Carnival Man

By Michael Gleich

Published on Nov 8, 2002


Carnival Man Part Two

A few boys gather in front of the sign.


Looking at the trappings of the carnival with the excitement that something new brings to a small town. They began to talk among themselves. Trying to build courage up to step forward and see if they might qualify for training.

"Billy, what do you suppose they train you for?' Bud says.

"I guess to perform in some kind of show," Billy says.

"What kind of show do you suppose it is?" Bud says, still looking up at the sign

"To swing on ropes and jump on top of the shoulders of another guy. You have to wear real tight pants and slippers. I saw a circus with my dad when we went to my Uncle Dons," Billy says.

"Gee, I bet it would be a lot of fun to wear tight pants and jump on one another," Mikie says as he puts his thumb in his mouth.

"You are such a fag Mikie," Billy says.

"I saw you sucking your thumb watching that guy play with himself, you were drooling like the sheriff's coon dog," Bud says. Mikie takes his thumb out of his mouth.

"You were looking too, he had a real big dick didn't he. I never seen such a big dick except on coach Ryan," Mikie says.

"You saw the coach naked Mikie?" Billy says, both boys looking at Mikie

"Yeah, he was looking at some muscle man magazine he keeps in his desk and had his dick out jacking off, " Mikie says.

"What did he say Mikie?" Bud says.

"He said, 'don't you knock kid before busting the door down?"

"What happen then?" Billy says trying not to giggle.

"He just turned around and was trying to stuff his dick back in his pants," Mikie says.

"Then what?" Bud says.

"He asked me what the hell I came in for? I told him to get the key to the equipment room and then he turned around and you could see his dick sticking his pants out. I just stared at it and he asks me if I saw anything I liked? I told him I never seen such a big dick like that before. He asked me if I would like to see it again and I said maybe," Mikie says.

"Mikie you are a fag," Billy says as he pulls on his own dick sticking his pants out.

"So, you're a jerk, I guess that makes you a jerk off," Mikie says.

"I saw Billy sniffing his underwear once," Bud says, looking at Billy with a big grin.

"Did not," Billy says, as he gets up close to Bud.

"Did so,"

"So you boys looking for some training," Will says, coming from behind the sign.

"Training?" Mikie says, looking up into Will smiling at the boys.

"Yes sir, we can take you three right now and show you some tricks that would surprise everyone. You could be a real hit and the talk of the town for years," Will says.

"Do we wear tight pants and slippers?" Mikie says.

"We'll put something on you I think you'll like," Will says as he reaches down and tousles Mikie's hair giving him a wink.

"What do we have to do?" Bud says.

"Well will show you how to do acrobatics with the sheriff, he is going to be a strong man in the act and you're going to do all kinds of things with him. Get toss in the air and swing around. Doesn't that sound like fun?" Will says.

"Is the Sheriff going to catch us," Mikie says.

"You bet he is," Will says.

"Gosh, what do we have to do?" Bud says.

"Well I'll tell you, lets go into the big tent and Billy Joe and I will put you in some of our outfits and show you some tricks," Will says.

The boys follow Will into the big tent. Their excitement is growing, Will has his arms around Billy and Bud and Mikie is walking behind looking at Will's broad shoulders and big arms. Mikie thought that Will's blue eyes were the prettiest he ever seen, with his pearly white teeth and sandy brown hair. When Will smiles, everyone smiles. Will turns his head around and winks at Mikie.

"How are you doing sport, like what you see?" Mikie smiles and says, "Yes Sir, I sure do."

"That's good sport," Will says, and leads the boys into the big tent.

Inside Billy Joe is rigging ropes and hoops in the middle of the tent. All around are benches facing the middle of the tent where the rigging is. Billy Joe is tying knots in some rope. His shirt is off and his shorts hang low on his waist. The cowboy boots he wears makes him seem taller than he already is. Just at the end of his shorts you can see the head of dick sticking out. The big uncut head peeks out now and then as Billy Joe moves around. His bubble butt stands out from the boots he wears with the crack of his ass visible by the tight fit of the shorts. "Hey Will, I see you got some fine looking men to learn the ropes," Billy Joe says as he walks over to where the boys and Will are standing.

"I sure do, their quick too, I could see that right away. I think they're going to be the best performers we ever ran across. Just you look at this," Will picks up Mikie by the waist of his pants and lifts him in the air flipping him over and catching him with his hand firmly planted on Mikie's butt. Will's finger is pressing on Mikie's asshole and rubbing it beneath his shorts.

"Yes sir, I see can that. Give him a toss over here and let me see if he is as good as he looks." Will whispers in Mikie's ear to just relax and Mikie is giggling and laughing having such a good time. With a deep bend Will throws Mikie through the air and into the arms of Billy Joe. Mikie laughs as he spins through the air.

"He sure is light isn't he Will," with that he lifts Mikie up twirling him around and around and catching him in a sitting position with his hand on his crotch. Billy Joe can feel Mikie's hard prick press against his hand, taking his fingers he massages Mikie's dick as the kid begins to moan and push back. Billy Joe lifts Mikie straight up with his arm and tells Mikie to spread both legs and arms out. Billy Joe then bounces Mikie on his hand as he turns a quarter turn and another until he is back facing Will and the boys. Billy Joe lowers Mikie and tosses him back to Will who catches him. Billy and Bud start to clap and congratulate Mikie on his performance. Telling him they never knew he could do anything like that, and could Will and Billy Joe teach them how to do that too.

"Sure we can teach you how and more, but first lets get you guys into some costumes. By the way do you know anybody who can play a musical instrument? We need someone to play the hurdy-gurdy," Billy Joe says.

The three boys think a minute and Bud says, "I know, Jonathan he can play the piano."

"Great! Bring him over and will get him in a costume and show him how to play the hurdy-gurdy," Billy Joe says.

Will walks with the boys over to the side of the tent where he pulls out a large oak chest. Un-buckling the leather straps holding the chest together, Will reaches in and pulls out some items. They sparkle and shimmer with bright colors that reflect the light in the tent. Turning to look at the boys again he dives his hand back into the chest reaching around and coming out with some more sparkling cloth.

