Captured Seal Derrick

By moc.loa@potgnipor

Published on Feb 24, 2021


After dinner, the fathers went off to Garth's bedroom and the sons to Yakov's. "Do you want me undressed? derrick asked, knowing the answer.

"Yes. On the bed. Face up. Put your hands above you. " Yakov smiled. "I'm in the mood for having you stretched out tonight." derrick did what he was told, sighing. He DID want Yakov, but, well, he was troubled.

"Have you ever considered flipping, Yakov? I mean, trying it just once?" Yakov smiled as he chained derrick's wrists to the wall above the bed. He ran his finger around derrick's lips, causing the man to moan just a bit.

"I've thought about it. I just don't want it. And why should I?" He smiled as he fingered one of derrick's nipples. "I have a man who knows his only reason for living is to please me. And pleasing me tonight means... " He pulled out his cock, which was ramrod hard. "Sucking me until I fill him with my jizz." "Can I just ask you something Yakov? If the choices were, having my total subjugation, but away from here, or knowing that I would always be trying to escape, would you leave with me?" Yakov put his cock closer to derrick's mouth. "It's an irrelevant question. You're not leaving. And eventually, I WILL have your total subjugation." He smiled even broader. "I'm close to having it now. OPEN." "Yes sir." derrick licked the tip of Yakov's cock, which provoked Yakov to sigh. "OH DAMN. Like I could live without that sweet mouth." He pushed his cock into derrick's spread lips, and ran his hands over his torso. "I wasn't sure about you shaved, but you're even hotter this way than you were derrick. I'm gonna keep you shaved down all the time. " derrick had caught a glimpse of himself in the mirror when they came into the bedroom. He smiled. The regular workouts had kept him in shape, and the shaving, well.... "I'm sexy," he thought, and smiled. Yakov seemed particular eager that night. Normally, he took blowjobs slowly and prolonged his pleasure. Tonight, though, he pounded derrick's mouth. His aggressiveness came out in his speech too. "TAKE MY COCK BITCH. TAKE THE COCK OF THE MAN WHO OWNS YOU. WHO CAN DO WHATEVER THE FUCK HE WANTS TO YOU." His words were making Yakov harder, and harder, and then.... one push, and his cum started flowing down derrick's throat. There was a big smile on Yakov's face. "Done like a true sub." "FUCK YOU" was derrick's reply. Yakov smiled. "You know... I thought about tickling you while we were wrestling today. I thought it would have been REALLY hot if you tried to squirm away while I was tickling you. "Well, you woulda lost if you hadn't grabbed my balls." "Grabbed your balls? WHO'S balls are they?" He began to run his nails down derrick's exposed pits , and derrick began to laugh. "STOP! STOP! HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA. " "Who's balls are they derrick? " Yakov's nails moved down to derrick's ribs. "YOURS. YOURS. They belong to you. STOP. STOP. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAHAHA." Yakov did. He looked at derrick. "I don't know why, I just have this feeling that this is the last night we'll sleep in this bed." derrick sighed. He had been thinking the same thing. "Well, I'm never going to be able to sleep in this position." Yakov looked very thoughtful. "The first time we slept together... back in the US... You remember that." derrick smiled. "I do. We weren't sure what was going to work. Then I curled up in you. You put your hand on my chest, and you didn't let me go all night." "Can we do that tonight, derrick? Do you promise not to try to escape?" "How could I, if your arm is around me?" Yakov smiled, kissed him , and then undid the restraints. "Remember. I said THIS BED. I didn't say we wouldn't sleep together again." "I know what you said Yakov. Good night." He pushed his hips up against Yakov's pelvis, and felt the assuring presence of Yakov's huge cock.

