Captain America and the Young Avengers

By Pikachu MOn

Published on Jan 7, 2011


DISCLAIMER: The following story is a work of fiction. All the characters depicted in story belong to and are copyrighted by Marvel Comics and its subsidiaries. I am in no way related to the company and have no ownership over the characters. This is fan made work. This story depicts males in sexual situations, just so you know. Thank you.

A/N: This is going to be a series with Captain America and the Young Avengers. (who are owned by Marvel not me) Please feel free to comment and offer constructive criticisms. I want to improve as a writer. And lastly enjoy.

Captain America and the Young Avengers: Chapter 27

Tommy lazily flipped the channels on the new HD TV they got for the clubhouse. Tony Stark gave it to them as a gift. That man had too much money on his hands.

Billy yawned beside Teddy on the loveseat. He was obviously as bored as his twin.

Tommy realized that no matter how awesome the graphics were; there was still nothing good on TV. In fact, the high quality just showed him how crappy the programs really were.

"Would you stop flipping the damn channels? You're making me dizzy." Eli grumbled irately. It was funny how they maintained their antagonizing relationship yet still had sex together while waiting for Cap. It was awesome hate sex.

"Fine. Happy?" Tommy chided Eli as it landed on America's Top Model cycle something.

"Dude, were gay but even I'm not gay enough to watch another episode of that." Billy whined. He giggled as Teddy whispered something in his ear.

"Can't we do something else? I'm so bored." Tommy stood up and tossed the remote to Eli. He stretched his body.

"Why don't we try chainsaw?" Eli offered excitedly. He didn't even wait for his teammate's reply and changed the TV into video.

"Yea. I'm still waiting for you to beat me!" Teddy said excitedly. He kissed Billy on the cheek and pushed the boy off his lap. He began gathering the controllers.

"But that's so boring!" Tommy whined. He hated videogames ever since his powers appeared. The characters could never respond fast enough to his superhuman button mashing skills. It felt like being trapped in a slow body.

"We only have two controllers here. What are we going to do?" Billy pointed out.

"Yea." For once, Tommy saw Billy as a partner in crime. If not for Billy's ubberly saccharine relationship with Teddy, Tommy could really see himself hanging out with his twin more often.

"Fine, Billy. What do you want to do?" Teddy declared effectively blocking the videogame option.

"Awww." Eli sighed. He didn't argue. It was three against one.

"Why don't we try getting Vision drunk? Come in, it'll be a great experiment." Tommy said enthusiastically. He really wanted to know how much of a boy Vision really was.

"Can't. Tony Stark wants to do some tests on our Pinocchio. He's out for the week." Eli shot the idea down. He glared at Tommy briefly before looking at the others for more suggestions.

"Movie and pizzas?" Billy flicked his phone to check the movie scheds.

"There's nothing good on. Slow week in Hollywood." Teddy read the showings from Behind Billy's neck.

"We do have a slice of leftover pizza from lunch." Tommy chirped uselessly.

"We could watch a DVD." Billy jumped out of the couch and started looking through the collection.

"But we've seen all the DVD's here at least twice." Tommy pouted. He was so restless.

"We have no other choice. Let's go train then." Eli stood up and pulled off his shirt. He was about to head into the training section when Tommy stopped him.

"Let's just go with DVD's. " Tommy snorted.

"Why don't we see what Kate and Cassie are up to? They should be done shopping by now. It's been an hour already." Billy whipped out his phone and started dialing. He put in the coffee table and set it on speaker.

"Hello?" It was Kate's digital voice.

"Hey Kate, you girls done yet?" Tommy said loudly.

"No. Oh Cassie try this one. It's so cute on you." Her answer was filled with giggles and whisper and ooh's and ahhh's.

"Definitely not done." Eli slapped his forehead.

"What do you boys want anyway?" Kate asked as she remembered they called.

"We're bored. There's nothing to do in the clubhouse. Come back already." Tommy whined.

"Too bad. Cassie and I still have to look for the perfect dress. Your boys go find something to do." Kate was obviously uninterested in their plight.

"We tried everything already." Tommy tried again. Kate always had brilliant ideas.

"Just watch porn or something Tommy. I'm busy." Kate hung up.

It was perfect. Tommy felt like a light bulb lit above his head. Why didn't he think of it sooner? He was already fucking around with Eli. He was sure Teddy and Billy were open to doing more nasty things. The girls weren't around and Vision was out of the picture. It was the perfect situation for things to start happening.

"That was helpful." Eli sighed dejectedly and gave Billy his phone back.

"What are we going to do now?" Teddy made Billy move so he could sit beside his boyfriend. He slung his arm over Billy's shoulders.

"We do exactly as Kate says. We watch porn." Tommy said triumphantly. He went to the back of the TV and began to execute his plan.

"What, you can't be serious." Eli almost jumped out of his chair.

"Come on, we all do it. And I for one have never seen HD porn on an HD TV." Tommy retorted back. Figures, Eli would be the first to thwart his plan.

"Tommy, Eli might not do that kind of thing." Teddy countered.

"What's that supposed to mean? " Eli glared at the blonde.

"I just thought you wouldn't be doing it cause I dunno. You just don't seem like the type." Teddy shrank. He was just considering Eli's feelings.

"No, I am not a prude. I masturbate too." Eli defended himself. He didn't like the thought of being such a goody two shoes.

"See? So there's no problem then." Tommy knew his teammates well. They were like putty in his hands. He could already feel his loins stirring.

"Tommy, there's still one problem." Billy called out.

"What?" Tommy snorted. He was almost done fixing the TV. He already knew what Billy was going to say. He just needed time to make sure Eli wouldn't bolt.

"We're gay. We don't exactly watch the same kind of porn you know. " Billy pointed out. He folded his arms even though Tommy couldn't see him.

"You know for a gay guy, you sure are close-minded." Tommy smiled to himself. He felt like a chess-master guiding his pawns into place. He was all done in the TV modifications. He paused talking for dramatic effect

"Get on with it Tommy." Billy frowned.

"Come on, we'll just find a good video with a really sexy guy in it. Come on, I'm sure you still watch straight guys masturbating." Tommy answered confidently. He was amazed at his own perfect reasoning.

"Yea but..." Billy just stopped talking mid sentence.

"We'll just find a video with a good looking guy. It's the same except there's a girl in it. You're not afraid of boobs are you? Plus you have Teddy." Tommy pointed out.

"It's not the same Tommy." Teddy said decisively.

"I know you're right, but haven't you ever wanted to try having a circle-jerk?" Tommy grinned. He knew he got them hooked.

"Fine, I'm game." Teddy held up his hands in defeat.

"If Teddy's in, so am I." Billy snuggled beside his lover.

"This is a little weird." Eli looked at Billy and Teddy.

"Come on Eli, you chicken?" Tommy let the words flow out of his mouth slowly. Eli was the easiest problem to overcome.

"Let's do this." Eli glared at Tommy. He had a little worry in his eyes. Tommy just smiled back.

"Where are we going to get the porn. Unless you have a secret stash somewhere, although that's unlikely since we all clean the place, we have nothing." Teddy pointed out.

"I'm not watching scratchy internet videos either. I want to watch HD not grainy." Billy raised his eyebrows challenging his twin.

"Rest easy my friends, what did you think I was doing at the back of the TV?" Tommy grinned. Today was going to be an interesting day.

"I don't know, jerking off ahead of us." Eli chirped in, taking a jab at Tommy.

"Funny. But if you'd like to know, I was connecting our new HD TV to SHIELD satellites." Tommy folded his arms triumphantly.

"What? Tommy we're supposed to watch porn, not hack into the world's police systems." Eli shouted angrily.

"Hold you horses fearful leader. We're not hacking into anything. I'm sure all of you know by now, Tony Stark has found a very good use for SHIELD satellites." Tommy grinned as he saw the realization dawn on his friend's faces.

"How the hell did you learn to do that?" Billy laughed at the ingenuity.

