Cant Lose What You Never Had

By Mizz Pembroke

Published on Aug 23, 2000


********** DISCLAIMER: All the same rules apply. If you're too young, go away, if you don't like reading male/male erotic stories, go away, blah, blah, blah and so on!

This story is my first attempt at slash and is a work of fiction and in no way implies that the boys of Westlife or Boyzone are gay or bisexual other than Steven Gaytley who is openly gay.

Other possible groups and singers to be added into this story as it progresses are, N'sync, BSB, Ricky Martin, Britney Spears, Christina Aguilera, Jessica Simpson, Bree Sharp, Tara MacLean, Madonna, Cher, Mariah Carey, and many more.

If you like this story and want to see it continue please e-mail me at and let me know what you think. Opinions wanted and needed, all e-mails will be answered personally. So let me know. Thank you and enjoy!

Also check out my personal editor, Darren LeVanelle's slash stories that he's written and put on his website along with mine. This site is updated almost daily and all new installments are up and available before they are added to Nifty. If you haven't read one of his stories and aren't a fan of Darren's work you soon will be. The site is at: Thanks Mizz Pembroke

(Mizz-as in bitch, not girl. I am a gay male and my friend/ roommate/editor Darren LeVanelle so generously gave me the BITCH title of MIZZ and I wear it with pride and I wear it well!!!) **********

CAN'T LOSE WHAT YOU NEVER HAD Chapter 4 By Mizz Pembroke Edited by Darren LeVanelle

"Who was the honey with the folding table?" Shane asked with a devious smirk on his face as he walked in the front door of their hotel suite followed by Ronan. He directed the question to Kian who had just walked out of his bedroom wrapped in nothing but a towel around his waist.

"Yeah. She was delectable!"

"Yo...Ro. You're married remember?"

"Doesn't mean I can't look at the ladies. I just can't touch!" He laughed audibly.

"Well, well. I'm learning more and more about you. I wonder what Mrs. Keating would do if she knew what a DIRTY DOG you are!" Shane said hitting him lightly in the chest.

"You're not cute Shane, but Kian is in that small little towel he's almost wearing." Ronan said jokingly.

"You're funny Ro. Oh, and Shane? The masseuses name is Saundra or Sandra...something like that." Kian smiled with obvious meaning.

"Sexy name...uhm." Shane rubbed his cheek pondering. "I thing I have a cramp in my back and...oh yeah, I think I pulled a muscle in my thigh at yesterdays rehearsals!"

"She isn't available until the day after tomorrow and we leave that evening for Paris."

"That's fine. We only have one more show. I'll find a way and the time." Shane said matter-of-factly.

"Where's everyone else?" Ronan asked as he walked over to the mini-bar, grabbing two bottled waters out of the fridge and threw one to Shane. They had just returned from a workout in the hotels rec room. "Kian, you want anything?"

"Sure, throw me a water too, and Mark just got out of the shower. We're waiting for the happy couple to return from dinner."

"Which happy couple!"

All heads turned to the front door as four figures entered the room.

'I'm not sure which couple makes me want to hurl more!' Shane thought to himself as everyone took seats around the couch.

Ignoring the question, Shane continued, "So how was your dinner?"

"Informative...fine, what'd you do this evening?" Nicky replied.

"Oh, well Ro and I flirted with a few cute girls down stairs in the rec room and ah...Kian here on the other hand did a little more that flirting with a sexy little masseuse named Saundra!" Shane said dripping with innuendo.

"It wasn't like that Shane." Kian said with a hit of annoyance but for the most part he was amused. "Besides I think she's a lesbian." He added for shock value.

"Even better!" Shane cooed.

"You're a sick pup Shane!" Ronan piped in.

"Hey, what ever gets you the dates..."

"No wonder Shane hasn't had a date in months!" Bryan commented putting his arm around Nicky's waist.

"Yes, but I haven't turned there's still hope!" Shane said pointedly as he looked at Bryan.

"Give it time!" Bryan shot back pointedly.

"Did I miss something?" Mark said as he came out of his and Kian's room.

"No, the boys are finished. Am I right gentlemen?" Ronan said clearing his throat ending any further argument or commentary from them. Everyone looked around the room awkwardly trying to avoid eye contact.

"Ro, I think we should get these gents to the arena soon. The show starts in little over an hour," Steven said trying to change the mood deliberately.

"I didn't realize how late in was. Everyone be ready to leave in fifteen minutes." With that said they all separated to get ready.

"Yo, Ro. Mark wanted to speak with me before the concert. We have our own car, is it all right if he rides with Liam and myself?"

"Well..." Ronan paused to think, "Security will be just as tight for you as it will be for the group...that's fine."

