeff where he was staying. Jeff and Aaron had been quiet for almost the whole journey. There was the sense of awkwardness between the two, and somewhere in his heart, Aaron wondered if Jeff had regretted showing up.

'Where do you want to eat?' Aaron asked. It was a rule that the prize date would be the decider.

'I don't know... anywhere is ok with me,' Jeff answered, passing the ball back to Aaron. Both of them talked so soft, it was like something had choked their throats. Both had yet to see eye-to-eye, just to avoid embarrassment.

'Listen, Jeff.. I know I'm supposed to treat you something fancy, but er... I'm a little under budget here.. so... er...' Aaron mumbled.

'Hey, hey! It's okay! Anything will do,' Jeff quickly cut Aaron off. His eyes looked around the neighbourhood. 'How about that fastfood restaurant?' he asked.

'Nope. Not that one,' Aaron brushed off the suggestion.

'Why not?'

'I'm starting work there on Monday. I don't want to eat at a place where I will be working in.'

'Oh...' Jeff murmured.

'I know.. fancy chinese food? I think I have enough budget for that,' Aaron asked.

They were still standing at the bus stop. The bus had already disappeared out of sight. The area looked a little busy, as it was Saturday night. Business was picking up.

'Chinese? Sure!' Jeff answered, glad that they did not have to brainstorm any further.

Aaron led the way. Jeff just tried to keep up with his pace.

The Chinese restaurant was located at the end of the 2nd block away from the bus stop. As it was already dinner time, the place was almost crowded. Mrs. Chin, a friendly looking woman of early 50's quickly rushed over to the entrance when she saw the two young customers.

'Welcum! Welcum! Only two?' she asked, as she gestured with her figures, referring to the amount of Aaron and his guest.

'Yes,' Aaron answered.

Jeff was blushing a little, as he wondered how awkward people might see them as they were two guys dining together. But he realised that there were other male friends hanging out together. Just two or more straight friends. There should be nothing shameful about having a dinner with a male friend.

Mrs. Chin showed them to a small table at the far corner. It was darker than the centre, because of the lighting, but the wooden wall, with its exotic painting made the atmosphere calmer. She showed them the menu and both guys chose to indulge in their menus than to face one another.

She came back again, took their orders and left.

'I'm sorry about the whole mess,' Jeff spoke, apologising. His eyes hardly moved from looking at the chopsticks set in front of him.

'Easy for you to say,' Aaron replied. His eyes stared, with a bit of irritation, at Jeff.

'Hey, I'm here to make peace, right?' Jeff said, looking up, into Aaron's angry eyes.

Jeff was right. He could be anywhere else that night, but he chose to show up for the date, which could be a turn-around point of his life, if the other guys in the campus were to know about his dinner date with a gay. But Aaron was still pissed off about the whole incident.

The whole moving-out of campus scared Aaron at first, as he wondered if he would be able to find an affordable room off-campus. He had found one, but was soon to face more trouble as he lost his part-time income as a tutor. His ex-roommate Simon had found the phone numbers of the tutees' parents and called them to inform them of Aaron's sexual orientation. Aaron would have been in serious trouble if it was not for the job vacancy in the restaurant, opposite his new place.

'And I am supposed to forgive everything.. everything.. the whole mess just like that?' Aaron said softly as he lowered his eyes. His eyes were no longer showing anger, but more of a weakened guy, almost like the reason to be angry, was defeated. 'I mean, how could you?'

Both stayed quiet for a while. Aaron had so much to say, but did not know how to say it. Jeff had much to answer, but he wondered how much Aaron would trust him.

Only mumblings from the nearby conversations of other customers were heard.

'Aaron...' Jeff voiced, unsure of the welcome he would get. 'I don't know how much you will believe me, but it wasn't me...'

Aaron looked up, surprised. But what he saw in Jeff's eyes told him that Jeff was telling the truth. Of course Aaron knew that the cute face of Jeff could easily conned anyone to believe his sweet words. But there was a sense of eagerness and sympathy shown in Jeff's eyes, that made Aaron believed. Jeff showed a weak smile, sorry for all that Aaron had gone through.

'Then, who was it?' Aaron questioned.

Jeff did not feel comfortable with this question. He did not want to be a revealer.

'Someone in the dorm...' Jeff answered, with his voice turning softer. He did not feel like telling Aaron it was his roommate.

'Huh? How? How did that person know? Who?' Aaron shot the questions at Jeff. He knew Jeff was telling the truth. But he needed to know.

'Someone else was there, okay, Aaron? I mean, you should have been more careful, you know...' Jeff answered back. His voice toned matched Aaron's. But as he uttered those words, Jeff regretted. He knew Aaron was forced to be in that sexual act that day. It wasn't like Aaron had any other choice.

Aaron was hurt by what Jeff had said. Jeff talked like it was a casual matter, something that he himself had asked for. It was not. He was cornered into the sex act that day.

'Sorry.. I'm sorry.. I didn't mean it that way,' Jeff quickly apologised.

Aaron forced himself to smile. But the smile came out weak.

