Captain America and the Young Avengers

By Pikachu MOn

Published on Jan 21, 2010


DISCALIMER: The following story is a work of fiction. All the characters depicted in story belong to and are copyrighted by Marvel Comics and its subsidiaries. I am in no way related to the company and have no ownership over the characters. This is fan made work. This story depicts males in sexual situations, just so you know. Thank you.

A/N: This is going to be a series with Captain America and the Young Avengers. (who are owned by Marvel not me) Please feel free to comment and offer constructive criticisms. I want to improve as a writer. And lastly enjoy.

Captain America and the Young Avengers: Chapter 4

Billy breathed in deeply. This was nothing. He was Wiccan, a Young Avenger. He had magical powers that could create lightning bolts and make sparkly barriers. There was absolutely no reason to hesitate or be afraid. But he was.

He had been standing in front of his boyfriend's door for over fifteen minutes but still didn't have the nerve to knock. Tonight he would sleepover at Teddy's, his boyfriend, for the very first time. He looked at himself in the mirror to check his appearance. His black hair was loosely styled to match his blue eyes. He checked his teeth and smelled his breath. Everything was ready. With a deep breath Billy finally raised his hand. And before his fist touched the door, he stopped. He couldn't do it. Maybe another five minutes would help.

Then the door opened.

"Billy?" Teddy also known as Hulkling was Billy's boyfriend. Teddy was half-Kree, giving him super strength, and half-Skrull, allowing him to shape shift. Teddy was also the heir to the Skrull throne and was the cause of the recent Kree-Skrull skirmish. But to Billy, Teddy was just his handsome blond blue-eyed boyfriend.

"Hey Teddy." Billy replied sheepishly after staring a minute of two. Teddy was wearing a cream colored button down and khaki slacks. The top two buttons were enticingly unbuttoned revealing the top of Teddy's well-defined chest. Billy suddenly felt self-conscious. He was wearing a simple long-sleeved shirt and a pair of jeans. Okay it was fine but Teddy just looked too sexy in his outfit.

"Come on in. I didn't hear anyone knock?" Teddy asked, opening the door.

"Oh I just arrived actually." Billy lied. He felt like a total wuss.

"Must have felt you arriving then huh?" Teddy said wrapping his arms around Billy's waist, slowly pulling them closer to each other.

"Yeah uhm I guess so." Billy stuttered looking into Teddy's blue eyes. Slowly he leaned in for a kiss. It was simple and chaste, and then Teddy pulled away. They just stood there, Teddy's arms around Billy staring into each other's eyes.

"Oh let me get those for you." Teddy finally pulled away and took Billy's overnight bag. He led Billy inside his new apartment.

"It's huge!" Billy said as he finally entered the luxury loft. It was five times bigger than his own room. The decor was all modern and classy looking. Everything looked newly furbished and ultra-rich.

"Mr. Stark was very generous. I tried asking for a smaller one but he gave me this one anyway." Teddy answered humbly. "Its amazing isn't it?"

"Yea. If being a hero gets me an apartment like this, I'd take on super villains for the rest of my life." Billy was still scanning the area. Teddy had lost his mother during the last Kree-Skrull skirmish, and as a result, Tony Stark offered the Teddy a place in Stark Tower.

"Sure you would. The bedroom's this way." Teddy said pulling Billy away from his thoughts.

"Wow is every room in Stark Tower this nice? My parents should have just moved here instead of fixing the apartment. We could have been neighbors. Wow, this bed is so soft and comfy. I can imagine having a good night's rest here." Billy said as he bounced on the soft mattress.

"Well you can try it for yourself later. This is where you'll sleep." Teddy smiled at his boyfriend's enthusiasm.

"Really! Awesome! Thanks. Wait where would you sleep?" Billy knew this question would come up sooner or later. He was glad he wasn't the one to bring it up. He just hoped Teddy was thinking along the same lines.

"Uhm I was thinking, err, never mind." Teddy turned around, but Billy saw the blush on his face.

"No, come on Ted, you can tell me anything." Billy was now sitting up. It seemed like Teddy was suggesting exactly what Billy wanted. But he couldn't suggest it out loud. He wasn't brave enough. Maybe Teddy would be.

"I was thinking maybe we could share the same bed. I-If that's fine with you I mean." Teddy was now facing Billy and was moving closer.