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The scene in Garth's bedroom was far from romantic. Garth was both angered, and aroused, by wolf's show of anger that day. He was going to have to stem this: NOW. "Do you want me in bed, Lord Garth?" wolf asked, and the tone of his voice did not please Garth. "STRIP SLAVE BITCH." wolf looked down "Yes sir." He dropped his clothes, and then put his hands behind his back, keeping his head down. He had heard that tone from Garth before. Something was going to happen. He felt the chain collar going around his neck. Garth began pulling him toward the bed. "My sense is: you've forgotten that you surrendered. That you belong to me. I think we're going to have to review submission, my wolf BITCH." "But.. but... Lord Garth. " "SHUT UP. ON THE BED. NOW. " Once he was on the bed, Garth attached wolf's chain to the wall. The chain was just short enough to make it slightly uncomfortable. "OPEN YOUR MOUTH CUNT!" Garth had a huge, black penis gag, and when wolf didn't move fast enough, he SMACKED his cock hard, and shoved in the gag. "Something's going on," wolf thought. "Garth is NOT a big gag user. " He couldn't remember the last time he had a penis gag in his mouth. Garth didn't tell wolf to put his hands back where the restraints were: he just grabbed them, and tied them so tied, a yelp slipped out of wolf's mouth. "SO. You have an attitude, you fucking bitch cunt. You seem to have forgotten who you are: my SLAVE. The man who SUBMITTED to me. " wolf was scared. He shook his head NO, and his eyes were wide, but all that seemed to do was get Garth more excited. He reached into his side table, and pulled out a box: wolf had seen the box, but not what was in it. Now, Garth dumped out a bunch of "toys." "You surrendered to me once, wolf, and you will surrender to me

AGAIN.... These you know..." He pulled out a pair of nipple clamps. "Unfortunately, with the gag in you, I cannot make you put the chain in your mouth, but.... " he sneered as he linked another chain to the nipple clamps, and pulled it up to the chain immoblizing wolf to the wall. "MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMPH" pain shot through wolf. Pain he had never felt before. "THAT should keep you immobile my handsome blond bitch. " wolf couldn't look down far enough, but he felt Garth's hand on his cock, sliding and edging him. The moans continued. wolf's body was a mix of pleasure, and pain. That was about to change. "I think you are large enough for these now, wolf. Let's see if you can handle more than your son could." They were the small clamps. One by one, and slowly, Garth began attaching them to the sides of wolf's penis. wolf's frantic screams had died down to a slow, regular moan. The first clamp made him jump, but then when the jump almost ripped off his nips, he controlled himself, and tried to navigate the increasing pain, as each clamp was added. "EXCELLENT. You are carrying ten of these on each side. And now...." He held out a bigger one. "One for the tip. The tip that you really don't need." Another loud scream and another jump. wolf blacked out from the pain, and felt Garth smack him back to consciousness. "We are FAR from done, SEAL bitch." Garth pulled out a dildo: easily 13 inches, and two inches around. "Your son routinely takes my Yakov's cock. It is smaller than this. Perhaps you can prove that you can take more than he has." He smiled. "No, we will not be using lube."

xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx In Yakov's room, derrick woke up with a start. "YAKOV. YAKOV. Did you hear something?" Yakov stirred. He smiled and squeezed derrick's cock. "You must have dreamed something. There's something in the air. I was having a strange dream myself." "Tunnels? derrick are there tunnels under the floor?" "Yes, when there were wars and they used gas, my father had a tunnel system built...." Yakov lowered his voice. "I had forgotten about them. I guess because we had nowhere to go if we got out. My father would have you picked off....." He trailed off. "derrick... do you think someone's breaking in?" "I have a feeling Yakov , that we're going home." "BUT BUT... they won't take my father with us.. I have to go and warn him..." derrick took a deep breath and rolled on top of Yakov. "Gonna be hard for you to go anywhere with me in you studboi. TOPMAN. You're gonna be inaugurated into the bottom community." Yakov's scream , when derrick took him, was loud. No one heard him though, because the sounds from Garth's bedroom were flooding that wing of the compound. "We're up to 11 inches wolf. A little more?" wolf , sweating, struggling, shook his head no, and then Garth pushed in more. As he did , he twisted the dildo. "MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMPH. " "I was going to ask you to submit, wolf, but I want to see you take the whole thing. NOW." He shoved the whole dildo into wolf. As he did, he twisted it, and flicked the nipple clamps. "Submit?" wolf's pain threshold had been passed a while ago. There was nothing he could do. He needed relief. He took a deep breath, and shook his head yes.

