Captured Seal Derrick

By moc.loa@potgnipor

Published on Feb 26, 2021


Yakov and derrick had been living at derrick's home for several months. They had both started working and were saving up money: there was no question that they were going to get their own place, especially after the night where they went at it so vigorously they broke derrick's old bed and woke up Mayumi and Wolf (but you can figure that out: no need to go into details). That plan was accelerated however, when Mayumi had an announcement at dinner one night.

"I'm going to have to kick you boys out. I don't want to , but we need the room." She paused. It was news to Wolf too." "We need the room for a nursery. I'm going to have a baby."

Wolf dropped his fork. "WHAT?" "Yeah a baby. It's yours Wolf. And if I have my way about it, I'll finally have a daughter. NOT that I mind my sons... I'd like the last one to be a girl. Yakov and derrick looked at each other: this was unexpected. They assumed that now that Wolf and Mayumi were back together, they were , well, "intimate" with each other, but had no idea of the depth of it. They knew that Mayumi had had several discussions with Wolf about what the captivity at Garth's had resurrected, and they needed to figure out how to do that.

What they didn't know, because neither of them read Japanese, about the article that Mayumi read which, shall we say "titillated her interest." Once a month three, maybe 4, HUGE periodicals made it to Mayumi. "Watakashi no zashi" she called them (Her magazines). One was a magazine on spiritual development, two were news magazines about Asia.

The fourth was, well, a magazine about erotica. That was the one she read first. And last. Stories about erotic encounters, advice to confused readers, and also, articles on new techniques. In one of the magazines, there was an article about an old Japanese technique that had been pretty much dropped. The title, badly translated, was "You'll never do shibari again." Well, Mayumi was thinking about "convincing" Wolf to get into shibari with her, so this piqued her interest. The article was about a very old school technique that had pretty much been abandoned because of an element of risk. In the technique, you tied down your partner and then, very slowly, with a VERY sharp edged razor, you traced very, VERY light lines across his or her body. A slip, and you would cut them, sometimes badly. If you did it right, the erotic charge was supposed to be up there.

The first time she tried it on Wolf, it was. As he put it afterward. "I had that American flag flying the whole night." They would take turns when they did it, simply by flipping a coin. If you won, you got to pick whether you were tied down, or you used the razor. After one of these sessions, when Wolf was tied down, after Mayumi had used the razor, and was about to bring him off, he looked at her, with pleading eyes. "Please Mayumi. Untie me. Let's do something like we used to do. If Yakov and derrick had broken the bed, the parents came close. A baby was not on either one of their minds. Right after she and Wolf had had some of the hottest sex in their married lives, Mayumi knew. Her body felt differently and now it was clear. She had visited her homeopathic physician that morning, and she told her: "old lady, you're two months pregnant." As she did with so many things, Mayumi took it in stride. She had given birth twice before: once under traumatic conditions, one under normal conditions. Now, as an older woman, she would face those issues, but she was adamant that she was going to have this baby, and it WOULD be a girl.

In bed that night, (a new bed), derrick turned to Yakov "So... what do you think. Move someplace close by? Far away? Yakov looked at him intently "Far away? Miss the chance to be a big brother? That's not happening sweetums. The chances of that happening are less... than ME LETTING YOU TOP" " He growled, jumped on top of derrick and begin nibbling derrick's ear: an easy way to get derrick to just melt into his role as sub. It worked. YES SIR. YES. FILL ME. FILL THE BIG BROTHER TO BE." Yakov had no problem with that. Working with Officer Chris at the Academy kept him in a constant state of low to medium arousal. Chris was as far from derrick physically as you could imagine, and he had a lover - another hottie named Sal - but it was always good to come into Officer Chris' class and start with his push ups, or his squats. GOD- when Officer Chris would squat, and his fine ass would poke out, Yakov's fidelity was tested, as was his control.

No, derrick didn't know about that. He was somewhat more fortunate. As a personal trainer, his clients were mostly older women, so the direct contact was not a problem. Still... there was one guy who would come to the gym regularly. He got to know one guy who was attractive. Ed, a former marine, would come in and work out. Big, blond, and always cheery. He wore a wedding ring, and he told derrick once that he and his partner had been together for close to ten years. Unlike most of the people at the gym, Ed seemed to have no problem with parading around shirtless. He was shaved - like derrick - and like derrick, he would have to stop to take calls from his other half. "Yes darling. Yes Joel. I will. I promise. And I'll be home at time. Heh heh heh. You promise?" He also noticed that Ed wore a different kind of collar: one that was made of bigger chains, and had a lock at the end of it. He thought "maybe if we get a place, we can invite he and Joel to dinner." Eventually, they would. They would become very good friends.