"Yea ok. I'd like that." Billy was all smiles and his arms reached out to encircle Teddy's neck, while Teddy's arms wrapped around his waist. They shared another soft kiss, pressing their lips together for a few seconds. It lasted longer than the first, but Billy had hoped for more...action.

They pulled apart and just stayed in that position. Billy had buried his face in Teddy's chest, reveling in the warmth of his boyfriend's body. For the first few minutes, it was nice. Billy was content in his boyfriend's arms not really doing anything, just being around each other. Then after a while, it seemed a little awkward; especially since Billy was kneeling in the bed and Teddy was standing up.

"Want to try my PS3?" Teddy grinned after the long pause.

"Absolutely!" Billy replied, jumping at the opportunity to end the uncomfortable silence. He pulled away and got off the bed.

"I got the new patch for the Avengers MMORPG. Guess who the new characters are?"

"Did they finally add Jewel? Cause she's just awesome."

"Nope even better." Teddy was smiling coyly.

"Who?" Billy's interest had been piqued. "Who could be better than Jessica Jones?"

"Guess." Teddy was still smirking. He had opened the game already and was sitting in the plush beige couch.

"Tell me already. How about a trade?" Billy sat down beside Teddy.

"What are you offering?" Teddy had already leaned towards Billy.

"This." Billy pressed his lips against Teddy. Both moaned in pleasure.

"Hmmm. It's us. Someone put up Young Avengers as usable characters." Teddy said as Billy pulled away.

"No way! You've got to be kidding me! Let me see." True enough as Teddy claimed, Billy saw a character that sort of looked like him. Okay not really but the costume was right.

"Now I'm just waiting for someone to make a naked Wiccan skin, then this would just be perfect."

"Why settle for a ugly pixilated image when you can see the real thing?" Billy smirked sexily. He placed his hand at the bottom of his shirt and made an act of pulling it up. Teddy eyes looked like they were about to bulge from his face. Billy then dropped his hand and started laughing and soon Teddy laughed along with him.

"You should have seen the look on your face Ted. Absolutely priceless."

"You got me, happy? Now can we play?" Teddy was blushing furiously. Billy didn't notice the obvious bump that traced the outline of Teddy's pants.

After dinner, Billy and Teddy were snuggling in the couch watching a movie. Billy's head was on Teddy's shoulder. Billy liked the feeling of Teddy's chest rise drop with every breath. He wasn't even watching the movie anymore. Instead he was just relishing the moment with Teddy. It was a little late but somehow he still wasn't tired. He just wanted to stay like that forever.

Okay that part was not entirely true. The night was perfect except for one little detail. It was too PG-13 for his liking. Billy was already sixteen! He was way above the PG-13 line. He wanted a little action. Even their kisses seemed like Grandma kisses! Billy had never used his tongue before and he wanted to try it already.

"Hey Billy?" Teddy said, pulling Billy away from his thoughts.

"Yea?" Billy lifted his head away from Teddy's shoulder and looked at his boyfriend's deep blue eyes.

"Can I kiss you?" Teddy's face was serious and there was slight shade of red coloring his cheeks. His lips were parted slightly, inviting Billy in.

"Yes." Billy didn't know what made Teddy kiss him but at this point he didn't care. He pulled Teddy towards him and pushed their lips together. Another PG-13 kiss. Now that he thought about, PG-13 kisses weren't that bad, as long as they were with Teddy. Then suddenly he felt something different, something moving. Billy opened his eyes and then realized it was Teddy's tongue. Billy pulled away in surprise.

"Shit was I coming on too fast? I'm sorry Billy. We don't have to." Teddy looked scared and startled. He was always so considerate and so sweet.

"No no. I want to do it again. You just surprised me that's all." Goodbye Grandma kisses and hello tongue.

"Are you sure?" Teddy was still unsure. His face still held traces of uncertainty.

"Absolutely." Billy placed his hands on the side of Teddy's face reassuringly. He pulled his boyfriend in for a kiss. His mouth slightly parted allowing Teddy to slip his tongue through. Teddy tasted salty, actually familiar, Teddy tasted like pizza, pepperoni to be exact. Then Billy realized they had pizza for dinner. No matter how unromantic that sounded, Billy was still in heaven.

