Carpenters Town

Published on Jan 26, 2018


Carpenter's Town 4 By Bob Archman

This is a story for adult men. It depicts gay sex. If this offends or bothers you, DO NOT READ IT. It is a fantasy and is not a sex manual, or a discussion of safe sex. If you have, comments send them to or

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We had some special events at the baths. There were some birthdays, and a few wakes. Billy Dee died in his sleep and Len moved in with me. Billy had a proper church funeral and a polite reception afterwards. His family and friends attended the reception. He had been everyone's favorite Uncle and he had helped his nieces and nephews when needed. He was wealthy, and he took care of his needier nephews and nieces too. Some knew about his sexual preferences, but the arrangements were entirely conventional.

Billy had told me he want a wake at the baths. "I would like all of my gay friends to suck a cock for me!" he told me. Len knew all Billy's friends, so he took care of inviting them. Billy had asked me to invite some guys he would have liked to have sucked. He also told me to invite one of his nephews, Rob to the party at the baths. "My pals are mostly old geezers now, but they still like new meat once and a while. They may not be able to get it up the way they used to, but their assholes still work," he said.

"You are a romantic!" I said.

"Romance is nice, but a cock using your prostate as a punching bag is better!" Billy replied. Billy Dee's friends were older now, but they once had been wild guys. They weren't wild anymore, but they remained open minded. Billy's friends liked me. I was helping Len now, and that had been Billy's greatest concern.

At the baths, I mentioned that I was looking for some men to provide new meat for some older men. It was a strange request, but men volunteered. Billy had been a popular character. He gave good advice to younger men and he was helpful. They knew Billy, but they also knew his cock and ass. Carlo told me Billy's sphincter knew how to make friends.

We had the party on a Monday from five to ten. It was the restaurant's day off do it didn't conflict with the regular schedule. It was early because some of the older men didn't stay up late. I went to pick up Billy's nephew, Rob, at the airport. He was a musician and came with his friend, Gill, who was also a musician. They would stay with me and Len. Rob was in his late 30s, Gill was about ten years younger. They were in a band somewhere in upstate New York, but I could tell fame and fortune were not in their future.

I told Rob the event was at a gay bath. He asked me what the event was going to be like. I told him. Gill was young and had grown up well after the heyday of gay baths.

"Rob told me it would be a naked party. Is it going to be a stand around and drink kind of party, or will the guys get into it?" Gill asked.

"Billy wanted it to be a sex party. The usual rule at the baths is that if you ask before you fuck, it's okay. I know some of the guys are bringing a sling to recreate the ambience of the old baths," I said.

"That sounds fucking great," Gill said. "Are you okay with that, Rob?"

"Sure, I've never been in large group before," Rob said. "It sounds like fun, but it might be complicated."

"The Baths have an informal rule, what happens at the baths stays at the baths," I said. "There is sort of a no fault sex rule too. If you get along with a guy, it's fine. If you don't, that fine too. Just say thank you and find another playmate."

"Do you need to ask permission to fuck a guy in the sling?" Gill asked.

"No, you get into a sling to take whatever comes along," I said.

"What are your plans for the sling," Rob asked Gill.

"I don't know if I want to be in the sling or fucking the guy in the sling," Gill said. "I might compromise and do both!"

Rob laughed and said, "That is the response I expected." I was a little uneasy about Rob's reaction to the free-for-all nature of the party. I didn't need to worry. At the party, I realized he was reserved when he spoke, but active sexually.

The party got underway at five the next afternoon. Len, Carlo and I did some decorating in the play room where Tony, a caterer, set up the food. Billy Dee's friends arrived exactly at five. Thompson was a distinguished 75-year-old who looked like an aged Marlboro man. He came with an 80-year-old man, Issy, who must have worked out some. Issy was short for Israel. He had owned a major clothier.

I had heard Billy talk about Melvin. Melvin used a walker and came with a helper, a beefy guy named Greg. Melvin was a talker and a gossip. His mind was fine, unlike his undependable legs. Melvin came with Tommy who he said was made of money. Tommy was heavy-set, but used a cane. He had a helper named Pedro who was young and attentive.

