Carla's Secret

By Chris Reed (Numlfl, Nudcjul)

Published on Oct 2, 2005



This story is the property of the author. You may keep a copy on your computer for personal enjoyment, however if you wish to publish or distribute the story then you must get the permission of the author.

This is one of my older stories. I hope that you will like it.

Carla's Secret By Chris

Part One

It was mid summer and Carla had hoped that by now she would have been able to share her deepest secret with someone. Someone like herself who would understand where she was coming from and who felt the same way she did. If it wasn't for her state of the art digital camera, she figured that she would have gone crazy by now. When she felt lonely, she would go out and take photographs. She would take pictures of everything from buildings, to lakes, pastures, and animals. When she was lonely, she took pictures of pretty girls when they were not watching. These pictures were what she always saved to look at late at night when her parents were asleep. She would sit at her computer and dream about meeting one of these girls and maybe becoming their lover. She had known since shortly after puberty that she was not attracted to boys but instead was attracted to girls. She never told any of her friends for fear of losing their friendship and being label a dyke at school. She had attended a small school so the other kids, if they found out, would have made her life miserable. Her photographs became her whole life.

Now that she had graduated from high school and was about to attend a large university to study photography, she had decided this was the time to finally act on her feelings. The only problem was she had no clue as to how to go about meeting other women who felt the same way she did. It was already mid summer and she had about given up hope until Fiona walked into her life.

Carla had worked evenings in an upscale clothing store in the local mall for the past two years. She worked part time when school was in and then went to full time during the summers. This summer she was made an assistant manager since she had been there so long and knew everything about running the store. She was responsible for all the sales people, many who were much older than she was. She had an easygoing personality that put everyone at ease and thus she did not have any real problems with any of the sales people. The store had been short a salesperson during the evenings for the past month so she had to do her job and be a salesperson at the same time and it was about to kill her. Then one day she walked in and the day manager introduced her to Fiona, who was to be the new salesperson. Carla felt her heart skip a beat when she saw her. Fiona had long wavy blond hair, a little upturned nose, and the cutest smile she had ever seen. Fiona was an inch or two shorter than she was which made her probably about 5' 8". She was slim and her breasts were about a B cup and with the dress she was wearing Carla could just see a little cleavage. Carla felt her body turn to jelly just standing there looking at this creature.

After the introduction, it took Carla a second to get her mind back on what the manager was saying. She did catch the last few words and that was that she was in charge of training Fiona. For the first time in her life, Carla wished that she had paid more attention to what she wore. Today she just had on a simple sundress that did nothing for her body, while not as cute as Fiona, she was not that bad either. She had medium length brown hair and her breasts were slightly larger than Fiona's but not by much. However, she figured that her butt was her best asset and this dress did nothing to show that. "Oh well, too late to do anything about that now." She thought to herself as she started to show Fiona around the store.

The manager had said that Fiona had plenty of experience selling clothes but as Carla asked her questions about what she had sold before, Fiona kept giving cryptic answers then moved the conversation back to what this store sold. Carla noticed that Fiona was concentrating on every thing she said about the clothes that they sold and how each sale was conducted. Fiona even asked question about things she should have known if she had been a salesperson in a similar type store. Carla did not think that she would last but she would try to help her all she could. She did not want Fiona to walk out of her life when she had just entered it. About the time, Carla had finished taking Fiona around the store two older gentlemen came into Fiona's section. Carla was going to stay with Fiona and help her but Fiona shooed her away.

Carla walked away but she kept an eye on her so that she could come to the rescue if needed. However, Fiona turned out to be the perfect salesperson. She gave them all her attention and they ate it up. By the time they came to checkout they had their arms full. Carla thought, "Okay, she could handle the men so she would keep her in the men's section for the time being." Fiona did great that night and Carla had hoped to get to talk to her more during the evening but Fiona was kept busy so the chance never presented itself. She did get to talk to her as she closed the store as they walked out to the parking lot. Carla was about to ask Fiona if she needed a ride home when a car drove up to the curb and Fiona said goodnight then got into the car. Carla got a glimpse of the person driving and he was a big hunk of a man. Carla almost cried as she watched the car drive away. She had finally met the girl of her dreams and she was straight.

Carla went home even more depressed now. She thought that maybe Fiona would be the one but that was not to be. The only hope Carla had was that maybe Fiona could be a friend, which was better than nothing. As the next week went along Carla did get a chance to know Fiona better. When times were slow, Carla would find herself at Fiona's station and they would talk. Fiona would tell her about all the things she had done and all the parties that she attended. Fiona described herself as a real party girl. From what Fiona was telling her Carla assumed that Fiona was much older than she was but Fiona let slip on one occasion that she had just turned 18. The more Carla talked to Fiona the more she liked her but something in the back of her mind kept telling her that everything Fiona was telling her did not add up. Carla started playing even closer attention to what Fiona told her and how Fiona acted around her.

The first thing she noticed was that the guy that always picked up never kissed her hello or acted like he and Fiona were intimate in any way. So Carla threw him out of the equation, Fiona may be straight but she was not doing anything with this man. She also realized that Fiona always seem to work when she was working, even if she had not originally been scheduled to work that day the schedule would be changed. As she thought things through Carla's hopes for Fiona began to rise again.

Carla decided to put her new theory to the test and see who Fiona really was. They were scheduled to work Monday through Friday of the following week so on Monday Carla made sure she was able to take a break when Fiona did. Luckily, Monday's were always slow and they got to talk more. As they talked, Carla found out that Fiona lived with her sister who was an airline attendant and was gone a lot. That part Carla believed but the part about the parties Fiona had at the apartment, Carla did not believe. Fiona just did not seen like a party person no matter what she said. Carla paid more attention to Fiona that night and Fiona seemed to respond to the attention. When Carla made a point, she would touch Fiona's arm and Fiona did not seem to mind the contact and did not retract her arm. That night as they walked to the parking lot, Carla walked slower and Fiona did not try to pick up the pace. The man arrived as they went out the door but this time Fiona seemed not to want to leave so quickly. In addition, when she got in she did not say anything to the man. The next night Carla did not get to spend as much time with Fiona but she did catch her eye from time to time and Fiona kept the eye contact.

That night when they got to the parking lot there was no car waiting for Fiona so Carla asked her if she needed a ride. Fiona said, "Yes, that would be nice. I seemed to have lost my ride tonight." As they got to Carla's car Carla unlocked the passenger door and held the door open for Fiona, who gave her one of her cute smiles. Carla's heart was beating a mile a minute when she got into the car and it started beating even faster when she saw that Fiona had turned in her seat and was facing her. They talked on the way to Fiona's apartment and for Carla the ride was much to short. Carla wanted to ask Fiona if she wanted to do something but could not find the words and thus chickened out so she just watched Fiona get out of the car and walk away.

Wednesday was another slow evening with very few customers. Carla found herself at Fiona's station most of the night even though she had other things she needed to do. She helped Fiona put up stock and clean her area all the while checking out Fiona's body and wanting so to ask her out but again the words just would not come out of her mouth. Fiona was still talking a lot of trash but Carla only heard the parts where she thought the real Fiona was coming out. At the end of the evening, Carla realized that she still had her work to do and offered to call a cab for Fiona if she did not have a ride home. But Fiona said she wanted to stay and this cause Carla's heart to beat a little faster. Once everyone had left and Carla locked up, they went back to the manager's office. Carla started her paperwork as Fiona went to get them a coke. When Fiona entered the office, the first thing Carla noticed the Fiona had unbuttoned the top button of her blouse, which exposed more of her cleavage. As Fiona bent down to place Carla's coke on the desk, Carla got a good look down Fiona's blouse. She could see Fiona's lace bra and the darken areas of her nipples. Carla felt a shiver go down her body to her pussy. Fiona stayed in that position a little longer than was really necessary. Carla did not avert her eyes from Fiona's breasts until Fiona started to rise up. Carla felt her face get warm and she knew she was blushing. She hoped Fiona did not notice but Carla knew her face had to be a dark red so she knew that Fiona had to notice. Fiona then got a chair, brought it along side of Carla's desk, and sat down. As Carla worked, Fiona would shift in her seat and her short skirt would ride up farther and farther on her thighs revealing more and more of her milky white skin. Carla tried not to glance over at Fiona but she could not help herself. With Fiona doing this, it made it harder and harder to concentrate on what she was doing. On one occasion, Fiona put one foot up on the seat and hugged her knee. Carla looked over about this time and she saw that Fiona's pussy was covered with only a thin white pair of panties. Carla could make out Fiona's outer labia and the cleft between. Carla was about to say something but the words was stuck in her throat. Carla stared for what seemed like forever but was only a few seconds before Fiona put her leg back down and Carla went back to her paperwork. Her pussy felt like it was on fire and she so wanted to jump out of her seat and take Fiona in her arms and kissed her but she kept her place and finished her work.

On the way to Fiona's apartment Carla paid more attention to Fiona than the road ahead of her. She knew they would be lucky if she did not get them into an accident with as little attention she was playing to the road in front of them. Fiona sat in the car a few minutes talking ,once they got to her apartment as if she was waiting for Carla to ask her something but finally said she had to go and got out of the car. Carla cursed herself for letting another opportunity to ask Fiona out go by. As soon as Fiona went in the door, Carla took off and made it home in record time. She rushed up to her room and locked the door. She tore off her clothes and lay down on her bed. One hand immediately went to her breasts and started pulling and pinching her nipples making them hard. The other hand went to her pussy where she started stroking her outer labia quickly getting herself aroused and wet. As her fingers dipped, into her pussy she thought of Fiona's panty covered pussy. And how she wanted so to uncover that pussy and dip her tongue into her. Once her fingers were lubricated from her juices, they went to her clit and she began to rub it hard. She had never been this aroused in her life and it was hard to keep herself from cumming too soon. She wanted this to last as long as possible. Her mind imaged what she wanted to do with Fiona and how they would make love. Finally she could hold it off no longer she pressed hard on her clit and she felt the orgasm wash over her body. When she woke up that next morning she was still nude lying on top of the bed which was a mess from all the squirming she had done while masturbating.

As she got out of bed and went to take a shower, she decided that today was the day she was going to ask Fiona out. But when she got to work that plan went all to hell. First off, the owner of the store came in and had a meeting with all the managers and assistant managers. There he chewed them all out and challenged them to get the sales up or they were all out of a job. He then stayed that night and followed Carla around all night asking her questions and generally being a pain. Needless to say, she did not get to spend any time with Fiona at all. The only time she even saw her was when Carla introduced Fiona to him. Fiona being her usual self was able to charm his pants off. As they left, Fiona did sneak and grab Carla's hand and squeezed it for encouragement. That made Carla's day and made all the stress she was feeling worth it. When the night ended, the owner was still there, as he wanted Carla to show him the day's receipts so Fiona was left to find another way home. That night when Carla got home she went straight to bed and cried herself to sleep. All her plans had gone to hell and she began to think that she and Fiona were not to be.

