Captured Seal Derrick

By moc.loa@potgnipor

Published on Feb 3, 2021


While his father was on the second flight, derrick was tied down in a Japanese rope harness, a large piece of black duct tape over his mouth, and two large clamps on his nipples. He had been laying in that position for over an hour. Yakov had bound and gagged him after he had fucked him, and had gone to meet with his father. Yakov teased him by using a type of rope that stretched, but didn't give. Derrick knew that escape was hopeless, but his instincts compelled him to pull, and every time he pulled at the ropes, he gave up a little bit of strength. He had lost feeling in his nipples - he thought - from the clamps being on them so long. Before he left, Yakov had said "When I come back, we'll have some more fun, bottom", and had laughed. He imagined that he'd get fucked again. Derrick pulled at the ropes one more time, again futilely. Exhausted, he closed his eyes. He hovered between being awake and falling asleep. In that space, that world between the two, he saw his mother. She was sitting at a table, which seemed to be set up as an altar. He had seen the various statues in the house, but never together like this. He remembered asking her about them when he was a young boy, and she had smiled. "You're not ready to know about my helpers Derrick. One day, you will. Not yet though." Now, she seemed to be praying. He could hear the sounds but he couldn't make out the words. Was she praying in Japanese ? Chinese? One of the other obscure Asian languages she knew? As he lay there, half asleep, half awake, he regretted not having paid more attention, or asking her to teach him. And something odd happened. His mother looked up from her prayers. She stopped chanting in that odd language and seemed to address him. "All things are for a reason Derrick. Do not regret your choices. I do not regret mine, and however much your father would say you're his, you're MINE. You are stronger than your father. He does not want you to know that. Do not forget it." "MMMMPH! MMMMMPH! MMMMMPH!" He was yelling for his mother, but the tape blocked the words. Maybe it was for the better, because Yakov walked in. He had a big smile on his face, as he came to the side of the bed.

"Hello there derrick.." He began flicking one of the clamps. "MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMPH!!!!! " "Ah. I guess the blood is still flowing to your nipples. Good. But.... would you have me take these off?" Derrick looked at him and shook his head yes. "Very well. Remember... You asked." Yakov took off the clamps and he did nothing more than rest the back of his thumbs on each nipple. The pain of the blood returning to them, and the pressure of Yakov's fingers, coursed through derrick's bound body. "MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMPH!!!!!" derrick saw the wicked smile on Yakov's face. "I told you we would have more fun when I came back, and I will keep my promise." He reached into his pocket and derrick saw the pinwheel: the dreaded pinwheel that Yakov used so well. "Before we begin, derrick, I have some news for you..." His smile got bigger. "Your father is on his way to rescue you. Or to try to. Ha hahahahahahaha" "MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMPH . MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMPH." derrick wasn't sure if he was happy about it, or nervous. Yakov knew he was coming, so the element of surprise was gone. He wanted to know more. He only learned what Yakov gave him, as he began running the pinwheel over each nipple. "My father got in touch with yours. He sent him some pictures of our game playing derrick. " Yakov sighed. "My father can be a very cruel man. And your father is very soft hearted. So when my father told yours that either he could surrender, or my father would have you slaughtered, your dad was on the next plane." derrick looked at Yakov, wondering "I'm going to die." Yakov laughed. "No, you're not going to die derrick. I'm having WAY too much fun with you. " He continued running the wheel over derrick's nipples. "See, what you do not know, I assume, sweetie, is that many years ago, your father was in the same position you are now, only with MY father." derrick looked confused. "HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA." Do you think your father would have every told you this, proud alpha man that he is? I do not think so. When he saw what a handsome son he had, he did what any father would: knowing my taste, and having read my letters talking about you, he got me the perfect gift: YOU!" derrick shook his head no. "MMMPH. MMMMMPH. MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMPH." "Oh yes derrick. He gave you to me. So you see, now, while your father may want to ask mine for you back: he has to ask ME. " He stopped with the pinwheel and ran his hand through derrick's hair. "And I'm not returning you, you handsome blond sub " derrick whined, as Yakov put his fingers back on his nipples. In spite of himself, his cock was filling and Yakov saw it, and laughed. "And I plan to have some fun with that too, derrick. I have something that will make you humble.."

xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Wolf had managed to catch a little bit of sleep on the second plane ride. There were four men on it, clearly in Garth's employment, and the pilot. Wolf had taken out more than four men before, but he didn't know how to fly a plane. Nor did he want to give up the chance to rescue his son. He slept fitfully. And like derrick, Mayumi showed up in his reverie. This time, she was not praying, but she was standing, wearing what appeared to be a black cowl. He remembered that cowl; the other women in the warlord's harem had worn them. She spoke directly to him. "WOLF. In all of your lessons with derrick, in all of your talks, in all the time that you spent together, you did not tell him what was important, ever. That is the price you pay. And your sins have visited him. They should have visited me, but the gods will take what is dearest. You love me, but you love your son more, and that is fine. There is no good or bad, there just is what there is. And that is why things are as they are. You will have to be ready to give up that which is dearest to you. That is the only way you'll get him back." He woke up , scared. The suddenness of his waking disturbed one of his guards who took a look, made sure that Wolf wasn't doing anything amiss, and settled back in his seat. When they landed, there were five more guards. One of them came forward. Very strong looking, bald, all in black. He held out his hand to shake Wolf's. "Welcome, Mr. Wolf. I am Iqbal, Garth's assistant. I will drive you to him. " He pointed to the luxury car at the side. "For the rest of your trip, I must ask you to place your wrists behind your back. "And if I refuse?" Iqbal smiled. "Mr. Wolf, you have no idea where you are, and there are nine of us. I have no doubt that you could take out most of us, myself included. One of us, however, WILL get a signal to Lord Garth, and then he will deal with your son as he sees fit. Put another way, while I am being polite by asking you, you WILL put your hands behind your back." Wolf sighed, and did what he was told to do. He felt the clink of metal on his wrists. He had checked when he got off the plane to make sure that the "dirt" under his fingernails was still there. It was not dirt: it was a two part poison: neither would work without the other and he would have to get his fingernails on a target to release it. It was NOT for this group." "Now... " Another guard came forward, with a black hood . "I'M NOT WEARING THAT THING. " Then one of the guards grabbed his neck and held him still. "Yes you are. " Iqbal put it on his head. "your other option is to ride in the trunk. " He turned to the guards. "Let's go." They left in two cars.

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Yakov pulled out a black plastic device. derrick had no idea what it was, but Yakov explained. "This is a humbler derrick. I'm sure you will learn exactly why it is called this. " He pulled up derrick's cock and ball roughly, and pushed his balls through the opening of the device. He tightened screws on both sides. "MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMPH!." "Ha ha. Hurts , huh? Would you rather have the clamps again?" "MMMMMMMMMMMMMMPH" derrick whined as he shook his head no. "Now see? The good thing about this..." He sat down at the base of the bed. "Is that your cock actually sticks out so, while your balls are locked... I can play with your cock. But if you try to move too much, well... you may feel like there's a large rock attached to your balls. Yakov began running his fingers over derrick's cock head. He had told the truth about the new "toy." "I have another version of this derrick. It's essentially handcuffs and the humbler space. " He smiled. "We'll use it tomorrow. Now, where are those balls?" He yanked the thing up, then he stopped. "This will be more fun without the gag." He ripped the tape from derrick's mouth. "Why are you doing this to me Yakov? " "Because it's so much fun. Because I've always dreamed that I'd have a sub like you derrick. Built. Hot. Sexy. And totally under my control." "What are you gonna do to my father? I'll do anything if you don't hurt him." "Oh, I don't plan to do ANYTHING to your father, derrick. He's WAY too old for my taste, although I will say: the photos my father showed me were of a man who I would have fucked in a NY minute as you say back home." He saw the look on derrick's face. "But why do I have to think about that, when I have YOU to fuck? Now, where was I? Oh yes.." He grabbed the humbler so that derrick's balls were in the air. Then he began slapping them. He slapped them until he heard the magic words from derrick. "PLEASE SIR. PLEASE SIR YAKOV STOP. STOP. PLEASE. FUCK ME. FUCK ME WITH YOUR COCK." "You ask so nicely. How could I turn you down?" " xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