Wilton came with two good looking friends, Kurt and Karl. Rob and Gill arrived and caused a stir. They were younger than everyone else and handsome. I was with Len and Carlo. We began to strip. I thought the older men might be uneasy being naked, but they all seemed gung-ho. Thompson told me the baths reminded him of the New York baths in the 60ies. He leaned close to me, "Len told me it would be fun. I was hoping would be real fun," he whispered.

"New York bath fun is what we are hoping for," I said. "The only rule here is that you clean up any sperm you drip on the floor."

"Hot damn. I can't tell you how ready I am. It's been years," he said. "You might tell the guys that Melvin likes the creamy stuff. I like it too, especially if it's fresh from the spigot." As we spoke, Sean, Mitch and Biff joined the party. Rollo and Dennis, the doormen, came as did Bruce, Milton, Rocky, and Doc Peters. The last men to arrive were Mark, the artist, and Stevenson. While the men were greatly varied in every way, good attitude and an interest in cock can make everything good.

Rocky, Milton and Bruce set up the sling. Bruce called for volunteers. I was surprised that Rob came forward.

"Before I get into the sling, I have a strange request. Billy Dee was my favorite Uncle and he helped me a lot through some rough patches in my life. I've never been gang fucked before. I've been thinking that if any of you fucked him or knew him well, I wouldn't mind if you fucked me and left a souvenir in my ass," he said. Then, he got in the sling.

Thompson smiled. "I think that applies to me, but I think Len should have the honor of being first. Billy Dee told me he was shocked when Len fucked him for the first time. He said he had never guessed that he would be over 70 when he met the best fucker of his life!"

Len came forward to applause. Thompson escorted him to Rob's exposed hole. Len was already hard. Thompson lubricated his cock and Len gently pushed it in. You could tell there was no resistance, Rob was open.

"Did you do this to Uncle Billy?" Rob asked. Len nodded vigorously.

Rob must have tightened his sphincter. "Oh, that's nice!" Len exclaimed. Len was a gentle fucker, but he had one objective, to drain his balls. Billy Dee had joked that Len had a brain in his knob that knew when he hit a good spot. Len took his time, shot off and turned Rob and his cum-filled ass over to Thompson. Thompson's equipment was thicker than Len's cock, but Rob took it. Thompson rested a few times to give Rob a chance to get used to the invader in his ass. Gill stood next to me and asked if Thompson would fuck him later. I said I had just met Thompson, but I doubted he would pass up the opportunity.

A few minutes later, Gill was in the sling and Thompson's cock was massaging his prostate. Gill was squirming, wiggling and vocally appreciative. Rob was showering next to me as he watched Gill. "Hot, isn't it?" he said.

"I think Thompson hit some good places," I remarked. "Does that bother you?"

"No. It's a turn on," Rob said. "Cocks come in many sizes and shapes. Gill and I like sampling them. My guess is that Thompson is a bit bigger than Gill prefers, but it has explored virgin places in his ass." He came closer to me, "This may sound strange, but Gill and I like fucking used holes. His fuck tunnel gets real sensitive, and it's better when I give him his good night fuck." As he talked he reached over and fondled my cock. "Have you guessed, I am horny guy?"

I smiled. "I like that in a man. Did you like the sling?" I asked.

"Well, it's not for every day use, but it was hot and fun," Rob said.

As we chatted, Rocky went over to Melvin as asked if he would like a massage. Melvin said he would and then asked if the massage included a happy ending. Rocky laughed and told him a happy ending was part of the service unless someone objected. "I can also do a full anal lubrication if you wish. I only natural lubricants made in my own balls." Melvin laughed and said that would be fine.