Fridays was always a busy night so again Carla was kept away from Fiona. Carla had to solve one problem after another and it seemed that everyone had a return that they wanted their money back or an exchange. When the night ended and she locked up Fiona was not to be found. More depressed than ever Carla went and quickly finished her paperwork so that she could go home and cry herself to sleep again. But as she got outside she saw someone by her car. It scared her for a second and she was about to go back in and call mall security when the person turned her head and she saw the blond wavy hair and she knew it was Fiona. Carla spirits rose to above the stars and she decided come hell or high water tonight she was going to ask that beautiful girl out. When she got to the car Fiona was standing there smiling and Carla wanted to hug the life out of her but instead just said "Hi" and opened the door for her. When Carla got in Fiona was again facing her. Fiona had also unbuttoned her top button on her blouse and Carla could just see the swell of her breasts. She also seemed to have hiked up her dress and with her knee facing her, Carla had an unobstructed view to Fiona's panties and thus her pussy. She was parked under a light so she got a decent view. Carla felt her heart rate quicken and herself getting excited. Carla found it hard to talk on the way home much less drive but she managed to do both. When they got to Fiona's apartment Carla was trying to find the words to ask Fiona out when Fiona solved the problem.

"Would you like to come up for a few minutes? My sister is going to be gone all weekend and I don't feel like going out parting tonight. You worked me to hard."

Carla laughed at that last line as it broke the tension she was feeling. "I would love to. I have had a rough two nights and a little company would be nice."

Fiona showed her the way to her apartment. When Carla walked in, she was impressed. The place was very neat and everything was in its place. Fiona showed her around the apartment. It was a two-bedroom apartment with a large bath and a small bath in the master bedroom, which Fiona's sister used. Fiona showed Carla her room which was smaller but still pretty big, bigger that her own bedroom at home. There were a couple of posters on the wall and it surprised Carla that they were of women rock stars. While Fiona's room was not as neat as her sister's room, it was still neater than her own. Again, Carla got the impression that this was not a party girl's room. This was confirmed when Fiona said that they were out of alcohol so would Carla like a coke. Carla knew if Fiona were really a party animal then she would never be out of something to drink. Carla said that that a coke would be fine and as she sat down on the couch. Fiona came in carrying two cokes a minute or two later. She gave one to Carla and then turned on the stereo before sitting down by Carla on the couch. They talked for a while mostly about work at first then other things getting more and more personal. Fiona asked Carla if she was dating anyone and Carla said that she did not date much as she worked all the time and was trying to get ready to go off to school. Carla started to ask Fiona the same question but Fiona changed the subject to Carla going to school. They talked that out and as Carla finished her coke and put it down the conversation seem to end. They sat there listening to the music. The tension seemed to rise in the room, as Carla would catch Fiona staring at her and she would stare back but each time this happen one or the other of them would break eye contact. This went on for a few minutes then finally they glanced at each other and neither looked away. Carla knew this was the time to do something and slowly she felt herself moving forward. It was as if her body had a mind of its own. As her face got close to Fiona,'s she turned her head and closed her eyes. She felt Fiona's lips touch hers and she felt what seemed like a jolt of electricity that went from her lips to her whole body. She was afraid that Fiona would push her back and knock the piss out of her but instead she felt Fiona's lips respond to the kiss and was kissing her back. Carla felt like her whole life was just waiting for this moment and it finally arrived. The kiss was so nice and soft, Carla did not want it to end, but it did.

"I thought you were never going to get around to doing that." Fiona whispered as their lips separated.

Carla felt tears come to her eyes and she wrapped her arms around Fiona and pulled her in tight. As they held each other, Carla felt Fiona's arms grip her tightly and she realized that Fiona needed her as much as she needed Fiona. Carla did not want to let go but she also wanted very much to kiss Fiona again. So she did both, she turned her head and started to kiss Fiona on the neck. A mew escaped Fiona's lips and she turned her head so that Carla had more of her neck to kiss. Carla kissed and sucked lightly on Fiona's neck, then slowly moved to her ear. Carla gently bit Fiona's ear lobe and softly blew in her ear causing Fiona to giggle. Carla eased her grip on Fiona and kissed her way back to Fiona's mouth. Their lips met and they began to kiss again. These soft quick kisses slowly turned into one long, slow kiss. Carla had never made out with anyone before and she was not sure as to what to do so she just let her mind go and let her body take over. After a few minutes of kissing, Carla slipped her tongue into Fiona's mouth. Fiona started to suck on it and this caused Carla's pussy to start to get moist with excitement. Fiona then met Carla's tongue with her own. Their tongues began to do a slow sensual dance moving from one mouth to the other. When Fiona's tongue entered her mouth Carla closed her lips around it and sucked on it as Fiona's had done to hers. They made out this way for a good long time before they both had to take a break and catch their breaths. Carla put her forehead against Fiona's and stared into her eyes. Carla could not believe that she was actually here in Fiona's apartment kissing and holding her.

They rested a minute or so then started to kiss again. As they kissed, Carla put her hands on Fiona's shoulders and pushed her onto her back on the couch. Their lips separated only long enough for Fiona to adjust her body so that Carla was lying down on top of her and her legs were to each side of Carla's body. As they started kissing, again Fiona wrapped her legs around Carla waist. Even through their clothing, Carla could feel Fiona's breasts press against her own and the heat from Fiona's pussy radiate and mix with the heat of her own pussy. Carla felt her body churn with excitement and from the way Fiona was rubbing her pussy against her pussy, Carla knew Fiona was just as excited as she was. They continued to kiss and their hands roamed around the other's body. Carla felt Fiona's hands move down her back to her ass and back up again. Carla kissed her way down to the hollow of Fiona's neck planting a number of kisses there then she moved back to the lips. They kissed, then Fiona started to kiss all around Carla's face and neck doing some of the things that Carla had done to her. When their lips met again, they kissed long and hard. Their tongues played their dance again and they ended only when they both needed air.

Carla propped herself up on her elbows and looked down at Fiona, who stared back at her with an intensity and need that only Carla could identify with. Once Carla got her breath back, she bent down and kissed Fiona lightly on the lips. She then kissed her on the chin and she moved on down kissing Fiona's neck and slowly on down. She kissed her way down to Fiona's chest and on to the first button that was buttoned on her blouse. Carla moved her hand to the button and glanced up at Fiona who was looking down at her. Carla started to unbutton it and when Fiona made no move to stop her she finished unbuttoning it. This opened Fiona's blouse so that Carla could see Fiona's white lacy bra and the swells of her breasts. Carla kissed around the edges of the bra. Carla noticed that it was a front opening bra but she did not open it yet. Carla kissed her way on down Fiona's chest and belly until she had the blouse completely unbuttoned. Carla helped Fiona up and helped her take off her blouse.

As she started to push Fiona, back down Fiona stopped her. Instead adjusted herself into a sitting position and she started to open Carla's blouse. Once Fiona had the blouse unbuttoned she pushed it back and then on off Carla's shoulders. Carla looked down as Fiona began to kiss her chest and belly. As Fiona did that, Carla felt Fiona's hands move to her back and she unhooked Carla's bra. Fiona moved back a second and pulled Carla's bra off and Carla felt her breasts spill out from the cups of her bra. Carla's breasts were not that big and she bit her lip as she wondered if Fiona liked what she saw. Fiona smiled at her then cupped Carla's breasts in her hands and gently squeezed. Carla felt a moan come from her lips and it grew louder when she felt Fiona's lips kiss her right nipple. Fiona began to suck on her nipple and then draw more of her breast into her mouth. Carla gripped Fiona's shoulders and held on tight as Fiona squeezed her breasts with her hands and sucked on one then the other breast. Carla could not believe how good this felt and she wanted to return the favor. So when Fiona let one of her nipples go Carla put her hand on Fiona's chin and brought it up to her mouth and kissed her.

When the kiss ended, Carla moved her hands to the front of Fiona's bra and unhooked it. Carla opened the bra revealing Fiona's upturned breasts and the quarter size pink areolas. Fiona's nipples were starting to harden and they just begged to be kissed and sucked. Carla bent down and took one into her mouth. Fiona's breast was so soft and she felt the nipple harden even more in her mouth. Carla sucked and nibbled on the nipple making Fiona moan. Carla cupped Fiona's breasts in her hands and switched back and forth between them. Carla licked and sucked on the nipples then used her tongue to trace around the areolas, which drove Fiona crazy.

After a few minutes of this Fiona cupped Carla's chin in her hand and lifted it up to her mouth. They kissed and their hands began to explore other parts of their bodies. Carla caressed Fiona's back and moved on down to her ass. She lifted Fiona's skirt and grasped her firm ass in her hands. Fiona's ass was soft but firm and even covered with her panties felt great in her hands. Carla felt Fiona do the same to her ass and she felt her pussy leak more juices as it felt so pleasurable. After a few moments of this, Carla could not wait any longer, she had to feel Fiona's pussy. She first unzipped the side of Fiona's skirt and pulled it off. Carla then put one hand back on Fiona's ass and the other she moved to the front. Carla slipped her hand slowly over the top of Fiona's panties across her pubic mound and on down to Fiona's pussy. As her finger reached the top, Carla could feel the heat there and moisture. Fiona's panties were as wet as she knew her own were. As she started to stroke Fiona's pussy going up and down, Fiona stopped kissing her and put her head on Carla's shoulder. There she moaned loudly and Carla stroked a little harder.

Carla then felt Fiona's hands at the top of her pants and before she knew it Fiona had them undone and was pushing them and her panties down. Once they were past her hips, she felt Fiona's hands on her pussy. Carla sucked in her breath at the first touch of another person touching her for the first time. It felt so good that she almost came right then. She did have to stop a second at what she was doing to Fiona, as the pleasure was so good. When she got her senses back she slipped her hand under Fiona's panties and down the sparse pubic hair to Fiona's labia. Her fingers went across Fiona's clit that she could feel was peeking out from her inner labia. There her fingers stayed and Fiona cried out as she caressed her clit with her fingers. Fiona quickly found her clit and they were soon climaxing with massive orgasms. Their hands stopped as they both rode their respective orgasms. It was a few minutes before either of them moved but they did and they kissed.

When the kiss ended, Carla watched as Fiona brought her fingers from her pussy and put them into her mouth licking them clean. Carla did the same tasting Fiona's juices for the first time. They were slightly salty and tangy but she liked the taste all the same. So good, in fact that she had to have more. She pushed Fiona onto her back again; she then pulled Fiona's panties on off. Carla looked down on the most beautiful sight in her life. Fiona had sparse blond pubic hair that allow Carla to see her swollen labia and her clit still peeking out from between those pink lips. As Carla lay down between Fiona's legs Fiona placed one foot on top of the back of the couch and the other down on the floor. Carla watched as Fiona's pussy lips opened up even more for her and a darker pink color was revealed. Carla did not know what she was doing but that was not about to stop her. She lowered her head and kissed Fiona's clit eliciting a cry from Fiona. She then began to lick up the girlcum from Fiona's outer lips before moving on to the slit. She took her clues from Fiona's moans and when she moaned loudly, Carla would stay in that spot a little longer. As Carla got a little more confident, she moved her fingers up and she used them to open Fiona up more. She dipped her tongue deep into Fiona's pussy and twisted it around drinking up the juices that Fiona was producing. Carla wanted to keep eating Fiona forever so she made sure that she put off Fiona's orgasm as long as possible. After fucking her with her tongue a few moments, she moved up and sucked on her clit. Carla could tell that Fiona loved this from the noises she was making but she did not do this long before going back to the slit, licking, and sucking there. Soon she had Fiona bucking her hips, crying and moaning to beat the band. Carla needed to do one more thing before she could let Fiona have her orgasm. She released Fiona's lips and moistened her middle finger, which she inserted into Fiona's pussy. Carla watched as her finger slipped between Fiona's pink lips and into her pussy. Carla felt how warm, wet, and tight Fiona's pussy was. Her finger only went so far before she met resistance and she realized that Fiona was still a virgin. Carla put this information into the back of her mind. She then slowly started to fuck Fiona with her finger as she put her mouth over her clit and began to suck. It did not take long for Fiona to cum and cum she did. She soaked Carla's finger with her girlcum. Carla kept it up until Fiona had to push her head away. Carla removed her finger, replaced it with her mouth, and began to lick up Fiona's juices.

