Canoe Trip

By Jane Parks

Published on Mar 15, 2013



Canoe Trip Jane Parks

(f/F, ffff/F, F/F, Humil.)

Disclaimer: This story is a work of fiction. None of the characters or events herein are based on real people, either living or dead. It was produced for the entertainment of ADULTS ONLY, and contains descriptions of explicit sex. If you are not an adult, or if reading stories of a sexual nature upsets you, do not read any further! By reading further, you certify that you have accessed/requested access to this material willfully, and that you are an adult 21 years of age or older. You also certify that to your knowledge, this material does not offend the standards in your area, nor is it in violation of any of local, state, or federal law.

"Come on, Lisa," Joanie said to her co-worker with just a note of exasperation in her voice.

"You know it would be fun to go canoeing with us. At least it'll get you out of your stupid apartment for two days."

Lisa appeared more than just a little unhappy as she sadly contemplated Joanie's proposal. Lisa was positive that the absolute last thing she wanted to do on this earth was to join Joanie on a two day whitewater canoeing trip with a clutch of four fifteen year old girls who had talked Joanie into going with them primarily so that their parents would allow them to do it. It seems that this little gaggle of teenage girls had glommed onto Joanie at the beginning of the summer when she had done a month-long volunteer stint at a local youth day camp as part of the company's good corporate neighbor policy. Now that the end of summer was near and school was almost in session, this quartet of adolescent schoolgirls had concocted the canoe trip idea as something to do to get them all out of the house one last time before the drudgery of back to school set in.

Joanie hadn't argued with them one little bit when the girls approached her with the canoe trip idea. In fact, she had quite happily gone along with their sneaky little scheme. That was because Joanie most definitely had her own less than altruistic reasons for agreeing to chaperone the girls. She viewed the prospect of being off alone with her four adolescent female charges as potentially quite stimulating, to say the least, given all the interesting, yummy things she had learned about them during her stint at the day camp. And while she was at it, Joanie decided to add just a little bit more spice to the canoe trip by roping her co-worker Lisa into going along. You see, there was just no denying the fact that Joanie had a major case of the hots for her co-worker and a super sized yen to have Lisa all to herself way out in the wild where she could really get at her undisturbed. The tantalizing thought of that wanton prospect made Joanie's thong wet every time it flashed across her licentious little mind.

Joanie had therefore decided to concoct the trumped up rationale that she really needed a second adult to accompany the girls and her on their canoeing trip in order to conscript Lisa's consent to go along with them.

So now she was really pressing Lisa hard to come along.

It seems that over their past year of working together, Joanie had pretty much figured little Lisa out. It turned out that Lisa was one of those shy, sexually repressed mid-thirties women who had devoted herself almost entirely to her work over the years. Why? Because she had such a lame, boring, practically non- existent social life; read love life. Joanie knew for a fact that Lisa hadn't had a date with another person, male or female, during the entire year of their acquaintance. Lisa had confided this to her in a moment of weakness. She also knew that because of her almost total lack of social contacts, Lisa was becoming increasingly desperate for some kind of a life, any kind of life other than just going to and from work five days a week and hiding in her lonely, empty apartment each weekend. And Joanie had also wormed out of Lisa one Friday evening over drinks, that Lisa had always had a secret fetish for woman love. She had indulged in only one encounter with another female, back in high school. But that one encounter had been so exciting and arousing that Lisa couldn't get away from it even after all these years.

Joanie had also put two and two together and figured out that Lisa was becoming more than just a little bit horny as well as lonely. Here she was, a woman at the height of her sexuality without any sexuality whatsoever other than the occasional bout of abashed, half-hearted, and clumsy self-stimulation.. This, Lisa had also confessed to Joanie that same night when Joanie had been especially empathic with her in an effort to pump her for all the dirt she could get on her.

Of course, Joanie really didn't care about how troubled Lisa was, except as how it related to her own sick fantasies. Once Lisa's growing sexual desperation had become obvious to her, Joanie began to tease and tantalize her co-worker with the occasional touch of her hand on Lisa's hip or shoulder, or the random brushing up against her bottom as they passed each other in the hall. Nothing really overt, just sinking the claws in a little each time. Here of late, Joanie's sinister little forays into heightening Lisa's sex hunger had been rewarded by shy little whimpers and sharp little intakes of breath that told her quite emphatically that Lisa was becoming more than just a wee bit aroused in spite of her best efforts to suppress her growing sexual hunger.

for her part, Lisa began seriously asking herself, why was she beginning to turn on to Joanie when she didn't even really like the woman all that much? Lisa had to admit that she must really be in need of sexual relief. And that admission frightened her. But it also excited her.

Watching Lisa's reaction to her cruel sexual teasing and taunting, Joanie was pretty sure by now that Lisa was just about ripe for the unique kind of picking that she loved so well, and Joanie had some really interesting ideas about exactly how and where Lisa was going to be picked. The canoe trip was absolutely made to order for Joanie's sinister purposes. So it was imperative from Joanie's standpoint that she compel Lisa to join her and the girls for two days of sexy wilderness fun and games.

Furthermore, Joanie had figured out that Lisa had a pretty strong submissive streak that made the prospect of getting at her all the more promising. It seems that, despite the fact that Lisa was much the better worker, and also despite the fact that she was older than Joanie by about five years, Lisa always seemed to defer to Joanie whenever it came to decisions at work. Lisa tried to reinforce company policy with her co- worker, but always seemed to defer to her when Joanie desired to do something "outside the box." Joanie had to confess to herself that she took a cruel pleasure in her little bullying sessions with Lisa. It was great fun to make the other woman give in despite the fact that she knew that Joanie's latest idea or plan didn't mesh with agency policy. Joanie always won in the end. She loved it.

Joanie was well aware that Lisa really, really didn't want to go on any canoe trip with her and four teenage girls she had never met before. And getting her to agree to do it anyway despite that fact was proving to be a sizable portion of Joanie's turn on at the whole idea. For one thing, Joanie was well aware that Lisa didn't like being on the water in any form or fashion. When Joanie had spoken to her in the past about her own numerous whitewater canoeing trips Lisa had confessed to her co-worker that the very thought of being swept along in a canoe out of control over fast-running whitewater sent chills of panic up and down her spine. Joanie saw some real possibilities there. Second, Joanie knew that Lisa didn't like being around young adolescent girls. As a matter of fact, they really made her nervous and fidgety every time she found herself in their midst; like at the mall. She didn't seem to know why they bothered her exactly. She couldn't explain it either to herself or to Joanie. Perhaps it was all the loud noise and giggling which girls that age seemed to generate whenever they were in each others' company: all that hedonic behavior. Or perhaps it was the bratty, superior, attitude so many of them put on as they paraded around the mall in packs. They seemed to act like they owned the mall. And that made Lisa edgy every time she went shopping. Whatever it was, Joanie knew for certain that Lisa didn't like any of it because it made her feel curiously intimidated and nervous. And finally, Joanie knew that Lisa really didn't want to be stuck out in the backwoods with her co-worker as the only other "responsible" adult present.

