Carried Away

By moc.loa@975lliHtrA

Published on Mar 24, 2005


Disclaimer: This story is basically a fantasy involving humiliation, mild violence, and sexual activity between young men. If you find such material offensive or in violation of the laws of your state/country, please don't read any further.

For the first of Dave's adventures see "Carried Away" Nifty Archives (Authoritarian).

(c) Art M. Hill All rights reserved (2004). If you enjoy this story, please email me.

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As I was getting on the entrance ramp to the freeway, I saw a tall figure ahead of me by the side of the road with his legs spread and his thumb hitched out for a ride. As I got closer, I saw that the guy was lean but well-built, his ruggedly handsome face covered with a few days worth of road stubble. He was wearing ripped jeans, and a faded jeans vest over his leather jacket. (Yeah, I noticed the details!)

As I passed the hitchhiker I sensed him staring at me, his green eyes almost demanding that I stop for him. I felt that familiar tightening in the pit of my stomach and then my cock starting to rise. My foot began to move, as if on its own, from the accelerator to the brake. There was a moment of hesitation as I replayed my earlier thought: "What is it that you really want?"

As I braked, I looked in the rearview mirror and saw the hitchhiker pick up his bulging back pack and start running toward the car, a broad grin on his face. I had no idea where he was going, but it didn't really matter.

Hey, what's up? Dave Stanton here again. Yeah, you remember that last scene? Well, I was about to get carried away again . . .

I pulled over onto the shoulder of the freeway entrance ramp as the hitchhiker ran up to the side of the car and peered in the window through his dark sunglasses. "Hey, man, thanks for stopping," he puffed. Yeah, he definitely hadn' t washed for awhile. Even from inside the car I could smell his BO. He had shoulder-length blond hair that looked bleached from the sun.

Then he turned his head toward the rear of the car. "Ya got all our shit, dude?" he asked. For a second I was confused. I was sure he wasn't talking to me. Then I saw that there was another guy standing by the back door. Where did he come from?

Guess I was pretty naive. Old trick. One guy stands with his thumb out by the side of the road and his buddy lounges in the bushes. They know there's not a chance in hell that anybody's gonna stop if they're both standing together, so the first guy makes like he's solo until some dork stops . . . The second guy had already opened the back door and was climbing in. He had quickly thrown a couple of duffle bags in first. Looked like he wasn't taking any chances that I would change my mind.

The first guy, with a shit-eating grin on his face, slung his lanky frame down in the passenger seat next to me and stuck out a big hand. "I'm Erik, and this here is Chad. Hey, gi'me one of those," he said to Chad, who was lighting up a cigarette. "Ah, you don't mind if we smoke, do ya?" He didn't really wait for an answer.

My head was spinning. Just a minute ago I had dropped my brother off at the airport and was headed to the mall. Now I had two strange guys in my car who were making themselves comfortable and definitely were expecting a ride somewhere. Looks like my cock may have made another bad decision!

Erik slowly pulled off his denim vest and leather jacket and tossed them on the back seat, revealing a well-muscled chest and flat stomach, tightly confined under his black tee.

"I'm Dave," I said somewhat uncertainly. "Ah, where ya headed?" I asked my new friend. He ignored me while he lit up from his buddy's match. Then he turned, blowing smoke in my face.

"Whatdidya, say, man?" Erik asked casually.

Glancing quickly in the rearview mirror, I saw that the part of the backseat not occupied by "Chad" was completely taken up with their gear. Looked like they were doing some serious traveling.

"Where you guys headed?" I asked again, regretting my impulsiveness in stopping for him (them). My embarrassment at being tricked was making my boner start to wilt.

"Well, I'll tell ya, Dan, the first place my buddy and I'd like to go is to get some eats . . . that is, if ya can help us out. We're pretty low on cash."

"It's Dave," I corrected. I thought for a moment. "Yeah, I guess we could stop up ahead. There's a Burger King at the next exit." I pulled back on the freeway ramp.

"Hey, man," Erik continued, "how 'bout some beer to go along with them burgers. I sure am dry from standin' by that fuckin' road for so long." Chad grunted in agreement. I was amazed--and kind of turned on--by their boldness.

"Sure, why not?" I said, feeling my cock start to stiffen again as Erik shifted in his seat, revealing a nice size package through his frayed jeans. He must have caught me staring because I suddenly saw a glint in his eyes. He glanced back at Chad and flashed him a grin.

