Cant Lose What You Never Had

By Mizz Pembroke

Published on Aug 15, 2000


DISCLAIMER: All the same rules apply. If you're too young, go away, if you don't like reading male/male erotic stories, go away, blah, blah, blah and so on!

This story is my first attempt at slash and is a work of fiction and in no way implies that the boys of Westlife or Boyzone are gay or bisexual other than Steven Gaytley who is openly gay.

Other possible groups and singers to be added into this story as it progresses are: N'sync, BSB, Ricky Martin, Britney Spears, Christina Aguilera, Jessica Simpson, Bree Sharp, Tara MacLean, Madonna, Cher, Mariah Carey, and many more.

If you like this story and want to see it continue please e-mail me at and let me know what you think. Opinions wanted and needed, all e-mails will be answered personally. So let me know. Thank you and enjoy!

P.S. To all my readers that have wanted and waited for this story to continue, I thank you for being patient. I apologize for making you wait so long and I hope the wait was worth it. If I still have readers out there please let me know.

Also check out my personal editor, Darren LeVanelle's slash stories that he's written and put on his website along with mine. This site is updated almost daily and all new installments are up and available before they are added to Nifty. If you haven't read one of his stories and aren't a fan of Darren's work you soon will be. The site is at: Thanks Mizz Pembroke (Mizz-as in bitch, not girl. I am a gay male and my friend/roommate/ editor Darren LeVanelle so generously gave me the BITCH title of MIZZ and I wear it with pride...and I wear it well!)

CAN'T LOSE WHAT YOU NEVER HAD Chapter 3 By Mizz Pembroke Edited by Darren LeVanelle

Several hours later Nicky and Bryan sat in a private dinning room at Red Lobster with Steven and his partner Liam. The private room was dark and set apart with a warm candle glow. "Well dinner was wonderful and all but...I thought you brought us here to discuss something?" Steven moaned thoughtfully with a full belly.

"Yes, yes we did. Why don't we order some coffee and dessert first?" Bryan said nervously his eyes going back and forth from Nicky to Steven and Liam.

"Fine, that sounds great!" Liam said trying to break the tension that had permeated the evening all through dinner like a rotting piece of fruit. "Besides, I've been told they have a seven layer chocolate cake that's heavenly sinful." He finished with an impish grin.

After their waiter had taken their dessert orders and brought them hot steaming cups of coffee, Steven decided that there had been enough stalling. "Ok, lets cut to the chase here gent' asked us here I assume on advise about how to handle this new relationship. Am I correct?" One look at the expressions of relief on their faces answered the question.

"Well...we now the why and when you came out but..." Nicky paused.

Bryan finished for him. "...The how?"

"It's different for everyone." Steven smiled with the memory of his own coming out although it was a painful one and he didn't have control over most of it. Someone else decided to open Stevens closet door, but Steven was the one to blow the door off the hinges.

"Do your families know about you?" Liam asked in a fatherly tone.

"Mine do! Why?" Nicky asked.

"Ok, what about yours Bryan?"

"Well, until two days ago I didn't really know...well that's not true, I knew there was something odd and different about me." Nicky looked at him with an understanding knowledge. "No, my family does not know," Bryan paused with a look of fright on his face, "and I'm not sure they could handle it!"

Before anyone had a chance to say anything else Steven's phone rang. He pulled it out and answered it. After a few moments of silence and wondering looks on everyone's face, Steven covered up the phone with his hand and whispered to them that it was Mark.

"Does he want to talk to one of us?" Bryan asked with some concern.

"No, I don't think so." Steven said still covering up the receiver with his hand. He quickly removed his hand. "Yes, I'm here. you want to talk to one of them? Oh. Ok, fine I'll see you there then." After a short pause, "Bye then." He flipped the top down then returned it to his blazer pocket.

"What was that all about?"

"I'm not sure Nicky. All I know for sure is that Mark wants to talk to me when we get to the arena." Steven said giving Liam a questioning and puzzling look.