Lisa was by nature shy, diffident, reserved, and, almost obsessively efficient in her job as an assistant buyer with her company. By way of contrast, Joanie was loud, brash, assertive, and not just a little bit slack in her personal work habits. Naively, Lisa often despaired to Joanie about the other woman's less-than- satisfactory workplace behavior, which Lisa clearly felt was lax at best and downright sloppy at worst. Joanie even knew through the gossip grapevine that Lisa had speculated to other people in the office that it was probably for this very reason that her co-worker had been assigned the day camp duties in the first place. If Joanie were gone for a month, who would miss her?

Joanie could tell by her reluctance to go along on the canoe trip that Lisa was deeply concerned about the possibility of something bad happening to one of the girls. It was obvious that Lisa conjectured that Joanie would be absolutely no help at all in an emergency. And while this wasn't at all true, given Joanie's extended experience in whitewater canoeing, Joanie didn't do anything at all to even attempt to dissuade Lisa from her low opinion of Joanie's abilities. In fact, Joanie actually wanted Lisa to think she really was a slacker. That would make it ever so much tastier when Joanie overpowered her and finally put the stuck-up little bitch in her place during the canoe trip.

So, Joanie knew for absolute certain that Lisa didn't want any part in her canoe trip plan. But Joanie also knew that it didn't really matter to her one little bit what Lisa either wanted or didn't want. It only mattered to her what she herself wanted. And she wanted Lisa. Actually, she had wanted Lisa to serve her for a long time. She had become bored with merely teasing and tormenting the woman. She knew that her co-worker was becoming increasingly hungry to experience more, but Lisa was just too scared to do anything about it herself. That was just fine with Joanie. She wanted Lisa to be scared. That would make her all the more vulnerable and intimidatable.

Joanie meant to have Lisa for once and for all. She wanted Lisa to slide right under her thumb during the canoe trip, and she wanted Lisa to remain under her dominating thumb even after the trip ended, and for as long as Lisa continued to amuse her. Joanie hadn't had the lurid pleasure of a cute little subby pet all her own since she had gotten bored with Lisa's predecessor a year ago and had gotten her fired. Now, she just couldn't wait to turn Lisa into her most recent conquest.

Joanie had made certain that her four teenybopper girlfriends understood what she wanted from them this weekend and they had readily agreed to help her get it. She already knew enough about those four young girls to ensure that they would willingly support her in her plan to turn Lisa into her humiliated and degraded sexual sub. Their cooperation had been Joanie's price for allowing them to use her agreement to go along as a chaperone as a way to ease the worried minds of their gullible parents. The girls had agreed readily with Joanie's scheme, assuming with little reason to the contrary that they also would get their own personal share of Lisa, once her will to resist had been sufficiently broken and her conscience had been shredded. In fact, one of the four girls, Megan, had already convinced Joanie that she, and not the older woman, should be in charge of Lisa's breaking in. And that was just fine with Joanie, because she had her own plans for a tasty little tryst with another of the girls, her name was June, to keep her occupied until the honey trap had been good and truly sprung on Lisa. So here was Joanie, with everything needed for Lisa's sexual downfall all set and ready to go, putting pressure on Lisa to come along on the canoe trip. "Oh come on, Lisa," Joanie actually began bullying her co-worker.

"I don't think so, Joanie," Lisa finally spoke up for herself, although her voice quavered as she said the words.

Joanie looked at Lisa as if she were being a real pain in the butt.

"La la la la la. I can't hear you," Joanie singsonged to her increasingly unhappy co-worker.

Lisa tried to stare Joanie down, but didn't succeed too well. Seeing Lisa waver just the least little bit, Joanie played her high card.

"Look, kiddo. I hate to be this way, but you own me one."

Joanie was making it a point not to let the matter drop.

Lisa looked right at Joanie with a baffled expression on her face.

"How do I owe you one, Joanie?"

Joanie leaned far over Lisa's desk and her voice took on a conspiratorial tone as she whispered huskily in her co-worker's ear. Lisa twitched and wriggled just a little in her chair as she felt the other woman's warm breath on her earlobe. Having Joanie be this close to her really flustered Lisa. And she knew that Joanie knew it, which made it all the more embarrassing.

"Hey kiddo. You remembered who covered your cute little butt for you when you couldn't fill that Gatestar parts order last spring. Don't you? We both know that if I hadn't made that special little phone call and cashed in some chips the guys over at Jenkins Express owed me, you would have been caught real short."

Joanie emphasized her words by placing her hand gently but firmly on Lisa's forearm, thereby preventing her from moving away. Lisa furtively glanced down at Joanie's restraining hand, then at her own hands, her fingers laced tightly together in her lap. She should stand up right now and tell Joanie 'no' in a firm, no- nonsense voice. But she couldn't bring herself to do it. Joanie was right, of course. As always. If she hadn't worked things out at the last minute, the company management would have come down on Lisa like a ton of bricks for not getting the needed parts to the assembly floor just in time.

And besides, Lisa found it difficult to contradict Joanie in her assessment with her standing so close to her. Despite herself, Lisa felt a growing flush of sexual heat deep inside her as Joanie leaned even further over her. She certainly didn't want to react this way to Joanie's invasion of her private space, but she just couldn't seem to help herself.

"Well, kiddo. Do you own me or not?"

Joanie's tone of voice was more than just a little bit in Lisa's face as was her whole demeanor and body language. Lisa attempted to slide back in her desk chair to get away from the woman standing so imposingly above her. But Joanie merely squeezed her arm tighter and pressed even closer than before.

"Well, kiddo?" Joanie's whispering lips were almost toughing Lisa's ear. Lisa began to feel a flush coming over her face. Then she began to itch really badly "down there." Lisa knew that Joanie was actually forcing her to say 'yes' to going on this canoe trip. Forcing her. Wasn't she? And that was making Lisa aroused. Wasn't it?

Well, Lisa rationalized to herself as she began unconsciously rubbing her thighs together lewdly, if she were being forced to agree.

Joanie looked down at Lisa, watching with growing interest as the other woman continued her unconscious little leg movements under her skirt. Oh yes. Lisa was certainly just about ripe alright.

