Captured Seal Derrick

By moc.loa@potgnipor

Published on Jan 29, 2021


"DO YOU HAVE MY SON, GARTH? " Wolf nearly knocked down the screen with the force of his yell. Lord Garth could see his teeth gritted, and the hate in his eyes. Garth was sitting at a table with his hands below the top of it, so Wolf didn't see how he was sliding his hand, up and down his cock as he saw the anger in Wolf's face. "I DID have your son, Wolf, but..." he smiled. " I gave him away as a gift... to my son." He began to laugh as he saw the color grow redder and redder in Wolf's face. "YOU'RE A FUCKING BASTARD GARTH. YOU ALWAYS WERE, AND YOU ALWAYS WILL BE." "HA HA. Wolf, you mischaracterize me. I'm a traditionalist, and I believe in the old saying: Like father, like son. Both on top, and on bottom." His hand motions grew faster, and now, Wolf could see that he was masturbating during the call. "You're enjoying this, aren't you Garth?" "And why shouldn't I , Wolf? I'm chatting with the most enjoyable manbitch I have ever had, I am torturing him in a way I never did before... and I've made my son very happy." "LET ME SEE DERRICK" "That sounded like an order, Wolf. You're not in a position to give orders." Wolf composed himself. "PLEASE let me see Derrick, Lord Garth." "AH. Now that is better." Garth smiled, and he could feel the stickiness in his hand. "Unfortunately, right now, that is not possible. Derrick is asleep, in the arms of my son. " He smiled. "Were I a younger man, Wolf, I would have kept him for myself. But... now that I'm an old lion myself, I much prefer men like me, rather than their cubs." "How do I even know you have him? " "I will send you a video of Derrick being... trained Wolf. Open another window on your screen." Wolf did, and he saw a video of a portion of Derrick being tortured by Yakov: the portion where the single clamps were put on his nipples. He wanted to scream, to punch Garth in the face. But he composed himself. "What do you want, Lord Garth? What do you want to return my son?" "Ha ha. Well, have you not deduced that yet, Wolf, or is your mind refusing to accept what the price is." Wolf swallowed hard. "You want me back, Lord Garth. Don't you?" "AH, you HAVE figured it out Wolf. Indeed, I do. See, Wolf, I was busily planning how I could abduct you and bring you back where you belong ; however, your marriage to the Japanese witch made that much harder. Her power is stronger than any of us imagined, so we could not break through. BUT... sweet Derrick gave us the chance. " He paused, because he knew his words would sting. "He fell in love with Yakov when Yakov infiltrated the SEALS. I'm proud of my son. And once that had happened, everything fell into place. And now, we can continue. At the end of this call, I will send you geographic coordinates, Wolf. You will have 48 hours to reach them. When you do, you will be given another set. And so on and so forth. And when you are here, we can discuss the future of your son. "You're not promising to let him go?" "Well, that is no longer mine to promise, Wolf. I told you: I have given him to my son; however, I may be able to persuade my son to part with him. Of course, I will require... adequate compensation for such an action." "And that's me. You want my ass again." "Oh, Wolf, I want SO much more than your ass. I want your total subjugation. Your total submission. " "You won't have that, Garth. YOU NEVER DID" "Then I believe this late night call is concluded Wolf. You should return to your witch wife. I shall return to bed. Perhaps I will send you another video of your son, once Yakov continues his education." Wolf paused for a minute. "Give me the coordinates. I will agree to trade myself if you'll free Derrick. " "I have already told you Wolf. That is a discussion you will have to have with my son. When I see you, I will arrange the meeting. If I do not see you, you will not see your son." "YOU'RE ALREADY FUCKING ME BASTARD." "HA HA. So it would seem Wolf. Your face looks like it did, the first time I had you. Oh, that memory. Like the first taste of Turkish Delite." He smiled, and held up a sticky hand. "You see what seeing you does to me, Wolf? Seeing you face to face will be even sweeter. Now, here are the coordinates. Do you have something to write them down?" "Yeah. I do." "Then we will see you soon. I will tell your son that he will see you soon as well." Garth broke the connection. Wolf was furious. And he began to plan how to rescue his son. Surely the two of them could defeat this... bastard. He went back to the bedroom and began to throw things into a bag. "Wolf, what are you doing?" Mayumi looked up at him. "I'm going to go and rescue my son." "OUR son Wolf. OUR son." He paused. "You're right Mayumi. You're right. He's at least half you. " He bent over the bed to kiss her. "Will you help me?" She smiled and pulled out a small dagger. "You may be able to conceal this when you are there. It is what I used to dispose of... THAT one.. And I will get to work here. " She kissed him again. "Try to keep in touch with me. If you can't, make sure that Derrick does." "If I can't, how can he?" Now Mayumi laughed. "Do you think that bonds form only between fathers and sons, Wolf? While you administered the vinegar, I administered the honey. And that is all I will say. "

