Captured Seal Derrick

By moc.loa@potgnipor

Published on Feb 25, 2021


Garth had deliberately built his compound in the "middle of nowhere," so there were no issues with getting back to the helicopters. Those rides were rough, and crowded, and a very wobbly legged group got off and moved immediately to the "mother ship." That plane would be taking them back to the United States. The SEAL plane was not of standard design: no more than 24 people could sit on that plane and the seats were roomier. As they got on, Yakov moved to sit down next to Derrick. Mayumi stopped that.

"NO, Yakov. You sit with me. Let Derrick sit with his dad. They have a lot to talk about." "Ok ma'am, but please call me Jacob." "Why would I do that? Your name is Yakov. " "Well... I'm going to be an American now. I want a more American name." "OH STOP! That's the most ridiculous thing I ever heard. No, your name is Yakov." It hit Yakov. "OH MY GOD. I'm sorry. You're the one who named me!" Mayumi smiled. "I KNEW your were smart. I'm assuming you're just tired. We all are. And ma'am? That's close, but no, that's not right. It's MOM." The minute she said that , Yakov broke. He began to sob. "MOM. I have a Mom. They told me... they told me..." He was close to hysterical, and Mayumi took him into her arms. "They told you I died in childbirth didn't they?" Sobbing, Yakov could only shake his head. "They told me that you were stillborn. I didn't even get to hold you, or feed you, nothing. I had a week to recover, and then I was returned to Yakov's father. " "Then you... you never know who I was?" Mayumi smiled. "A mother ALWAYS knows. But it was so long. It was 20 years. I did not know what Garth had done to you. How you had changed? Could you still be reached?" "Is there anything I can do to be part of your family mom?" "You already are Yakov. Blood is blood. " He paused. "You know, my father never showed any interest, until I got caught diddling another young boy." She laughed. "THAT sounds like Garth. So predictable. " She paused and squeezed his hand. "But he's your father. I wish I hadn't had to do what I did. " "Mom, he would have killed us all. He was obsessed with Wolf as long as I knew him. And he would've done whatever he needed to do to keep him." She sighed. "Yes, and my husband is going to have a swollen head for the rest of his life over this." She paused. Things were going to change, for sure. Wolf was bisexual, or something that she and he couldn't define. Their relationship would have to be rethought. She loved him though. It was love that transcended the gratitude she had for his rescuing her the first time. And looking across the cabin, she smiled. There was Derrick: he was THEIRS. And then it dawned on her. Yakov was HERS. "I'm going to sleep for a while Yakov. We will talk back home. I have some suggestions."

"You could have come to me, you know, Derrick." Wolf was talking to his son. "I never had any idea that you were gay." "I just didn't want to put it on you father. I didn't want to put it on anyone. You wanted me to be something, and I loved it: I wanted to please you, and sex... well, that never came up." Wolf sighed. "You're right, it didn't. I think... I think I didn't want to dump my feelings on you. You just absorbed everything I gave you and... I was afraid that if I talked about it at all, you'd turn out like me. " Derrick took his father's hand. "I did. And I don't regret it one bit. I wouldn't change a thing." Wolf squeezed back. "You love Yakov? At least for now, he's the one?" Derrick blushed. "Dad, I'm sorry if telling you this hurts you or upsets you: when the commander brought in Yakov as a new SEAL, and after the introductions, I made sure to shake his hand last. His smile. The feel of his hand. I had to run out to get release in the bathroom . I was so hot for him." "You still are, aren't you?" "Yes, I am." "He can stay with us. He's your half brother. I'm not sure how this is all going to work, but we'll figure it out. You two belong together. Now get some sleep kid. We've had a very, VERY tough time. I think the only thing that's going to happen for a while at home, is the four of us are going to sleep an awful lot.

It WAS about three days before any of the four of them felt like doing anything but eating, washing , and sleeping. Mayumi would get up, and try to do something in the kitchen and need to go back to sleep. Wolf fell asleep once in the middle of a push up. Yakov and Derrick never found the other one up and "ready" when the first one was. They were all recovering. There were nightmares, and Mayumi distributing her teas, and stronger pharmaceuticals when she needed to. There were also erotic dreams. When those started, they were headed back to normal.