'Damn this bloody fucking uni! I wished I had gone elsewhere...' Aaron said, raising his hands to cover his face, seemed exhausted by the whole terror incident.

'Hey, don't be like that! You know things will be alright... It'll die down... It will.. I promise..' Jeff said. When he heard himself saying the words that he promised, he wondered how he was going to make sure of that. He wasn't even sure himself if Aaron would be able to stand the continuous terrible treatment Aaron was getting in campus. But it was the thing he could think of to say. He wanted Aaron to feel better.

Jeff wasn't sure if he should or not, but he reached out and held Aaron's arm. He gave the arm a few gentle squeezes, as if he was trying to console Aaron.

Aaron jolted a bit when he felt Jeff's hand. He had not expected that.

'You okay?' Jeff asked, retreating his hand.

'Fine.. I think...' Aaron answered.

'Nice muscle you have there...' Jeff complimented, eyes indicating to Aaron's arm. 'Did a lot of ball-shooting, huh?'

'Huh?' Aaron replied, puzzled, but his mind quickly understood that Jeff was referring to his aim at the target that afternoon, which had made Aaron won a date with Jeff.

'Oh.. that! It was a lousy shot! I was aiming for you,' Aaron joked.

Jeff chuckled. 'Are you that good?' He was still in awe over Aaron's ability.

'Lucky shot, I guess, Jeff.'

'Wow! You know my name!' Jeff teased. Both laughed.

'And why not? How could I not notice a cute hunk?' Aaron teased back, feeling more comfortable, since Jeff had been nothing but be cool with him.

'Woh... I'm not about to get lucky tonight, am I?' Jeff continued the tease.

'You mean, you think you're getting a meal for nothing? No way!' Aaron joked back. Both cracked laughing, although not too loud.

'Your order, here...' a voice cut in suddenly. It was Mrs. Chin. She placed two bowls of noodles, plus two tiny plates of fortune cookies for the guys.

'Eat! Hot! Vely nice,' Mrs. Chin urging them to eat the food while they were still warm.

The guys thanked her, and took their chopsticks. Jeff was able to pick his noodles easily. He had dined in Chinese restaurants often. Aaron was not too bad, but this round was not his personally best. He caught a fishball with his chopsticks, carefully lifted it to his mouth but before reaching his mouth, the ball slipped, onto his crotch. The ball left a sauce stain on his jeans.

'Oops!' said Aaron.

Jeff laughed. He pulled the napkin on his table for Aaron, but he realised too late that his bowl was on top of the napkin. With a tug, the bowl fell, pouring its sauce on Jeff's shirt and khakis.

'Fuck!' Jeff jumped up, but it was Aaron's turn laughing. Aaron pointed at Jeff's stain. It was worse than Aaron's. But Jeff's surprise turned to laughter too, as he himself thought the evening for them two had begun in a terrible, but funny way.

Other customers were looking their way. Mrs. Chin hurried over.

'Aiyoh! Aiyoh! Look at you! Look at you! De-ty! De-ty!!' Mrs. Chin hollered.

Jeff used the napkin in his hand to wipe as much as possible the stain on his clothes. It was pointless. It only made the stain spread even more. He kept muttering the word damn. There were noodles all over Jeff's side of the table, chair and floor.

Mrs. Chin was yelling at her workers in Chinese. It must be something gotta do with cleaning up the mess.

Aaron was still laughing away, but not so loud. There was something about Aaron laughing that made Jeff felt that the night did not turn out so bad. He was afraid it might. At least Aaron was okay with him. But Jeff had to do something about his mess. He could not go on the night in a mess like that.

It was as if Aaron had read his mind. Aaron stopped his laughing, and offered his napkin to Jeff. Then, he turned to Mrs. Chin and told her to give them the bill. They were done with the dinner.

Mrs. Chin tried to say something to them, but in that mad rush, she kept uttering things in Chinese. She kept waving a 'no' to them, and tried to keep Jeff and Aaron at their table. Aaron and Jeff were confused but nevertheless, Aaron gave the gesture to Jeff to get out of the place. A waitress came with a broom and a pail of water plus the mop.

Mrs. Chin yelled something to the kitchen, before hurrying to the counter where Aaron was waiting.

Jeff had gone outside to wait. It took around 10 more minutes before Aaron showed up. He was carrying bags of takeaways. Mrs. Chin felt bad about the mess, and was worried that the guys would not be happy with the place. She was worried that they would not come back again, so she gave them takeaways, free. Although Aaron tried to pay for them, she said no. She told Aaron in whatever little English she could say out, that it was her gift for a neighbour. After trying hard to understand, Aaron realised that Mrs. Chin and her husband were actually his neighbours. She had noticed him moving into that basement the day before. There was an aura of friendliness and warm in the way she extended her welcoming gift, that Aaron decided to take the meals and thanked her.

'So, I guess I've to go back to campus now. I'm in a mess,' Jeff said, looking down at his stained clothes.

'Oh...' Aaron replied. There was dissapointment in his voice that Jeff could detect. 'Don't you want to hang around here? I mean, it's Saturday night...' Aaron added, still hoping. 'There's the Divine, you know... the club.'

