Carried Away

By moc.loa@975lliHtrA

Published on Nov 28, 2004


Disclaimer: This story is basically a fantasy involving humiliation, mild violence, and sexual activity between young men. If you find such material offensive or in violation of the laws of your state/country, please don't read any further. Remember to practice safe sex: this story is a fantasy in which STDs don't exist!

(c) Art M. Hill All rights reserved (2004). If you enjoy this story, please email me.

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Chuck and Larry had grabbed me after school and practically carried me out the door and over to the outside restrooms, where they shoved me into one of the stalls and slipped into the adjoining ones. They had surrounded me like bookends. Then I noticed that there were holes cut in the dividers on each side of my stall about crotch level. The filthy graffiti on the walls showed me what most guys were thinking about when they relieved themselves there. I seemed to be in the `receiving' can. Further directions were not slow in coming.

"Sit down on the crapper, Stanton," Chuck ordered.

I obeyed of course, and almost immediately heard scrapping noises which I quickly recognized as zippers being pulled down.

"Hey, Stanton," I heard Larry say. "We thought we'd try something new with you. Don't want ya to get bored. Hang on a second, we got a treat in store for you . . . or should I say, two treats."

"Ya know what to do, faggot, don't ya?" Chuck voice cut in. "For your sake, ya better."

There was a pause, and then I noticed movement on both sides of me. The guys were pushing their cocks through the holes. They were pointing right at me. It was so hot watching those big cocks `invade my space' that I could hardly keep from shooting in my pants. Both were so big and heavy that they could hardly fit through the spaces. I noticed that their owners, as a precaution against getting cut, had lined the holes with tissue paper. Pieces of it hung down from the holes, reminding me of dripping cum. I wonder why?

For a moment my mind was revolted by this whole scene. Is this where I wanted to end up: licking out used condoms and sucking guys off like I was in some truck stop? But the cocks were insistent (not to mention the guys on the other ends.)

"Get at it, slut," Chuck shouted. Apparently he didn't care who heard him.

I took a moment to examine the cocks, looking back and forth. I knew immediately who was who, since Larry's cock was uncut. Other than that, their cocks were almost identical, both grade A class meat. Big dripping heads attached to long, thick shafts almost demanding me to service them. Like a kid in a candy shop, not knowing what he wanted more, I reached out for both those beautiful poles at the same time. I wrapped my hand around each one, getting more and more turned on by their throbbing heat. "Damn," I thought, "this was great. Maybe I was a cock slut like they were saying. I thought I could sit there forever, enjoying this new, terribly exciting experience of holding a cock in each hand and knowing that their owners were big muscle-bound studs. And right now they were all mine . . . as long as I did what they said!

"Come on, pussy!" Larry hissed. "You're not here to take a crap, and if you keep us waitin' much longer you're gonna find your head at the bottom of the bowl, like swirly time. Ya got it?"

I think it was more my own overwhelming desire than his threats that finally unfroze me. I fell to my knees on the dirty, piss-stained floor.

I started out with Larry, having, as I said before, a preference for uncut cocks. I stuck out my tongue and began to play with the head which was still mostly covered with skin but beginning to enlarge and to come out from its hiding place. It also began to drip clear precum which I lapped up. Then, probing deeper, I plunged my tongue again under his warm foreskin. That definitely put him in a more positive frame of mind!

"Oh, shit," Larry groaned. "Hey Chuck," he panted, "ya know I've always wanted to do this--stick my cock through one of these damn holes and have somebody suck it."

I felt a slight movement above me, looked up and saw fingers curl around the top of the stall. Larry was bracing himself and pushing himself as tight as possible against the wall so that I could service his cock to the max.

"Yeah," he continued. "Everybody talks about doin' this, but chicks think its too gross for them, even that slut Marcia. But we got ourselves a damn faggot here that'll do whatever we want. You--oh yeah, keep that up, fucker--you done this before, dude?" Larry's question wasn't directed to me but to Chuck.

"Nope," said Chuck, obviously missing the attention his buddy was getting. " But I wanna before tomorrow. Send that fucker over here. I need some of that bad."

"You heard the man," Larry said, sounding a bit disappointed. "Give `im what he wants. And then get that mouth pussy of yours back over here."