"Unlike you guys who just enjoyed it for what it is, I tried finding out how to get it on my own TV. I figured out you needed a chip only Stark modified units have. And lo and behold this one has the same chip." Tommy lied. The truth was he broke Cap's TV and had to replace it before Cap got home. Thankfully, he managed to get a little phone assistance from the Vision.

After his announcement, everyone just looked at each other for a while. They had all seen each other naked in the showers but had varying levels of knowledge towards each other's state of arousal. Tommy was the only one who saw everyone completely naked and aroused.

"So how do we actually start a circle jerk?" Billy broke the silence. He really couldn't keep quiet for long periods of time.

"Well since none of you have any experience, I'll take the lead." Tommy announced and pulled off his own shirt.

"You've done this before?" Eli looked at the white-haired speedster.

"Yep. You can keep your undies on for now. It's fun to rub your junk sometimes. Helps to make sure nothing premature happens." Tommy snickered as he recalled one of his old friends who shot with just one touch.

He looked around, watching everyone strip down. Times really have changed. Two years ago when he did this, all of his classmates were in white briefs or loose boxers. Here everyone was wearing something hot.

Eli was wearing a jockstrap again. He didn't know why Eli found them so appealing lately. Thankfully this one at least had color in it. The band had three colors, red, white and blue. The pouch was blue while the straps were red. The color scheme was so Eli. Still, jockstraps were good to Eli. They showed off his perfect bronze butt perfectly. And by the way his pouch was distended, Tommy could tell Eli was very excited.

Billy was wearing the new underwear that just covered the front and the butt, leaving the sides completely bare except for the waistband. The band was black while the cloth covering was white. Tommy knew it was wrong to be so tempted by looking at the same replica of his face. But he couldn't help it.

Teddy had the most conservative underwear out of all of them. It was a pair of striped boxerbriefs. The colors weren't very flashy being the neutral shades. Still, Tommy couldn't keep his eyes off them because of Teddy's enormous bulge. He still didn't know how the blond managed to stuff his member inside his underwear. Tommy suspected shapeshifting.

Tommy himself was wearing neon-orange briefs with white trimmings. They were low cut, showing his pubes and barely covering the root of his dick. It also showed a little of his ass crack. He had already caught Eli staring as he bent down to pick up his clothes on the floor. Tommy grinned as he realized they were one sexy hell of a group.

"What next?" Billy couldn't hide his grin of excitement.

"Teddy, move the coffee table out of the way. It's more fun to have a circle jerk on the floor." Tommy grinned as he realized how much Teddy and Billy wanted to have a circle jerk. He had to admit to himself that there was something exciting about masturbating together even if they did already have sex. It made him feel like a normal teenage boy.

"What else do we need?" Eli piped in. Tommy could tell even the usually stuck-up leader was getting in on it.

"We need lube, lots of lube. I plan to rub more than one out. You guys are planning on cumming more than once right?" Tommy tried hiding his overly wide grin. He could already picture all the dirty things they were going to do. Jerking off was not the only agenda of the day.

"Yea definitely." Eli blushed and looked away.

"Well, what are you waiting for go get it." Tommy barked out the order. He was having so much fun ordering everyone around. Eli practically ran to the kitchen. Tommy watched his leader's bronze muscular butt bounce away.

"Hey Tommy, you sure Eli's okay with what you're planning?" Billy suddenly whispered at his twin's ear.

"What are you talking about? I'm not planning anything." Tommy figured Billy would be the only one who could see through his plot.

"We both know that this isn't just some circle jerk. You're trying to get into our leader's pants." Billy nudged Tommy at the ribs. He had a frown on his face. Still his cock in his underwear suggested otherwise.

"Into his jock you mean." Tommy licked his lips unconsciously. He didn't bother lying to Billy. It was probably a twin thing how Billy could see through him so easily.

"Why do you want to get into his, well never mind. When did you ever want to do anything with Eli?" Billy whispered into Tommy's ear. Teddy had moved everything from the coffee table to the rug and even the couch. The blond was thoughtful and placed some throw pillows in the floor.

"Nothing, just wanted the chance to be bossy for once. After all, I'm the only one with experience here." Tommy lied. He was so proud Billy still thought he and Eli hated each other. Well they still did, but they were also fucking behind everyone's back. He didn't think they hid that fact so well.

"We don't have any lube here." Eli shouted. He was holding on to the doorway and panting heavily. Sweat covered his dark skin. It was so sexy and virile.

"I'll take care of it." Billy smiled. With that blue light started to radiate from Billy's body.

"You could have done that sooner." Eli frowned. He took a seat on the floor and grumbled something to himself.

"Want me to bring other things Tommy?" Billy whispered into the speedster's ear. He let his hand slip towards Tommy's back. He caressed Tommy's ass and teased the boy's whole through the orange fabric.

"Yes, but hide them first. It might be too much of a shock." Tommy shuddered. Tommy didn't need any further explanation from Billy. The way the mage was touching him made the intentions very clear. Thankfully Teddy and Eli were busy trying not to look at each other to notice Billy's naughtiness.

"As you wish, your highness." Billy snickered and pulled his hands away. He whispered something in his usual unearthly spell making voice. There was that distinct Wiccan flash and they all had lube in their hands.

"Hey, these are the ones I bought for us." Teddy yelled impulsively as he looked at the labels. He covered his mouth and looked worriedly at Eli.

"Don't worry, I don't mind. I've caught you guys doing it already. I think everyone knows." Eli blushed and looked down.

"Of course everyone knows." Billy shook his head. He sat down beside Teddy.

"How come we're using our supply? These don't come cheap you know." Teddy pouted and pulled his lover close. He wrapped his arms around Billy.

"I can summon things not create them from nothing. If I don't get from our supply, I'll have to steal it from someone else." Billy looked up and gave Teddy a kiss.

"You guys keep a supply of four tubes of lube. Are you scared of running out or something?" Tommy looked at them incredulously.

"It happened once before." Teddy cringed as he remembered how frustrating that night was.

"Wow. You're like rabbits." Tommy shared a look with Eli. He was a little jealous Billy and Teddy could do it so often. Cap had such a strict schedule it was hard to catch him. Once a week was a rarity.

"Fine, just this once. But you guys have to pitch in." Teddy glared at Eli and Tommy.

"Yea yea." Eli said impatiently. He folded his arms and tapped his fingers.

"Billy, Teddy get out from each other. We should sit around in a semicircle. You guys are way to close to each other." Tommy pointed out.

"Fine." Bully stuck out his tongue at Tommy. He scooted beside his twin. Teddy still stayed right beside Billy.

"Alright. Can we just get started? We've been preparing since a while ago." Eli groaned. He moved near Tommy, stopping only when their knees made contact.

"Of course. Now, does anyone want to back out? Because once we start, there is no going back." Tommy asked just to keep up appearances. He already knew no one would back out. He just wanted to provide the option as a courtesy.

Naturally no one uttered a reply. It was a collective yet silent approval. Teddy was sitting on one end, followed by Billy and then Tommy and finally Eli. They were all seated so close to each other that their thighs and arms were brushing against each other. The air of anticipation hung perceptibly around them.

"I'll open the TV." Tommy broke the silence first. For the first time that afternoon, he began to feel the butterflies in his stomach. He stood up and shakily walked to get the remote. With one press of the button, it opened and America's Next Top Model's theme song plated.

"They're playing it again?" Teddy pulled his head back incredulously. His forehead scrunched up as he saw another girl doing something stupid on TV.

"It hasn't finished in the first place. It's only been fifteen minutes since we stopped flipping channels." Billy looked at the clock. Time flew by so slowly.

"Okay, I'm changing it Teddy. Don't blow up or anything." Tommy pressed the source button changing it to the Satellite channels. The screen faded to black and then nothing.

"Tommy? Is it supposed to be like this?" Billy asked after waiting a few minutes.

"Wait. I just forgot to change the channels." Tommy scratched his head. It should have worked. He started pressing everything.