In her flustered state, Lisa knew enough to know that she just couldn't seem to say 'no' to Joanie. So, despite her better judgment, she slowly nodded her head in agreement. She really did own Joanie a big one for getting her out of that potentially serious jam last spring. So maybe, if going with her on this stupid canoeing trip with her stupid little girls would balance accounts, Lisa had better go along for her own sake. And perhaps it wouldn't be as bad as she pictured it in her mind. Perhaps Joanie would finally do more than just tease and tantalize her once they were away from the office. Perhaps.

"You're right, Joanie," Lisa finally admitted in a small, diffident voice.

"You're always right."

Joanie licked her lips in triumph. The very tip of her tongue barely touched the edge of Lisa's ear. And Lisa made the cutest little whimpering noise when she felt the warm wetness of Joanie's tongue. Then, suddenly, reality set in with a vengeance.

"But I've never canoed before in my life, Joanie. I don't know how. I don't even know what to wear."

There was a whimpering whininess in Lisa's voice that she didn't like to hear coming out of her own mouth. But she felt like Joanie was painting her into a corner. Part of her didn't like that fact one bit. the other part wriggled subconsciously, wondering what else Joanie was going to force her to do.

And as for Joanie, well, she was pretty sure now that she had won the first round. And she liked painting her co-worker into an emotional corner. She liked it a lot. Only time would tell whether she would be able to compel Lisa to make any more of her little whimpering noises on the trip; in a much more intimate setting of course. She certainly hoped so. They were just so appealing to her.

"Don't worry about what to wear, Lisa baby. I've got some leftover T-shirts and shorts from the day camp that will just about fit you. I'll bring them in, and you can put them on before we leave. Just remember to bring along an old pair of tennies to wear."

For all she wracked her brain, Lisa couldn't think of any other valid reasons not to do what Joanie asked her to do. So, she resigned herself to going along on the canoe trip. She nodded her head again in grudging agreement, and as Joanie straightened back up, Lisa thought she felt the merest little wet tongue flick against her earlobe. She let another girlish little whimper escape her lips as Joanie stepped back a pace from her desk. Was Joanie really doing something to her, or was she just imagining things?

"When do we leave, Joanie?"

Still that small, diffident voice.

Lisa's words were half fearful, half eager. Joanie's reply was all eager . "That a girl, Lisa. You might really enjoy it if you just permit yourself to let go for a little."

Joanie smiled down at her co-worker and, to emphasize her point, she placed her hand on Lisa's shoulder and squeezed it gently. Lisa just caught herself before she flinched at the other woman's familiarity.

"We leave this Friday afternoon right after work, and we'll be back late Sunday night. We can use my minivan to haul the three canoes we'll need to the put-in point. Then, while you and the girls are setting up camp, I'll take the van to the take-out spot and hitch a ride back. I've done this stretch of the river several times already. It's exciting and lots of fun, and there are always a bunch of folks out canoeing this time of year. It'll be a blast."

Joanie's hand moved slowly back and forth across Lisa's shoulder. Lisa began to wonder whether the other woman was just consoling her, or was there something more erotic to Joanie's stroking. She still had her lingering doubts about the wisdom of going on this trip despite the little itch that was growing deep inside her loins. But she had promised Joanie she would go with her, and a promise was a promise. Besides, Lisa could feel that little itch deep inside that Joanie had caused by standing so close to her before getting to be a not so little itch.

Lisa unconsciously bit her lower lip as she thought about the salacious possibilities. Was it possible that Joanie might actually make some sort of pass at her during the trip? Was it possible that her tedious, pointless life might be changing for the better? Lisa was suddenly confronted starkly by the wrenching loneliness of her forlorn life. Perhaps she wanted a change. Perhaps.

"We'll leave right from here in the van and pick up the girls at the front of the community center. I'll already have the canoes and tents tied down on top and all the sleeping pads, blankets, and cooking junk stuffed in back. We'll get to the put-in point well before dark, so you shouldn't have any problems setting up camp while I'm gone."

Lisa began to worry all over again, but she just nodded her head and wondered to herself furtively if there was any way at all she could get out of doing this at the very last minute. But, no. She wasn't the kind of person to renege on a promise once she had made it. Was she? So for better or worse, Lisa docilely resigned herself to going on the trip with Joanie and the four girls.

Friday finally arrived. Lisa came to work with a waterproof overnight bag containing her toiletries, underwear, and a few personal items. The bag also had room to put in the extra clothes Joanie had said she would bring for her. She still wasn't sold on the idea of the canoe trip but she consoled herself with the notion that, come Monday morning, she would be even steven with Joanie for that favor last spring. She could endure anything for two days. Couldn't she?

And, maybe Joanie might just find her attractive enough to do something exciting and arousing about her little itch.

About 3:00 o'clock that afternoon, Joanie reached under her desk and pulled out a large cardboard box filled with T-shirts and shorts from the day camp. She opened it up and handed Lisa three T-shirts and three sets of shorts.

"Let's go put on our outfits and then we'll head out."

Lisa took the proffered T-shirts and shorts, stuffed two pair into her overnight duffle along with her toiletries and underwear that she had brought from home, and went off to the ladies room to put on her outfit. Joanie was right behind her with her own T- shirt and shorts.

Lisa, who was beset with an overwhelming body shyness, was so embarrassed to be changing clothes in front of her female co-worker that she went into one of the stalls to do it. Joanie just chuckled at Lisa's prudishness. Before long, that body shyness of hers would be a thing of the past if Joanie had her way about it. Inside the stall with the door closed, Lisa removed her blouse and skirt, then put on the shorts. She had had sense enough not to wear a bra that day, so she just pulled the T-shirt up over her head and tucked it into the shorts. She sensed that both the shorts and T-shirt were rather a tight fit, but since that was all she had to wear, she decided to grin and bear it. Fortunately, Lisa had remembered at the last minute before leaving home that morning what Joanie had said about bringing along an old pair of tennis shoes. So when she finally came out of the stall with her skirt and blouse in her hand, her canoeing outfit was complete.

Joanie, who was already attired in her T-shirt, shorts, and deck shoes, openly ogled Lisa in her tight canoeing outfit when she was certain her co-worker couldn't help but be aware of her unabashed interest. And Joanie most definitely liked what she saw. This had all the makings of a really yummy canoe trip. And despite her little blush of embarrassment, Lisa was secretly happy that Joanie so obviously found her attractive enough to continue looking at her far past the point of politeness. Lisa suddenly wanted to turn around so Joanie could see all of her. But her shyness prevented her from being so brazen. Joanie saw Lisa's desire to show herself off reflected in her bright eyes. But rather than allow Lisa to initiate the next step in their little flirtation, Joanie casually walked over to her co-worker, put her two hands on Lisa's shoulders, drew the other woman to her, and, without another word, kissed her full on the mouth before Lisa could even think about pulling away.

