Captured Seal Derrick

By moc.loa@potgnipor

Published on Feb 21, 2021


Dear Readers: The reaction to this story has been very favorable, which is why I post this: I have an "exit ramp" for the story, and it will end in the near future: not after two installments, and not after four, but please be thinking in terms of 5-7. I'm going to concentrate on this story in the short term, to bring it to the conclusion it deserves, and that's where YOU, as readers, come in.

I'd like to have any suggestions you might have for what I put in the story over the final group of installments. I want everyone to leave this story happy, including myself. If I use your idea, I'll check with you to see if you want to be identifed, and how.

And now, As John Barth wrote "On with the story! On with the story!"


wolf and derrick were waiting in the common area . Their instructions had been to dress in the swimming trunks provided to them, and to be ready for a full day of exercise, designed by Garth and Yakov. Now as they stood there, wolf in a very tiny sky blue speedo, and derrick in a similarly sized, iridescent white one, they could hear the father and son arguing behind a set of closed doors. What they could not know is that the argument resulted from what wolf had said in Garth's bed the night before.

Garth had just taken wolf's ass, again, followed by edging wolf to the point where he could have shot at any second. Garth did not allow that to happen. He had been laughing as he spooned Garth into him, his hand on his big pec, so that he could play wolf as he saw fit during the night. "Garth, you have me. You have my oath from 20 years ago. That should be enough for you. Let me son go. Please." wolf begged his captor. "I'm afraid it's not that easy wolf," Garth replied. "Yakov is of age. He is not a child. He is a young man, but he is a MAN. derrick was a gift to him. He know belongs to Yakov. You know that. The only one who can release derrick, is Yakov. " wolf grimaced as he felt Garth's fingers on his nip. "I think you underestimate your powers, Sir Garth." The switch to more submissive language did not go unnoticed, and Garth was pleased. "I believe that your son will still do what you tell him to do, regardless of his age." He paused. "Or do you think you are less of a dominant father than I am?" Garth laughed. "I am glad that you modified that with 'father' Garth, because I am hard pressed to describe you as dominant" "Yes sir. I can see that." "And of course, you understand that if derrick has given Yakov his submission, well, our laws are such that there is nothing anyone can do." "derrick has not given his submission , Sir. I can guarantee you that. He's begged to be used, but he hasn't surrendered." He sucked in his teeth as the pinching got stronger. He felt the kiss on his ear from Garth, and his cock grew more turgid. "We will have to find that out from Yakov and from derrick. Yakov is many things but he is not a liar. If he hasn't gained submission, I will know. " "I have submitted, Lord Garth. If this would help.... I realize I belong to you. If you release derrick, you have my word that I will remain with you." That comment surprised Garth. His fingers stopped working wolf's nipple, and he rolled wolf onto his bag. "You did just promise to remain here with me... as things were before you were rescued?" wolf swallowed . "If it leads to the release of my son, yes sir. I will stay as the slave I was, the first time." "Hmmm. This makes the situation much more complicated than it was, wolf. Again, you are a man of your word, so I have no doubt you mean this. Yakov and I will have to have a discussion of this. " "If I may, my Lord Garth, if you could answer a question so that I can answer one of derrick's questions: what happened to his colleagues on that mission." Garth smiled. "AH, that is typical wolf. You have worried about your son, and now you have worried about his fellow SEALS. Not once did you ask what I would do to you this time around. It is perhaps one of the reasons I find you so interesting, and so worth my time. This 'mission' was false. The only intended aim was to secure your son, so I could secure you. I did NOT know Yakov would find him so appealing. Yes, we took derrick from that group of SEALS, but a rescue flight was on its way almost immediately: a distress signal went out from one of the commanders. Since everyone was unconscious from the gas, no one knew what had happened to derrick. They assumed he had wandered off. " He paused. "The goal was to send a rescue mission, however, when artifacts surfaced which suggested he had died in the desert, the missions were halted." He paused. "So at the least, wolf, you may sleep knowing his colleagues are back in the United States, and safe."