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"HOLD ON! HOLD ON!" Mayumi's whisper was shrill. "I know. I know it's not scientific. Give me quiet. Give me quiet. " She closed her eyes. "derrick. Yakov. Let your mom know where you are. Let her know... Get to a safe place. GET TO A SAFE PLACE." In a movie, it would have been comic. derrick stopped forcing down the struggling Yakov and whispered. "We'll be coming back for this. Trust me. But...." he whispered lower. "Do you hear mother?" "All I could hear were your fucking thrusts. GEEZ, watch a movie derrick. YOU HURT." He paused. "Get to a safe place?" "Yes. That's what I heard. " "Ok. This is what we're going to do derrick. You have to trust me. YOU HAVE TO TRUST ME. Put on some clothes. The likelihood of someone being up and about is slim, but... I'm going to lead you in bondage to the dungeon. There's a passageway there. Let's hope... Let's hope she can see us." "Yakov... do you have a cell phone?" "Yeah, I do. Almost never works here. " "BRING IT." In fact, none of the people who worked at the compound were up at that hour (nearly 3:30), but nonetheless, Yakov led derrick by a chain, down to the dungeon. "You'll learn it's the last time you say NO to me, slave." Yakov bellowed, just in case anyone was listening. Someone was. Garth heard it and laughed. "I am ready to believe that derrick is going to get a punishment, but it won't be ANYTHING like the one you're getting. " He had taken wolf's gag out. "Don't you think so?" "Yes sir. Yes sir. I do." He winced because Garth had left the clamps on his nipples, and the dildo in his ass. He was slowly removing the penis clips, and each one provoked another yell from wolf. derrick heard one. "My father. Yakov, I'm not leaving without him. " He smiled. "I have an idea. Stay here. WAIT. Let's not make him suspicious." He chained derrick to the same spot he had been chained, the first time he had been brought here. "I'll be back. I promise." He kissed derrick and smiled. "How could I pass up what I'm seeing now?" He headed off to his father's bedroom.

xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx "Interesting. We're picking up a very, VERY weak signal," Colton told them. It's like a cell phone, but very weak. One of the other SEALS continued. "It can't be derrick's. They would have taken that first thing. Wolf's too. Do we trust it?" Mayumi was still sitting with her eyes closed. "Yes. You do. Follow it. We have to follow it. This is our one chance."

"Abba. I know it's early, but I was 'in the mood.' Yakov smiled when he saw wolf. "I see you were too. Perhaps you'll join me in the dungeon. I thought we might review what derrick's duties are." He smiled. "He surrendered to me tonight." "OH FUCK." yelled wolf, and began to cry, as Garth came over and hugged his son. "WELL DONE. Have you taken your conquest fuck yet?" "NO. " He smiled. "And I think, Abba, that perhaps it is time to see if either of these slave bitches can take two cocks now that they're trained in one." "NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO" yelled wolf, and Garth turned and squeezed his sore balls. "SHUT UP BITCH. " He smiled at Yakov. "I don't like American expressions, but... 'a chip off the old block.' He looked at wolf. "He's been primed, but not taken yet. We'll do him first." He undid the wrist restraints, and dragged wolf through the house, down to the basement. He pulled the neck collar hard.