'I know.. been there,' Jeff answered, looking at the pub. The sign was clearly seen although it was a block away, across the street. 'I'd love to go, but not on this condition.' He felt bad, coz he had begun to like Aaron but there was no way he could hang out with the stain like that.

'Come... Let's go over to my place,' Aaron said, pulling Jeff's sleeve, motioning him to follow.

'Your place?' Jeff answered, as he followed behind Aaron.

'Yeah...' Aaron answered back.

'You, stay here? How come?' Jeff asked, looking at Aaron, as he caught up with him.

'Long story,' Aaron replied, cutting short any further question. His eyes looked ahead, as if they were telling Jeff not to ask a word about it anymore.

Jeff just hurried along, as Aaron sped up his pace. It dawned on him seconds later that the dormmates had succeeded in getting rid of Aaron. It was all he had heard for the past few days, how Simon, Aaron's roommate, was trying hard to chase Aaron out of the dorm. Jeff had no idea Aaron had moved out. It made Jeff felt even worse.

They reached what Jeff could see on the wall, a plat that said '56'. It looked like an abandoned building. But instead of walking up the stairs, Aaron took the stairs down. There, Jeff watched Aaron took out his keys, fumbled with the grill gate and then the wooden door.

Aaron signalled Jeff to come down. Aaron flicked the switch and light came on.

Jeff's eyes were treated to a spacious basement cum room. On the left, in the far corner, was a sofa, already stretched out into a bed. The blanket was folded, and a pillow without a case was on the floor, beside the bed. On Jeff's immediate left, there were boxes cut out neatly. Aaron had stashed his clothes and books in those boxes.

Jeff turned to his right. He could see a bathroom cum toilet on his right. It was small, but fitted the look of the whole room nicely. The bathroom was doorless. Jeff could see the bathroom had no door. The door had been taken off and was used to be a long table, supported by wooden boxes. The door was placed by the bed. To use the table, one would have to sit in a Japanese style - on the floor.

'Cool place!' Jeff said, admiring the room. He did like the room, but it was too far from campus for his liking. But Jeff did not want to bring that up. 'Cheap?'

Aaron shook his head. 'But at least it is cheaper than the other options.'

'Here, have a seat!' Aaron invited Jeff, as he took the blanket away and folded the bed back into a sofa. As Jeff took his seat, Aaron closed the gate and the door. 'Nothing much, but I think I'm beginning to like the privacy. Besides, it helps when I'm working only opposite the road,' Aaron said, as he gave Jeff a smile.

Jeff smiled back, as his eyes browsed through the high ceiling. The metal, thick pipes above were painted nicely that, instead of making the room ugly, they were like art decorated above the room, complementing the design.

'Here, I think these should fit you!' Aaron said, as he threw a jeans and a shirt he picked up from the boxes.

Jeff caught them. They looked worn out but he was grateful for something to change into. Jeff got up, as Aaron sat himself down beside his boxes, leaning onto the wall. Without thinking much, Jeff took off his shirt and threw it aside.

Aaron's eyes grew big, as he was treated to the sight of the stud's beautiful, hairless body. Jeff was one of those who were fortunate enough not to have fats built on the body. Although Jeff had no definite bulging muscles, his body was still showing fitness. His chests were formed nicely and his stomach was lean. His arms had slight biceps-shaped, due to the many games of tennis.

Jeff unzipped his khakis and it just dropped onto the floor. Jeff was almost buck naked. The only parts of him uncovered were his crotch and the khakis around his ankles. The sight of Jeff's bulge in the brief caught Aaron's attention. It was big, although Jeff was still soft. By the look of the dick outline clearly forming on the brief, Aaron felt it was 5 inches soft. It was a monster in that brief. Aaron felt his own cock rising.

Jeff slumped his buttock onto the sofa again, as he reached down to take off his shoes, and slipped his khakis off. As he was doing that, he realised that he had an audience - a gay audience. He looked up, with a face like terrified of knowing he was caught red-handed of doing something wrong.

Aaron was smiling. His body was resting on the wall. His right arm resting on his knee, which was raised up. His left leg was stretched out, with his left hand, placed on the thigh. He had the smile, to show that he was enjoying the whole show.

'Hey, don't blame me if a hunk wants to show off, right?' Aaron teased.

'I wasn't showing off,' Jeff retaliated. He was embarassed. In the eagerness to get the stain clothes off, he had forgotten that he was stripping in front of a gay.

'With a body like that? You're showing off!' Aaron said. 'You've a nice body.'

Jeff paused. He was flatted to be complimented by a gay. Girls loved his body. He knew that. But a gay? He knew he had a body that any guy would want, but to be commented by Aaron, was entirely a new experience for him. He was speechless.

'You want me to leave?' Aaron asked.

Jeff's hands desperately tried to cover his groin. As his eyes looked at the door, Jeff thought the trouble Aaron had to go through to leave. He looked at the bathroom, but without a door, it was pointless. His eyes looked back at the entrance, and Aaron was already about to get up.

'No... no.. I'm ok.. I think,' Jeff said, hushing Aaron to stay.

'You sure?' Aaron asked.

