Campus Romance

By Mike Loggerman

Published on Oct 26, 2016



Campus Romance By mike loggerman

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There was a guy in my dorm that I liked. He was from West Virginia and his name was Seth. He didn't have many friends and we used to say hi in passing. He wore gym shorts and a tank top a lot, and it gave me a chance to check out his hairy armpits.

One Saturday night, I was passing the TV room and saw Seth sitting by himself. I sat down on the couch next to him and said I thought I was the only one home tonight. He said no, he was here. As we sat there, our bare legs were touching and neither of us moved away. I pushed my legs against his a few times, but he kept his leg there. He pushed his leg against mine as few times, and I kept my legs there. I looked at his hairy leg and wanted to feel it. I was close enough to him to smell his body scent and it was exciting me. He lay his hand on his leg and it was touching mine. He moved his hand up my thigh and I spread my legs wider. I put my hand on his thigh and slid my hand up his shorts. His cock was hard and hairy. I asked if he wanted to come to my room. He followed me quickly, and undressed each other. We kissed and fondled each other. I got on my knees and sucked his thick hairy seven and a half inches. He groaned like any sex starved guy would. I stood up and he sucked my cock. It was obviously not his first time. As he sucked me, he fingered my ass as I moaned in pleasure. I lay back on my bed and he got between my legs and thrust his hard cock inside me. I played with his nipples and armpits as he pounded me. He thrust his big cock hard and slow. It felt amazing. I said I was going to cum and he said he was too and he shot his load inside me as I shot mine on my stomach. He lay in bed with me, and said how hot it was. I suggested he stay the night, since my roommate wasn't due back until Sunday night.

Seth slept in bed with me and fucked me again in the morning. We showered and went to breakfast. We went to his room and he fucked me again. We got dressed just before his roommate came back.

Seth didn't get along with his roommate and mine barely tolerated me, so we got permission to switch and he became my roommate. We weren't in love, but we were fuck buddies. I enjoyed having sex with Seth more than random encounters at the park. When we were horny, we took care of each other's needs.

We kept things low key, but some of the guys on our floor knew what was going on. They heard us having sex, so we played music to hide the sound. We put our beds together which raised some eyebrows, but no one said a word. I really didn't care. The sight of Seth's skinny naked body, his hairy crotch and his big cock took my breath away.

It wasn't one sided. Seth loved kissing me and feeling my body against his, but he loved sucking my cock and eating my cum.

The nice thing about Seth was that he was a gentleman. He never made me feel like he was just using me. I tried to be the same way with him.

Seth went home over Thanksgiving. He invited me to come along with him, but I stayed back.

The campus gay students organization sponsored a Thanksgiving dinner and I went. There were about 15 people who showed up; several lesbians and gay men. You had to show your student ID to get in. I hated going to these things because I felt awkward when I didn't know anyone. I recognized a guy from my English class, who looked as lost as I did, and went up to him and said Hi. He recognized me from class and seemed just as relieved to see someone he knew. His name was Hudson, but went by Hud.

He said he was not out to his family or friends, but knew he was gay since he was 14. We talked about class, and about guys we liked, and how hard it is to even know what you are looking for in a guy. We talked about likes and dislikes, and before we realized it, we had dinner and everyone was leaving. I walked back to the dorms with Hud. He asked if I wanted to come to his room and hang out for a while. I went with him, and when we got to his room, we kissed passionately as he undressed me. I undressed him and we explored each others bodies. We got into a 69 position and sucked each other's cocks. He fingered my ass as he sucked me and he got between my legs. I looked at him and asked him to fuck me. He slid his thick cock inside me and started thrusting. I groaned as he pounded me. I played with his pits and nipples. I wrapped my legs around his and he thrust his cock deep inside me as he shot his load. He kept his cock inside me and said this was the best thanksgiving ever. We laughed. He asked me to spend the night, and I did.

Seth had dinner with his family, and went out with a high school friend after dinner. They had sex in his friends garage, as they had so many times before.

I woke up in Hud's bed. He was wrapped around me. His cock was hard and standing up. I got on top of him and rode his cock. He groaned as I rocked back and forth. I felt him explode inside me.

Normally, I'd be in a hurry to get home, but I just wanted to spend time with Hud. I didn't say anything, but waited for him. Hud said we should go to breakfast. We went to a nearby diner, and had the pancake special. Afterwards, we walked around campus. He held my hand. It seemed he didn't want to leave any more than I did. We went to a burger place for dinner and I asked if he wanted to come to my room. He smiled and said he'd love to.