"Tommy?" Eli's voice was full of warning.

"Wait, hold on this Bill. I must have made a wrong connection." Tommy tossed the remote behind to Billy and sped to the back of the TV.

"Well, what's wrong?" Eli asked impatiently. Tommy knew that was his leader's irritated voice. He was so used to be being berated by Eli he cold tell the subtle changes in pitch that signaled the impending scolding.

"Nothing just a loose wire." Tommy lied. He frantically double-checked everything. He was sure he did everything correctly. Then again, this TV was different one than Cap's. Plus he had the Vision's step-by-step instructions last time.

"There's still nothing Tommy."

"Wait. There I fixed it." Tommy rearranged everything again. He held his hands together and prayed. He already got everyone done to their underwear, he didn't want the moment to get ruined just because of a lack of material.

Suddenly, as if by some miracle the TV opened and Tommy could hear the faint electronic sounds of sex. He almost tripped running to the front and confirming his suspicions.

There were two schoolgirls rubbing their tits together. The blond one's fingers were crawling down the brunette's skirt. They were moaning so sexily. Unfortunately, Tommy realized there were no men in the video. He'd have to choose another channel. Still, he was relieved; he didn't actually think it would work.

"I thought for a minute there, you wouldn't pull through Tommy. Good job buddy." Teddy slapped the speedster on the back.

"Me too." Tommy murmured under his breath. He looked at his teammates gauging their suspicions. Teddy looked completely at ease. Eli looked relieved but still a little doubtful. Billy on the other hand, hand cocked one eyebrow up.

"You owe me one." The mage whispered to his twin. He twirled his finger around informing Tommy of his mystical intervention.

"Thanks. But we both know you want this as much as I do." Tommy whispered back. Billy really must have been his twin to know him so well.

"You're so ungrateful. A thank you would have sufficed." Billy frowned slightly. Teddy and Eli were busily flipping the channels.

"You didn't let me finish, lil bro. Thank you for saving my ass there. You can have it later." Tommy placed his hand on Billy's thigh and rubbed it sensually. He pulled it away when he thought someone would look.

"Don't you think that's too much. Eli might freak." This time Billy had a truly worried look on his face.

"Leave that part to me. Beside we have for quick fix magic to save us. I didn't you could use your powers for such domestic things." Tommy snickered. He imagined Billy as one of Sleeping Beauty's fairies who did housekeeping with a wave of their wands.

Billy frowned and was about to say something when he got distracted.

"No smart retort? Come on Billy Kaplan. Ouch." Tommy yelped as his twin elbowed him.

"Look at what Eli found." Billy answered without looking.

"Oh fuck. I love this kind of thing!" Tommy said happily as he realized they found the mother load of all the perfect porn. He thanked whichever perverted higher being out there who set things ups so perfectly.

It was superhero porn. During the commercial break, even without understanding a single word, it was clear there was a superhero porn marathon for the day.

"You guys good with this?" Eli asked politely. He made the volume zero as he asked his question. He swallowed deeply as his face began to heat up.

"Definitely." Teddy answered immediately. He whispered something in Billy's ear. Subtlety, he let his hand graze Billy's pouch.

"Absolutely." Billy practically whimpered. He pushed himself closer to Teddy's body. He let his ass rub against Teddy's enormous package.

"Wait, before we get started, let's switch positions." Tommy said as he realized how close Billy and Teddy were.

"We're already on the floor." Billy pouted. He clung to Teddy arms, which wrapped around protectively.

"Because you guys are going to be all lovey dovey. That would just leave me with Eli. That's not going to be a circle jerk anymore." Tommy explained. Eli wouldn't join in if it was just Tommy. That would look too suspicious considering they weren't supposed to like each other. It had to look like they were all in it together.

"Fine." Teddy stood up and sat in between Eli and Tommy.

"Happy?" Billy folded his arms across his chest.

"Yes." Tommy stuck out his tongue.

"Can we start?" Eli asked again for the second time.

"Yea. Let's do this." Tommy squeezed his dick through his orange briefs. He was so excited already.

The porn parody was of the XXX-men. Right now it was a Jean Grey girl touching her self in intimate places. Her boobs were perfectly round, fooling no one into thinking they were real. They still looked perfect enough to fondle however. Tommy found himself wondering if the actress's red pubes were going to be hot, like chili or something.

The Angel parody was watching from a closet. He had fake wings that were hooked through suspenders. It looked sort of silly. The only saving grace was the fact that the actor was a pretty boy. He looked a little too young actually.

They were all a little disinterested in the video. It was a bit slow in starting. The Jean Grey woman didn't even have any dildo to play with. Tommy peeked at his teammates just to see how they were doing.

Eli was the most nervous out of all of them. He was sweating so profusely that the beads of sweat could trickle down his skin. His patriotic jockstrap was already bulging obscenely. Still, Tommy knew his leader wasn't at full mast yet. The first time anxiety of jacking of with friends must have held him back.

Teddy was no less anxious however. The large blond didn't know what to do with his hands. They were constantly changing positions, on the floor, on his chest and sometimes folded across. He would touch his face often flipping his hair away or some similar action. Occasionally, Tommy would catch Teddy sneaking glances at people beside Billy.

Billy was the complete opposite. He just sat in his place glaring at Tommy. The mage didn't even bother looking at the video since the guys weren't there yet. He still seemed annoyed at Tommy for taking Teddy away.

Finally the video began to get interesting. A really tall and hairy Wolverine character walked in the room. He caught Jean Grey and started touching her. She would moan as he slipped his finger in. Tommy like the part where he sniffed his index finger after it had been in her pussy. It seemed like something the real Wolverine would do.

Tommy liked the Wolverine guy. He was all hairy and dark looking. It reminded him of a slimmer Ares. Tommy was fully hard as he remembered the things he did with the god of war. If he weren't so scared of the large man, he would have come back.

Then just like that, a Cyclops character appeared. This guy looked nothing like Cyclops. He was blond and way too short. If it wasn't for the visor, Tommy wouldn't have recognized him. As predicted, the two men got into an argument.

"Hey Ted, who's that guy supposed to be?" Eli suddenly broke the silence. His cock was pushing his jock forward, leaving an unmistakable tent. Tommy could already see some of Eli's shaft exposed at the sides as the material was stretched to its limits.

"It's Cyclops I think." Teddy swallowed. Tommy saw the Alien Prince avert his eyes from Eli's tent. He adjusted himself. Teddy's cock bulged considerably, facing the side. It looked like somebody lodged a fat sausage in Teddy's underwear.

They were silent again. Soon, there was sparkle of cheap special effects on the screen and suddenly the three men were on their knees looking up at Jean Grey.

"What the fuck?" Billy's response was immediate and straight to the point.

Tommy couldn't stop laughing. Between Billy's irritated expression and the movie's horrible acting, he couldn't help himself.

"I think she just used Telepathy." Eli said in between his giggles.

"That doesn't make any sense." Billy rolled his eyes. He still had a smile on his lips.

"Forgive them honey, its just porn." Teddy laughed.

"At least they look hot. You guys have to admit, Wolverine looks sexy." Tommy added.

"Fine, I like him better than the real Wolverine at least." Billy fondled his own package.

"You don't like Wolverine? The real one I mean?" Tommy raised his eyebrows in surprise. He thought everyone thought Wolverine was hot.

"I think he's a little mangy to be honest. I'm a little scared of all that hair." Teddy pointed out.

"He always smells like beer and cigarettes too. He feels dirty." Billy piped in.

"Huh? Who knew?" Tommy murmured to himself. Wolverine did feel a little too raunchy.

Meanwhile, Jean Grey was getting her mouth stuffed with cocks. The appendages would slap her own her face. There were already streaks of saliva and precum on her cheeks. It was getting Tommy hot. He began rubbing his cock vigorously.

Afterwards she began sucking on Angel's dick while Wolverine slapped her ass. Cyclops was standing by her side stroking his cock. He had his arms on Wolverine's shoulder, occasionally slapping the horny redhead himself.