Teddy started leaning forward, deepening the kiss, allowing his tongue to explore more. Billy moaned from the sensation, which only served to encourage Teddy more. Soon Billy started using his tongue as well, their teen mouths battling for dominance. Billy had grabbed on to Teddy's back for support while Teddy placed his hand on the sofa to support them.

Billy finally had to pull away; he needed air. But Teddy didn't stop, he continued on kissing Billy's chin and neck. Billy whimpered from the sensation. He arched his head back from the intense feeling. This gave Teddy free access to Billy's throat, which Teddy took advantage off. He started nipping at Billy's Adam's apple. Billy couldn't help letting out another whimper. Teddy slipped a hand under Billy's shirt, causing them both to stop.

"Can I take your shirt off?" Teddy whispered huskily to Billy's ear. The boy only nodded. Slowly Teddy pulled on the side of the shirt and Billy lifted his arms up high. The shirt was lifted off the smaller boy's body, revealing a slightly muscled upper body. It had a little definition but still retained some of the baby fat.

"Stop staring at me. You're making me feel conscious." Billy was so embarrassed. Compared to everyone else on the team, Billy was the least toned. Not to mention Teddy had the body of a god

"I've never seen anyone so sexy in my life." Teddy started kissing Billy again. His hands started to wander all over the smaller boy's body. Billy moaned in Teddy's mouth as their tongues mingled.

Unfortunately Teddy lost balance and fell on top of Billy. Under the weight of the stronger teen Billy collapsed on the couch, with Teddy on top.

"Ouch!" Billy groaned clutching his head. Teddy had immediately pulled himself off and helped Billy to get up. They were now both sitting apart from each other.

"I'm sorry Billy. I couldn't control myself." Teddy shied away from his topless boyfriend.

Teddy's lips were a bit plump and Billy could see the places where his tongue landed. The blonde's hair was tousled and messy. He was breathing hard and his eyes were glazed over with desire. Teddy never looked sexier.

"Then Teddy, I'm sorry for not controlling myself either." Billy stood up and went over to Teddy. He straddled his boyfriend's hips, sitting in his laps. Billy started kissing Teddy again. His hands found the buttons of Teddy's shirt and started to open them one by one. Soon Teddy's muscular pecs could be seen along with his rigid abs.

Teddy let his shirt fall from his body. Billy then began trailing kisses down onto Teddy's muscled chest, nipping lightly at the blonde's nipples. Teddy placed his hand on Billy's lower back enjoying the sensation. But Billy stopped.

"Is something wrong?" Teddy asked worriedly. He had thought he and Billy had gone past the line of touching and petting.

"No it's nothing. Well actually it is something." Billy was blushing furiously, making him look redder than a tomato.

"What is it?" Teddy asked amusedly. He had always found Billy irresistibly cute when he was blushing. Despite stopping, he liked seeing Billy flustered.

"Well..." The young mage looked down.

Teddy followed his boyfriend's line of sight and found himself staring at his crotch. Now it was his turn to turn red. In all the heat and passion he didn't realize his now glaringly obvious erection. It was tenting obscenely out of his pants. But the real problem was not that. After all, Billy was hard as well. Teddy's erection was situated right under Billy's cute little butt.

"Teddy?" Billy called out, snapping the boy out of his daze. "I don't want to stop."

Teddy looked at his boyfriend, and started kissing him again. He devoured the black haired boy's mouth, slipping his tongue in and feeling Billy's teeth. Their chests were grinding against each other and pretty soon, so were their hips. Billy hooked his legs around Teddy's back. Teddy let out a loud moan as Billy butt rubbed against his throbbing erection contained in his pants. They started grinding against each other faster and soon stopped kissing all together. They looked into each other's eyes, savoring the feeling of being together.

"Let's move to the bed." Teddy whispered huskily before beginning to kiss Billy again. He placed his arms under Billy's butt and lifted him up. Billy tightened his legs around Teddy, who carried him to the bed. There Teddy slowly let down Billy back first on the bed. He then reached on to the tops Billy's pants and started unbuttoning them. He pulled them down along with the underwear in one pull.

Teddy marveled at the sight of his naked boyfriend. Billy was beautiful. Breathing heavily, the brunette boy's body glistened in sweat. His body had just the right amount of muscle definition. His chest wasn't overly thick, just the right size. His abs was visible but still covered somewhat by a layer of baby fat, further emphasizing his youth. It had alittle treasure trail that led up to Billy black pubes. His cock was standing erect, protruding out from his body.