Well, I had a new game, even though I hadn't set the rules. Go back and forth, equal time to each and get `em off. It was pretty obvious that neither Larry nor Chuck would last too long. I guess they were as excited as I was about what we were doing.

"Yeah, that's the way, fag. Shit, you're so desperate for our big cocks that you'd do anything to get `em, wouldn't ya?"

Suddenly Chuck's cock was gone and I was sucking air. A loud pop echoed through the empty bathroom and Chuck started laughing. Just then Larry bellowed for me to get back on his cock, but just as I opened up, expecting to feel a warm, pulsing piece of flesh fill my mouth, I once again closed my lips over nothing.

"Hey, fucker," Chuck snickered. "Where'd ya go? I'm waiting for ya." Seems they had found a new game called cock hide-and-seek. They knew how turned on I was by now, and decided to have some fun with me. They figured I wouldn't give up at this point and kept pushing their cocks in and out of the holes, just out of my reach. They both started groaning as if they were already having their orgasms, figuring they would drive me crazy. They did.

"Keep tryin', baby," Chuck said, listening to me scramble back and forth across the floor. My pants were getting filthy, but I no longer cared. "You want our cocks so bad, ya gotta catch `em. C'mon, shithead, we can't even see you. Even a dork like you should be able to catch one of our cocks."

"Shit, Chuck," Larry said. "Man, I'm dyin' over here. Let's give the fag a better chance or I ain't never gonna get my nut."

"Okay, okay," Chuck laughed. "Hey fag. Tell ya what. We'll do `em one at a time. That way you can concentrate on catchin' just one. Ya think ya can do that ya stupid dicklicker?"

I could tell that Larry had withdrawn his cock from the hole and was slowly stroking it just to keep himself going while I went after Chuck. By that point I so wanted to suck that big stud dick that I pushed my mouth up against the dirty hole, just waiting to trap it when Chuck pushed it through. I didn't have long to wait. I guess Chuck was tired of the game and was ready to cum. He didn't even try to fake me out anymore, but just slowly pushed his cock right into my waiting mouth.

I flattened my entire face against the wall so that I could take as much of that big jock pole into my mouth as possible. I pulled it in and gave it the best welcome I could. I drew my cheeks together, bathing the shaft of Chuck's cock in my warm, wet mouth. I gently massaged the big, leaking head with my tongue, curling it around and around. Then I took it in deep, trying, in spite of the wall, to get it down my throat.

Chuck was moaning with pleasure and squirming around, making it difficult for me to keep working him. I thought about just slipping into his stall and taking him directly down my throat, but I knew he wanted it this way. He laughed at me, realizing my frustration.

"Try harder, asshole. Shit can't you do anything right?"

Apparently Chuck couldn't wait any longer himself and began to move in and out, face-fucking me right through the wall. I tried to keep still and to make my mouth into a cunt, licking and massaging as he thrust in and sucking hard as he pulled out. It was working. His cock began to swell up, his moaning and cursing got louder, until finally he pushed all the way in and let loose, shooting his load deep into my throat and then filling up my mouth with his thick, warm cum.

"Oh, fuck, Lar," Chuck gasped, "this little faggot is doin' it. He's suckin'

the juice right out of me. Uhhhhh! Uhhhhh! Uhhhhh! Yeah, keep it up, get it all, motherfucker, get it all!"

I did just that. I kept sucking until he was totally drained. Knowing that he probably didn't want me to suck any more, I knelt motionless as the last few drops of cum dripped onto my tongue. Damn I was liking the taste of this jock cum more and more. I couldn't get enough.

Moments later Larry shook me out of my daydream. "Hey dork," he growled, " get you're fuckin' ass over here. I got somethin' for ya and I got it now."

I immediately got excited thinking about Larry's uncut dong and scooted over to his side of the stall so fast that I banged my head against the wall. Chuck and Larry both laughed.

"Shit, buddy," Larry snickered to Chuck, "this faggot wants it so bad he nearly split his skull open. Damn I bet he put a dent in the damn stall that matches the dent in his head." More laughing.

Actually I couldn't help it. When Larry stopped laughing he pushed his already hard cock though the hole. I saw that his head had emerged from its folds of skin, already glistening with precum. More of the slippery scum had collected along the edges of his foreskin, and I began to circle his cock with my tongue to make sure I got all of it.