Tommy slid his hips forward and backwards trying to rub himself more. He could see Eli in the same amount of activity. Billy and Teddy were more relaxed in rubbing their packages.

Finally Jean Grey change positions. She sat up and rested her back on Wolverine's chest. He fondled her breasts squeezing them together. His cock appeared right below her pussy. She would rub her clit against the long shaft. Meanwhile, Cyclops stuffed his cock into her throat. His ass was right in front of the camera. It bounced as he thrust into her face. Angel started licking her clit, his face right above Wolverine's cock. Just a little closer and he would be licking it instead of her.

"Fuck that's' hot." Tommy groaned.

"No kidding. Just a little more." Teddy murmured. The blonde Alien was rubbing his cock just as vigorously as everyone else. To avoid it from peeking out, he adjusted it to snake towards his pants legs. Still, the head was almost about to pop out.

"Would you do that Tommy?" Billy asked coyly. He was rubbing his chest.

"Do what?" Tommy looked at his twin. He couldn't place Billy's motive.

"Suck a girl's clit with another man's dick right in front of you?" Billy smiled a Cheshire smile.

"Yea, if she was hot like that. Why not?" Tommy still didn't know what Billy was getting at.

"How about you Eli?" Billy asked casually as if it was an extension of the conversation. Tommy looked at Eli for his answer. He finally understood Billy's thinly veiled plot. He waited anxiously for the answer.

"Maybe." Eli said almost too quietly too hear.

They didn't say anything after that and just continued watching the movie. Jean Grey was being fucked by Wolverine now. Angel was still licking her clit even if it was stuffed with cock. Cyclops started sucking on her tits with Wolverine's hand still fondling them.

"Fuck, Tommy, I think Eli would actually try some things with us." Billy whispered to his twin. He didn't even look at Tommy, instead pretending to still watch.

"Told you." Tommy smiled triumphantly. Not only had he made sure Eli still looked straight and keep suspicions of his sexual encounters with boy, but he also made it looked plausible that they were all just experimenting. He was so proud.

"Don't let it go to your head." Billy elbowed Tommy again.

"Fuck this! This is the part where we start taking care of each other." Tommy yelled out suddenly. He was getting tired of his own hand. Contact with Billy reminded him of how much better it was with another person.

He grabbed Billy and Teddy's pouches and gave them both a good squeeze. Surprisingly, both of them were hard.

"What are you doing Tommy?" Teddy yelped at sudden contact.

"It's a circle jerk. We're supposed to be helping each other out. " Tommy said snidely. He gave the two lovers another squeeze. Billy moaned considerably.

"Right." Teddy nodded his assent. He took Tommy bulge in his hands. He looked at Eli and was a little unsure.

"Go Teddy." Tommy goaded the blond prince. He could tell Billy was just looking as curiously as he was.

"Are you okay with this Eli?" Teddy was still considerate despite his enormous hard on. One Tommy squeezed again and again.

"Okay go ahead." Eli swallowed deeply. He pushed his pouch forwards to let Teddy touch it.

The larger boy's movement was painfully slow. It even retracted once. Finally, Teddy's finger made contact with the tri-color material. Instead of grabbing the enormous bulge or wrapping his hands around the shaft, Teddy just left his fingertip touch the head.

"Come on, Teddy. You can do better than that." This time it was Billy who goaded his boyfriend.

With a nod from Eli, Teddy wrapped his finger around the long cloth covered shaft. Eli made a huge intake of breath.

"Feel good Eli?" Teddy asked as he tightened his grip.

"Yeah...It feels real good." Eli moaned a little conservatively. He had a light blush on his face.

"You're huge man. I can barely get my hand around it." Teddy murmured. He placed his other hand on Eli's thigh leaving Tommy unattended.

"You're bigger by what I can tell." Eli answered meekly.

"Why don't you find out for yourself Eli?" Tommy smiled. He started running his own thumb over his cock.

"Can I Teddy?" Eli almost squeaked out.

"Okay." Teddy removed his hand from Eli's pouch and placed them behind his head, offering his entire body to Teddy.

"You're enormous man." Eli exclaimed as he felt the full length of Teddy. He stole a glance at Billy worriedly. The mage just rolled his eyes.

"See isn't it more fun for everyone to like this?" Tommy grinned proudly. His fingers met Eli's as they explored Teddy's longs shaft. He suddenly felt a hand cup his ass. He glared at Billy.

"You promised me I could have your ass." Billy winked. He traced his index finger over Tommy's crack.

"What if Eli sees us?" Tommy snipped at Billy. He didn't actually mind. He just liked being playful with his twin.

"He's too busy playing with my boyfriend." Billy pointed out with fake bitterness. He pushed his bulge against Tommy's hand. They were all sitting much closer to each other than before.

"So you're settling for me?" Tommy raised his hand to touch Billy's chest. He squeezed his twin's nipple. Billy looked so cute looking like him. He almost couldn't resist kissing the mage.

"I don't have much of a choice." Billy moved his face closer to Tommy's. He slipped his finger inside Tommy's orange briefs.

"Aahh, you're a little eager." Tommy threw his head back. He forgot about the movie and Teddy and Eli. Billy's finger was right outside his asshole.

"Just teasing you for fun." Billy grinned and then pulled his finger out. He placed it on Tommy's dick.

"Hey." Tommy frowned. Leave it to Billy to be such a tease. He looked at the movie and realized Jean Grey was being double fucked. Cyclops had his cock up her pussy while Wolverine was pounding away at her ass. Angel was feeding her his cock. It was so filthy and hot. Tommy was staring to get some ideas.

The porn stars change position again. Jean Grey was still on her knees. But as Angel mounted her ass from above, Wolverine fucked her while standing. It made it look like he was fucking Angel instead of her. Cyclops was under Jean Grey having a sixty-nine. He crammed his fat cock into her mouth while licked her cock-filled pussy.

"This is so hot guys." Billy moaned. He gyrated his hips against Tommy's hands vigorously.

"I didn't know straight porn could be this gay." Teddy said suddenly. He groaned as he felt both Tommy and Eli give his large tube a good squeeze.

"It's so hot, I don't care anymore." Tommy wanted to fish his cock out already. He was so ready to burst.

And then just like that, the actors in the movie started grunting.

Tommy removed his hands. It was too soon. He wasn't ready yet. They weren't as pumped up yet to orgasm. Everyone seemed to have the same idea and stopped stroking each other.

Jean Grey was yelling ecstatically but Tommy was more focused on watching the men. Cyclops came all over her face. Wolverine just pushed deep into her instead of pulling out. Tommy pictured her being filled with hot white cum. Angel just spewed his seed all over her back.

Once the two actors pulled out. The semen began to leak from her ass to her pussy. Surprising Cyclops craned his neck to lick it off her. After some cheap pink sparkles, the movie ended.

"That was either the hottest straight porn movie I've seen or the weirdest." Tommy stood up stretched. His boner was sticking out like a sore thumb but so was everyone else's.

"What's the next one?" Eli stood and stretched as well. He readjusted his cock so that it wouldn't poke out as much anymore.

"It's an Avengers parody." Billy couldn't keep his excitement hidden.

"That's definitely going to be a lot hotter." Tommy licked his lips.

"I hope it's not the Scarlet Witch though. She's about the only Avenger that I wouldn't like to see have sex." Billy cringed.

"So who's your favorite Avenger fantasy. Besides Teddy of course." Tommy placed his bet on Thor. Billy had a thing for the whole Norse mythology thing. Plus the boy just couldn't resist his fair-haired men.

"Who is it Bill? I won't mind." Teddy looked at his lover with same amount of interest.

"Captain America. You Teddy?" Billy looked down as he hid his blush.

"Same." Teddy scratched his head and smiled sheepishly.

"You guys can't do that! He's my favorite sex fantasy Avenger." Tommy stomped his foot. He was sort of happy Billy and Teddy liked Cap but he wanted to say it first.

