
By Kristen Abrhams

Published on Jul 8, 2000


Carrie - 1

I really had never known Carrie very well. She'd always seemed nice enough, but we'd run in different circles. I hung out with the cheerleaders since I was a member of the squad. Now, they were fine to be with, but it's not as though they were my first choice. There was a certain amount of bullshit socializing that you had to be willing to do to fit in. It's actually much like some offices today. If you don't hang out with the boss enough, you don't get picked for the big projects. In my case, if you don't try to be really good friends with the team captain, don't expect to be doing much other than standing in the back waving your arms during the game.

I knew Carrie from class. We actually had several together. The biggest, however, were math and history. As luck would have it, each of us was lacking where the other excelled. So, we became quick study buddies. It was through that that I knew she was on the girls' basketball team and went to see her games.

It was at those games that I realized some things that had confused me about Carrie and her family. She'd always maintained that her father had divorced her mom when she was really young. To top it all off, according to Carrie, he didn't want anything to do with her. Sad. But something told me that wasn't the whole story.

When we studied at Carrie's, she never wanted me around when her Mom was home. What's more, I never got to meet Carrie's "aunt" that moved in with them right after "Dad left". Family pictures showed the three of them (Carrie, Mom and Aunt) hugging close like you'd expect. Others, however, looked out of place. Almost as though Mom and Aunt were closer than sisters normally are.

The rumor at school was, actually, that Carrie had 'two mommies'. So, they reasoned, Carrie must also be gay. I thought about it and realized, to my surprise, that, if it were true, it wouldn't bother me. I'd grown to like her so much that what she liked in bed didn't matter at all to me.

One night, the subject came up in an unlikely place: talking about boys.

"Richard is such a pig."


She replied, "Because he doesn't think I'm being honest with him because of my mother and aunt."

I faked surprise. "What do you mean?"

Silence. She knew she'd said too much... but she couldn't cover it now. "You've been really good about not asking me about this, but I assume you know about the widely held belief that my Mom and 'Aunt' are gay."

I bit my lip and nodded.

"Well, even though it's true, Richard has this feeling the a child of a gay parent has to be gay themselves. And the only way he'll feel better is if I'm willing to fuck him."

"Well, you don't have to answer if you don't want, but are you?"



She took a deep breath. "No. At least no more than your normal seventeen year old. You know, they almost make you feel guilty if you're not gay. My mom and aunt especially think that I can't say I'm straight until I've had a couple of girlfriends." There was a short pause as Carrie realized what she'd revealed. "So, how about you? Think you might be gay?"

I took a deep breath myself. "Couldn't say for sure. I know I love guys. Emotionally and physically, I just melt. But like you said, they make you feel like you're cheating unless you've had at least one gay relationship. And, if you've only had one and you haven't decided you're gay, then you didn't do it correctly." Carrie laughed. "Maybe, I just need that big, strong butch girl to show me the errors of my heterosexual ways and convince me to cut my hair like a guy and wear guys clothes."

Carrie chimed in with "And date like a guy -- everyone."

We smiled. I was glad she let me in. I'd never heard her talk about her folks like that. Heck, I'd never admitted that I wasn't the all knowing, all seeing queen of hetero sex. This was new -- and that wasn't a bad thing.

"Well, I'm sure that GLADD would love our little conversation, but it still doesn't solve my problem."

"I'm sorry," I replied. "You were talking about Richard."

"Yeah, he says he wants sex to prove that I'm not, as he so charmingly puts it, 'a dyke'."

"Want my honest opinion?"


"I'd dump him."


"Anyone that demands sex as proof that you are one way or another doesn't deserve it. But, do you know how to give head?"

"Where did that come from?"

"Seriously. I've managed to get out of so many 'serious' conversations by being able to give head well enough that he's lost concentration. It's amazing."

Carrie blushed. "I've done it a few times, but I never got the impression it was much to write home about."

"O.K.," I said, "after school, we'll go to your house and I'll show you. O.K.? Because I can tell you don't necessarily want to break it off. If you can make his head explode, he'll forget it all until after he's taken you home."

"Sounds good."

That afternoon, we went to Carrie's after a quick side trip to my place. After retrieving a special, um, teaching tool. A message on the machine from her Mom said we'd have the place to ourselves for at least a few hours. So, we went to the den and made ourselves comfortable.