"I think that's it, lets take a look. Billy you put this on, Bud you take this and Mikie try this out, let's see how you guys look." Will says. The boys pick up the clothes that Will hands them and start to undress and pull on their costumes. The costumes fit like silk stockings, showing every crevice and bulge. Their body's glitter, sparkle and shimmer. Blues and reds, yellow and orange a rainbow of sparkling light reflects with every move they make.

"Wow, look how neat this looks Billy," Mikie says.

"Gosh, they sure are flashy," Bud, says.

"You boys look real good, like real honest to goodness circus performers," Billy Joe says.

"With some stage makeup and masks you guys will be stars," Will says.

The boys are looking at each other with big smiles and excited with everything that is happening to them when Jake walks into the main tent. He looks around and can see the boys in their costumes with Billy Joe and Will helping.

"My, don't you guys look just fine and dandy. How are they working out Billy Joe?" Jake says.

"Just fine, they already picked up a few tricks for tonight," Billy Joe says.

"Great, I was talking with Hank and Clarence and the sheriff is coming along fine. It looks like it's going to be one of the best shows we ever had," Jake says.

"Do you have a fortune teller yet?" Will says.

"Yeah, the best there is. One that's already in the business," Jake says.

"The priest?" Billy Joe says.

"You got it," Jake looks over and sees that Will has his hand on Mikie's ass.

"Well, I see you have everything well in hand here," Jake, says as he heads towards the tents main entrance.

"Mikie, why don't you get Jonathan over here so we can get him into a costume and show him how to play the hurdy-gurdy, would you pal?" Billy Joe says

"Sure I will, he'll love it" Mikie says. Mikie takes his clothes off and bends over so Will has a good look at his butt. His little pink hole winks at Will and Will gives him a wolf whistle. Mikie smiles and puts on his shorts without any underwear and heads off to talk with Jonathan.

"Ok Billy and Bud lets show you some real nifty tricks," Billy Joe says, as he lifts Bud up spreading his legs and mounting Bud on his face. Billy and Bud just now notice that the costumes have slits in the front and back of the pants as Billy Joe's tongue slides up Bud's ass.

"Is Jonathan home Mrs. Johnson?" Mikie says.

"Yes Mikie he is, he is just about finished with his piano lesson. Would you like to wait?"

"I'll be under the tree in the front yard if that's ok with you Mrs. Johnson."

"Of course Mikie, would you like a lemonade?"

"Thank You Maim, I would."

"I'll bring it out for you."

Mikie sits under the elm tree in the front yard listening to the piano music drift by. He remembers how he and Jonathan would sit under the tree and talk about all the far away places they would go. Jonathan is Mikie's best friend and Jonathan is Mikie's only friend. Mikie tries to get Jonathan out and meet other kids, but Jonathan is very shy and close to his mother. The two boys have known each other all their lives and tell each other their deepest secrets. Mikie feels Jonathan is more like a brother than a friend.

"Hey Mikie, here is the lemonade my Mom made," Jonathan says.

"Your Mom makes the best lemonade in this whole town, probably the whole world," Mikie says.

"You always say that Mikie."

"Well it's true, how would you like to play a hurdy-gurdy?"

"I don't know what a hurdy-gurdy is."

"It's like a piano, and the carnival men asked me if you would come and play for tonight's show."

"Gosh Mikie I never played in front of anyone but you and my Mom."

"Don't the carnival look fun? I'm going to be an acrobat in the show tonight and Will says I'm great!"

"I don't know. I'll have to ask my Mom if I can."

"Ok, it would mean so much to me Jonathan if you would play. I know that you would be the greatest hurdy-gurdy player in the world, cause you're my best friend," Mikie says.

Mrs. Johnson has stepped out of the house to see if the boys want some cookies and overheard Mikie. She has always hoped that Jonathan would come out of his shell and meet more people.

"Jonathan, did you see the carnival in town today?" Mrs. Johnson says.

"Yeah, I did Mom, it sure was exciting."

"I heard they need a hurdy-gurdy player, wouldn't it be nice if you could do that for the carnival," Mrs. Johnson says.

"Ok Mom, I'll ask them."

"Great Jonathan, let's go," Mikie says.

The two boys head back to the carnival to tell Will that Jonathan can play. Mikie is telling his friend what a great time they are going to have and how exciting it is.

"The sheriff is going to be in our act tonight too. He is going to be the strong man and lift us up and all sorts of things. We get to wear these really neat costumes and your going to wear one too," Mikie says.

"Gosh Mikie I saw a man on top of the roof of a fun house with the biggest dick I ever saw," Jonathan says.

"They all have really big dicks, and their really nice guys. They like to play around like we do only they do it better," Mikie says.

"Do you think they would let me play with them too?" Jonathan says.

"If I want to play with you I'm sure they would too," Mikie says. The two boys have reached the carnival and see Jake looking through the oak chest.

"Hi, Jake, this is my friend Jonathan, he can play the hurdy-gurdy for you," Mikie says. Jake turns around from rummaging through the chest.

"Glad to hear that Jonathan, you know that only very special people are able to play the hurdy-gurdy, and from looking at you and seeing you're a friend of Mikie I know you are one of these people," Jake says.

"I never played one before," Jonathan says.

"You play the piano, it's your heart that plays the hurdy-gurdy." Feeling around inside the chest Jake pulls out a beautiful costume of sparkling lavender with rhinestones sewn into the fabric.

"Try this on Jonathan, while I get the hurdy-gurdy. Mikie why don't you go to Hank's trailer and practice with Billy, Buddy and the sheriff while I show Jonathan what to do," Jake says. Jonathan takes the costume and taking off his clothes puts the costume on. He notices that the legs of the costume are longer than his and rolls up the ends. Jake comes back with the most beautiful machine. A large red wagon with brass pipes, gongs and bells, yellow wheels, whistles, drums, and symbols rolls across the main tent to Jonathan.

"Wow, I never seen anything like that in my whole life," Jonathan says.

