Carried Away

By moc.loa@975lliHtrA

Published on Sep 24, 2004


Disclaimer: This story is basically a fantasy involving humiliation, mild violence, and sexual activity between young men. If you find such material offensive or in violation of the laws of your state/country, please don't read any further. Remember to practice safe sex: this story is a fantasy in which STDs don't exist!

(c) Art M. Hill All rights reserved (2004). If you enjoy this story, please email me.

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I was finding myself in a very uncomfortable situation. I was just recovering from being mobbed by the college football team and pushed into an icy shower. As I was leaving, soaking wet, I saw Nick on his motorcycle. He looked so hot, and when he offered me a ride I was helpless to say no. I thought he was just taking me up the road and back, but he just kept going until we reached an old roadside bar that proved to be a biker hangout. He insisted that we go in for a beer, and before long I seemed to be the center of attention.

"Hey Moran," one of the bikers called. How about introducing us to your little friend. But maybe you should take him to the can first. He looks like he's ready to shit in his pants--unless he's got a butt plug up his ass." Most everybody in the room laughed, and I felt like crawling under one of the tables.

"How about it, Stanton?" Nick said. "You wanna meet some of my buds? They' re real nice guys. I think you'll like them."

"Ah, Nick," I said, "I thought you said we were just gonna have a quick beer and then leave. I told you I gotta get home."

"Aw, you don't wanna insult those guys, do you? C'mon, let's join `em for that beer and then we'll split. Whatdaya say?"

What choice did I have? Nick had the wheels. Besides I didn't want to piss those guys off. Most of them seemed pretty smashed, and looked like they would kick the shit out of anybody who gave them a reason to.

Reluctantly I followed Nick over to a table where a bunch of bikers were sprawled. "Sup, dudes?" Nick asked, after high-fiving a number of the guys.

"Could be better, man," said the biker who had spoken up before. "Haven't been gettin' any lately. My regular bitch split a couple of weeks ago. I'm horny as a moose." Turns out this was an inside joke since his handle was `Moose'.

"Whataya say about lending us your little buddy for awhile?"

I was totally shocked by what I was hearing. This was like a nightmare. Surely Nick wouldn't let me be raped by a bunch of horny bikers?

"Well, Moose, I'll tell ya: I gotta get me some gas for the bike, or me and my friend here might be walkin' home. There's a station right up the road. I' ll think about what you said, and let ya know when I get back."

"Nick," I said, "let me go with you. I don't trust those guys."

"Aw, don't be such a pussy, Stanton. Those guys are okay; they're not gonna hurt you. Besides I'll be right back. I told you that ya gotta loosen up a bit. Now relax, man."

With that he turned on his heels and was gone, leaving me to whatever tender mercies those bikers had.

"Hey, come on over here cutie-pie," Moose said. "Sit down here with us." I could hardly understand him, he was slurring his words so badly. There must have been a dozen empty bottles on the table. "This here is Carl and Jim and Will and that dawg over in the corner is Don (who cheerfully flipped him the bird.) They were all dressed in dirty looking jeans, leather vests over tight shirts and motorcycle boots. They smelled like they hadn't seen the inside of a shower in a month. One thing you had to say about `em though; they looked like they were in good shape . . . very good shape!

Moose draped an arm around me. I almost passed out from his BO. "Be a good girl now," he said, "and get old Moose and his buddies another round. Hey, Billy," he hollered, "give our little friend here some brewskys."

I trotted over to the bar and grabbed a half dozen cold bottles of beer from the leering bar tender and carried them (carefully) over to the bikers' table.

"Hey man," said Don, "he's a good little waitress. Maybe you should give her a tip."

"I tell you, Don, I'm plannin' on giving our little princess here more than a tip . . . much more!" Everybody roared at that.

I considered running for the door, but where would I go? I was out in the middle of nowhere and Nick was gone (not that he would help me anyway.) I figured though that if I ran and they caught me they might just treat me even worse then they planned, so I decided to stay put.

With the music blasting Moose said: "Why don't you do a little dance for us, honey? Show us what you got."

Dance? Were they crazy? I wasn't going to dance for a group of drunken bikers.

"Um, Moose," I said timidly, "I don't know how to dance. I never learned."

