Carpe Diem

By moc.noisnemidbus@gnosrats

Published on Apr 21, 2002


------------------------ starsong sez:

Well, here it is! Carpe Diem part three. About a week late, sorry. :) Life can be cruel and demanding sometimes, and so can a math course that sucks up all your time.... urrrgh. But 'cause it was delayed, this is a loooong one. 50% more spunky goodness, guaranteed. Enjoy!

All the usual disclaimers about this being a sexually explicit and generally naughty story apply. This is fiction, so the characters aren't always as careful as they should be about sex; boys, always remember to wrap it up first. And if you're under 18, you should leave. Or at least lock the door before you drop your shorts. ;)

Carpe Diem Part 3: Saturday -------------------------



Ugh. I hate that alarm. I buried my face in the pillow and reached over to hit the snooze button. It felt oddly like the top of an aspirin bottle.



No, guess that wasn't it. Hmmmm, maybe this...


...or this...




Mmmmmmmm. That was it. I dropped the plug on the floor and curled up in bed. Too bad I had to get up for class. Astronomy, right? That's at nine on Mondays and Fridays. And today was... um...

Saturday. Dammit! That'll teach me to leave the alarm on. What the hell was I thinking last night? I reached down to pull up the covers, noticing two things at once. One, all my blankets were tangled and knotted up at the foot of the bed.

Two, I was bare-ass naked and sporting quite a solid erection.

I looked quickly at Eric's bed. Shit, what if he saw me?? Why would I sleep like this? I grabbed a pair of boxer-briefs off the floor and draped them over my crotch to hide my excitement. And why the hell were they all crusty??? Wait...

It all came flooding back. Dan's face. The note. Eric's gone. Dan's eyes. Our dinner. Me shouting. Dan's lips. Him cornering me. The kiss... the kiss, my god... Dan's scent... parting... my tremendous orgasm alone...

Our date today.

I smiled and lay back down. Suddenly I didn't feel so bad at having my sleep interrupted. I felt my panic subside and tossed the briefs back on to the floor. 8:37. And I was meeting Dan at his dorm at noon... Well, back to sleep.

I did my best to untangle a sheet from the pile, but gave up after I realized Eric really was gone for the weekend. I liked the feeling of cool air on my skin, anyway. I used to love sleeping naked at home, but college demands a certain modesty. You can't just bare all in a dorm room, although reduced dress is tacitly allowed. I suppressed a chuckle as I thought of Eric wearing that stupid jock strap when he changed. I suppose I should have been aroused, but it was such a silly sight all packed in there like a big cloth-covered potato... I wondered what Dan wore to bed. Maybe boxers? Although he seemed like a briefs kind of guy to me, for some reason... I remembered the white waistband showing above his shorts. Heh, I'd love to find out.

Hmph. This isn't helping me sleep any. And little Alex was demanding my attention. Why are guys always horny in the morning? I mean, was there some evolutionary oddity that made women more receptive to getting screwed before 10pm? Although I wasn't complaining... I played for a few minutes before regretfully deciding to wait. I did need a few more hours of sleep, anyway. Just hope I could control myself this afternoon... I rolled onto my side and put my hands under the pillow. That should do it. Now, what was I dreaming about again? Oh, right... the Backstreet Boys and an industrial-sized tub of Cool-Whip...

Well, when I finally dragged myself out of bed it was 10 o'clock. I showered and changed into sweat pants and a t-shirt. Breakfast took 5 minutes, courtesy of the Atomic Age. Scary, though, whenever I rev up the microwave the lights dim... Truth to tell, I was too nervous to eat much.

When I finished I changed into jeans and a dark gray t-shirt. Then I changed into khakis and a button-down shirt over a "wife-beater" tank top (I hate that name). Then I took off the shirt. Hmph. Too slutty. I put it on again. Too preppy. I took both layers off and put on a red Nautica t-shirt. Awfully tight, though... was that a nipple? Back to the grey... And it was still missing something.

I grabbed a pair of sunglasses from my dresser. Too much? Damn, I looked like a freakin' raver. All I needed was a glow-stick and a pacifier. Not that it's a bad look, but I don't think Dan would like it...

