Capeside Adventures

By moc.loa@91dutSgnivoC

Published on Mar 21, 2000


***Sorry for the delay, but due to some personal problems I have been unable to have any free time in which to continue with the Capeside Adventures saga.

Hopefully I can continue without any further delays.

***This is Chapter 4 in the ongoing saga known as the Capeside Adventures. Each story is a continuation of the previous story, so if you haven't read Capeside Adventures 1, I suggest you do so now.

Dawson's Creek and all of the characters and setting are trademarks of and copyright The Warner Bros. Television Network.

Chapter 4

A few minutes after being awakened by the knock on the door of the truck, Pacey and Jack stepped out to confront the person who woke them from their peaceful slumber in each other's arms.

Both boys hair was messed up and the smell of sex still lingered inside the truck. Standing outside of the truck was their friend Jen Lenley who was obviously pissed that they had been gone for so long without a word of their whereabouts.

"Jen, what are you doing here?" Jack asked surprised to see his friend.

"I think the correct question would be what are yall doing here?" Jen asked suspecting something from her friends unkept look.

"Well, you see we were driving down the road talking and lost track of where we were, and when we turned around and headed back, the truck ran out of gas and we kinda got stuck out here, and after we weren't rescued, we decided to go to sleep." Pacey blurted out trying his best not to sound to suspicious.

"And that would explain why your pants are unzipped." Jen said while pointing to both boys crotch area.

The color went completely out of Jack and Pacey's face and they just stood there in a hypnotic daze. Pacey spoke up first. " Well, its not what it looks like, we just got hot and decided that we would be more comfortable in less clothing, I mean we're both guys, and we have nothing to hide from each other." Pacey blurted out hoping that that would convince Jen, but the look on her face didn't look too promising. "Jack?" Jen asked knowing that Jack didn't have the ability to lie with a straight face. "Yeah, what he said." Jack silently uttered not convincing himself, much less Jen.

"Okay, since yall seem to still be a little sleepy, I am going to run back into town and get you guys some gas and some air freshener." Jen said while walking back to her grandmother's car.

"Air freshener?" both boys said in unison

"Yeah, I don't think your dad would like to get his truck back and the smell of sex be so strong inside." Jen looked back and said with a smirk on her face. Both boys heart fell to their stomachs, Pacey's out of fear of being outed by Jen, and Jack out of fear for Pacey since everyone already knew about him. "But....." Pacey tried to get out an explanation even though Jen had already gotten into the car.

Jen started driving and stopped when she got parallel with the boys standing by the truck. "Don't worry guys your secret is safe with me." Jen said with a smile before driving off back towards Capeside.

"So, what do we do now?" Jack asked Pacey worried that their union might have only been temporary.

"How bout this." Pacey said as he slowly caressed Jack's face, and then leaned in and touched his lips to Jack's. It didn't take long for them to get a rhythm going and for both of them to feel a rise in their pants. As their passionate kiss continued, Pacey moved his hand down and slowly started massaging Jacks crotch through his pants, and Pacey could feel that Jack's state of arousal was quickly becoming very noticeable. Pacey wanted to taste Jacks cock in his mouth once again, but as he slowly started his way down Jacks body, Jack held him up. " Maybe we should stop and save this for another time." Jack said obviously disappointed that their erotic moment couldn't continue. "Yeah, maybe your right, but we will definitely have to resume this later." Pacey said with a smile. "You bet, wouldn't miss it for the world." Jack said as the two joined for another quick kiss before parting and getting in the truck to make everything, including themselves, look more presentable.

After about 15 minutes of cleaning up on the inside of the truck they had it looking almost untouched. The smell still lingered, but the air freshener that Jen was bringing back would cover it up and they had let it air out for a while now. Finally, after waiting another 15 minutes, Jen pulled back up and got out of the car with a can of gas, and a bottle of air freshener.

"Well, yall look better now, good thing it was me, and not say your brother that found you guys Pacey, he'd have given you hell." Jen said while handing Pacey the gas and Jack the air freshener which they both put to good use filling the tank and airing out the truck.