Before I could even blink, Moose backhanded me, knocking me to the floor. " Boy, when I tell you to dance you get up and shake that pussy of yours or you're gonna be missing a whole bunch of teeth." He made a big fist and held it out for me to see. "Ya want some of this?" he threatened.

"Okay, okay, I'll dance!"

"On the table, babe, and take off your clothes. Do a strip for us!"

At this point I figured I might as well go along with them and hope they got tired of their game or that Nick came back. (Little did I know at the time that Nick was having a beer with the gas station attendant, who was another one of his friends!)

I carefully took off my pants and then my shirt and shoes and got up on the table. Then I started gyrating to the music as best as I could. Apparently, to the drunken bikers, I was doing just fine. They started to cheer and clap. " That's it, babe," said Moose, "shake that little pussy of yours." To emphasize his point he reached up and pinched one of my buns. I let out a scream of surprise, and they all roared.

"Okay, take off your panties, princess. We wanna see your little clit."

"Now wait a minute . . ." I began.

Luckily, the bartender intervened: "No way, Moose," he said firmly. "I could loose my license if the cops swing by, and you know they got this place way up on their list."

"Ah shit, I know, but there must be something else this little girl is good for besides dancing. Whatdaya say, dudes?"

"I say we take her in the back room and fuck her," said Carl. "Spin one of them beer bottles to see who takes her first." Everybody shouted their approval.

Now I was definitely thinking about bolting for the door, but before I had the chance hands reached up and roughly hauled me down onto the table and pinned me. Then they started feeling me all over, twisting my nipples and squeezing my balls, making rude comments about the size of my cock, which they could see outlined in my briefs.

"Hey, she likes it!" yelled Don. "Look at her little prick; it's standin' straight up."

You guessed it! My cock was on the loose again. Damn! It was the worst time for this to happen, but I was helpless since that little bugger had such a mind of its own.

"Okay, honey," Moose said, "you'll be the one to spin the bottle to see which of these dudes is gonna break you in first . . . Hey, you ever been fucked before?"

My voice was gone. I simply shook my head `no'.

"Well, well, guys, we got ourselves a virgin here. We gotta be real gentle with her. Then maybe she'll come back and play with us again," Moose chuckled.

"Please, Moose, I don't wanna do this. Listen, um, I'll give you a blow job, but I don't wanna get fucked. Nick is gonna be back any time now. He'll be real pissed off if he sees you guys doin' this to me."

Moose looked at me innocently. "Who do ya think gave us the go on this? Your good friend, Nick!"

I looked at him speechless. Sure Nick had been rough with me and I was getting to enjoy it, but this . . . I couldn't believe he would set me up for these grungy bikers!

"Okay, precious," Moose growled, "time's up. You either play along with us or you're gonna go out of here on a stretcher."

If I had thought about it for a minute I would have realized that he was most likely bluffing. The bartender would be able to I.D. them and probably would if he thought he would lose his license. But I was too terrified at the moment to think logically. Besides, somewhere in the back of my perverted mind I had thought about being gang-banged by a bunch of burly bikers. Of course the reality facing me was probably a lot different from the fantasy. O God, what should I do?"

Moose decided for me with a solid blow to the midsection, doubling me up and knocking the wind out of me. I had the feeling he had pulled the punch, and that if he had wanted to he could have broken a couple of ribs or worse. He waited a second until I caught my breath, then drew his fist back again. I put up my hands as a sign of surrender. I knew I didn't want to get beat up. But the alternative . . .

"Now!" said Moose threateningly.

Reluctantly I spun the bottle and it ended up pointing toward Don. I must admit I could have done worse. This guy was a real stud. His light brown hair was tied back in a pony tail. He had green eyes and stubble on his face. His jaw was squared off and there wasn't a hint of fat on this lanky body. My cock got even harder as a saw him grin and get up to claim his prize--me!

"Follow me, babe," he said in his deep sexy voice, while the other bikers followed, yelling: "Open her up for us `D', really ream her out!"

Now I began to get frightened as Don wrapped a big arm around me and hustled me into the back room, equipped with a small, rickety bed.

"Make sure you close that door and lock it," Billy said. "I don't want no trouble here, and remember, I got no idea what you're doin' in there so ya better keep it down."

