Captured Seal Derrick

By moc.loa@potgnipor

Published on Feb 22, 2021


As Yakov lay on top of derrick, he smiled and said "I didn't enjoy that as much as I do when you're tied up.' derrick smiled back "Neither did I." "Then maybe.... we should do it over, so we can both have some fun." Yakov pinned derrick's wrists down at the corners, and began to tie him down. "MMMM. You know, I could do this to you every day derrick." "You already DO Yakov." "No.. I mean with you smiling, and admitting you enjoy it." He took a nip into his mouth and chewed. "OH GEEZ. We couldn't do this at SEAL academy." Yakov looked up. "Where would I live if I came back with you?" His finger traced the nip he had just chewed. "I don't know how my Dad would feel after all of this, but my mom... She'd be cool with it. She'd have her two sons together." "She wouldn't care if we were fucking?" Yakov looked a little skeptical. "Mom once told me that she was a hippy before she knew what they were. She said she had to learn to like sex, because she had been forced to do it. Once she did, well... My mom really has no boundaries. She told me she couldn't get enough of sex with my Dad." Yakov slipped his other hand between derrick's legs, and derrick yielded. "Seems to be true of the men in your family. People can't get enough of sex with them," Yakov laughed. "What can I say stud? It's just our animal magnetism. " He paused. "YEAH. Push my legs up. Make me your bitch." Yakov's fingers slipped in to get derrick looser, and then he slid in his cock. "FUCK YEAH. It was good the first time, it's great this time. TAKE ME YAKOV. TAKE ME." As Yakov pumped, he growled. "You'll submit to me back in the US?" "Hell yeah." "Be my bitch?" "You bet." "FUUUUUUUUUUCK. I'm coming with you. We're gonna get you, me and your Dad out of here." His second orgasm wasn't as big as the first one, but it was there, and derrick smiled. "I can't really believe this. I never thought you could be my half brother. Or that I could like this." "Must be in the genes. Your Dad seems to like what my Dad does to him." Yakov paused. "What if your father doesn't want to come back home?" "He'll want to come back home. Trust me. I can tell. He liked being dominated again, but he doesn't like what your father did, especially what he did to me. I just have to tell him... I want you to come back with us."

While they were having the discussion, Mayumi was making the SEALS clear - she was going with them. "Put me in camouflage. No one'll think twice of the girl in with the boys. You have female seals. " They looked at her... "Well, " one of them said. "We do, but they're..." "YOUNG? " she looked at him. "you know junior, you don't know very much. Every man looks at an Asian woman and thinks she's a cute girl. And that we all know karate. I'm going. My sons are there." "Sons?" another one asked. "There's another son besides derrick?" "Yeah, there is. Yakov is my son. And we're bringing back both of them." But he's... but he's..." "Lord Garth's son? Yeah, he is. I got around. Whether I liked it or not. Derrick will explain it all to you when we get him back. It's a long flight. So, how are we gonna steal the plane?" "Planes ma'am." "MAYUMI GODDAMN IT. YOU CALL ME MA'AM AND THIS SCHEME IS DEAD." "Sorry Mayumi. Planes. They don't hold more than six people. There are 9 of us. With the guys, that's twelve. " "Ok, then how are we gonna steal the planes?" Colton looked at her. "You got anymore of that tea?" She smiled. "You figured it out." "It wasn't too difficult," he said. "I was a chemist before I started here. It smelled like something I remembered from lab work. I looked it up." "Do these guys drink tea? The ones who guard the planes?" "They're coffee drinkers. They need it to stay awake. BUT... one of their own, offering some 'wakey wake tea," . Won't be a problem."


