Carried Away

By moc.loa@975lliHtrA

Published on Nov 17, 2004


Disclaimer: This story is basically a fantasy involving humiliation, mild violence, and sexual activity between young men. If you find such material offensive or in violation of the laws of your state/country, please don't read any further. Remember to practice safe sex: this story is a fantasy in which STDs don't exist!

(c) Art M. Hill All rights reserved (2004). If you enjoy this story, please email me.

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I was lying in bed doing something I never would have dreamed of doing even a few weeks ago. I had (unwillingly) lent my car to Chris Foster. When he returned it the following day it could have qualified for federal disaster relief. The bumper was dented, the passenger side was keyed, and the inside . . . well let's just say that the inside looked like there had been some kind of orgy. Burned out cigarette butts, beer cans, and condoms littered the floor. At first I had gone crazy. I had even attacked Chris, who quickly pounded me into the ground. After cleaning the car as best as I could, I was seized by the urge to take the used condoms I found. What would I do with them? My cock said: You'll think of something.

I certainly did think of something. After I lined the rubbers up on my chest, I dangled one over my mouth and started to lick it, oblivious to the disagreeable taste of old pussy slop. I tried to imagine that rubber wrapped around Chris' big cock as he plunged it into some chick's cunt. I imagined my mouth as that cunt, with Chris feeding me his entire length and fucking it in and out until, with a agonizing shout of pleasure, he unloaded inside me. With that thought I shot my own load. Damn! I must have set some kind of record--at least for me--on distance and volume. Hey ma, look what I'm into now!

I was so wiped out after I shot my load that I must have passed out. The next thing I knew I heard a banging on my bedroom door. Confused, I turned and looked at the clock on the bed table: almost 2:00 am. Jeez, I must have slept . . .

"Open up, little bro!" It was Bob, and from the sound of his voice I could tell he was feeling no pain. Thank God I had locked the door earlier. The knob turned violently.

"Hold on, Bob," I said, still groggy from sleep. Vaguely I thought that I couldn't let Bob see me like this---with Chris' used rubbers hanging from my tits . . . but maybe he'd be too drunk to notice. I started to laugh, now fully awake. Yeah, and maybe he'd think you were a broad and start feelin' you up.

There was a crash against the door. Bob obviously was having difficulty standing up. If he kept up that racket much longer, mom and dad would certainly be up, and there'd be hell to pay.

"C'mon, you little shit. Le'me in," Bob said. "What the fuck are ya doing, playing with yourself?" (Gulp!)

As I started to get up I felt the used rubbers sticking to my chest with my own cum. "Just a minute!" I yelled at Bob who was starting to bang on the door again. Where the hell were my PJs?

For once I was grateful when I heard dad's voice cut in. "What the hell is all the damn racket about?" Then closer. "What the fuck, Bob. I don't want you coming into our home like this . . . You can party all you like, and screw whoever you like. I don't give a shit. But I don't want you bustin' in here smelling like booze and cunt and waking us all up. I'll be at work tomorrow morning while you still have your damn ass parked in bed."

Whoa! I was just a bit shocked. I didn't think dad would lay into Bob like that, especially since he was home on leave, but that's just what he did.

"Sorry, dad," Bob said sheepishly, sounding almost like a little kid again.

I smiled as I lay back in bed again with dried cum all over me, and Chris' rubbers still stuck to my chest. I heard Bob padding off to his room, and a final crash as he zonked out on the bed. Guess there still were some perx to living at home . . .

I woke up with a start the next morning, realizing that I still had Bob's combat boots in my closet. I hadn't finished cleaning them up yet, and decided to do them even before breakfast so that he wouldn't start to get suspicious about why I was keeping them for so long.

Actually, I had plenty of time, since the clock only said 6:00 am. Classes didn't start until 9:00 am. I had slept so long the night before that I was up far earlier than normal.