"Well, this is a very special instrument, designed and made by a lost tribe of gypsies. You will not find another one like it in the world, and only certain people with pure hearts can play it. Let me show you how Jonathan."

Taking Jonathan and putting him on a stool he shows him how to turn the brass handle of the hurdy-gurdy. As Jonathan begins to crank the arm a strange and wonderful music begins to come from the machine. The pipes toot and bellow, horns sound and bells ring. The tent fills with an erotic tingling making Jake and Jonathan feel esthetic.

"Whoa there Jonathan that's enough, you have the right stuff that's for sure. In fact I never heard anyone play the hurdy-gurdy better in all my life," Jake says. Jonathan is beaming. He has never felt so good as when he played the hurdy-gurdy.

"I want you to put these stilts on and then you'll fit the part of a hurdy-gurdy man perfectly," Jake says. Jonathan takes the stilts and sitting on the stool puts each one on.

"I can't get up," Jonathan says.

"Here let me help," Jake stands in front of Jonathan and lifts him up to stand by himself. He helps Jonathan get use to walking in the stilts and show him how he can push the hurdy-gurdy and turn the crank. As he is holding Jonathan and helping him with his practice the erotic melody of the hurdy-gurdy is still in the tent. Jonathan slips a little and Jake catches the boy.

"Oops, careful Jonathan you're just too pretty to take a fall little angel," Jake says. Catching Jonathan he feels his small tight ass. Jonathan lets out a shiver and his prick gets hard. Jonathan has never felt so aroused as he falls into Jake's arms. Jake grabs the boy and cradling him in his arms he takes Jonathan and tells him he is so very beautiful and so very special. Jonathan can feel Jake's strong arms wrap around his body and the hair on Jake's body as he holds him. The smell of the man is so different and pungent from his or Mikie. His hard prick is sticking out of his costume. Jake bends down swallowing his cock to the root. A thrill goes through Jonathan as Jake takes him in strong sucks on his prick. The boy moans and begins to shake as his dick shoots load after load of cum into Jakes sucking mouth. Jonathan is limp in Jake's arm with his head on the man's chest. The boy can hear Jakes heartbeat as his head lies in the cradle of Jakes arms. Jakes looks down at Jonathan with his light brown hair falling on his forehead and his big brown eyes. Jake bends down and kisses Jonathan's lips.

"Your very sweet Jonathan," Jake says, as he holds him closer. He carries Jonathan over to the side of the tent and tells the boy to rest a while as he has some business to attend to. Jake goes back to the chest and looks inside picking out a black dress, strings of pearls and rings, wig and hat. He then heads back to his trailer.

Father Dan is lying naked on the mattress holding a soiled jockstrap up to his face and jacking off. Jake comes in the door throwing the items in his arms on the floor. He looks over at Dan who has turned around still jacking off his cock.

"Are you going to fuck me Jake?" Dan says, as he turns around on all fours like a bitch in heat raising his ass in the air and spreading his butt cheeks apart with his hands.

"Please fuck me, please I want your cock up my ass please. What do you want me to do Jake, I'll do anything if you would just fuck me again, please Jake please."

"Well look at what a whore you turned out to be. You want me to fuck you is that it. Want me to let you touch my cock, maybe lick my ass real good. I can get anybody to do that bitch," Jake says.

"No, Jake let me please. I'll do whatever you say, I'll lick your feet, I'll whore for you, anything, please Jake," Danny says.

"Ok bitch, it's a deal. You're going to love what I'm going to have you do. You are such a fucking slut and I'm going to make you the whore you want to be. See this drag, it's the costume for the Fortune Teller. You're going to wear this costume and you're going to tell the best fortunes these people ever heard. You want to know why you're going to tell them secrets that only a priest would know? It's because you're the fucking priest. You don't give them their monies worth, you get no dick and I'll leave you on your sanctified alter with the biggest dildo up your ass for all the parishioners to see come Sunday morning. You got that slut? You understand what I'm saying to you shit head?" Jake says. "Oh, my god Jake, what if they can tell who I am?" Danny says.

"I'll have you so dolled up your own whore of a mother wouldn't know you," Jake says. He sits down in his black leather chair and spreads his legs.

"Get my dick out and suck me off, I just had a tasty treat and need to unload in your mouth you fuck," Jake says. With that Dan crawls over to Jake and takes his cock out of his pants and immediately goes down on Jake. His loosened mouth and throat could take a horse cock after Jake finished with him earlier. He sucks the cock down to the root and up. Dan gags a bit but forces his mouth and throat down on the cock again. Jizz juice and throat slime mix in his cavernous mouth as he goes up and down on the hose. Snot is coming out of his nose as Jake grabs his hair and face fucks the bitch. He holds the head down on his cock and twists the head around slapping Dan on the side of the face to loosen him up. As Dan begins to pass out from lack of air, Jake lifts him up so he can grab some breath before shoving his mouth down to the root of his cock. Finally Jake is cumming. He holds Dan's head down on his dick and shoots while he rams the head up and down on his cock. Jizm is blowing out of Dan's nose and mouth. Dan is slobbering all over Jakes crotch before he is finished sucking him off.

"Clean me up you fuck and make it fast I want to see you in your drag," Jake says. Dan begins to lick as quick as he can at the great dick lying on the side of Jakes pants. Then he nudges his head around the cock to get the slime at the base and on the pants. When he can no longer taste any jizm he starts nursing on the cock again hoping that Jake will let him suck some more.

"Jesus fucking Christ you asshole. Get your fucking slime ball mouth off my cock and get your ass into your pretty new dress, you fucking cheap slut," Jake says. Dan gets up telling Jake he is sorry and runs over to the pile of clothes on the floor. He picks up the long black dress and figures how to put it on. Then he puts the wig on and the jewelry. After he is done he goes over and stands in front of Jake.

"Do I look ok for you Jake?" Dan says as he turns around. Jake is trying not to laugh at what a comic character Dan looks like with a gray woman's wig and a big floppy hat. Pearls are hanging down beyond his tits and he has rings on every finger.