Garth was looking through a closet. He had wolf tied to one of the chairs in his suite, naked, and gagged. wolf's cock was still locked up, not for any reason other than Garth liked seeing him wince when he got hard. "Today we're gonna take a trip to town, wolf. Not so much for anything, but just to be seen." He saw the look of hate in wolf's eyes, and laughed. "Oh, Daddy wolf and his cub are gonna get put on display. Like the captured animals being tamed that they are. " wolf shook his head no, and grunted out a sound. "MMMMMMMPH," Garth just laughed. "Oh, the idea of you getting uncomfortable as I parade you." He came over and pulled wolf's head up higher. "Anyone who sees LORD GARTH on the street with an American is going to know: that American is Lord Garth's BITCH. And you ARE my bitch, aren't you wolf?" When wolf hesitated, Garth pushed his knee into his crotch. He saw wolf wince , but he didn't pull it back until wolf nodded in assent. "Yeah, you are. You have been for over twenty years. My absent bitch is now back for me to do whatever I want to. And there's still SO MUCH I want to do." He pulled aside his robes, and he showed wolf his engorged cock. "Your son gives a GOOD blowjob. Let's see if you can do better." He pulled out the gag, and pointed his cock at wolf's mouth. It would have been a lie to say that wolf wasn't horny. The cage had been on for three days, and every time Garth had fucked him - he thought it was five times over those three days - he got hornier and hornier. He swallowed Garth's cock hungrily. He closed his eyes and thought about the huge monster that was fucking his son. Garth was nowhere near as big. How did Yakov wind up with such a big cock? Did Mayumi have brothers she hadn't told him about ? Her genes, with Garth's, couldn't have produced that monster, could they? As wolf sucked on Garth's cock, he realized just how helpless he was, and how thoroughly Garth had broken him. He could've made this VERY painful for Garth. Yeah, he'd suffer for it, but Garth liked seeing him suffer. He had used the clamps the last time he fucked him, even though wolf pleaded that his nipples were sore. Rather than not use them, Garth had simply gagged him "so I don't have to hear you screaming like an American baby." But he had no desire to hurt Garth. That desire had left, when Garth had stopped torturing derrick. He didn't really care what Garth did to HIM. He even liked it. He remembered his submission: he had agreed to this. But derrick hadn't. derrick was his son, his future. If he weren't being hurt, he could sit back and enjoy the cock sliding back and forth in his mouth. He remembered what Garth had liked when he had captured him the first time, and began sliding the tip of his tongue at the piss slit. "OH BY ALLAH'S BALLS, THAT IS GOOD BITCH. THAT IS SO GOOD."


"You're going to be uncomfortable today, derrick. I should just let you know that." "Why? What's happening?" "Abba is taking us to town. " "Why would that make me uncomfortable?" Yakov looked at him. "If my father is with an American, walking with his head down, and his hands behind his back, everyone is going to know what's going on. " "Well, does it have to be that way?" "For my father, yes. He needs to show that he's conquered an American. He's conquered him so thoroughly, he's fucking him. " "And me?" Yakov laughed. "Well, you'll be walking the same way, but with me. " He dropped his voice. "But I want you to pay careful attention. VERY careful attention. Because I'm going to show you a 'safe house.' An American sympathizer lives there. You're gonna have to hide there until we can get your father out too. Then we can make our way out of this place. I have a plan. I just don't want to tell you much. If Abba finds out, he's going to torture you, he's going to torture your father, and I may not escape it myself. So the less you know..."

Garth pulled out a polo shirt in an aqua color. He knew it was a size too small for Garth, which made it perfect. Then he picked gray khakis. Again, he knew they'd hug wolf's body. "Change after you wash up, wolf. I need to go and check on the boys." "Yes Lord Garth." He WOULD hate this. Twenty years ago, he had been jeered at, stuff had been thrown at him, and how many strangers had grabbed his ass? Maybe being older would make a difference. But derrick would be with them! Could he control himself if they went after derrick?