It took a while for Fiona to get over her orgasm but when she did, she pulled Carla up and they kissed. Fiona cleaned Carla's face with her kisses then Carla laid her head on Fiona's shoulder as they both rested. They laid there in silence before Fiona whispered in Carla's ear.

"I have never felt that good in my life. Please say you will always be my friend and not leave me."

Carla was surprised by that last remark and she rose up to see Fiona looking at her with tears in her eyes. Carla felt tears come to her own eyes realizing that Fiona was as lonely as she was. She kissed Fiona's tears away then answered her plea.

"It has taken me this long to find someone who felt the same way that I do. I don't plan on ever letting you go."

Fiona smiled and hugged Carla tight and kissed her with as much passion as she had. Carla returned the kiss with equal passion. When the kiss ended, Carla started to kiss her way down Fiona's body but Fiona stopped her. She got out from under Carla and directed Carla into a sitting position with her kneeling in front of Carla. Fiona kept smiling at her as she pulled Carla's pants on off and then her panties. Fiona got up on her knees and kissed Carla. It was a quick kiss then she moved to Carla's breasts and she took a nipple into her mouth. Carla closed her eyes and sighed at the feeling of Fiona's mouth at her nipple. Fiona's mouth was wet and warm and when Fiona's teeth gently graded against her nipple Carla had to moan. Fiona sucked and nibbled on that nipple for a minute or two then went to the other. There she circled the areola before sucking as much of the breast into her mouth. Carla moaned and whimpered when her breast popped from Fiona's mouth, as she did not want Fiona to stop, it felt too good. But Fiona did not leave her breasts for long and her mouth quickly found the nipple again and she sucked it back into her mouth. As she sucked on her breasts Carla felt Fiona's hands running up and down her thighs, first on the top then they moved inside toward her pussy. Carla wanted Fiona to touch her there so bad but Fiona kept her hands from that sensitive area. Carla put her hand to the back of Fiona's head holding her to her breasts until she could not take it any longer and she gently pushed Fiona's head down. Fiona looked at Carla and smiled then kissed her.

She then got down from the couch and got in front of her. Carla turned and put her legs to each side of Fiona. Fiona bent her head down and starting at Carla's knees and she began to kiss her way toward Carla's pussy. Carla felt her pussy getting even more aroused, as Fiona got closer to her pussy. Finally, Carla felt Fiona's lips touch her pussy and she almost screamed from the electricity of the touch. Fiona put her hands on Carla's hips and Carla felt her pulling them to the edge of the couch. Fiona then pushed her knees out wide and she felt her pussy opening up for Fiona. Carla watched as Fiona lowered her head back down and starting at the top of her pubic hair, she kissed her way down to the top of Carla slit. Carla could not believe how good Fiona's lips felt against her outer labia. Carla closed her eyes as Fiona began to lick her pussy. Fiona's tongue went up her slit and back down. Carla felt her heart beat faster and her breathing quicken. Nothing could prepare her for how good it felt to have someone's tongue on her pussy. When she felt Fiona's tongue go between her lips and then inside her pussy; Carla heard a loud moan escape her lips. Fiona's tongue and mouth seemed to be doing every thing just right and Carla cried out, "Oh god Fiona, please don't stop. That feels so good!" Fiona used her fingers to open up her pussy lips and Fiona dipped her tongue deep into her pussy. Carla's natural reflex was to push her hips out forcing more of Fiona's tongue into her. Fiona fucked her with her tongue for a minute or so then went to her clit and sucked it into her mouth. Carla moaned even louder and she felt an orgasm coming. Carla had to grip the edge to the couch cushions to keep some type of control over what her body was feeling. Carla then felt a finger slip past her lips and into her pussy. Carla felt the finger move around inside her and she pushed her hips off the cushion. Carla then felt Fiona's mouth latch onto her clit and her tongue begin to lap across her clit. Carla knew she could not stand this long and she felt her pussy contract and then her body exploded with a massive orgasm. This was better by far than any she had ever felt before.

When Carla came back around Fiona was still sucking and licking on her pussy. She pulled her up and Fiona sat beside her. They kissed then held each other tight. They sat in silence for a few minutes just enjoying the feeling of holding someone and being held by someone who care about them. They would have stayed there all night if not for Carla's cell phone ringing. The first thing Carla thought of was her mother and that was who it was. She had forgotten to call her and tell her she would be in late. As she talked to her mother, Fiona mouthed to her about staying overnight and Carla told her mother that since it was so late she would stay there at Fiona's. When she got off the phone, Carla realized that she had just talked to her mother bucked assed naked after she had made love with another woman. Carla started to giggle then laugh. She was laughing so hard she had trouble telling Fiona what she was laughing about. When she was finally able to tell Fiona, it got Fiona to start laugh with her. Once the laughing fit was over Carla helped Fiona up, they went to the kitchen, and they fixed themselves a peanut butter and jelly sandwich.

They then retired to Fiona's bedroom. There they snuggled under the sheet and kissed a few minutes. Carla turned over onto her back and drew Fiona with her so that Fiona's head was on her chest and she was stroking Fiona's hair. Carla laid there thinking about Fiona and everything Fiona had told Carla about herself. Carla knew some was true and some was not. As much as she cared about Fiona, she knew that if they were to have a relationship it had to be based on the truth. As much as she did not want to say anything right now, she knew she had to for her own sake and their relationship's sake.

"I need to ask you some things and I know this is probably a bad time but I have to ask. But I want you to know that no matter what you say that I will still care about you. I mean when I first saw you in the store I fell for you hard and I have only gotten it worse. When we made love tonight, it was even better than I dreamed it would be or ever could be. It's just that I need to know for sure what is true about you and what is not."

Carla felt Fiona tense at that last statement so she squeezed her tight against her body and she felt Fiona relax a bit. Carla then started to ask her questions.

"Have you ever sold in a retail clothes store before?"

Fiona answered by shaking her head no.

"Is that man that use to pick you up after work really your boyfriend?" Again, Fiona shook her head no.

"Are you the party girl you made yourself out to be?" Again no was the answer.

"Then why did you tell me all those things if they weren't true?"

Carla waited for an answer but none came then she realized that her chest was getting wet and that Fiona was crying. Carla felt like a shit to make Fiona cry so she turned Fiona over onto her back and started to kiss her tears away. As Fiona cried, Carla was saying she was sorry to hurt her and to make her cry. When Fiona's tears slowed down and she was able to talk to her, she asked Carla, "Do you still love me?" Carla looked down at Fiona and there was fear in her eyes.

"I told you that your answers would not change the way I feel. I loved you before and I love you now." To make sure Fiona got that message Carla lowered her head and softly kissed her. She then placed her head on Fiona's shoulder and squeezed her tight. Fiona returned the hug and pulling her down tight against her body. They stayed that way for a long time just holding each other and then they kissed again this time with passion and love.

When the kiss ended Carla was left with one burning question, why? Carla looked down at Fiona and before she could ask it, Fiona asked it for her.

"You want to know why I made myself out to be someone I wasn't?"

"Well yes."

Fiona slipped out from under Carla and got out of bed. Carla was left wondering where she was going when she heard the bathroom door shut. A couple of minutes later she heard the door open and heard Fiona go up the hall to the kitchen. While Fiona was there, Carla decided the bathroom was not a bad idea so she went to pee. When she came back, Fiona was sitting on the bed and had lit a candle giving the room a soft light. She had gotten then both a coke. Carla came over and sat in front of Fiona on the bed accepting the coke from Fiona.

Fiona took a deep breath and started her story.

"So you want to know why I lied about my job experiences and about my life. Well I can give you the short version, the long version or I could just bull shit you some more but it does not look like my bullshit works on you. So I guess nothing less than the long story will ever satisfy you."

Carla could not repress a grin as she realized that Fiona was sharp as a whiz and knew her a lot better than she knew Fiona.

"Well I grew up in a good home and with my parents and older sister. I knew my parents loved my sister and me and we loved them but we were not a family that showed our emotions. My parents are very reserved and so is my sister. I was the odd ball of the family; I got the touchy, feely gene that they obviously didn't have. I craved attention and they were not the type of people to give it. Since they were not the type of people that could provide that, I sought it elsewhere. At school, I was always getting into trouble just to get the attention. This drove my parents crazy, as they could just not understand me. Then came high school, and there I was an outcast. The girls hated me because I was pretty and all the boys wanted me. All boys wanted to do was to get into my pants and that was the last place I wanted them. I just wanted everyone to like me and it seemed no one did. Schoolwork was worse; I am just not a good student. Show me something and I can do it but make me read it and learn it on my on then I am lost. Therefore, I developed my natural ability to bullshit. I found that I could get out of most anything by bullshitting my parents, teachers, or whoever. When school ended, I moved out of my parent's home and came to live with my sister. I job a job working at a fast food place but I hated it and it didn't pay shit. That is when I saw you in the mall. You caught my attention; you were so pretty to me. And you looked so confident as you worked, like you always had everything under control, so I started studying you. I would watch you from outside the store or sometimes I would slip in and watch you from where you could not see me. Then one day I was sitting on the bench outside the store and you came to the window and looked out. I don't think you saw me but you looked so lonely that I decided I had to meet you. I got an application and filled it out using references that looked good but could not be checked. A store had just closed in my hometown that was like this one so I said I had worked there for the past year. When I started, I did not know you were like me and liked women so I made my sister make her boyfriend pick me up at night. I made up all the partying things so that you would think that I was popular and worldly. Then when I realized that maybe you like women I had to undo the boyfriend thing but I was afraid that if I told you that I had lied to you then you would not like me. So I stopped having Bob pick me up and started catching rides with you. Then I had to show you that I was interested, which took you forever to take the hint. However, I guess part of that is my fault since I had made up the boyfriend thing. So that is my story and who I am, a bullshit artist that is sometimes too smart for her own good."

Carla looked at Fiona and saw that there was doubt in her eyes about Carla still liking her so she took Fiona's hands in her and grasped them tight and bent in toward Fiona and kissed her. Fiona squeezed her hands and returned the kiss. When it ended, Fiona put her arms around Carla and pulled her forward. Carla was pulled so quickly that she ended up falling forward on top of Fiona and they bumped their heads. They both said "Ouch" at the same time then they started giggling. Once Carla got her giggles under control, she looked down at Fiona with a serious look. This stopped Fiona's giggles.

"I will make you a promise. If you promise not to bullshit me again I will promise to give you enough love and attention to last you a life time."