One morning, after they had woken up, Derrick looked at Yakov and smiled. "Hey. Good morning handsome. I miss your kisses." Yakov smiled back and rolled on top of Derrick. "You miss anything else?" "OH GOD YES. YES. I do." Yakov had a look on his face. "Well, I hope you remember your promise." Derrick smiled. "I said I'd submit. I think I have to be persuaded..." "Heh heh." was Yakov's response. "I'll have to get to work on that."

The conversations Wolf and Mayumi were having were somewhat more serious. "So... Japanese girl.... (that's what they called her at the compound). I guess now you know. She looked at him puzzled. "HUH? You think this was a secret?" Now Wolf was puzzled. "You knew?" She laughed. "Do you know how many times you whispered men's names in your sleep? While we were making love? Did you think I wasn't aware of what was happening at the first compound. Yes, I was in his father's harem, but everyone talks Wolf. EVERYONE." She paused. "I wasn't fooled when you gave me Derrick. Excuse me. When you gave US Derrick. I was so happy. And I was happy when a week later, you began to mutter about Marshall in your sleep. He smiled "Marshall.. Oh yes." "Go find him. I'm not sure sex has much more appeal to me." He looked hurt. "NO. It's not you. I'm tired Wolf. I'm tired of playing this stupid role of housewife, mother, lover. You saw. YOU SAW. I was raised to be a warrior woman. A witch. "That Asian witch. " "You think I MIND being called that. Everyone better start being afraid. BIG TIME." She smiled. "Including you. " Then she paused. "But for now, my time is going to be spent in helping Yakov. Acclimation, learning how to be a good lover, all this. " "What about Derrick." She looked at him. "OOPS. You're right. That's my job." xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

It took about a week before everyone in the household began to feel like things were normal. Jakov and Derrick had leave from SEAL for a month, so they did not have to return yet, and when they did, it would be, essentially, for them to terminate with the SEALS. There were concerns at "the highest level" that their time at Garth's compound, and what had happened, may have "compromised" the SEALS as an organization. The same thing had happened to Wolf. When he terminated, he had been there long enough to qualify for a pension, and it was a good one . This wasn't the case for Yakov or Derrick, so they were going to have to find work. They would spend the month looking for new jobs. They found them, coincidentally , on the same day. Derrick came home first: the big gym not far from home was ecstatic about getting a former SEAL as a personal trainer. He was hired on the spot. Yakov came home, thrilled, because he had been accepted to police academy. Every new cadet was assigned a mentor, and he was excited about his: a lieutenant named Chris Messina. "He's SO HOT" he gushed to Derrick. Dark, dreamy, could be a tv star I think. "I see...." Derrick muttered and Yakov laughed. "Hey come on. I know there's a mystery about dark, swarthy Mediterranean types but.... " He got up and slid his arms down Derrick's body, pulling his wrists behind him. "I just have a thing for blonds. One in particular. What can I tell you." He