"the signal was moving and now it stopped. But it's still on." "They are all together. Now is the time to move." "This is a weak spot in the wall. THROUGH HERE." They set up plastic explosives, and moved back. "MAYUMI. GET UP." "I'll be fine." "GET THE FUCK UP. NOW!" Colton couldn't get to her before the explosives went off." xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

Garth stood in front of derrick, grinning. He held the chain around wolf's neck. "So, as they say 'like father, like son. You have surrendered, young bitch?" derrick lowered his eyes. "yes Lord Garth." "NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO" wolf screamed again, but this time, he was acting. He could always tell when derrick was lying: the green in his eyes changed color just slightly: like his Mom's. He saw it now.

The boys had something up. "Ha ha. It just takes time. A slave, is a slave, is a slave." He paused. "Yakov, as I think about it, I think I'd like to have him before you take his father. Unchain him. Put him on the fucking table." "Yes Abba. As you say, it shall be done." He took the chains off of derrick and moved him away from the wall. That's when the dust began to drift into the dungeon, and they heard the full explosion . "WHAT IN THE NAME OF ALLAH?" Garth yelled. Then they heard the footsteps. Crisp. Fast. The warning shots. Then they were in the dungeon: 8 SEALS. Machine guns pointed. "YOU." Colton yelled to Yakov. "AND YOU" pointing his gun at Garth. "BOTH OF YOU GET YOUR HANDS UP." Yakov complied right away. Garth did not. Instead, he pulled the razor - the straight edge that had been left there from derrick's shaving - and held it up to wolf's throat. "GET OUT OF MY HOUSE NOW. YOU'VE CAUSED ENOUGH DAMAGE. IF YOU DON'T, I'LL KILL HIM LIKE THE PIG HE IS." "YOU'RE NOT GOING TO KILL MY FATHER GARTH. NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO" Then he saw Garth's eyelids drop, and his head fall forward. "No, he's not. " It was Mayumi. She had told derrick about her kaiken: the geisha's dagger for committing suicide. It did just as well to the back of Garth's neck. It pierced his neck, coming out just below his Adam's apple. "ABBA! ABBA! No. No. " Yakov ran over to Garth, who's blood was pooling all about him. derrick came over and draped his arms around him. He looked up at the SEALS. "Guys, can you get my dad out of here and dressed? " He laughed. "Ask my mom if she wants you to take the chain off his neck. "I'm still considering that. ..." she said. "Is there room to put it on the helicopter?" "MOM! " "Ok, we'll buy one when we're home." "Leave me with Yakov . We'll come upstairs in a minute." Colton threw him a pair of handcuffs. "Won't need them , Colt. By the way... Meet my half brother."

xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx "Yakov, I swear, I swear, I SWEAR, I didn't know that mom would kill him." "No, no... " Yakov was still crying. "You don't understand. I'm crying out of relief." He was buried in derrick's arms. "If you knew how many people he's hurt. If you knew how many people died in this dungeon. And... and I came to the US because I couldn't watch it anymore. I engineered the plan: to infiltrate the SEALS. To destroy them. " He paused and looked at derrick. "The plan didn't include me falling in love with you derrick" .

derrick hugged Yakov . He kissed him. "You'll stay with us for a little while, won't you? I think eventually we'll find our own place, but for now...

"Colton, I think I hotwired a couple of his jeeps, " one of the SEALS reported. "I think there's enough space for all of us. "If there isn't, we can leave him behind." Mayumi pointed to Wolf. "You came out here for me?" She smiled. "For my sons. And for you. " She ran her long finger nail down his neck. "Things are going to change at home Wolf. You know that." "GUYS. THE WHOLE STRUCTURE'S GONNA BLOW IN TEN MINUTES. GET IN THE JEEPS."

The fireball filled the night sky. It was orders of magnitude bigger than the one from Aftab's factories. "We're going home Jacob." Derrick was holding Yakov's hand. "That's not my name. Did you forget already?" "I didn't forget. Let's leave Yakov here. My half brother and lover : Jacob.

Next: Chapter 12

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