Candy Apple

By Edward Rivera

Published on Oct 11, 2007


The plan was perfect. Mr. Creavy lived across the street from me, alone with his infant daughter. It was well known that, being a lecherous man, he would hire attractive, female baby sitters for his daughter (when he needed no such service) so that he could view the girls in his own home at his leisure. Depending on how much he liked the view, he'd tip the girls excessively. I had heard rumors that for one night of baby-sitting, one girl received over six hundred dollars. No girl ever returned twice, probably feeling icked out by having Creavy leer at them.

I would have no such qualms.

It wasn't my idea, per se, but came as a combination of two ideas: one, from my brother, that I was born very feminine, with wide hips, a feminine face, a thin waist, and long, nearly hairless legs. He always had made fun of me for those things, but now I could put it to good use. The other was from my friend, Arthur, who suggested that if a girl were to give him a very, very good show (wearing an outfit that no girl would be willing to wear, because of their reputation), he might pay them even more, in the hopes that they would, indeed, return.

And so Candy Apple was born.

I needed the money for a new car, a stylish old-school T-bird that I could ride around in to pick up chicks. I certainly didn't care if Mr. Creavy looked at me "the wrong way" so I could leech tons of cash off of him. It was almost too good to be true.

I waxed all my body hair off, put on shiny blue lipgloss, made up my face a bit (mascara and all; I did my research), and even took the time to build up some "assets." I already had blonde hair and blue eyes what luck! . Ate twinkies and the like for a month, worked out a bit (but not much, so as to not become too muscular), and wham, had a nice round little tush to offset my hips. I could work it off once I had made my fortune.

Looking in the mirror, wearing what was basically a maid outfit; thigh high stockings with a garter, a short, poofy skirt that hardly passed my underwear(lacy white, of course), a padded bra, a petticoat, six-inch fuck-me heels and my hair(grown long) put up into pigtails with bows. There were bows everywhere, on my stockings, the hem of my skirt, there was a bow on my back, and even one on the front of my panties (which I planned for him to get an eyeful of). If I didn't know about the hidden secret tucked in my panties, I'd say I was incredibly fuckable.

He needed a babysitter on Friday, and using the voice of Candy, I called up to take the job. He told me the basics, wear "comfortable" clothing, try to have fun, yadda yadda. He just wanted a nice view of some cute little ass. He was gonna see Candy's heart-shaped butt and go wild. I'd be rich. I snuck out of my house at eight, and nobody knew where I was going to be. Nobody could see me go or return as Candy.

When he opened the door, I cocked my head to the side and said giddily 'Hi, I'm Candy! Candy Apple!" He was a tall, gruff man, with large hands and a thick body. He looked at me with a smile that I could only describe as "mmm, dinner's here and it's perky." I walked, putting one-foot in front of the other, swaying my hips side to side, past him, and noticed that he had a few guests. I looked around for something to "grab my attention," and saw a big blue vase up high in the corner of the room, which was perfect. I skipped over to it, and said "Oooo, Mr. Creavy, where'd you get this pretty vase?," as I lifted my heels even further up, perked up my butt and basically gave everyone a view of a round, bent over ass, and long, semi-crossed legs. I made sure no one could see the "package" bulging out around the bottom by crossing my legs slightly tighter. I looked back over my shoulder at Creavy, and one pigtail swung behind my neck, and I saw that him and his guests had quite the expressions.

And slowly growing bulges in the areas near their crotches.

Looking at Mr. Creavy, who even licked his lips, I knew Candy was going to be tonight's furious masturbation fantasy for all of these friends, and there was a certain satisfaction in that. I put my hands on my knees, heard a low moan, and shook my erection maker, while "looking at the vase." I knew I was gonna have more money than Caesar.

"Well, Candy, I got that in Bangkok. One girl took a big liking to me, and gave me that vase, and a lot of good memories."

He smirked at me, and I glanced down quickly at the slowly growing mound in his pants. They were stretched quite a bit, and I realized that I probably couldn't even produce that large of an effect, and I really wasn't "small" at all. I smiled back and bit my lip, and felt somewhat uncomfortable, knowing what was on everyone's mind. Half of me wanted to leave, but half of me said "let em look. Get an eyeful, boys, Candy is everything you want."