Lisa was so startled by Joanie's preemptive action that she just went along with her and kissed back.

As they kissed, Joanie played seductively with the nape of the other woman's neck until she elicited a little lust hungry moan from her. Then, just as suddenly as she had kissed her, Joanie pulled away from a breathless and uncomprehending Lisa. As Lisa stood there with a look of confused disbelief on her face, Joanie reached out and nipped the other woman's erect nipples through her T-shirt and twisted them cruelly until Lisa squealed in pain. Then, without any comment or explanation for her precipitous actions, Joanie chuckled quietly to herself and took the stunned woman by the hand and led her back down the hall to their office.

Joanie motioned for a dazed and confused Lisa to put her business clothes in her desk drawer for safekeeping, then they left the office building and walked over to Joanie's minivan.

Joanie patted Lisa lightly on the butt as they walked out to the van, and said "Don't sweat it baby. We're going to have a real good time you and me. I'll take good care of you, Lisa girl."

Lisa began to calm down when she heard Joanie's reassuring words. Joanie would take care of her.

Joanie did know about her needs and desires after all. It was going to be OK. Lisa looked over at Joanie and breathed a sigh of relief. Her life was going to change, after all. And that was going to be a good thing. Wasn't it?"

Before she got inside the minivan, Lisa had come back to herself enough to note that, sure enough, Joanie had done a surprisingly good job of preparing for the canoe trip. All three canoes were securely racked and lashed to the roof of the minivan, as were three small vinyl- coated packets that had to be the tents. When, Lisa put her bag in the back, she also noticed six neatly packed bundles and some well chosen pre-processed trail food and cooking supplies inside a cardboard box. Each compact bundle contained a sleeping pad, blanket and a life vest all tied neatly together. Seeing Joanie's high level of efficiency heartened Lisa no end. Perhaps this wasn't going to be so bad after all. Especially since Joanie had figured out what Lisa really needed. Lisa decided to just relax, trust Joanie, and go with the flow.

As the van pulled up in front of the community center, Lisa was further encouraged to see all four girls right on time waiting with their overnight duffle bags all set to go. They were all dressed in matching t-shirts and shorts just like the ones Lisa and Joanie were wearing. They were leftovers from their day camp days, just like Joanie's outfit.

So, after observing the four girls and their purposeful demeanor and uniform attire, Lisa began to think that maybe things were much more on track than she had feared. That meant that Lisa might actually have some time for her and her little itch after all. That was great, because her little itch was growing.

Joanie and Lisa emerged from the van, and Lisa decided that she would put her best face on it as Joanie introduced her to the young girls. After all, they certainly had no way of knowing that Joanie had practically dragooned Lisa into coming along. And why should they know anything at all about how Joanie was going to take such good care of her on the trip. Such good care. These young girls could be kept totally in the dark about Lisa's secret desires and Joanie's willingness to respond to her needs. After all this time, Lisa could certainly wait just a little longer till late that night, when the girls were all fast asleep, for Joanie to minister to her hunger in their little cozy tent in the dark. Lisa could wait a little longer.

"Lisa, I'd like you to meet June," Joanie introduced the first little girl with a huskiness in her voice that Lisa found rather curious.

As she reached out her hand to take June's, Lisa noted that this little girl hardly looked like any fifteen year old she was used to seeing. June could have easily passed for two or three years younger. She was shorter than the other three girls by a good foot and she was very slight of build. She was small boned, small breasted, with "little girl" arms and legs that had not begun to develop the rondeur of an adolescent girl. The only thing about her body that looked like a girl her age was her little bubble butt.

As June returned Lisa's handshake, Lisa noted that the girl's eyes never left Joanie for a second. There most certainly seemed to be a strong bond between the adult woman and the little girl that Lisa couldn't quite get a handle on. Why June appeared as though she practically idolized Joanie. As she let go of June's hand, Lisa experienced a momentary flash of jealousy. Had Joanie only been teasing her after all? Playing with her while knowing that she really wanted to be with June? Lisa shook her head to clear it. No. That couldn't be the case at all. June was only a little girl. Lisa was a full-grown woman who could offer Joanie so much more.

Before Lisa had time to mull such things over in her mind, Joanie introduced her to Angela and Kimberly. Angela was tall and angular while Kimberly was shorter and a good bit curvier. The two girls were actually holding hands and looked unhappy when they had to let go of each other in order to shake hands with Lisa, who found them a peculiar pair indeed for young adolescents. They seemed to be completely taken with each other, and could barely stand to be apart for the brief time it took to introduce them to Lisa. But, again, before Lisa could get her mind grounded, Joanie was introducing her to Megan. Lisa could immediately see that this young lady was mature beyond her fifteen years. Megan was tall, but by no means a beanpole. She had well-muscled, long legs and arms, and a surprisingly well-developed chest and derriere for a fifteen year old. And, as Lisa held out her hand, Megan returned her handshake with a firm grip. There was something about this young girl that immediately made Lisa react just a little negatively. For one thing, Megan appeared to be just too sure of herself to suit Lisa. She reminded Lisa of all the bratty little mall rats who took such cruel pleasure in intimidating her. For another, Megan had a way of looking at Lisa that made the older woman feel like she was being inspected. It was clear to Lisa that Megan liked what she saw, and it was also clear that the fifteen year old was nobody's pushover. Megan's brazen attitude made the older woman anxious and a little frightened. But somehow it also made Lisa want to impress and please her. Lisa realized that Megan made her feel much the same way that Joanie had made her feel earlier that day. But Joanie was an adult woman, almost Lisa's own age. Megan was a different story entirely. She was a fifteen-year-old girl. Lisa wanted Joanie to pay attention to her on this trip. She didn't want to have anything to do with this Megan if she could have Joanie.

Still, Lisa had to admit that Megan was a very attractive young girl. The older woman was especially drawn to Megan's long, well-muscled legs. They were tanned an even bronze color, as was the rest of her. She looked so strong and lively.

Lisa tried to put the girl and her brazenness out of her mind as they all began loading the back of the minivan.