'What the hell do I do now?' Mark thought to himself as he hung up his cell phone. "Shit. Fuck, fuck, FUCK!!!!!!!!!" he screamed at his laptop computer that was open sitting on his lap as he sat in his hotel room he shared with Kian. He looked at the computer screen again and reread the e-mail message for the third time still trying to comprehend all that was meant in what it said.

To: From:

Yeah Mark, Long time no hear...are we trying to forget me!!! That would not be a good thing. I'm in London this week and when I talked to your sister she told me you were performing here this week. I have, with a little persistence and conniving, managed to always get what I want when I need it, acquiring backstage passes and will see you on the 5th. Hope to be able to talk to you privately. There's a lot we still need to discuss and know how I am with unfinished business!!! Talk to you later this week sexy. Bye for now. Holden

This was not the time for this. If only he had checked his e- mail before now and not let it slide for three days he could have been prepared for this...or rather prepare the guy's for least had a chance to tell them! Oh, god. How would they react? With all the tension within the group lately this was all he needed right now.

"That self absorbed, arrogant, self assured, rude, belligerent, cocky, ABUSIVE FUCK of a human being!!!" Mark screamed at the screen slamming the lid shut. Just then there bathroom door swung open and Kian ran out with out a stitch of clothing on, his well defined, toned, and sculpted body dripping river lets of crystal blue water the same color of his eyes down his body. His hair mated to his scalp. His left hand covered in soapsuds that also foamed around his semi-hard nine and a half inch cock.

"Man, what the hells wrong!!!" he said unconcerned with his nudity. "You sounded like you were being murdered in here! Earth to Mark...hello?"

Mark tried to speak but stammered as he tried to remove his eyes from Kian's young body. "I...I...umm. Well I was just..." Mark grabbed what little control he had left and continued, "I was just blowing off steam...bad message from an old acquaintance back home. Dude, your...umm, naked!!!"

What? Oh, I was just..." Kian looked down at his left hand then at his crotch. No way to deny it now. Still not concerned with what Mark could see of his body, he'd already saw it all, he continued without attempting to cover up his now softening erection. He walked back into the bathroom then returned to the bedroom they shared and continued toweling off his body then his hair. When he was finished he wrapped the towel around his shoulders and just stood there with his hips cocked in an almost seductive fashion.

"So, What pissed you off so much!" he asked looking at Mark.

"What? Oh...I, nothing," Mark had trouble tearing his eyes off of Kian's well formed washboard stomach, deeply grooved Adonis lines and now soft penis that, even in it's non-erectional form, was still an impressive six inches hanging parallel with his low hanging free flowing, walnut sized nuts. He diverted his eyes hoping Kian hadn't noticed. "It's nothing. Don't even worry about it." Mark finished.

Kian looked at mark with an impish smile etched across his face.


"You don't have anything to be ashamed of."

Mark had a puzzled look on his face. Did Kian suspect?

"You're quite hung yourself. I'm sure you've pleased a couple of woman with what you've got!" Surprisingly the impish grin widened.

"Oh, that. Well yeah, sure. Of course." Saved. Thank God. But if he didn't figure out how to handle Holden, Kian and the rest of the guys would soon find out just how much they really didn't know about him. Sure everyone knew about Nicky and Bryan was unexpected but...well he just wasn't ready for that yet. But unless he acted quickly, hurricane Holden was about to hit and break open his protective little, securely guarded closet.

"Do you need to use the living room?" Kian questioned.

"No, I'm just going to send a few e-mail back home then I'm going to hit the shower. Why?"

"I called the front desk and had them send up the house masseuse, she should be here soon."

"Ok, I'll just stay in here until your done then.

"The reason why I asked was because I'm sure she could fit us both in if you want?"

"Sure. Just let me know when you're done," Mark said as he sat back down at his laptop.

"When you're done in the shower just come out wrapped in a towel."

With that Kian was gone.

A half an hour later after Mark had showered and taken care of a little business of his own, he had been hard the whole time Kian stood before him naked, he walked out of his bedroom just as a nice looking pretty blond grabbed her fold-up table and headed out the front door.

