Captured Seal Derrick

By moc.loa@potgnipor

Published on Jan 20, 2021


Soldier Derrick woke up, and realized he was in a place that wasn't the same place he had been in since... since he and his fellow SEALS had been captured. Time no longer had any meaning, so all he could do was judge time by reference to events.

He was standing, with a large metal chain around his neck. The chain wasn't impeding his breathing, but it limited his movement severely. He reached up to it, and it was heavy, and strong. He was able to move sufficiently to turn, and to trace the chain back to the brick wall in which it was embedded. He pulled at the fixture that fastened it to the wall, to no avail. He was strong, and he used all of that strength to pull at the chain, his biceps bulging. No movement there, either. Exhausted from the effort, he thought that he should just try to reconsider his position.

Derrick - known as "the blond emerald" because of his shockingly blond hair and his jewel like green eyes, was one of the "elite SEALS": the men who, in that elite organization, were known as the best of the best. There were approximately 25 of them, although no one really knew for certain how many there were. He had been destined to be a SEAL: his father, also one of the elite, was known as "The golden wolf" because of his own blond hair, his ferocity, his cunning, and his loyalty to his "pack." Derrick was his only son - his wife, Mayumi, (from whom Derrick had inherited the amazing green eyes), had made it clear "I will give you children until I give you a son. After that, no more." Derrick had been their first, and only child.

Soldier Derrick had been on an unofficial mission. He knew almost nothing about it. He, and nine other elites, had been chosen by two commanding officers, who had all of the information about the mission. All of the SEALS had had black sacks placed over their heads as they boarded the plane, and communication with the officers, was limited. The plane's windows had been blackened, so they didn't even have a sense of what direction they were going in. All they knew is that they landed, under cover of darkness, and had begun marching right away.

They had been instructed that, if they encountered hostile forces, they were to use their blades, and only their blades, unless it was "absolutely necessary" to resort to guns. They were to make as little noise as possible. There had been two sorties with the enemy, who had fought hard. Derrick had no idea who the enemy was, or what they were fighting about. His SEAL training had taught him not to question the instructions of superior officers.

His training had, however, also taught him "never go down, always go up" when on the march. That is why he didn't understand why the commanding officers had instructed them, in this hilly country, to bivouac in a valley. "We're sitting ducks" one of his fellow SEALS had said. "Snipers, fighters, they can all see us." Derrick wondered too. Nothing happened for the first day. The attack had happened at night, when half of his comrades were taking rest before their watch came. It wasn't shots either: it was gas grenades, followed by a horde of about 200 enemy soldiers. The men who were sleeping never stood a chance, and the gas kept them asleep. Of the remaining five, only two had gotten their masks on in time, and surrounded by 200 masked soldiers, they had surrendered. Derrick had been one of the two.

They were marched, at a brisk pace, for two solid days. Their captors were strict, but not mean. No one was punished, as long as he kept up the pace. There was food: enough of it, although it wasn't very good, and water. None of the SEALS saw their commanding officers. Had they been killed in the attack, had they been separated? They didn't know.

Derrick also didn't know why he had been singled out. He was standing, naked, in an empty room, with that chain around his neck. There were no other restraints. What was this about? He didn't know, and he began to think "what would father do?"