Joanie didn't allow Lisa any time at all to dwell on her first blush perception of Megan as over-confident and perhaps a little spoiled as well. Sooner that she thought possible, Lisa and the other five members of the canoeing expedition had stowed their gear and were all getting in the van and sorting themselves out for the drive to the put-in point. Lisa, whose thoughts had turned once again to Joanie, was once again pleasantly surprised by the efficiency of this little crew of girls who acted as if they had been together for years.

Up front, Joanie was already seated in the driver's seat with June sitting in the passenger seat next to her. When Lisa saw this, she became confused once more. Didn't Joanie want her to sit beside her? What was June doing taking her rightful place in the van? Before Lisa could react, Angela and Kimberly had taken possession of the first bench seat. That left only the second bench seat for Lisa and Megan because the third bench seat had been previously removed by Joanie to provide plenty of room for all their gear.

Megan just stood there by the van looking at Lisa as if she were some sort of dummy. After a space of time that seemed like hours Lisa silently and timidly surrendered to the young girl and climbed into the second bench seat. Megan immediately followed her in the van. As Lisa climbed into the bench, she thought she felt the merest pinch on her bottom followed by a cruel little feminine chuckle. But how could that be? Soon, she and Megan were seated and buckled in for the trip out.

As Joanie left the community center parking lot and proceeded out of town on the main highway south, Lisa couldn't help but notice with growing jealousy how June was literally hanging on every word that Joanie said. The little girl was turned almost sideways in her seat doing her best to face Joanie. There was a rapt look of sheer adoration on June's face that defied description. And Joanie was doing absolutely nothing to deflect June's obvious adoration of her. In fact, she seemed to relish it. From time to time, she even took her right hand off the steering wheel to pat the little girl's face or to push the stray strand of hair off June's forehead. Lisa looked at how Joanie was treating June and secretly wished it were her that Joanie was touching. But, she told herself that her time would come later that night. Joanie had kissed her and Joanie had put her hands on her breasts. Surely Joanie wouldn't just leave it like that. Surely.

As for Angela and Kimberly, just as soon as the van had left the parking lot, those two had put their heads together and had begun whispering romantically into each other's ears. An occasional giggle from one or the other of them tended to drown out what Joanie was softly saying to June up in the cockpit. Lisa could clearly see that Kimberly and Angela had formed some sort of intimate bond that was going to keep them focused on each other the entire trip. And that was OK with Lisa, so long as Joanie followed through on her implicit promise to take care of her.

Glancing over at Megan who was openly staring at her, Lisa slid as close to the left hand window as she could and buckled herself in tighter. Instead of remaining at the other end of the bench seat, Megan slit as close to Lisa as she could and buckled herself securely in her seat with the middle safety belt. Sitting so close to Lisa as she was, Megan's young body prevented the older woman from moving more than just a few inches either way on the bench seat. As a result, Lisa felt more than a little bit claustrophobic with the young girl sitting so close to her. But she could see no way to reasonably complain about Megan's intrusion on her space without appearing supercilious or rude. So she just sat there while Megan inched ever closer to her with each mile.

Besides, Lisa's attention continued to be drawn to the two girls seated directly in front of her. Angela and Kimberly were sitting so close to each other that they were practically in each other's laps. Their heads bumped against each other's as they whispered and giggled. Megan unabashedly watched Lisa as she observed the two little lovebirds sitting in front of her.

Finally Megan leaned over and whispered in Lisa's ear. "They're very close. Aren't they?"

Lisa blinked at Megan's words and felt a little tremor deep inside her. What did Megan mean by that? Why was she asking such a question?

Megan didn't allow Lisa any time to respond. "Actually, Lisa. They're lovers."

Megan giggled as she whispered the words into Lisa's ear.

Lisa blinked again and turned her head to face Megan whose face was now almost touching her own.


Megan giggled again and allowed her warm hand to fall gently on Lisa's bare knee.

"I said, they're lovers," Megan repeated in a normal tone of voice. At her words, Kimberly and Angela both turned their heads back toward Lisa and smiled sweetly.

"She's right, Lisa," cooed Kimberly and kissed Angela on the very tip of her nose.

"Yes, she is," agreed Angela who took Kimberly's head in her hands and brought the other girl's face right to her. Then Angela proceeded to kiss her girlfriend very deeply. Kimberly moaned softly as she returned Angela's torrid kiss.

Lisa couldn't believe her eyes or her ears as the two fifteen year olds continued to French kiss each other to the accompaniment of little moans and sighs of passion. What was going on, here?

"It's OK, Lisa," Megan assured the older woman as she nonchalantly allowed her hand to stroke the silky skin of Lisa's knee.

"Joanie even let them hold hands at camp when there were no other counselors around."

Another giggle.

"But she wouldn't let them kiss each other. Well, not in public, anyway. Only in private where she could watch. You know, Lisa, she likes to watch. And she let them do other things to each other, too. In private that is. Where she could watch them do it. She really likes to watch."

Lisa just sat there dazed as Angela and Kimberly kissed. She could feel Lisa's warm, soft hand on her bare leg and hear Lisa's lurid words, but she was so focused on the two girls in front of her, that she didn't do anything to stop Megan.

"She even let me watch them make out a couple times. I like to watch, too."

Another giggle as Megan's hand moved higher and higher on Lisa's leg.

Kimberly and Angela finally broke their long torrid kiss.

"Yeah, Lisa. And she wouldn't let us feel each other up in public, either," Angela complained as she allowed her hand free access to her girlfriend's braless breasts through her camp t-shirt.

"Well, not at first she wouldn't," Kimberly felt obliged to correct the record as she arched her back, giving her girlfriend better access to her breasts. "Yeah, Kim. But then, she made us. It was so hot. Wasn't it? Doing it in the food court at the mall."

Lisa distractedly licked her lips as she watched Angela continue to rove her exploring hand over her girlfriend's chest. But Megan didn't want Lisa to get too focused on Angela and Kimberly. Not just yet. She had other things she wanted Lisa to notice just then. The young girl leaned a little closer to her prey.

"Look at Joanie and June, Lisa," the fifteen year old commanded in a firm voice. And while it was difficult to tear her hungry eyes away from Kimberly and Angela, Lisa meekly did as she was told. What she saw was June sitting absolutely sideways on the very edge of her seat facing Joanie with her legs spread apart. Joanie was driving with her left hand and gliding her right hand gently up and down June's bare thigh. June was smiling peacefully, a dreamy, pacific look in her eyes.

"Look at June, Lisa. You know, she just adores Joanie.

She'd do anything for her, and I do mean anything. She's such a little lapdog for Joanie."

Lisa began to breath in little pants. She was now suddenly very aware of Megan's hand on her thigh, just as she was watching Joanie glide her hand up and down June's thigh.