I finally decided to go sans shades and grabbed my wallet. Least it was warm out. It's fall but I swear it feels like summer. I looked at the clock. 10:45. Oh, man. I puttered around on the Internet, scanning a few articles, my eyes unable to lock for more than a few seconds before wandering back to the clock. Finally I couldn't stand it and just decided to go.

My mind was racing. What movie were we going to see? Would we have lunch after? I'm not usually this detail obsessed, but I wanted to squeeze every moment possible out of this. And, despite myself, there was a tiny prick of fear in the back of my mind. I'd never done anything like this before.

What if something went wrong?

I looked at my watch as my feet beat eager dents in the asphalt. Half an hour. Well, I couldn't very well show up early, could I? I slowed down and looked around helplessly.

There being a bench nearby, I decided to sit down and think for a while. I stared emptily ahead at a young oak planted haphazardly far too close to the path. The outer shadows of its branches just reached across the narrow pavement, turning the grim asphalt into an exultation of dancing light. My eyes rested to the flicker of muted sunshine as it washed over the bench.

It took a few minutes before I realized this was the same bench Dan and I had shared last night. Last night. How could that seem like such an eternity ago? It was already part of my history, my calendar of events... Like the earliest birthday party I could remember. Or my disastrous first day of school. Heh, I grabbed on to the fire hydrant outside our house and refused to let go... I was a messed up kid. I drank up my surroundings, trying to remember everything about this place before it was swept away by the more mundane recollections of life.

Strange how I never noticed the day before.

True to form I had been scurrying across this campus for months now, head down, shoulders stooped in the last refuge of teenage slump. The world did not interest me. Days were the interval between sleep and work, worthy more often than not of closed blinds and nothing much else. Not to give the impression that I was an antisocial hermit; far from it. But even my friends preferred to meet over a late movie than during daylight. Late afternoon sunshine seeping through an open window in the library was as close as I got to enjoying the day.

People always say that love "changes" you in ways impossible to predict. I never believed that. The truth has always been clear to me, even if I never experienced it firsthand. Romantic rapture stands on the same cracked and dirty concrete that holds up notions of "true love" and other such romantic shash.

I suppose part of me believed that.

So why did I feel like this? I had been dawdling here, loafing, really, for the better part of ten minutes! Shouldn't I be doing something better or more productive than staring at a tree? I mean, it would be there whether I watched or not, so what was the point? I had no answer, so I did what always seemed best in situations like this.

I decided not to think about it.

And I honestly believe that the next few minutes, spent lounging pointlessly in the breezy shade of a misplanted oak tree, were among the best of my life.

No nametag.

Should I knock? Of course, I was just being silly. This is where we were supposed to meet, after all. Or had it been 329? Too bad there's no nametag. I mean, I don't want to knock on some total stranger's door, but I...

The door swung open.

"Hi." It was Dan, with tousled hair and a loose-fitting tee, smiling knowingly. "I wondered how long you were going to just stand there."

"Heh, sorry," I fumbled. "I just wasn't sure... if... umm..." Let it go, Alex. "You ready to go?" I gulped.

"Yep, just gotta turn off my comp. Uh, come on in."

He held the door for me and I walked in. Cool, his room was slightly bigger than mine. Shades drawn, movie posters on the walls, my kind of music in his CD rack. Plus a few bands I had never heard of before. And a pile of laundry in the closet with a pair of wadded-up briefs on top! Heh, looks like I was right.

Dan caught me looking into the closet and quickly closed the door as he passed by. Was that a tiny blush I detected? "Uh, sorry the place is such a mess... I got up late this morning. Just a sec."

"OK, take your time, dude." I stood awkwardly in the middle of the room. There didn't seem like anywhere to sit down except his bed. And I felt weird about that. After all, that was where he slept. And read. And, uh... presumably that, too. I got a mental image and quickly filed it away. Loose khakis and boxers don't lend themselves to fantasy... I heard a muttered curse and saw Dan slap his monitor. It had gone blue, with the standard Windows "screw you and your data and push any key to get another slightly different message" error message.