Fiona's face lit up and she said "Deal." Carla then kissed Fiona. The kiss started soft and slow but Carla felt her lust for Fiona rise and she started to kiss her harder. She slipped her tongue into Fiona's mouth. Carla felt Fiona's tongue meet hers and they started a sensual dance with their tongues. As they kissed, Fiona wrapped her legs around Carla's body and Carla pressed her pussy down against Fiona's. She started moving her body forward and backwards causing their pussy juices to mix. Carla soon felt Fiona's clit to peek out and rub against her own. Carla picked up her speed and Fiona pushed her hips up causing the friction to be greater. Their breathing quicken to the point that they had to stop kissing and concentrate on what they were doing. Carla felt Fiona's hand reach down to her ass pushing it down. Carla ground her hips down harder increasing the friction between their pussies. After a couple more minutes of this Carla felt her orgasm approach and then she heard and felt Fiona's orgasm come. Carla quickened her pace even more and she felt her own orgasm come. When it ended, Carla collapsed on top of Fiona and rested.

When Carla got her senses back, Fiona was still recovering from her orgasm. Carla kissed her lightly on the lips then kissed her way down Fiona's body tasting the sweat that their lovemaking had caused. She kissed and lightly bit each of Fiona's nipples causing Fiona's to moan. She then made her way down to Fiona's pussy. It was coated from both of their juices. Carla began to lick Fiona's still swollen lips. She licked the juices from the outer lips then dipped her tongue into Fiona's slit scooping out the juices from there. When Carla pulled Fiona's lips apart and stuck her tongue deep into Fiona's pussy causing her to cry out. Carla flicked her tongue in and out of Fiona's pussy then went to her clit sucking it into her mouth. Fiona grabbed her head keeping her mouth on her clit so Carla sucked and licked for all she was worth. It did not take Fiona long to cum again and when she did, Carla felt Fiona's juices flow out of her pussy. Carla released Fiona's clit and placed her mouth over Fiona's entrance dipping her tongue in and scooping the juices out. When Carla got all of the juices that Fiona could give her, she crawled back up in the bed to find that Fiona had fallen asleep. Carla kissed her on the lips and lay down beside her drawing Fiona's body onto her own. They slept that way the rest of the night.

Carla woke up first to find Fiona still sleeping in her arms. She kissed her forehead gently and slipped out of the bed. She went to the bathroom to pee and decided to take a shower. She started the water and once it was warm, she stepped in. As she washed, she thought about the night before and she felt a sense of well-being wash over her. She could not believe how she was so lonely one day and so happy the next. She crossed her fingers in the hope that from now on she would never feel that much loneliness again. When she finished she turned off the water and got out to dry her body. She found a robe to put on and she went to the kitchen to fix them breakfast. After getting a coke out of the refrigerator, she rummaged around for something to fix. She finally found some muffin mix and she mixed it up and put it in the oven. As she was doing this, she heard the shower going so she knew Fiona had gotten up. The muffins came out of the oven about the time Fiona came into the kitchen. As she was putting the muffins on top of the stove, she felt Fiona's arms wrap around her and pull her back against Fiona's body. Carla then felt Fiona kiss the back of her neck. Carla sighed and she put her hands on Fiona's and squeezed them. Fiona kissed her neck for a minute or two then Carla turned in Fiona's arms so that she was facing her. Carla bent her head to the side and kissed Fiona. The kiss was soft and slow. Neither was in a hurry and the kiss seemed to go on forever. When it did end, they hugged and Carla took in the smell of Fiona's freshly washed hair. It smelled of strawberries and Carla just wanted to eat her up.

But Carla settled for the strawberry muffins that she had just made. They ate the muffins and talked of what they wanted to do that day. They both kept saying whatever the other wanted to do. Finally, Fiona cut to the chase.

"What would you have done today if you were not here with me?"

"I guess I would have gone out and took some photos like I always do when I am off and have nothing to do."

"Then that is what we will do today. Where do you want to go and what are we going to take pictures of?"

"Are you sure you want to do this? I am just afraid that you may get bored as I try to set up a picture. I can be a perfectionist when I take photographs."

"No I think it will be interesting. I want to see what you are about. So back to where and what."

Carla thought a minute and then she looked at Fiona and a thought came to mind.

"Why are you looking at me like that and why do you have that shit eating grin?"

Carla jumped up and grabbing Fiona by the arm she drug her back to her bedroom. She deposited Fiona on her bed then went to Fiona's closet. Carla started pulling dresses and outfits out and throwing them on the bed.

"You're not thinking what I think you're thinking are you?"

"I have never had a model to photograph before and you are going to be my model for the day."

"No I will break your camera. I have never modeled before. You need someone who knows what they are doing. Not someone like me."

"Well I have never taken photographs of a model before so we are even. We can both learn. That way watching me will not bore you. I will keep you too busy moving to different positions. Of course, you may get pissed off at me for ordering you around so much. Therefore, if you get tired of it let me know. Ok?"

By now the idea of being a model had grown on Fiona so she accepted. They picked out some outfits and even stole a couple from Fiona's sister. They then got dressed and left to go get Carla's camera. Carla was hoping that no one would be home and she lucked out. She got her camera and left a note for her mom letting her know what she was doing. Next was figuring out where to take the photos. Carla always liked to photograph outdoors but she wanted a place that had privacy so that they could learn their roles, photographer of models and model, without people watching them. They also needed a place that Fiona could change. Carla then remembered a place by the lake that fit the bill so she headed there. It was about thirty minutes away and by the time they got there Carla could see that Fiona was excited about being her first model. This made her even more nervous as she really wanted to do a good job and make Fiona proud of her.

Carla parked and as she got her camera equipment out, Fiona got the clothes out and they headed down a path toward the lake. When Carla stopped, they were at a clearing that opened out to the lake. There were trees to shade them and an open place by the lake when Carla wanted to take sunlit photographs. Carla put her equipment down and spread out a blanket for Fiona to put the clothes on. She first showed Fiona her camera, and then how it worked. It was a very expensive digital camera that took as good pictures as a 35mm camera. She told Fiona, that she and her parents had split the cost. She had to work a year, saving all her money just to pay for her half.

Now was the time to get started. Carla first had Fiona pose with what she was wearing for some practice shots. Carla had her doing everything she could think of, borrowing her ideas from magazines, she had read, and photographs from profession photographers she had seen. She had Fiona smiling, frowning, pouting, and then neutral expressions. She had Fiona facing toward her, away from her, bending front, back, left, and right. Finally, she felt ready to start taking real photographs. She had Fiona change into the first outfit. They decided to start with the long silk dress they had stole from Fiona's sister. Carla kept a lookout as Fiona undressed and put the dress on. Carla then brushed out Fiona's hair and stood back to look at her model. Carla was shocked at how pretty Fiona looked in the dress. The dress was tight showing off Fiona's bust and her cute ass. Carla noticed that Fiona had taken off her panties and bra so there were no panty or bra lines to see. This made the dress and Fiona to look even sexier.

Carla had Fiona stand by the lake and she began shoot. First, she started with Fiona just standing straight then she started to have her pose. She made sure to get a profile of Fiona, which showed off her bust and ass. Carla filled up one memory clip with Fiona in the dress. Carla then had Fiona change to a swimsuit. Carla watched as Fiona took off the dress revealing her beautiful naked body. Carla realized that Fiona was sexy in the dress but even more sexy naked. Fiona took her time putting the dress away and Carla never took her eyes off her. Finally, Fiona put on the bikini. Carla had Fiona step into the water up to her knees and she stated shooting again. Fiona splashed around in the water and at one point; she turned and stuck her ass toward Carla who got a few good pictures of her cute curved ass. After pictures of the bikini, they took a break and Carla changed batteries in her camera. When they started back, Fiona put on a shorts and blouse outfit putting her bra and panties back on this time. After that, Carla shot Fiona in a pantsuit. Neither of them liked this outfit so Fiona changed into a white blouse and dark blue mini skirt. As Carla changed batteries and memory clips again, she noticed that Fiona was flashing her white panties at her. Carla tried not to smile but she could not help herself, which caused Fiona to burst into a fit of giggles. Before she could stop herself, Carla started giggling too. Carla was giggling then laughing as hard as Fiona continued to flash her that she had to put down her camera. Carla laughed for a minute then tried her best to put a serious face on. She cupped Fiona's neck in her hand, pulled her in, and kissed her. Fiona giggled a minute more then returned the kiss. They kissed and kissed then hugged. When they parted, Carla spoke up.

"I knew that would shut you up."

"I knew flashing my panties at you would turn you on."

Carla blushed then got out some makeup and fixed Fiona's face back. Carla got back up and started to pose Fiona again. They started innocent at first but as the shoot went along Fiona would bend over more showing just a hint of her panties and butt cheeks. Fiona then unbuttoned the top couple of buttons of her blouse showing a bit of her bra. Carla felt her nipples get hard and her pussy get moist as she looked at Fiona through the camera lens. Fiona then moved over to a tree and sat down. She had her legs straight out at first then slowly brought her knees up. When Fiona had then up to her chest and she was hugging, her knees Carla had a clear view of her panties, and thus her panty covered pussy. Carla felt her own pussy began to stir and moisture start to come. Carla continued to take pictures until her battery ran down. As Carla quickly changed her battery and clip, Fiona got up. When Carla was ready again, Fiona had walked over to the edge of the lake so that the lake was in the background. Carla set up and started to shoot as Fiona began unbuttoning her blouse. Carla was not sure how far Fiona was going to take this but she could not stop shooting. When the blouse was unbuttoned, Fiona pulled it open then off leaving her in the mini skirt and lace bra. Carla took a few photos then Fiona moved her hands down to her skirt and unzipped her skirt. She slowly let it go and it fell to the ground. Fiona stepped out of the skirt and allowed Carla to take some photos. Carla could make out the dark area of her nipples and the dark area of her pubic hair that showed through the thin fabric of Fiona's bra and panties. Carla had Fiona turn around and she took some photos of Fiona looking back over her shoulders. Carla could make out the crack of Fiona's ass and the way Fiona's tight panties shaped her ass.