"Don't you just love the expression on June's face? Doesn't it make you want to be somebody's little lapdog too, Lisa?

Lisa unconsciously nodded her head ever so slightly and made a little moaning sound deep in her throat. Megan began whispering again as her hand glided along the older woman's inner thigh.

"Joanie even let me watch her one time when June and her were together in the girls' room. June can really do some really nasty stuff when Joanie is the one who wants her to do it. Really sick stuff. You wouldn't think that a little girl like June could be such a big slut."

Another giggle.

Lisa stared mesmerized at Joanie's hand as it caressed the young girl's thigh. She licked her lips in anxious anticipation of what Joanie might do next. Then the exquisite feel of Megan's hand on her own flesh captured her mind. Lisa suddenly became very frightened, panicked in fact. What if Megan went too far with her little teasing game? What if she were caught letting a minor play with her like this? She could go to jail for a long time. And she would be the one blamed for trying to seduce Megan, not the other way around. Lisa willed herself to settle herself down in order to make Megan stop teasing her. This was all so wrong and it could have the direst consequences for her.

"Please Megan," Lisa said in a weak voice. "Please leave me alone."

Megan looked over at the older woman with a superior little smile on her face.

"Oh don't try to tell me you don't want me to play with you, Lisa. Joanie told me all about you."

Lisa shook her head as if to clear it.

"What, Megan? What did Joanie tell you about me?" Megan smiled broadly and licked her lips.

"She just told me you were this grown up woman who was just dying to be dommed by another female. She also said the younger, the better. She told me you probably didn't want to admit that about yourself. But that that's what you were."

Lisa just wanted to run away and hide when she heard Megan's words. How could Joanie have said such sick things about her?

"Please, Megan. Joanie was wrong about me. I'm not that way at all."

Megan smirked at Lisa's half-hearted attempts to make her stop playing her little seduction game. She stubbornly ignored Lisa's pleas that she quit and instead began licking the older woman's ear sensuously and whispering all sorts of nasty things to her.

Depraved things. Degrading things. Wanton things she planned to do to Lisa over the next two days. Things she planned to make Lisa do to her. All Lisa could bring herself to do was to keep begging Megan over and over to please stop. Lisa was becoming frantic to make it all go away. Why had she let Joanie bully her into going along in the first place? Why couldn't she make this girl stop molesting her? Why was she just sitting there and not fighting back?

Why? Because Megan's salacious words simply overpowered all of her resistance. And each time she tried to make Megan stop, Lisa meant it less. Megan's hand felt so sensuous on her leg. So delicious. So right. Even though she knew it was so wrong. It had been such a long, long time since anyone had paid any attention to Lisa. She was so starved for affection of any kind that this fifteen-year-old girl was thoroughly overcoming all her last vestiges of resistance. And Megan's words sounded so dirty, so slutty, so humiliating to Lisa. They made her so hungry. Megan began tugging seductively on Lisa's shorts waste band between her finger and thumb while the older woman just sat there dumbly and whimpered. She wasn't even begging Megan to stop anymore. She had come to realize the utter futility of trying to resist this girl any further. In fact, Lisa found herself feeling vaguely disappointed that Megan had stopped stroking her leg, but when she felt Megan's index finger slide along the inside of her waste band, she began to sense that Megan was taking her to the next level. God, she hoped so with all her heart. And the part of her that wanted to run away was almost completely gone now.

Lisa had really and truly wanted to struggle against how Megan was making her feel. She knew in her conscience that it was so wrong to be doing this with a fifteen-year-old girl. But as Megan's fingers became ever more insistent, Lisa rationalized to herself that, if she couldn't have Joanie to make love to, maybe she could have Megan. The fact that Megan was only fifteen and that she, and not Lisa, was doing all the leading, only made Lisa's panties wetter. Lisa didn't seem to be able to stop Megan from doing anything she wanted any more. So she just slumped down in her seat and let Megan have her way. She knew she just couldn't fight it any longer.

"You know, Lisa, I bet Joanie and June will sleep in the same tent both nights. And Junebug isn't going to let anyone else sleep with Joanie no matter what she has to do for Joanie to make sure they sleep together." Megan's index finger had moved downward from Lisa's waste band and was now impishly gilding along the tight leg opening of Lisa's shorts.

"And you know that Kim and Angela are certainly going to sleep together."

Kimberly and Angela both turned their heads toward Lisa.

"You're right about that, Megan," Angela said matter of factly.

"You know I only want to sleep with my little Kimmy," said Angela in a hushed voice dripping with passion. Kimberly practically purred as Angela continued to feel her up.

Megan leaned back so she could make solid eye contact with Lisa who was shivering with anticipation as Megan's fingers slid along the gusset of her shorts.

"I guess that leaves you and me, Lisa," the fifteen year old said as she began sliding the tip of her index finger slowly up and down Lisa's zipper.

"Just you and me, baby girl."

Lisa shook her befuddled head from side to side, trying her best to clear it. This was all coming at her so fast.

Megan giggled again.

"I won't bite, baby girl."

Lisa tried to lift her own hand to capture Megan's hand and hold it against her crotch, but her arm just wouldn't move. It was as if she were paralyzed. Megan was in total control of her now. Lisa had no will of her own any more.

"Well," Megan giggled. "Only a little."

Lisa moaned deep in her throat. Some last vestige of self-will suddenly made her want to cry out for Joanie to stop the minivan and let her out. But all she could muster was a little whimper.

"You know, Lisa, I really like older women. Older women just like you, baby girl," Megan breathed the sultry words right in Lisa's face.

Megan began pulling on the talon of Lisa's zipper.

One last shy little "No, Megan. Please don't," was all the resistance Lisa could seem to muster. It had been ages since anyone had wanted her, sexually or otherwise. Now Megan wanted her. She would be a fool to resist further. Wouldn't She? Lisa was suddenly famished for more of Megan's touch.

Kimberly and Angela turned to look back at what Megan was doing to Lisa.

"Hurry up, Megan. I want to see her pussy," Kim said in a normal tone of voice making Lisa blush red-hot.

"Me too, Megan," chimed in Angela. "You know how much I like to look at big girl puss puss."

While Lisa just sat there mortified at what these girls were doing to her, Megan giggled and continued to open the zipper slowly and seductively. She nodded her head toward the front of the minivan.

"Don't worry, Lisa. They're all involved in each other. Nobody cares what I do to you, anyway. You already heard that Angie and Kim want to see your big girl puss puss. And Joanie doesn't care. She's all involved with little Junebug. None of the girls care. Why don't you just relax and enjoy it? All my other big girl lovers enjoy it when I play with them."