"So, where's the little bundle of joy," I said with heavy breath, and glanced down at the bulge, and back up to his face. I saw in my peripheral vision the "bundle" make a little jump, and Mr. Creavy chuckled.

"Oh, she's just upstairs, in the far room on the right."

"Gotcha, mister," I said, and scampered off towards the staircase. When I got to the staircase I paused for a couple of seconds and waited for the "guests" to get to their positions for the show they knew they couldn't miss. I took each step slowly, crossing my legs a bit, and bending slightly at the waist. Each step gave them a full view of Candy's moon, and while I was pretty embarrassed about it, I knew it was worth it. About seven steps up, I "tripped" on my heels, though I had been practicing for weeks, and was on my hands and knees. The reaction was perfect, and I could feel the dollar-total raising, along with something else entirely. Someone even let out a wolf-whistle, and I was worried someone might run up and give me a slap on the cheek before I stood up. I had decided beforehand that I might get a pinch or a slap, and I had steeled my ass for it. Money was money. Candy's ass would make me a fortune.

When I got to the top of the staircase, I bounced once more, and then walked out of sight, and started to walk casually again. I walked to the far right room, there were four in total, and a window at the end. There was a long carpet that went back down the stairs, and it all felt kind of cozy. I walked into the room, which was dark; I assumed the kid was asleep, so I just felt my way around in the room and took a seat somewhere.

I was reflecting on the whole fiasco, amused by the way that I could control fellow guys with just hips, leg and ass, and a pretty smile, and a cute haircut, when someone opened the door. Looking over, it was Mr. Creavy and one of the guests from before, and I could hear the other guests downstairs playing some kind of drinking game. Mr. Creavy said "gonna check on the darling" back down the stairs, and I remembered that I was supposed to be baby-sitting but I hadn't actually checked on the baby yet. In the darkness, I rushed over to the crib and bent over the side, giving Mr. Creavy more bang for his buck. He turned the light on and saw me sitting there, somewhat concerned, looking back over my shoulder while my tush gave him the big "hello."

"Whatcha doin' over there, sweetheart?"

I replied flirtatiously, "oh, just checking on the bundle of joy."

He coughed a laugh, and closed the door behind him. He locked it with a key which he then put in his pocket, which I didn't think of much.

"Oh, the baby will be fine," he said, walking next to me, "she's over with her mother."

He put his hand on my ass cheek, which bothered me more than I thought it would, and I tried in my confused state to figure out what he meant. I looked in the crib; it was empty.

"There are other bundles you can attend to, if you'd like," he said, and rubbed his hand down my thigh.

I spun around and shook my head, and whapped myself a few times with the pigtails in the process.

"Oh! Oh, no, that's okay," I said.

"I insist!" he said, and he took my hand in his. His guest, I realized, was now to the other side of me. They were gesturing me over to a chair. Both men were much larger than me, and I felt intimidated.

"That was quite the show you put on out there, lass," said the unnamed guest. "I was wantin' ta see ya backstage, if you know what I mean."

This was getting out of control, and they had sat me down in the seat. It had a high back, but there was only the rim. I decided to cut their advances short. I realized why the girls didn't come back.

"Wait, wait, I'm a boy!" I said, in Candy's cute, breathy voice. I couldn't, for some reason, find my own voice in the state I was in.

The guest looked suspicious, but Creavy kept smiling. The guest said "what's this lass on about, Creavy?"

"She thinks she's a boy," he said, "just cuz she's got a willy."

The guest laughed. "A willy, ya say? Interesting."

"Well, go on, prove it." said Creavy. I didn't quite understand it, but I did know that Creavy was straight as an arrow, and wouldn't want to see my bone just for kicks.

"All right, here," I said, still in Candy's voice, and I stood up. Creavy put his hand on my shoulder to indicate that was as far as I needed to go at the moment, and I lifted up my skirt. The bulge was visible, and though their's were blocked by male underwear and heavy jeans, my bulge was still smaller, only blocked by the skimpy lacy panties that I was wearing. Creavy and the guest looked intently.

Creavy broke the silence. "I don't believe you."

