Carried Away

By moc.loa@975lliHtrA

Published on Oct 1, 2004


Disclaimer: This story is basically a fantasy involving humiliation, mild violence, and sexual activity between young men. If you find such material offensive or in violation of the laws of your state/country, please don't read any further. Remember to practice safe sex: this story is a fantasy in which STDs don't exist!

(c) Art M. Hill All rights reserved (2004). If you enjoy this story, please email me.

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The next couple of hours were almost a complete haze of lust and submission. At one point somebody slipped a bottle of poppers under my nose and I was off to the races. They also poured cans of beer down my throat to encourage me. They joked that all that beer foam in my mouth tickled their cocks and made them get rock hard and ready to spurt even sooner.

I was double teamed over and over again. I swallowed seemingly endless rounds of cock juice as the bikers pounded me without mercy. At the same time my ass felt full to overflowing. Just when I thought I couldn't take any more, another cock slid deep up into my chute. My hole was so stretched out that it no longer hurt when one of those big biker cocks assaulted my butt. In fact, by that point I positively wanted to be plugged. Maybe it was the poppers, maybe it was all the beer, maybe it was because the whole thing was so damn nasty. I orgasmed myself about four times until I was completely spent. Cum and sweat covered my entire body and dripped out of my mouth and ass. My mouth tasted like shit since so many of my rapists, after battering my ass slid their cocks into my mouth for cleaning.

At that point Moose bellowed that, since I was already used to the taste of shit, he wanted to see how good I was at eating ass. Under other circumstances I probably would have gagged just at the suggestion, but by now I was too far gone for anything to bother me.

Moose appointed himself to go first. He removed his jeans and briefs, which had been dangling around his ankles, and straddled me. He was kneeling over me, facing the bottom of the bed, with his smelly feet on either side of my head. Then he slowly sat down, positioning his muscular butt directly over my face. His ass more and more filled up my field of vision until it was all I saw. Then he dropped down on top of me, nearly smothering me. He ordered me to begin by kissing and then licking his sweaty ass crack. I did as I was told. The taste was rank and strong. As I said, I don't think he had showered for like a month. But after one of his buds handed him the bottle of poppers and he made me breathe in a few times, his ass started to smell like Channel.

Suddenly my tongue was going wild licking and finally sucking on his ass hole. I could hear loud clapping and cheering in the room and then hysterical laughter. I must have been doing it good since Moose was loudly groaning his approval.

"Yeah, fag," he said, "I knew you'd love this. It's your flavor." All the guys cracked up again at that. "Okay, shitface," Moose continued, "now curl your tongue up and get it inside my hole. I want to feel it as far up my chute as it can go . . . Ya see, I got an itch up there and I want you to scratch it. " More laughter.

I curled up my tongue and began pressing at his hole. It was closed up tight.

"Keep knockin', asslicker, somebody's gonna open that door up pretty soon," he chuckled.

I had no idea what I was doing. All I knew is that I was having feelings I never had before. An act that should have been disgusting suddenly became a turn on. Moose noticed. "Hey, dudes," he shouted between groans: "The faggot likes it! Look at his little clit sticking straight up. Looks like he may blast again. Then I felt a sharp bang on my cock and then another. Moose was apparently flicking it with his finger. "Think I'll use this for my little punching bag. It sure is hard enough." All of a sudden Moose was a stand up (er, squat down) comedian.

Sure enough after a few more minutes of vigorous licking, sucking, and pushing I could feel his hole begin to relax and open. Suddenly my tongue slid inside. It felt warm and slippery, and, without being told, I began to twirl my tongue around like an electric snake. "Aww, shitt!" he yelled. "That's it. Keep doin that! Yeah!" He let out a string of profanities and then arched up. I was so far gone that my mouth followed him up and kept up the suction as he began to orgasm. I felt something, thick, warm, and sticky land on my stomach and pubes as his cum gushed from his big fat cock. "Fuck!" he groaned, still shooting. "Keep that up you little shit. AHHHHHHHH!"