"You need some help there?" I don't know s**t about computers, but I know an opportunity when I see one. And I took advantage of it to lean over Dan's shoulder. Mmmmm, smells like shampoo...

"Naw, that's okay. It just needs some precision adjustment." Dan grinned up at me and flicked the switch on the power strip with his toe. Heh, he even had cute feet! The computer surrendered with a strangled beep and Dan smiled mischievously.

"Always wanted to do that."

I grinned back. Wow, we were almost touching. My hand moved off the chair and rested lightly between his shoulder blades, tickling through his shirt. He looked so soft and beautiful in the dim light of the room. I couldn't help it and leaned in for a kiss...


"Hey, man, you in there? I left my keys."

I jumped like I had been hit by a tazer, whacking my head on the edge of his bookshelf in the process. Well, this day is off to a good start.

Dan's roommate wasn't that bad, even if his timing was atrocious. And he was a chatter... Dan finally got an escape by claiming our bus was about to leave. We reached the elevator as Dan grinned apologetically.

"Sorry about that, but he's a bit of a talker."

"Heh, no problem. Least we're not gonna miss the bus." I paused. "Wait a sec, how long do we have?"

Dan grinned. "Oh, there is no bus. It's close by so we're gonna walk." I knew it.

"Dude, don't scare me like that!"

"Oh, c'mon, least we got away from him. And it's not like spending a little more time together would kill us."

Mmmm, was that a devilish grin this time? I swear he has enough happy expressions to fuel Disney for a few millennia.

I couldn't help myself and wrapped my arms around him, touching my forehead to his. I was more than a little surprised when he pulled back.

"Dude, could you, like, not..." He looked conflicted. "I mean, I really like you, but we're in public..."

The doors chimed open to a lobby full of chatting students. I let go of him. I felt hurt, but I understood how he felt.

Neither of us was out.

"Sorry, I guess I just got carried away. You wanna grab lunch?"

We headed to the student center again, to a coffee shop on the far end. They have the best sandwiches on campus, and are famous for it. I didn't really care, though. I would have eaten off an oil drum in the middle of the Pacific if I could be with Dan. We could talk for ages about nothing and never get tired of it. Although he kept looking around furtively through the entire meal... I knew intellectually he was just nervous about being outed, but it was still slightly awkward. Who the hell could tell by just looking at us?

Then it hit me.

He was doing exactly what I had been doing for the past five years. Wasn't that the twinge I felt when I watched a cute guy walk by? A tiny flicker of fear amidst the lust...

So why wasn't I feeling just as nervous right now?? Trivial as it seemed, I didn't really care. I didn't care who saw us together. If I didn't think it would ruin things, I would have kissed him right there in the middle of the Student Center.

I loved him.

I wonder if he felt the same way?

"Dude, hello?" Dan waved his hand in front of my face. I realized I had spaced out again, standing in front of the garbage can with an empty tray in my hand. I quickly snapped back to reality.

"So what movie did you have in mind?"

He gave me that devilish look again and held his finger to his lips. "Shh. It's a secret. It's showing at this little theater a few blocks away."

Hmmmmm. Hope we weren't going to a porno.

When we finally arrived at the theater I couldn't believe it. This is where he wanted to take me on our first official date? It was barely a doorway between an ATM and a photomat! "Benson Cinema," read a sign in faded gilt lettering over the door. Dan noticed my expression and patted me on the back. It was only a "manly" pat but it still felt wonderful.

"Don't worry. It's great inside."

I grinned and tried to bury my rising sense of panic. What on earth could they show here? Dan laughed and pushed open the door, dislodging a puff of what looked like street grime. I gingerly stepped in, trying not to get any on me.


This was... nice!

It wasn't modern by any means, done in a weird mix of 50s/70s "futurist plain" decor, I guess. But it was clean and there were quite a lot of people milling around, talking animatedly. Most were older academic types. I recognized the weird professor I had almost run over last night, gazing impassively at a large sign proclaiming this to be "SciFi" week. Dan giggled at my sudden change of expression and I elbowed him playfully in the ribs.

"OW! Hehe, dude, chill out. You looked like you were about to run away outside!"

