Carried Away

By moc.loa@975lliHtrA

Published on Apr 5, 2005


Disclaimer: This story is basically a fantasy involving humiliation, mild violence, and sexual activity between young men. If you find such material offensive or in violation of the laws of your state/country, please don't read any further.

For the first of Dave's adventures see "Carried Away" Nifty Archives (Authoritarian).

(c) Art M. Hill All rights reserved (2004). If you enjoy this story, please email me.

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After the two teens had finished sliming my mouth, Erik and Chad escorted me out of the restroom and back toward the car. By this point I was kind of in a daze, not to mention the fact that my jaw hurt like hell from all the rough mouth fucks. I happened to look in the mirror as we left the restroom and I hardly recognized myself. My right eye where Erik had backhanded me was swollen partially shut and was noticeably bruising. My face was covered with drying cum which was beginning to peel in spots. And to complete the picture, my hair was sticking out in all directions, partly from the cum and partly from the rough way those guys handled me when I was servicing them.

"Shit," Erik said to me, "you are some kinda cock slut, boy."

"Yeah," Chad agreed, "he's a natural . . . So, ah, whatda we do with `im, dude?"

"I don't know, man," Erik said. "We probably should dump im somewhere. Trouble is, he could go straight to the pigs. We got enough trouble without this little perv bringin' down any more heat on us. I say we take im with us for now. We can decide when we get to Santa Maria."

They were talking about me as if I wasn't there. Worse, it sounded like I picked up a couple of criminals on the run who were capable of doing just about anything. I started to get scared again. What were they into? I had seen them and could identify them. I knew where they were going. Damn, what were they going to do to me? I remembered Dad nagging me when I first got my car about the dangers of picking up hitchhikers. I guess after everything that had happened he wasn't that far off base.

In my nervousness I started babbling as soon as we got back in the car. "So . . . how were those two chicks, Erik, did you guys bang `em real good?"

Erik chuckled. "What the fuck do you care, fag? Sure we banged em. When they saw us they just about went into heat. They were climbin' all over us. Tell im how it went down, Chad."

"You got that right," Chad said, picking up on Erik's remarks. "We told em we were gonna drink some beer and smoke some weed, and asked em if they wanted to join us. We went over behind the crappers and they followed us like two good little bitches. I packed a bowl with some of that weed we got back there at the truck stop--shit, that stuff is good, right dude? (Erik nodded)--we passed it around a couple times, drank a few brews, and then that bitch Marcie starts takin' off her top. The other one was so fucked up she starts takin' off her shorts, for God sake!" Chad started laughing uncontrollably. Erik joined in.

We're just sittin' there on the ground watchin' them fuckin' strip. They started doin' a little dance and shook their titties for us. So the next thing ya know Erik whips out his cock and starts strokin' it and I do the same thing. Shit, they almost pissed in the grass. They both just stared at us for a minute. Then they came over like two little kids goin' for their lollipops."

"What ol' Chad here is tryin' to say is that they kinda raped us." Erik chuckled. "Marcie gets over me and basically sits down right on my boner and starts fuckin' herself. Meantime I got her titties in my face and start suckin' and bitin' on `em. Fuck it was hot. She starts screamin' and grabs me. We roll around and I'm on top of her drivin' my prong right up her pussy."

"Yeah," said Chad, "and the other bitch, Jamie, takes over jackin' me for awhile, then I grab her and stick my tongue down her throat. I push her forward on her ass, lift her legs over my shoulders, and take aim. Shit, she reaches down and guides me right into her fuckin' hole. Fuck, I was so horny that I almost came as soon as I bottomed out. But I didn't let the bitch go that fast. I started off takin' it real slow and easy. Then after awhile I start poundin'

her harder and harder and she fuckin' loves it. She musta cum three times before I shot my load. Fuck, dude, I reamed that bitch out so good she ain't gonna be sittin' right for a month."

"And then we switched off," Erik continued. "I took Jamie and Chad took Marcie for sloppy seconds. Don't think they even knew what hit em by then." He laughed. "Fuck, we stretched out those pussies real good. When I get done with Jamie she takes two fingers and sticks em up her twat. She pulls out a big glob of my cum, sticks it in her mouth and sucks it clean. And she's smilin' the whole time like she just won the damn lottery or something. Fuck, what a couple of dumb whores."

"Yeah, fag, kinda like you. You get all hot and horny thinkin' about us stickin' our big cocks up their hot holes and shootin' `em full of cum? Bet ya wish it was you, don't ya, fag?" Chad laughed and slapped me on the back. "So look at the bright side, dude. You got the leftovers."