Just then a huge glob of warm cum landed directly on my throbbing cock, coating it with jizz. That was all it took. With a muffled (by his ass) scream I began to shoot again, adding my own load to the huge deposit that Moose had already made.

The bikers were once again clapping and whistling. Then they burst out in hysterical laughter as Moose let go with a big smelly fart that hit me directly in the face. "Man, I needed that," he shouted. I could feel him shaking over me. He was laughing so hard he almost fell off me. I could tell that Moose loved being the center of attention and he didn't relinquish his seat on my face for several minutes after shooting his load. I heard the sound of high fives all around while Moose's buddies congratulated him and began to clamor for their own turn at the asslicker (me).

Sometime later in the evening--I'm not sure when--I realized that the bikers were gone and Nick was standing over me, smiling, with his hands on his hips. " Hey, dude," he said in that sexy voice of his, "you musta done a real good job. I saw those bikers ready to take off just when I was pulling back into the parking lot. They all yelled at me that they'd love to come back for more, and that you had the best holes they ever used. I told `em that this was a freebee, but next time they'd have to pay up."

I was in shock. Next time? And what the hell did he mean by `pay up?' Was he gonna rent me out like a whore? Even through the haze of the booze and poppers I started to panic. This was going way to far.

Exhausted, I could hardly get up off the cum-stained bed. "Man we gotta get you cleaned up. I don't wanna get that shit on my bike. C'mon, let's go round back. Billy's got a hose back there.

Nick led me out through a back door. I was completely naked and shivering from the cold. "Get over here, man," Nick ordered. On wobbly legs, I stumbled through thick grass and weeds over to where Nick stood, turning on a faucet attached to a garden hose.

"Fuck, you look pitiful," Nick said with a look of both amusement and contempt on his face. I didn't want to think about what he was seeing. My hair was sticking up in all direction, full of sticky cum which also covered my face, my belly, and trickled down from my mouth and my stretched out ass. My lips were smeared with shit from where I had rimmed the bikers. Just thinking about it made me sick to my stomach. I started to heave into the grass.

"Shit, that smells gross!" Nick shouted as he quickly turned on the hose and aimed it at me. "Don't get any closer until I wash you down, piggy!"

I screamed as the cold water hit me, sweeping up and down my body. "Stop it Nick," I said. "It's too cold. You're killing me!"

"Don't be such a pussy," he shot back. "Now turn around and let me do your back. Jeez, you sure are stretched out. I can see your hole from over here. Bend over so I can clean out your cunt."

"I won't," I said, in a rare display of defiance. "That's enough," I said.

Nick shrugged. "Okay, but you better not leak any cum on my bike or you're gonna be real sorry. Now get dressed and I'll take you home. Ya did a good job,"

he said again.

For some reason his words of `praise' made me feel really good, like I had passed a test or something. I don't know why having Nick's approval was suddenly so important to me, but I was almost proud about it. I went through the back entrance of the bar and grabbed my clothes, hoping that none of the bikers were still there and they decided to go another round. I was totally wiped out and just wanted to get home for a warm shower and get into bed. I didn't want to think about the fact that I had school tomorrow.

Although I didn't have a towel to dry myself and my clothes got soaking wet, they were relatively dry by the time I got home, thanks to the (freezing) ride back. As I stepped off the cycle and Nick gunned it up to leave he turned around with a smile and said: "See ya tomorrow in English class. I'll make sure I wear my really old sneakers. I think you deserve a reward after tonight."

Luckily my folks had gone out for dinner with friends and were still not home by the time I got back to the house. They were totally against my being out on `school nights'. This, of course, was one of the reasons I wanted to move out as soon as possible. I was no longer willing to abide by their house rules. After all, I was in college now, and they kept treating me like a teenager. I had to find a way to get my own place . . . but no money, no place. I knew that there were rooming houses around, and so I decided that I would go looking as soon as possible. I would also put up a flyer on the college bulletin board advertising my need to rent a room (a cheap one!)