With Melvin in Rocky's capable hands, Greg went hunting. Greg was a mellow fucker and cock sucker. He was bald, hairy and had a thick, butt-plug style cock. Mitch liked hairy men, and he connected with Greg. Carlo and Dennis joined them. They looked like a convention of happy gorillas. I was surprised when Wilton joined them. I knew he liked Carlo, but he kept that quiet. The quartette of hairy men was unlike his usual collection of pretty boys. Wilton was noted for his cute companions. This was his first, public, sexual appearance with hairballs.

Kurt and Karl were Germans who wanted to open a restaurant in Richmond and had contacted Wilton. They connected with him both in a business and sexual sense. They went for Tommy. I knew they were looking for investors for their restaurant, but their interest is sex was real, and Tommy was the beneficiary of that interest. Pedro, went into the gang showers. He had no problem with older men and knew how to make friends quickly.

Tommy wasn't fat, but he was built like a six-foot-tall brick. Wilton told me later he had been a heavyweight wrestler in college, and resembled 19th Century boxers. They were solid and lived before the introduction of steroids. He had been in a serious car crash that broke his leg. The son of a builder, he was also a financial genius, with a knack for finding and financing startups.

His cock looked small, but that may have been in comparison to his massive body. It looked like an oversized cock head wrapped in thick foreskin. Karl fed Tommy his cock as Kurt worked Tommy's tool. After a few minutes, Kurt said something to Karl in German, and they switched places. Karl straddled Tommy and sat on his cock.

Tommy had an unusual cock. It was mostly large cock head on a short shaft. Karl described it as resting his prostate on a toadstool. Karl wiggled his ass a little rubbing his prostate on the knob. Karl began moaning and shot off. There was a race to get the spunk. Thompson won and ate the German's seed with obvious enjoyment. Issy came over and licked up the post-orgasmic drool.

Doc and Bruce stayed near the older men. I think they were afraid the old guys might over so it. Rocky was expert in low stress, high impact fucking techniques. He gave an informal training session to Biff, Doc and Mark. Melvin was relaxed and took loads from all three men.

Eventually there were dripping cocks everywhere. Melvin, Issy and Thompson took care of most of it, although I did my share.

By 7:30 the party began to wind down. There had been enough sucking, fucking and assorted orgasms for everyone to be happy. By 8:00 our regular patrons returned to the baths. Tony had stayed to take care of the remaining food. Carlo remained to get a leg up on the evenings cleaning. The leftover food was a great success and the guys thanked Tony in a way that only gay men could. The night group often included unmarried business men, so this was good advertising for Tony.

The sling was still set up and Stevenson moved it into the gang shower and got into it. Stevenson wasn't shy anymore. Some men fucked him as they entered the shower, other sas they left. Some poked into him, made a few thrusts and went back to the shower, others made repeat visits. While it was purely recreational, a few cocks had other plans.

It was relaxed, casual fucking, but cocks aren't necessarily into casual. Ben, one of our regulars, enjoyed Stevenson. He was the youngest son of a prominent family. He had a hair lip which had been well repaired, and his left leg was short, giving him a limp. He had a job as the business manager of a small advertising company. I gave him extra credit for that since the interest on his trust funds left him more than comfortable. He didn't need to work. Ben was the sort of man who might be a good friend but not a lover.

Ben liked to suck and bottom, but I had a feeling that was because he wanted to please. He stepped up to Stevenson's ass and assumed the position. He had an okay cock. It was what a friend said was nice, but not going to win a ribbon at the State Fair. As he got ready to fuck, I noticed that his cock was approaching prize winning territory. Ben pushed, Stevenson opened wide and moaned as Ben penetrated more deeply than expected.

"Damn Ben, where have you been hiding that?" Biff asked. He had been watching. "Take your time. Remember, getting there is half the fun!" Ben hadn't fucked much, but he had been watching. He seemed to be a natural top. I watched as Stevenson lost it and just enjoyed the sensations and he forgot to worry about what his parents thought about him.