"This," I said while reaching into my bag, "is my little friend." At that, I pulled out my eight-inch dildo. It was made of pink rubber and looked almost too realistic with its veins and ridges. "Here," I said handing it to Carrie. "What do you think?"

Carrie just held it and stared with that look of surprise that only comes with someone handing you a disembodied penis when you weren't expecting it. Finally, she bit her lip and said," Bigger than I've seen in a while."

After the expected questions about "Do you really use something that big?", etc., we got down to business. We knelt on the floor and held my toy between us. I showed her everything I knew about the penis. I told her everything I knew about getting even the most aggressive guys to go limp (so to speak) just by being the right girl in the right place. Hell, I even admitted that I'd started off a blowjob or two just wanting to be free of the guy and ended up wanting sex more than he did.

Just when I thought we were done, Carrie got this mischievous look on her face. "I've got an idea. If you're too weirded out, you just say so. But there's no one else I trust like you, so I figured I'd give it a shot."


"I'd like to practice it, but on you."

"Me? I kind of lack the equipment, Care."

"Don't speak too soon."

With that, Carrie stood up and walked out of the room. A moment later, she returned with a harness and proceeded to show me that my dildo fit right into it. Finally, she strapped it on herself to show how it would look. Amazing, my wonderful toy. My instrument of passion was in front of me... dangling from Carrie's waist... a cock.

"So, you'd wear it, and I'd show you what I learned. What do you think?"

"Um, Care? Does this seem a little gay to you?"

"You know, in a way, it does. I mean, I'd rather die than have my Mom catch me with you like that, but I need some practice. And, if nothing else, you can always refer to this as your 'lesbian experience'."

I thought about it for a second. Don't ask why, but I reached out and said," How do I get this contraption on?"

As I stripped off my shorts to put on the harness, Carrie stepped out. I tightened everything and slipped the dildo in place. Looking in the mirror, I could hardly believe my eyes. There I was with my muscular cheerleader's body, small waist, ample breasts... and eight-inch penis.

I put on the boxer shorts Carrie asked me to wear over the cock and my other shorts on top of them. Then, I waited. As my mind started wandering, I got excited. The thought of seeing this from the guy's perspective was exciting. A seemingly excited person between your legs sucking a part of your body into their mouth all to make you feel good. What an idea! Yes, I'd had the same thing done for me with my breasts or my clit, but I was wandering into new territory.

Carrie walked in after changing her clothes. Sweater, skirt, hair and make-up. "If we're gonna play, we might as well play like it's real." She stopped to look at me. "Kinda weird having that thing on, huh?"

"Kind of, but I think I'll manage. I can't believe you have this."

She smiled. "Well, if you had two mommies, I'm sure you'd be able to find the odd sex toy here and there." Carrie walked over and took my hands. "You O.K. with this? We can stop any time if you're not comfortable."

My face flushed. I was both embarrassed and excited. Suddenly, it was very real, and I was excited about it. "I'm fine, but I need you to let me do one thing."

"Sure. What is it?"

You could feel the excitement between us as I felt her fingers intertwined with mine. I pulled her closer and extended my neck and lips. She knew what I needed and did the same thing. Slowly, we kissed. Not a long, passionate tonguing, but a kiss none-the-less. A kiss that you share with someone you're letting perform a sexual act on you. A kiss that lets both you and them know that you're not JUST USING them.

Carrie took my hands tight as our lips parted. They were shaking. "Wow! You really needed that, didn't you?" I simply nodded. "So, did I. Thank you." With that, she kissed me again and started to undo my shorts. I imagined the countless times I'd performed the same maneuver. Wrapping my fingers around the turgid shaft of my date and having him, paradoxically, melt. As Carrie's hand grabbed my shaft, the harness pressed against my rapidly moistening sex and my own turgid flesh (my clit). The rush was amazing. Like a never-ending sponge. The pressure only seemed to elicit more excitement. I was willing to stay like that forever... or until I came.

"Oh, somebody likes that," said Carrie. I just bit my lip and nodded. "You ready for me, big boy?" My eyes flew open to scream 'Big boy?'. She kissed me lightly on the lips. "Playing like it's real. You're 'big boy'."

"Oh, O.K."