That conversation, before wolf fell asleep, both kept Garth awake for most of the night, and led to the discussion and argument going on behind closed doors. "I AM NOT GIVING HIM UP ABBA. WHY SHOULD YOU GET EVERYTHING YOU WANT, WHILE I HAVE TO GIVE HIM UP?" "Yakov, had you participated in the planning to secure derrick, and wolf, or had done anything at all to secure your happiness, this would be a different story." "DID YOU ASK ME ABBA?" Garth laughed. "I asked you many times. I could not find you. You were either romancing derrick on base, or disappearing to visit 'escorts' as you call them. No, you were not interested. You saw this SOLELY as an attempt for me to recapture my beloved slave." Yakov stood, stunned. "How did you know about the escorts?" "Ha ha ha ha ha. The same way I know so many things Yakov. If you weren't so headstrong, you'd learn some of them." "Headstrong? HEADSTRONG! That must be why I learned derrick is my brother." Garth looked like he had been struck by one of the whips he used. He staggered a minute and sat down. Then he spoke slowly. "He. Is. Your. Half brother. And his mother left you before you could even look into her eyes. If you consider that your mother, that Asian Witch, well then so be it." "She appears to me at night Abba. She dances in my dreams. She showed me the birthmarks." Garth looked away. "It was my father's attempt to convince me that my preferences were a disease that could be treated. " He looked at Yakov. "I have NEVER tried that on you. I have indulged all of your preferences, and I have been as good a father as you could have asked for." Now it was Yakov's turn to look away. "Yes.. Yes you have father. And I would be lying if I told you that learning what I did, did not change my feelings about derrick. For the worse, but also for the better." He paused. "Abba, being with him is like opium for me. I am addicted to him." "Let me ask you something son: have you had him submit to you? Has he agreed to be your slave?" 'He has not abba. I did not think of that. I conceded: I have been much more interested in taking pleasure of him." Garth told him what that absence had done: while he could use the surrender against wolf, they had no such tool against derrick. "Should I try to get it now?" Garth shook his head. "It would do no good. Now that you know there is another motive, the oath would be tainted. " He paused and rose, embraced his son. "I will see a way to satisfy all parties. It will happen. The Asian Witch is not the only one with wiles. " He smiled. "Now, let's go fishing."


Garth put his hand on his son's shoulder as they went out to meet wolf and derrick

"GENTLEMEN. I hope that we did not prevent you from getting some rest last night, because you will need it today, as you amuse us in our own version of a triathlon. "You are in swimsuits because, for the first part of this competition, you will swim against each other, in a mile swim. The winner will receive an advantage in the next phase of the competition, which you will learn when the first part is over." He smiled. "We have chosen swimsuits that suit your respective bodies, and I do think we made good choices. Did we not, Yakov? "We did Abba." "We will make sure to photograph you as you leave the water, in case there is any question about your 'attributes.'

wolf looked around. He didn't see anything that would suggest what the next phase of the competition would be. He was a good swimmer. So was derrick: but without knowing what was going to happen afterward, he couldn't make a decision on whether to "throw" the competition or not. Also, since Garth knew he was a good swimmer, and Yakov certainly knew of derrick's medals, there was a risk in doing anything like that.

They were led to the pool, and sent to opposite lanes of the olympic sized pool. "You should take whatever position you wish to begin. It is a one mile swim and it will begin when I blow the whistle" announced Garth. PREPARE YOUR MARKS. " wolf looked up and gave derrick the high sign. The whistle blew, and they hit the water. At the quarter mile mark, derrick was ahead: not by much, but he did lead. He began to think about what the second part of this sick game would be, but he had no idea. A section of his mind began to think about Yakov's big cock, and how it had probed his ass the night before. derrick was sad when Yakov came. Yes, he knew this man was his half brother, but he was a DAMN good lover. He wondered: if Yakov had asked him to surrender, the way Garth had asked his dad, would he have given in? He didn't know. That reverie caused him to lose consciousness, and when he looked up he could see his dad had gone into the lead, by about 5 seconds. "FUCK." He thought. Five seconds in the last half of a mile swim, was a LOT to make up." He began to panic, and had to take deep breaths. He felt a calm coming over him: if he were going to lose to someone, it should be to the man he admired most in the world. At the 3/4 mark, derrick had cut his father's lead to two seconds. It seemed that wolf was tiring. He wasn't in his 20s anymore. His strokes were beginning to become labored. derrick had changed from a freestyle to a butterfly, a stroke with which he was more comfortable, and he drew even with his father, and then passed him. He touched the finish button 3.6 seconds faster than his father.