"Well I didn't expect this... I thought we were going to the multiplex!"

"Awww, what kind of movies are we gonna see there? Apart from the latest Josh Hartnett..." he whispered conspiratorially. I gave him a playful shove as he pointed to the sign.

[][] Benson Cinema SCIFI Week! [][]

TODAY at 1:15pm: The Worst Movie Ever Made

Ed Wood's "Plan 9 From Outer Space" (1958)


Hmmmmm, this could be interesting. Now if we can just sit in the back row...

All the way back to my dorm we were giggling nonstop. From the Benson we had gone to an early dinner and from there to the park, until the shadows went from light to full and finally the sun went down. It all faded into a blur in my mind, with just bits of images sticking out. The wonderfully awful movie. Dinner. Dan with a spot of sauce on his face, rubbing the wrong side when I shyly pointed it out to him. Dan sitting on a rock in the park, looking like a resting angel in the fading light. And, of course, Dan laughing so hard in the twilight I thought he might pass out from oxygen starvation.

"Dude, did you see that hubcap spaceship??? You could read the 'Ford' logo off the side! I always knew it was bad, but that...."

I grinned back. "Yeah, you're just jealous 'cause the head alien had better legs than you."

"What??? That was disgusting! That film is the single best argument for the banning of tights since Robin Hood!"

"Perv! So that's what you were staring at..." Dan blushed slightly and turned away. (He's so cute when he's shy like that.)

"Awww, c'mon, man! You're not embarrassed, are you?"

He just winked and walked into the elevator. I was so busy watching him I didn't even notice we had entered the building. And we were going to my room... would we... I mean, I was excited, but what would we do? We should talk first... He looked at me and I smiled nervously back at him.

"Uh, Alex..." This is it. Stop sweating, dammit!

"Yes, Dan?"

"Um, which floor, dude?"

Oh. Right.

"Ah, four."

Blushing again, are we? Funny how that only started yesterday afternoon... When we got to the door I was so nervous I almost dropped my keys. Ugh. Nobody ever told me "love" destroyed fine motor functions. When I finally got the door open Dan put his hand on my arm. I almost fainted at the touch, and he grinned at my reaction.

"Nervous much?" Although he did look a little green around the gills, too. Neither of us was sure what to expect. Dan walked to the middle of my room and looked around blankly. I locked the door behind me, the click deafening in our silence.


"So... uh... you wanna sit down?" I motioned at my bed with an arm that weighed a million pounds. Dan sat down and licked his lips nervously.

"Alex, ummm... hmmm?" He looked distracted, his gaze fixating at something on the floor. Something cloth and crumpled, with an odd whitish stain peeking out...

Oh shit.

Last night.

I had forgotten.

"Uh, that's nothing, just some dirty laundry. Here, let me get that..." I reached out but Dan yanked them away playfully.

"Heh, what's so important? Afraid I'll give you cooties?"

He looked at them again and a wicked smile spread across his face.

"Oh, wait, I get it. Alex, have you been abusing yourself again?? Heheh- ACK!"

Dan didn't get the chance to finish before I tackled him. We rolled all over the bed, him giggling maniacally and managing to keep the boxer-briefs just inches out of my fingers.

"C'mon, no fair!" I pinned him under me, only to have Dan throw them across the room. They landed in a crumpled heap on the floor.

"Hehehe, have to try harder than that..." Dan's voice trailed off as we both realized just how close we were to each other. Our lips touched briefly, sending a tingle down my spine. His kiss was bottled lightning. We broke for a second and searched each other's eyes, looking for the signal we both knew was there.


We embraced again, love mixing with eroticism as I probed his mouth with my tongue. As deep as I went I couldn't get enough of his taste. Dan's arms moved swiftly over my back, locking us together as we melded into one. Soft moans echoed from his chest and mine as we abandoned ourselves to the moment. My hips ground against his as we felt each other grow.

I wanted to get closer.