As I got up I felt a tightness in the skin all over my chest. Well, looked like I needed a shower before anything else. Two of the rubbers must have fallen off sometime during the night, but the third was still firmly anchored to my right nipple. I carefully pulled it off, found the second one under the sheets, and the third on the floor next to the bed. Just seeing them made my cock rise again. In a flash I forgot all about the shower and even about the boots. Once again the used condoms had my undivided attention.

For some strange reason they excited me so much I almost creamed again. The perverse part of my mind told me that if I was going to do something nasty I better do it soon before everything dried up.

I looked at the condom that had been stuck to my nipple. Without any further thought, I bent back my head and lowered it into my mouth. I rolled it around with my tongue getting it all wet. Again that taste that I could only imagine was a mixture of Bob's cum and his girlfriend's cunt juice. I wrinkled my nose. Then I took the rubber out of my mouth, carefully opened up the end, and began sliding my tongue inside. Even though it was mostly congealed, I was hit by that unmistakable taste. As my tongue probed further into the rubber and toward the reservoir at the end, the taste got stronger. I started gagging, but was determined to finish what I started . . . I wanted to know. With new determination, I pulled the rubber into my mouth again, curled my tongue and, after pushing it to the max, started to suck hard.

It was a totally new experience sucking cum from a `pre-owned' rubber. I didn't like it too much, but it excited me tremendously, especially when I thought about it belonging to Chris or one of his teammates. Jock cum! That thought was all it took, and I had another major cum explosion. I sighed and closed my eyes, but my tongue never stopped circling the now completely stretched out condom.

Before I knew it, the rubber was completely clean, and I took it out of my mouth. For a moment I debated about whether to drop it into the garbage can or into my bed table. I quickly opened the table draw and dropped it in. Souvenir. That left two more.

I had to watch the time now. It was almost 7:00 am. Whew, did time fly when you were sucking used condoms! I didn't have much more time to play. I was tempted to skip my shower and even breakfast, but I had to be out of the house by 8:00 am so that I could pick up Chris and get to class. Then another thought hit me: how could I face Chris after I had sucked out his used condom? Like, wouldn't he be able to tell?

"Tell me, you perv," I imagined Chris gloating, "how did my rubbers taste? I left them there for you as a little present. You fuckin' disgust me. I don't even wanna be anywhere near you, you scum ball." Then he laughed like crazy: "Hey, Stanton, since you like to suck cum from my rubbers so much, maybe I'll save `em for ya. But you gotta pay---twenty bucks apiece. How about that, faggot?" His scornful laughter continued to echo in my head as I came out of my day dream.

7:30 am. "What the hell are you doing?!" I asked myself. Okay, just one more rubber and then I'm going. I decided to jack off into the second one. In a flash my cock was hard as nails again.

I picked up the rubber that had stuck between the sheets, sniffed it, and then carefully rolled it up so as not to spill any of the remaining contents. The moment I touched it to my cock I almost shot again. My cock started to boogie, and I had a hard time stopping it. Ya see, I wanted to enjoy my orgasm inside the rubber, mixing my cum with Chris' deposit

After touching the condom to the tip of my cock I slowly and sensually started to roll it down the shaft. As I pushed my now rock hard cock further and further into Chris' condom I began to feel the dried out cum that must have leaked down Chris' shaft during the fuck. As I burrowed deeper, the contents of the condom began to get a bit sticky. It felt like my cock was finally being surrounded by Chris' essence, like we somehow shared a bond---a cum bond.

Now that my cock was fully sheathed by the condom and I could feel Chris' spent cum, I began to jack my cock, first slowly, then more quickly. My movements were accompanied by little groans of pleasure as I thought about the hunks that had partied last night in my car. What had it been like? Had Nick Moran been there? What about Chuck and Larry? Hell maybe the whole football team had a gang bang with some poor little bitch they had set up with booze and flattery. A fleeting thought passed through my mind that I wished I'd been there to see it, or maybe even been on the receiving end. For the first time I thought about a cock being shoved up my ass . . .