Megan had finally opened Lisa's zipper all the way. Kim and Angela were leaning far over the back of the seat so they could see Lisa's moist slit when Megan uncovered it.

Lisa didn't want to be put on display like some kind of degraded slut merely for the cruel amusement of Kimberly and Angela. She wanted Megan to keep feeling her up. But she wanted Angie and Kim to turn back around in their seat so she could have a little privacy.

"No, Megan. I don't want you to do this to me with them watching."

But again, Megan paid absolutely no attention whatsoever to Lisa's faltering admonition. She knew by the way Lisa's thighs trembled to her touch what the older woman really wanted. Despite herself, Lisa wanted to be put on display. She wanted Kim and Angie to see her all open and vulnerable. A part of her knew that Megan also wanted it that way. Megan wanted to show off her newest adult femsub to her friends.

That's why she was encouraging them to look.

Instead of making Kim and Angie turn back around in their seat, Megan slipped her exploring index finger deep inside Lisa's shorts and began gilding it along the front of the older woman's panties. Lisa tried desperately to force her mind to move her away from the girl's teasing finger. But she just couldn't make herself do anything to keep Megan from claiming whatever she desired. If Megan wanted her, Lisa was hers. If Megan wanted to display her new prize to her friends, Lisa would just be displayed.

"You and I are going to be sleeping together this trip, Lisa baby. Do you know that? We might as well get better acquainted. Don't you think?"

Megan's finger was pressing gently and tantalizingly against the very top of Lisa's nether slit.

"Oh yes, Lisa baby. I really do like to play with older women just like you," Megan cooed as she allowed her finger to trace the waste band of Lisa's panties. "Now, lift up for me, baby girl."

Despite all her efforts to fight against this sick urge to let a teenage girl feel her up, Lisa obediently lifted her hips off the bench seat just enough for Megan to get her hand well inside her panties. Megan slid her fingers all along the offered lips and smiled sweetly as Lisa whimpered for more. Lisa had her eyes closed tight in embarrassment as Megan felt her up.

And when Kimberly and Angela began whispering about what a big girl slut she was, large hot tears of degradation began to flow down Lisa's cheeks.

Kimberly reached out and patted Lisa's cheek in mock sympathy.

"It's OK, Lisa baby. We'll take good care of you." Angela giggled.

"That's right Lisa. All you have to do is whatever we tell you and we'll make everything all right."

Hearing these words made Lisa cry all the harder. She began to sob as Megan's finger slipped inside her leg hole and began toughing the moist, downy flesh.

"See, Kim. Lisa can't make Megan stop 'cause she wants it too much."

Kimberley chuckled.

"I know Angie. I can see how slutty she is, letting Megan paw her like that."

Megan leaned over Lisa.

"Don't pay any attention to them, Lisapoo. They're just jealous 'cause you're my little big girl slut and not theirs."

Lisa tried once more to move away, but she was so weak, so powerless to thwart what was happening to her.

Megan licked Lisa's ear once more and said, "Why don't you touch me too, Lisa. Don't you like me?"

Lisa could do nothing but gurgle deep in her throat as Megan began to stroke her moist sex.

Megan forcefully took Lisa's wrist in her hand and placed it on her thigh.

"I saw you looking at my legs, Lisa. I know I have really great legs. Don't I. I want you to feel my legs all up. I really do. I like having a grown woman like you feel up my legs. And if you do it really sexy, I'll find something else for you to feel up.

Won't I, baby? Won't it be good?"

As if she were hypnotized, Lisa let her hand slowly and sensuously stroke the girl's thighs softly. As Megan continued to pet her and Angela and Kimberly continued to watch spellbound as Megan put her through her paces, Lisa finally committed herself to do as Megan had instructed. She had to admit that Megan's smooth, young leg felt wonderful to the touch. The skin was so smooth and the thighs so well muscled.

"God, I wish I was doing that," sighed Kimberly. Angela chuckled.

"Honeygirl. You got all you can handle with me and you know it."

Kim giggled and the two girls resumed their kissing bee.

Megan paused in her palpations of Lisa's pussy.

"If you don't start feeling me up really good right this minute, Lisa, I'll just stop playing with your sweet puss puss and leave you alone for the rest of the canoe trip. I don't think you would like that now that you've had a little taste of what's in store for you if you are Megan's good girl."

The thought of being dumped by Megan after she had degraded herself in front of Kim and Angie upset Lisa so much that she redoubled her efforts to please her new Dom. Megan smiled as she saw the concern and forlornness on Lisa's face. Megan knew that the key to controlling this woman was always to demand more of her, always to criticize her, belittle her, make her feel that Megan was merely tolerating her, and that she could always do better.

"Move your hand higher, slut. Don't you know how to feel up a girl properly? Well, I guess you haven't had much experience. Have you?"

Megan's cruel words hurt Lisa a great deal. She didn't in fact have any experience in petting another woman. She was a complete novice.

"I'm sorry, Megan. I don't know what to do to make you feel good. Please tell me and I'll do whatever you say."

Lisa was once again almost in tears as she realized that Megan was very disappointed in her. Megan twisted the knife in a little further by stopping her own petting of Lisa's slit.

"Look, stupid. Glide your hand along the inside of my thigh. That's what I like."

Lisa immediately bent her entire will to complying with Megan's lewd instructions. She placed the very tips of her fingers on Megan's inner thigh and began stroking her softly and sensuously. Megan deigned to utter a little moan of satisfaction. This only made Lisa want to make the girl even more aroused.

After a few minutes of this, Megan decided to coax her new subby into the next step.

"Well. Is that all you're going to do to me. God. I can get more turned on than this by being felt up by my little sister. And she's only eleven."

Lisa was totally abashed and miserable.

"I don't know what to do, Megan. Please tell me." Megan smirked at this adult woman old enough to be her mother desperately asking her how best to feel her up. "Well why don't you run your finger along the crotch of my shorts. Can't you think of anything to do yourself? Do I have to tell you everything to do?"

Lisa immediately began stroking her finger along the gusset of Megan's shorts. She could feel a vague sticky dampness exuding from the material, and it made her smile. She must be doing something right. But her feelings of success were short lived.

"Well, are you just going to do that from now on? All you are doing is making me itch. If you can't do any better than that, you might as well stop and zip yourself back up. I'm not going to give you any candy unless you start doing a better job of sexing me up."

As she tried her best to think of something to do, Lisa was mortified to hear Angela and Kimberley giggling in the next seat. While she didn't know for sure that they were laughing at her, she certainly felt like they were. This only heightened her feelings of humiliation.