Biff went over to Stevenson and asked if he would like a break. Biff said he would take his place. He wanted to sample Ben's cock. Stevenson was willing, and soon Ben's cock was rubbing Biff's prostate. It was clear that Ben's cock did everything Biff hoped it would. I could tell that Ben was getting more excited. Suddenly, Ben stopped thrusting. His whole body twitched a little and he filled Biff's ass. Biff had an impressive erection, and he began to shoot off too. Stevenson was near enough to suck up Biff's load. I am not sure Stevenson had taken a load in public before.

Both Stevenson and Ben had been shy, shrinking violets in the shower rooms. After month of visiting the baths, they were finally relaxed enough to join in activities. When you spend your life embarrassed by your sexual desires, hiding them from everyone you know, and dreading that someone would find out, it is hard to change. For them just seeing nude men was good. The men at the baths were naked and unembarrassed. They liked sex and there weren't embarrassed by that either. They admitted that they liked sex. Sex is intimate and often hidden by darkness. Here it was open and unashamed.

That new freedom applied to Ben and Stevenson, but it also seemed to apply to Wilton. I don't know of Wilton had been hiding his attraction for bears and gorillas, or if it was a new interest. Sex is good, but comfortable sex is even better. I know some men who are excited by the first encounter with a new man. That was once typical of closeted men who went to rest stops and parks to find sex. For me it is better after you have been together for years. I had known some men for months. I could anticipate the feeling of the excited manhood as it popped through my sphincter. I could tell when he was getting close and knew that he would soon be flooding my ass or mouth with his warm, creamy sperm.

Few of the evening men had met Carlo. He usually cleaned in the early morning, and had never been to the baths in the evening. The evening men tended to be well groomed. Carlo looked like a barbarian on his way to sack Rome. He was all man without any charm. On man had described him as an uncut diamond, very, very uncut. Luckily for Carlo, charm is not always associated with sexual attraction. While some men avoided him, others did not.

Carlo was a good man, hard-working, affable and a lot smarter than he looked. Possessing a high sex drive, he had a knack for making friends with his cock. Most of the men at the baths had the same elevated sex drive, and they were willing to share.

Given that Wilton was a stunningly pretentious man. He surprised me when it became clear that he didn't want the baths to become an elite spa for the upper crust. Years before he said he like to slum once and a while. Since the baths opened and he met Carlo, he never mentioned slumming again.

I tended to think most gay men were arty types or academics, not butch carpenters or truck drivers. Television and movies show stereotypical "gay" men. As far as I can tell, there isn't a single gay type. We catered to working men and stockbrokers. We had some college professors and a few guys who didn't make it through High School; artists and automobile mechanics. Wilton remarked that clothes make the man, and being naked in the showers was a great leveler. Cocks and wealth seem to be randomly distributed.

Wealthy men don't get big cocks and poor men don't get small ones. Sexual pleasure doesn't depend on wealth. Sex existed thousands of years before money. Sex with a wealthy man isn't more physically rewarding than sex with a poor man. You may eat at a better restaurant or go to a posh club but knowing that a guy is wealthy doesn't impact the feelings you have when his cock slips into your ass.

Our doorman, Dennis, had weeded out all the rent-boys and users. Doc had checked the men for medical problems. The baths were a safe place to meet men and have some fun. A waiter, laborer or truck driver were looking to get off or find a nice place to unload. They weren't looking for a long-term commitment or a steady income from blackmail.

Thompson and Melvin became regulars at the baths. Melvin said he liked the scenery, and he liked to give Greg some down time. Greg liked sex and had no problem in groups. Melvin liked to watch, and Greg liked to perform. Thompson tended to do more than he looked. Men who liked handsome, fit, daddy-types liked Thompson.

A month after the wake, Rob and Gill moved to Richmond. Rob inherited Billy Dee's house with no mortgage. He also inherited a well selected collection of stocks and bonds. His music career was more of a fantasy than reality so moving to Richmond was not a problem. The baths played a role I too. They had both enjoyed the baths and the men who frequented the Baths. There was nothing similar where they lived in New York, and they wanted to start over.

Next: Chapter 5

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