I was blushing as I accelerated the car, merging onto the freeway. Damn! Nothing like broadcasting your sexual preferences the minute you meet someone. At least the guy didn't look mad. He was well-built and probably could have taken me apart real quick and easy . . . I guessed he and his buddy were a few of years older than me--maybe 23 or 24. I also figured they both outweighed me by maybe 20 or 25 pounds

"Yep," Erik continued, stretching and seeming to push his hips forward, making his bulging package even more visible. "My throat feels like sand right about now: how about yours?" Out of the corner of my eye I could see that he was looking at me intently, as if he were trying to figure me out.

"Yeah," I croaked--my throat was dry too, but not because I was thirsty.

Erik took another drag on his cigarette as I pulled off the freeway exit where Burger King had a sign about 200 feet high (for the long-distance traveler, no doubt). I knew there was a liquor store about a block further down across from a truck stop.

We pulled into the Burger King drive-through and placed our orders. Those guys acted like they hadn't eaten in about two weeks: double orders on everything. I opened my wallet and saw that I wouldn't have much left over after buying all that food. How was I gonna pay for that beer?

I was just about to tell the guys that they were out of luck and would have to settle for a Big Gulp (I'm sure they'd love that) when I remembered the thick roll of cash that my brother Bob had shoved at me as he was getting on the plane. I had stuffed it into my jacket pocket without even looking at how much he gave me. Now my eyes widened as I pulled out the crumpled bills. Damn! They were mostly twenties and fifties. I hadn't expected Bob to be so generous, but he was. There must have been $500 bucks there.

For a minute I thought about Bob again, how understanding he had been in the end when I told him about being gay. Jeez, he and his buddy Greg Foster had even gotten Chris and his band of gorillas from school off my back . . . at least for now. Erik's deep voice woke me out of my daydream.

"Shit man!" he shouted, eyeing the cash I was openly holding in my hand. His buddy Chad leaned over for a closer look. I quickly stuffed it back into my jacket, but it was too late: they had both seen it. "Hot damn, you're doin' alright for yourself, boy. Where'd ya get all that?" His green eyes looked at me hungrily even as he scarfed down his second burger and dug into his fries.

"Ah, from my brother," I said, trying to get my voice to stop shaking. "He' s with the marines and gave it to me just before he went back to base."

Erik laughed: "Fuck! I wish I had a brother who treated me like that. I might just suck his cock for that kind of cash. Hey, you didn't blow `im for that, did ya?"

I blushed again, and Erik laughed louder. Chad joined him. "Hey, Danny-boy," he said, continuing to chuckle. "Let's get that beer now. I can see we're not gonna break the bank for awhile." He grinned at me. I didn't bother to correct him again: if he wanted to call me Danny, so be it. I was definitely feeling at that point that I wanted to ditch those guys as soon as possible. Something about them was starting to scare me.

I pulled into the parking lot at the liquor store and hopped out of the car. " Get us a couple of twelve packs, Danny-boy," Erik said. His voice seemed to have hardened. He wasn't asking, he was telling me.

I made sure I took the keys as I got out of the car and walked into the store. The air conditioner made me suddenly aware of how hot it had gotten outside. I picked out a couple of packs of Bud along with a few of bags of munchies and paid for them. When I came out, loaded down with the beer and snacks, I noticed that Erik and Chad were deep in conversation. They both smiled when they saw me coming.

"Well, here's our little friend," Erik said to Chad, "looks like he got just what we want."

"Yeah," Chad said, "but whatdaya think HE wants?"

"Well buddy, I think he wants to be nice to us," Erik answered. "Shit, he stopped to pick us up, he bought us some eats, and now he's bringing us some brewskis. I'd say this is our lucky day."

I handed the bags in through the back window to Chad, feeling more uncomfortable by the moment. It didn't take long for each of them to pop a can and start knocking it back. Chad tossed one to me: "Here ya go, man. Hey, you gotta loosen up a bit. Shit, you act like a zombie."

I figured he was probably right. No doubt about my feeling uptight. I opened the beer and took a long drink. It tasted good. I took another swallow.

"Yeah, that's what I'm talkin' about," Erik said, wiping foam off his mouth with the back of his muscular arm. After taking another long swig he burped loudly.

"Hey, ain't ya got any manners, asswipe," Chad remarked to Erik. "I don't think Danny-boy here likes that kind of stuff, him bein' rich and all. He probably don't even know what a fart is!" Both of them cracked up.

"Ah, guys," I said, "how far are you going? I've gotta get moving."

"He's right, man" Erik said in a mock-serious voice. "Here we are holdin' this boy up when he was nice enough to stop for us. What kind of fuckin' gratitude is that?" He drained his beer, crumpled the can and dropped it out the window. Then he turned to me. "We're goin' up to Santa Maria. Got a couple of buddies who're gonna let us crash for awhile." Then to Chad, "Hey, dude, give me another one of them beers." I heard the can pop as he opened it. Then he handed me another. I could feel a slight buzz as I took a big gulp to try and steady my nerves.