Wolf felt someone smacking his face . "GET UP. We're here." He had fallen asleep again during the ride to Garth's estate. As he stirred back to fully woken, he didn't recognize it. This was NOT where he had been kept prisoner the first time. He tried to move his hands, but they were still cuffed, behind him. His arms were stiff. "I believe that we can move the cuffs to the front now, Wolf." Wolf found himself surrounded, as the cuffs came off, and were moved to the front. A different guard each took one of his biceps, as they led him into the fortress. There was almost total silence as they led him through room after room. Finally, he was in a large, spare space. they sat him down in a chair, and re-cuffed his hands behind him. Then they left. There was total silence until he heard footsteps. After all these years, he still recognized Garth's distinct tread: the slight drag on his right foot as he moved forward, the result of a battle injury that had never healed completely. Then, Garth was in the room: the same face, the same carriage. His hair was now gray, and shorter, but the uniform was still the same. His muscles were visible under his turtleneck, and Wolf couldn't help the stirring he felt, as he remembered almost thirty years ago. "As the song goes... the bitch is back." Garth smiled and laughed as he approached Wolf. Wolf gritted his teeth. "It is SO good to see you Wolf." "THE FEELING IS NOT MUTUAL!" He spat out, as Garth laughed, and removed one of his leather gloves. "Are these still as sensitive as they were, so many years ago, wolf?" He wrapped two fingers around wolf's left nipple and squeezed. He saw the impact on wolf, and smiled even more. "Does the Asian witch know of this secret?" THAT'S NONE OF YOUR GODDAMN BUSINESS." "Ha ha ha . No, it is not. But it WAS passed down. Yakov has enthralled me with tales of your son's nipple sensitivity." "WHERE IS MY SON, YOU SICK FUCK?" "In time, wolf, in time. He's being brought here now. " "YOU SAID YOU'D LET HIM GO IF I CAME TO YOU." "Oh, no, wolf, no no no. I can play the tape if you would like. What I

SAID was that I would spare his life if you came, and I will. Whether he is released or not, will be up to my son. " "I WISH I HAD KILLED YOU WITH MY OWN HANDS, FUCK" "But you didn't wolf, because ultimately, you are soft. You appear tough, and hard to those who are even softer, but you are soft. So was my father. So were many. " He laughed. "Ultimately, the hardest one of us is the Asian witch you married." "LEAVE MAYUMI OUT OF THIS!" "But I can't wolf, I can't. See, she is smarter than you ,too. The two men she loves most in the world are in my power. Do you not think she is doing everything in her not inconsiderable power to rescue you? " Wolf turned away. "Worry not. No one will try to harm her. We know better." He laughed. "But I honestly do not see either of you being returned to her." Wolf bucked at the cuffs, and yelled. "FUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUCK. LET MY SON GO YOU BASTARD." Garth simply smiled. "You will have that discussion with my son. For now, let us go and meet our boys." He gave a head signal to a guard that wolf did not see. He came forward, with a steel collar and a chain. Garth smiled as he put it on wolf's neck. "They are here to give me support, however, I believe I can handle you the same way I did so long ago." wolf found himself led , almost dragged, by Garth , to another part of the fortress.