"Was it really that obvious?" Pacey questioned

"Yeah, it was." Jen responded, " But like I said, don't worry my lips are sealed, even though I am pissed that the list of eligible bachelors in Capeside is decreasing by the minute thanks to Jack."

"Sorry" Jack said shyly

"So, is everyone pissed that the Bed and Breakfast thing was ruined because of us." Pacey questioned knowing that one more blunder on his record wouldn't exactly do wonders for his reputation.

"Actually, shortly after you guys left, a warning came on the news about a hurricane hitting mainland nearby, and you know how tourists get, a little rain and they run for higher ground, so the weekend was canceled." Jen said to the guys relieving a little of the guilt from them

"Thats just great, one of my greatest screwups of all time ruined by a potential act of God, why must he have to share in my limelight of stupidity." Pacey joked trying to relieve some of the tension between the three.

"Don't worry Pacey, even God couldn't match your level of stupidity." Jen said while passing Pacey and heading back to her car.

"Well, I guess we better head back before we get washed away in the 'hurricane'," Pacey said to Jack who had a nervous look on his face "what's wrong?" Pacey asked concerned for Jack "I'm just a little scared of storms thats all." Jack said being completely honest with Pacey "Don't worry, I'll be there to protect you," Pacey said while reaching for Jacks hand and lightly kissing it in a comforting manner. "Thank You." Jack said feeling a little less nervous.

"Excuse me, are we going back now?" Jen said while passing them and interrupting their moment.

"Yeah, where too?" Pacey asked.

"Gram's house, their are two storm cellars there, and we are all meeting over there just in case." Jen said "Follow me."

"Lead the way my dear." Pacey said trying to be chivalrous

"Whatever." Jen said as she slowly drove off at a slow pace so the guys could catch up.

"Lets go." Jack said heading for the passenger seat while Pacey got in the drivers seat and started the engine. They headed off in the same direction that Jen had

"Lets listen to some music." Jack said while turning on the radio.

-------------------------------------------------------------------------- "This important news bulletin: Hurricane Grady is gaining strength and it has changed its direction and is moving north along the United States coast. The eye of the storm will likely hit the small seaside village of Capeside. Residents of Capeside are urged to take immediate precautions to ensure their safety during this catastrophic event. This hurricane has the potential to be the strongest hurricane to hit the U.S. in 50 years. Evacuation of the town of Capeside and surrounding cities is not recommended because the storm is only hours away from shore, therefore the national weather service is urging everyone to take immediate emergency shelter until this hurricane passes. We wish all of you the best of luck in lasting out this potentially tragic event" --------------------------------------------------------------------------

"We better step on it and get back to town before the storm hits." Pacey said trying to be strong knowing that Jack was already scared. "Jen's Grandmother's two storm shelters have enough room for all our friends and their families, thats where everyone we know will be, we better get there too and fast." Pacey said while glancing over at Jack who was in a trance staring out the window. Pacey grabbed his hand. "Its going to be okay, we will be together." Pacey said comforting Jack with his words. "Yeah I was just worrying about Andie" Jack said knowing his sister was fragile and panicked easily. "She'll be there don't worry." Pacey said as he continued to drive off toward Capeside.

(Stay tuned for the events of the next installment of the Capeside Adventures)

**** I hope you enjoyed this installment and I certainly look forward to writing the next one. As always your comments, whether good or bad are welcomed. Email me at I will try and not put so much time between this installment and the next one, and I truly do apologize for keeping yall in suspense for so long.

On the next Capeside Adventures:

As Capeside is being rocked by a deadly hurricane, the lives of everyone in the town will be severely altered forever. As Jack and Pacey try to stay by each others sides, suspicions soon become a reality as the boys try and keep their relationship a secret. Will Capeside survive the hurricane? Will Dawson accept his friends love for Jack? or Will Jack and Pacey's relationship end before it has had time to begin? Find out in Chapter 5 of the Capeside Adventures.

Next: Chapter 5

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