"Sure, Billy, old friend, cept we won't be able to keep it down' if ya know what I mean." The other bikers snickered. I guess in their condition even a lame joke sounded funny. "Hey," Moose said, "give us another round of beers. I don't know how long this is gonna take."

"Strip," Don ordered. "Everything off" While I was taking off my last scrap of clothes, Don pulled off his boots followed by his warn jeans. Then he lifted his shirt over his head revealing a hairless chest of respectable proportions tapering down to a narrow waist and big muscular thighs. I had to admit, he was a real stud!

No, I never imagined I would be having those kind of thoughts, especially when this guy was planning on raping me. He didn't ask, he demanded. But once again, something in this situation--being forced by a big handsome stud--turned me on big time. How was this possible? Was I losing my mind?

My thoughts were interrupted as Don grabbed me and pushed me down on the bed, which creaked loudly. My ass was hanging off one end and my head off the other. Don reached into the drawer of an old bureau and found a tube of lube. (Apparently this room had seen action before!)

First Don lubed up his finger. Hands pulled apart my butt cheeks and exposed my cherry ass. Don then eased one long finger up my chute.

"Man, this is tight, dudes. We're gonna have us a real ball with this one." His massaging finger, which hurt like hell at first, began to feel good. Don could see the change in my expression. "Man," he said with a grin, "this little bitch just needed a real man to make her realize how much she needed to be fucked. . . . and I'm just the man to open her up!"

Before I knew it he had inserted a second finger and then a third, stretching and massaging until I began to relax. " Okay, dudes, she's hot and ready to be reamed out by my big dick."

I glanced at his crotch and saw his swollen manhood. It was huge and made me tense up again. I had time to examine what was going to be forced into me. It must have been about 10 inches long with a big head covered with skin. The skin had gradually retracted as his dick grew. It was already sticky with precum. Huh! Something about his being uncut also turned me on, and I felt almost as ready as he said I was. At that moment he squirted a generous amount of lube up my chute and greased up his own huge pole.

"Don't worry, darlin', you're gonna love this, right guys?"

The other bikers had drawn in a tight circle so that they could watch the action. They were all leering impatiently. It was clear to me that they were all waiting their own turn.

"Hey, dudes, said Moose, "we're wastin" one of her holes. Let's use her mouth cunt while we're waitin' for the other." His suggestion was met by instant approval by the horny bikers.

Moose claimed first shot. He moved around to my head which was hanging off the other side of the bed. "Open up faggot, I got a present for you. I'm sure you'll love it."

I saw his monster from upside down. From the smell coming from it, I was sure he hadn't washed it for at least a week or so. I shuddered.

"C'mon, bitch, open up. Do it now unless you want more of what I gave you before. You're pissin' me off. Start off with my balls. They're all sweaty from that fuckin' ride we just took. They're itchin' like crazy. I need you to give them a good washin' and cool `em down--for now, that is," he laughed.

In spite of the sour odor coming from his huge balls I bravely stuck out my tongue and lightly touched one of his wrinkled nuts. He responded with a gasp, which encouraged me to continue. Before you knew it, I was really getting into it. Jeez, what was going on? I drew in first one ball and then another, swabbing them and massaging them and bouncing them with my tongue while sucking gently on them. There was a distinct taste of sweat and a smell that reminded me of motor oil and gas. Maybe it was just my imagination as I thought about Moose 's crotch glued to that cycle all day.

"That's it, little piggy," Moose cooed, "keep it up, you're doin great. Ahhhh, keep that up and you won't even have to do much suckin' on my pole. Hey, dudes, when ya have her suck you make sure she does your balls first. Let `er take off all the road dust," he chuckled.

Meanwhile, I was making comparisons between Moose's equipment and Don's. Moose's cock seemed to be thicker than Don's and almost as long. It was slightly curved up, making it difficult for me to suck from my position on the bed.

Once I had finished Moose's balls to his satisfaction he didn't waste any time pulling back and preparing to thrust his banana directly into my gaping mouth.

This little drama with Moose had so absorbed me that I forgot about Don poised to ravage my ass. They must have given each other the sign, because they both thrust into me at the same time, making me feel for one long agonizing minute that I had been skewered like a rack of lamb.