I was worried he'd hurt me. "I'm sorry."

"No, I mean, I don't believe you're not a girl, just cuz you've got one of those. You came in here and your name was Candy, and you seemed quite like a girl, I'd say. Do boys usually dress like that, talk like that, and wag their little behinds around like that?"

"No, no, but I "

"But you did those things, exactly. So you're a girl."

I couldn't believe what I was hearing. Could he possibly be that dumb? For a second, I wondered if that be the case, and then I noticed that my bulge was, well, a bulge. Had I got myself up with Candy's ass?

"Besides," he said, and in one motion, undid his belt and dropped his pants, and a second later the guest did too, "these are cocks. That's just a little toy."

My heart rose into my throat, and my ass puckered tight. These two men didn't have penises, they had anacondas in their boxers. I couldn't even speak, and seeing my pretty little girl eyes widen so much must have made the two of them very happy, because I could see the tips starting to moisten slowly, which was somewhat terrifying. Mine wasn't small, but these were not much less than twice as long, and the thickness! Was it possible for a man's penis to be twice the size of an average penis? Without thinking, I let my mouth hang agape.

"Quite the mouthful, aren't they?" said Creavy, and I saw him looking at my lips, and my tongue. I closed my mouth and turned a bit to the side so he wouldn't look at my lips anymore.

"If I can't convince you with that, then what will convince you?" I said, and my high, pretty voice made them lick their lips. I wanted to go home.

"Well, you come into my house, and you're either dishonest with me, or you tease me, depending on who you take for the truth," said Creavy, suddenly diplomatic, and he acted as if he held all the cards because of my transgressions. He pretty much did. "Either way, I shouldn't show you much favor."

"But if I'm a boy, you won't want to do anything to me, right?" I said, and looked back at the humbling spectacle. By god.

He put his hand back on my ass and squeezed a bit. "But I have no way of knowing you're a boy without testing you, quite the dilemma."

I was confused by what he meant by "test."

"What do you mean?"

"I mean to say that there is a way to tell a boy from a girl," and here, again, I found myself staring at the thing that I was trying desperately to keep out of my currently girly-parts, "and it's just a test. You see, boys," he paused, and gestured down at the beast, "men, don't come unless they or a lady-friend touch them right there. Can't do it," he said, "just can't do it."

And I knew this was true.

"Girls, they come all the time so long as you pump em the right way and make em feel like girls" he said, and, given my experiences, I also knew this was true.

"So, all we gotta do is see if ya can come without being touched, and that makes you a girl, or not, and then you're a boy and you can go."

"And if I'm a girl?" I said, knowing that it didn't really matter.

"We'll get our money's worth." I swallowed hard, and knew that "money's worth" meant I'd be doing a lot of hard swallowing, and a lot more.

"So what's a fair test?" I said, and accidently said it in a cutesy voice.

"One quick go," he said, and put a hand on the thing I knew my girly parts would soon be able to meet firsthand. I didn't like it, certainly, but I knew I was straight, and that I wouldn't come, and that no one would ever know but these two stupid fucks. One quick go beats a beating to death, I'd say, or worse.

"So, lass," said the guest, and Creavy's hand felt like it was branding my cheek with lust the way it was pawing, "up for it?"

I knew I was beat. "Fine, but keep it quiet. If I am a boy, you don't want the guys downstairs to find out, right?"

"Right," said Creavy, conceding, "but only on the condition you do your duties to the best of your abilities. And, watching that performance before, I'd say your abilities are pretty good," he said, turning to the guest and chortling. "If you insist you're a boy, and you don't know this stuff, then you've gotta do whatever we say, if that's the case, got it?" I nodded. I was walking away from this with a little more humility, regardless, I may as well walk away quickly, without a fight.

"Well, I'm gonna get the guys downstairs something to do, probably a round o' drinks, and then I'll be right back, baby," he said, patting my ass, and letting his hand fall from it as he walked to the door. "Oh, by the way, Candy, we've got cameras all over the house, so I've already got plenty of dirt on ya. Don't think about running."

I had, but now I knew I couldn't. Even if I did get away, my life was over if anyone at school found out.

As he closed the door, the guest leaned over to me and whispered.