A massage was just what Mark needed; his shoulders fell as he slumped down on the couch. Kian saw the crest fallen look on Mark's face, walked over to and sat down.

"Sorry about that, she had a full schedule today."

"Yeah, I know what that's like." Mark responded with no enthusiasm.

Seeing the disappointment on Marks face he got an idea. "Tell you what. Here's what we're going to do. Your going to go in our bedroom, take off your robe and lay down on your bed, and I'm going to give you a massage." Kian declared.

"What, you?"

"Yes me. My cousin Miranda is a masseuse and she taught me a few things."

" need oils and we don't have any here!" Mark said trying to figure a way out of this. Oh god...if he felt Kian's hands on his body he...he...well he didn't know what he'd do.

"It just so happens I just bought some Vanilla Musk massage oil from Saundra before she felt. She said all I had to do was pop it in the microwave for thirty seconds then I'm in business!" Kian said triumphantly.


"No butts, just bodies," Kian mused with his thick Irish brogue.

"Now go in there and remove your robe while I heat up the oils. Kian said with finality.

"But I'm not wearing anything underneath my robe and I..." Mark took one look at Kian's handsomely sexy face with the look of, (if you don't get in there and get naked I'll murder you look) Mark shut up immediately the mumbled, "I'll cover up with a towel" Kian gave him a (yeah you do that) look as he headed off to heat the oils.

As he disrobed Mark looked down at his young body. He was lean and sexy, or at least that's what the fans said, with a bit of baby- ness about his face with cute cherub-like poutie lips. He wasn't as physically toned as Kian but he had a nice lean sleek body with eight and a half uncut inches of endowments. His balls weren't quite as large as Kian's either but they were not something to be ashamed off.

The thought of Kian's touch had Mark semi-hard and as he heard Kian whistling the tune to 'Swear It Again' as he approached Mark barley had time to dive on the bed and throw a towel over his arse as Kian entered the room.

"What do you want to listen to?" Kian asked as he moved to the CD player. "How about Britney or Mandy Moore?"

Mark groaned. "I'd rather not. How about that new CD I just bought? I haven't had a chance to listen to them yet."

"OK, but who are Envision?"

"They're some new pop group from America. They're touring with Backstreet Boys and N'sync at the moment. They're pretty high up on the American charts!"

Kian popped in the CD and pushed play. "Uhm, not bad, nice beat...great harmony! What's the name of this?"

"The albums called 'The Moment' I think"

"Not that. This song. What's it called?"

"Um I think it's 'Don't Want To' or something along those lines."

"Ok, are you ready?"

"Uhm, sure...." Mark said, his voice a little wobbly.

"Alrighty then, TOP or BOTTOM???"

"What!!!!" Mark barked back at Kian as he crawled on to the bed.

"Do you want me to start at the top or at the bottom?" Seeing that he was still confused he simplified, "Shoulders or legs?"

"Oh, uhm...bottom"

"Why did you flip out right then?"

As Kian grabbed the warm bottle of scented oil he squeezed a good portion on his hands then rubbed them together. As he laid his hands on marks left calve mark lost all control of cognitive thought and language as the pleasures of physical touch took over. When Mark didn't reply to his question he decided to let it slide. As he worked his way up Marks thigh he adjusted the towel as he worked Marks powerful leg muscles. Kian could tell that from all the dancing they'd done on stage that Mark had developed vary toned and muscular legs and his thighs were rock hard. Mark wasn't the only one with a rock hard appendage, which caused Kian to have to adjust himself discreetly not wanting Mark to see.

As he worked his way up the other leg he noticed Mark was squirming a bit and that he had readjusted his legs so they were spread slightly apart giving Kian unbeknownst to Mark, a nice view of Mark's firm and round arse and scrotum. He moved up to Marks shoulders and applied more lotion as he gently worked the oils into the upper shoulders and biceps slowly working his way down between his lower shoulder blades all the while humming to the music floating melodiously from the CD player.