"Yeah, freak," Larry panted, already winding up. "Hey I got some cheese for ya' today too. Don't waste it man or I'll be real pissed. Now dig in."

I dug deeper under the folds of skin on Larry's cock and got a taste of his ` cheese'. It was so rank I almost heaved, but he insisted and I managed to choke it down.

"That's right," he said, "you gotta clean up that cock if ya wanna get fed. Okay, that's good, now open wide." With the strong taste of his scum already in my mouth, I flattened my face once again against the hole as Larry's cock began to swell in my mouth.

"Here it comes fucker. Keep lickin' like that and I'll blow your head right off. Yeah, that's it! Here it comes, you damn cocklicker . . . Uhhhhhh! Uhhhhh! Ooooh, yeah!" His cock throbbed in my mouth as it discharged over and over again. Hot thick cum poured into my mouth in such quantities that all I could do was swallow.

"Keep lickin' damn it!" Larry cried in ecstasy. "You're gonna get it all, cocksucker."

After five large shots that almost chocked me his cum stream changed from powerful squirts to a thick, heavy flow that I could now savor to the full. Larry was still moaning, lost in the intense pleasure of his orgasm. He let his cock soak in my mouth for what seemed like hours, commanding me not to move until he said so. My mouth was getting more and more tired, but I dared not move without his permission. Finally he relented.

"Hey," said Chuck, "I got some more for ya. Get that cocksucking mouth over here. Yeah, now this time keep your mouth pussy a couple of inches away from the hole. I'm gonna jack off and I wanna see if you can catch my load through the hole--and you better do it or there'll be more than a dent in that wall. Got it?"

"I got it," I said, my mouth wide open, just as he had ordered. As if he didn 't trust me, I saw his eye appear in the hole just for a second. Then it disappeared and I saw his cock again.

"Close your eyes," he ordered. I did.

Suddenly I felt warm liquid spraying all over my face and into my mouth. It wasn't cum. I realized immediately that he was pissing on me. I gasped in shock which only caused me to inhale some of the piss and start choking violently. Then I felt the back of my head getting wet and realized that Larry had joined in. I was caught in piss streams coming from both directions and I was in the middle! My clothes quickly became drenched in piss. Both Chuck and Larry were laughing so hard their piss began to spray all over the stall. I wanted to get up but was afraid to until their piss finally began to slow down (they must have been holding it for hours!)

I heard the stalls on either side of me open as their occupants, still laughing, came out. I was still knelling in the center of the floor, dripping with piss and with cum trickling from the corners of my mouth. I was a filthy mess.

Chuck and Larry didn't even bother to check on me. I heard the water in the sinks running as they washed their hands. Still laughing they headed for the door.

"Shit, buddy," Larry said to Chuck, "that was fuckin' great. The fag never knew what hit him. Damn he is pathetic."

"Yeah," Chuck agreed, "but he sure can give good head. From now on when the cunts aren't putting out I know where to get some relief." They acted as if I wasn't still in the room as they walked out together, still laughing at me, banging the door shut behind them.

I struggled to my feet and took a moment to assess my situation. I was drenched in piss and smelled like a urinal. There was no way I could clean up there except to wash the cum and piss from my face. I still stunk to high heaven and was dripping wet. I could only hope that when I emerged from the bathroom nobody would be around, although I knew that some of the teams practiced right about now.

I poked my head out of the bathroom and saw that there were, indeed, players on the field but they were far enough away that they probably wouldn't notice me and certainly wouldn't smell my `au de piss' as Chris would say.

I started walking as rapidly as I could toward my car, wondering how I could avoid further damaging my poor seat covers, when I was suddenly stopped short by a rather hard blow to the back of my head. What the hell was that? I looked down and saw a football spinning on the ground and rolling slowly away from me.

I heard a burst of laughter and then: "Dude, that was a great shot! Man all that practice is sure payin' off."

I turned around, a bit dizzy, and was shocked to see Chris, Chuck, Larry, and some of their jock buddies standing off to the side of the toilets all with big grins on their faces. They must have been hiding there all along, waiting for me to come out. From some of the comments I heard, I knew that Chris had thrown the football.

"Hey fag," he said mockingly, "I told you to come over to the house and I'd show you how to play the game. See what happens when you don't even know how to catch a ball?" More laughter. "Okay, maybe this is a good time to get started. Gi'me that ball."