I did some quick thinking. Santa Maria . . . about three hours away. Did I want to take them there? For some reason my cock started throbbing again. Those guys looked like bad news, but wasn't that part of the attraction? Yeah, sure it was. And they were hot looking too: real studs. Erik and Chad both stood over six feet (I was about 5'10"), lean and mean; they looked and dressed like bikers. I thought briefly about my gang-bang experience in the bar with Nick and his buddies. Was I looking for that kind of thing again? I thought . . .

"Hey, Dan," it was Chad this time. "You got any weed on ya?"

When I looked blankly at him, he kind of smiled and said: "Didn't think so. Hey, why don't you give me a couple of them bills and I'll try to score over at that truck stop. For sure somebody over there's got a stash they wanna unload."

He waited a moment as I continued to stare at him and then impatiently snapped his fingers. "C'mon, cunt," he said harshly, "gi'me the money." Shocked by what he had just called me, I automatically handed him a fifty, and he smiled again. "Good boy," he said, "this shouldn't take too long." He hopped out of the car after helping himself to another beer and walked across the street toward the truck stop. As he went, I couldn't help watching him, my eyes scanning his back from those big muscular shoulders tapering down to his narrow hips and tiny bubble butt, nicely packaged in his worn-out jeans. Zero body fat on that one. His hair was also blond but darker and shorter than Eric's. He had it tied up in a blue bandana. He, too, had ditched his biker jacket.

I felt a heavy hand on my shoulder and turned around to see Erik smirking at me. "I see ya like my buddy's ass." He stared into my eyes. "And ya like this too, don't ya?" he asked, thrusting out his package again. "Take a good look at it," he said in kind of a horse whisper. "Get down real close. You've been wanting to do it since ya picked us up, you little faggot. Am I right?"

I didn't know what to say. I kind of whimpered as he put an encouraging hand on the back of my neck and began to apply pressure. He was slowly but surely pushing me down to his crotch, watching me intently the whole time. I started smelling a deep, heady aroma coming from his unwashed genitals. "Ya like that, smell, don't ya? C'mon take a good whiff. I don't mind. Hell," he laughed, "I 've been expectin' it."

I poked my head up and looked quickly around the parking lot. It was pretty much deserted. But what if somebody drove up and looked through the car window? What if it was somebody that I knew?

The feel of his warm, strong hand on the back of my neck was electrifying. My cock suddenly came to life again and began to press painfully against my slacks. Erik noticed.

"Yeah, you want it, boy. C'mon, I need a good blowjob. I been horny as hell the last few days. Ain't been laid since we left Mexico. Yeah," he said in a soothing voice, "rub your face in it. Nobody's gonna know," he encouraged.

Something inside me gave way, just like before. I moved my head forward and buried my face willingly in the soft warm crotch of his jeans. The smell made my head spin as his body odor surrounded me. As I gently rubbed my face against the worn denim, I could feel his cock begin to harden. A spongy soft cushion just a few seconds before, I could feel it swell and lengthen. I followed it with my face down his right leg for what seemed like miles: this guy was huge. His soft groans encouraged me. "Yeah, that's it," he cooed. "Now take it out. Pull down my zipper and get it out."

Reluctantly I lifted my face just far enough out of his crotch to grasp the zipper of his jeans and slowly pull it down, exposing his white, tented briefs. There was a sticky, wet spot at the highest point, and I couldn't resist rubbing my cheek across it, smearing his precum over my face. He laughed. "Yeah, I thought you were a pig from the first time I saw you. You love this, don't ya? " Suddenly he grabbed a fistful of hair and violently yanked my head up so that I was facing him. "You answer me when I ask you a question, faggot!" he shouted, spraying spit and bits of hamburger across my face.

"Yes," I said shakily, "I do love it. Please . . ."

He laughed. "Please what? Whatdaya want, you piece of shit?"

"I wanna see your cock," I answered, blushing furiously. "Please let me see your cock."

"Oh, is that all you wanna do? Just see it?"

"No," I answered. "I wanna touch it, I wanna stroke it, I wanna take it in my mouth." It was like the words were coming from somebody else, but I knew deep down that it really was me. I wanted to do all those things. I wanted to humiliate myself before this hunky, scornful stranger, I wanted to worship his manhood, I wanted . . .