"Your turn." Billy said in eager anticipation.

Teddy slipped of his pants along with his boxers, revealing his hard chiseled body. Compared to Billy, Teddy was much bigger. His chest was thick and expansive, due to the amount strength he exerted. His arms and legs were packed full of strong hard muscle. His cock however, dwarfed all these other features. Once freed from its cloth confines, it throbbed angrily. It was enormous and Billy gasped when he saw it. As thick as... Billy couldn't think straight; it looked to be an entity of its own to the young mage.

Teddy stepped closer and pressed their cocks together. Both boys moaned at the contact. Teddy held their cocks together with his two hands, rubbing them against each other.

Billy suddenly felt very self-conscious. He was a lot smaller than Teddy. He felt very tiny. It seemed like he was only half of Teddy's size. But the way Teddy looked at him, made him feel so loved and sexy that he stopped caring. Teddy's eyes said only one thing: He wanted Billy.

Teddy let go of both their members. He kissed the top on Billy's dick causing it to twitch back. Then he started kissing and nipping his way up Billy's body. He started at Billy pubes, inhaling the scent of his boyfriend and savoring it. Then he moved on to the abs trailing kisses along the way. After he started sucking on Billy's nipples, paying attention to sounds of pleasure Billy was letting out. Finally he settled on Billy's mouth, sucking lightly on the other boy's lips.

Teddy let his entire body fall on top of Billy. Their cocks were pressed against each other. Soon they started grinding against each other. Their teenage bodies began writhing against each other.

Billy placed his hand at Teddy's back, feeling the smooth muscle that covered it. They were kissing wildly and passionately. Both cocks began to ooze precum, lubing them both. Soon Billy's hips were moving faster, pushing up against the underside of Teddy's cock. Teddy placed his hand along Billy's body exploring feeling the smooth body that he lay on top of. Billy hands had begun to wander as well. He felt the hard biceps of Teddy, squeezing them and holding them in his hands. Then he felt Teddy's muscular pecs and began massaging his erect nipples. They continued this for a while exploring each other's bodies, two young hard bodies pressing against each other, feeling each other. They were groaning loudly, the pleasure overwhelming their senses.

"I'm cumming Teddy."

"I'm near too."

"Oh FUUCCKKK" Billy screamed out as he exploded into orgasm. His dick pressed tightly at Teddy's cock, spasmed and shot out. He let out four spurts of cum hitting him in the chin, and the chest before dribbling out onto his abs.

Around the same time Teddy had his orgasm. He let out a loud groan feeling the cum rise from his balls. He shot out ropes and ropes of sperm. The first shot hit his own chest. The second and third fell on Billy's chest. The rest coated their lower bodies. Overall he had shot ten times. He collapsed onto Billy, mixing the cum on their bodies. Teddy began kissing his boyfriend again.

"That was awesome." Billy said kissing the side if Teddy's face,

"Yeah. I've never ever felt that way ever in my life." Teddy replied as he rolled of his boyfriend. He lay down beside his boyfriend, enjoying the heat from each other's bodies.

"You came so much Teddy." Billy said as he moved closer to Teddy. He rested his head on the blonde's chest listening to his heartbeat.

"I have you to thank for that." Teddy whispered as he kissed the top of Billy's head. His arms snaked around Billy's waist and pulled him closer.

"I think we better take a shower." Billy said as he placed his hand on Teddy's chest and scooped up some the semen.

"Yeah I think we should." Teddy said lazily. Both of them just laid there, content in each other's arms. Soon they both fell asleep.

Teddy opened his eyes lazily. He didn't want to wake up yet. He was in the most comfortable position in the world. He was completely and utterly content. Then he remembered why.

The source of his happiness shifted slightly beside him, pulling himself closer to Teddy. The young mage was still asleep, a smile across his face. He looked positively angelic to Teddy.

Teddy realized they just had sex together last night. Rubbing against each other counted as sex right? Well it didn't matter to him. It was still absolutely amazing. He reached out to brush a lock of hair from Billy's face. The mage was just too cute. Teddy kissed the sleeping boy's forehead before sitting up. The movements made Billy pull tighter towards Teddy's waist, rubbing his face against Teddy's crotch. Teddy cock began to harden at the sight of his boyfriend's face just millimeters away.