"You look better than the Holy Father on Christmas morning slut, come here and let me get your face painted," Jake says. Dan walks over to Jake as Jake pulls out an actor's make-up kit.

"Let's see, you need some big red lips, wonder how they got so puffy? Now some mascara to bring out your pretty blue eyes, and some powder to make you look as cheap as you are. There finished. You look just like a tramp that would take money from old ladies, but then I guess you're use to doing that aren't you?" Jake says. Dan hangs his head down realizing how low he as fallen, still his cock is hard from just being near Jake and all he can think of is when he can have more cock. "Please Jake don't make me do this, can I do something else?" Dan says

"You can, my pretty, after the show, I'll tell you what to do and if you don't fuck up I might let the crew gang bang you," Jake says.

"Really the whole gang? Oh, god would I love that. Oh Jake you're so nice to me, I don't deserve it," Dan says.

"Your right about that bitch, but that's the kind of guy I am, a giver, well bitch let's go over to the fortune teller tent and I'll show you the act. Remember cunt, you want dick around here you have to earn it."

"I'll be the best fortune teller you ever had Jake you'll see."

"I know you will, you're a cock hungry whore and they always work hard for a nickel."

Jake and the new fortune-teller walk from the trailer to the tent. Inside are some candles and a small round table with a crystal globe held up by three ornate frogs seated in the middle of the table. One side of the table has a chair but on the other side is the strangest site Danny has seen. A metal barrel on its side, and cut out of the middle of the barrel is a hole with a huge dildo mounted on a metal arm.

"Get your ass over that dildo and spread your dress over the barrel," Jake says. Danny goes over and mounts the dildo, he has to stand on his tiptoes to fit on the head, and using both hands to spread his ass cheeks he slowly descends on the rubber prick. He is almost all the way down to the balls of the plastic cock when Jake throws a switch. Suddenly the dildo vibrates and starts to jam up into Dan's ass and back off. The vibration causes Dan's voice to warble and squeal.

"Oh, merciful heavens, oh god Jake, Mother Mary, Ohhhh my god," Dan says as he is fucked by the vibrating dildo.

"Now don't you look just like a fortune-teller, and that warbling high pitch voice is the best yet. Now listen cunt, when a customer comes in I want you to point to that coin slot next to the table. The customer is to put five bucks in the slot before you say anything. Once the money is in that machine it will kick in and you'll get the ride of your life. You tell them their fortune and make it good. I expect you to pull in a few hundred dollars tonight while riding Big Boy, got it bitch, and if they want more fortune telling you have them put more money in. When the ride stops so does your fortune telling," Jake says.

"Oh, god Jake what if I start cumming?"

"You see, I treat you too good, well I suppose you just sit back and think of Rome when that happens. I know how appreciative you are, you don't need to thank me, I'm going to give you another job when you're through with this one," Jake says.

With that he lights the candles and looks around. Pretty good he thinks to himself as he walks out of the tent. The sky is beginning to loose it's light as dusk approaches the town. Jake looks about the carnival and can see that everything is in order. He walks over to where the boys are preparing for the main attraction.

"Well boys, how is it going?" Jake says.

"Just fine boss, we gave the sheriff an extra boost of Viagra and the kids are having fun learning their tricks with the sheriff," Hank says.

"That's great, the hurdy-gurdy player is ready. It looks like were in time to turn this town over," Jake says. He walks over to the main switches and pulls on a lever.

"Showtime," Jake says. The lights for the carnival light up with dazzling display. The carousal and Ferris wheel light up in bright yellows, orange and reds, white tinsel light shines everywhere so that the night outside of the carnival is as dark as black felt. Music comes from the carousel. Booms and bangs and twangs in a rhythm as old as life itself. The horses and carriages start their slow circling dance with flashes and clanging and grinding of gears. The Ferris wheel heaves itself to life and began its revolving wheel of streaming light. The fun house smokes and screams with yells, hoots and bangs. The Fortune-tellers tent is glowing a soft yellow and above the door neon red sign says.

Have The Gypsy Tell Your Future is There Love or Gold Waiting for You?

The lights in the main tent are red, white and blue. The carnie men go to their stations. Clarence works the Ferris wheel and Will controls the Carousel. Billy Joe and Hank are at the booths plying customers to knock down bottles and toss coins for carnival glass plates and cups. A crowd begins to come to the light and noise. Waiting all day for the display to gather them in. As the town folk began to disperse around the carnival Jake is busy with last minute preparations. A sign is put in place for the performance at the big tent.


The crowd is enjoying themselves Jake is at the food stand selling canned coke and stale popcorn. Foot long hot dogs on a bun. Kids are running in and out of the fun house for free. Hoots and howls omit from the house as children scream and shriek at jumping masks and wisps of hair on their faces. Mirrors distort their bodies and slides bring them out of the fun house. The Carousel is full of people gaily turning in circles and going up and down with lovers wooing and children singing. The Ferris wheel is full of people smiling and laughing going up and around and down and around as they clasp tight to each other with their arms. Such fun they're having and each to the other they say. "Have you ever had so much fun as this? No I don't think so, why what a wonderful carnival to have in our town".

Mrs. Langley and Mrs. Conway are nearing the tent of the fortune-teller. They took a foot long hotdog from Jake who winked at them asking if they ever had such a long wiener and are they juicy enough for the two ladies. They both laughed as Jake reached over giving them their dogs and holding their hand before passing the tasty treat. A delightful chill went up their backside as they giggled like school children on holiday. Jake got a five-dollar tip, and as he thanked them again he pulled on his pants a bit showing the outline of his mule cock. They left giggling and laughing having such a great time. Now near the tent they see the red neon sign above. Shall it be love or gold they wonder?

"Julia, you go in first dear," Mrs. Langley says

"Oh no dear you first, you're the bravest," Mrs. Conway says

"Lets play potato and see," Debra says, they play the game and at the end.

"Oh dear I'm afraid it's you Debra," Mrs. Conway says.