Erik grabbed me by the chin in one strong hand, stared at me for a minute, and then seemed to come to some kind of decision. "Okay, dickface, do it, make me feel good. But you better do it right or I'll cut your fag balls off." With that he reached down and pulled a wicked-looking knife from his right boot and flashed it in front of my face. I had no doubt he was both capable and willing to do what he said. When he saw the naked fear on my face he broke out in an evil smile. "Get going, cunt, or I start cutting. Got it?"

I got it alright. First I unbuttoned the top of his jeans to loosen them up. Then I gently pulled down his briefs; he lifted his butt to help me. I gasped at the monster that sprang up, freed at last from its confines. It was over eight inches long, thick, and throbbing like crazy. Precum was glistening and running down the huge head.

Without thinking I immediately stuck out my tongue and lapped at the velvet-like fluid. Then I began to lick it more deliberately, swabbing the cockhead around and around. It was so smooth and warm. I moved under the crown, licking the sensitive area around the base of the head, something that brought more moans from him. I encountered some smegma there, smelly and strong, which I swallowed after just a moment's hesitation.

"Now lick the shaft," Erik demanded. "Start at the base and work your way up. Nice and slow . . . yeah that's right. Man, you really are a dicklicker. I can tell you've done this before, homo. Okay," he instructed, "now take it in your mouth. And watch the fuckin' teeth."

Now I started to make good use of all the practice I had gotten with Chris and his buds. I opened my mouth and took in half of his cock in one movement. He gasped. Then I started bobbing up and down, each time taking in more of his hot, throbbing meat. I wrapped my tongue around his huge pole and massaged it slowly but firmly. As I bobbed up I sucked the head, never letting his dick escape my mouth. Then I plunged even deeper, opening my throat and letting the head slide down. I choked a bit at first, but pretty soon it all came back and I was taking him all the way down to his smelly pubes. He quickly expressed his appreciation at my talents.

"Fuck!" he groaned. "Your mouth feels just like a cunt. Keep that up, cocksucker, and I may let you keep your balls." I was too far gone to pay any more attention to his threats. Damn, that cock tasted good! Okay, it wasn't the cleanest one I'd ever had, but it was absolutely amazing. I started licking and sucking faster and faster until he suddenly grabbed my head in an absolute vise, took control of the blowjob, and started fucking the shit out of my mouth. " Damn," he said, in amazement, "nobody has ever taken this much of my meat before! You're one fine cocksucker."

I could tell that he wanted it to last. All of a sudden he would slow down the thrusts and order me to just hold his cock in my mouth. Precum was oozing out of his cockslit and I allowed it to trickle down my throat. I looked up at him and saw that his eyes were closed and his face a mask of pleasure. He was enjoying my mouth to the max. He alternated between thrusts and rest, bringing himself right to the edge and then holding off to prolong the sensations I was giving him. Finally he started a new round of thrusts that I knew would carry him over the top. "Get ready, cumdrinker," he said, "I'm gonna slime your mouth real soon now."

And he was right. A few more powerful thrusts and then he pushed all the way in and held it there. I could feel his cock throbbing and quivering deep in my throat as he shot his warm jizz straight into my stomach. He let out a long moan of pleasure. For a second I thought I would pass out. Then he pulled back and began to fire the rest of his load into my mouth, where I swallowed again and again so I wouldn't lose any of his cum. Damn, I was in absolute ecstasy. I fired off in my own slacks without even realizing it.

He gave me a huge amount of cum. Must have been telling the truth about not getting laid for quite awhile. I swallowed an absolute river of cum, which kept streaming steadily from his cockhead. As it slowed down, I gently nursed the head until I had sucked him dry. He let out a sigh of satisfaction.

Then I heard a clapping over my head. Glancing up with my mouth still full of cock, I saw Chad watching intently through the window, a big grin on his face. I felt like crawling under the seat, but Erik held me in place.

"You were right, dude," Chad said, "we got ourselves one little faggot piggy here. How was he?"

"Damn fine. You can try him yourself. Hey, you get the weed?"

"Fuck, yeah," Chad said, holding a large baggy in his hand. It's good stuff too. This dude gave me a sample. Man, we're gonna have ourselves a ball. Beer, weed, a good cocksucker, and wheels to get us the fuck out of here. Yeah, buddy, I would say our luck has definitely changed."

As Erik finally let me pull off his slowly deflating cock after I had licked it clean, I had one final embarrassment to face. "Hey look," Chad said, "the faggot shot his load in his pants while he was blowing you. Man, he must really dig his job." They both cracked up at that.