"Hallo thar, lass, name's Din. My cock'll be attending to your pretty lil' mouth for this occasion; gee, I wonder how that cute lass voice will feel, moanin' aroun' my log, eh?," he said, and put a finger up to my lip, caressed around it, and I wanted to push him off but knew I couldn't. He put his other hand firmly in the small of my back, and it felt like he was completely in control of me.

"Can I ask ye a queshtin, miss?"

"Questions weren't a part of the deal."

He looked struck. "Aye, but shuttin' the fook up and doing what I say was, wasn't it, lass? Lemme tell ya somethin', Creavy may not want to haff nothin' to do with boys in pretty girls clothes, and I might neither, but I have a row of friends, see, and after this test, even if ye are a boy, they'll fuck ya clean till morning and you'll be a boy full o' good ol' Irish man-juice. I' that what ye be wantin'?"

"No!" I said, and felt the bulge of Candy's jump a bit.

"Well then, can I have a question and a proper apology, if that won't be too much to ask?" he said, gesturing around his finger.

I knew what he wanted, and it was time to be Candy in a way I never thought I'd have to. "Of course you can, Din," I said, and took his finger into my mouth, sucked on it a bit. I thought about someone doing it to me and just tried to do the same, being Candy and all. It was easy, but it felt gross.

"Well then, meh question is this: will ye be makin' a mess of the floor?"

I didn't know what he meant, but I knew I had to be polite, and suppressed the urge to say "what was that, you dumb Irish git?" Instead, I put my hand on his chest and sucked his finger to the knuckle.

"What do you mean, Din, honey?"

"I mean ta say, will you be passing the test with flying colours? Makin a girl of yourself, messin up the floor?"

Now I knew what he was getting at.

"Do you want me to?" was what I thought he wanted me to say, and I grinned at him.

"No, not at all, thank ya very mooch! I just bet old Creavy tree-hunderd dollars that you'd turn out to be a boy, with a nice bottom at that," he said, and the hand on the small of my back crept lower, touching the top of my ass. I started to shake.

"I'm just lookin' at that toy o' yours and it looks like you like what Creavy and I have to offer in spite of yourself, which makes ya a lass. Is that the case, bitty? I want to cancel my bet now if you know I'll lose."

"No, I'm not a girl," I said, "but I'll be one for you just this once," I said, wiggling my butt a bit. I wanted so badly to just leave and deal with the kid's at school rather than shake my money-maker for this twat, but I didn't see that as a valid option.

"Aight then, lass. Ready for your meal?" he said, and walked over to pick up a stool. He told me to sit down in the chair, and lean forward, so that "yer arse is a nice, tantalizing meal, see?" My ass was a meal. This was not ideal.

He put the stool down in front of the chair and stood up on it. I arched my back, to make my ass a prize to behold, I'll admit, and I squared off my shoulders, put my head forward, and put my knees together. I didn't even notice until I had everything perfect that his massive sausage was now level with my face, with him being on the stool. I blinked at it.

"I'm gonna ask ya just two more questions. Do you want to suck me off, or do ya want me to make luv to Candy's wee lips?" I thought about it, and knew that I wasn't ready to go to town on a guy's dick. I'd let him have his way.

"I'll open my mouth, and you put in whatever you want, babe."

"Right then!," he said, "and the second question, do you want me feed ya, have ya suckle on mah cock until you've had yer fill like a good little lass, or do you want meh tah cream on ya face like a good little whore?"

On my face, obviously, I thought.

"Before you answer, I want you to know that you're gonna have to walk home with my spunk on yer face if you take that route. Swallow your pride, by swallowing MAH pride," he said, laughing at his own joke, "and no one'll know the difference."

There wasn't really a choice.

"Well then, baby, you're just gonna have to fill my tummy!" I said, licking my lips.

"Aight, then let's get started. Open yer mouth as wide as ya can, lop out your tongue, and wait there fer me."

I did. I slowly opened my mouth, and as I parted my lips they made a faint smacking sound, and as my mouth opened I steeled myself for what was about to happen. As I let my tongue fall into place, out of my mouth, I thought to myself that I should try to find some other place to be while this happens. After all, I don't need to be here, he just wants Candy. He wants to fuck Candy in the mouth. Put his dick in and go wild. And when he's finished pumping her throat, he's gonna jizz a whole load, right in her mouth and throat, and she's gonna swallow it down like a good girl. Oh god, I can't let him do that, I think.