Carrie pulled me by the penis, like I suggested, to her bed where she had me sit. Then, she pulled my shorts down far enough to uncover the cock and my hips. Carrie took the cock in one hand and stroked my hard belly with the other. Her full lips surrounded the head of the cock and enclosed around it. I could see her running her tongue around the crown of the cock. I could only imagine the sensation. I'd been where Carrie was... between the legs of a person with a cock. I could only guess what it felt like to have a wet, hot tongue against your flesh. Oh, I knew about having a tongue pressed against me, but I didn't know about having the same thing done against an organ I could only imagine having for real. So, I imagined my sex being licked by a soft, gentle tongue and feeling that down a long shaft of flesh. Mmm. My hands involuntarily moved to my chest to feel the nipples that were cutting through my bra and t-shirt. The pressure of pinching my nipples made them scream out for more. Again, I felt the heat rise in my face and I wasn't sure what to do until I felt Carrie's hand rubbing against my belly. She looked like a calm angel. I reached out to touch this vision and caressed her face. She stopped, took the cock from her mouth and held it to her cheek. "You like it?" I nodded. She smiled. "I can tell." She then reached up to pinch my left nipple. Electricity shot through my veins.


As I drifted through a haze of sexual passion, knowing little more than I was feeling wonderful and wanted to feel even better, I knew that I wanted Carrie to feel just as good. I soon found that Carrie had the same idea.

She pulled my shorts off and climbed on my lap. Her skirt was up high enough that the wet shaft of my cock pressed against her panty-covered belly. She was actually pressing hard against the base of the cock. Small, regular pulses. Press. Press. Press. Press. I looked up into her eyes to see as much passion as I felt. This wasn't about her. It wasn't about me. It was about us.

Slowly, Carrie pulled the bottom of her top up. I'd seen this belly a thousand times in the locker room and swimming and just hanging out. This time was different. I reached to help, but she wanted nothing of it.

"Let me show you, sweetie. Be patient."

The top peeled off to reveal her ample bosom covered by a beautiful lace bra she bought with me the previous weekend. I reached to brush my fingers against the lace. She smiled. "I knew you liked this bra, so I figured I'd give you a treat." My fingers couldn't help themselves. With a sex drive of their own, they caressed Carrie's breasts through the material and hooked over the top of the bra until I felt her hard nipples.

"Oh, god. What am I doing?"

Carrie kissed me as reassurance. "You're doing what any good boyfriend would do with a girlfriend who's been sucking his penis and was now pressing her pussy against it." She leaned back a little and raised her arms. "Could you help me?"

I looked up at her. The passion in her eyes was contagious. Her little hip thrusts against the cock were difficult to ignore. The constant pressure against my pussy was impossible. I couldn't resist.

Reaching up, I wrapped around Carrie's torso to unhook the wonderful bra she wore. As I pulled it down her arms, her supple breasts came into view. It was like lightning. Now, I could see what all the guys talked about. I saw how beautiful they were. I'd looked t my own and others' and could appreciate their beauty. I didn't, as I did on this occasion, bury my face between their breasts to kiss and feel their softness against my face. My hands covered Carrie's breasts like I loved mine to be handled during sex. The nipples called their siren song and I answered. The hard, warm flesh fired my senses and awoke my own nipples. On fire, they needed air, so while I desperately sucked on my friend's breasts, I pulled vainly on my on top. Carrie, luckily, knew what I wanted and helped. Soon, hot flesh seared hot flesh as our naked bellies and chests met and encouraged more. My mania for Carrie's body took over me. I held her tight and would not let her go. Well, would not let her go until...

"Let me take these off, baby." Carrie stood up long enough to pull her panties down and then climb back up and straddle my lap. "You've got a naked girl on your lap. What do you do?" I reached tentatively to brush the hair from her face and caressed her cheek. She turned her head to kiss the palm of my hand. Eyes met. No words were exchanged. My hand drifted down to her waist and between her legs to her thick patch of pubic hair. Matted with her own wetness, it revealed her passions. The swollen lips of her pussy opened to welcome my fingers. I knew what she needed. So did she. We both reached for the cock together and gently placed the head at the entrance to her sex. Looking at each other, we said more than we would ever need.

Carrie slid down on the cock effortlessly as my hands rested on her hips ready to help and guide. Her cries were loud and even a bit scary (I didn't want to hurt her), but she was fine. Most women (including myself) need to work on bringing something like this cock into their bodies. An inch here. An inch there. After a few minutes, you've got it all. Carrie took it all in one stroke. She was that excited.

I could understand why she was screaming... and I was jealous.

Up. Down. Up. Down. Up. Down. Carrie worked herself to frenzy on the cock. I didn't want her exploding too soon, so I wrapped my hand around the base of the cock to make it a third shorter.