I looked down. There was a large wet spot centered in my crotch, spreading out unevenly down my pant leg. There was a strong taste of cum in my mouth and my lips were slippery with it. I felt sticky and dirty and just wanted to go home and change. Then I began to think about Chad's comments. What did he mean when he said that they now had "wheels"? Were they gonna take my car? Were they gonna leave me stranded here? Maybe I should just be happy nothing worse had happened. After all, Eric had that knife and could have used it on me. I swore to myself that, if I got out of this, I wouldn't do anything so foolish again as to let my cock do the driving (Yeah, right!)

But Erik and Chad apparently had other plans . . .

"Okay, faggot," Erik barked, "we take over from here. Hand over them car keys and get your ass in the back seat. Chad, you're up front with me. Oh, yeah, by the way, faggot: gi'me that money you got in your pocket--all of it."

I hesitated for a moment, not wanting to turn over either my keys or my money to them. The next thing I remember, I was lying on the ground looking up at Erik who was towering over me, a scowl covering his handsome face. He had backhanded me so hard and fast that I hardly knew what happened. I had rolled backward out of the car, landing heavily and painfully on the gravel below. He jumped out after me like a cat, scooping up my car keys, which had fallen on the ground.

Quickly, he planted one of his big, dusty harness boots squarely on my balls and started to apply pressure, squeezing my nuts between his boot and the sharp gravel of the parking lot. I cried out in pain. He slowly increased the pressure, his scowl changing to a grin as he saw me helplessly writhing on the ground. Chad came around the side of the car to get a better view of the action.

"Okay, fag, ya wanna keep your money or your balls?" Erik said roughly.

"Here, take the money!" I almost cried. "Just don't hurt me any more."

Erik took the thick wad of cash from my trembling hand, whistled softly to himself as he thumbed through it, and then stuffed it into the pocket of his jeans where it bulged tauntingly at me. He was maintaining the pressure on my balls and even seemed to increase it. I bit my lip to keep from screaming.

Erik suddenly laughed: "Just don't hurt me again," he said, imitating me in a mocking, girly voice. To my immense relief I felt the pressure suddenly lessen on my poor balls. He hauled me to my feet. "I'll hit you any time I want, faggot, and there ain't no way you can stop me." As if to make his point, he suddenly gut punched me, his fist sinking deep into my stomach, making me double over. Then he forcefully pushed me away and I fell on my ass again. "Now I' m not gonna repeat myself: get your candy ass in that car or I'll beat the shit out of you."

"Do it anyway," Chad piped up. "This fag's gotta start learnin' how to follow orders."

Erik laughed again: "Maybe later," he said, "besides he still has to blow you, and you don't want `im gettin' fag blood all over your cock, do you?" Chad looked disgusted. "I didn't think so," Erik said offhandedly.

As Erik started to get into the driver's seat he suddenly stopped. "What the fuck?!" he shouted, looking at the bottom of his boot. "You got your fag cum all over me. I ought to . . ."

Chad went into hysterics. "Looks like he gave you a little present, buddy!"

Erik looked at me hard: "Get the fuck over here RIGHT NOW and clean your fag cum offa me . . . on your knees!"

For a second I was confused. Then I realized that when he was trying to squash my balls the cum I had shot earlier in my pants got onto his boot.

Having had a couple of demonstrations of what Erik could do when he got pissed I quickly obeyed his order. With the sharp gravel biting into my knees I crawled over to the side of the car. He presented me with the boot that had almost crushed my balls. "Lick it clean, cunt," he barked.

Immediately my cock sprang up. I had done this demeaning job before and I found out that it turned me on like hell. I picked up his boot in my hands and started licking the sole and heel. It was covered with cum, dust and small bits of gravel. My tongue carefully swept it all up and I swallowed the whole mess down in two gulps.

Erik, meanwhile, was looking down at me in amazement, like he couldn't believe anyone would actually do something so low.

"Fuck, buddy!" Chad cried. "Look at that cunt go. And he's hard again. He's one fucked-up perv." Chad started to laugh hysterically.

"Okay, that's enough," Eric chuckled, pushing me away with his booted foot. " Let's roll."

With that we all got back into the car. (I had thought briefly about running, but decided I couldn't. My balls still hurt like hell and my guts were aching from the unexpected blow.) I could feel the right side of my face starting to swell up where Erik backhanded me. A quick glance in the rearview mirror showed the beginnings of a black eye. Blood was trickling from the corner of my mouth. Damn! How would I explain this one to my folks . . . Double damn! If I went off with these guys who knew how long I'd be gone. My folks would probably be mad as hell when I didn't show up for dinner. They might even call the cops . . . Then again, the way things were going, that might be the best thing that could happen.

(To be continued)

Next: Chapter 19: Carried Away Again 2

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