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Wolf headed out in his older car, trying to keep his temper in line. His temper had gotten him captured 25 years ago, and he had kept it in check since then. This situation though... What were they doing to Derrick?

At that moment, Yakov had tied Derrick to an enormous bed frame that had been turned so that it was vertical. The horizontal metal bars that ran across it were electrified, and he could send a charge through it, with a simple flick of a switch. He had bound Derrick "Japanese style," "In honor of your mother," Yakov had joked, as he finished tying a large triangle of rope around Derrick's naked cock and balls. The ropes were tight: Derrick couldn't move. "What are you gonna do to me, fuck?" "Well, fucking IS in the future, derrick," Yakov grinned, and licked his lips. "But you need more training. More... discipline." Yakov moved closer, and ran his finger over Derrick's lips. Derrick tried to pull away, but the rope around his neck restricted his movement. "One day, derrick, those soft lips will caress my cock. It is only a matter of time. " "FUCK THAT. YOU PUT YOUR COCK IN MY MOUTH AND YOU'LL SING FUCKING SOPRANO IF YOU LIVE." Yakov smiled as he reached down and stroked derrick's cock. "How is this fellow this morning? Refilled after his emptying." derrick didn't answer. He winced, fighting not to show that he was enjoying the cock play. "Seeing you again confirmed that my memory was correct, derrick. Your nipples are remarkably sensitive. I believe they need more work. " Yakov produced two large clamps, similar to what he used the day before. These were longer though, and their mouths were bigger. They closed on more of derrick's pecs than the first set, and he screamed as Yakov them. The reason for their length became clear, as Yakov began to bounce them up and down with a finger. "FUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUCK" derrick yelled and Yakov laughed. "Think of how it's going to feel when I remove them. But I have MORE clamps derrick . MANY more..." He produced either six, or eight, smaller clamps. derrick thought he was going to attach those to his sides, around his ribs. He was wrong. "MOTHER FUCKING GOD!!!!!" derrick screamed, as Yakov attached the smaller clamps in parallel, on the sides of derrick's cock. "AH, but there's MORE as they say on your American television shows... one more." He produced a large clamp. "Would you care to guess where this one is going, derrick? " "PLEASE. PLEASE . NO. NO. JUST FUCK ME. PLEASE." "Oh, I WILL fuck you derrick, but first...." The clamp was a dull orange color. He took derrick's cockhead in his hand and opened the jaws of the clamp. It went about two inches down, and derrick screamed louder than he had ever screamed in his life. "PLEASE. PLEASE TAKE IT OFF. PLEASE. AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAGGGGGH." Now Yakov was bouncing the clamp the way he had bounced the clamps on his nipples. "I may need to be away for an hour or two. I bet you can use the peace and quiet." "NO. PLEASE. PLEASE DON'T GO." "That is alright, derrick. I am here." Lord Garth entered the room. "FATHER. ABBA. " Yakov went to Garth and kissed both of his cheeks. "I am enjoying my gift so much. He is perfect. I cannot quite believe you found such a prize for me, your worthless son." Garth buried his head in Yakov's hair and kissed him. "Ah, I would be remiss if I didn't tell you that there were methods to my madness son." He walked over to derrick, and bounced the clamp a few times. "Daddy will be here soon, derrick. He wants to see you... " He smiled. "He does NOT wish to see me, but he will. He and I will catch up ." "WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU TALKING ABOUT? " derrick gasped out through his pain. "Your father never told you, derrick. Such a shame. He was in the same position you were in , many years ago, when I was a young man, as was he. " He looked with pride at Yakov. "Although I must say, Yakov is MUCH more creative than I was. I merely used a flogging rope and a pin wheel. " He smiled. "This is very creative Yakov. Did you learn them from the witch." Yakov smiled. "I have not told derrick that Abba." Well then I will." He smiled at derrick. "Have you ever wondered why Yakov seemed to know what you did , at the same time you did? Have you ever wondered how you could never defeat him in hand to hand combat? Have you ever wondered how you could be so similar, and yet so different? " He smiled. "derrick, meet your half brother. Your mother hasn't abandoned you, but the powers that passed to you from the witch, passed to her other son too." He squeezed Yakov's shoulders. "When you are ready to take his ass, let me know. I believe his father should have proof that his son is here."