kissed Derrick on the neck. "Besides... YOU'RE gonna be exposed to way more man flesh than I am. YOU BETTER BEHAVE YOURSELF. Maybe I need to lock you up." Derrick smiled. "Not without submission baby, and you don't have that." "It's just a matter of time" he smiled. "Just a matter of time." And it was. Mayumi is the one who pushed it. One morning, after Yakov had come back from his run, she took a sip of her "Tuesday tea," (she drank a different one every day). "Yakov, I want you to get cleaned up and come shopping with me. We have a few shops to visit. Stuff for both of us." "Yes mom. I'll get washed up right away." He wasn't completely comfortable with calling Mayumi "mom" yet, but he was getting more used to it. He pulled on a snug white t shirt and jeans. Mayumi wore a blue silk blouse and black silk pants. "You do the driving Yakov. I'll give directions." "Mom, I don't have a license yet." She laughed. "I handled Garth. You think I can't take care of a patrolman?" She smiled at him and opened one of her blouse buttons. Yakov couldn't resist. "Mom, what if he's gay?" "Aren't you wearing 501s?" There were cool moms, there were hot moms, and then there was Mayumi. She had him drive to a local branch of "Pleasure Chest." Yakov blushed, and Mayumi's face never changed. "We need things. You and I both. I remember that chain on Wolf's neck. Gave me ideas. " "THIS IS MY MOM? " Yakov was shocked and amused at the same time. "JERRY! " she called out as she met the proprietor. WAY too long a time." "MAYUMI!" He gave her a kiss. "OOOOOH. Who is this fine piece of dark meat you brought in with you." "That's my son Jerry." "HA HA. No, seriously , who is he." "My son. Long story. I'll tell you about it some time. So, let's talk. First of all: eternity collars. I need a couple of them. "A couple of them? " "Yeah. One for Wolf and one for Yakov's boyfriend." Jerry sighed. "Already spoken for...." Mayumi laughed and turned to Yakov. "Jerry's married. His man is great. He just never stops being, well, hungry." "Mom, what's an eternity collar? " She showed him the circle of silver. "See how there's a lock there? You put it on Derrick and then you lock it. You keep the key. To most of the world, it just looks like a choker. To folks who know..." she smiled. "You want a cuff for him too? Think he'll wear it." Yakov smiled. "If I tell him to wear it, he'll wear it." "GOOD BOY. I like that answer." Then she went through the store, picking out other things, including a larger collar, with a chain for Wolf. Yakov was looking at restraints. "No, you don't need those. Derrick still has all the ties he wore as a high schooler. Use those. I spent enough money on them. Silk is strong. Wait and see. " Jerry piped in. "Mayumi, I'm confused. You said this boy is your son, but... I thought Derrick was your son." "I did. Long story Jerry. VERY long story. Drinks some night when Wolf is out rutting around. You'll enjoy it." "You need a cage for Derrick too, don't you?" Yakov blushed. THIS WAS HIS MOM, ASKING HIM ABOUT COCK CAGES. "Uh, yeah. I think so. " "Ok, you guys are gonna start having sex soon, so this should do. We'll come back again. Or you can come with Derrick. I think it would be better if you picked ensembles together."