'Yeah.. yeah...,' Jeff mumbled. He thought of Simon, Aaron's ex-roommate and how Simon's disgust with Aaron had caused Aaron to lose a place in the dorm. Well, Jeff was not about to let Aaron feel that he had one lesser friend. If Aaron was going to admire his body, so be it, as long as Aaron did not come anywhere near him. Jeff decided that a free show was nothing harmful.

Jeff quickly got up after freeing the khakis from his ankles. He felt Aaron's eyes undressing his brief, but he did not realise that Aaron had already reluctantly diverted his eyes away. He slipped into Aaron's jeans fast. He thought of the shirt, but Aaron's room was not that cooling, although it was not warm. Jeff thought quickly, and decided to leave Aaron's shirt on the sofa. He was going to show Aaron that he was cool with him, comfortable being topless around Aaron.

Aaron was surprised when Jeff slumped back onto the sofa without putting on the shirt. He knew what Jeff was trying to do. He smiled, grateful. Not so much because Jeff was giving him a prolong free show of Jeff's naked hard torso, but because of Jeff was willing to go to that extent to show he was a friend. However, Aaron was not going to be shy in enjoying his private view of Jeff's body.

Aaron got up and took the takeaways, setting them on the table. Jeff joined him. This time, they were more careful with the chopsticks. They chatted, and Jeff realised that he had much in common with Aaron, except for his wealth and luxury living. Aaron was witty, just like Jeff. Both of them loved to joke and tease each other silly. Both hated the Financial Analysis class, and both thought that Miss Woods, the tutor was hot. Jeff was surprised to know that Aaron would think a girl as hot. Aaron told him that he was gay, not senseless. If there was a hot body, he would admire it although he might not have the sexual thoughts of it.

Both liked soft rock music. Both loved the freedom offered by uni life. Both loved to sweat in sports.

Aaron avoided admitting to Brandon that he was gay, until when Brandon had approached him for sex. But with Jeff, Aaron realised that he did not need to hide. Jeff was there to be a friend, although he knew of the gay sex in the library toilet. Aaron could deny the incident with anyone, but not with Jeff. Jeff was there. But whatever it was, Jeff did not bring up the matter. Aaron was surprised that Jeff did not for once ask who his assaulter was. Although Aaron was ready to tell, he was glad that Jeff did not ask.

There was an amounting pressure for Jeff to cut off his luxury living for the past few weeks. He was still worried that if he were to flash his family money in his friends' faces, he would be doing the same as before - buying friends. But with Aaron, he realised that he had a sincere friend. He saw the way Aaron stood up for June. Jeff wanted a friend like that, one that money could not buy.

Aaron told Jeff of his past. Of his orphanage, although he knew not much detail. He talked fondly of Adam, his father and the passing away. He talked about the family hardship and their struggle after Adam had left them. He expressed his concern and love for Josephine, his mother.

Jeff listened. He could see the hurt in Aaron's eyes, but he did not want Aaron to stop. There was so much life in Aaron's past. He could sense the struggle Aaron and his family had done to survive. And to live a life without knowing who his real father and mother were, this was too much for Jeff not to feel pitiful for Aaron. Jeff imagined Josephine Young alone, without her husband, and her Aaron. His heart felt for her. He wished that the Young's would not have to live through those bitter moments.

Aaron talked about Laura.

Jeff talked about Christina.

Aaron talked about his first time, although not much in detail. He did not say much about his gay life.

Jeff talked about his first time, while Aaron pictured in his head, Jeff's body making love to Alsia Yearwood. As he imagined Jeff's hard cock pumping into Alsia, Aaron got himself hard. It was nothing much that Jeff's naked body was in front of him, free for browsing. He was thankful that the table blocked the lower part of his body from Jeff's eyes.

They left for the club a few hours later. Both were picked up by older chicks in the pub. Aaron would have preferred a gay partner, but he loved dancing. Dick or pussy, it did not matter much on the dance floor. Besides, it was not a gay pub. Anyway, Aaron was sure that someone from the uni would spot him. He did not want to invite more trouble, by dancing with a guy. However, Aaron was having a hard time trying to keep his dancing partner from coming onto him.

Jeff was enjoying himself, as he kept bumping his groin onto the blonde chick he was dancing with. He was sure that he would be leaving with her, since that she was all over him on the dance floor. She would keep rubbing her ass on his crotch. Her eyes showed her surprise with Jeff's size when her hand first brushed his hard dick. She looked like she was drooling for his big tool.

But around 2am, before Jeff could get to know her long enough, someone screamed 'Cop!' The pub was filled with some who smoked drug openly. Aaron looked around, stunned. Jeff saw Aaron and grabbed him by his arm, pulling him along, as Jeff joined the crowd. Most of the patrons were rushing out the back door.

Jeff and Aaron scrambled out. They made it to the back alley, and to the front of the building. Most of the crowd ran to the other side of the alley. As Aaron and Jeff reached the main road, they could hear sirens announcing more police cars arriving. Aaron pulled Jeff into a 24-hour convenient store. They took their time there and bought a few cans of beer. When they came out of the store, the cars were still outside the pub. Both crossed the road and disappeared into Aaron's place.

