Captured Seal Derrick

By moc.loa@potgnipor

Published on Feb 23, 2021


"Lord Garth, if I may, the idea of wrestling after dinner: doesn't that risk making the boys ill?" wolf was lying there, spent. Garth had tied him to the bed, and his wrists were still in the leather stirrups Garth used. Garth had just removed the needle clamps , and he had edged wolf for at least 20 minutes after he had fucked him. wolf had exploded, both physically, and emotionally. Being locked up like that had been torture for him. Until recently, Garth had always been reasonable about letting him release after Garth had had his way with him. Lately, however, the cage was being used, more and more. wolf winced as Garth began playing with his very sensitive nipples.

"You raise a very good point, slave wolf. A VERY good point. Perhaps we will treat the shaving and wrestling as a pre-dining entertainment. And unfortunately, I have forgotten something. I always do: it is not my place to determine if you will shave derrick or not: he is not my property, he is Yakov's. We will have to ask him."

Every time he heard Garth referred to Derrick as property, wolf's blood boiled a little. He could put up with everything else that Garth did, but something like that.... He pulled at the restraints. Had he been able to get out of them, he would have wrapped his fingers around Garth's throat. He knew that there would be repercussions, but he just wanted to do it. Garth knew it, too, and he smiled. He traced small circles on wolf's chest. "You are MY property, and derrick... belongs to my son... Sooner or later, you WILL have to accept that. As will derrick." He saw wolf grit his teeth and he smiled more. "I have always marveled at your hairiness wolf. It is very pleasing to see a man who's look so befits his name. But perhaps... perhaps the entertainment should include the shearing of TWO instead of one. "YOU SAID YOU LIKED MY HAIR FUCKER." wolf pulled up, and felt Garth's hand around his balls, squeezing. "I was trying to decide whether or not to put the cage back on you, wolf, and if you're going to behave like this, then...." "I apologize Sir Garth. I forgot my place." "Indeed you did wolf. Your place is where I say it is. It is usually underneath me. More than that though, I decide how your body is presented, and if I decide you should be shaved... you will be shaved. " Garth smiled. "I hope that is clear." "Yes sir. Very clear." "Now, just relax. I will need to discuss this with Yakov. I will return.

Garth did return to untie wolf, and to have him clean up before he took him out to the courtyard. "Seeing you dressed as an authentic american father has awoken something in me wolf. I cannot explain it. Perhaps it is the idea of unwrapping you, like a present. " Rather than put wolf in the usual military t shirt and shorts, he pulled out another polo shirt - this time a white one - and a pair of dark blue pants. It was the sort of outfit Mayumi made him wear when they went out. He did feel good in it, that was for sure. wolf, it could be expected, was not one for fine dressing. The days here in the desert compound, had made him more appreciative of the clothes Mayumi would buy him. He closed his eyes, trying to think of her. He didn't understand what he saw: Mayumi in the sort of camouflage he wore as a SEAL. She mouthed the word "patience," before he opened his eyes again. "When I raised the question of you shaving derrick, Yakov looked at me and said 'ABSOLUTELY NOT. WHY DID YOU GIVE HIM TO ME IF YOU THINK YOU CAN USE HIM HOWEVER YOU WANT. SHAVING IS A MASTER'S JOB.' Garth laughed. "Of course, he's right. So, he will do it. I think you will find it 'most entertaining' wolf. A wonderful prelude to their wrestling match."