I would have screamed from the pain in my virgin ass as Don began to batter down the door, except that my mouth was already full to overflowing with Moose' s big dong. I never had the sensation of a cock pushing into my ass, and frankly I didn't like the feeling at all. Don was concentrating on penetrating my tight ring with his huge cockhead and seemed oblivious to my discomfort. He was determined to get inside, and wouldn't be stopped until his huge pole was gripped entirely by my warm chute.

With one mighty push Don managed to stretch my resisting sphincter enough for his huge head to pop into my chute. I groaned in pain, muffled, of course, by Moose's big sausage sliding in and out of my mouth. Don showed no mercy, pushing in further and further. At first the pain was so intense that I involuntary began to sink my teeth into Moose's dick.

"Watch the teeth, fucker," he bellowed, "or you won't have any left.

I quickly covered my teeth with my lips. I certainly didn't want pain from both sides at once! In any case, to my happy surprise, the pain in my butt began to ease. I could feel Don's bush tight against my ass and realized that I had all of him inside of me. From the moans that were coming out of him I could tell that he was enjoying what he was feeling too.

"Oh, fuck," Don shouted to no one in particular. "You guys have gotta try this. It's so warm and tight. Shit, this is better than any jack off. Yeah, fag, you got one hell of an ass. Dudes, we gotta get Moran to give us some more of this pussy. She's got a better cunt than my bitch," he growled as he started thrusting in and out.

Meanwhile, although I was choking on Moose's curved monster, I began to have sensations in my ass like I had never had before. I couldn't help it: I started pushing back to meet his thrusts so that pretty soon we had a rhythm set up. Then I got the idea to squeeze his cock as he was withdrawing it. He almost went wild.

"FUCK!" he shouted. This fag is unbelievable. Her ass is giving my dick a massage. Keep that up fucker, that's just right. You're gonna get a big hot load before you can count to ten."

Actually by now we were both loving it so much that we slowed it down when things were getting too hot. Looked like we both wanted to make it last as long as possible.

"Look at the fag!" commented one of the other bikers. "She's pushing up against Don while he's fuckin 'er. She's really into it! Man I can't wait to get me a piece of that."

With all the sensations coming out of my ass I was almost totally unprepared when Moose fired off his big load into my sucking mouth.

"Uhhh! Uhhh! Uhhh!" yelled Moose in delight as he discharged his sperm directly down my throat. "Damn faggot just pulled the jizz right out of me. She's a fuckin' vacuum cleaner. Ohhhh yeaaaaah!"

For a moment, all my attention was focused on Don who was reaming my ass faster and faster. He spun me around on the bed and lifted my legs over his muscular shoulders so that he could penetrate more deeply. The other bikers were cheering him on and betting about how long this would last and who would shoot first.

"My money's on the faggot," Moose said. "That little shit is so worked up she's gonna let go any second."

Those words and the wicked grin on Don's face as he pounded me into the bed were all it took and I was off. I screamed and blew my load as far as the headboard. More globs rained down on my face and chest, soaking me with my own sticky jizz.

"Man, I fucked the faggot's cum right out of her. Did you guys see that?"

Even as he spoke his own cock exploded and shot his load up my ass. My own orgasm was still going strong and my ass kept expanding and contracting, milking the cum out of him. He first writhed on the bed over me, then collapsed heavily down on top of me, his cock still spurting deep inside me. My legs fell down on either side of his lean body as he continued to moan in delight, still thrusting in and out, smacking against me with his hard body.

While I watched him come down from his orgasm I was amazed by the amount of pleasure I had felt. At first I was in agony as he forced his big dong up my protesting ass. Now I felt only pleasure together with a bit of soreness. He continued to lay heavily upon me, his sweat dripping down over my neck and chest. I placed both my hand on his broad back and felt his strength under the slippery sheen that covered his body. I could feel his heart beating against me as it began to slow back to normal. It was the most intimate feeling I could ever remember.

"Well, I guess you liked that faggot," Don panted as he began to withdraw his softening dick from my battered ass. Unconsciously I tried to hold him inside me.

"Holy shit, dudes," he said. "The cunt doesn't want to let me go!" He started laughing hysterically. "Don't worry, fag," he said, still laughing. "There 's lots more where that came from. I'm sure my friends here are ready to fuck your brains out. If you're not too stretched out by then I'll be back for seconds. How does that sound, faggot?"

(to be continued)

Next: Chapter 11

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