Resisting temptation to run and jerk off to his boyfriend's nude form, Teddy gently pushed Billy's arms from his waist and got off the bed. He looked at his boyfriend's sleeping form. Billy had changed positions and slept on his back, leaving his entire body on display.

Teddy marveled at the sight before him. Last night, he was too much in heat to truly appreciate Billy's body. Today he would savor it in its entirety. Billy's entire body had trails of dried cum all over it. Teddy felt proud of his handiwork. He reached out to cup the boy's face, touching it gently. He began trailing his fingers down, exploring ever so softly across his lover's form. Teddy was mesmerized. Giving in to temptation, he put his mouth above Billy's navel and breathed softly. Billy didn't stir. Getting more confident he place his lips over the soft abs and started kissing it. Billy moaned a bit, but remained asleep.

Teddy was now right in front of Billy's morning wood. He wanted to feel it, touch it and memorize it without distraction. He reached out to grasp it in his hand, feeling its hardness yet smooth skin. He squeezed it, feeling it pulse and throb. Finally he couldn't resist, he placed it inside his mouth.

He felt the warmth emanating from the head. He tasted cum, a little bit salty. It tasted different from his own, it was distinctively Billy. He proceeded to swirl his tongue over the head and began to suck.

Billy started moaning and visibly began to wake up. Teddy didn't stop; he was enjoying this too much to stop. He began taking more of Billy's dick into his mouth. His pace had grown faster and he sucked harder.

"What? Ohh god, that feels awesome." Billy was now awake but not really more aware. He couldn't think at all, he could only feel the sensations Teddy was giving him. He was in ecstasy.

Teddy took Billy's entire dick inside his mouth all the way to his throat. Teddy's face hit Billy's pubes, savoring his lover's scent. Slowly he pulled away from Billy's dick. But before Billy could complain, he took the mage's balls into his mouth. He rolled them around his tongue feeling them tighten. He grabbed hold of the unattended dick and began stroking it.

"Where? What?" Billy's was reduced to various whimpers of pleasure. His entire body was writhing from the various sensations assaulting him. He wasn't even sure if he was dreaming or awake.

Teddy noticed Billy moving faster and pushing his hips stronger in Teddy's hand. He spit out the two balls and again swallowed Billy's dick. He began fondling Billy's nutsack, rolling them all over his fingers. He bobbed his head up and down his lover's wet glistening tool.

"Shit. Teddy I'm cumming." Billy couldn't hold out any longer. Between Teddy looking absolutely sexy sucking on his dick to Teddy actually sucking his dick, holding back was impossible. His body shuddered as he blew his load inside Teddy's mouth.

Teddy felt the shots hit the back of his throat. He could taste Billy's warm juices and at that moment he decided he liked its taste. As Billy finally stopped, Teddy could feel the cum dribbling out of Billy's cockslit He flicked his tongue across making Billy shiver in pleasure.

"Wow Ted. What was that all about? Not that I didn't like it, mind you." Billy said after his brain managed to form the necessary mental processes. He was spent but happy.

Teddy crawled over Billy's body making sure that at each step, they were brushing against each other. He kissed Billy who parted his lips allowing Teddy's tongue to explore. They shared spit and cum trading it back and forth. "Just my way of saying 'Good Morning' to you."

"Hmmm wow. I could wake up to this every morning." Billy answered dazed. Then he tasted something on his mouth. "I just swallowed my cum didn't I? From your mouth to mine. After you sucked me. Ewww Ted."

"Whatever you say. You enjoyed it just as much as I did." He kissed Billy again. "Let's get you some breakfast. I'll cook something." He jumped off the bed and faced Billy.

"I have everything I want right here." Billy crawled over the edge of the bed seductively. He placed his face near Teddy's cock, rubbing his cheek against the hard member.

"Billy! Ahh." Teddy could feel his cock fully harden. Billy's tongue flicked out, teasing the head, causing Teddy to moan. His lover continued his assault on Teddy's member licking it up from the side, the head and every else in between.

"Damn Ted! You're so fucking big!" Billy said slapping Teddy's cock on his face. It was hard and massive, leaving light red marks on his cheeks. The sheer mass of the member weighed down on Billy's face.