When Fiona turned back around, she reached back and unhooked her bra. Carla took a photo or two then waited as Fiona made her decision as to whether she wanted to go any further. Finally, she brought her hands back to the front taking her bra with them. Fiona dropped her bra to the ground and stood there topless. Carla looked at Fiona thought the lens and realized that her hands were shaking. She forced herself to calm down and she refocused on her job. She looked a Fiona again and saw a beautiful creature that was biting her lower lip. Fiona looked so innocent and vulnerable. Carla only hoped that she could catch that in her camera. Carla started shooting again getting photos of Fiona whole body then up closer of her breasts and face. She had Fiona cover her breasts with her hands and then slowly removed them revealing her breasts again. Carla kept shooting as Fiona put her hands at the top of her panties and she began to push them down. Fiona pushed them down to past her knees and let then drop to the ground. Carla kept on taking pictures as Fiona stepped out her panties and she stood there stark naked. Carla lowered her camera and took in the beautiful young woman standing before her. Fiona's breasts stood out proud and firm. Her legs were slightly parted and could see the inner lips peeking out and how there was the beginning of moisture. She knew Fiona was as turned on as she was but she could also see that Fiona was very nervous at standing there naked as she was biting her lower lip again. Carla raised her camera back up and began to take photos again. First, she just had her stand therewith her legs together and then with her legs slightly parted revealing her moist pussy and her inner lips. Next, she had Fiona bend forward letting Fiona's breasts hang down with her hard nipples in profile. After a couple of photos that way, she had Fiona turn in profile thus showing her breast and curved ass. She then had Fiona turn on around with her back facing her and she had Fiona looking back over her shoulder. This showed off Fiona's cute dimpled ass that she just could not get enough. She had Fiona move on around and she continued to take photo as Fiona moved around. Once she had completed the standing pictures, she had Fiona sit by the tree and she took photos of her there. Again, she had her pose with her legs together with just the top of her pubic hair showing then parting them slightly revealing her slit. She then had Fiona clean off the blanket and Fiona lay down on the blanket. First Fiona lay on her back then on her side and finally on her stomach. Carla moved all around taking photos from every angle that she could. Finally, she had Fiona sit with her back against the tree again. She had Fiona sit with her legs out straight and then she had Fiona bring her knees up slowly so that they would cover her breasts but reveal her pussy. Carla could see how moist Fiona was and since she was at her last picture on this clip, she had to get a close up. Carla got down on her knees and focused in on Fiona's pussy. She could see the moisture seep from Fiona's pussy and down to her ass. This got her own pussy to twitch so she quickly snapped the photo.

Carla quickly put her camera down then took Fiona into her arms and began kissing her. Carla was so turned on that she had to have Fiona right then and there. She forced her tongue into Fiona's mouth and she felt Fiona's tongue met hers with equal passion. As she kissed Fiona, she cupped her breasts in her hands. She squeezed them and gently pinched the nipples. Fiona moaned into Carla's mouth. Carla ended the kiss and dropped her head down to Fiona's nipples. She sucked one into her mouth and used her tongue to go around the areola and then the nipple itself. She sucked it hard for another minute then went to the other. As she was sucking on Fiona's nipples, Fiona was trying to get her blouse off. Finally Carla felt Fiona just pull the blouse apart popping the buttons off. Next Carla felt Fiona pull her bra up over her breasts and then she felt Fiona's hands on her breasts. Carla sucked and bit on Fiona's nipples for another few minutes as Fiona caressed her breasts and nipples. She pulled her mouth from the breast she was sucking on causing a popping sound as the breast left her mouth. She rose up and kissed Fiona who hungrily returned the kiss. After she had kissed Fiona, Carla could wait no longer to taste Fiona's pussy so she dropped down to her stomach and was now facing Fiona's pussy. She extended her tongue out and began to lick. The juices she tasted were so sweet to her and Fiona's aroma made her head swim. Carla licked the outer lips before going a little deeper into Fiona's entrance. Fiona moaned and opened her legs up more for Carla, who then used her fingers to open it even more. Carla placed her mouth over Fiona's entrance and sucked the juices in. Carla pushed her tongue into Fiona twisting it around and she felt Fiona push her hips back against her. Carla began to push her tongue in and out of Fiona's pussy and she heard Fiona moan more and more. Carla moved her mouth to Fiona's clit first kissing it then she started licking it with short quick strokes. As she licked Fiona's clit, she pushed two fingers just inside of Fiona's pussy without going to deep. Her fingers quickly got slippery with Fiona's juices as they moved in and out. Carla picked up the pace of her tongue and she felt Fiona squeeze her head with her thighs, as she got closer to climax. Carla then felt Fiona's pussy spasm as she had a huge orgasm. Carla removed her fingers and began to lap up the juices that Fiona had produced with her orgasm.

When Fiona released her head, Carla rose up and took Fiona in her arms and they kissed. It was a long slow kiss that Carla just did not want to end but Fiona eventually pulled back. Fiona pulled Carla's bra the rest of the way off and then pushed her onto her back. Carla felt Fiona's hands at her hips and she raised them as Fiona pulled her pants and panties off. Before Carla knew it, she felt Fiona's mouth on her pussy. Fiona pushed her legs out and settled down between her legs. Carla closed her eyes as she felt Fiona begin to work her magic on her pussy. First Fiona kissed her outer lips and then Fiona backed off and kissed her way up and down each inner thigh before going back to her pussy. Carla felt Fiona pull her lips open and her tongue go deep into her pussy. It felt like it was twice as long as it really was as it moved in and out of her pussy. Fiona would fuck her entrance with her tongue then lick up to her clit and back down. She repeated this process a number of times before Carla felt Fiona's mouth close on her clit and Carla disparately wanted her to stay there and bring her to an orgasm. However, Fiona would only get her close to a climax before letting her cool back down by going back to her slit and licking there. After about ten minutes of Fiona going from her pussy to her clit and back, Carla screamed at Fiona to let her cum and Fiona did just that. She put her mouth over her clit and sucked hard then she used her tongue to rub against her clit. Carla felt the orgasm begin at her pussy and then wash over her body taking her to that higher sense of being that she was trying to get to. When she came back around Fiona was lying beside her holding and kissing her face. Carla put her arms around Fiona and they kissed. When the kiss ended, they held each other for a few minutes as they rested.

Fiona was the first to let loose and sit up. She picked up Carla's camera and asked her how it worked. Carla put in a new battery and showed her the basics. She put the camera on automatic so that Fiona could take a few photos without having to worry about any of the settings. Fiona got up then helped Carla up and told Carla she wanted to try to take a few pictures with the camera. Fiona then motioned for Carla to go by the lake. She did not like to be on the other end of the camera as she was very camera shy. But since Fiona was so patient with her all day what could she say. Carla started to put her clothes on so that Fiona could take her picture, but Fiona stopped her in her tracks when she spoke up.

"Oh no. Put your clothes back down. You got me on camera naked so now it is your turn. That's only fair you know."

Carla tried to think of a way out but she could not come up with argument that Fiona could not put a hole into. Carla dropped her clothes and went over by the edge of the lake. She never felt so out of place in her life. It was bad enough to get her picture taken but to do it nude was about the worse thing that could happen. Carla stood there trying to look relaxed but was failing miserably. Fiona had her try different poses but as hard as Carla tried she could not get relaxed enough to make them seen natural like Fiona could when she was having her picture taken. Finally, Fiona sighed and came over to Carla who was about in tears as she was really trying as hard as she could. Fiona came up to Carla and started kissing her. Carla felt Fiona's lips touch hers and slowly she began to relax and get into the kiss. About the time Carla started to put her arms around Fiona and draw her in, Fiona pulled away.

"Now think of that kiss and not the camera."

Carla closed her eyes and thought only of Fiona kissing her. In the back of her head, she heard what Fiona was telling her to do and she did them without thinking. When she opened her eyes Fiona was smiling and snapping photos left and right. She knew she was not as pretty as Fiona was or as good of a model but she started getting into having her photo taken. Before long, Fiona got to the last picture.

"Does this camera have a something where we can both be in a picture?"

"Sure, I can set it for a ten or twenty second delay if you want."

"Great. Can you set it up?"

Carla took the camera from Fiona and set it up on a tripod. She focused the camera toward Fiona.

"How long do you want it set up for ten or twenty?"


Carla set the camera and ran over to Fiona. She thought Fiona wanted one of them just standing together but instead Fiona grabbed her and kissed her. Carla wrapped her arms around Fiona and she felt Fiona do the same. They kissed for a long time as the kiss became more and more passionate and there tongues became involved. When the kiss ended, Carla did not quite know when the camera had snapped their picture. They would have to wait until she downloaded the photos to her computer to see. They gave each other one last kiss then got dressed and packed up their stuff.

Carla had to stop by her house to pick up the program so that they could use Fiona's sister's computer to view the photos that they had taken that day. Carla was hoping that her parents would not be home yet but as she pulled into the driveway, she saw them sitting on the porch.

"Well I guess you get to meet my parents. Maybe we can just get in and out, but knowing my mother, I kind of doubt it."

"Especially after you introduce me as your lesbian lover I am sure we will be here a while. What with both of your parents fainting and all."

Carla looked over at Fiona who had a serious look oh her face and felt her heart sink as she was not quite ready to tell her parents she was a lesbian quite. Fiona then burst out in laughter and squeezed her hand.

"Bitch" Carla called Fiona before squeezing her hand back.

Carla had planned to introduce Fiona to her parents and tell them that they were just stopping by to get something. She was going to tell them that she was going to spend the night at Fiona's again. But the next thing Carla knew she and Fiona were sitting at the table eating leftovers. Her parents were sitting at the table with them and Fiona was talking to her parents as if she knew them all her life. She had her parents eating out of her hand. She was telling them all about growing up and how she was living with her sister now. She went on to tell them how much Carla had helped her and how she was such a good friend. Fiona did leave out the lesbian part, which Carla was grateful. Carla realized that Fiona had a talent with people even when she was not bull shitting. Carla did not have to say much at all, which was good as she, was nervous enough having her friend and lover talking to her parents. Fiona also accepted the offer to stay the night, which caused Carla to about choke on her food when Fiona did that. Fiona even helped her mother clean up the dishes as she went to put her camera batteries on charge. When Carla came back, she glanced into the kitchen and saw Fiona and her mom was chatting away just like she and her Mom use to do but did do so much any more. Carla listened for a moment then went out to join her father on the porch. Soon Fiona and her mom joined them. They all stayed out there until dusk came and Carla was finally able to get Fiona away and up to her room.

On the way to Carla's room Fiona talked about how sweet Carla's parents were and how lucky she was to have them. This caused Carla to realize that overall, her parents were good to her, and maybe she took them for granted sometimes. When they got to her room, Carla realized that she had only one chair in her room. So she moved the cedar chest from the foot of the bed to her desk and put a couple of comforters down to soften the seat. They sat side by side and Carla started to download the first set of photos. Carla started picking the pictures apart seeing things that she did not like until she looked over at Fiona and saw the sad look on her face. She quickly realized that Fiona thought she was talking about the model in the photo and not the photo as a whole.

"Oh no, I wasn't talking about you. You are beautiful in these photos. It is me, that I am criticizing. See here where you are standing bend over as you stood by the lake. The sun is reflecting off the lake making your face darker than the rest of the picture. I should have moved over a few steps and the photo would have been much better."

Carla could see Fiona smile come back and from then on she made sure that when she criticize a photo she made sure Fiona understood what she was talking about. As they went along Carla could tell that Fiona understood more and more. By the time, they got to the last of the clothed photos, she had Fiona pick out the good photos from the bad ones. Carla was impressed as Fiona noticed things she did not see herself. Fiona also was feeling more confident about her first try at modeling and she pointed out things that she could have done better.

Now came time for the nude pictures. They decided it was a good time to take a bathroom break and get a coke. When they returned, Carla locked her bedroom door for the first time in her life. This was one time that she did not want her mother to walk in on her. Carla downloaded the first clip. They slowly went through the pictures, starting with the first photo of Fiona in her bra and panties. A few pictures later Fiona was standing in just her panties. Carla felt her pussy getting moist looking at such a lovely creature. Carla wanted to reach out and touch the screen. Carla glanced over at Fiona but she could not read her thoughts. Carla went on and soon Fiona was standing there naked.

"God you are beautiful." Carla said under her breath.

"No I'm not. Just look at those two moles under my right breast. I wish you could remove them but even that would not make me beautiful."