"How about you Eli?" Billy looked at the silent boy expectantly.

"If it's a guy, yea I would fantasize about Captain America." Eli said with just the right hint of honesty and inattention to make him seem sincere and believable.

"Fuck, we all can't share Captain America, you guys pick someone else." Tommy whined. He wanted to keep the topic on Cap. If he could get Cap to have sex with Billy and Teddy plus him and Eli, that would be like the hottest orgy ever.

"There's more than enough of him around. " Billy argued.

"His cock is more than enough for all of us." Eli mumbled carelessly. His eyes grew wide in shock as everyone looked at him.

"You've seen him naked?" Billy asked excitedly.

"Yea, in the showers lots of times." Eli quickly covered his tracks. Tommy let out a sigh of relief. He wasn't sure if he could tell Billy and Teddy what he did with Cap and Eli.

"Oh I see. Yea he's huge. He's as big as Teddy." Billy murmured slightly disappointed.

"Fuck, I mean I'm not usually attracted to guys but Cap is one fine man. Just seeing his muscles in the shower makes me want to jerk off." Tommy decided to get the ball rolling.

"Have you guys seen his chest when he flexes. It's so fucking huge. I always imagine myself touching those hard mounds." Billy played along. Tommy wasn't sure if the mage had the same motives as him.

"Hey Eli, we could stop if this makes you uncomfy." Teddy offered kindly. He was however rubbing his cock.

"No. Even I can tell how hot Cap is. He's about the only guy to ever get me horny." Eli said good-naturedly. He stole a glance at Tommy and gave the boy a wink.

"Hey, the next show is coming on." Tommy was a little annoyed at the jab Eli took at him. Still, it seemed like everyone wanted to get inside Cap's pants and no one found it weird that they agreed on the matter.

"Look, its Captain America." Billy practically squealed in excitement.

"Bucky's with him too." Teddy supplied.

"Who's that woman?" Tommy looked at the blonde in the nurse uniform. He didn't remember Cap having a girlfriend.

"I don't know actually. But that guys really looks like Cap." Eli pointed out. They were all sitting down and rubbing their own bulges.

"What are they saying?" Teddy squinted his eyes. Captain America, Bucky and the girl were just talking.

"Wait, I think there might be subtitles somewhere." Billy fiddled with the remote. After changing the size of the screen three times, he finally managed to get the words to appear.

It seemed like Cap was negotiating with the woman to help Bucky lose his virginity. Tommy liked the idea. The girl was average. Her boobs weren't over-inflated like the Jean Grey woman. Bucky however was really cute. He looked like the typical eurotwink that everybody liked to fuck. Tommy almost wished it was a gay movie instead. He missed seeing Cap pound someone's ass.

The woman stripped first. Surprisingly, Cap was the one who unbuttoned Bucky's pants. He grabbed the boy's soft dick and fished it out of the costume. The woman sucked eagerly. Cap would push Bucky's hips every once in a while.

Unlike the last time, everyone was paying attention the video. Tommy was almost afraid somebody would walk in on them and they wouldn't notice.

Cap pulled Bucky's pants down and ripped the boy's shirt off. He pushed the brunnette's head into the woman's pussy. Bucky slurped eagerly. Once the sidekick got the hang of it, Cap pulled off his shirt, showing his super sexy body.

"Fuck he's hot." Billy groaned. He had his hands inside his underwear like everyone else.

The Captain America didn't waste any more time. He fished out his cock and fed it to the woman. They were all naked now except for Cap who still had his cowl on miraculously.

Tommy couldn't resist anymore. He took out his dick and tucked the front of his underwear under his balls. Looking around he realized everyone had done the same. They were all looking at each other. Billy had pushed the fabric of his underwear on one side of his dick. Teddy and Eli had theirs pulled around mid thigh.

They just stared at each other for the longest time, examining each other's cocks. Sure, Tommy saw all of them hard before already. He just never saw them together at the same time. It was the most cocks he'd seen together in his life.

Surprisingly, it was Eli who made the first move. He stretched out his hand to grab Teddy's large cock. His hand managed to cover the hefty base. After that, it was domino effect. Teddy grabbed Eli's cock and Tommy's cock. Tommy took Teddy's and Billy's while Billy returned the favor.

"Fuck Teddy, our hands aren't enough to hold your cock. How big is it?" Eli looked at the large member with a mix of jealousy and awe.

"Awww fuck, that feels good." Teddy murmured dazed. Tommy was working his hand on Teddy's cock.

"It's just big enough Eli." Billy answered for his lover happily. He squeezed Tommy's dick with one hand and played with the speedster's ass with another. He was subtle, not catching Eli's attention.

"This is the best idea I've ever had." Tommy sighed happily. He stopped moving his hands allowing Billy to fondle him. It felt so good. Billy's hands were so soft.

"Fuck Teddy, ease up. You're going to get me off to fast." Eli whimpered as he threw his head back in pleasure. Teddy's superhuman grip was making Eli more engorged than normal. He felt so hard and good.

Captain America had begun to slap his cock onto the woman's face. He motioned for Bucky to the same. According to the subtitles, there was an art in making someone's lover beg for cock. Captain America, grabbed Bucky's by the base and proceeded to show the boy how.

"Best idea yet Tommy." Billy moaned as Tommy found the perfect rhythm. They were quickly adjusting to each other's momentums.

"You think Cap would ever do that to Bucky?" Tommy had always been a little disturbed with Cap's relationship with Bucky. He could never understand why Cap brought the boy with him in so many missions.

"Cap's not like that. He would never take advantage of Bucky." Eli defended his hero quickly.

"Not take advantage Eli, I mean you know, if Bucky propositioned him." Tommy trailed off. It was very dangerous territory he was going into but he needed to know what Billy and Teddy thought of the matter.

"I don't think Bucky's gay." Teddy murmured. He removed his hands from Tommy's cock and fondled the speedster's balls.

"He doesn't have to be. You know what they say about the army." Tommy took deep breath as Billy started stroking his dick.

"Plus, Cap is really really hot. I would have wanted to touch Cap if I were Bucky." Billy added. He fisted his own dick since Tommy was getting distracted.

"Fuck. I wish I was Bucky." Teddy blurted out. Everyone paused and stared at Teddy.

"If Cap agreed to do it with you, would you?" Tommy asked it slowly and carefully. He exchanged glances with Eli.

"Fuck yeah. Wouldn't you?" Teddy's tone was just as cautious.

"Absolutely. Only if he agreed though, hypothetically." Tommy avoided Teddy's eyes. He felt his teammate's cock pulse.

"How about you Eli?" Billy suddenly asked.

"Maybe...yeah." Eli nodded his head.

"See even Eli wants Cap. I definitely think Cap did something with Bucky." Billy groaned as he felt Tommy squeeze his dick.

"Fuck, I need to get out of my undies." Tommy stood up and pulled the restricting garment off. He was so hard already. He saw the others follow suit.

In the movie, Cap was teaching Bucky the finer points in feeding a woman cock. Bucky kept fumbling and bumping into his mentor. Cap kept his hand on Bucky's ass and guided the boy's cock into the woman's lips. Ever so often, the two cocks would touch as she lapped them up like a popsicle.

"Cold." Tommy groaned as he felt the jelly on his dick. Billy had squeezed a good dollop into Tommy's parts.

"Since we're getting to the good part." Billy grinned. His fingers found its way into Tommy's asshole, coating the outside with colorless lubricant.

"Fuck Teddy, now I know why you need so much lube." Eli lathered up the huge endowment completely. He used both his hands to throttle the large tool.

"You're no slouch either. I've never seen a black cock in my life. You really are huge." Teddy coated Eli's cock with the sticky substance.

"Why does everyone we know have a big dick but us?" Billy whined. He placed his chin Tommy's shoulder's as he watched his more blessed teammates compare.

"Its cause Teddy's an Alien and Eli's a Supersoldier. Those kind of superhumans always get super-sized dongs." Tommy whispered.