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Wolf's plane had landed. He had tried to sleep, but every time he nodded off, he remembered that time with Garth. The capture. The slaughter of every man in his platoon - except for himself. He remembered being brought to the very building where Derrick was now, and Lord Wael presenting him to his son, Garth, as a gift. He remembered how Garth had singed the hair off of his body with the violet wand, and the floggings, the daily floggings. Always in the morning, sometimes in the afternoon - always before Garth prostrated himself in prayer. He remembered how he was hung, in what he later learned was shibari bondage, after he had yelled "WHAT FUCKING GOD APPROVES OF WHAT YOU'RE DOING TO ME? " The shibari bondage: taught to Garth by Wael's mistress, Mayumi. He remembered how she had bent his left leg back, tying his calf to his thigh, while his right leg dangled helplessly, and how Garth had beaten his sole so severely that it had been three weeks before he stopped limping. He remembered Wael smiling "To limp is more painful than to be unable to walk, slave. It is a reminder: there is always more that could be done with you." He started out of sleep. A flight at that hour, to where he was going, meant he had the entire row to himself. That meant he didn't have to explain the wet stain at his crotch to anyone: he could simply cover it with a blanket until it dried. His instructions were to have a drink at a bar in the landing airport, and to check his ipad. When he did, he saw the smiling face of Lord Garth. "I am told you are where you should be Wolf. Excellent. It will not be long. Here are your new coordinates. After this leg of the trip, there will be only one other. There is time until your next flight. Time for you to have evidence that your son is with me. He is.... alive." Garth moved out of the camera view. Behind him, derrick was bound in a bent position. His face was directly in front of the camera. He looked tired, but uninjured. He heard a loud CRACK and he saw his son wince. Then it happened again. He was being punished, for sure. Then he saw Yakov's smiling face as he put down the paddle. "I always enjoy having a red ass to fuck." He grabbed what little hair derrick had, and pulled it back. "You want to get fucked pretty boy?" derrick was breathing hard. Wolf felt completely defeated as he heard his son say "Yes sir. Yes Sir Yakov. FUCK ME. FUCK ME HARD." It got worse, as the camera lingered, and he saw derrick's face contort, as he took the cock of the dark haired man. The eyes... The eyes on that young man. Dark, but... the shape. Almonds. Like full, ripe almonds. Mayumi. She had assured Wolf that she had murdered the son she bore Wael when she murdered Wael. His step son was fucking his son. "What have you done to me, Garth?" he thought, as Garth came back into view. "At the end of the next leg of your journey, Wolf, you will be met by two of my men. They will drive you the rest of the way to the compound, and you will meet your son again. Try to get some sleep... " He laughed. "You will not have much of that for your first few nights here."

Next: Chapter 4

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