I think that, but I'm still staring unblinking, crosseyed at his massive dick. He's gonna fuck my face, I think, and he's getting ready to.

"Here I come, lass," he says, and starts to inch closer. He puts his hand gently on the back of my head, and it makes me feel safe, but I realize I'm not safe, and that hand just keeps my mouth in place while his dick gives it a sloppy kiss.

He's but an inch away now and I have the sudden urge to run, but fight it. My package bounces a little. It touches the tip of my tongue, and I am officially blowing him. I smile in spite of myself, proud of my excellent skills, when reality sets in and so does his cock; it's sliding up my tongue.

"Moan!" he says, and I go "mmmm" as the top of his cock touches my upper lip and now it's face-fucking time. It doesn't have much of a taste but has a bit of a smell, not that I care to describe it. He keeps going further and he's passing my teeth, which I'm trying to cover with my lips, and I go cross-eyed and smile for him because I know it'll get him off faster.

"Say ahhh, whore!" he says, and I say "ahh," just before Candy and I get our first taste of someone putting both hands on the back of our heads and thrusting forward with gusto and huge man-cock. My face is now a real target for his sexual desires, and there's not much I can do about it. I gag.

"That's aight, lass, that's aight. I'll let ye breath for a second before I start ta have my fun."

And that's what I get, a second, before he starts to shove again, past t he point I gagged, and I stifle the gagging, until I start to feel my throat tighten around him, and I realize that he's hung like a horse again. I joke, and think to myself "time to deepthroat, I guess?" and start to tear up, either from the cock or from the helplessness. A few more small thrusts and another gag later, and he's got my lower lip on his balls, and my cheeks are full, and I look up at his face and it's the strangest feeling imaginable. I have his whole cock in my mouth and throat, and I don't like it, but it's not so bad. I start to feel like I did when I was climbing the stairs again, when I gag, and he pulls himself out. A trail of saliva and a sticky substance I assume is his precum(already?!) connects three places on my lips to the tip of his cock. Tears are resting on my cheeks.

"She's doing well so far, I see" says Creavy, and I notice that he's just walked in, holding a big tub of something. "Sorry I took so long, was looking for this," he said, holding up the tub, and walking over to my side.

"Good position, good, good. For a so-called boy, you know how to position yourself, don't you Candy?"

He says and suddenly I feel embarrassed again. I'm sticking out my ass seductively. "Cute little butt," he says, putting a hand, likewise, on the small of my back, and slowly lowering it. Din moves his dick back to the entrance to my mouth, I open wide, say "ahhh," again, and instinctively take a deep breath. He shoves it in and this time it feels like sex, like penetration, and once he's in a good amount of the way, he starts to pump in and out, bringing himself out to the tip, and every time he does I "kiss" it instinctively and look up at him, and then he goes back in mostways. It's real oral sex now, and he's getting into it. The saliva is dripping down the side of my mouth, and I can taste the precum salting my tongue. Occasionally, the penis will jerk, and so will my little one, and I'll feel a few droplets of precum on my tongue or in my throat. I try to go to a different place but every jerk brings me back to his cock and my cute little lips, and occasionally he deepthroats me and I try to breath, and my eyes close unintentionally and I think "I'm eating his cock, and I'm eating his cock," and my own bulge twitches.

Then I hear Creavy behind, and suddenly, I know why the chair has no back, and suddenly, I know what the tub is for. I don't know how I missed the big, obvious point to this whole thing, and how I forget that Candy isn't like other girls. There's only one way to go for a big honking cock looking for some relief from petite, big-bottomed Candy.

"Cute little butt, cute little butthole," says Creavy, pulling my soaking panties down, but leaving my skirt, spreading my cheeks, and staring at me. Though I can't see him, I know he's staring, and I know that as he looks at my cute little puckered hole, just waiting to be fucked, his bulge is growing far larger than I'd like it to be. I hear him drop his pants again. I really don't want to think about it, but again, Candy says chipper in the back of my mind, "time to get assfucked!"