In the campus, Brandon Williamson came back from his night partying. The party had not ended yet, but it was too much for him to stand around and watch as Debbie flirted shamelessly with the guys in the party. Just like the night before, he was just a driver, taken advantage by her and her friends. Although Debbie's friends had found Brandon to be attractive, none dared to come close to him, as they feared Debbie.

So, for the rest of the night, as Brandon pretended to flirt, and danced with a few chicks, none was able to keep his mind still. His eyes kept wandered to where Debbie was, watching as she talked flirtously with a group of guys surrounding her. The guys knew Brandon was unhappy, but they never liked him that much to be bothered. And what had made it worse was that Debbie knew, but she drew the guys closer as she ran her finger across the guys' chests.

Brandon stopped his dance and stepped out of the house. He was tired of Debbie, but his mind was obsessed with her. He thought of Aaron, and was still surprised that he had gone to Aaron the night before. He was even more surprised about the fact that he actually had sex with Aaron. And he liked it. There was this charm that Aaron possessed that made him feel at ease about the male sex. It was like the sex was so casual. The sex was nothing forbidden. Nothing taboo. In fact, Aaron had made him cummed so hard, he would not be surprised if he were to go to Aaron again.

But his guilt and conscience told him that he was in this with Aaron for sex, nothing more. If he did not control himself, he might be one like Aaron. One like Aaron? Suddenly Brandon felt guilty for thinking like that. After all Aaron had done, and never once questioned him, Brandon felt bad that he was still perceiving Aaron as someone abnormal. What had happened last night made Brandon an Aaron.

No, I am not, Brandon thought to himself, as he lifted his beer and drank a few gulp.

But he, himself, did not believe that denial. He had the sex, and in those few hours, he had forgotten about the boundaries of what a man could, and could not do. In those few hours, he enjoyed himself. And it scared him. It scared him that he had enjoyed himself. So, when he woke up, next to Aaron, he did the first thing that came to his mind - to get the hell out of there.

But then again, why am I regretting that I had left? Brandon questioned himself again. He knew that as much as he wanted to deny, he liked gay sex.

Brandon got up and walked back into the house. The music was still blasting loud. A few couples were making out in the living room. Some had passed the stage of only kissing. Their hands had slipped into the partner's clothes, feeling whatever that was offered to their roaming hands. Brandon looked around, but failed to find Debbie. He wanted to go back to the dorm. He had enough. And if Debbie was too busy to leave, she could always get a ride from one of the guys she was flirting with.

But in the back of his mind, he prayed that Debbie would leave with him. He could not stand another agonising night, lying on his bed, thinking somewhere out there there would be a guy who had his hands on his Debbie.

My Debbie? That bitch screwed up my life! Brandon snapped at himself.

He wandered around. She was not in the kitchen. He asked around, but no one had seen her. At last, Tom, Brandon's friend, told him to go back. There was no point waiting. She was busy. Brandon knew immediately what Tom had meant by that.

Brandon felt the rage starting to burn in him. As much as he knew it was coming, there was no denying that he was still head over hill, crazy for her. Instead of going off, he rushed up the staircase. He checked each room. Some locked and some occupants yelled him to buzz off. Whichever that was not locked, opened to reveal partners in sex. But none of them was Debbie.

Two more rooms at the far corner for Brandon to check. A turn on the knob of the second last door told Brandon that the door was not locked. He opened it, to see Debbie in the room, without a single thread on her body. She was lying on her back, on the bed. There was a thick cock stuffing her mouth, and another, her pussy. Two football players were screwing her hard.

Brandon knew the one who was fucking his Debbie. Jen, a final year student, was a big size guy. His body allowed him to be in the defense. His cock was thick too, but short. It was only around 5 inches, but he made it up with his built. His jeans was down, around his ankles. Brandon could see his hips swinging to and fro, as he rammed his cock in and out of Debbie's pussy.

Brandon did not know the other guy, although he had seen him a few times before. He was a blonde hair guy, tall and quite nicely built. His 6 inches cock was humping Debbie's mouth. He was squatting over Debbie's mouth, fucking her hard and fast, ramming his whole tool in one push.

Their heads turned when they heard the door opened. If it was any other guy or girl, they would have welcomed the guest in. But the guys' faces frown when they saw it was Brandon. They were fucking his ex, and they did not want to stop. Brandon was definitely unwelcomed.

Debbie saw him too, but she pretended it was nothing, as she turned her attention back to blowing the blonde guy. Her hands caressed his naked butt.

Brandon knew he had lost. He could never fight with those two guys. They could take him down easily. He stood there as the guys laughed at him.

'Want a piece of your old pussy?' Jen asked, in a teasing tone, as he continued to hump Debbie's cunt.

The blonde guy just laughed, as he continued to press more of his cock into Debbie's mouth.

It would not have mattered that much, if not for Debbie's moan. She was enjoying herself. And to make things worse, Brandon was getting a hard-on, seeing her fucked by two guys at once.

'Beat it, sissy!' Jen snapped. 'She doesn't need a pretty boy. She wants real men! Right, baby? Right?' He thrust himself deeper into her, causing her to moan louder.