Kimberly looked over her shoulder right at Lisa.

"Unsnap her and unzip her, stupid. So you can get at her better. Gee, Megan, she really is a stupid old subby."

Blushing furiously from the shame she felt at Kim's cruel words, Lisa immediately did as she was bidden. She soon had the shorts unsnapped and unzipped, and she was sliding her finger well inside what the shorts encased.

Megan sighed and threw her head back onto the seat as she felt Lisa's fingers graze along her hot little pussy lips.

"You know, Lisa, for a full grown woman, you don't know jack about making love. I can understand why nobody wants to play with you."

Lisa felt the humiliation tears start to flow. But she also felt the first trickles of sexmucus along the lips of her sex. Being tormented by these three vicious girls was actually turning Lisa on. When Megan saw her subby crying, she relented just a little.

"Well don't worry about it Lisa. I'm going to give you plenty of opportunity to learn how to make love to another female. By the time I get through with you, you'll be the perfect little lezzy subbypoo."

Lisa almost purred as Megan slumped down in the seat allowing the older woman total access to her. Lisa dutifully stroked and jabbed, clumsily at first, but better as she found Lisa's rhythm.

When Megan began to feel close to cumming, she roughly pushed Lisa's hand away. That could wait for tonight when she had the older woman all to herself. She didn't want to cum just yet. She had other plans for herself and Lisa that involved her cumming multiple times later that evening, and she didn't want to take the edge off.

Lisa moaned in frustration when Megan pushed her away. She was feeling pretty good that she had made the girl really hot for her, and when Megan pushed her hand off her pussy, it felt like nothing but Megan's rejection of her as a lover. This was doubly humiliating to Lisa as she had surrendered herself sexually to this fifteen year old only to find out that Megan really didn't consider her a good enough lover to be allowed to touch her most intimate places.

Megan saw the bewilderment and sadness on Lisa's face. She places a reassuring hand on the older woman's shoulder.

"Tell you what sweetie. Why don't you lean back, put your legs up against the seat in front of you and practice on yourself until we get where we're going. Kim, and Angie, and I will watch you play with that big girl puss puss of yours and give you suggestions on what to do."

Kim and Angie giggled as they heard Megan's cruel words.

"Do you think we can do anything with her? She's such a little klutz. She doesn't even know how to masturbate herself."

Lisa began to cry softly. She didn't for a minute want to do what Megan had said. She didn't want these three girls looking at her and laughing at her lame attempts at masturbation with her legs all stuck up into the air. And she didn't want them making little suggestions on how she could do it better. She didn't want to do any of this.

Megan could see it in her face. She leaned over until her face was within inches of that of the older woman. "Look slut. Either you do what I tell you right now or I get Joanie to stop the van and we throw you out on the road. You're going to have a long walk home, and you are really going to be embarrassed 'cause I'm going to make you do it topless."

Lisa began to shiver in frantic panic. She knew that Megan was just cruel enough to do just what she said, and she also knew that she could expect no help from Joanie.

Seeing nothing to do but what Megan had ordered her to do, Lisa slid down in the seat and stuck her ankles on the seat back in front of her. Angela and Kimberly each grabbed an ankle and pulled Lisa's legs apart.

Megan reached over and grasped Lisa's shorts by the leg openings.

"Lift up your hips slut, so I can get these shorts off of you."

Now totally cowed, Lisa did as Megan had ordered. The fifteen year old tugged the shorts to her knees and Kim and Angie took them the rest of the way off.

Lisa lay there in her T-shirt and panties while the girls looked at her and made snide little cutting remarks about her figure.

"Well, slut. You better start playing with yourself before I decide to take that t-shirt off you. If you think you look slutty now with your legs in the air, guess how you'll look without any top on."

Lisa immediately slid her right hand inside her panties and began stroking her nether lips. All three girls laughed out loud.

"We can't see a thing," giggled Kimberly.

"I'll fix that," said Megan as she grabbed Lisa's panties by the waistband and yanked them off of her hips. Lisa was too far gone even to try to stop her.

So there she lay, naked from the waist down to her ankles. Her legs obscenely spread. Her fingers roving desperately over her most secret parts. And three fifteen-year-old girls looking at her and laughing at her. She felt so slutty. So sick. So humiliated. So degraded.

"You better do what we say from now on, Lisa," Megan said as she held up Lisa's shorts and panties for the woman to see.

"'Cause if you don't, I'm not going to give these back to you and you'll have to walk around the campsite in just your T-shirt."

Megan, Angela, and Kimberly all hooted with laughter at the older woman's predicament.

Lisa looked at her three tormentors with pleading eyes.

"Please don't do that to me. I'll be good. I'll try really, really hard to masturbate like you want me to. I'll learn. Really I will."

The three girls smirked down at their cringing victim. "You better," was all Megan had to say.

So for the next hour, until they reached the put-in point for the canoe trip, the three girls kept Lisa at her lewd task. They never allowed her to cum once during the entire period of instruction, even though she begged them piteously from time to time. But by the time they arrived at the camp site, Lisa was well on her way to becoming a consummate masturbator, if at the same time she was becoming almost beside herself with frustration at not being allowed to bring herself off.

Of course, the girls wanted Lisa to remain in a frustrated state of near hysteria for release, and they planned to keep her that way for as long as they could. They all were well aware from personal experience with their own adult female subs that keeping them desperate for release was the best way to ensure that they would continue playing their sick, perverse games. And Lisa was proving to be just like the rest.

Even though Joanie was pretty totally occupied at the front of the van, what with feeling up her little lover June, she could hear just enough of what was going on behind her to know that Megan and the two lovebirds, Kimberly and Angela, were following her directions to the letter. Since turning off onto the river road Joanie had maneuvered June into her lap. That way she could keep her eyes on her driving while she played with the little girl and made her wriggle all over her lap. She knew that while making love to her little Junebug would suffice for this evening, she would most definitely want to move on to sampling Lisa sooner or later during the trip. And it sure sounded like Lisa would be thoroughly trained and ready to service her co-worker by the time Joanie wanted to avail herself. "Yummy, yummy," Joanie thought to herself as she stroked June's sweet young girl flesh. What a really neat canoe trip this was turning into.

This work is copyright (c) 2002 by Jane Parks. You may download and retain a copy for your personal use as long as the author's byline and e-mail address and this paragraph remain on the copy. Please do not post this story to any web site without permission from the author. All other rights reserved. No alteration of the contents is permitted.

Jane Parks can be reached at:

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