"Candy, your butthole is bare, like a girls. I just don't believe you'd lie to me in the face, like that."

I wanna object, but I obviously have a cock making happy time in my mouth. I hear him open the tub of KY, I assume, and he starts to touch the girly part that I don't really want to touch. There is, in fact, a big "do not enter" sign I imagine is tattoo'd right next to that hole, and it really means it. I feel the KY, and then I hear a squelch, which I assume is him dipping a long, hard object that he keeps between his legs into the KY itself, getting ready his member for my love canal. I want to be anywhere but here. I, again, steel myself for the incoming penetration, but Candy just keeps singing, wagging her little butt side to side.

But it's my butt, I'm candy, and I'm about to catch Mr. Creavy's aching schlong.

I hear him lick his lips. I'm bent over, prone, so my asshole is on a horizontal plane, level with crotch. I feel something ominous approaching the hole and I don't have to guess what it is. The tip of Mr. Creavy's pride and joy is tapping my puckering anus.

"Now, Candy, this is how this is gonna be. I'm gonna push open your rings, one by one, as I start to cornhole you."

Cornhole. He's gonna cornhole me.

"You're gonna feel it in your belly, and that little toy of yours is gonna start to drip."

He says "start," but I'm already moist. Why?

"Once I'm up to the root, you're gonna have a real man balls-deep in that cute little hole. It'll be a tight fit, but to be honest Candy, I don't really give a shit, you teased me, and I'm gonna open you up and dick you."

How nice.

"You should feel me opening up the entrance now," he said, and I did, and I instinctively clenched up.

Wham! A heavy hand smacks my tight bottom, that I curse to the gods. "Relax, don't pucker up, push out a bit or you're in for a rough ride. Not that I mind."

"Okay," I say, but it comes out "Mnmmmmgghgmhn," as the face-pounding continues. My jaw is starting to ache and there's a ton of saliva and precum in my mouth.

"Once I'm up to the root, Candy, you remember to do everything I say, and everything Din says, and when we both finish, you'll have your test done. If my ramming you up your ass makes you wanna come, just go ahead and do it, if you do, you'se a girl. Nothing to be ashamed of." he said, and laughed. He hadn't penetrated yet, per se, but he had somehow managed to make my hole open just a bit just by touching it. He put a hand on the bottom of each cheek and lifted up my butt a bit, which forced me onto Din's cock more, and he held me for a second at the deepest point before continuing his assault.

"On the count of five, Imma start the cornholin'," he says, and I think "my ass!" and moan into Din's cock, and Candy says "cornholin' time!" and my member jerks a little.

"One," and on one, Din slows his thrusts, starts to rub the top of my head, and tells me to suck hard. I suck on him here and there, and each time I do I feel him shoot out just a little.

"Two," he says, and I wiggle my butt unintentionally.

"Three," and he takes the hand off my right cheek and puts it right on my small, pushes down a bit.

"Four," he says, long and breathy, and Din says "try not to scream yourself hoarse, now. Just catch and release, hehe,"

"FIVE!" he says, and time stops for just a second. I think about all the good times I had when I wasn't Candy and my asshole wasn't a fucktoy; my colon wasn't a place to sow one's seed. And then time continues.

He doesn't slam it all the way home like I thought he would, but instead inches just the head in, bit by bit, and the hole opens up, and I feel the "rings" start to hug his cock lovingly, like my ass is where his cock is supposed to be. It doesn't hurt much at all, but I still yell into Din's cock (which has him stroking my head quickly to make me relax, or enjoy the vibrations), anyway, because it was fun to be Candy at first but now he's putting his bone in my pooper and I just want to squeeze it out and go home, not catch him like I'm going to. It's inevitable. His hands on my left cheek and small are tight, and he's shaking hard, and he's grunting, "ughhhhh, mmmm," and I'm yelling and grunting, "Nnnnnnghhhmmmmm, accccchhhh, nggghhh!" And I'm caught between two men with huge cocks and, feeling Din's balls on my lip, huge loads, and I am Candy Apple, their tight-bodied, cute, tall, pigtailed, big-assed, tight-cornholed whore. Precum is leaking out onto the chair and I'm shaking, and I feel in their control.