The room they were in looked familiar to wolf: it wasn't the same room, but it had been configured exactly the same way Garth's torture room had been configured the first time he was taken. "Remove his cuffs. Then back away." A guard took off the cuffs and wolf stood there, rubbing his wrists. "I do not need to ask if you have weapons smuggled on you wolf, so we will deal with that. STRIP. Every last item." He turned to his men. "Stand back but just keep your tasers on "hard stun" as he strips." wolf grinned. Garth knew him too well. Once he was completely naked, Garth laughed. "Danger still excites you wolf. How wonderful." wolf couldn't help blushing at how his hard on was revealed. "Now, step away from the clothes. " wolf sighed. "Masks please gentlemen." They all put on filtration masks, as someone tossed a torch on the pile of clothes. A fetid odor came up. "I know you too well, wolf. Poison infused in your clothing. And what do we have here? He saw, in the ashes, bits of sharpened metal. Then he signaled to a guard. "Take him to a cell. Lock the door. For now." The guards kept their distance, and wolf still didn't know where his son was. Once he was locked in the cell, Garth spoke. "Now put your hands through the bars wolf." wolf sighed. He knew what was coming, and it did: Garth handcuffed his wrists, separately to the outside of the cell. "YAKOV! COME MEET OUR GUEST." "DERRRRICK! " Wolf yelled as he saw his son being led, bound, shirtless, into the room. He was being handled by Garth's son. "FATHER! FATHER! ARE YOU HURT?" Wolf began to cry. "LET ME HUG MY SON YOU BASTARD!" "Awwwww. Family reunion. How sweet. How sweet." He walked up to his own son, and kissed him on the cheek. "Yakov, apple of my eye, do you enjoy your birthday present?" "Yakov smiled as he squeezed the back of derrick's neck. "Abba, I could not have wished for anything better. He is PERFECT." "YOU FUCK. YOU'RE AS SICK AS YOUR FATHER." Garth ignored him. "Son, Mr. wolf would like me to return derrick to the United States. I tried to explain to him that , so to speak, my hands are tied. derrick belongs to you. Are you willing to release him?" Yakov smiled, and squeezed derrick's shoulder. "I am not , father. I intend to keep him." Tears began to form at derrick's eyes. "KEEP ME. JUST LET MY FATHER GO." "Oh, the family love is nearly overwhelming. " Garth looked at derrick. "YOU ARE A SLAVE IN THIS HOUSE. YOU DO NOT HAVE THE RIGHT TO ASK FOR ANYTHING." Garth looked at Yakov. "Please do something about your bitch's overactive mouth." "Yes Father." Yakov pulled out a cloth, and gagged derrick. "Excellent. Now sit him down. I want him to watch. I want you to watch too." Yakov pushed derrick into a chair. He stood behind him, as Garth walked over to wolf's cage. He opened the door, and entered. As he stepped behind wolf, he doffed his clothes. "You, slave derrick, will now learn that you are of a LINE of slaves. Your mother was a slave, YOU are a slave, and now, you will see, so too is your father." He pulled the chain on wolf's collar. "SPREAD YOUR LEGS WOLF." When wolf hesitated, he pulled the chain. "AGGGGGGGGGGGGH. OK OK. YOU WIN." wolf spread his legs, and Garth began to laugh. "Well, this is a new one on me... " His hand disappeared for a minute, and he seemed to be rooting in wolf's ass. He was. He held up two strips of double sided tape, the outside of each being covered with ground glass. "What an interesting way to make someone pay for taking you. I have not encountered this. Yakov... what is it they say about the sins of the father being visited upon the son? Take these. Perhaps you can use them in your games with your bitch." "YOU BASTARD." wolf gasped out, and Garth smiled. "Have you more cloth, my son? I can use some of it." "Yes father. Plenty." He tore a generous strip of it and handed it to Garth, who gagged wolf. "Now... hmmmm. OH yes! How could I forget the suicide device?" He ran his hand lightly through wolf's hair. He pulled out a folded wire, also impregnated with microscopic ground glass. "Yakov, this is one of Mr wolf's own inventions. He called it a trap rope. It can be color coded to the user's hair, and it is thin enough to seem to be that. It folds, and remains hidden. Should the user need to garotte someone, or even himself, ready. Very hard to detect, and also... very effective.." He pulled back wolf's head. "How many of my men did you kill with it? Five?" derrick moaned through his gag, but he couldn't move. Yakov was holding him fast. "Now, wolf, it is time we got reacquainted. Make sure his son watches Yakov." "mmmmph. mmmmmmmmmmmph." wolf was shaking his head no, while Yakov pulled back on derrick's short hair to make sure he didn't turn away, as Garth entered wolf's ass. "AH. Such a long time. SO worth the wait. " Under the gag, wolf bit his lips, trying not to make a sound, but his eyes revealed everything. His son, bound to the chair, was forced to watch it all. Yakov whispered to him "Is this making you as hot as it's making me? Because it is making me SUPER hot, bitch. " he laughed, as his father cracked a smile. "At some point, Yakov, we will have to take our men simultaneously. " "THAT father, would be EXCELLENT." Now, though, he was finishing his fuck of wolf. He thrust one more time, and then you could see the pumping as wolf's ass took the jizz. "Father, if I may." Yakov pointed to the enlarged cock jutting out of wolf's body. "Yes, you are right. That should be taken care of. " They looked at each other and smiled. wolf began shaking his head violently NO. "This one... I have not been willing to let him suck me because.... well, for many reasons. I am sure, however, derrick, that you would not hurt your father's penis. " He took off the gag. "You are going to suck off your father." "NO. NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO" Garth smiled. "You do realize that the velcro glass strips, could make a very uncomfortable cock ring, derrick. It is up to you." He looked at wolf. "Father, I'm sorry." Bound, he got on his knees, and put his mouth around his father's cock. wolf tried to resist, but the stress of the last few days , together with what was excellent technique on derrick's part, had him close to climax very, very soon. Yakov came over, and smiled. "I wonder if it was inherited." He tickled the underside of wolf's balls, and the man climaxed, filling his son's mouth with his cum. "AH, that was an excellent way for them to meet, Yakov. " He turned to derrick. "I think it is time that you had some time with your father alone.

Yakov, put him in the cage. We will retrieve them tonight. " He also turned to a guard in the shadows. "It can get chilly here. Have you some clothes for our new visitor?" "Yes, Lord Garth. As you commanded." "We will leave the two of you to reconnect. Hopefully, you can join us for dinner." Garth put his hand on Yakov's shoulder and they walked out. "Father. Father... You shouldn't have come. You shouldn't have..." derrick began to sob as he fell into wolf's arms. "Be strong son, be strong. Of course I would come." He held his son more tenderly than he had his whole life. He looked him in the eye before he kissed him. "We will get out of here. We will. We'll need each other's help, but we'll both get out of here. Help me get dressed. It IS cold, and I've been traveling for a long, long time.

Next: Chapter 5

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