In the courtyard, they found derrick stripped naked and strapped to a St. Andrew cross that had been moved there. His cock cage had been removed, and his rod was standing at attention, rigid from the days he hadn't gotten to use it. Yakov was standing, with a straight edge razor, and a bowl of shaving cream. "DERRICK!" wolf screamed. 'WHAT ARE YOU DOING TO HIM' He felt Garth's arms surround him. The bear hug was tight, and while he could have gotten out, he saw the blade in Yakov's hand. He didn't want to cause any trouble. He squirmed, but he wasn't going anywhere. "My error. I should have bound your wrists before we left, wolf. " wolf felt a leather strap going around his wrists now, tying them tightly. He felt Garth's hand on his bicep. "Now, I'm still trying to decide whether or not you should follow your son, wolf, so I think... you should try to restrain yourself... in the way I have restrained you. HAHAHAHAHAHAHA." derrick whispered. "it's ok Dad. It's ok." Yakov smiled as he flicked the blade out of its holder. "I'll be doing your chest first derrick. And then your privates. " "NO! NOT MY SONS COCK! NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO" wolf felt a sharp blow to his own cock. "Perhaps we should be doing something a bit more severe than a cage to you wolf. Heaven knows you don't need that instrument for anything here." "Father, be calm. It's ok. It will be ok." Yakov covered derrick's broad chest. There wasn't much to shave, only the sprouting hairs that had appeared recently. He moved with very sure, smooth strokes. It was impossible to ignore how derrick's cock was moving during the shave. Garth whispered into wolf's ear, before he licked it. "It appears your son might be enjoying this wolf." "BASTARD... " wolf thought, but kept it to himself. Garth was right. He saw how derrick seemed to get even harder, as Yakov made short work of his hairs. Then he cleaned off the blade, and his hands, and took derrick's balls in his hands. A long moan came out of derrick's mouth. "He likes this." wolf started thinking. "He likes this more than I like it." He tried to turn away, but Garth prevented that. "I think it's important that a father participate in his son's joy. Keep your eye on the birdie, wolf. Ha ha ha." In fact, the one who was keeping his eye on the birdie, or "birdies," was derrick. In addition to getting the amazing color of his mother's eyes, he had inherited her ability to see long distances. It was quite a distance away, but he could see two small, black dots in the sky. When he felt the first touch of metal on his cock, he closed his eyes. He, too, saw his mother, in camouflage, mouth the word "patience." Yakov's hand on his cock felt so... possessive and so.. warm. derrick tried not to smile. Yakov saw the small crease at the corner of his mouth and whispered "you're gonna shoot so far, you may hit your father." He began to edge derrick, and the moans grew louder. "OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOH. OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOH." Then derrick's need to cum became overwhelming. He didn't hit his father, but the lashes of jizz that came out impressed Garth - and wolf too. wolf was trying to push out the humiliation and tried to think back to when HE was derrick's age. Had he ever had an orgasm like that? Probably not. Not even when he had sex with Mayumi and thought of her as a young man, but...." "Let's go and examine Yakov's work, wolf. Perhaps he can get a job as a barber in your United States, ha ha ha." "The only person he's shaving is ME" derrick thought, but again, kept it to himself. He looked up to the sky and yes, there WERE two black spots. "What do you see, derrick? " Garth asked. "It's too late in the year for what migration we have, and too early for stars." "Clouds Lord Garth. Clouds. I see them changing shape and I think of.. things." "How sweet. Perhaps you think of my son on top of you. I see a cloud in the shape of a penis." "I don't see that Sir Garth." Garth laughed. "Of course you don't. One of the lieutenants once said that I see a penis in everything. I think he's right. " He paused. "Well.. Yakov, have you told derrick about the next phase of our entertainment?" Yakov smiled. "I've kept it a secret Abba." "EXCELLENT. Let us move to the pit." He gently pulled wolf with him, as Yakov untied derrick. "A surprise? What?" "We're going to wrestle, derrick. You and I . Just like we did in training, only with a twist." Garth led them to a ring. Yakov dropped his clothes. derrick saw a large, glass container in the middle of the ring, filled with what appeared to be oil. "This is our variation of the Turkish sport of oil wrestling. You will wrestle freestyle, except you will both be covered with oil. " He smiled. "Who will coat the other first." "I elect to coat derrick," Yakov announced, and he picked up the flagon. "Point out your chest, derrick. " As derrick did, wolf's mind went back to the first time he and Garth had oil wrestled. He would have won, except... Garth was a trickster. He