"I'm about halfway in now, ahhh, ungh, take it bitch!" says Creavy, and I've felt, one, two, three, four, five rings expand, they're circular and open now, maybe four inches open, and they're squeezing his dick and making him feel great. He starts to pump, and now it really feels like a butt fucking, and I'm a girl for them, through and through, and there's nothing I can do about it.

I realize now that the hand on my left cheek had actually migrated around his cock, as I feel it pressed against the entrance, guiding his cock in, "feeding" it in, and I notice how comforting it was to have that hand there, on my big ol' butt that I worked so hard for, and I still like the hand on my small. Din is still occasionally deep-throating me and I'm occasionally gagging, but anything I do for him is out of the need to distract myself from what's happening in the backdoor. I hardly notice that he's getting tenser, that he's picking up the pace, that he's shooting off precum with almost every thrust now. I don't notice any of this because Creavy is now docked in my ass-station, it's fully loaded; he's buried to the root, balls deep and I can barely breath. I feel his balls resting against my ass cheeks, and they're big and tight: he's got a nice, full wad ready for me. The hand on the small slides up to my shoulder, and I feel so full and fucked. It's terrifying and I've never felt anything like it, but I can't help but squeeze him, here, and there, and there. My whole ass is just sucking him off better than I could ever hope to suck off Din, and I can't imagine how good it must feel to bang Candy.

To cornhole me, like he is.

He's got both hands on my shoulders now and I'm guessing he's ready to thrust, and I'm ready to let my eyes roll to the back of my head, and I feel tingling in my package that wasn't there before, and then I notice Din again. He deepthroats me again and for some reason I feel the urge to look up in his eyes. I look up, and he's staring down at me, and suddenly Creavy isn't in my pooper (though he is, that doesn't matter), because I see the look in Din's eyes and I know what he's ready for, I know what comes next. He pulls out to the tip, and starts to fire off the thickest Irish accent I have ever heard. "Oh fook, sook it! Gobble me down ye whore!"

The fucking in my mouth now is relentless but not very deep, and I can take notice of how it feels in my mouth. I definitely notice now the twitching, the jerkling, and the constant droplets. The buzzing in my little balls grows more intense.

Creavy is still deep in my ass but he's slowly letting it out, and it feels like I'm dumping out a football. My insides slide over him. But then I focus on Din, my jaw is starting to ache, and I need to just get it done. I put my tongue on the underside of his cock and start to suck, moving my mouth slightly against his thrusts.

"Oh, yah baby! I'm gonna blow! Ya know that, don't ya ya tart?! Swallow it all down lass, gulp every last drop, Candy!"

And he calls me Candy. There's a brief moment where I can feel Creavy again in my ass, just enjoying my bowels with a big stupid smile on his face, and then Din is everything. He's barely moving in or out, but his whole body is tense, and my eyes widen. A torrent of cum, thick, potent cum, gushes out fills my mouth immediately. Instinctively, I swallow it down and think "I just swallowed spunk!" before another gush fills my mouth and, with the saliva, starts to pour out down the sides of my lips, and then more comes and I'm forced to swallow as it projects down my throat, and I just start swallowing until it stops and I've had my fill o' Irish man-juice, and there are tears streaming down my face but I feel some sense of accomplishment, I'm dripping wet, and he's stroking the back of my head, for a second, I'm his wee lass (and though I'm loathe to admit it, it's not bad being a wee lass with a nice big ass,) until Creavy steps to the plate. Anal sex starring Candy Apple, a misled, regretful cross-dresser with a nice big ass and a bellyful of jizz is go. I feel his hands grab my shoulders and I know watching Din shoot off has made him go nuts, and I'm going to ride the lightning. My poor pooper never did anything to deserve this.

He thrusts in and out, in and out, like he's nailing his dream girl on prom night. It's relentless, and I want to run to the bathroom and just push out this mammoth in my colon, but I know that won't work, despite my bodies obvious pleas for "stop cornholin' please."

"Is your belly nice and full, Candy babe? How about your shitcan, feelin' pretty empty huh?"