Tommy took Teddy's cock. It was a little hard to focus on the video when there was such a huge cock in front Tommy's face. He resisted the urge to suck and instead jacked it vigorously. Teddy returned the favor.

By now, Cap was getting frustrated at Bucky's lack of finesse. He forced Bucky on his knees so that the boy would able to watch how Cap fucked the woman's face with his cock. The Bucky actor really looked liked he wanted a taste of Cap's cock. Then without warning, he licked Cap's dick. Soon he was sucking it alternately with the woman.

"Oh fuck that's hot." Billy murmured. He jerked Tommy off faster.

"Uhm, is this okay with you Eli?" Teddy asked, out of breath. He had to keep up with Tommy's rhythm.

"I guess its fine. There's not much difference right?" Eli answered under his breath. His continued enthusiasm at jerking Teddy off allayed any worries anyone might have had.

"Yea fuck Bucky's mouth Cap." Tommy couldn't help himself from vocalizing. He wanted to be Bucky right now so badly. He opened his mouth as he imagined the real Cap's cock filling his mouth.

Cap grabbed the sides of Bucky's face and began to forcefully thrust his cock inside. Cap's muscular buttocks would clench with each thrust. He pushed his cock all the way in. Bucky made gagging sounds and would spit as Cap pulled out. His fist was rapidly going up and down his boy dick. The woman resorted to sucking on Cap's huge nuts.

Tommy sucked in his breath as Billy slipped in two fingers in his ass. At this point, he didn't care if Eli noticed. Everything could be explained with hormones. He ran his thumb over the head of Teddy's cock. He could feel Eli rubbing it up and down vigorously.

"You guys are too fucking amazing." Teddy groaned out helplessly. His grip on Tommy's cock had loosened.

"What do we do now? I'm so close too." Eli asked after a heavy grunt of pleasure from Teddy.

"Sure." Tommy realized suddenly that everyone was still looking at him for direction. He looked at them a little uneasily unsure of what to do. Like every teenage boy looking for an answer, he looked around stopping only as his eyes settled on the TV.

On-screen Cap had pulled his cock out of Bucky's face and fucked the woman instead. He made the young twink stand up. Grabbing the boy's butt, he compared their dicks. He gave a loud throaty laugh as his cock dwarfed Bucky's.

"We need to compare dicks." Tommy blurted out and stood up. In retrospect they should have done that first, but who really cared.

"Like Cap and Bucky?" Billy supplied, ever the faithful accomplice.

"Like Cap and Bucky." Tommy concluded. He watched in pleasure as his teammates stood up. He didn't wait for permission and grabbed Teddy and Eli's cocks.

"Careful." Eli warned a little out of breath. He placed his hands on Tommy's waist for balance, a fact that didn't escape the other boys.

"So how do we do this?" Teddy grabbed both twins and pulled them closer to his body. They were all standing so close to each other.

"We measure who has the biggest cock." Tommy looked at the screen and saw the same thing happening.

"Why? We already know its Teddy." Eli pointed out.

"I still want to see how I measure up." Tommy frowned at his leader. He placed Eli's thick cock over Teddy's. Right now, all he wanted to do was go down on his knees and suck on the big fat tools.

"You're huge Eli." Billy compared his to Eli's. A drop of precum leaked out of Eli's and went to Billy's

Tommy liked how different the two cocks were contrasting each other. He grabbed Eli's butt and sandwiched Eli's cock between his and Billy's. He could feel the heat and the powerful throbbing from his dick.

"Fuck, you guys are so hot." Teddy blurted out and then blushed as he realized he said it.

"Oooh someone's in trouble." Tommy snickered as he looked at Billy's somewhat annoyed expression.

"I mean, you are so hot Billy." Teddy immediately corrected himself.

"Good, now come and join us." Billy pulled Teddy's cock and pressed it against everyone else's.

"This feels good." Tommy grabbed the nearest bodies he could find. He could feel the different pulses of each cock on his. Everybody had a different feel to them and he could feel it all at once. It was so erotic.

Slowly, someone started grinding against someone. It started a reaction, which caused all of them to frot against each other. Tommy's mind went blank as he focused on the sensation of another body against his. Sweat and skin rubbed against him. His nose was flooded with musky scents.

If it wasn't for the loud grunt executed by Cap on the TV, Tommy wouldn't have stopped until he came. He opened his eyes and looked at the sound and realized TV Cap was getting his ass rimmed by Bucky. He also saw Billy and Teddy kissing like crazy. Eli's eyes were closed. He was rubbing himself against the two not realizing what happened. Tommy pulled Billy from Teddy.

"Let's get back to jerking. I'm just about ready to burst guys." Tommy segued the sudden interruption. He was about to suggest everyone to change positions.

Billy beat Eli to the punch and sat down first. He sat in front on Teddy and twisted his body slightly so he could still watch the screen.

"Everyone should scoot at bit so we can all see the show. Let's lie down too so we don't get to tired." Tommy didn't wait for his teammates to process what he said. Instead he zipped by all of them, maneuvering their bodies the way he wanted it. He copped a good feel here and there causing his friends to squeak in surprise.

With everyone in position, Tommy took his spot right in front of Billy's dick. He pulled it aside to survey his handiwork. Teddy was lying down on Tommy's thighs. Eli was holding onto Teddy's enormous cock while Billy held Eli's. They formed a human square around each other. Tommy turned his attention towards the movie.

Apparently, Cap had made Bucky suck his ass so the boy would know how to suck the girl's cunt. He made Bucky suck her pussy. He slapped the boy's ass until he got the woman moaning.

For a long while, they watched intently while stroking each other. The sound of everyone's ragged breath filled the room. Tommy could smell the heavy sweaty musk of his teammates and the raw odor of sex everywhere. He couldn't even watch the movie from the immense pleasure he was feeling. He shut his eyes, trying to stave off his orgasm. He didn't know whose cock he was stroking but with his free hand he reached for a pillow to stop his impending orgasm.

"Squelch." The sound was loud and out of place. Tommy opened his eyes in surprise and realized it was his hand that was the source of the disturbance. He then felt the odd soft mushiness on his fingers.

"What was that?" Teddy had stood up from his position and looked down at Tommy's hand. The speedster found it hard to explain because of two things. One he didn't know what had just happened. And two, Teddy cock looked ginormous from his vantage point. It looked like the perfect cock to suck.

"It's the pizza." Billy sighed. He was sitting on his side and shook his head. There was a small smile on his lips.

"Way to ruin the mood Tommy." Eli sneered. He was sitting up with his arms folded across his chest.

"Crap, the girls just finished shopping. They're on their way back." Teddy grabbed his phone as it buzzed.

"Aw fuck." Eli threw his hands in the air in frustration.

"Stop whining. They're still a good fifteen-twenty minutes away from us. We can finish in time." Tommy zipped by Eli smacking him in the head and then rushed of to wash his hands of the pizza.

When he came back, everyone was deflated. They weren't looking at each other either.

"What happened? You guys look like something died in here." Tommy frowned. Okay so he wasn't going to be able to do the other things he planned for the day. He knew he had to give those up. But he would definitely not give up to blow a good wad with his buddies. His blue balls would not allow it.

"The TV burnt out." Teddy answered before anyone else, clarifying the situation.

"What?" Tommy went to the wide screen and true enough, nothing was flashing.

"It buzzed when you zipped by. I think static killed it." Billy stood up. He began tossing the throw pillows on the couch.

"What are you doing?" Tommy narrowed his eyes at his twin. He didn't like Billy seemed to be giving up.

"It's over Tommy. We don't have porn and we don't have time. All we have is pizza and that won't be enough to get us up." Eli stood up and announced.

"Pizza? Pizza. Guys pizza is just what we need." Tommy grinned. He gave himself a pat on the back for his brilliance.

"What the hell are you talking about?" Eli tilted his head in confusion. Instead of his usual crankiness, there was optimism in his voice. Tommy was so proud.