Brandon was furious enough, but with her moaning, it was more than agonising. He stormed off, leaving the room. As he walked away, he could hear the two guys laughing.

Brandon could have gone to Aaron, but he was scared that Aaron would be angry with him, especially after the way he had left Aaron in the morning. Brandon cut short his Saturday night partying and left for his dorm. He had to stop going to party with Debbie. It often took a bad turn. He would often ended up alone.

Most of the bedroom lights had turned off by the time he had reached his dorm. Brandon walked an empty and dark hallway to his room. His room was quiet and empty too. His roommate had gone off for the weekend. His frustration almost took all his energy. He walked as if he had lost everything he knew. He felt cheated, but he knew he had only himself to blame. No one told him that Debbie would come back to him. Only he, himself, was foolish enough to believe she would.

He fell onto his bed, lyng still for minutes, thinking of nothing but Debbie. His hands gribbed hard his bed cover as his heart cursed her. He thought of her body that he had loved and made love to. His heart ached for another touch. He thought of how he had fucked her before. He felt weak, knowing that he might not have the chance again. He thought of her face, her body, her breasts and the paradise tunnel he had ploughed so many times in the past few years. Brandon was getting hard. He thought of their first time. As he thought of that, his hand reached inside his jean and stroked his cock.

And then he thought how he was humiliated by the guys as they fucked her. He thought of the way they looked at him, laughing as they fucked her, pounding her hard again and again. He stroked his cock faster, as his rage increased. He was humiliated. Damn humiliated. And then he realised that must be what Aaron had felt, when the guys in the dorm threw insults at him. His hand stopped the stroke. The humiliation... Poor Aaron...

Brandon's mind relaxed when he thought of Aaron. He thought of how Aaron had sucked him good the night before. To Brandon, Aaron was a pleasant discovery. With Aaron, indeed it was guys sucked cock better. Brandon moved his hand again, up and down his 6-inch thick tool. But he enjoyed the tight ass. Brandon loved the feeling of his thick cock wrapped tightly, as he fucked Aaron. It was different from Debbie's loose cunt.

And what was even more surprising was that Brandon actually liked sucking Aaron. He was not as good as Aaron. The first few times Aaron had jumped a little, as Brandon was careless with his teeth. But after a few times trying, Brandon got the hang of it. And he actually liked tasting Aaron in his mouth. Brandon loved the new sexual adventure as he took all of Aaron in his mouth. The sweat taste and the warm cock felt good in his mouth.

Brandon got up. His cock was hard. He decided to jerk off in the bathroom. He had done it a few times, and it felt good to masturbate in a public area. Knowing that he could be caught anytime was exciting enough. But of course he feared of being caught. He chose carefully the time to do such an act. Since that it was almost 3am, he knew the chance of someone walking in on him would be little.

He stripped off his clothes and picked up his towel, wrapped it around his hips. His hard cock was making an obvious tent in front, but he was not bothered. He did not expect anyone to be in the hallway.

To make his way to the bathroom, Brandon had to pass by the staircase, leading to his floor. As he passed by it, he saw a familiar figure coming up. It was Shane Wellington, his next door roomie. Shane was a year younger than Brandon, studying Chemistry Engineering.

'Hey!' Shane greeted Brandon, before his eyes zoomed down on Brandon's tent.

'Hey!' Brandon greeted back, suddenly ashamed of being caught. On normal occasions, Brandon would have stopped to chat and asked what was Shane doing here, when it was a 3-day weekend. And Brandon would have expected Shane to ask the same. But this was not the time. Brandon needed to get away quickly.

Without saying much, Brandon just walked pass Shane, who had paused, to make way for Brandon. It was as if Shane was afraid to come near a guy with an obvious hard-on. Brandon quickly walked away, although he knew that Shane was still there, trying to comprehend what he had seen.

Once into the bathroom, Brandon took the shower area, furthest from the entrance. He wanted the privacy, although he loved the thought of doing it in the open. He began to thought of Shane and his reaction just now. It was fun, to see Shane's reaction. Thinking of his daring exposure, Brandon's semi hard cock grew harder again.

As the shower splashed on his hard body, and his hard cock, Brandon rinsed himself, from head to his toes. It felt as if the shower was washing away all his frustration. He stood a few seconds under the shower head, allowing the water to run down his naked, hard body.

Brandon had not forgotten his hard-on. It was still twitching to the feeling of freedom, to be in a public area, and to be excited about upcoming his solo sexcapade.

Brandon turned the water off, and took his body shampoo bottle, pouring a few drops onto his hard cock. He ran his fingers around his shaft, lathering his whole length with the lotion. His cock felt smooth and thick in his palm. Brandon started a slow rhythm of jerking. As he closed his eyes, he thought of Aaron. He imagined Aaron's mouth on his cock, swallowing the whole dick. He thought of Aaron's lips engulfing his cock, swallowing in his cockhead. He felt good, able to stroke his cock, stroking his frustration away.

The sound of water splashing from the shower head next him startled Brandon. As he opened his eyes and looked to the left, he saw a smiling Shane. Shane was naked too. Brandon would have stopped what he was doing, if it had not been for Shane's own hard-on.