Although my body pleaded not to, I leaned up and gradually broke our kiss. I rolled back and sat up, my hands resting on his trim, smooth chest. I could feel his heart beating under the cloth. Confusion in his eyes turned to lust as I reached for the collar of my t-shirt. I drew it over my head in one fluid motion, letting it drop by the side of the bed like a piece of errant litter. Nothing mattered but getting as close as possible to him. And that meant going further.

Dan's fingers traced circles on my chest as he worked up the courage to go lower. Ashamed though I was to admit it, the twinge of uncertainty I saw in his face had a brother in my mind. This was new to both of us, and neither would risk ruining it by moving too fast. But the tightness in my boxers wouldn't be satisfied by running away.

"....Alex?" Dan's voice was barely a whisper, but it was all I heard in the world.

"Dan?" His hands hovered above my waist, skittish and uneasy about crossing the line.

"I..." Lips worked in silence as his mind caught up with his heart.

"I think I love you."

The room disappeared in an instant, and all I could think of was him. He loved me. 'Loved' me. And it wasn't just a line, like I had read so many times and dreaded hearing myself... Wasn't that the password? Just say 'I love you' and start humping, right? It doesn't mean anything... But now... it did. My body finally caught on and did the right thing. I leaned over Dan, easing up onto all fours as I looked into his eyes. Dark hair brushed against blond and I saw a flicker at the touch.

Earth could not have borne such an angel.

"I think... I love you too." I couldn't even hear the words as I spoke them. And yet another kiss, more erotic than the first, followed. Dan reached up to run his hands down my naked back, lightly brush my waist, and finally, finally, go lower. His fingers slid easily under the waistband of my boxers and pants, and drew them off my hips. My eyes were busy with him, but I felt my hardness spring free and bounce against his arm. I gasped at the fleeting, sudden shock of contact. Dan paused too, and broke contact to glance down. He looked for all the world like an errant puppy, innocently and gently taking me into his hand.

The feeling was incredible.

I was beyond hard as he teased carefully around the cut head, exploring every wrinkle and depression, moving slowly and oh so smoothly to the underside. His eyes met mine again as his finger found the sweet spot under the tip, where the skin flared out in a V. I felt a weakness in my arms as the world shifted south. My head went past his and rested on the pillow, serving only to groan softly as he carefully explored my manhood.

And just as suddenly, he stopped. I nuzzled my face into his neck for encouragement, smelling the musky light odor of sweat. Dan shifted.

"Alex..." He paused.

"Alex... I want to be closer to you."


My turn.



I lifted my head and grinned at him. He bit his lower lip again, in a gesture I was becoming quite endeared to. With an uncharacteristic giggle I rolled off him, reaching down to rid myself of the pants and boxers linking my knees. Dan's shirt joined them on the floor. Wow. I had fantasized about him without a shirt, but he was beyond beautiful. Totally smooth, hairless, with the firm, cut outlines of pecs hinting at his strength. I could see the shapes of ribs as he breathed, their curved delicate edges melting easily into butter-smooth skin. Dan was perfect. One mischievous hand rested on his chest, tweaking a starkly erect nipple surrounded by goosebumps. The playfulness in his eyes mixed easily with lust as he reached down to slide a hand between his shorts and underwear. I stroked the fine hairs on his calf, relishing the soft warmth under my fingers. He gave me a look that had only one meaning, and shucked off the shorts completely.

Oh. My. God.

Dan blushed at my reaction and raised his arms above his head, spreading his legs to open himself to me. I was struck by a sense of unreality. The most beautiful boy in the world was lying on my bed, clad only in a pair of old (and very tight) briefs, begging me with emerald eyes to explore him. I straddled his legs and put a hand on the inside of his thigh, purposely avoiding his pride for the moment. His groin twitched reflexively at my touch as his eyes pleaded with me to go further. A tiny earthquake erupted under my fingers as his reflexes trembled at the foreign contact. Egg-shaped outlines of his nuts made curves in the tight fabric of his briefs, making me lick my lips unconsciously. I decided not to torment him and hooked my fingers under the waistband. One quick tug, and there it was.