Carla did not say anything but set to work and soon the moles were gone.

"Now that is better, how about making my breasts a little..."

Carla stopped her by putting her finger over Fiona's lips. She then erased what she had done putting the moles back.

"Why did you do that?" Fiona demanded.

Carla bent over, lifted Fiona's blouse, and kissed each mole with as much love as she could.

"Because these are what makes you beautiful. The color of your hair, the swell of your breasts, the curve of your hips and that cute little ass make your body perfect. These two little imperfections make you real. I want to look at someone I know is real, someone that I can approach. I have never seen anyone more beautiful than you are and I don't want to change a thing."

Fiona looked into Carla's eyes to see if she was telling the truth and when she saw that Carla was, Fiona lean in and kissed her. Carla took Fiona's head into her hands and returned the kiss. They kissed for a few minutes and it was not until the kiss ended that Carla realized that she was kissing another woman in her room with her parent's home. Fiona leaned against Carla and put her arm around her and they went back to looking at the photos. As they looked at the photos, Carla felt herself getting more and more excited. When she felt Fiona's hand on her thigh, she almost jumped. They continued to look at the photos and then Carla felt Fiona's start to move up her thigh.

"No, not here." Carla whispered. Carla knew she should reach down and stop Fiona's hand but instead she opened her legs, as Fiona's hand got closer to her pussy. Finally, Fiona's fingers reached her pussy and started to lightly rub up and down. Carla sucked in her breath and concentrated on the photos of Fiona modeling naked and not what Fiona's fingers were doing to her pussy. Soon Fiona's fingers were rubbing harder and harder and Carla felt her breathing quicken. Suddenly Fiona's fingers left her pussy and Carla moaned from the loss of attention to her pussy. She then felt Fiona's hands at her sides and she felt Fiona unbutton and unzip her pants. She raised her hips to allow Fiona to slip her pants and panties off her hips and she let them fall to her ankles. Fiona settled back down beside her and her fingers found their way back to her pussy. Carla went back to the photos on her screen as Fiona's fingers played with her outer lips. Carla opened her legs more and she felt a finger slip between her lips to the entrance of her pussy. Fiona slipped her finger into Carla causing Carla to moan. As Carla looked at one nude photo of Fiona after another, Fiona's finger found her clit, which was fully aroused and engorged with blood. Carla had to bite her lower lip to keep from crying out. Fiona increased the pressure on Carla's clit and Carla thought she was going to die, as it felt so good. Eventually Carla got to the last photo, which was the close up of Fiona's pussy. Carla felt Fiona switch hands then she felt Fiona push up her blouse and bra and Fiona's mouth latched onto her nipple. This sent Carla over the top and she gripped the edge of the desk as her orgasm hit her. Carla moaned in spite of herself. When her orgasm finally ended, Fiona removed her fingers from Carla's pussy and licked them clean. She then leaned in and kissed Carla who returned the kiss with as much passion as she could.

Carla put the last clip into the computer and downloaded the photos. These were of her and she really did not want to see them.

"Lets just skip these; my computer is liable to crash in protest when I appear on the screen."

"No way. I have been waiting all night to see these. Scoot over and let me try this."

Carla did as she was told and Fiona popped the first photo up on the screen. Carla looked at herself naked on the screen and groaned. Carla decided to watch Fiona instead of what was on the computer and saw that Fiona was beginning to wiggle around so she got an idea. Carla slipped off the chest and moved between Fiona's legs. She looked up at Fiona and saw that Fiona was looking down at her to see what she was doing. Carla put her hands at the snap of Fiona's shorts and she saw Fiona smiling as she realized what Carla was about to do. Fiona raised her hips to allow Carla to pull her shorts and panties off. Carla pushed Fiona's knees out wide and scooted her butt to the edge of the chest. Fiona then went back to the nude photos of Carla as Carla headed toward her pussy. Carla could see how excited and wet Fiona was. She went straight for Fiona's clit and sucked it into her mouth. Carla heard Fiona moan softly and she licked Fiona's clit for a minute before moving lower and started licking the juices that were coming from Fiona's pussy. Carla took her time and licked slowly. She went inside and out of Fiona's pussy, pulling on her lips and then going back to her clit. She was not sure how long she had been licking at Fiona's pussy when she heard a loud knock at her bedroom door and her mother calling out that she and her father were going to bed and asked if they needed anything.

It took Carla a couple of seconds to get her voice back before she could reply in a husky voice. "No we are fine. We will see you all in the morning." Carla realized that she was holding her breath waiting for her mother to answer but finally she did, saying "Okay," and they heard her move on down the hall. Carla let out her breath and she realized that Fiona was did the same.

"Shit, she scared the hell out of me, I completely forgot about were we were."

"Me too, I about pissed all over you."

Carla started to get up, feeling that the mood was broken but Fiona stopped her by placing a hand on the back of her head. With a smile on her face, she moved Carla's head back to her pussy and Carla figured what the hell and she began to lick Fiona's pussy again. It took them both a few minutes to get back into the mood again but soon Carla felt Fiona's juices start to flow, then Fiona started to push her pussy against her mouth trying to get more of her tongue inside of her. Carla pushed her tongue in as far as she could and twisted it around. Carla forgot all about her mom and concentrated on pleasing Fiona. She licked and sucked on Fiona's pussy and then went back to her clit sucking it into her mouth. Fiona pushed her hips to the very edge of the chest. Carla put a finger at the entrance and ran it around and in slightly. Carla heard Fiona moan a little louder and she began to lick harder at Fiona's clit. It did not take long of this to bring Fiona to a climax. Carla sucked on Fiona's clit throughout her orgasm then she moved down and licked Fiona's pussy clean.

Carla crawled out from under the desk, sat beside Fiona, and kissed her. Their lips came together for a minute then parted. Carla then started to kiss Fiona with their lips coming together for a couple of seconds then parting. Carla ran her tongue around Fiona's lips and Fiona tried to capture it in her mouth. Carla kept her from doing this for a few seconds then allowed her tongue to be captured and sucked into Fiona's mouth. Their Carla felt Fiona's tongue come out to meet hers and they kissed with their tongues doing a seductive dance of their own. When their lips finally parted, they both were out of breath so they held each other a few minutes.

Carla realized that she had worked up an appetite so they took another bathroom break and Carla went to make them some popcorn and get them another coke. When Carla made it back, Fiona was already back at the desk and had put up her nude photos. Since their lust was satisfied for the moment, they looked at the photos with a more critical eye. As they went through them, Carla had to admit that the nude photos that she took of Fiona were actually better than the clothed ones. One part she could attribute to both her and Fiona having more practice but the nudes had a sensual quality to them. Fiona even commented that these were much better. She even went so far as to say that maybe this media is what Carla should concentrate her talents. Carla told her that taking nude photos of your lover is one thing, but finding other women to model nude is another. Fiona just smiled but did not say anything. Once they went through Fiona's photos a couple of times, Fiona made Carla put her own nude photos up. It was hard for Carla to look at herself nude but Fiona convinced her that she was very pretty. Carla was not so sure but Fiona telling her that made her feel better and she was able to look at herself.

It was about two in the morning before they finally pooped out and decided to hit the bed. Fiona got up, finished undressing, and then got into Carla's bed. Carla thought about her parents down the hall but then she also thought about the feel of Fiona's naked skin against her own. The second thought won out and she stripped and climbed into bed. They kissed for a few minutes as they rolled around in the bed. Finally, they settled down with Fiona lying on top of Carla and her head on Carla's chest. Carla stroked Fiona's hair until Fiona fell asleep and she followed soon afterward.

Carla was awakened sometime later that morning when she heard a knock on the door and then she heard the door open. Carla was still more asleep than awake but she heard her mother say, "Carla your Father and I are... "Oh God" " and then the door closed hard. Carla was suddenly awake as she realized what her mother had seen. She looked down and saw that the sheet had slipped off them sometime during the night and that Fiona was lying on top of her naked. Fiona's leg was between her own legs. There could be no doubt that her mom could come to only one conclusion and it would be the correct one. She and Fiona were more than just friends. Carla knew her secret was a secret no more. Carla laid back and groaned, she was not ready to face her mom with this quite yet. Fiona had not awakened and Carla decided to keep this from her. This was between her and her mom. Carla lay back down and tried to go back to sleep but her mom's words kept ringing in her head. Finally, after she heard her mom and dad leave for church she got up and went down stairs. Not normally, a coffee drinker she poured herself a cup and sat at the kitchen table trying to think. She was still there an hour later when Fiona came in. Fiona went to Carla to kiss her good morning, which Carla returned but without the enthusiasm, she had last night.

"Is everything ok?"

"Yea, I guess I am still a little tired is all." Carla replied and put a smile on her face determined not to let Fiona know her new problem. They ate some breakfast then set out to enjoy the day. Fiona decided she wanted to see where Carla was going to go the school and since it was only an hour away, that is where they went. This made things worse for Carla as it reminded Carla that in only a month and half she would be leaving home and Fiona to go to school. But she put her best face forward and she made the best of the day.

They did not get back to Fiona's sister's apartment until late that night and after taking a shower together, which entailed a lot of kissing but no sex they got ready for bed. Carla brushed out Fiona's long blond hair enjoying the feel of the fine hair in her fingers. Then Fiona did Carla's hair and as she did, she asked Carla again if something was wrong to which Carla replied no. Carla knew she wasn't very convincing but was relieved when Fiona did not press it. Fiona finished Carla's hair, Carla got into bed, and she waited for Fiona to join her as she lay on her back watching her. Fiona turned off the overhead light and then lit a candle before climbing into bed. Carla was surprised when Fiona did not slide in beside her but instead climbed on top of her sitting on her lower stomach. Carla watched as Fiona smiled as she took her hands in her own. Fiona entwined their fingers and slowly leaned forward pulling Carla hands over her head. Carla began to wonder what Fiona was up to and got more than a little worried when Fiona's smile became more serious.

"Now tell me what is wrong with you. You have been down all day."

"No I haven't and there's nothing wrong so let me go."

"Now you know I am the bullshitter, not you. You couldn't bullshit your way out of a paper bag and you know it. So are you going to tell me or are we going to stay this way all night?"

"I can't tell you. It's my problem and I have to deal with it."

Carla felt tears beginning to run down the side of her face. She did not want to cry but once it started, she could not stop them from coming. Before she knew it, she heard a sob come from her throat and she felt Fiona release her and hug her tight. As she cried she felt Fiona kiss her face, whisper to her asking her what was wrong, and that she would do anything she could to help her. It took a few minutes to get the tears out of her but finally she was able to get her composure back. She took Fiona's head in her hands and kissed her. She then slipped out from under her and sat up. Fiona sat up facing her and got Carla a Kleenex to blow her nose and wipe her tears.

"I am sorry that I did not tell you this earlier but I though I could deal with it myself, but what the use of having someone if you can't confide in them. I guess I am so use to dealing with everything myself I forgot why I was trying to find someone in the first place."

Fiona sat silently as Carla spoke which Carla was thankful for. This was hard enough as it was.