I was jacking furiously now to this hot fantasy as the rubber began to slide up and down my cock, lubed now by my own precum as well as what was left of Chris' load. Man, did that feel good . . . "Now that you're wearin my used rubber, I own you, fucker" I heard Chris' voice echo in my mind. Orgasm time! The rubber began to balloon out as I added my own contribution to that stressed-out condom. At that moment it ruptured and spewed cum in all directions--all over me and all over the bed. Ahhhh, but it was sure worth it!

Almost 8:00 am. Damn! Now I couldn't finish cleaning Bob's boots, take a shower, or get some food into me (I was starving!) I hardly had the time to wipe the cum off my chest, throw on my clothes and fly out the door so I wouldn't be late picking up Chris. I had intended to douse myself with cologne so that no one would smell the cum, but I didn't remember until I was half way to Chris' house when I smelled myself. Too late to turn back. Better to open the windows!

I pulled up to Chris' house at almost 8:30am. This time he was standing outside with an impatient look on his face. "Shit, I didn't think you were coming. Lucky for you that you showed. Okay let's get moving asswipe or I'm gonna be late for class."

"Nice job cleanin' up the car, Stanton," he commented sarcastically. "I knew you could do it."

"Chris," I said, trying not to get mad again since I didn't want another beating. "The back seat of the car was beat to hell. There were cigarette burns, butts crushed out on the floor, and beer cans all over the place. It was a sticky mess."

"Aw, you're breakin' my heart" Chris said, looking carefully at me. "Hey, ya didn't mention the rubbers. I gotta tell ya, we scored big last night. We went up that old dirt road in the woods off Church Street and fucked the shit out of three cheerleaders" He smiled. "I personally did them all, and my buddies were right up there too. What a bunch of sluts those bitches turned out to be." I didn't know if he was bragging or complaining.

"So, Stanton," Chris said, watching my reaction, "what did ya think when you saw all them used condoms. Did it turn ya on? Yo, you listenin' to me?"

"Well, there were really only three of them," I blurted out, realizing my mistake almost immediately.

I looked up at Chris and saw that his smile had broadened. "Well, well," he said, "counting, were we? So you didn't answer my question: Did they turn you on?"

"Um, Chris," I said with a slight tremor in my voice. "That's disgusting. Nobody would get turned on by somebody else's used condom." As I was talking about it, my cock began to rise. Damn! Not now!

"Oh, ho," Chris laughed, "if you weren't excited then, you sure as hell are now. How do you explain that? And by the way," he continued, not giving me a chance to answer: "what's that I smell: 'au de cum'?" He laughed even harder.

I was silent.

"Ya wanna know what I think?" Chris said. "I think you found the rubbers, and played with `em. Am I right? On second thought, you don't even need to answer. You're blush says it all, perv."

I was, indeed, blushing furiously. I had been caught and couldn't think of a thing to say to deny what Chris had just said. Man what a mess!

Chris put his hand on top of my head and playfully rumpled my hair as we pulled into the campus. Don't worry, dude, you can have as many of my used rubbers as you want, especially since I plan to be using your car a lot more and the back seat is real comfortable. Oh, by the way, do you have that extra set of car keys I told you to make?"

That went well! Now Chris was convinced (rightly) that I liked to play with his used condoms. Would he tell Nick or one of his other team buddies? If he did I suspected that the humiliation they had been dealing out to me almost daily was likely to grow even worse.

"Um, Chris," I said, as he started to get out of the car to walk across campus to his first class, "you're not going to talk about this with anyone are you?"

"Well Davey-boy, I don't know. It is a juicy piece of news, if ya know what I mean. I think the other guys would find it a hoot, don't you? Hell, they might even be flattered that you like our used rubbers."

"Please, Chris, you don't understand. I mean sure, I looked at `em when I was cleaning out the car. I was just shocked that you left them there. I picked them up and put them in the garbage." (After I used them, that is!)