"Let's finish our circle jerk with soggy pizza." Tommy grinned. He wasn't sure if the term was correct but he was desperate and horny.

"It's soggy biscuit you oaf." Billy snorted. He was however smiling and had a biscuit in his hand.

"Yea whatever. So we'll do biscuit version since the pizza is sort of dirty." Tommy conceded to Billy. It didn't really matter to him as long as he got off.

"I've never heard of the game." Eli frowned.

"Well, about time you tried something new. Teddy, care to explain." Tommy stood up and pulled everyone together. He placed the biscuit in the middle of the coffee table. He watched in glee as he saw their again hardening dicks over the unsuspecting biscuit.

"It's simple really." Teddy paused as he tried to form the words in his head.

"Be as crass as you want Teddy, Eli won't back down will you Eli?" Tommy grinned happily. He patted the large blonde's ass.

"Fine, we all jack off and cum on the cookie. Whoever cums last has to eat the biscuit. Did I miss anything Tommy?"

"Nope it's just perfect." Tommy grabbed his own dick and started stroking to full hardness.

"That's gross." Eli scrunched up his face.

"Chicken." Tommy didn't even bother looking at Eli for his snide comeback. Eli's response was expected.

"So I just have to come before Tommy then I win right?" Eli looked to Teddy for confirmation. He stroked his hard cock and began pinching his nipples.

"Yes." Teddy looked at his team leader worriedly.

"You better start Teddy or you'll have to eat the biscuit." Billy spanked his lover's ass.

"Right." Teddy double fisted his massive cock making the drooping member revitalize to its full form. He hit Tommy's cock accidentally as he grew.

"Fuck that feels good." Tommy whimpered excessively. He snuck a glance at Eli and saw his teammate wasn't buying it.

"Sorry." Teddy moved back a bit.

"No need for that. I don't mind." Tommy squeezed Teddy's butt cheeks making him move forwards. His cock grinded against the twins making both of them moan.

"Fuck it so hot." Billy grabbed the base of his dick and rubbed it against Teddy's shaft. He then scooped up some of Teddy's precum with his own dick.

"Billy." Teddy breathed heavily. He placed one arm on Tommy's shoulder to balance himself.

"No cheating. If you're gonna rub your dicks together, then you have to rub mines too." Eli blurted out. And then he covered his mouth with his hands as he realized what he said.

"Really?" Tommy grinned. He pushed his dick against Eli's and scooted closer to his leader.

"Yes. I don't want to lose cause you guys are helping each other. It's only fair." Eli murmured and avoided everyone's gaze.

"So whatever I do to Billy, I have to do to you?" Tommy's left hand began cupping Billy's ass cheek. The mage winked at his twin discreetly and then moaned.

"I-I guess so." Eli stammered. Tommy's hand had begun to trace along his ass.

'Smack.' Billy's hand suddenly landed a resounding slap on Tommy's buttcheek.

"Fuck." Tommy yelped up in surprise. He released Billy and Eli's asses. He grabbed the hurt cheek and looked at Billy.

"I couldn't resist. You're being too naughty." Billy stuck his tongue out.

'Smack.' Eli's hand gave Tommy's other cheek a good slap.

"Fuck. Why did you do that?" Tommy now grabbed both his ass cheeks. He turned angrily at Eli.

"I said we all had to be equal right. So I just did what Billy did to you." Eli smile malevolently. He turned slightly not allowing Tommy access to his butt.

"Why I'm gonna. Fine no slapping truce. The girls are gonna be here any minute." Tommy threatened before he saw the clock on the wall. He looked to everyone for confirmation.

"Okay." Eli smiled and moved closer to Tommy. He rubbed the boy's sore butt.

Tommy watched as everyone began to stroke their cocks. To his left was Billy, followed by Teddy and then Eli again to his right. He looked at each of his teammates carefully. All of them were pretty worked up.

Billy had his eyes closed tightly. His chest was rising and falling rapidly. He bit his lip as if he were suppressing the urge to scream. One hand was stroking Teddy's cock, the other was on his own cock. He rubbed it jerked it furiously.

Teddy on the other hand, was focused on Billy. The beads of sweat were trailing down his hard body. Tommy saw one cross to Teddy's pinks nipple and all the way down to his abs. Teddy had one hand behind Billy, presumably to finger his hot boyfriend. Billy returned the favor by stroking the massive tool that kept rubbing against Tommy's cock. The blond's other hand however was behind Eli.

Eli surprisingly was looking at everyone. Tommy got surprised as their eyes met. The boy his left hand deftly behind Tommy. Eli was definitely feeling bold to finger Tommy's ass. Eli was going all out stroking his cock. He was lurched forward slightly with his ass sticking out just to give more space for his hand. He aimed his cock at the biscuit right below them.

And then Tommy had to close his eyes. Eli's finger pushed inside of him. The sweat they all had was apparently enough lube allowing his leader's finger to go all the way in one go. It found Tommy's prostate immediately and began pressing on the engorged gland.

Tommy increased his own momentum. He decided to return the favor to Eli. His eyes opened wide as his suspicions were confirmed. Teddy was had his finger up Eli's ass. Their hands brushed as Tommy attempted to get into Eli's hole himself.

Instead of relenting, Tommy decided to let Teddy know a little more about Eli. After some maneuvering, he pushed his finger into Eli's ass alongside Teddy. The blonde looked at Eli first and then to Tommy and then to Eli again in surprise.

"Oh fuck." Billy suddenly yelled. His body convulsed and Tommy saw streaks of white cum fly towards Eli's abs before Billy managed to point it down towards the biscuit.

Then Teddy grunted presumably because of Billy's sudden tight grip. His enormous cock pulsed upwards and then a flood of cum came out. The first salvo hit Tommy's dick and balls while the rest white washed the biscuit. Teddy's cum overflowed from the cookie, some of it dripping out.

Tommy was about to cum as well but Eli beat him to it. He felt his leader's ass tighten around his finger and Teddy's. Eli's entire body stiffened and he deposited his huge slop of cum all over the now cum-buried biscuit.

Finally it was Tommy's turn. Eli finger had dug into his prostate making Tommy see stars. He shuddered as his orgasm took over him. Waves and waves of pleasure flowed out through his body. He felt a good seven shots leave his dick.

He slung his arms over Billy and Eli's shoulders for support. He felt them to do the same. He could smell everyone's scent and cum. He had never bee this close to his friends before. It felt good to match the post orgasmic afterglow with full bodily contact with Eli and Billy. He could feel the warmth from everyone emanating throughout their area.

"You lost Tommy." Eli said after a few minutes. He was breathing heavily and closely to Tommy. The speedster could feel every ragged breath on his skin.

"Fuck I did. didn't I." Tommy smiled not really caring.

"Time to eat the cookie." Eli lifted the plate up and offered it to Tommy.

"Ewww. Gross. You can barely see the biscuit." Billy snickered while licking his lips.

"Fine." Tommy studied the plate carefully. The biscuit only had a little of its top peeking out. Although the plate was small, there was a lot of cum that gathered around the cookie. He had forgotten how much Teddy shot with each orgasm.

"Are you really going to eat that?" Teddy had his eyebrow raised.

"I lost didn't I?" And with that Tommy scooped some at the sides of the biscuit with his finger and stuck it in his mouth.

"Blame Teddy here for most of that cum. Although I must say Eli's entire load went into that cookie so he may have majority." Billy elbowed his boyfriend.

"Like my cum Tommy?" Eli smiled proudly. Although Eli knew Tommy did, there was something different today. Tommy liked how Eli got so into the game.

"I think you should eat more vegetables. It's a little sour." Tommy said coolly after he had licked off the entire plate. He had pretended to have a little difficulty eating the thing at the start. But at the end he couldn't resist licking the plate clean. The only cum left was on top of the cookie. Still, it looked like somebody smothered a sundae on top of the biscuit.