"EXCELLENT GENTLEMEN. EXCELLENT. Congratulations derrick. The 3.6 seconds may not seem to be much but..." Garth was ringing his hands. "You may find that you are very glad for it. BOTH OF YOU. ON YOUR BACKS. HANDS BEHIND YOUR BACKS." wolf and derrick found themselves lying side by side, as Garth and Yakov bound their wrists, and then their ankles, and completed hog ties. "Neither one of you were allowed to use the bathroom this morning. You are about to find out why...." Garth handed a brush to his son. "Hogtied like this , your feet are absolutely vulnerable... especially to tickling... "FUCK." wolf whispered under his breath. He was horribly ticklish. "You will both be tickled. derrick, you will have a 3.6 second advantage, meaning your father will be tickled for 3.6 seconds by me, before Yakov starts on your. And you will both be tickled until one of you has the misfortune.. of peeing his trunks. The tiles are white so... there will be no question. Now, I will start the timer. " He put it on the floor next to his foot, and he took his position behind wolf. "Let us begin Yakov!" He pushed the timer and then applied the brush to one of wolf's feet, while he used his fingers with the other. wolf fought off the need to laugh for the 3.6 seconds, but began almost immediately after Yakov started on derrick. derrick began laughing right away, and SCREAMING for Yakov to stop. "Not how this works pretty boy." and he dug in. A chorus of "HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAs" was coming out of the swimming area. Both men were used to traveling on plans and via other means where bathrooms were not available, but not while they were being tickled. "Make a fucking mental note. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA. Tell them to add this to torture training. AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA" wolf was thinking. His ankles were tightly bound and he couldn't get away from the relentless tickling. "I think we've found a new bedtime game derrick. I DO love your laugh." "YOU BASTARD. YOU FUCKING MIDDLE EASTERN BASTARD. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA." derrick began to feel: he was going to lose. There was no question about it. The cold of the floor, the wet, the tickling. How much had he drunk the night before? It was all coming together, and he began to feel liquid start seeping down his tubes. "OVER. THE OLD MAN COULDN'T HOLD IT. HA HA HA HA HA." derrick looked over. He saw a pool of yellow liquid around his father's crotch. "Congratulations derrick. You've won this one as well." As Garth said that, derrick's bladder surrendered, and a pool of urine gathered at his feet. "Just barely. wolf, you were two minutes away from doing old men proud, but that's ok. You'll have another chance to do that. First, I think you'd best get cleaned up for our third and final phase of this competition."

They were sent to showers, and there were clothes for them. For derrick, a t shirt and gray gym shorts. For wolf, only a pair of compression shorts. Yakov was smiling as they exited. "I am proud of my son. He designed this third phase of the competion. " He pointed to a chair: 'derrick, in that chair. You will watch the rest of this competition from that seat." Once he sat down, Yakov bound his wrists behind him, his forearms to the chair, and his ankles as far apart as possible. Garth brought wolf to the middle of the floor . He attached long, slack leg irons to each of wolf's ankles. Then he pulled out a very nasty pair of nipple clamps. "The way the competition will go, is this. I will apply these to your nips, wolf, and you will hold the chain in your mouth. Then, you will do 100 sit ups. PROPER sit ups. An improper one does not count. While that is happening... Yakov will be... stimulating derrick with my favorite hitachi. We will see: will he climax before wolf finishes the sit ups, or will wolf finish first? wolf, you will have two minutes to complete it, and that is relevant because for every sit up less than 100 you have completed in two minutes: 5 seconds will be added to your total. Should you finish before derrick has yielded, we will continue our play of derrick until he does, and that time component becomes relevant.

derrick thought he was in trouble: BIG trouble. Watching his father exercise, especially exercises that made him sweat, turned him on. He was ashamed to admit it, but he would walk past their gym and linger . Mayumi knew it. She would gently touch him and say "Let us watch together. There is something SO alluring about a handsome man sweating, isn't there, Derrick?" They began. derrick began moaning as soon as the hitachi hit his crotch. He hated that toy, and since he was already getting hard watching his father work, it was a nightmare. It wasn't an easy task for wolf either. 100 situps was not a problem. The pain in his nipples, exaggerated when he sat up and pulled the chain with him, was. He had to work on not dropping the chain too, because he knew the pain it would cause, would force him to take a break. Garth had said Yakov designed this torture, but it was perhaps in the genes of the men of this family: he had done this to wolf the first time around. wolf had lost every time. The punishment for losing, was usually a dildo, the size of which was determined by how much he had fallen short of a hundred. He had no idea if this was the punishment for this time. As he grunted, and pushed, Garth called out the numbers in groups of 10. wolf had gotten to 60 before he began to feel winded. He saw the clock: just over a minute to do 40. He didn't know. Neither did derrick, who was struggling mightily to hold in an enraged, growing erection. Yakov saw the bulge and smiled. "I wish it wasn't against the rules to play with your ears and nipples derrick. Your shorts would be as stained as your swimsuit. " derrick began to push up in his chair. His hips were getting higher and higher. He heard Yakov call out "70" and then 80. Then he heard a SCREAM as his father dropped the chain. "FUCK." he yelled. That did it for derrick . Seeing the look on his father's face, hearing the scream, seeing the sweat, smelling the sweat, he felt weak, helpless and.... He shot his load. "Well, well, well. It looks like wolf is the winner of THIS one. But you still have 20 to do wolf. Let's get them done. The timing is everything." "yes sir." He picked up the chain, put it back in his mouth, and got to work. He was now well over the 2 minutes, but he worked as fast as he could, and finished up in 2 minutes, 16 seconds. He gasped for breath. Yakov was standing behind derrick his hands on his shoulders. "That was so much fun. I think it may become part of our regular routine." derrick didn't answer, because if he did, he might very well say what he was thinking: that it was an extremely HOT torment. "Now, here is the situation. wolf, you have won. When you take the 16 seconds, plus the extra time from derrick's premature ejaculation, we have a total of 28 seconds. We are going to turn that into minutes. " Now he paused. "One of you is going to get fucked, while the other watches. And the one who fucks you, is NOT going to be your regular top. wolf, as the winner, you get to choose: would you prefer to be fucked by Yakov for 28 minutes, or would you prefer it for me to fuck derrick? "FATHER" derrick tried to let wolf know that Yakov's piece was an impressive ten inches. His mouth was covered by Yakov's hand. "Your father will make his choice. I have a preference, but we will see." "Let Yakov fuck me. I have had the father, now I can take his son. " Garth laughed. "I regret sharing you with anyone wolf, but if I must, let it be my son. Yakov, how would you take him? "Face up Abba. I wish for derrick to see every expression as I give what is his, to his father." Yakov his a nerve. derrick wanted to protect his father but also, he regarded Yakov's dick as HIS. He did not want to share it, even with his father. He attempted to look away, as Yakov slid into wolf's ass, grinning. AH. Now I understand why your son is such a FINE bottom."