Teddy just groaned involuntarily. Billy looked absolutely sexy with Teddy's cock sprawled along his face. The brunette returned to savoring the enormous tool, paying close attention to the swollen head. Billy traced his tongue all over the head before he finally swallowed the top.

"Oh FUCK!" Teddy yelled out, grabbing Billy's shoulders for support. He nearly came as he felt Billy's soft warm, moist and warm mouth envelop his cock. He forced himself to calm down while Billy adjusted. He looked at his boyfriend.

Billy's mouth had taken in only the head of Teddy's cock. Even then, Billy's lips seemed to have been obscenely stretched. Teddy could see the outline of his cockhead on Billy's cheek. It was fucking hot.

"Shit Bill, you gotta warn me when you do that. I almost came all over you." Teddy said huskily. He pulled out of Billy and clutched his cock, squeezing it tightly at the base to stop his nearing orgasm.

"I think you coming is the point Ted. " Billy smiled sweetly. He then sat up planting a soft wet kiss on Teddy's lips, before going down again. "I'm going to start again. Happy?" He said in mock annoyance.

"Yes. Thank You." Teddy aimed his cock at Billy's mouth. The mage wasted no time and took as much of Teddy as he could. The sudden sensation caused Teddy to lurch forward, he thrust into Billy, and found his hand on Billy's hips. He had a nice view of his lover's butt. Then his eyes snapped shut and whimpers of pleasure escaped his lips the minute Billy began.

Billy was initially squirming but then stopped after a little while. The boy began to suck hard on Teddy's member. He used his tongue to, in whatever little space that was left in his mouth, to massage Teddy's cock. Billy swallowed more and more until Teddy finally hit the back of Billy's throat. The towering blonde moaned in pleasure.

"Oh shit, don't stop! Billy I'm close! I'm going to come." Teddy pulled back into an upright position. He looked down at his boyfriend sucking intently on his cock. Billy had hand around it while the rest was in his mouth. Billy then pulled his mouth away.

"Do it Teddy. Give it to me." Billy moaned huskily. Then he swallowed the enormous tool again. This time, Teddy let it out. Teddy's entire body stiffened. His balls tightened and his cock pulsated and he reached his climax.

Teddy could feel three volleys of cum shoot out of him while he was still inside Billy's mouth, after that his lover pulled away causing him to shoot all over Billy's face, coating the brunette with healthy globs cum.

Teddy panted heavily; he could feel his erection soften slightly. But he still remained somewhat hard; the sight of Billy was always arousing. He turned around and dropped down on the bed beside Billy who had lied down as well. Billy inched closer to Teddy, resting his head on Teddy's chest, some of Teddy's cum dribbling down. Teddy pulled Billy closer with his arm.

"Are you trying to drown me?" Billy joked tracing circles over the contours of his boyfriend's heaving pecs. He leaned over and shared a soft and long kiss before settling his head back against Teddy's hard chest.

"That was the breakfast you wanted right? High protein exclusively just for you." Teddy licked his lips. "You just shared it with me didn't you?"

"Whatever you say. You enjoyed it just as much as I did" Billy echoed.

"How funny." He pulled his boyfriend up for another kiss. This one much more heated in the last. He began exploring the entirety of Billy's face, tasting his own cum here and there, before returning back to Billy's lips. Their bodies began to grind against each other. His cock was already hard rubbing against Billy's own dick.

"Teddy! Mmm Stop!!!" Billy moaned softy. Teddy was nipping at his lover's neck. "We have to stop or we'll never leave your apartment in time for the Young Avenger's meeting."

"Fine." Teddy agreed. His hands were still holding on to Billy though. "Let's take a shower first. That good for you baby?" He said after giving a chaste kiss to Billy.

"Yea uhm ok." Billy managed to say incoherently. Teddy then lifted him up and carried him all the way to the bathroom, stopping here and again to do some heavy kissing. He would never tire of having Billy in his arms. They took their shower together.

They were late for the Young Avenger's meeting. Very very late.

A/N: For those worried, I'm continuing the story with Captain America and Eli. This part is just to introduce new characters (who are still owned by Marvel) and get their stories going as well. Cap will return eventually, probably around the time that the story settings converge. I'll finish each and every storyline I drop. Feel free to give me your comments, complaints or suggestions! Hope you enjoy reading!

Next: Chapter 5

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