I picked up the ball and started carrying it over to him, wondering how I was going to explain the condition (and smell!) of my clothes. He saved me the embarrassment.

"Oh, no," he said, "throw it to me. Tell you what: you be the quarterback, and I'll go out for a long one."

Go out for a long one? I hardly had control enough of a football to reach him from where I was standing, and he was running further away from me! I figured I'd better stop debating and throw before he widened the distance any further and I wouldn't even get close him. I heaved the ball with all my strength, hoping for the best. Of course the shot went totally wild and ended up hitting the roof of the toilets. The ball bounced once and, since the roof was flat, it stayed up top.

"What the hell," Chris said, "I told you to throw the ball at me, not at the can! Can't you do anything right, asswipe?"

"He's still thinkin' about the crapper," Larry chimed in, "he just had the time of his life in there."

"Oh, yeah? Well that really doesn't surprise me," Chris said, looking hard at me.

"Damn," I thought to myself. He was going to tell them about the condoms. What little that was left of my reputation on campus would evaporate. I looked pleadingly at him.

"Whatdaya mean?" Chuck asked.

"Well, ya see Davey-boy here likes to get wild every once in a while. You'd never guess it since he's basically such a wimp, but when you push the right buttons he's up for anything. Le'me show you . . . Take off all your clothes, man." He was talking to me.

For a minute I looked at him blankly. He couldn't be serious. I could see now that the price for his silence about the condom games was going to be higher than I expected. I tried playing dumb: "Whatdaya mean, Chris?"

"What are you stupid, boy? What the fuck do ya think I mean?" Chris shouted angrily. "Strip!" In spite of his tone of voice I could tell that he was very obviously enjoying his power over me.

Slowly I began to pull off my piss stained shirt and tee. I consoled myself with the thought that I had to get them off anyway . . . but in the middle of the athletic field? The other jocks were watching intently to see just how far I would obey Chris' orders.

As I fumbled with my belt Chris began to lose patience. "Move it, fag" he shouted. "Get the rest of that shit off right now or you know what's gonna happen."

Just the threat of Chris exposing my `secret' was enough for me to finish exposing myself. In a few moments I stood totally naked in front of Chris and his buddies and anyone else who happened to be around the field. Once I had obeyed his orders, Chris pulled me around the side of the toilets, giving us some cover--for now.

"Hey, fag," one of the jocks asked, "you ever been fucked up the ass?" At the same time he goosed me and I jumped, letting out a surprised scream. The guys cracked up again.

"Looks like he wants it," Larry chuckled. "One thing I'll tell you: he gives awesome head. You oughta try him when there's no cunt around."

All of a sudden the guys were all over me, twisting my tits, pinching my ass, even flicking my cock, which, of course, started to get hard.

"Hey," said Chuck, "this little fag is horny as hell. You guys better watch out or he's gonna slime ya."

I tried to bolt, but somebody tripped me and I fell heavily to the ground. " Where do ya think you're goin' cunt?"

"Alright, alright," Chris said, taking control again. "Here's the deal. We let the fag go, but he's gotta walk naked across the field to his car.

"Chris," I said weakly, knowing there wasn't much I could do. "I can't do that. Somebody's gonna see me."

"That's right, pussy," he said, "but just to show you what a nice guy I am, I'm gonna give ya something to hide your clit. I know it's something you're really gonna like."

I just looked at him blankly.

"Here ya go," Chris said, with a wicked smile on his face. He had pulled a rumpled condom packet out of his back pocket, tore it open, and started dangling it in front of my face. "This should cover you up good." All the jocks burst out laughing.

That was all it took. Blushing from every pour of my body, I turned and started walking across the field with Chris and his friends laughing their asses off behind me.

"Hey!" Chris yelled out after me. "There's a perv on the field! Shit! Somebody call the cops! Stop that fag!"

Chris's buds took up the chant: "Stop that fag! Stop that fag! Stop that fag! . . .

I was in the exact middle of the field when heads started to turn from the baseball diamond. Players and spectators alike began to point and laugh. That was also the moment I remembered my car keys . . . they were still in my pants pocket lying next to the toilet where those jerks had made me strip! What the hell should I do now?

(to be continued)

Next: Chapter 15

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