"I hope it's good, here goes," Debra says as she enters the tent of the fortune-teller. Debra looks around and sees this strange character sitting at a table wearing a black sequin dress that has seen better days and a floppy black hat with black veil hanging down around the figure. The person's head is bent and extends a hand with rings on every finger to a coin slot next to a chair. Debra sits down and sees on the coin slot to insert five dollars too have the gypsy tell your fortune. Perhaps the gypsy is a mannequin? She thinks to herself. Putting five dollars in the slot, a humming noise begins and the gypsy comes to life.

"Ohhh, oh, oh, huh, ohhh," the gypsy says. Debra can see this vibrating face sort of bouncing and moving and thinks the gypsy must be going into some kind of trance. This has to be good, just look at her rolling her head around like that and drooling.

"Gypsy, are you alright?" Debra says.

"Oh, yes dear, I'm so alright. Ohh, god yeah, yeah all right yeah," the gypsy says.

"Huh, Gypsy what can you see in my future? Will I have love or gold?"

The vibrating gypsy rolls her eye's back then stares at the crystal ball.

"Debra, I see that you're in love with Henry the mechanic at the local garage. He has been screwing you with phony car repairs for years so you might as well screw him. He is one horny little bastard. Don't be intimidated by how short he is. He has a wang nine inches long. Make sure he takes you out and pays the tab. He is tighter than a duck's ass. Ohhh, Lord have mercy, yeah, oh sweet Jesus that's it." Suddenly the gypsy stops vibrating and her head slumps. Debra crosses herself as she looks at the crystal ball wondering what else is in there.

"Huh, gypsy, how did you know my name and the mechanic?" The gypsy points her ring-encrusted fingers towards the coin slot. Debra reaches into her handbag looking for more money.

Outside Julia has been waiting and begins to wonder if Debra is all right, when a neighbor comes by looking at the sign on the fortune-teller tent.

"Oh, Hi Shirley having fun at the carnival" Julia says

"I sure am, I had a ride on the carousel and that man running it was sure a good looker, boy howdy I'd sell him a ticket to ride on."

"You know the one at the concession booth is hung like a horse and has the cutest smile," Julia says.

"Where's Debra? Weren't you two together?" Shirley says.

"Oh, she's in the fortune-teller tent with the gypsy. It must be good, she has been in there a long time," Julia says. Debra is leaving the tent with a glazed look on her face. Reaching into her purse she pulls out a flask, she sees the girls and walks over.

"Girls I need a drink." Debra says, as she lifts the flask to her lips and takes a good swig,"

"What did the gypsy tell you dear, you look like you seen a ghost," Shirley says.

"Lordy, that gypsy is a wonder! I don't know why she ain't on Ophra," Debra says.

"What did the gypsy say Debra?" Julia says.

"Girlfriend, wild horses couldn't drag it out of me, say have you seen Henry around here?" Debra says.

"Why yes, he was over at the Ferris wheel chatting with Helen," Shirley says.

"Well Julia I think you better go inside while you can that little brat of the O'shanney's just went in," Debra says.

"Darn, wonder how long she is going to be in there," Julia says.

"Here dear, you better have a nip of this, you're going to need it." Debra says as she hands Julia the flask of whiskey.

"Oh, thanks I thought you would never ask," Debra takes a good swig and passes it to Shirley. The girls are talking about the carnival and how marvelous it all is when suddenly a teenage girl runs from the fortune-teller tent screaming her lungs out.

"Good Lord what do you think the gypsy told her," Shirley says.

"You better go in Julia, when you get out I'll be over by the Ferris wheel," Debra says.

Jake can see that everything is going well. The crowd is happy and spending money. He closes the concession stand and goes to the big tent.

"Jonathan, wake up guy, it's show time. Wake up little one," Jake says.

"Hi Jake, boy I had the strangest dream, the most beautiful music was filling my head,"

"That's great little buddy, you keep having sweet dreams. Promise? It's time for you to play. You need to Shepard the flock Jonathan. There is nobody in this town who can do it but you," Jake says.

"Shepard the flock?"

"You're going to bring the people in with music, those who play with their heart have a special gift Jonathan and you're one of them. Now let's get going, here are your stilts. That's it, and a special mask for you too, now I want you to stroll around with the hurdy-gurdy. Let your mind go with it. Go all around the carnival so everyone can hear you and bring them back to this tent," Jake says. He helps the boy up and gets him to the hurdy-gurdy. Kissing him on the lips he salutes giving him a wink.

Jake stations himself outside the main tent on a platform.

"Ladies and Gentlemen, may I have your attention please. Here comes the Hurdy-Gurdy man bringing you songs of love. Listen to the hurdy-gurdy man and his songs of love," Jake says. With that a slow melodic song begins inside the tent like distant rain coming after drought, the music falls lightly with a vibration and a feel that's silk on skin. A shimmer goes through crowd, a rising of hairs on the arms when the hurdy-gurdy man begins to play. Booms, bams and clashing symbols; tinkling chimes bells and horns in a melody as old as time comes out of the hurdy-gurdy. Jonathan is slowly grinding to a pace only his heart knows. He struts out tall and lean and magnificent.

All who hear the music chant, "Here comes the hurdy-gurdy man bringing songs of love." People stop to listen, sway and smile. Faces light up. Sweethearts hold hands and touch each other. Husbands go to wives and in a gentle tender moment kiss like newlyweds. Old and young smile and wave.

"Here comes the Hurdy-gurdy man bringing songs of love," the crowd chants to the melody of the play. The people begin to follow Jonathan feeling warm and radiant. The hurdy-gurdy man winds his way through the carnival, drawing all to his radiance. He stands glittering and proud churning music from his soul, music never heard before or since. As the crowd winds it's way through the carnival Jake goes to the fortune-teller tent. The line waiting to see the gypsy has left following the hurdy-gurdy man. Inside is Alice Johnson, the mother of Jonathan. Jake nods to the gypsy to continue with the fortune.

"Alice, I see great pain that you endure from your husband who abandoned you and Jonathan," the gypsy says.

"Yes, it's been hard on us with little money," Mrs. Johnson says.

