Capeside Adventures

By moc.loa@91dutSgnivoC

Published on Aug 30, 2000


***This is Chapter 5 in the ongoing saga known as the Capeside Adventures. Each story is a continuation of the previous story, so if you haven't read Capeside Adventures 1, I suggest you do so now.

Dawson's Creek and all of the characters and setting are trademarks of and copyright The Warner Bros. Television Network.

Shortly after the boys left their stranded predicament, they pulled in behind Jen in her Grandmother's driveway. It had started to rain slightly, and the wind had picked up quite a bit blowing leaves off of trees and causing them to sway uncontrollably. The boys got out of the truck and approached Jen who was getting out of her grandmother's car.

"Well, we better go join the others." Jen said leading the way up the steps into her house, she was met at the door by her grandmother who had a very relieved look on her face, she ran up and wrapped her arms around Jen.

"Jennifer, I was getting so worried about you, you have been gone for a very long time looking for these two." she said giving a not so compassionate stare in the boys direction, each boy felt a chill going up their spines from the uncomfortable situation.

"Pacey's truck ran out of gas, and they were stranded, but we are all here now, safe and sound Grams." Jen said trying to keep her grandmother from being to upset.

"Well, you three need to get to the shelters and join the others, I am going to go to the entrance in the back where all the adults are, you three can go to the entrance on the side where all of the other children are, there are some drinks and food in the shelter to last plus a radio and a cb so you can keep in touch with us at all times." Grams said pointing in the direction of the childs shelter and walking off in the direction of her own.

"She seemed kinda upset." Jack said after they got out of ear shot of her grandmother

"I have been looking for you two for four hours, I didn't call and check in, she just worries." Jen said chalking it up to her grandmothers anal philosophies on how life should be.

"Well, I personally think that after we get out of being locked down in the storm shelter for hours with our "friends," dealing with your grandmother will be a welcome change." Pacey always using humor in tight situations.

"Well, we are just going to have to deal" Jen said opening the door and starting down

"Well, I want one thing before I go down there." Pacey said grabbing Jack and pulling him into a passionate kiss

"That was great, lets just hope that lasts us till we get through with this."

Jack said looking deep into Pacey's eyes.

"All right you guys lets go" Jen said interrupting the moment

" We have really got to work on her timing" Pacey said leading the way down the stairs to the shelter.

When they got down the stairs, they were amazed at the size of the place, it looked like a small underground apartment complete with a kitchen, lounging area, three bedrooms, two bathrooms, and a generator for when the power goes out.

"Whoa, this place is awesome." Pacey said staring in amazement at his current surroundings.

"What Jen, was Grams preparing for nuclear meltdown, or the end of life as we know it?" Jack sarcastically asked while scoping the place out.

"Actually, when you've lived on the coast as long as she has, you have to prepare for the worst, and since she is living on the most land, her and a bunch of the neighbors, who have since moved away, pitched in and built this underground kingdom. I used to come down here when I was little, and just sit for hours until my grandfather would come down and fill my head with some story of a storm in the past, and we would just sit here for hours on end bonding." Jen said in a somber tone

"You really miss him don't you?" Jack said putting a hand on Jen's shoulder

"Yeah, I do, but lets not dwell on the past lets find the others." Jen said, changing the subject, she started leading the way throughout the shelter looking for the other teens.

The three teenagers started making their way throughout the spacious shelter, until they came to the lounging are where the other three teens were sitting watching on of Dawson's many movies, they didn't hear the other come in, so Pacey cleared his throat drawing their attention away from the movie.

"Oh my god!!!!" Andie screamed "I was getting so worried about you three." She ran up and gave Jack a big hug. She broke the hug, and then preceeded to start hitting Jack and Pacey uncontrollably " How dare you make us worry about you like that, damn you two."

She eventually stopped hitting them, and calmed down. "Sorry, I was just worried, and you know how I get when I'm worried, I get irattional, and I start thinking the worst, and when you two didn't come back, I thought you were in a ditch somewhere bludgeoned to death by some insane madman, and then I thought that Pacey had finally snapped and took you on a journey of crime across the country......"

Jack interrupted her "Your babbling, calm down, were fine, thats all that matters"

Dawson interrupted "So what did happen to you guys?"

"Well, we ran out of gas, and we just waited for our savior Jen here to come and rescue us." Pacey said pointing to Jen

"What did yall do for 7 hours?" Joey questioned

" Oh my god, I love this movie!!!" Jen said changing the subject very quickly sitting down next to Dawson and pretending to become quickly ingrossed in the movie.

" Jen, this is Armageddon, you hated this movie when we went and saw it together." Dawson said suspiciously.

"Well, that was like a year ago, its grown on me since then." Jen said grabbing the popcorn

"Okay." Dawson left it at that, totally abandoning the previous subject, Jen had accomplished her goal, everyone started watching the movie.

When the movie was over, they decided to turn on the radio, and listen to see if there was news about the hurricane.

"...... the eye of the storm is currently centered on the town of Capeside, all residents should currently be in shelter, if not we suggest you seek immediate shelter and get out of this storm, the damage is currently unknown, but it doesn't look very good for Capeside..." Dawson clicked the radio off

"I can't listen to that, its like when we get out of here, there won't be a Capeside left, it will be completely destroyed." Dawson stated somberly

"Lets see how the others are doing, lets give them a call on the cb" Jen suggested.

Jen reached for the cb and tried to get the others. "Are you guys all right over there." Jen stated into the cb not really addressing her message to anyone in particular.