"Golden Wolf" had doted on his son, but there was no chance that Derrick was going to be anything BUT a SEAL. His father had started training him early. Calisthenics, marksmanship, running, fighting, he had trained him in all of it. Derrick had the potential to be a decathlete in college, but his father had prohibited it: "more important things than gold medals son" Derrick agreed with him and didn't argue. His father had a reputation in his own SEAL platoon as the one who had almost a "sixth sense" about detecting things. It was something he couldn't teach someone else: he could help them develop it, but either they had the basics, or they did not. Derrick had the basics. His father began training him early: walks in the woods, or a desert, or some other barren area, to determine what others had missed. Standing there, fighting his chain, Derrick remembered one trip in the desert when his father had taken his forearm. "Did you notice anything different, son? " Sometimes, his father's questions were trick questions, and there was nothing different. Derrick thought hard, and couldn't think of anything. "No father, I can't see anything out of place." His father smiled. "Sometimes, it isn't something out of place, son. Look to the left. Do you see that snakeskin? " "Yes father." "How old would you say it is?" Derrick got closer. "It's fresh. Two days maybe. "GOOD. Now, is it small , large, or what?" "It's very large father." "Also good. Now, how long does it take a snake to recover, after losing a layer of skin?" "I believe you taught me father, 5-7 days." His father folded his arms and smiled. "That means... that means that there's a large snake not far away." "EXCELLENT. Now, let's find the snake." His father led him along the desert, walking slowly. He showed Derrick a disturbance in the sand that Derrick thought might have been caused by the wind. "SHHHHH. We're not here to kill the snake son, but...." "Wolf" picked up his forked pole, and brought it down hard on the sand. An enormous "HISSS" came out of the ground, and a very angry snake began to struggle in the fork of the stick. "That's a dangerous one son. It's a big male. Had we walked that way...." "I see father. " "It's not a question of seeing son. It's a question of gathering the information, sensing it, figuring it out. " Derrick had finally proven he had the "sense" when they were in the woods one day. His father said nothing, and Derrick stopped. "Father, there's a bear not far from us. With two cubs. About 1/3 of a mile. " "And how did you determine that, Derrick?" "Well, a bit back, while we were walking, there was a small pile of what appeared to be pebbles, but they weren't. They were bear scat. Fairly fresh. And these plants: the leaves are broken, as if something large, and clumsy, went through them. And the berries. They've been eaten at the top of the bushes, and at the bottom: a mother and babies. The middle is undisturbed, so they aren't particularly hungry, but they found a treat." His father clapped him on the shoulder. "I think you have learned just about everything you could learn from me son. I might have said 1/4 of a mile, but with a bear, especially one with cubs, the best thing to do is to get as far away from her as possible. " He paused and smiled broadly. "Well done. Now I must hand you over to your mother. She has skills that I don't, and they will serve you well. And son, remember: NEVER discount information because it comes from a woman. They are better at seeing than we are. They have to be."

Derrick wondered "how would Mom handle this ?" as he reached up to the chain around his neck again. His Mom: she had been the sex slave of a warlord. His father's mission had not been given the task of rescuing slaves, so she took care of it herself. One night, when he climbed on top of her for his brutal style of love making, as he began reaching his climax, she had calmly, coolly, put a dagger into his kidney, twisted it, and then washed to remove the blood. She left the palace grounds , and soon was picked up by the SEAL team. Wolf had fallen in love with Mayumi immediately. Their marriage was tense, but loving. Mayumi told him that she had been the property of one man or another since she was 10 years old, and she would never submit to that again. She would agree to give him children until he had a son, and then no longer. When Derrick was their first born, she took precautions using medicines she had learned as a concubine, and never had another child. She didn't regret it. Her green eyes are what had drawn men to her, and now they had passed to her son. The inscrutable eyes that told no one what she knew. Soon, she had taught most of that to Derrick. While Wolf taught him to trust his senses with respect to what was OUTSIDE of him, Mayumi taught him to listen to what was INSIDE. "Be aware of your heartbeat Derrick. Your gut. Your sense of nervousness, or calm. If you wait to process it in your brain, it will be too late," she had told him. "The brain is a male organ. It is slow. VERY slow. Pay attention to other parts of you." His friends, his teachers, simply said he was "intuitive."

That "intuition" told him that he was being watched. He could see no point in the walls where someone could see him, no camera devices, nothing. There was just the chain, the wall, the room , and silence.

"COWARDS! AT LEAST SHOW YOURSELVES!" he yelled to the room and got no response. He went back to working on the chain. "WHY HAD THEY DONE THIS? " Was he being tested? Where were the other SEALS? He had many questions. The neck chain was certainly immobilzing, but why had they done only that? To be sure, it was effective, but ... it wasn't making sense.


Again, his voice resounded against the walls. He closed his eyes, and tried to think: what would his mother counsel him to do? His SEAL training was valuable only to a certain point: it had NOT trained him to deal with this kind of situation. "Do something that a person would not expect if you want their attention, Derrick " his mother had told him, the first time she found him in a gloomy mood as a teenager. He hadn't told her what had caused his gloom: she seemed to know. Her second comment proved it. "It may very well be, indeed it PROBABLY will be, that he's not worth it Derrick, but you need to learn that discernment and it comes with time." His mother had known of his preferences before he did. Now, he combined all of that in an attempt to get more information.

He was naked. His hands were free. He could reach to his 8 uncut inches and.... he closed his eyes to think of Yakov, the SEAL he had been involved with before the mission. Yakov: that curly black hair, that smile that he rarely showed - but always showed for Derrick. He recalled their last night together, and began to work on his cock. It felt good. It was the first thing that had felt good since the mission. He focused on what he was doing, and he could push away all of his questions about the situation while he thought about Yakov's beautiful mouth, his beautiful ass, and his kisses.