As they all headed out the door Steven turned to Mark. "You're going to ride with me and Liam so we can have that talk you wanted."

Mark just nodded as the elevator started it descent.

Dear Diary, 3-5-2000

Things around here are still strange. At the moment we are in the limo on the way to the arena for our second to last show here in London. Shane is still acting like an arse although he says he's fine with Bryan and I dating. I just think he's horny and needs to get some. Male, female, what ever, I mean...well don't get me wrong. He's cute and sexy and his endowments are nice but that doesn't give him the right to treat people like...he needs to stop being such a little bitch.

We leave for Paris soon and then I think we get a vacation, but I'm not sure on that one. I think Ro and the rest of Boyzone go back in the recording studio in a few weeks. Who knows, maybe we'll get some time off then. Oh yeah, get this, according to Ronan the big wigs at the record label are trying to get Mariah Cunt-me...I mean Carey to do a duet with us. I am so thrilled...dripping with sarcasm. Things between Bryan and I are good. Steven and Liam gave us some really good advice on how to handle things and what to expect.

Bryan's thinking of telling his mom and dad next time he goes home. I'm not sure if that's such a good idea. They know I'm gay. Bryan said he told them when the group first got together. He said they were a little apprehensive at first, but Bryan said that as long as he himself did not feel uncomfortable he saw no problem being in the group. I can understand that but how will they feel when they find out he's Bi-sexual and dating me! I don't want to think about it.

Until later


Nicky put his diary back in his backpack and leaned in next to Bryan as the limo continued on its way. No one seemed to notice the look of anger on Shane's face as he shifted his position in his seat, turning to look out the window at the multi-colored streets and nightlife of London.

Steven followed close behind the limo in his Mercedes. "So Mark what did you want to discuss?" He started off hesitantly looking at mark through the rear view mirror. When Mark didn't reply and his gaze repeatedly shifted from Steven to Liam sitting in the passenger seat Steven continued. "Don't worry about Liam here. He's as trust worthy as anyone!"

"Oh...o...okay," Mark stumbled with his words. He was about to divulge information about himself that only a few people knew. Not even his parents new this about him, his cousin Keviar and his sister were they only ones in his family that new. "I well...uhm...where should I start?"

"Where ever you feel comfortable." Steven said glancing over to Liam giving him a worried look.

"Well here's the ex is showing up at the concert tonight with backstage passes!"

"Okay, what's wrong with that. I'm sure she'll have a wonderful time." Liam said with confusion on his face.

"That the problem...he'll have a wonderful time...outing me to everyone backstage..." Marks voice trailed off as he hung his head low so he wouldn't see the shocked looks on their faces.

"Oh, I see! I take it no one in the group knows then?" Steven whispered with concern for his young friend.

"No. I haven't had a chance to tell the rest of the guy's and I just found out he was coming a few hours ago! I'm afraid of how...vicious and rude he'll be." Mark whispered the last few word he'd just said so low Steven and Liam almost didn't hear.

"Does he have a name and a description we can give to security?" Liam demanded with anger and concern in his voice.

"I think that would just make it worse babe." Steven said as he pressed the button rolling down the windows to let in a light cool breeze.

"His name is Holden Michaels. He's a very...dangerous guy. Trouble seems to follow him everywhere he goes, and for some season I feel there is something wrong! I can't put my finger on it but I think Steven's right, notifying security will just make it worse."

He stepped out of the shower and wiped the steam off the mirror. He smiled at his reflection; a deep low demonic laugh came out of his throat. 'Tonight's pay back Marky boy. Tonight's the night.' He thought to himself.

He walked out of the bathroom and was immediately bombarded with a barrage of questions. "Can we? Now can we? I need some...please. I waited until you were out of the shower. It was so hard to wait, please?"

"You know what the price is Keviar baby."

"Oh come on know I'm not that way! Do I have to?"

"You know the price." He said as he daggled a baggy in front of the cute brunette's face. "What's it going to be?"

"Alright, Holden. But can I have a little taste first?" Holden looked in Keviar's desperately sunken eyes. He licked the tip of his finger and dipped in the baggy of white powder and brought it to Keviar's nose. "Now it's time I get what I want!" he said as he pulled off the towel around his waist and reached down to Keviar's belt as he pushed him back on the bed. "That's a good little boy. There we go!"

Five minutes later. "It hurts Holden. Does it have to be so ruff!" He wined.

He pulled him by the hair and snarled into his hair. "Who's in charge?!?" he said pulling harder.

"You are Holden! You are!" he whimpered as his face was pushed into the pillow.

That's it for now boys and girls. With the next chapter expect some new twists and turns and another surprise in a completely different way. I know you can't wait. See y'all laters. **********

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