"Yakov, have you chosen an outfit for your toy today?" Garth stood at the doorway to the suite. "Good morning Abba. No, not yet. I'm still trying to decide." Garth sighed. "Well, I've already chosen wolf's clothing. Let me take a look here." He walked over to the closet, and he saw the mussed bed, the lube stains, and the restraints on the bed. He smiled. "I'm so glad you're enjoying your birthday gift." Yakov came over and embraced his father. "Abba, I cannot thank you enough. He is JUST complacent enough to make things interesting. " "Do you have a special plan for tonight?" "Well, not yet Abba. But I imagine after I see derrick in street clothes, I'll get ideas." "AH. Excellent plan. You really haven't seen him that way: just that too short dinner we had. Let me see what we have in this closet. He's a young man, so... jeans are fine for the boy. Find the smallest size. Preferably buttons up the front." He smiled. "They'll show the cage he's wearing better - you still have his cage on him don't you?" "Oh yes Abba. I'm trying your experiment. It seems to be working. His ass is becoming more and more accommodating, the less he climaxes." "Like father , like son, ha ha ha. Now, for the shirt... OH, what have we here: there isn't a macho man in the world who doesn't hate wearing a pale pink shirt. Have him wear that. If it's not tight enough, pick the lavender one." Yakov smiled. This was EXACTLY how he planned to dress derrick. Once they got back to the US, the thought of picking derrick's clothing every day, was something he looked forward to. "We will meet in the main room in twenty minutes. Get your toy out of the shower, and then let's get him dressed. " "Yes Abba, I understand." When derrick came out of the shower, Yakov showed him the outfit. "You want me to wear THAT? That's girlie clothes. I can't do that." Yakov looked at him. "You can, and you WILL. I TOLD you to do it here, and once we're set up, I'm going to dress you every day. GET USED TO IT." derrick smiled. "You know, I think I like that."

"Father... you look so... well... HANDSOME." They were in the main room. derrick was not used to seeing his father in "high casual." "Damn. I'd let him fuck me," he thought, and blushed. Garth saw it. "HA HA. Someone just had an impure thought. How sweet." derrick reddened, and wolf began to feel his anger percolate. Even embarrassing his son without physical torture, made him angry. And it made him angrier that he was helpless to do anything. "You gentlemen need ONE accessory each. The universal signifier that.. how should I put this... you're getting fucked." He tossed an arm band to Yakov and took one himself. Yakov said nothing as he put it on derrick's right bicep. It was a double affront because, in the long sleeve shirt, it was out of place unless you wanted to make a point. wolf's shirt was short sleeved, so it seemed more appropriate. As he attached the band, Garth smiled. "This shirt makes your nipples even more attractive than they are." He began to play with wolf in front of derrick. Yakov whispered to him "Settle down. Settle down. It'll be ok. You've seen worse."

The trip to town was as bad as wolf imagined it would be. He had learned a little Arabic when he was here the first time, and he heard the comments like "how does the pretty one look in a dress," and "Can that one hold two cocks in his mouth? Let's try." Garth was smiling at all of it. "Why are you not showing ownership of your toy, Yakov? " Garth had his hand firmly on the back of wolf's neck. "It's generational father. See? " He showed Garth how he had his finger through a loop of derrick's jeans. "Just one. One loop, one finger. It shows I don't have to do much to control him." "He's controlling my son. MY son," wolf found his anger rising again. And not being able to do anything made him angrier. As they passed a small , nondescript house, Yakov spoke up. "See that house, slave? That's where I fucked my first ass. " He smiled. Garth looked up. "NO IT'S NOT YAKOV. Your first time was the brothel where I took you...." Then he saw Yakov smiling. "YOU RASCAL. YOU HAD BEEN CATTING BEFORE I TOOK YOU OUT. THAT'S MY BOY.' "How many men have you had, Sir Yakov? " He looked at Lord Garth. "I'm sorry Sir. I should have asked if I could speak." "Ha ha," Garth responded. "That's a question we should all know. Yakov, if you answer truthfully, I will too. " "I think I've fucked 14, no 15, men. I've never been fucked ." "And you WON'T be son. Our family is in charge. ALWAYS. " He squeezed wolf's neck. "Right wolf?" "Yes Lord Garth. Always." He began to laugh. "wolf knows. He tried to flip me in bed once. He almost lost a testicle for it. And he couldn't sit for two days after I was finished with him." derrick saw his father blush deeply. "But to answer the question, to be honest, Yakov, I stopped counting after 250." He smiled. "And now that my favorite of all time is back with me, I won't have to fuck anymore. You though, son, should get as much experience as you can. " wolf winced at that. When Garth chose him, he already had another sex slave. From what wolf understood, his predecessor was sent to one of the brothels Garth had just spoken of: there were many in this part of the country, because it was considered perfectly normal for a married man to enjoy himself with a "server," as they were called, who would do things his wife would not. Not many of the men were as open about their preferences as Garth was, and the brothels were busy. It was not unusual for a server to see 6-8 men a night, nor was it unusual for a server to be finished as a brothel worker in less than 2 years. Was this a possibility for his son?