"Your husband ran off with the waitress at the roadside diner. She left him in Chicago and he turned to drink for solace. He died from exposure on a cold Chicago night. You are a rich woman Alice Johnson. Your husband inherited a fortune from his family and you and Jonathan are the sole heirs. Talk to your husbands sister Greta, she was hoping you wouldn't find out, the scheming, back biting bitch," the gypsy says.

"All this time I thought she was my friend, she would make me beg so when I asked to borrow a little money for Jonathan's piano lessons."

"Here's a free ticket to see your son tonight Mrs. Johnson, he is the best hurdy-gurdy player we ever had," Jake says.

"Why thank you, I can't wait to see the show," Mrs. Johnson says, and tips the gypsy five dollars leaving it on the table. Jake picks up the money when Mrs. Johnson leaves and turns to Dan.

"Well bitch you did good, you had a line out the side of this tent going all the way around."

"Jake, one lady asked me when did gypsies have Irish accents?" Dan says

"Never mind that, listen I have another job for you. Now if you do this next job as good as your fortune telling, I might consider you being the personal whore for the men. Now I don't offer this lightly either, you just do as I tell you and everything will be fine. You'll get to ride that fuck machine in every town and suck and fuck the carnie men.

"Lord have mercy, I just died and gone to heaven, how can I repay you Jake? You're just too good to me?" The whore says.

"Now listen cunt, when the people enter the main tent, you hit as many wealthy houses as you can. You know the people who have money and those that don't. I want jewels, cash. Don't bring back nickel and dime shit. I want you to get the best for me and the boys."

"You'll take me with you Jake if I do that?" the whore says.

"That's right bitch, you do what I say and you'll get all the dick you ever thought of having. Put the stash in my trailer under your mattress. It better be plenty or I'll leave your sore ass here."

"I'll bring back a pot of gold for you, like a leprechaun I will Jake."

"Good bitch, you do that and after you help tear down the carnie show and pack it up I'll let you have a good fuck, you being the fuck," Jake says.

Jake leaves and heads back to the main tent. Standing on top of the platform barking to the people "Only ten dollars to see wonders, amazing feats, death defying acts and splendor of gypsy kings. Ten dollars just ten to see eroticism of ancient Egypt."

The carnie men are changing into their costumes, each knowing his part to play and how to play it. Billy Joe and Hank get the sheriff and the boys ready to go on. Jonathan is winding through the carnival leading the crowd with music. The sound carries over the crowd falling on them with a warm sensual spray of enchantment. Women are smiling and showing their breast, men are pulling on their cocks without realizing it. People rub against one another feeling the wonderful thrill of each other's flesh. The skin feels hot, radiant and tasteful. People kiss and put their arms around one another. They follow the Hurdy-gurdy player; follow the songs of love towards the tent doors while holding out money for Jake to let them in. Clothes seem difficult to wear, people feel the need to take there shoes off and undo belts. Laughing and smiling the crowd enters and sits on the benches; the hurdy-gurdy man churns his melody and sprays the crowd with songs from long, long ago. The crowd sways and swoons cooing to each with low moans and longing gazes, reaching and feeling legs, arms, licks and kisses. An odor thick as summer perfume, heady with gardenia, orchids and sweet lavender fills the air and inhaled by the people. They breathe and exhale erotic vapors almost visible. They long to smell each other and sniff the flesh of those that are around them. Savoring the delight in their nostrils. Everything is erotic and beautiful; the wood plat formed benches are soft and inviting. The dirt and water stain canvas is marble in rose and lavender hues. The bare naked lights hanging from wires flash and sparkle like suns in the universe.

"Oh god, this is wonderful, this is so fucking hot, I feel so good, so alive," the crowd says. The hurdy-gurdy player plays on and circles the crowd. Jonathans cock sticks out proud and strong like the mast of a ship. His sequined body shimmers and sparkles lavender hues reflected from the tent lights. The crowd is in rapture from the music. Songs of love from the universe are streaming from the hurdy-gurdy. Jake walks out to the middle of the circle.

"Ladies and Gentlemen may I have your attention please," Jake says. The hurdy-gurdy is a whisper while the gypsy king speaks. Jake is in a black leotard pants outfit. His naked torso with black curly hair shimmers on his chest. His amber arms glisten and the muscles pump up thick and full. Broad shoulders descend down in a V shape to a small narrow waist. Jake's tight round butt incased in the black material juts out from his tree trunk legs. A majestic mound of meat hangs from his loins, too big to hold in both hands. The basket outlines a python cock and hot cum filled balls churn fuck juice. The crowd grows silent and stares at the God like figure. They yearn to taste him, to feel him, have him touch them and use them. Men, women and children want him, as a need grows in them to worship the God King. Jake stares out at his subjects. His coal black eyes sparkling like diamonds. His raven black hair hangs in curls crowning his face, his lips full with the color of ripe pomegranates. He seems to look at only you. You're all he sees and the crowd is in rapture with their God King. A Gypsy God from an ancient land reborn in a carnival tent.

"A feast for you my children. A feast is what I bring to the sons of man. Let your desires flow. Free yourselves from fear and sorrow. A feast for you my children, you sons of man," the God King says. The hurdy-gurdy grows louder, wilder, faster. A flash and a bang and there in the middle of the tent is Sheriff Evans, his body denuded of hair and painted gold. His cock stands rigid jutting out thick as a mans arm, the cock head drips clear nectar made by balls hanging low in their sack. Every gilded muscle shines and glows, the crack of his ass splits open just enough to see a wink of his puckered ass lips. The gold man grabs his prick and waves it at the crowd. He lets it bounce in his hand and spreads his legs so his balls can swing and his butt lips can glare at the crowd. The people stare in fascination as the gold man turns in a circle so that all can see him.

From the side of the tent out come the carnie men dressed in costumes of the harlequin. Their faces painted black on one side and white on the other with hats in the shape of a cone and bells on the end of their hats and slippers. The harlequins gather in a group bend down and lift a harlequin up tossing him in the air. He lands on the shoulders of another harlequin. Then they gather around the gold man lifting him up they toss him, he flips and lands on top of the two harlequins. The gold man is the third man stacked up, his cock still hard and sticking straight out. The crowd roars and claps at the spectacle.