"Now to what is bothering me. I guess I forgot to lock the door when I came back from making popcorn last night. Mom like the one she always does, knocked on the door then opened it to tell me it was time to get ready for church this morning. Of course, she saw a little more than I am sure she expected to. We must have kicked the sheet off us during the night and there we both were naked as the day we were born and our bodies intertwined. All day long, I kept hearing her gasp and cry "Oh God" as she slammed the door shut. I was just not ready to tell her about us, about me being a lesbian. I am not ashamed of you or of being a lesbian but hearing my mom's voice and knowing she was disappointed in me just killed me."

Carla felt the tears come again and she felt Fiona take her into her arms and hold her tight. Fiona did not say anything but instead she just stroked her arms and head as she comforted her. Fiona gently rocked her and Carla started feeling better about everything. It was still going to be hard to talk to her mom but at least she had Fiona and for now, that was what mattered. Sometime or another Carla fell asleep as Fiona rocked her. The stress of the day finally got to her and she was gone. She woke up the next morning lying on top of Fiona and she felt good. She knew she would have to talk to her mom but that would be tonight after work for now she had Fiona in her arms.

Carla moved up and kissed Fiona lightly on the lips getting a stir from her. She then moved down, took a nipple into her mouth, and began to suck. She sucked a minute on this nipple then went over to the other one and using the tip of her tongue, she teased it, while watching the nipple grow hard. She then heard a moan from Fiona and she felt Fiona's hands on the back of her head pushing it down toward the breast. Carla looked up at Fiona finding her now fully awake. She smiled and took the nipple back into her mouth and sucked hard drawing as much of the breast into her mouth as she could. As she sucked this nipple, she used her hand to caress and fondle the other breast. She did this a few minutes then switched to the first breast sucking it into her mouth and using her tongue to tease the nipple. This time she moved her hand to Fiona's pussy and began to rub her fingers through the pubic hair and on to the lips that were just getting aroused. Carla used her fingers to pull and tug on the lips before she went to the clit that was peeking out from its hood. Carla caressed it with her fingers that were now wet with Fiona's juices. She used her index finger to circle the clit. Fiona groaned and pushed her hips up to meet Carla's fingers. Carla's mouth was still sucking and teasing Fiona's breasts as her finger caressed her clit. Fiona became more and more aroused and Carla could tell she was coming ever closer to having an orgasm. Carla stopped sucking Fiona's breasts and stopped playing with her clit, which caused Fiona to cry out in frustration. Carla move up and planted a quick kiss on Fiona's lips then moved down between her legs. She found Fiona's labia swollen and aroused and her clit begging for attention. Carla first kissed Fiona's clit getting a moan from her then she licked and sucked on the outer and inner lips. Fiona was squirming now so Carla knew it was time to give Fiona her release. She moved her tongue to Fiona's clit and began to lick using short quick strokes. As Fiona approached her orgasm, Carla clamped her mouth on her clit and sucked hard giving Fiona her release. Carla knew Fiona was having a good orgasm by the way her body was twisting and the sound coming from deep in her throat. Carla released Fiona's clit and gently licked her pussy until the orgasm ended. She then gave one last kiss to Fiona's clit and moved up beside of her.

Carla held her for a while as Fiona drifted back off to sleep. Carla could not take her eyes off Fiona's resting body. She was so sweet and innocent looking and Carla wanted to hold her forever but eventually natured called and she slipped out of bed. She put on a robe and went out of the bedroom. About forty-five minutes later Fiona came into the kitchen where Carla was sitting thinking about the day ahead. Fiona broke concentration when she spoke.

"You know I had this wonderful dream where I was sleeping and dreaming about this beautiful girl making love to me. It seemed so real that I could have sworn that it really happened. You won't know anything about that would you?"

"Who me? I don't know what you were dreaming about but since you brought it up, who was this beautiful girl you were dreaming about? Should I be jealous?"

"Who me? Is that what you said?" Fiona replied as she came over to Carla and kissed her then licked around her lips.

"Some one should wash her face a little better when she gets up in the morning. She should also stay in bed and let me return the favor."

"Well you owe me one."

"A big one is what I owe you. I have never woke up feeling that good before."

Carla watched as Fiona got a coke out of the refrigerator and a couple of muffins that Carla had made on Saturday. As Fiona sat down Carla took Fiona's hand in her own hand and held it. She looked at Fiona and started thinking about the talk she was sure she was going to have with her mother that night. It took her a moment to realize that Fiona was talking to her.

"I'm sorry, what were you saying?"

"I said, "Earth to Carla." What were you thinking so hard about?"

"I was thinking how much you are worth whatever my mother has to say to me tonight."

"Sorry I had forgotten about that. Maybe it will not be so bad. Your mom was so sweet to me. I am sure she will understand. She's had a day or so to think about it and she know how good a daughter you have been." Fiona said as she squeezed her hand.

Carla dropped the subject after saying she hope Fiona was right but in the back of mind she wasn't so sure. The rest of the day, they just stayed in. Fiona went out once to rent them a movie, which they watched before they had to get ready for work. It was not until after their showers, that Carla realized that she did not pick up something to wear to work. So she and Fiona went through Fiona's closet until they found a dress that Carla could wear.

Work was busy for a Monday night so the evening went fast for both of them. On the way home, Fiona took her hand and held it tight and as she got out Fiona gave her a kiss and wished her well. She offered to come along for support but Carla said she had to do this alone. Fiona also made Carla promise to call her after the talk was over.

By the time, she got home Carla stomach was churning with fear. When she came in she saw the kitchen light on and she knew her mother was waiting for her there. She took a deep breath and went to meet her fate. She found her mom sitting at the kitchen table drinking a cup of coffee. From the look of her mom's face, she could tell that her mom was not looking forward to this conversation any more than she was. Carla went and poured herself a cup of coffee and sat at the table by her mom.

"I assume that you want to talk about what you saw yesterday morning."

"Yes, if you don't mind. First, let me say I was not trying to spy on you or anything. If I had known, I would never have opened the door. I was just going to tell you it was time to get up and get ready for church. I never thought that ..."

"That you would find Fiona and I in bed together."

"Well yes."

"So how do you feel about it? That is not exactly they way I meant for you to find out but I can't do anything about that now."

"Well I was confused at first not wanting to believe what I saw but I knew I had. So then, I had to get in straight in my mind. I never imagined that my daughter would like other..."


"Yes so then I tried to figure what to do about it or what I could do about it. I finally realized that I had only three choices available to me. One - I could kick you out of this house and disown you, swearing never to speak to you again. Two - I could take away everything I could think of including paying for college unless you change your way. Three - I could accept things as they are; knowing that I could not change the way you feel even if I wanted to. The first one I could never do. You are my daughter and I have loved you since the day I knew I was pregnant with you. I knew I could not stop now."

Carla saw tears in her mother eyes and she knew that her own were coming fast.

"The second one I knew even if I did these things it would not change who you are and how you feel despite what the priests say. So that left me with the third choice and that is the one I decided was right in my heart."

Carla felt her heart burst and she stood up quickly and held out her arms to her mother. To Carla it only seemed a split second before she felt her mom put her arms around her and hug her back. She felt her mom's tears on her cheek as her own tears fell. They held each other for a moment then Carla released her mom and they sat back down. Carla took a moment to get herself back together before speaking.

"So you're okay with Fiona and I being together."

"I am not sure I am completely okay with it but I accept it. Will you accept that?"

"I guess I can live with that. However, I don't want you to hate Fiona or anything. It's not her fault."

"I know. She is still welcome here, just you two be discrete."

"Have you told Pop about Fiona and me?"

"No and I will leave that job to you, but don't take to long in telling him. We have never kept secrets from each other and I don't like to start now."

"I will tell him but not right now. I just need a little more time to work up my courage before I face him."

"Just don't take to long or he will figure it out on his own. He is not as dense as either one of us thinks he is."

Carla had to laugh at her mother's comment, which broke the tension of the moment. Carla talked another few minutes with her mom before her mom said she was ready for bed. She got up and kissed Carla on the forehead and went to bed leaving Carla who was finally relax for the first time in a day and half. Carla eventually got up and after getting a coke went to her bedroom to call Fiona and give her the good news.

Part Two

The rest of the summer Fiona and Carla spent every day together, either at Fiona's or at Carla's place. They worked, took photos (mostly of Fiona in the nude as Carla realized that she really did have a talent for nude photography), and made love every chance that they got. When they were at Carla's house, they did take Carla's mom advice and only showed their affection when they were alone in Carla's room. Carla did get a scare on Fiona's first visit after her and her mom's talk. They were all out on the porch and she and her father were talking when Carla suddenly missed her mom and Fiona. Carla excused herself and went to find out what was going on. She found them in the kitchen. Carla hid behind the doorway and watched as they talked. It seemed to be a nice talk and then Fiona came toward her mom and hugged her. Carla watched her mom who was taken by surprise by Fiona's action but then she hugged Fiona back. Carla withdrew and returned to the porch before Fiona and her mom caught her watching them. Later that night she tried to get Fiona to tell her what she and her mom were talking about but all Fiona would ever say that it was between her and Carla's mom.

A week before Carla went off to college she had that talk with her pop, who after Carla got it all out said he had already figured it out and like her mom he did not like it but would live with it. Carla talked to her mom about it later that evening and her mother said that she had told Carla that her father was not as dense as she thought he was.

The day of her move to college was hard on everyone. Carla and Fiona drove up together in Carla's car with her mother and father following behind them. They got Carla moved into the dorm and then had a tour of the university. After the tour, they went out for supper then it was time for everyone to leave Carla on her own. Her mother and father said their goodbyes first then left Carla and Fiona alone to say goodbye. Carla and Fiona talked a couple of minutes trying not to say goodbye but after a awhile they could not avoid the inevitable so Carla took Fiona's hands in hers and started to say goodbye but Fiona burst into tears and kissed Carla quickly on the lips and ran to the car. Carla was left thinking what was suppose to be an exciting day had suddenly turned into a sad one.

Carla was kept busy the first few days of school. She had to get her classes in order and then start school. She and Fiona talked every night. This help to reduce her loneliness but it was not like being able to hold Fiona close to her body and feel the warmth and love. Fiona was off on Saturday, borrowed her sister's car, and arrived at the university early. Carla was able to spend the day with her lover. They spent most of the day just talking, holding hands, and necking when they could find a secluded spot. The feel of Fiona's full lips on hers made all the waiting worth it. The day ended much too soon for both of them but it was getting late and Fiona had to get back home. Carla walked Fiona to her car holding her hand tight as if she was never going to let go. They held each other for a few minutes not caring who might see them or what they would think. Carla turned her head, closed her eyes, and kissed Fiona for the last time that day.

The next week was about the same as the first. She liked her English and Science classes but loved her Intro into Photography class. Again, she and Fiona talked every night. On nights that Fiona worked, they talked after Fiona got home which made her roommate happy hearing the phone ring at 11 pm when she was trying to sleep. On Fiona's days off they would talk a little earlier in the evening. Fiona had to work the both Saturday and Sunday that weekend but still she came up but had to leave by noon to get back home in time to go to work. For Carla it seemed like she just got there before she had to leave. Fiona did say that she had a surprise for Carla but she could not tell her what it was until Friday. Carla tried to get Fiona to tell her all week what the surprise was but Fiona would not tell or even give a hint. On Thursday, Fiona told Carla to call her on her cell phone at exactly five pm on Friday. Carla said okay, not knowing why she had to call at exactly five o'clock.