had turned wolf's body from the referees, and then grabbed his balls and squeezed until wolf had given up. He didn't wait . Garth fucked him in the ring, in front of the spectators, who joined in for a circle jerk. wolf felt unclean for a week after that. "Bend over so I can get your back." "yes sir," derrick was frightened. He had no idea what was going to happen. He had been the wrestling champion at SEAL academy, and had beaten Yakov every time they were matched. This was clearly Yakov's sport though. "Now me. And don't be stingy." "Indeed derrick indeed. Now is the time to pretend you're a Master. Lube him GOOD." Again, wolf felt his anger rising. Garth teased him. "You're remembering OUR matches aren't you, my sexy bitch?" He reached up and rubbed wolf's earlobe, a move that always calmed wolf down. "Yes sir. Yes, I am. I'm remembering how you took me that first time." "The time I cheated. HaHAHAHAHAHA. Is it cheating if no one sees? Yakov is a much cleaner fighter than I am. "PROCEED GENTLEMEN." Both Yakov and derrick were trained. wolf had watched his son wrestle and win tournaments, from high school up through college. As a former SEAL, he was invited to the SEAL tournaments, and he had seen derrick beat Yakov three times. Now though, something was wrong. "PUT UP YOUR GUARD SON. DON'T BE A PATSY." derrick seemed to be throwing the match. He was wrestling, but he was not wrestling at the level he could. Yakov slipped out of one hold after another, and had taken derrick down at least four times. The oil had allowed derrick to slip out of Yakov's grip, but this last time, Yakov had a tightwaist on him, that evolved into a gutwrench. derrick was trying to use his strength to pull apart Yakov's grip, but the oil kept him from getting good position. Instead, wolf watched as Yakov slowly tightened the gutwrench, little by little. He rolled derrick over, and then he rolled him again. He chicken winged him, and derrick was in serious trouble. "Roll to a pin, and I'll let you decide how I fuck you tonight." Yakov whispered into his ear. "HELL NO" derrick yelled back, leading his father to think Yakov had just asked him to submit. "Very well, white boy. Have it YOUR WAY." One strong pull, and he had derrick pinned. "MARVELOUS! I am so proud of both of you. You both fought well. " He turned to wolf. "Didn't they fight well? " "Yes sir. derrick didn't fight as well as he could have." "HA HA. That is such a typical way for you Americans to react to losing. Simply cannot be that you were matched to a superior man. " He turned to his son and derrick. derrick was on his back, heaving, and Yakov was laying beside him, his hand on derrick's cock. derrick was doing nothing to get out of the way. And finally, it hit the father. "He's in love with this boy. HOLY SHIT. " He thought for a minute: was it Stockholm syndrome? It didn't look that way. "My son's in love with Yakov. SHIT." wolf was trying to get his mind around the idea that his son, was in love with his half brother. Of course, he didn't know that for sure. Yeah, he did. Garth saw the look on his face. "Yes, my sweet. It was before you were both brought here. When Yakov told me he was in love with an American, I was enraged. TOTALLY ENRAGED." He laughed. "Of course, I had conveniently forgotten about my own predelictions." "You don't love me Garth. Stop playing THAT game. You just like USING me." "Hmmmm. You have a point. And I must admit, I'd be happier if that was how Yakov felt." "YOU THINK MY SON ISN'T GOOD ENOUGH FOR HIM?" wolf was louder than he intended, and the sons heard him. "Pretend you didn't hear that Yakov. Just lay here. Let them finish," derrick whispered. He could see the black dots getting bigger. Still far enough away that no one else would see them. If he remembered his training enough - and he knew he was forgetting some of it everyday - they wouldn't get close enough for anyone else to see them. They'd put reflective cover on the birds and then do some kind of forced march. But why did he keep seeing his mother? "OH SHIT. He thought. "She came with them!" Meanwhile, Garth laughed at wolf. "I did not mean that at all, wolf. I simply meant that love makes everything too complicated. Having no remorse about abusing your slave, is not the same as feeling guilty that you fucked your lover too hard. " He sighed. "I saw it coming when he wouldn't release derrick at my request. My son has never denied me anything I asked before this." He sighed. "They grow up so fast, wolf, don't they?" "Yes sir. They do." wolf was feeling a tear in his eye. He didn't want to spend the rest of his life in the desert here with Garth, even if his son WERE here. He'd have to do something to get them out. As that thought went through his head, the helicopters began settling down. Now, derrick saw his mother mouth "Soon." "Let us all get cleaned up and have some dinner. I suspect that the bedrooms will be warm tonight, " Garth smiled. "Mine will be as hot as a hell fire."

Next: Chapter 11

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