I never understood people who say the male organ looks "ugly." What I had before me was anything but. A dash of light brown hair, in phase to the buttermilk tones of his skin, ringed the base of the shaft. It was beautiful, between six and seven inches long, with a shiny pink head and a glistening trail of precum hanging from the tip. Dan whimpered as I gently took the shaft into my hand. I glanced up to see his eyes were shut, one finger stroking a nipple as he buried himself in the pleasure. I drew the skin up, only surprised for a moment as it drew easily over the head. The warm pink tip peeped curiously out of his foreskin as Dan let out a faint moan. Impulsively, I bent down and did the last thing I expected.

I licked it.

Dan's soft moaning turned to a sudden hiss as his chest rose. I was surprised and took my tongue away, only to have him look down with lust.

"Don't stop, don't stop... Alex...more..."

I grinned and drew the skin back down. I'd never done this before but I was determined to get it right. One hand moved to massage his nuts as my tongue gently touched the head of his pride. It tasted... well, not like anything I had tasted before. It was salty, slightly tangy but not at all unpleasant. I let it rest on my tongue a moment, enjoying the look of ecstasy on his face. The shaft twitched slightly in time with his racing heartbeat. Dan made soft wordless noises as I explored the rim slowly, feeling the warm moist skin give and shift under my tongue. When I felt ready I opened my mouth and tentatively drew him in. My teeth brushed lightly against the head and I felt him tense up. I looked up apologetically and opened wider, being careful only to touch him with the soft parts of my mouth. I drew him in as far as I could, until I felt the warm prickle of hair on my face.

We were linked for a time I couldn't measure, Dan's fingers trailing through my hair as he pumped slowly into my mouth. I did everything I could think of with my tongue, concentrating on the warm, sensitive flesh of the head. When I was doing well Dan sped up, whimpering slightly under my touch. I loved the taste, the salty flow of his precum adding flavor as it flowed freely in his excitement. Liquid candy. I could tell Dan was getting near the edge, and we both had to hold off more than once to preserve the moment. Finally his pace picked up with urgency, and I could tell he was ready to cum. I drew my tongue up the shaft to massage the sweet spot under the head, as he had before. The loose flesh of his scrotum tensed under my fingers as I felt him start to climax.

Dan came in torrents, pumping quickly to ragged breaths as he filled my mouth with his spunk. His hand swept over my head, down between my shoulders, searching for purchase as he bucked on the bed. He made the cutest noises, too, like a frantic gerbil. I felt my face draw into the beginnings of a smile as he came, oblivious to the juices running from the corners of my mouth. I knew he would be super-sensitive when he finished, so I gave the head one more lick and let it fall regretfully from my mouth. Even though the taste was salty, I swallowed as much as I could. I didn't feel dirty, like I imagined I would. It felt nice to have part of him inside me.

Dan was a sight. His young muscular body was covered in a light sheen of sweat, pale hair mussed and tangled into a blond frenzy. I watched his emerald eyes slowly open as he came down from the pleasure. I gently stroked the magic spot just behind his scrotum, only slightly disappointed I couldn't have kept going forever. He looked exhausted but glowing, and smiled down at me. I smiled back and lay down on top of his naked frame, pressing my lips to his. We spoke in whispers, although we barely had to speak at all.

"Mmmmmm, boy spunk." Dan giggled slightly and ran his tongue against mine. The feeling was electric.

"You like that?" I grinned impishly back at him.

"Yeah, silly. I loved it. God I love you Alex." I blushed again, despite myself.

"I love you, Dan." It didn't even sound corny. I felt him shift slightly.

"Mmmmm, what's that?" I realized my erection was still begging for attention, digging into Dan's stomach just above his crotch.

"You want to... uh... ?" I saw his face hesitate for a moment. "I mean, you don't have to if you don't want to..."

Dan looked conflicted for a moment, looking around. Suddenly his face lit up and he leaned over.

"Where ya going?"

He seemed to be reaching behind my bedside table for something... Oh, right. I felt my face blush red as I realized he had found the lube I kept there. I never even used it much. It was a free gift from a very freaky RA during one of our college-mandated "sex seminars."