Shane's cock was not as thick as Brandon's, but it was longer. It might be 7 inches. And Shane had an athetlic built too, as Shane was a track runner. With his hours of training, Shane was leaned and his smooth body was showing off some nice bulges. Shane was smiling to Brandon, adding more charm to his nice appearance. Shane was a handsome blonde guy, and Brandon was only glad that he was caught by this young hunk.

'Don't mind if I join you?' Shane asked, as if he turned off his water.

'No...' Brandon answered, still a little stunned.

'Or perhaps you prefer me to leave?' Shane asked, still flashing his handsome smile.

'No, stay...' Brandon quickly answered, making it clear to Shane that his presence was very much welcomed.

'Well then, I need some lotion... but I was in such a rush, I only brought my towel...' Shane answered, pointing to the towel hanging nearby.

Brandon looked at the towel and back at Shane's other hand. It was already stroking the hard cock.

'Here, you can use mine,' Brandon offered, as he reached for his bottle. He passed the bottle to Shane.

'Hmmm.. why waste.. I can use some from right here...' Shane said, as his hand reached out, passed by the bottle in Brandon's hand and grabbed Brandon's hard cock. Brandon's body jerked to the surprise. Shane ran his hand up and down Brandon's hard cock a few times, and then brought his hand back onto his own hard shaft. He ran his lotion-lathered palm on his cock. A moan slipped his lips.

Brandon was still surprised with what Shane had just done. He stood there motionless, holding his bottle, leaving his cock hanging hard as he watched Shane masturbated himself.

'Are you joining me, or am I giving a free show?' Shane teased.

Brandon snapped out of his staring and smiled at Shane. He pulled his cock a few times and then tried to match Shane's stroking. The bottle was dropped onto the floor.

The two studs stood side by side in the bathroom. Brandon was alternating his sights between his own stroking on his hard cock, and Shane's. Shane's eyes were fully concentrating on Brandon's stroking, although his hand was still busy stroking his own 7-inch.

'Do you like this?' Brandon asked. He smiled to Shane.

'All the time,' Shane answered. 'Back in school, we used to have circle jerks. You?'

'Nope, never,' Brandon answered, wondering if he had missed out on something fun.

'You'll like it,' Shane said. 'Here, let me...' Shane said, as he let go of his own cock and reached out for Brandon's.

Brandon's cock was sticking out for Shane to explore. Shane took it in his palm, wrapping it with his fingers. Shane gave it a few pull. Brandon moaned as Shane sped his stroke on Brandon's cock. It was only a few strokes but the excitement was too much for Brandon. He sprayed his cum all over Shane, who was kneeling down in front of him.

Shane stood up.

'Aren't you gonna return the favour?' Shane asked, pointing his hard cock at Brandon. With the pubi hair wet and sticking to the groin, Shane's cock looked longer, although it had lost a bit of its hardness.

Brandon looked down at Shane's long, tempting hard tool. Without much hesitation, his hand reached out and grabbed Shane's dick. Although it was thinner than his, nevertheless Brandon was impressed with Shane's manhood. He pulled Shane's cock a few times, and began his stroke. He ran his fingers up and down the shaft. He felt Shane's hand on his shoulder, pushing him down. Shane did not have to. Brandon was already more than willing to go down on Shane.

Brandon adjusted himself as he kneeled in front of Shane. Shane's cockhead was pointing at his face. The lotion had turned into foam, coating the skin of Shane's shaft. It helped to make the stroke smoother. Brandon pumped Shane's cock, much to Shane's delight. He sighed his moans. Brandon's left hand was busy taking care of his own hard cock, which seemed to have pop back into life again, a little too soon, confirming how eager he was to be in this male sex.

'Grib it hard!' Shane ordered.

Brandon paused at his command, but realised what Shane wanted. Brandon gribbed the dick hard near its base, and then let go as the fingers slipped up the hard cock. The fingers brushed the ring of the mushroom cockhead. Shane moaned. As Brandon slipped his palm down the shaft, Shane moaned again. The cockhead had bloated from the gentle assault on the sensitive area. Brandon held the base of the shaft tight, forcing the blood circulation to stay on the cockhead. Shane's legs trembled as Brandon repeated this stroke again and again.

After many thrusts through the grib of Brandon's palm, Shane could not hold back anymore.

'I'm cumming... aaahhh...' Shane yelped, as he shot cum, over Brandon's shoulder. A few gushes flew and hit Brandon's chest, while the rest oozed down, trickled onto the floor.

'Come on. Get up,' Shane ordered. It was getting to be too obvious that although Brandon was older, Shane was controlling the situation.

Brandon got up without question. His cock was still hard.

'Hmmm...' hummed Shane as he assessed the Brandon's hard cock. 'You're not done yet, huh?'

Brandon just smiled. He would not mind another handjob.

But Shane did not offer him that. Instead, Shane turned to face the wall. He placed both of his palms on the wall, to support himself. He thrust his backside out. His head turned sideway, with his eyes cornered, watching Brandon's face, as the latter admired his ass.

'Here. Fuck me.' Shane ordered.