"Hey what do we do about Tommy's misfires? Most of his cum splattered all over our bodies." Teddy pointed out.

"Tommy's the loser, so we make him lick it off. After all he has to take all the soggy." Eli's lips were threatening to turn into full-blown smile. It was twitching at the sides.

"Some of your cum went to my dick." Billy added. He wagged his member at Tommy. Billy, the ever so unfaithful accomplice, was obviously enjoying Tommy's predicament.

"I know the rules you guys." Tommy licked the cum on Billy's chest before sinking to his knees. He cleaned the head of Billy's cock swiping it with his tongue. It was hard again.

"Good boy. Now its Teddy's turn." Billy snickered as he patted and ruffled Tommy's hair.

"I know the game you don't have to tell me twice." Tommy said irately. He hated how the tables turned so quickly. He didn't mind eating all the delicious cum, he was annoyed at how he lost control of the situation so quickly. He would definitely need to find a way to turn the tides again.

"Oooh fuck, I feel some leftover cum dropping out." Teddy milked his member squeezing out a good drop. It hung precariously of his drooping cock head.

Tommy stretched out his tongue to receive the drop. He wasn't really paying attention. He was trying to come up with a plan. Instinctively, he took the head of Teddy's cock into his mouth. He sucked out whatever cum was left.

"I think that's enough Tommy. There couldn't possibly be more semen there." Billy said with a little jealousy in his voice.

"It's not my fault your boyfriend keeps leaking precum on me." Tommy teased Billy. He finally knew how to turn the tables. He smiled broadly as he realized how possessive Billy was getting.

"Tommy, I think we're good in that area." Teddy pulled Tommy by his pits. He was getting worried things were getting a little too hot and heavy too fast.

"Just doing my penalty." Tommy licked his way up to Teddy's abs making sure to let his tongue trace over the hard ridges. There was a tiny stain of cum on Teddy's upper lip. Tommy pressed his lips against Teddy. He waited a good five seconds before pulling away. After that he gave Billy a smug look.

"I'm gonna fry you!" Billy eyes started glowing and there was a little cackle of lightning. Without warning the area in front of Teddy was hit by a lightning bolt.

"Don't hate the player Bill, hate the game." Tommy stuck out his tongue at his twin. That's what Billy got for abandoning him a while ago.

With Teddy calming his furious twin, Tommy focused on Eli. Unfortunately, his rival still had a smug expression on his face. Eli grabbed the base of his dick and waved at Tommy.

"Suck it." Eli ordered. He was taking full advantage of the dominance he currently possessed.

"How cocky." Tommy replied coolly. He would let Eli enjoys these fleeting moments of the upper hand. Things would change soon enough. He went on his knees to face Eli's cock.

"I'm sure you'd know." Eli snickered.

Tommy decided to respond in kind. Instead of just taking the soft cock into his mouth, he gave Eli the best blowjob he had ever given someone.

"Oh fuck Tommy. What are you?" Eli grabbed Tommy's head for support. He couldn't help himself from groaning as Tommy swirled his tongue over the fat cock head. Eli could feel his cock push past Tommy's tight throat.

"Oops. There was a drop I couldn't get too." Tommy pulled away after he was sure Eli's was fully hard. A quick glance at Billy and Teddy's shocked expressions confirmed his expectations. Thing were proceeding smoothly.

"Tommy." Eli said testily. The team leader was standing awkwardly with his hard cock pointing upwards.

"Your turn." Tommy put his hands over his head and leaned on the couch.

"What are you talking about?" Eli looked at him with suspicion.

"Teddy came all over me too and somehow has to clean it up. I can't very well do it myself now can I? I'm not that flexible." Tommy grinned. He saw Billy's eyes widen. His twin was shaking his head in disbelief.

"Why me?" Eli furrowed his eyebrow.

"Because you came after Billy and Teddy so you're the next loser." Tommy pointed out. He saw the realization dawn on Eli's face.

"It does make sense." Billy whispered to Teddy. Everyone heard his comment though.

"Eli, you don't have to do this." Teddy offered kindly.

"Yea you don't. It just means you can't keep up with me." Tommy goaded his rival and lover. In all honesty, he knew Eli wouldn't have a problem sucking his cock. Hell they've done much worse. What Eli couldn't do was suck cock in front of everyone without losing his image. So if Tommy really thought about it, he was doing Eli a favor by provoking him. He was saving the boy's reputation.

"Where?" Eli went to Tommy and sank to his knees.

"There's some on my balls." Tommy lifted his soft dick, allowing Eli to lick his testicles.

"That's it?" Eli asked after he pulled back his tongue.

"Why stop? You seem to be enjoying this.' Tommy grinned as he nodded towards Eli's impressive erection. He dragged his dick over Eli's face, pointing out the cum stains.

"Fuck you." Eli said before he started licking Tommy's shaft.

"Soon." Tommy let the comment pass as normal banter to fool Billy and Teddy but he was already picturing Eli's big cock driving inside of him.

"Satisfied?" Eli pulled away. His hand however was still holding Tommy's dick.

"Some cum got stuck at my pubic hair." Tommy said factually. He wanted to see how far he could push Eli in the presence of their friends.

Eli started sucking on the pale white hair around Tommy's dick. It felt so different. Tommy could hear Billy murmur something.

"There's just a little left at the root of my dick." In all honesty Tommy wasn't sure if it was cum or spit. He just wanted to prolong the experience.

Instead of licking the sides as Tommy expected, Eli swallowed the entire dick whole. Just to reach the end. Abruptly, Eli stood up.

"All done." Eli wiped his mouth with his finger. A frown adorned his face but his cock was still extremely if not harder than before.

Tommy was about to grab the cookie when suddenly they heard the door open.

"We're back." It was Kate's voice.

Tommy ran and picked up everyone's clothes and tossed it. Teddy had run towards the door and began chatting Kate up. The Alien hybrid had shifted some clothes. Eli meanwhile was hopping on one leg pulling up his pants. Tommy quickly dressed and picked up any remaining clothes he saw. Billy had casted a restoration spell to clean everything up.

"So what are you boys up to?" Kate asked as she entered the living room, completely oblivious to what had just transpired. Behind her was an equally unsuspecting Cassie and a frazzled but presentable fully shape-shifted Teddy.

"Just testing the limits of Billy's domestic powers." Tommy answered without missing a beat. He gestured to the perfectly plumped throw pillows and impeccably clean floors.

"I was wondering why the place was so clean. I didn't expect you boys to clean. I half-expected to catch you guys jacking off." Kate laughed. Billy breathed a sigh of relief.

"Kate." Cassie elbowed he friend and they shared a few giggles.

"May I have this cookie?" Vision asked Teddy.

"Sure. Wait, when did you arrive Viz?" Teddy took a double take at his wraithlike friend.

"I came here right after Mr. Stark's diagnosis." Vision then proceeded to eat the soggy biscuit.

All of the boy just realized what happened after Vision put the violated baked good into his mouth.

"Why are you eating Viz?" Tommy asked a little worriedly.

"Mr. Stark wanted to test my food processing capabilities. He asked me to try eating, to help me feel more human." Vision explained.

"Okay so how was it?" Billy asked carefully.

"My previous idea of what a cookie taste like is apparently wrong. The taste description as well as the texture is completely different from my expectations and data." Vision said plainly.

Tommy and his conspirators spent the rest of the day watching Vision with interest and apprehension.

A/N: Sorry for the long delay! I was so busy with school I just had to stop writing. Added with a massive case of writer's block and I got stuck. Sorry! Anyways I'm projecting the end of this series at around a total of thirty chapters.

Anywayz, for those who don't know, CHILDREN"S CRUSADE IS OUT... not complete but still awesome!

Also, to those who want, I can send emails whenever I update since I won't be able to do it regularly anymore.

Thanks for the support and hope you continue to enjoy my work.

Btw, I just realized after all this time that I was spelling Disclaimer as Discalimer. Funny yet sad.

Next: Chapter 28

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