"Busted." Dan pulled the top off the bottle as I arched back up onto all fours. Only the tip of my pride touched his stomach, but the feeling was still incredible. I had to touch him. We were linked at such a fundamental level that breaking contact, even for a moment, sent me pushing back down for more. I was suddenly very aware of my position on the bed. "Doggy style," they call it, right? Although I didn't think Dan (or I) was ready for that just yet...

I gasped slightly when I felt him touch me. His fingers worked quickly to spread the lube over my entire length. It felt cool against the warmth of his hands, and wonderfully smooth. I needed to be closer too him.

My face nuzzled into Dan's neck again as I lay down to touch him. He began a smooth rhythm with his hands, stroking me from base to tip, concentrating on the red, engorged head. The pleasure in my crotch turned intense as I started slowly moving, thrusting against his hands. I could feel every smooth curve and wrinkle in his fingers as I humped him, giving way to my animal instincts as I drove towards orgasm.

Just he smell of his sweat and arousal filled me with lust.

I brought my head up and joined Dan in a passionate, sloppy kiss. Time disappeared as we reveled in each other's touch.

I never thought it would end. When I felt the familiar tightness in my crotch I was tempted to hold off, but my body ignored me. I was being driven my something primal that wouldn't stop until it was satisfied. The rush came and my body seized. My hips drove deep into Dan's willing hands as I wrapped my arms around him, drawing us tightly together. I could feel a sudden warmth as I emptied myself onto his chest, enjoying the new slippery feeling between us. I couldn't even grunt as I slowed down, my cock still twitching with every slight movement. All the strength went out of me and I collapsed on top of Dan, my head lolling beside his. I felt exhausted and satisfied at last. We lay there for a few endless minutes, until my breathing returned to normal and my spent pride grew limp between our naked bodies.

"Wow." (So I couldn't find anything more intelligent to say.)

Dan grinned. "'Wow'?"

I rolled off him and sat up slowly, wincing at a few kinks in my normally fluid muscles. We had really been going at it. I ran my hand through his hair and grabbed a towel off my nightstand. Dan crossed his arms behind his head and smiled as I ran the towel over the spunk on his chest. I would have loved to take a shower with him, but I don't think even on a weekend I could have gotten away with it. Not in a shared bathroom, anyway. I wiped him clean carefully, from his flushed chest to his freshly-sucked dick. It was still cute, relaxed and covered, with just a trace of cum at the end.

Dan glanced at the clock. "Wow, 10 already," he said, in an oddly dejected tone. Was it? We had been here for hours, although it felt like seconds. And Eric was still out...

"Dan, you, uh..." Even naked and sitting next to the boy I had just had an orgasm with, I still felt a tad nervous. And Dan had stopped smiling.

"You wanna spend the night? My roommate's gone for the weekend..."

Dan surprised for a moment. Then his eyes lit up like a kid on Christmas morning, and he sat up next to me. "You mean... Yeah, I'd love that!" It clicked. He had thought I was going to send him back to his dorm! Gee, no wonder he looked so glum... I decided the best remedy was another kiss, and we both eagerly embraced. He still smelled lightly of sweat and spunk, in an attractive and erotic way.

When the light finally went out, we lay awake for hours, talking softly to each other about everything and nothing.

We touched each other freely, all modesty having been thrown to the wind several hours earlier. I couldn't get enough of him, nor he of me, both of us exploring areas that had been "off-limits" to others our entire lives. I had never felt so free with another person before. We soaked another piece of cloth that night, reveling in the pinched but ecstatic feeling of second orgasm so soon after the first.

Dan fell asleep first, clutched under my arm as I spooned gently into him. The heat from his body mixed with mine and pooled under the thin sheet, leaving me warmer than I had ever felt before. I heard Dan mumble my name a few times as I drifted off into a satisfied haze. I only hoped I would do the same as I slept.

(End part 3)

Mmmmm, I just love endings like that. Don't you? More in store for Alex & Dan in part 4, currently germinating. Drop by my website for other stories and random stuff you might like:

or mail me at: Come on! You know you want to. grin

Other stories of mine here in the College section: alex-and-dan (in this directory) dorm-fun (a THREESOME! Yeah, baby!)

Please feel free to distribute this story! But, for the lawyers:

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