At the set time on Friday, Carla called Fiona's cell phone as she was instructed to do. After the third ring, she heard Fiona answer.

"Well I am calling just liked you asked, are you going to tell me why I had to call exactly five."

"Because I am going to let you know what your surprise is."

"Ok I am waiting for my surprise, what it is before I die of suspense."

"First I think you need to answer the door."

"But no one is at the ..." It hit Carla about the time she heard the knock on the door. She screamed into the phone then dropped it and running to the door. She swung the door open the door to find Fiona waiting with her finger in her ear as if she was trying to get it to stop ringing. Carla wrapped her arms around Fiona hugging her tight. She then pulled Fiona into the room and closed the door. Carla took her hand and stroked Fiona blond hair then moved in and kissed her. Their lips met and she felt the excitement surge through her body as it always did when she kissed Fiona and felt her body pressed against her own. They kissed a minute or two with only their lips then Carla slipped her tongue into Fiona's mouth and felt Fiona's tongue reach out and meet hers. The kiss went on forever as their lips pressed against each other's and their tongue explored the other's mouths. Finally, they parted and just held each other.

"This was a very nice surprise. I could not ask for anything better."

"Well actually this is not your surprise. That is yet to come."

"I don't know what could be better than this. Just seeing your makes my day, year, and life."

"Well then you will really like my surprise. At least I hope you will. But we will have to take your car to see it."

"Ok, let's go. I am really curious now."

Carla got her purse and off they went. Fiona directed Carla were to go and about ten minutes later Fiona had Carla pull up to an apartment building. Carla was beginning to wonder what this was about. Her first thought was that Fiona had rented them an apartment for the weekend and she started to ask Fiona about what this was about but Fiona told her to hold her questions for a minute.

Carla got out of the car and allowed Fiona to lead her up the stairs to a second story apartment. Carla watched as Fiona pulled out a key and then she opened the door for Carla to go in. It was a decent apartment, nothing great but livable. There was a kitchen table with two chairs and a couch in the living room. Fiona led her on through the apartment showing her the bathroom and bedroom, which had a double bed, a nightstand and one dresser. Fiona then led her back to the livelong room. Carla could not hold her questions any longer.

"What is this?"

"My new apartment is what it is. I got it on Monday and have been moving in all week."

"What about your job? How can you afford it? You didn't quit your job did you?"

"Yes and I got a new one at the mall here. I got a good recommendation from the store and got a job here to be with you. I could not take it with you being so far away and around all the pretty coeds. Are you mad at me? Did I do something wrong?"

"Oh God, no. I want you here. I could not stand being away from you either. I just want to make sure you know what you are doing is all."

This made Fiona smile, she hugged Carla tight, and then she kissed her. Carla welcomed her kiss and gave back with equal passion. When they parted, Fiona spoke again.

"This way we can be together all the time and we don't have to worry about your parents or my sister walking in on us. I mean we can make love right here in the living room if we wanted to."

At that, Carla watched as Fiona began to unbutton her blouse. Carla closed her eyes when she felt Fiona's hands on her breasts. Fiona gently squeezed them then she unhooked her bra and took it off. The next thing Carla felt were Fiona's lips kissing her nipples. Carla cooed into Fiona's ear and cupped her hand to the back of Fiona's neck holding Fiona to her breasts. Carla mind went blank forgetting everything except how Fiona was making her breasts feel. Soon Carla felt Fiona's hands at her shorts and she felt Fiona work them loose and push then down her hips. Next, she felt Fiona's fingers on her pussy lips. She gently stroked her outer lips, Carla parted her legs, and she felt a finger enter her pussy. Carla felt her knees go weak and she was having trouble standing. Fiona helped Carla to lie down on the carpet with her fingers never leaving her pussy. Carla felt Fiona give her nipples one last kiss then she felt Fiona's hot breath on her pussy. As Fiona's fingers moved in and around her pussy, Carla felt Fiona's mouth kiss then suck on her clit. It seemed like forever since they had made love. So Carla was super excited and after only a few strokes of Fiona's tongue on her clit, she felt her orgasm coming. Carla pushed her hips against Fiona's mouth and fingers and then arched her back as the orgasm overwhelmed her. Carla felt Fiona's tongue gently lick her pussy as she came. When it was over, she pulled Fiona up to her and forced her onto her back.

Carla got up on her hands and knees above Fiona. She dipped her head down and kissed Fiona then she began to undress her. First, she removed her blouse and then her bra. She looked down at Fiona's bare breasts with her quarter size areolas and her nipples getting hard. Carla resisted the urge to grasp them in her hands but instead went on down to Fiona's shorts and pulled them with her panties off. Carla was now at Fiona's feet and she stared at Fiona's pussy. She could make out the pink slit that was barely covered with Fiona's blond pubic hair. Fiona slowly parted her legs giving Carla a much better view. She watched as Fiona's lips slowly parted revealing more pinkness waiting inside. Carla mean to take this slowly but seeing Fiona's pretty pink pussy made her forget her plans. Carla instead lay down between Fiona's legs and using her fingers, she parted Fiona's pink lips revealing her entrance. Carla stuck her tongue deep inside of Fiona and scooped out some of her juices gathered there and swallowed them down. Carla then began to lick and suck on Fiona's lips, pussy and finally her clit. In no time, Carla could hear Fiona moaning and she was twisting her hips as Carla gave her the pleasure that her tongue provided. Carla made sure she left no part of Fiona's pussy untouched and she was more attentive to the sensitive parts. When she had Fiona ready to cum, she locked her mouth on Fiona's clit and sucked hard and she used her tongue to stroke her clit. In no time, she heard Fiona scream and felt Fiona's pussy flood her mouth with juices. Carla licked Fiona a little longer then moved up beside her and they kissed.

After the kissed, Fiona got up and helped Carla to her feet and she led her to the bedroom. Fiona lay down and pulled Carla down on top of her. There they kissed and their hands began to explore and caress the other's body. Carla ran her hand across Fiona's arms and down her back to her ass. She cupped each cheek squeezing them. Her hand eventually found its way to Fiona's pussy where she caressed and stroked Fiona's pussy and clit. They rolled around in the bed with Fiona being on top and sometimes Carla. Carla eventually found herself on the bottom and Fiona was on top. Fiona turned around to eat Carla's pussy and Carla moved her body so that she was between Fiona's legs looking up at her pussy. They had never done a sixty-nine before. Carla pulled Fiona's hips down and she began to lick Fiona's pussy as Fiona licked hers. Carla liked making love this way giving and getting pleasure at the same time. It did make it hard to give pleasure when Fiona was sucking and licking on her clit. Fiona got her to orgasm first but after she recovered, she was able to quickly return the favor. Carla then changed positions with Fiona with her on top. Carla started to use her fingers on Fiona and Fiona soon followed suit. Carla probed Fiona's pussy with her finger fucking her and licking on her clit. This time Carla was the aggressor and she was able to get Fiona off first but Fiona recovered quickly and returned the favor. With their hunger satisfied they lay in each other's arms and rested and soon fell asleep.

It was about one that morning before they woke up hungry for food this time. They made themselves something to eat and retired to the bedroom to talk. They talked for the next couple of hours trying to find a way to make it work on just Fiona's pay. Carla knew that her parents had already paid in full for her dorm room for the first year so no money would be coming from them. Carla figured she could get a part time job taking photographs somewhere and maybe just maybe they would survive. First, she had to tell her parents and that again she had to do alone. So first thing that morning she went home to spring this news on her parents. They were upset and mad at Carla for wasting their money but after fighting all day they came to an understanding. Her parents told her she would only get book and tuition money and Carla said she would not ask for anything else. They also made her promise that she would finish school no matter what happened between Fiona and her. Carla left knowing she was asking a lot of her parents and grateful that they were her parents.

Carla came home to find Fiona had gone to work but she left a number for Carla to call to tell her how it went. Carla told her that her parents had given in but that they were pissed at her but that they would eventually get over it.

The year did go about as they figured it would. They did not have any extra money but they had enough to survive. They ate a lot of pasta and fast food was something they only remembered as something they used to get to eat. Carla was able to pick up some extra money working at a portrait place and that gave them the little extra money they needed to survive. Carla also got Fiona involved with her homework. On Fiona's days off, she found herself at the university library doing a lot of Carla's research for her. With Fiona helping her, she was able to take more classes and thus finish quicker.

It was in the second year that Fiona found what was to be their life's work. Carla's parents had forgiven her by then and were giving her some extra money so that she did not have to work. Fiona also was able to work less overtime. Therefore, one day Carla came home and found Fiona looking at photographs of naked women on the Internet. Carla began to fuss at her but Fiona told her to shut up a minute and then she made her sit down and look at what she was doing. Fiona had joined a couple of sites of photographers on a trial bases and had looked through them. She now took Carla through them making her look at what they had on their sites. After Fiona had finished she then explained what she had in mind.

"You can take as good as pictures as these men and look at how much money they are making. We can do that, I know we can."

"Do you know how much money it will cost to get started and where are we going to find women who will take their clothes off and then let us put them on the Internet? We will have to pay them and we barely have enough money to survive now."

"I will get the money and the women. You will just have to take the pictures. Just tell me you will think about it."

"I will think about it but I just don't think it will work. If these men are doing it then how will we get someone to buy into us when there are all these others out there?"

"Then we will make ours different. You will be taking them from a woman's point of view. You are a lesbian and thus you know what would be a sensual photo."

"I don't know."

Fiona left it there for the moment but over the next month, she worked on Carla until Carla finally gave in. Fiona then went to work. She got some money from her sister and found a web master who would agree to help them out. Next, she set out to find women who would agree to be photographed nude. For the next six months, every free minute was used to work on this project. Fiona quit her job and set out full time finding the women and setting up the shoots. Carla then took the photographs. They let the women show what they wanted to show. Sometimes it was just the bare breasts and other time it was full nudity to even stuff that is more explicit but never going too far. Fiona also found some women, who would do girl on girl shoots, but they would only do those if both girls were into what they were doing and the photographs did not turn out looking like the girls were faking it. If they went to a site and the girl they were there to photograph would not show up or chicken out then Carla would shoot Fiona. So Fiona ended up being a main attraction on the site, which wasn't a bad thing. Carla also found herself on the site as Fiona made her use some of the photographs that Fiona would take of her. Carla really did not like this but as always, she gave into what Fiona wanted. Carla also borrowed a video camera from the school and Fiona learned to take videos. She would sometimes videotape the shoot or other times she would video the girls separately.

It wasn't until April of that year that they felt ready. They got with the web master, put the final touches to the site, and then put it out for everyone to see. The first month was slow and both were scared that they would fail completely. Fiona was scared even more since she had convinced Carla to do this. But by the end of May the site was beginning to take off. Then by the end of July, they were actually making a little money. Now it got even harder as they need to keep it fresh and new but between Fiona's ideas and Carla photography they were able to succeed. When Carla graduated the next year, they had made enough money to start traveling to other states and even other countries to take their photographs and to find more women to put on their site. But no matter how many pretty girls they put on their site Fiona always seemed to be the favorite. This might have been because of how much love Carla put into her photos when she photographed her friend and lover.

Please let me know what you think of my story. I welcome all comments good or bad. You can email me at

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