We undressed each other slowly. Hud's chest was smooth but he had very hairy pits and pubes. His cock was average and I loved it. He kissed me and it was like I was struck by lightning. He fucked me tenderly and we fell asleep. I woke up in the morning to Hud sucking my cock. I lay back and enjoyed it, and shot my load in his mouth. We kissed.

It was Saturday, and we hung out at the student center and went bowling, then caught a movie. We walked around campus, and sent out for a pizza. We went back to Hud's room, and got undressed. We made love all night. We wanted to make the most of our time before our roommates got back.

I went home Sunday afternoon, showered, and did some homework.

Seth got home, and was happy, but aloof. I asked how his thanksgiving went, and he said well. He asked how mine went, and I said fine. It was pretty awkward. Finally, he told me that he got together with a friend from high school, and they had sex, and he was feeling weird about having sex with me. I said I normally would be crushed, but I started seeing someone else, and we had sex, and I'd feel weird if we were having sex too. Seth laughed and asked where that leaves us. I said we are friends and roommates. We hugged and moved our beds apart.

I saw Hud the next day in class. We met after our classes in the student center. He said he had a great weekend with me. I started to get the feeling I was about to be dumped. I said I really enjoyed out time together too. He took my hand and said he never really dated, just had sexual friendships. It was the same for me. He asked if I would be interested in going out with him on an ongoing basis. I asked if he meant like dating? He said yeah. He wanted us to be dating. I squeezed his hand and said I would really love to. I had tears in my eyes. He asked what that is about. I said I thought he was going to dump me. He started laughing and hugged me tightly.

People looked at us as they walked by. We didn't care. We went to my room. Seth had classes until evening. I put a sock on the doorknob to let people know we were occupied. I undressed Hud, and got on my knees. I played with his thick bush and his balls as I sucked his cock. I stood up and played with his pits as he undressed me. I lay back on my bed and he got on top of me kissing me as he entered me. We moaned together as he repeatedly pounded my ass. I wrapped my legs around his and felt his ass. I played with his nipples and he shot a huge load inside me. He sucked my cock and I shot my load in his mouth. We lay in bed together feeling each other for a long time. We got dressed before Seth came back. We had dinner in the cafeteria and studied together. He kissed me and left.

We had been dating for almost a month when we had Christmas break. I was nervous about it. I was going home to my mom, and Hud was going to his parents. I really couldn't afford the trip home, but I had no where to go. I was in school on a scholarship. I had to buy a bus ticket. Hud invited me to spend the holidays with his family, but we would have to hide our relationship. Hud had asked his parents, and they were happy to have me come. I called my mom, and she was relieved to not have to come up with the money for a ticket. She said I should have a good time. I told Hud I would come.

Hud's parents drove up to school and picked us up. On the way home, his mom filled us in on the plans. We were going to have everything at their house. Hud's older brother and his family, and older sister and her family would be coming. I was quiet and respectful.

They asked about my family. I said it was just my mom and I; my dad died when I was young. I said my mom worked two jobs, and I worked hard to get good grades. They were very understanding and said my mom sounds like a fine woman.

I felt a little out of it. I didn't have a family like theirs. They were lucky. I was playing it straight for Hud's sake. I had been out to my mom since I was 16. I was glad I didn't have to hide what I was. Hud

Hud and I slept in his room. There were two twin beds. It was a large house. I hoped to have a house full of beautiful things like that someday.

After we got settled, Hud's parents took us to a steakhouse for dinner. I had never been to a steakhouse before. We usually went to McDonald's. His dad joked with us and we had a great time. Hud bragged that I was on full scholarship, and I was helping him study.

After dinner, Hud's dad built a fire in the fireplace and we sat around and had dessert. Hud said we were tired and we went to his room. We got undressed for bed, and Hud held me and kissed me. My cock got hard and he stroked me. I whispered that his parents might hear us. He said they were on the other side of the house. I felt his finger in my ass while he kissed me and I lay on the bed. He got between my legs and entered me. I moaned softly as he moved in and out of me. He kissed me and said he was lucky to have me as his boyfriend. I said I was the lucky one. He kept thrusting and I shot my load as he cummed inside me. He licked my cum off me and kissed me. We fell asleep holding each other.