When the noise of the crowd dies down three boys dressed in sparkling costumes with bird feathers and masks made from feathers, giving the appearance of brilliant colored birds of paradise. They begin to run around the tower of men flapping their arm like wings and making birdcalls. Two harlequins face each other clasping their hands together to form a swing. One of the bird boys jumps up in their clasp hands and swings up to the gold man. The bird boy flaps his wings and looks like he is flying in the air towards the gold man. Bird boy grabs the waist of the gold man and begins to suck on the cock sticking in front of his face. The gold man lets the bird boy suckle his dick and then lifts the bird boy up so that he is sitting on his shoulders. Another bird boy does the same as the first and now is sitting on the shoulders of the first bird boy. The third does the same routine and finally all three-bird boys are on top of each other and on top of the three men. A tower reaches near the top of the tent. Crowned with birds followed by bright shiny gold with a base of harlequins. The bird boys flutter and chirp raising their wings and flapping while the harlequin on the bottom begins to slowly move in a circle. The crowd is amazed and astonished at the spectacle.

When the crowd settles down the music picks up once again, the harlequins and the gold mans cocks begin to rise and stand rigid. The top bird boy flaps his wings and jumps. As he falls the men guide him to the harlequin on the bottom that impales the bird boy on his cock. The second bird boy jumps and sits himself on the prick of the second harlequin; the third bird boy jumps and is impaled on the gold man's prick. Now the gold man and the bird boy impaled on his cock jump and twist so that his backside is caught by two harlequins holding on to each other arms catching them in their arms then springing them up. The gold man struts around with the bird boy impaled on him. He is cockwalking the bird boy who flutters his wings. The second harlequin jumps and again cockwalks his bird boy and now the third is free to cockwalk his bird boy. Around they go in the tent each man walking with a boy impaled on his dick as the bird boys flutter and chirp to the music of the hurdy-gurdy. The crowd applause and cheers for more. The men walk their bird boys out of the tent and the lights grow dim.

Jake has gone to his trailer while the acts are going on in the main tent. Looking under the mattress where the whore is to put the loot, he can see jewels, gold and large bills. Jake decides to wait for Dan to come back and soon enough Dan enters the door "Well slut I see you have been busy," Jake says.

"Oh, yeah Jake I just about cleaned out every rich bitch in town," Dan says.

"How many more do you have left?" Jake says.

"Oh, I don't know maybe twenty," Dan says.

"I don't want you to forget the place next door Danny boy,"

"You don't mean the church do you Jake?"

"I sure as shit do mean the church. I know you have a stash there as well. The high school, the charity funds, you're pretty little ass is sitting on a gold mine and don't try and fool me for a minute. Come here Danny boy come over here next to me."

Dan walks over and hands the loot in his hands to Jake who drops it with the rest of the stash. Taking Dan's hand he puts it on the mound of dick meat in his costume. Dan can feel the pulsing prick underneath; he can feel the great cock begin to stretch on the costume and then pull itself free at the slit in the costumes front. Dan has his hand on the cock and he can't get it all the way around the shaft. Jake pushes on his shoulder and Dan kneels in front of the Gypsy God King. Dan takes both his hands and holds the giant tube of flesh. A clear drop of jizz juice forms at the piss slit.

"Lick it off Dan, lap it up puppy," Jake says. Dan's tongue reaches out at the slit and licks the drop of nectar. Again a drop comes out of the piss slit and licked; now it drips and drips and Dan is busy licking at the offering. Jake spits on the end of his cock and the saliva runs down and onto the licking tongue. He spits again and Dan's tongue is rapidly going in and out of his mouth to get all the juice. Jake then grabs Dan by the hair and guides his face to the cock head. Dan's mouth is full of the head of Jake's cock. He looks up at Jake's face and Jake spits on his face hitting him on the nose. The spit runs along the side of his face. Suddenly Dan can feel a hot liquid in his mouth. Piss is pouring into his mouth and Dan has to swallow or drown in the gushing flow. His stomach begins to swell with a torrent going down his gullet. Jake spits again on his face while he is pissing.

"Now listen to me shit head and listen good. You don't ever tell me anything but yes sir, I will sir, right away sir, or anything else sir? You got that you stupid dumb fuck? You understand what I'm saying to you ass licker? Because if I have to tell you again where your place is around here I won't even bother. I'll dump your sore ass at the first cop station we come to. Do you understand me you stupid fucking shit? Do you?"

Dan can only move his head up and down while the torrent of piss flows into his stretched belly. Jake finishes his piss and pulls Dan's head off his cock. He grabs him by the hair and lifts him up slamming him into the side of the trailer. Dan's face smashes into the wall and Jake tears his pants down and shoves his cock all the way up Dan's ass. He slams into Dan's butt crushing him into the wall with each thrust. Dan is whimpering, crying, the pain is so great he can't even pass out. Jake starts yelling obscenities into his ear telling him what a dumb fuck he is, how worthless he is, why did he ever get involved with such a stupid shit. He tells Dan that from now on he is not to wear any clothes. He is to finish robbing the houses and the church stark naked and when he gets through fucking him he is to take his clothes and leave them on the alter of the church. Jake cums inside Dan's ass and pulls out; he grabs Dan and pushes him down to clean his cock off. Dan is busy licking the cock clean while Jake tells him to hurry the fuck up. When he is through Jake tells him to take the shreds of his clothes and the rest and go to the church and leave them before taking the money. Dan is telling Jake how sorry he is, that he will never do that again. Please don't leave him and all the while little squirts of piss come out of Dan and cum drips out of his well-fucked hole.

"Just get the fuck out of here and get busy asshole. You have a lot to do when you come back before we leave this town." Jake says, and with that Jake leaves the trailer and heads back to the main tent just in time for the final act.