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So, some of you might be wondering: when did it happen? DID it happen? "It," of course, is Derrick's submission. And it did. We have to jump forward. It was the day that they had their exit interview with the SEALS. The meeting was very early in the morning: 8:00 am by civilian time, so they were done by 10:30. The other SEALS were taking them out to celebrate that night. Wolf and Mayumi would be joining them. But now they had the day in front of them. Yakov looked at Derrick. "It's been a long time ya know." "I know. I'm sick of dumping hankies in the laundry. " "Drive fast." When they got home, Derrick was out of his jacket and tie, and that's as far as he got before Yakov was on him. He wrestled him down to the bed, which he had cagily fitted with the necktie restraints that morning. "Ha ha. I used to tie myself up with these when I was about 16." "Well now, someone's gonna do it right." Derrick was wearing a pale green dress shirt that accented his eyes. Yakov opened it, button by button, kissing him after each one. "You're so hot, Derrick. You're so fucking hot. You're gonna make a wonderful slave." "I don't think so stud. I don't give up that easily." Yakov smiled. "Is that right?" He began twisting one, then both of Derrick's nipples. It had been so long, that the sensation went to Derrick almost immediately and he began to moan. "OH FUCK. I missed that. " "Yeah? I bet you miss a lot of things." Yakov ran his tongue down Derrick's mid line, until he got to his balls and cock. "What have we got here? Sort of useless things for a bottom." He began stroking Derrick in slow, long pulls. "OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOH. OH GOD. OH GOD. Yakov said nothing, but began rubbing his perpetual shadow over Derrick's balls. "FUCKKKKKKKKKKKKKK! You never did that before, Yakov." "It's SIR when we're in bed." "I don't think so." Yakov grinned. "Look at those lovely pits. They're almost ripe for a shaving, but in any event..." He curled his fingers. "NO. NO. NOT THAT. COME ON YAKOV. THAT'S UNFAIR. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA." There was enough slack in the bonds, so Derrick could squirm around. "You know, I could just tickle you into submission Derrick. You wouldn't stand a chance." "HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA. You'd get bored." Yakov's fingers were down on Derrick's ribs. As he tickled, he said "What about the back of your knees?" "OH SHIT NO. NOT THAT NO." Yakov looked at him. "I'm missing two words." Derrick said nothing and tightened his lips. "DO NOT SAY you weren't warned green eyed boy." Yakov slipped his hands under Derrick's knees, and the tickling began. "NO. NO. THIS IS ... HAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA. " "You want me to move to your feet, Derrick?" "NO. NO. YOU WIN. YOU WIN. I GIVE I GIVE. I SUBMIT. I SUBMIT SIR." Yakov smiled. "It's the way it's supposed to be derrick." derrick was catching his breath. "Yes sir. It is." "Spread your legs." "Yes sir." Yakov couldn't remember the last time he had put his tongue into derrick, nor could derrick. His reaction was explosive. "OH MY GOD. THAT FEELS SO GOOD SIR. MORE PLEASE. MORE MORE MORE." "NAH. Not now. Now... you get... THIS... " Yakov's cock was stiff. So was derrick's . Yakov was worried: could he contain himself enough to do a good job. "Go slow Sir. Please. Take me slowly. Make it last.." Yakov slid in as slowly as he could. He tried to make derrick wait: he wanted to satisfy them both, but it had been so long. SO LONG... "SHIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIT" Yakov had lost control and he was spilling into derrick. "I'm sorry baby. I'm so sorry. " "Hey Sir. I'm happy. I'm happy my man is back. " Smiling, derrick looked at him. "You know, there's a sub on this bed who loves your tongue and... well... my cock is still hard." "You're right blondie. It is. And you deserve this." Yakov had memories of how derrick had sucked him and he called them up as he got to work on derrick's cock. "FUCK YEAH. FUCK. FUCK. Bring me off Sir. PLEASE . THANK YOU. THANK YOU. " derrick's hips pushed, and then, as Yakov pulled away his mouth, the jizz fell all over his body. "OH GOD SIR. That was so good. Can you untie me, so we can hug?" Yakov had no trouble with that. It had been a stressful morning and they both caught forty winks, before they got up and cleaned up. There was the celebration that night. Wolf and Mayumi would be home soon, and they needed to get ready. "One thing derrick. Hold still." They had come out of the shower, and derrick was at the mirror, seeing if he needed to shave ( he didn't). Yakov came up from behind, and put the eternity collar on him. "What's that Sir." "It means you belong to me. Cause I've got the key." He showed it to derrick. "And there's only one. Each collar gets its own key. " He smiled at derrick. "MINE." derrick was smiling too "yes sir. Yours." He smiled and opened his mouth for Yakov to shove his tongue down his throat. "One other thing derrick. One other lock. " derrick had an idea of what that was, and he was right. The cock cage went on , and derrick smiled. "Thank you Sir. I need the discipline." "Yes. Yes you do. Now, I'll control when you use it." He smiled. "I'll be ready tonight I think. Will you?" "Yes sir. I'll be ready whenever you say." "HEY KIDS. GET DECENT OR DON'T. BUT WE'RE HOME." The boys hurried to get dressed to meet Mayumi and Wolf. "Not tonight kids, but tomorrow. Tomorrow we'll start planning how things are gonna work out. We were at the lawyers' office today. Got some stuff to tell you . All good. " "All good indeed," Wolf smiled. He loosened the necktie that he wore maybe three times a year, and the boys saw: he had his own eternity collar around his neck.

Gentle readers, this story is going to come to an end with the next episode, which will be the epilogue. Thank you for sticking with it. Many of you have sent your comments and I'm more than thrilled you liked it. When it's finished, take a look at some of my other stories. I'm sure you'll find something you like. AND... if you liked this story, or any of the scores of stories on Nifty, cough up a few bucks. Help Mr. Nifty et al make their monthly goal. And do a good thing too.

Next: Chapter 13

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