In the morning, he got in the other bed and had me ride his hard cock. He stroked my cock as I rode his. He shot his load and sucked me until I shot mine. He said both beds needed to look slept in. We showered and went downstairs.

We had breakfast, and went to the mall. We were doing some last minute shopping. I couldn't buy anything, but we did a lot of window shopping.

When we got home, Hud's parents called us into the family room. They were serious, and asked Hud if there was something he wanted to tell them. I felt impending disaster. Hud asked what they meant. Hud's dad looked at him, and then looked at his mom. His mom looked at us and asked if we were more than just friends. Hud froze up and didn't say anything. His dad said, it's OK son. Just tell us the truth. Hud said it's true. He said we are boyfriends. His dad nodded and asked why he didn't tell them sooner. Hud said he didn't know how to tell them. I said I could take a bus to my mom's if it's going to be a problem. Hud's dad said no, that I'm welcome here. Hud's mom said they always suspected Hud liked guys; the whole family did. Hud grabbed my hand and held it.

He asked his parents how they knew. They said they were at the mall too, and saw us holding hands. That was a relief. I was afraid they heard us last night.

His dad asked how long we had been dating, and he said since thanksgiving. He nodded. He asked if we are serious. Hud said we are dating, then asked his parents if it would be a problem if we were serious. He said not if you love eachother. At that point, I knew the crisis was over. Hud said we aren't there yet. We are dating and really like eachother. His mom said thats good, and said we should come to the dining room for dinner.

Hud hugged me and thanked me for being there for him. He apologized for the family drama. I said it went well, and his parents were great.

It snowed that night and we shoveled the walk and driveway. Hud's mom had hot chocolate for us. We were sweaty and tired. I noticed she was nicer to me. We went upstairs to shower and change clothes. We showered together, and soaped eachother. Hud entered me from behind and pounded me loudly.

When we came downstairs, Hud's parents were gone. They left a note saying they went shopping, and lunch was in the fridge.

On Christmas eve, we sat around the fireplace, drank eggnog, and listened to Christmas music. It was a very warm atmosphere. I again was jealous of all Hud had, and was surprised he was even interested in me. When I voiced my feelings to him, he put his arm around me and said I was the best he had. We kissed and he undressed me. I lay back and enjoyed him enjoying my body. In a moment, he took my manhood and replaced it with his own. I didn't deserve him, but I was glad he was in my life.

The next morning we got dressed and had breakfast. Hud led me back upstairs to change. It was their tradition to wear ugly Christmas sweaters. I didn't have one, so Hud loaned me one of his.

Hud's older brother and sister arrived with their families, and the house was buzzing. I was introduced as Hud's boyfriend. There was a moments hesitation, but then warm greetings. I'm guessing everyone in the family suspected he was gay.

When they opened the gifts, I watched as the gift frenzy took place. I wasn't expecting anything, but Hud's mom brought a gift to me and said it was from Hud's dad and her. It was a new iPad. I was speechless. I hugged them. I apologized for not having a gift for them. They said my gift was how happy I made Hud. Later, Hud took me aside and gave me a small box. I opened it, and there was a friendship ring. He kissed me and said I make him very happy. I wear it on my left hand.

We stayed through new years day. At midnight, Hud kissed me in front of his parents. They drove us back to school on the 2nd.

We had a few days before the new semester started, and we enjoyed some time to ourselves. There was a lot of sex, but not just fucking. We spent time pleasuring each other. I loved Hud's pits and he loved eating my ass, and we both enjoyed just being naked, with our bodies against each other's.

The semester went well. We didn't have as much time together as we would have liked, but we were together every weekend, as well as once or twice during the week.

We were invited to go to Hud's parents during spring break, and took advantage of the opportunity to relax. We went to the movies, saw a concert, went out to eat, and had a good time together. It was pretty much the same as at Christmas, except the twin beds were replaced with a queen size bed.

In school, my grades were really good, and Hud's had vastly improved. His parents were happy. We had friendships with other couples, both gay and straight and socialized.

For the next couple of years, we continued to date. On the Christmas before graduation, we were at Hud's parents house, and his dad asked what our plans were after graduation. I said I planned to get a job. He asked if Hud and I were planning to stay together. I said I never thought otherwise.