"It's always good to see the city, gentlemen, but let us return home." He paused and smiled. "I must say, we have to dress you SEALS up more often. You look so sexy in your more dressy outfits. I do hope you will wear them to dinner tonight."


"So your father thinks you should fuck other guys, not just me?" derrick was livid when they got back to the compound. "Would you relax, derrick? Yes, that is the tradition here. To have an alpha slave, and as many beta slaves as you wish." derrick snorted. "Well it's MY tradition that if you're going to live with me, the only ass you're fucking is mine." Yakov came over to him. "You have to understand that I'm LIKE my father, but I'm NOT my father." He smiled at derrick. "Now, open your mouth for my tongue. I'm hard pressed not to fuck you again before dinner, so a deep kiss will have to do." "One question, Yakov. Well, two. The house you pointed out as the place you took your first ass. Is that the safe house." "It is. " "And... is that where you did?" Yakov smiled. "I want to keep SOME secrets until we're together. But.. this is not a secret." He put his hands on derrick's ass. "You look so fucking good that I'd rather skip dinner and have you. So.... open your mouth like your Master said."


"Your boy seemed to be quite amazed by town, wolf." Garth was undressing. wolf was still in his street clothes, but restrained at the wrists and ankles on Garth's bed. "I think he was more amazed by your talk of how many men you and Yakov have had , Lord Garth." Garth smiled. The short recovery time he had amazed wolf, and he saw the rigid cock in front of him. Garth smiled. "You should relax. You won't feel this again until tonight. But I want to know... " He slipped his hand under wolf's shirt. "Do you know how many men your son has been with? " wolf began to twitch and giggle as Garth's fingers played with his chest. "I didn't even know he had BEEN with men until you threw us into the cage that first day, Sir." He began to giggle louder. "And how many have my slave been with?" "HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA. Please Lord Garth. I can't answer when you tickle me like that." "Hmmm. Well, maybe if I play with your nipples. " wolf was stimulated, but he could catch his breath. "I haven't been with any on a steady basis since you. But I HAVE had one night stands. Not more than one a month." "OH MY. Then you may have had more men than I have." "Yes sir. But for ... oh Lord Garth... You know what that does to me, when you squeeze them like that." "Tell me, wolf. Tell me what it does." "It makes me WANT you. It makes me WANT YOU DESPERATELY. And my cock is in pain, I'm so hard." "Well, I will release you, but... you need to make a promise to me." "What is that Lord Garth?" "Yakov tells me that , perhaps the weather, perhaps the conditions, who knows, derrick has begun to sprout chest hair. Chin hair too. He needs to be shaved. Normally, that would be a task left to Yakov... I would like you to do it. After dinner." wolf winced. It was difficult for him to deny Garth anything, especially when he abused his nipples that way. Add the agony of the lockup, and he ceded. "Yes Lord Garth. I'll do it. I'll do it this one time." "EXCELLENT. I was wondering what we would do for after dinner entertainment. Yakov was planning to introduce derrick to the world of oil wrestling, but that can wait. A good shaving, is always a fun thing. And it happens so rarely. Now.... I do not know why I am asking you this. Are you too sore to take my cock again?" "No Lord Garth. FUCK ME."


The words "FUCK ME" resonated in Mayumi's head, as her plane began to pick up speed. She was in the plane with Colton, and he was holding her hand. "Take off can be a bitch Mayumi. If you need to upchuck." "You mean puke? You just used bitch to me, and I appreciate that. I'm a SEAL now, Colton. You can say PUKE. And if I have to , I'll turn my head toward you."

Next: Chapter 10

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