Back in the United States, Mayumi had received a visit from one of derrick's colleagues: a shy pimply young man named Colton. "Ma'am. I'm so sorry for your loss. Derrick was a good man," he said over tea. Mayumi had insisted he stay for tea. "But Colton, my son isn't dead. He was captured . I know he's alive. " "With all due respect ma'am, I'm telling you what happened. We were attacked in an ambush, and when we counted bodies afterward, Derrick wasn't there." He took a breath. "This is very interesting tea ma'am. Can I ask what kind it is?" "Oh, it's a special blend. I compound it myself." Mayumi smiled. wolf knew never to lie to her because she would find out, the same way she was finding out from Colton. "Colton: you told me you were telling me what happened. Now tell me what happened." She smiled, and autonomously, Colton told her what had happened on the mission, NOT what he had been told to say. "Let me refresh your teacup Colton." She filled the cup with an antidote tea. Colton came out of the autonomous state he had been in, and shook his head. "Did I fall asleep ma'am? I think I blacked out." She smiled. "No Colton. This happens with people who have very emotional tales to tell. They separate from the tale. I thank you for coming. Please tell your commander I will stop by to see him soon. Perhaps he can help me to find my husband. "

After Colton left, Mayumi sat down at her husband's computer. He was always very bad about keeping addresses secret, and she found Aftab's coordinates right away. First though, she sent a private message to a former Yakuza colleague of hers. She spoke in rapid, vulgar Japanese for about 20 minutes, ending with a thank you and a bow. She was satisfied that her request would be honored. Then she contacted Aftab. "My my. Is that the legendary beauty Mayumi? " He smiled. "It is Mayumi Aftab. I have doubts as to whether I have any beauty left. Both my son and my husband are missing." "My heavens, Mayumi. I knew from Wolf that Derrick was missing. He needed to get to the Mideast to find him. But he is missing too." "good actor, but not good enough," Mayumi thought. "I haven't heard from him since they day he left Aftab." "I am so sorry Mayumi. I wish I could be of help." She sighed. "Aftab, I am completely certain that you can. To be clear, I think you know where they are." He began to laugh. "Oh, Mayumi, you give me too much credit. Perhaps at one point in my life I had more intelligence than I do now, but your son and husband? I have nothing. " He shrugged his shoulders. "The Mideast. Deserts. Strong winds, malice. Who knows?" "Yes, the Mideast. All that you say. I am sorry I disturbed you Aftab. Would you do me the favor of contacting me if, by some chance, you DO hear anything?" "Absolutely Mayumi. I have the information for getting in touch with you." "Thank you again kind Sir. OH, where are my manners? I am so sorry about your warehouse explosions. The Mideast you know." "Warehouse explosions? What are you talking about?" But he was staring at a blank screen. As he turned back to his tea, an assistant raced in. "MASTER AFTAB. There has been a problem. I know nothing more than what I am telling you. Warehouses 4, 7 and 11 are all fireballs right now. They explosions were so intense, no one can even get close to them, and the air is filling with burned opium." Aftab sat there, stunned. He saw a message come up on his computer: "The Mideast you know. Deserts, strong winds, malice. Warehouses 5, 14 and 22 are next. Good night."

Next: Chapter 8

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