"Well, don't worry, old Creavy's gonna fill up that tummy just as well."

Fill up? Creavy is a pump. My mouth, stupid, tired mouth says it, and my ass regrets it

"Fill-er-up, babe. Premium unleaded, please."

Creavy's mind is gone. All that remains is his sex.

He starts pounding in and out, all the way, and at one point he even slips out with a "pop" and I'm empty for a second and I remember the good old times when I wasn't a forced "shit-pipe slut," as Creavy calls me with a slap on my ass, before the cock is back home and I'm dripping uncontrollably.

Creavy starts to slap me on the ass again and again, and he starts to tense up. I try desperately to talk my way out of it, "come in my mouth, babe," or "shoot it all over my back, honey," but he's not listening. He knows where that load is going, and so do I.

I feel the bow on my back and the pigtails in my hair swerve, my skirt is poofed up and I feel like a stuffed turkey. Creavy's me and I'm every girl I've ever done, fucker, and fucked. I am fucked.

I'm grunting and moaning and whining and Creavy's calling me a bitch, and I feel like one, "take it in the ass, bitch!" he says, and Candy says "it's up your ass, just waiting to cream up your chocolate."

Cream up my chocolate.

Creavy's tenser, and tenser, and tenser, and his thrusts are deeper and faster, I'm gasping for breath, grunting at every push in, moaning at every pull out, and finally, he says,

"Candy! Ugh, Candy! Here you go, babe! Sixteen gallons of premium load, right up your SHITTER!"

He screams it and I drop my head down almost between my legs. I moan "ugh... don't come in me, please," before it's too late. Din was nothing. I lowered my head, and knew full well that he was coming in my ass. I felt Creavy blast my colon full with one, massive splurt, and it was warm and thick and it was stretching my guts. Squirt two was liquid in liquid, and my belly felt full. Instinctively, my anus grabbed on to him, because I didn't want to miss one drop of his load; it was mine, Candy earned it. With his final, massive splurt of humility, I heard a squelch, and he was balls deep, and I was full to the brim, and feeling my pooper contract unintentionally gave that final, massive, jerk. I heard Creavy whisper, "how'd that feel, my little cum-catcher?"

My prick stood up, and I knew I had been beaten. I tried to hold it in but Creavy put his hand right on my cheek, and his other right on my small, and twitched his cock ever so slightly, and the cum in me stirred, and my eyes rolled to the back of my head, and I tensed up. Like I had earned his load, he had earned mine, and it shot off the chair and onto the floor, just one splurt, but that was enough. Creavy slowly pulled out, and I clenched to keep his load in my ass. Creavy and Din both walked over to the spot on the floor where I had failed the test, and looked at it, then me. "A fine lass ye are," said Din, smiling.

They had me pull up my panties to cover my lube and spunk-covered bum, and I tucked away my package, limp and shameful, back into the front. I wiped my mouth with my sleeve, I felt so full, and a little nauseous. I burped and it tasted like Din

They walked me down the stairs, and all the other guests, there must have been over a dozen, I realized, looked at me. I realized that there was camera footage of the whole thing, and it looked completely consensual. I realized there were at least a dozen bulges still twitching. I felt Creavy's hand on my cheek, and looked up at him, and started to shake, but he just looked forward, away, and smiled. Everyone looked expectantly. I couldn't stop the shaking, and I knew why they were watching. Protected by the panties, my anus was weak from use, heavy, heavy, use, and the huge load Creavy had blown up my cornhole was now ready to come back

The sound was roarous, and I blushed a deep scarlet. The skirt lifted up from behind me, and the entire load got dropped into the seat of the panties where all could see the warm mass of goo. It felt like heaven to just let it out. It started to drip down my leg and Creavy said "that one was me, sorry guys." and everyone started to laugh. Creavy groped my ass, pulled me to his chest, tilted my head up, and kissed me full on the mouth.

Everyone was staring at the bubble that was just sitting on my tush. The bubble of spunk that had seen my beyond the beyond, and they grinned. I kissed Creavy, just a bit, and wiggled my butt. I felt like I did when I first climbed up those stairs.

But I also felt, well, fucked.

What do I do now?

END Part 1

Next: Chapter 2

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