Hud seized on the moment and said he had been giving the matter a lot of thought too. I looked at him wondering what he was going to say. He said we should definitely stay together, and that's why we should get married. I dropped my fork. He looked at me and asked if I wanted to. I said of course I want to, but I wanted to know you wanted to. He kissed me and hugged me. His parents hugged us. I looked at Hud and his dad, and realized they set the whole thing up.

That night, Hud slid his cock inside me and said he loved me. I couldn't love anyone more than I loved him. I was excited by the feeling of his body against mine, and his hard cock inside me. His natural scent was like perfume to me. He shot his load inside me and licked my cum off me.

When we got back to school, I wanted to tell Seth, but he was at his boyfriend's room. About a year earlier, a chubby Asian guy named Chee moved to our floor. He took a liking to Seth, and Seth was excited by his body. They met in the laundry room. Chee was doing laundry and not wearing a shirt. Seth was talking with him, but kept staring at his tits. His cock was hard, and Chee noticed. He said if Seth wanted to come to his room, they could hang out. Seth felt and sucked Chee's tits, while Chee pulled down his shorts and stroked Seth's big hairy cock. Seth pulled down Chee's shorts and felt his hairy crotch. They lay in bed sucking each other's cocks and Seth got between his legs and slid his cock inside him. Chee groaned as he enjoyed Seth's big cock in him. He shot his load as Seth flooded his ass with cum. They kissed, and had been going out ever since.

Truth be told, Hud wasn't that fond of Seth, I think because he and I used to be fuck buddies and he worried I liked Seth's bigger cock. Over time, he accepted that Seth became more like a brother to me, and I left a sexual relationship with Seth to be with Hud. He accepted him as my extended family.

When Seth got home, I told him I was engaged, and he was happy for me. He said he saw it coming. I asked about him and Chee, but he said they were still dating.

About 11pm, Chee quietly took the elevator to the fourth floor. He knocked on a door, and slipped inside. Two black athletes undressed him and squeezed his tits and the rest of him. He sucked their cocks and ate their asses. They took turns fucking him all night long. They laughed as his body jiggled as they pounded him. They made him cum by fucking him.

Chee went back to his room about 5am. He was sore and smelled of cum and sweat. He went to shower down the hall. Seth came in to shower for his early class, and saw Chee. When he went to kiss him, he smelled him, and spit, and walked away.

Seth came back to our room cursing and upset. I woke up and he told me about Chee. I hugged him and said he would find someone better, someone who would love him.

I asked him what he liked most about Chee. He said he loved his fat ass. His cock fit all the way inside him. He also liked the way his tits jiggled when they fucked. I said I knew someone he might like if he would let me set him up on a date. Seth said yeah, go ahead.

Hud had a friend named Carlos. Carlos was a light skinned hispanic guy. He was 5'8 and weighed about 200. He was a quiet, sweet guy who had the hots for Hud. Hud let him give him a blow job once or twice before we met, but Hud let him know he wasn't interested in him.

I asked Hud about setting Seth up with Carlos. Seth thought it was a good idea.

We were going out on Friday night, and invited them along for dinner. Seth came dressed in tight jeans that accentuated his bulge, and an open shirt that showed off his hairy chest. Carlos wore loose jeans and a knit shirt that showed off his curvy body. They both were salivating the moment they saw each other.

We ate at a local diner, and Carlos and Seth laughed and chatted all evening. After dessert, I said I'd be spending the night at Hud's. They left and went to my room.

As soon as they got to my room, Seth pulled up Carlos' shirt and sucked his big smooth tits. Carlos unzipped Seth's big hard cock and stroked and sucked it. They kissed as they undressed each other and rubbed their bodies together. Seth slid his huge cock inside Carlos and enjoyed the way his body jiggled as he pounded him. Carlos groaned as he enjoyed feeling Seth's hairy body against him and his big cock inside him. Carlos was loud which excited Seth even more, ans he pounded harder. Carlos shot his load as Seth shot his load hard inside him. Seth collapsed beside him.

Carlos said he should probably go, but Seth asked him to stay. No one had ever asked him to stay before. He snuggled up to Seth, and they fell asleep.

In the morning, Seth fucked him again. They were filled with lust, but genuinely liked each other. They got dressed and walked around campus. They talked and had a lot in common. They went back to my room and fucked all afternoon.

Hud and I made love in his room, and we went to the library to study. We saw Carlos and Seth walking together and figured things went well.