"You bad, bad girl. What are you doing? Trying to keep some of our wonderful cock from me?" Carrie was playful and passionate.

"'Don't want you to cum too soon."

"Too late. Been cumming continuously. Boom. Boom. Boom. Like little firecrackers. But I can feel a big one coming. You?"

"Nothing, yet. But, it's coming. I'm so hot." I slid my hand up and down the cock on her wetness as though I was jacking myself off. In reality, the pressure on my clit was insane. My sex burned like I'd never felt. Was it the harness? Was it the company? These are all questions that occurred afterward. At the time, my only thoughts were of Carrie, me and the sex we were having.

"Let go, baby. Let me do something for you."

I did as she asked. Carrie leaned back and spread her legs to show the massive cock sliding in and out of her pussy. Was the cock really that big? How did I manage to get it inside of me without help? "Watch, sweetie. See it gong in and out?" I nodded. "That's you. That's you filling me up. This is what it looks like when you get too carried away with the boys and fuck their brains out. You like?"

Again, I was hypnotized. I could only nod agreement, watch and participate. Participation was limited to taking whatever Carrie dished out. The pressure on my clit skyrocketed when she shifted her weight. With each thrust, I was closer to orgasm. With each thrust, nearer satisfaction.

So, I leaned back and took it all. Seeing Carrie leaning back lewdly fucking my brains out... her beautiful, athletic body working to strain and please both itself and me...her breasts swaying and bouncing with each thrust... my breasts swaying and yearning for attention... my need for her... my hunger for her... her flesh in my mouth... the taste of her... her smell... her essence on my hands... the smell of our sex in the air...the cries of passion... the prayers thanking God for letting this happen... each breath fanning the flames for more... the breathing getting faster and faster... the flash of white... the heat... fire... burning... swallow... envelop... melt... embrace... kiss... caress... sleep.

After we both came in a symphony of cries and shrieks, we collapsed. Carrie moved enough to pull the harness from my waist. She got back on top of me as though I still had the cock strapped on. I loved it. Warm. Loving.

"Does your clit get as sensitive as mine after you cum," she asked.

A beat passed as I strained to stop focusing on only the feeling of her body against mine. "Yeah, gets real sensitive. Easy to abuse."

"Mmm-hmm. Didn't want you to feel like that."

I kissed her. "Thank you."

We lay there talking. Carrie on top of me. Her wet sex against mine. Her breasts against mine. Her body against mine.

I was going to want more.

Carrie looked at the clock. "Shit. Mom's going to be home soon. You'd better get moving."

I knew why I had to leave, but I wanted to play with her. "What you don't want her to catch you in bed having sex?"

"Are you kidding? She'd scream with pleasure! She's wanted me to have some sort of sex life for a while. Do you know how intimidating it is to have you mother wanting details about dates like a girlfriend? It's not her business whether or not I fuck and especially whom I fuck. I'm going to do my best to keep everything from her whether or not I gang-bang the football team or have a lesbian orgy with the cheerleading squad."

"Trust me. You don't want to have an orgy with all of the cheerleaders."

She got the joke. "No. Only one...or two... or three." She cracked that sly smile I love so much, so I flipped her over so I was on top and pinned her to the bed. I kissed her face and lips and neck as I mockingly cursed her.

"You bitch. You'd want to fuck those pussies on the squad?"

Her hips started rotating against mine. Her pussy against mine. Her clit against mine. " If they bring a cock like the one you did, they can join in. But, there's only one pussy I'm interested in." We kissed softly and passionately. "Mom would love to know that you came over to show me how to blow a cock, but it turned into full blown lesbian sex."

"So, does this mean we're lesbians? I mean, after all we said about liking guys?"

"I don't think so, but I'd say that anyone that thinks we're entirely heterosexual is completely misguided. How do you feel?"

"Carrie," I said, "if you asked me that last year, I'd have freaked."

"And now?"

"It doesn't scare me."

"And what if we completely fall in love with each other?"

I looked her in the eyes and kissed her. "Well, considering that I'm 17 and too hormonally charged to know what true love is with anyone... guy or girl..." I paused. I surprised myself with the words. "Falling in love with you doesn't scare me."


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------------------------------------------------------------ I have more stories. Try "The Kailen Stories". Go to They're filed under LESBIAN/COLLEGE/KAILEN.

Next: Chapter 2

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