As soon as I got inside and up to my room I stripped off my damp clothes and headed directly for the bathroom. I sat down on the toilet and a great load of cum gushed from my ass. I had been holding it in, not wanting to soil my clothes and especially Nick's cycle, but now I could finally relieve myself. My ass was aching and sore and my lips were swollen and tasted strongly of cum. The unwanted `shower' behind the bar had washed away most of the cum covering my body, but my hair still felt sticky. I immediately started to fill up the tub.

I relaxed in the tub, feeling the warm water ease my sore behind. I was also hoping it would tighten up my loose ass muscles. I had placed an exploring finger on my ass hole and was surprised to see it slip right in. I was relieved, however, that when I brought it out there was no blood, so I figured that no serious damage had been done. I was in for another surprise, however, when, in response to my finger prodding up my chute, my cock started to rise and I started getting excited. Images of the hunky bikers fucking me at both ends crowded into my mind, and my cock got even harder. I was almost ready to blow another load. Jeez, I guess I was really getting hooked by this domination thing--at least my cock was!

I went to bed that night feeling like I needed to sleep for a week. Maybe I should blow class tomorrow and sleep in. But what about Chris? He was expecting a ride to school, and if I didn't show up . . .? Suddenly I decided that I would call him now and beg off picking him up. Was it too late? 10:45 pm . . . hmmmm. I decided to make the call. Mrs. Foster answered the phone.

"Oh, Dave, how are you? Is anything wrong?" Again I was impressed by the kindness of this woman in contrast to her son. Just goes to show ya, it ain't always in the genes . . . "Um, sorry to call so late Mrs. Foster, but I'm not feeling to well, and I wanted to let Chris know that I won't be going to class tomorrow and can't pick him up."

"Don't worry about that, Dave," Mrs. Foster said, "you've been more than good, picking up Chris every morning. I'm sure he really appreciates it and will understand why you can't come by." (Yeah, sure, I said to myself) "Anyway," she continued, "I'll tell him that you called and not to expect you tomorrow. " (YESSS!) "Feel better now Dave."

"Thanks, Mrs. Foster, g'nite, now."

Yeah, yeah, I know, the guy had me intimidated. He could beat the shit out of me. I just wish he wasn't so damn cute! So what the hell should I do?

As I lay back on the bed, ready for sleep, I thought to myself: this might be an opportunity to do some bonding with Bob. He should have some free time tomorrow. Maybe we could do some catching up. Maybe we could really be brothers. Maybe we could . . . (Before my thoughts went any further I drifted off into a deep, dreamless sleep.)

The following day I slept in late leaving a note for mom that I didn't have class that day so she wouldn't wake me up. I got up around 10:00 am and found Bob in the kitchen, having breakfast after his morning run.

"Hey, Davey," he said, "no class today?"

"Nope," I said, "got the day to myself"

"How about if I fix you some breakfast?"

I was glad to be sitting down or I would have fainted. My brother Bob, the big tough marine, making breakfast for me? "Sure I said," without hesitation.

"Okay," he said, "I can fix anything you like. I've learned a few things about cooking since college."

Getting up my courage I said: "How about some pancakes and sausage?"

"Comin' right up," he said."

I was amazed at how professional Bob was around the kitchen. All I did was get myself some OJ (the coffee was already made) and watch him pad back and forth, mixing up the pancakes and cooking them on a portable grill we had, and putting the sausages in a pan to fry up.

While he was doing all this, I couldn't help but watch his hunky body, while I pretended to read the newspapers. He was only wearing a pair of blue running shorts and an olive green military tee along with flip-flops. He was lookin' real fine, putting my cock on the rise again. I was getting turned on by his hairy, muscular legs and the tight fitting shorts which clearly outlined his narrow waist and bubble butt . . . Stop, I said to myself. Damn! This guy is your brother. Okay, if you gotta look you can get an eye full at school, beginning with Chris and Nick. If Bob ever caught you looking and realized you were checkin' him out . . .