"We're fine Jennifer, how is everything over there?" Jennifer's Grandmother questioned

"As good as could be expected, are you listening to the radio, it sounds like it could be a pretty bad storm, its a good thing we have these shelters." Jen stated

"We heard, I hope everyone in town is all right, but don't you worry about them right now, the good lord will see to it that everyone makes it through this hurricane unharmed." Grams stated with her usual "everything will be as god sees fit" attitude.

"Well, we are all kinda tired and we are going to try and get some sleep, we will contact you in the morning, yall sleep well." Jen stated trying to get her grandmother to stay away from a sermon.

"Goodnite Jennifer." Grams stated

"Nite Grams." Jennifer answered

Jennifer put down the cb, and went back into the lounging area with the others.

"How's everything over there?" Jack asked with an interested look on her face

"Everyone's fine." Jen said

"Thats good, but I am beat, what are the sleeping arrangements in here anyway?" Pacey asked with a quizzical look hoping that Jen sensed his underlying tone.

" Well, there are three bedrooms, and six of us that makes two to a room, since Dawson and Joey have been sleeping in the same bed since they were like five, I figured they wouldn't mind sharing a room, me and Andie could catch up on some girl talk, and that leaves you and Jack sharing a room. Is that all right with everyone." Jen stated in one breath as if she had these plans made out for just such an occasion.

"Fine with me." Andie stated with enthusiasm which gave Jen a sickening feeling in the pit of her stomach.

"Great." Dawson and Joey said in unison

"Wonderful." Jack said trying to mask his excitement

"Terrific, there are two beds in these rooms right." Pacey said trying to carry on the charade

"Oh come on Pacey, its not like Jack is going to jump you and rape you when the lights are out, learn to chill." Joey said a little pissed of at the insinuation Pacey had just made

"Hey, this could very well be our last night on earth, and Jackers over here might not want to die a virgin." Pacey said giving Jack a seductive look

"You know you want me." Jack stated with a chuckle

"Ok, well take this one," Pacey said pointing to one of the rooms closest to the lounging area "that way if Mr. McPhee decides he wants to pull the stiff one eye on me, then I will be in shouting distance."

"Oh no you don't, you two get the one on the far end down there." Jen said pointing in the direction of the other room down a hallway in the back. " Everyone knows of your annoying habit of snoring, and you are not about to keep me up all night, these walls are not soundproof you know, and by the way, use protection. Goodnite boys." Jen said as she walked towards her and Andie's room, with Andie following close behind.

"Don't do anything I wouldn't do guys." Andie said while giving Jack and Pacey a hug

"Well, I'm beat, goodnite guys." Dawson stated going to his and Joey's room.

"Yeah, sweetdreams." Joey stated following Dawson

"I will get you four back for this, you know that don't you?" Pacey shouted behind them

He was answered by two doors slamming shut simultaneously

"Whew, that was easier than I thought it was going to be." Jack stated while patting himself on the back

"You mean to tell me you planned all that." Jack said getting closer to Pacey

"Worked like a charm, and don't believe anything about the whole snoring thing, just a nasty rumor." Pacey said pulling Jack into a strong embrace.

"Even if it isn't a rumor, you won't be sleeping much anyway, and since you want to insist that I am still a virgin after last night, I think that it is time for me to lose my virginity again Mr. Witter." Jack said kissing Pacey slightly on the lips then pulling away and walking toward their room.

"Oh, so thats how its going to be?" Pacey said slowly giving chase to Jack, finally catching him when they were outside the room.

Pacey hugged jack from behind and gently forced him into the open door of the bedroom, Pacey turned Jack around, and pulled him into a passionate kiss, their tongues gently caressing each other as they locked into this embrace. Pacey lightly pushed Jack down onto the bed, and straddled him still locked into the kiss. Pacey started to gently rub and caress Jack's chest through his shirt. Pacey started to gently take off Jacks shirt when they heard a knock at the door.

" Who is it?" Jack asked as he put his shirt back on and jumped up out of the bed.

"Its me, can I come in?" Andie asked in an inaudible voice.

"Yeah, come on in it can be a big party." Pacey stated with a little bit of disappointment in his voice.

Andie opened the door, and stepped into the room.

"I was just coming to tell Pacey that if he was really uncomfortable with sharing a room with you that I would be more than happy to switch with him." Andie said not wanting to offend her brother

"Andie, I was just joking earlier, I am perfectly comfortable with being alone with Jack, we've already bonded, and we are in love, and tomorrow when this storm passes, we are going to rent out this underground kingdom and make it our love shack, we will definitely have to redecorate of course, cause this whole damp depressing thing is so 19th century. Seriously Andie, I'm fine with it, go back to your room, I will see you in the morning." Pacey said leading Andie out of the room and shutting the door behind her.

Pacey made sure he locked the door this time, and made his way back over to Jack.

"Now where were we?" Pacey asked

"Right here." Jack said as he planted his lips firmly against Pacey's

Jack eventually broke the kiss, and gave Pacey a sly look.

"What?" Pacey asked wondering why Jack ended the moment

"Well, since Jen was kind enough to place us together in this secluded room, away from the other two, then that means that this is the master bedroom, which comes complete with its own private bathroom." Jack stated pointing to the door on the other side of the room. "Which means it also comes with its own private shower." Jack said while slowly beginning to gently rub Pacey's quickly stiffening cock through his pants. Jack stopped his massage and walked into the bathroom.

" Oh, you are bad Mr. McPhee, really bad." Pacey chuckled and made his way to the bathroom to join Jack in a shower of a lifetime.

to be continued*

Sorry it took so long for this installment, I will try and get the next one out promptly, but I am not promising anything. I have received some very good responses to this story, and that is why I have decided to continue it. Please keep emailing me and letting me know what you think at

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