It worked. He heard a resonant voice. "THAT WILL NOT DO GOLDEN EMERALD." Derrick opened his eyes. There was a rotund , older man at the end of the room, in robes and a headdress. His voice dropped. "Adding wrist chains would not have been an issue, and it still will not be. "WHY AM I HERE? WHAT DO YOU WANT? LET ME GO!!!! WHERE ARE MY SEALS? " The rotund man smiled. "In due time, Derrick, in due time. " He advanced to where Derrick was bound. "It is time. Time for you to meet the others." Derrick saw the man pull a key out of a pocket and unlock the chain from the wall. He led Derrick by it, not pulling, not stressing him, but making it clear he was in charge. Derrick "knew" there were others concealed. Indeed, there were six of them when he was led out of the room. The new space was colder than the old one, and he shivered. "Roundie" as he thought of him, saw the shiver. "Yes, it IS cold, given your... appearance." He handed the chain to another. "Mohammed, please see to it that Golden Emerald is washed, and dressed before he is presented to Garth." "It shall be done, Master Ghadi." "Garth?" "Presented?" Derrick was led to another room, which had a shower. "Please take as much time as you like Derrick. It has been long since you experienced warm water. Enjoy it. " Derrick did. He had checked, carefully, to see that he was safe, and when he was sure, used plenty of soap, and stayed in the shower for a long time. When he exited, he found three younger men, almost blushing, with towels to dry him. "Please Sir. This is our job," one spoke when Derrick tried to do it for himself. He noticed the young man's high voice, and caught a quick glimpse. "Eunuchs." After the drying, they brought him very simple clothes: a clean white t shirt, green fatigue pants. They were both his size, and the t shirt favored his arms and chest. He tucked it into his pants. The young man spoke again. "Sir, when speaking to Garth, you should keep your head lowered, and your hands behind your back." "Why would I do that?" They twittered amongst themselves. "Golden Emerald, you have to understand. You are his prisoner. He demands subservience. " Then a breath. "Two of your colleagues are in his chambers as well, but they are being guarded by Imperial soldiers. If Garth raises his right hand, the one on the right will be killed: his throat slit. So, too, with his left hand. Your obedience is necessary, to save their lives." He paused and looked around. "I have said more than I should. " He ran off. The remaining two eunuchs led him into a large, sunny room. He was aware of much commotion. He kept his head down, as he had been instructed to do, but he could see Rasa, and Terry, at the left and right. They were bound, shirtless, and looked scared. "WELCOME GOLDEN EMERALD, SON OF GOLDEN WOLF." The booming voice rang across the room. He felt the hand of a guard on his shoulder . He whispered. "it's best to kneel before Lord Garth until he commands you to stand." "Lord Garth, should I thank you for your hospitality?" he spat out, and he heard a booming laugh. "It would not be inappropriate. Your fellow SEALS are still alive. As are you" "Lord Garth" he began thinking. His father had mentioned Lord Garth once or twice, but only in passing. He did not seem to have good memories of him. "You will send your father my greetings when you speak to him." Derrick forgot himself and looked up. "Are you letting me go, Lord Garth." "HA. HA. HA. HA.

HA. NO. You will be speaking to him in an electronic message. I would not wish for Wolf to think his son has perished. He should know he is with me, and safe.... for the time being. " Derrick heard rustling, as Garth rose from his seat. "None of us can tell what the world will bring us. When the report of prisoners came back, I was ready to have you all executed... until I saw the line describing the blond with green eyes. I wondered: is this the son of Wolf? And you are. " Now, standing in front of Derrick, he took a swath of that blond hair, and pulled it back, so Derrick was staring into his cold, dark eyes. "Your continued compliance will be required, to keep your colleagues alive. My demands will be clear, but absolute. There will be no deviation. " "I understand, Lord Garth." Garth smiled. "I doubt that you do yet, Derrick, but intelligence says you are a fast learner, and that you have picked up Mayumi's gifts." He let go of Derrick's hair, and turned to one of his servants. "Bring him to my chambers. You need do nothing but bind his wrists. I will take care of the rest. " Derrick had a fairly good sense of what he would be required to do. He also felt it would not be as pleasant as a night with Yakov.

Next: Chapter 2

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