When Bob had everything ready he put the plate in front of me and plopped down in the chair next to me. Apparently he hadn't taken his shower after his run and I could smell his rather strong, manly odor. It made me feel a little faint besides intensifying the feelings of pleasure coming from my groin.

I slathered butter on the pancakes and then doused them with maple syrup. " They're really good," I mumbled, my mouth full of food.

"Glad you like `em Davey. Now tell me all about you. What's been happening?"

I told Bob about school and about how I wanted to get my own place soon. I also told him that I wanted to find time to get a steady job, since I didn't want to be supported by mom and dad for the rest of my life. I was also hoping to pay them back for the college tuition that they had given me.

"Good for you, Davey," Bob said. "I'm glad to hear you're so ambitious. Any idea what you'll be doing in the future?"

I hadn't really been giving that serious thought (especially since my involvement with Chris and Nick), but knew I would have to soon. It didn't make sense to be in college and not have some idea what my goals were, and what direction my studies should take.

"Maybe I should join the marines," I joked.

"Well, I'll tell ya, Davey, don't even think about the marines unless you' re really into working out and getting your body into shape." (Gulp!)

After that, the conversation was kind of general. I was just happy I had the opportunity to talk with Bob and that he was taking some interest in me--a lot more than I could ever remember before. I was really beginning to enjoy our visit.

Later in the day we took a long bike ride together and then went swimming at one of the local lakes. I had thought about inviting Allen along, but then figured that it was kinda nice just being with my brother. Maybe another day . . .

I did run into trouble with my cock again after we got to the lake. Since no one else seemed to be around, we stripped out in the open. Before putting on a tight pair of Speedo, I saw Bob's enormous dong. It looked like it was at least 5 inches soft, and I imagined in my mind what it must be like fully inflated. That got me into trouble again as my own cock began to rise uncontrollably. Quickly I turned away before Bob could see my excitement, and slipped into my trunks. Then I ran and dove into the water, which was cold enough to wilt my erection.

Bob jumped into the water after me. We wrestled for a while, with Bob obviously holding back so I had a fighting chance. We wagered on who could cross the lake faster, and, of course, I lost. Bob was like a fish and pulled ahead of me with strong, clean strokes. One the way back he gave me half a minute head start, and I ended up beating him. Again I had the feeling he was holding back, but it still felt great to come out ahead.

After we dried off we were both hungry and went to Burger King for some eats. "Hey, Davey," Bob said suddenly after we got our food and were sitting at a table, "how you makin' out with the chicks. You gettin' any?"

Bob caught me completely off guard. For a second I wasn't sure what to say. I think my confusion was obvious to him. "Ah, I do okay, Bob . . . but I'll tell you, I'm really into studies these day. Besides, I don't have a whole lot of money to entertain chicks," I stammered.

"Well, hell," Bob said, "You don't need a lot of money to fuck--unless you' re bangin' a whore," he laughed. "Seriously, Davey, you've really been uptight since I got here. I hope you're not like this all the time. You need to have some fun while you're in college."

"Yeah, I guess you're right," I admitted. "I gotta start circulating more."

"Hey," he said, "I'm gonna be double dating with a real close buddy from college tonight. Want me to fix you up and you can join us? We're goin' down to the club over on South Main to party. We'll probably be goin' back to his place and screw around afterward.

I was so not interested in that kind of arrangement, and made up some lame excuse to Bob about going over to Allen's house this evening. (He didn't know it yet!) By the way," I asked, curious: "Who's your buddy?"

"An old frat brother by the name of Foster, Greg Foster."

I froze. Then, trying to act casual, I asked. "Oh, does he have any brothers?"

"Yeah," said Bob, "I think he's got two younger brothers. One of them must be around your age. If I remember right, his name is Chris."

(to be continued)

Next: Chapter 12

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