Graduation came quickly, and we had to find a place to live. We moved in temporarily with Hud's parents. We spent a long time looking for jobs, and we got offers, but most were out of state.

Hud's dad was well connected in the business community, and arranged job interviews for us. We were hired by the same company, but we worked in different divisions. I was in accounting, and Hud was in product development. We liked our jobs, and we brought in decent salaries. We talked about buying our own place, but Hud's didn't want to do that until we were married so we would have the same last name on the deed. I always figured I would take Hud's name. He was the top, and he had injected enough of his DNA in me to make me a blood relative.

We had a quiet ceremony in Hud's parent's yard. His brother's family came and his sister's family. My mom chose not to come. Seth and Carlos, who were now serious boyfriends, came as well.

Seth and Carlos got an apartment together. Seth was continually excited by Carlos' smooth chubby body and the thick mound of hair between his legs, and Carlos loved Seth's skinny hairy body against his, and his big cock buried inside him. They were extremely sensual, and just being around them made Hud and I horny.

We put off our honeymoon because we hadn't been working that long, but we spent the weekend at a resort.

We started house hunting, and we really hated it. Hud's mom wanted us to live near them. There were two gay sections of town. One was a lower class area with porn stores and strip clubs, and the other was on the other side of town, also an older area, but was being regentrified by middle class gay couples. It was the up and coming area. A realtor showed us several places. They were spacious and suburban. We found a place we liked, but it was higher than we wanted to spend.

We told Hud's parents about it, and they came and looked at the place. Hud's dad asked if we would let him work on the negotiations. We had no experience, so we agreed. He ordered an inspection, then brought up every problem to the owner, asking him to fix everything, or come down on his price. The house had been on the market a while, and he was anxious to sell. Hud's dad submitted an offer 30,000 less than the asking price. The owner countered with 15,000 less. Hud's dad countered with 25,000 less as a take it or leave it. The owner accepted the offer. We moved in a month later.

Once we were settled in our home, we met several neighbors. Most were pleasant. One evening, we were sitting on our patio, and we could see our neighbors in our adjoining backyard. They were undressing and caressing each other. As we watched, Hud started kissing me and undressing me. We saw our neighbor kneeling and sucking his partner's cock. Hud got on his knees and sucked my cock. Our neighbors watched us as we watched them. Our neighbor entered his partner from behind and pounded him. I leaned against the table, and Hud entered me. I groaned as Hud pounded me. It was hot watching our neighbors fuck as we fucked. Hud shot a huge load inside me. Our neighbors waved to us and went in their house.

Hud and I were both excited by what just happened. The next evening we sat out again, and we saw our neighbors and waved, but nothing sexual was going on. We went inside and made love.

A couple of weeks later, Seth and Carlos came for the weekend and we told them about our experience with the neighbors. Carlos said it sounded pretty hot, and wouldn't mind watching Hud and I fuck while Seth fucked him. Hud said he would love to watch them fuck. In short order, the four of us were naked, kissing and caressing our own partners. Watching Seth slide his big cock inside Carlos was extremely erotic, and Hud tenderly entered me. We lay side by side, watching our friends fuck as we fucked. The room smelled of sex, there was moaning and we shot our loads.

Chee continued to sleep with multiple partners. He sometimes had as many as four in one evening. One evening at a bar at closing time, he leaned over the bar, while the guys pulled down his pants and took turns fucking him. A guy came in with a very thick cock and thrust it hard inside Chee. It tore Chee's ass and he started bleeding heavily. They called an ambulance and took him to the ER. He needed quite a few stitches, and he was deeply embarrassed. The ER nurse was a beefy gay man who sat with him and calmed him down. His name was Eric.

Eric asked him what he was thinking. Chee said he was never going to let a guy fuck him again. Eric smiled and said yes you will, but you have to be more careful who you let fuck you. Chee said he was going to find someone who liked him and not just someone who wanted to use his ass. Eric gently rubbed Chee's chest and nipples, and said he seems like a nice guy. Chee slid his hand under Eric's shirt and felt his hairy chest.

Eric asked if there was anyone at home to take care of him. Chee said he lived alone. Eric was off for the next three days and took him home. He undressed Chee and sucked his cock. Chee loved Eric's hairy body, and sucked his eight inch cock. He said he wanted Eric to fuck him, but Eric said in about two weeks. They stayed together, and eventually got married.

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