And what of Wolf? Well, he and Mayumi had many talks. "I'm not going to lie to you May, because you'd know (Wolf was the only person who could get away with calling Mayumi "May"): I love you dearly, but that time in the desert.... it brought out things I thought were dead. Now, I'm not sure I can kill them." "I don't want you to Wolf. They're a part of you. These words... these words you Americans use: gay, straight, femme, butch, top , bottom, all bullshit. Take your pleasure. Make sure they're hot. And clean. Just don't bring them to my bed. And let me know if you're not coming home for a night." In fact, Wolf kept his "adventures" to the day. He came home to Mayumi every night. And now, that she had perfected the razor technique (they didn't flip coins anymore: he just got into position , let her tie him up, and then ride him on top at the end), he was staying home much much more.

Yakov and derrick had a minor disappointment while they were figuring out where to live. The thought of marriage crossed their mind: it was not to be, because of their shared DNA. Regardless of the laws on same sex marriage, the laws against incest remained the same - and the law considered what they were doing, incest. "We just can't tell anyone about the relationship," Yakov said. He was ready to try to cover it. Not derrick. "You'll lost your job, Yakkie. No one's gonna care at the gym. The police department? OH YEAH. They'll care." In that discussion, Yakov asked "Is what we have good enough for you? derrick began to cry. "It's much better than anything I ever thought I'd have. I have you. Let's just make sure we're covered. Wills. " And later that day, Mayumi found them a lawyer, who never asked "are you two related?" It was all legal.

Wolf also was thrilled to now have TWO sons to hang out with. He and derrick just incorporated Yakov into their weekend trips fishing, or trekking, or anything else they did. Yakov actually taught them a few things that he had learned when living with his father.

As Mayumi was coming to full term, she thought she should check in with Aftab. So, one night, when Wolf was in a deep sleep, and she thought the boys were in dreamland, she placed a face time call through to him. "MAYUMI! It's so good to see you. Can you guess where I am?" She looked at the background. "You're in Garth's old estate. I recognize the walls." He smiled. "VERY GOOD MY LOVE, VERY GOOD. Hey, did the SEALS destroy his body at the end of everything? "Well there was an explosion. They blew up the place. You must have known that. " "I do but... well, they never found a single remain of his body or anything. No skin, no bone, no nothing." "Hmmm. I took him out myself, Aftab. I can't believe that he would have lived." "Check an estate 150 miles due south. That's his summer place." Yakov had gotten up and Mayumi didn't hear him behind her. "My father will surprise you, always. I wouldn't take what happened as proving he's dead." "YAKOV. I had his Adam's apple at the tip of my knife." "You have NO IDEA the connections he has. " "HE BLED OUT." Yakov smiled. "I just hope you're right." Two months later, Mayumi went into labor. She was surprised: it wasn't supposed to happen until the next day. She refused epidural, and in the pain of labor she had a vision "You will never be rid of me. Beware." It was Garth. Not a ghost: it did not look incorporeal. She tried to ask him a question, but he faded away as her daughter gave out her first scream. "A healthy girl Mayumi. Beautiful too. Green eyes like her brother. The green eyes confirmed what Mayumi had decided. Her daughter would be named Midori. Then she looked for the birthmark. It was there. She smiled. "Can my men come in? I want us all to be together." Wolf held the baby first, then derrick, then Yakov. "This baby may be one of the few people in the world who is going to learn Japanese and Arabic" Yakov smiled. (He was right. And he had no idea how useful that would be, when she continued the family line and joined the SEALS).

And as we leave our family behind, we have to go to the Mideast one more time, where a broken, but not beaten Garth walks around with a cane, and a voice box at his throat. How many blood transfusions had it taken? How many of his followers had "sacrificed" their lives so their leader could live? He lost count. "I may not be able to have you ever again, wolf," he thought, and then smiled. "But you've taken my son, and there WILL be repercussions to that. And when my chosen agent takes you, and your sons, I'll be watching." He started to laugh, forgetting the doctor's instructions that laughing could put him into a fit of uncontrolled choking. It did. But it was worth it, as he felt the old desire stir in his loins.


And there, readers, we will end this tale. Will something else happen? Will there be a sequel? That, my friends, is up to you. Someone pick up a theme and run with it. Lots here to work with. Have some fun. Stay safe. Make a donation to Nifty. Live full lives. Ciao for now.

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