'What?' Brandon was stunned by Shane's forwardness.

'Do you want or not? Before anyone else walk in on us!'

Of course, Brandon wanted it. He had loved butt-fucking since Aaron offered his delicious bubble butt. But he did not expect Shane to. Shane had a girlfriend in campus. Shane was supposed to be straight.

'Before I change my mind...' Shane warned Brandon.

Brandon stepped closer to Shane. All this sex in the public place was turning him on. He was really hard, from excitement, and he had not even touched Shane's ass yet. He lathered his finger tips with the foam he had on his cock, and rubbed them on Shane's ass crack. Shane sighed - he loved the feel of cold fingers on his ass.

Brandon guided his cockhead to Shane's ass. The cockhead was pressed on the asscrack. With one shove, Brandon had his cock inside Shane. The grib on his hard cock was wonderful, and it was just what Brandon needed - a tight hole. Brandon shoved more of himself in. He pushed and retreated a little, before pushing in more. The ass ride was a wonder for Brandon. He could not figure why he had not learnt it before. He loved the sex-ride.

Brandon began fucking Shane slowly. His hips rocked to and fro as he fucked Shane's ass. Shane moaned. Brandon knew Shane was enjoying it, although he wondered how it could be, as he knew Shane had a girl. But that was not important. The important thing was Shane's ass was there for him to plough.

Brandon picked up his pace. He fucked Shane harder. The harder he fucked, the longer Shane moaned. Brandon was worried someone would hear them, but the fuck was so good that the risk was worth-taking. His cock hardened everytime he heard Shane moaned painfully. His cock thickened even more, and when he felt his cockhead expanded even bigger, Brandon knew he could not hold back anymore. He shot his cum in Shane.

Both of them panted and were covered in heavy sweat. Brandon pressed his body onto Shane's back. Both bodies raised up and down, as they breathed heavily for air.

Shane spent the night in Brandon's room. They moved Brandon's roommate's bed closer and continued their sexploration of each other. The only thing that Brandon avoided was to be fucked. He was not ready to offer his ass.

'Are you gay?' Brandon asked as he lied on top of Shane's body, fucking his ass again.

'Are you?' Shane asked back.

'Come on...' Brandon snapped at Shane, in between his groan, as his thick cock grind its way back into Shane's ass, as he humped the ass.

'I am, if you are.'

'But you got a girl, Shane,' Brandon said.

'So do you... an ex, I mean,' Shane replied, wrapping his arms around Brandon's naked body.

'So, what does that mean?' Brandon was obviously not so happy with Shane's answer. Shane knew, as Brandon fucked him harder, as if the truth would be drilled out that way. But Shane loved having his ass fucked hard. He moaned, much to Brandon's frustration.

'Come on, man...' Brandon urged Shane to tell.

'Fuck it, Brandon! Just have the sex. Sex is sex. You feel good. I feel good. My Carol is not here. Neither is your Debbie. So, what's the big deal?' Shane snapped at Brandon.

Brandon stopped his fucking totally. But Shane did not want it to stop yet. He moved his ass around, twirling Brandon's hard cock. Brandon shook himself out of his surprise, and continued thrusting his cock into Shane.

'Sometimes, a man needs to be filled up too, you know... You should try it... It feels good...' Shane continued. Shane moaned. Brandon's cock was just what he needed that night. 'Once in awhile, Brandon... once in awhile...'

Brandon felt good with Shane too. But he was thinking of what Shane had said, about a man needed to be fucked too, once in awhile. Brandon thought of Aaron, and Aaron's big cock.

'What do you think? Is she an angel or a devil?' Aaron asked, referring to June. But there was no reply. Aaron got up. He was lying on his blanket on the floor, near his boxes. He looked over where Jeff was. He could see Jeff was fast asleep.

Aaron smiled and shook his head. So determined was Jeff to stay awake until the next morning bus service was operating. Aaron knew Jeff was scared to fall asleep in a room, with a gay in it. Jeff was scared of a guy feeling him. But Aaron guessed Jeff could not fight his sleepiness.

Aaron looked at the guy sleeping on his bed. Even in his sleep, Jeff looked like an angel. Aaron could not figure how a guy so good-looking like that, could be without a girlfriend for so long. If only Jeff were a gay, Aaron would sure to nail him down. He sighed at his loss.

To a certain extent, Aaron knew Jeff was worried to be around him, especially if Jeff suspected that Aaron thought of him as a hot guy. It was only fair to make a friend feel less fearful. Aaron would have to lie to Jeff. He had to make Jeff think that Jeff was not his type. Aaron wanted Jeff to be a friend. Not one who was afraid of him.

Aaron picked up his blanket and covered Jeff. Tucking in Jeff, suddenly Aaron missed his ex, Joshua. Aaron longed for someone whom he could do all this for. He had been single for too long.

Aaron looked around, and took his towel from the hanger. He switched off the light, climbed onto his table, lied down sideway, rested his head on his arm and covered himself with the towel.

It had been a pleasant night for Aaron. He liked Jeff. He only hoped that Jeff liked him as well.

THE END Date: 14 May 2002

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