As Jake enters the main tent the hurdy-gurdy music picks up once again and from the side a boy appears glittering and shiny, bird feathers cover his face in a mask. Leaping into the air and caught by the gold man who lifts him up placing the boys ass on his face. The gold man's tongue deftly inserts into the boy's butt with his legs spread wide the gold man slowly revolves around in a circle. Another bird boy appears from the side and jumps in the air and caught in one hand lifting him in the air with the middle finger inserted into the boy's ass; he begins to twirl the boy on his finger as he slowly turns. The third bird boy runs out from the side and jumps up being caught by the gold man's other hand. So that one bird boy is implanted on his face the gold man's tongue in his ass while the other two boys are sitting on his fingers inserted in their butts and twirl around as the gold man moves in a slow circle. The hurdy-gurdy churns out its music and the crowd roars and hoots at the action clapping and yelling for more.

The bird boys lift their legs up and grab their feet with their hands as they do this their cocks come out of their costumes and stand erect. The bird boys bend down sucking their own cocks as they twirl on the hands and face of the gold man. Their legs held apart and up by their hands. Down they go sucking on their pricks as the hurdy-gurdy churns more songs. Bobbing up and down as the gold man twirls them and walks in a circle. From the side come three beautiful naked men. Their bodies are glistening and painted in strange geometric designs. Their cocks, hanging half way to the knee, have the same odd geometric patterns. Their balls, one red the other blue, hang down swinging with their cocks.

As the three men face the crowd each moving in unison in front of the boys, their cocks begin to grow. The great trogons of dick meat rise from their loins arching out. The men turn to the gold man each in front of a bird boy. Their cocks upright and rigid the hurdy-gurdy picks up getting louder. The bird boys sucking on their own dicks lift their heads off their pricks as cock juice shoots out landing on the men in front. The juice sprays over the painted bodies and glisten their muscled torsos.

The gold man flings the first bird boy nestled on his face; he tumbles in the air and is caught by the man in front of him. As the bird boy falls into the arms of the man, he impales himself on the painted cock by holding on to the arms of the man and using his feet to brace against the hips of the man. The bird boy is lifting and lowering himself on the man's dick. They begin to turn in a circle like a merry-go-round figure lifting and lowering the bird boy on the painted prick. The golden man then throws off another bird boy on to the other man and so with the third. Now all three bird boys are riding the cocks of the men as they twirl in a circle up and down on the flesh ponies while facing the man he is riding.

The audience starts to clap and whistle touching one another and fondling each other openly. Boys go down on their fathers and girls begin to lick the clits of their mothers. Men and women feel pricks and asses, cunts and tits of each other with abandon. The hurdy-gurdy picks up the music as the crowds sexual lust grows. Jake enters the tent and with a large whip cracks it above the heads of the performers. The bird boys are fucking themselves on the cocks of their masters. Shooting jism from their hard pricks all over the painted men. The crowd begins to pour out to the performers. Men and women are licking and sucking the gold man. Boys and girls are touching and licking the bird boys and painted men as the bird boys shoot jism on them. The hurdy-gurdy music is in a frenzy of chords. The painted men pull the bird boys off their cocks and spray the crowd with hot cum. People are licking the offerings off of each other. Gobs of cock juice spray out and consumed by the crowd as fast as the spurting cocks cover them. People are dancing naked and fucking each other openly. Adoring fans lick and suck the body of the gold man. One large man is fucking the gold man's ass while a woman is sucking his cock and two boys lick his balls.

Jake signals to Jonathan to slow the music. The hurdy-gurdy player is in a trance, a world of his own where the music plays. Jonathan slows the music circling the orgy on the floor of the tent. With a signal from the Jake the performers steal from the tent leaving the audience naked and lost in abandon lovemaking.

The hurdy-gurdy leaves the tent and the lights from above grow brighter. The crowd begins to settle down. Like a party that has run out of champagne, they feel drunk and tired. Their bodies slow and feel the night chill. Dreary eyed, thick of speech they search for clothes tossed in the orgy. Silent and downcast they begin to leave the carnival looking for cars and paths to lead them home. Sleep creeps up on them, deep and heavy, their spirits long for rest and comfort of their homes and beds.

The gold man and the bird boys are getting into their clothes and in the pockets of each they find a shiny ancient gold coin. Heavy in their hand and filled with symbols they could not recognize. Now they too needed to rest, their bodies tired and used; it was all they could do to find their way home and fall into bed.

The carnie men and Dan are tearing down the show. Dan loves being near the men, especially naked, they tease him and rub up to him. Telling Dan how they are looking forward to using him every way they can. The boys load the carnival with its colors and noise; it's flash and bangs into crates and onto trucks.

As dawn approaches the valley floor the sleepy town is deep in slumber. No one hears the grinding and slamming of the carnie show-tearing town. Deep in sleep they stay until very late in the day. Sunday mass will be missed and dusk will be on the town before anyone wakes.

Jake and the boys looked around at the lot cleared of the carnival. A wind came up picking up the dirt around them clearing the area of any evidence that a carnival ever took place. The boys get into their trucks each knowing where to go. Hank grabs Dan and says he has first with him and Billy Joe. Dan is between the two men, his face down in the lap of Hank sucking on Hanks cock while he drives. Billy Joe fingers Dan's ass for a while then shoves his dick up that well used butt. Dan is laying across the seat of the truck his mouth working one dick and his hole working the other. The boys tell him when they are through they will push him out of the truck and he will have to run along the side of the road behind them until he is picked up by Clarence and Will driving behind. After servicing Clarence and Will they'll toss him out for Jake's truck to pick him up. Dan never thought about his clothes he left at St. Helena's alter or cum spots going to it that dripped out of his fucked ass. His bladder opened when he bent over to place his clothes and a torrent of piss flowed out of him. After leaving his clerical garb, he grabbed all he could of the money in the church bringing the treasure to Jake's trailer. Now all Dan could think of was more cock, more sucking and fucking. He knew he was a willing slave to these men and would do anything to stay with them.

The caravan of gypsies wound their way out of the valley floor and into the pass at the other end. Leaving the town that would never talk of the carnival that came one day. There would be no mention of the disappearance of money or their priest. No talk of what happened that night in the main tent. Dusk comes to the sleepy town and the faint jingle jangle of gypsy bells carried on the wind of a blue moon.


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