"I don' know man, you sure blushed when I asked you about them. I think that you were more than shocked' when you saw em. Maybe just a little bit curious, huh? I mean that was real jock jizz in those rubbers. That's good stuff. I'm sure you didn't wanna waste it, did ya? Cause if you did, you would kinda be insulting me and my buddies, and that ain't right."

I could see that there was no way I was going to win this discussion, so I decided to try a little flattery. "Okay, Chris, I was curious. I mean you guys are really awesome on the field and I really do respect you. Why else would I take you to school every day and lend you my car?"

"Because if you didn't, I would beat the crap out of you. Okay, I gotta go. You got those keys?"

Obediently I handed them over. "Here ya go Chris, just like you asked . . . But man I'm beggin' you, don't tell anyone that I like used condoms."

"We'll see about that. If ya do what I tell ya and lend me your car when I need it, I may just keep this as our little secret---maybe."

I guess that was the best I could hope for. Now I had to try not to piss him off. I made up my mind to just try and stay out of his way as much as I could.

"Hey, rubber-band man," Nick said, when he saw me in English class.

Yeah, that was a pop classic by The Spinners, but I doubted that Nick was thinking about a Golden Oldie. Could Chris have spilled the beans so quickly? Or maybe it was just that Nick was one of the `contributors' to the condom collection I found on the back seat of the car and was teasing me. In any case, I didn't react, but just greeted my nemesis (one of them) and sat down.

Nick said no more about it, so I decided that just maybe Chris had kept his mouth shut. Of course, Nick put his feet up on the back of my chair. This time he was wearing a new pair of Timberland boots and my cock started jumping around immediately.

"Ya like my new boots, perv? Thought I'd give you a little treat and let you get to know 'em better; maybe help me break `em in." With that he brushed one of the lug soles lightly against my cheek as if by accident. He had been getting a bit more careful in front of the teacher since he had been called aside after class one day and told to stop fooling around and to pay attention. He wasn't doing well in class so I guess he figured he'd better stay on the teacher's good side. Still, he couldn't resist showing off his power over me.

When the teacher got involved in a discussion with several of the students about the class assignment, Nick put his feet back on my chair and slowly rubbed his boots back and forth across my cheeks. I couldn't help but respond to the smell and texture of the Timberlands. They felt so warm and erotic. Nick laughed softly when he saw that my pants were tented and that there was a growing wet spot over my groin.

"Yeah, you worship them boots," Nick whispered contemptuously. "I think we might have a better chance to have some fun with them after class. What da'ya think?" I sort of froze and as the teacher turned around Nick quickly assumed his normal sitting position.

I didn't know what to expect for the rest of the day. Would the guys shower me with condoms like they had showered me with football shoes? I could just imagine getting cornered by the football team and told to suck out all the used rubbers they had deliberately saved for me. Man, at this rate I was going to have an ulcer by twenty-three!

I got sandwiched by Chuck and Larry after last class. They just about lifted me off my feet, grabbing me under the armpits as they carried me out the door.

"How ya doin' cocksucker?" Chuck asked. "Suck any good cock lately? Ya know, I think it's time you gave us some service, since you were so good the last time. By the way, how did ya make out in that dumpster. Anything nibble on ya?" They both snickered as they led me to an outside restroom that was sometimes used by the various teams and gym classes during outdoor sports.

I was sort of relieved when I saw that no one else was around the restroom when they pushed me inside. On the other hand they might have thought twice about what they were about to do if someone else had been there.

They shoved me into the center toilet and told me to lock the door. They each went into the toilet on either side of me. I had the feeling that taking a leak was not the main thing on their minds. I noticed that there were holes cut in each of the walls of the stall I was occupying. As if to remind me about what they meant, I saw filthy graffiti covering almost every inch of the walls. Some of it was painted on and some scratched on with a knife or something. It all was pretty much the same: Suck Me, Blow Me, original stuff like that. There was a lot of art work too and all of it had to with genitals stuck in somebody's mouth or ass. If I was lucky, only my mouth would be occupied!

(To be continued)

Next: Chapter 14

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