As he worked lower and lower the towel became a nuisance so without much fanfare Kian lifted the edges of it and folded it in half receiving a response from Mark.

"What are you doing?" he said lifting his hand back in an attempt for control, but Kian was obviously the one in control. Kian gentle moved his hand bad down to Marks side positioning it so it fell half way into Kian's lap. "The towel was getting in the way, besides I've see your bum many times." With some reluctance Mark stopped struggling and allowed Kian to continue to fold the towel in half one more time revealing the top orbs of Mark's firm bubble buns. As Kian admired all but four inches of Mark's bum, only four inches remained covered by the trip of terry cloth. He also noticed Mark did not remove his hand from his crotch.

As Kian continued to massage Mark's lower back he worked the oils into the muscles that seemed to knot up at the base of Mark's tail bone. Mark squirmed a little and arched his arse in the air and moaned. "Is that a tender spot?" He asked. Only receiving a moan in response he continued to pay more attention to the depths of Mark's inner orbs rubbing his thumbs up and down Marks tailbone inching lower and lower as he went. Kian repositioned himself so he could work more affectively and bent lower trapping Mark's hand between his stomach and hard terrycloth covered dick. Mark made no signs of noticing Kian's hard cock or removing his had so Kian proceeded.

Three minutes later he slapped mark on the arse leaving his hand there a few lingering moments. "Now that that sides lubed up time to flip over."

"OH, about something cold to drink from the mini-bar and a change of music...before we continue the massage?" Mark said having trouble speaking. He was so flustered from the massage and from the effort of making sure he didn't cum and soil the bed sheets on three separate occasions through out the course of the massage so far and needed to give his stiff member a chance to go down before Kian touched him again for he would surely spew all over his chest without a breather.

"Sure, what will it be?"

"Juice, orange if we have it."

"Be back in a few." Kian said as he headed for the door.

Mark turned over and repositioned the towel across his throbbing cock. With just the mere touch of the fabric Mark came. The force of the blast so great it lifted the towel out of the way causing it to land all over his toned young chest and face. 'Shit.' He thought to himself.

"Hey, we're out of orange!" Kian bellowed from the living room.

"How about apple, or we have grape?"

"GRAPE, grapes great!" he yelled back as he reach for his terrycloth robe on the floor and wiped his face and chest as best he could then through it to the floor in the nick of time as Kian walked back in.

"You said you wanted a change of music, well I have the perfect thing!" Kian said with a devilish grin. He popped the CD in the player and hit play. Enigma's 'Return To Innocence' flowed through the speakers. "Shane told me that this is suppose to be the...Fuck groove!"

Mark's eyes grew bigger as Kian came back to the foot of the bed. Kneeling on the bed Kian moved up between Mark's legs forcing them to spread further. He grabbed the bottle of Vanilla Musk body oil and lubed up his hands up rubbed them together and slapped them on Mark's thighs.

That did it. That one erotic imagined image caused sensory overload resulting in Mark falling back against the cold peach marble tiles as he erupted, his fist flying faster and faster, his young male spunk splattering against his coaler bone, some hitting his left cheek. Once his breathing slowed to a semi-normal state he stepped under the spray from the shower nozzle to rinse off and clean up.

As he turned off the water there was a knock at the bathroom door. He got out and wrapped a towel around his waist and opened the door.

Kian stood there it seemed drinking in the image before his. "Uh, the masseuse is on a tight time table. Do you want her to wait?"

"OH. Ok, that's fine. Maybe next time then."

********** Ok, that's it for now. I hope everyone liked it and don't hate me to much for how this chapter ended???????? I will say this though.....this chapter was a teaser of what might come. Depending on the reader response?????????? Let me know if I'm hated or loved. Please send all hate mail...I mean e-mail to ok. **********


Hey guys! I just edited this! I am NOT RESPONSIBLE for the insanity that is known as Mizz Pembroke! He's a bitch with this teasing and it's not my fault so please don't send me the death threats. Thank You.

-Darren LeVanelle **********

Next: Chapter 4

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