I really wasn't interested in hearing all this, but I figured maybe I could score some points with them by acting real impressed and complimenting them on their conquests. "Damn, you guys are real studs. I don't think I could ever do something like that."

Erik laughed. "Course you couldn't, cause you're a faggot. You probably couldn't even get it up for `em. But I gotta say, you got your own talents. I ain' t never seen a cocksucker like you before . . . You got your uses."

He was silent for a moment. Both of them were still high so I really didn't know what they were thinking. One thing I knew, though: no way was it safe for either of them to drive. I worked up my courage.

"Hey, Erik," I said. "Why don't you let me drive for awhile. You guys must be wiped out. I can take it the rest of the way to Santa Maria." Then I added: "We can stop up ahead and get some more cold beer. Looks like you went through it all. Time to fill `er up, right?"

I think he almost went for it, but then he looked back at me and said: " Listen, little fag, you don't say or do anything right about now. I want ya back in the trunk where you belong. And I want ya back there now."

I sighed as he motioned for me to get out of the car. He got out of the driver seat himself (we still hadn't moved from the "Rest Stop"), went around, and opened the trunk. I thought again about running or maybe screaming for help, but, as luck would have it, there wasn't anyone currently using the "Rest Stop" since Marcie and Jamie left, yelling and waving as they sped off. Besides, there was no place to go except to run onto the freeway and try to flag down a passing car--and risk getting run over. I weighed my options and found that I really didn't have any. I knew that if I pissed off Erik bad enough he might just decide to beat the shit out of me of even knife me, and then throw me in the trunk anyway. So with those happy thoughts in mind I obediently climbed into the trunk.

"Good boy," Erik said, " we'll let ya out when we get where we're goin'. Then we'll have a nice long talk about what we do with you."

For some reason his words were not all that reassuring . . .

All of a sudden I got hit with a heavy bag and then another one. It took me a moment to realize that they must have decided to store their duffle bags with me in the trunk. They had tossed them in right on top of me. Now I had even less room to move around. Eric slammed the top down and I was back in the dark again. I heard the motor start and felt the car slowly pull out of the parking space and accelerate as it got back onto the freeway.

I had plenty of time to think, lying in the dark there. For now, I was just worried about Erik killing us all by running off the road or hitting another car. And when we got to Santa Maria . . . Well, that would be something else. Music blasted from the car radio.

I squinted at my watch to see what time it was. 3:30 PM. Jeez, I had only been with the hitchhikers for a few hours: it seemed like days. Damn, how quickly your life could change. It wasn't that long ago that I had dropped my brother Bob off at the airport. I thought about Bob. He really did care about me. If only he hadn't left . . . if only I hadn't taken him to the airport . . . Shit, if only I hadn't picked up those damn (sexy) hitchhikers! Now I was going to have to come up with some kind of survival plan. Try to reassure them that I wasn't any threat to them . . . maybe offer to be their pussyboy: not that I had much choice in the matter one way or the other!

Just then I felt the car slow down and pull onto another freeway exit. We couldn't be in Santa Maria already. I tried to figure out what was happening. Stop sign . . . okay, right hand turn . . . going down a street . . .ah, turning into a parking lot (maybe). Eric killed the motor (and that damn radio). What the hell was going on? My heart was beating loudly in my ears, but I tried to listen carefully to the conversation of Erik and Chad which was filtering softly into the trunk. It instantly put me at ease (for now). It was Erik's voice I heard first.

". . . a couple more twelve packs of Bud. If I know those lazy bums they won' t have squat in the house when we get there."

"I'm gonna get some cigarettes while I'm at it" Chad said. "We're almost out."

"Yeah, that's good. Those guys want to mooch some smokes is okay, but I'll be damned if I'm gonna share any of that weed with `em."

Okay, they must have stopped at some convenience store. Sounded like Chad was going in and Erik was gonna wait here in the car, probably just to make sure I didn't try anything. There was silence for about ten minutes, then I heard muffled conversation. Chad must have come out with his purchases.

The trunk unexpectedly opened and Chad was standing there smiling broadly with a bottle of water and a bag of chips. "Here ya go, fag. Just ta show ya that we're really nice guys. We got a good two hour drive ahead of us yet to Santa Maria. Don't want our boy gettin' thirsty." He grabbed his crotch. "We'll have plenty for you to drink later on." He laughed and slammed down the trunk. Back in the dark.

As the car started up and seemed to retrace its steps I was feeling a little better. If they thought enough about me to give me something to eat and drink they must not be thinking of hurting me--at least, not right away.

As we drove on this last leg of our "trip" the sun started to heat up the trunk. I was glad to have the water. I took frequent swigs so I wouldn't get dehydrated. I didn't eat any of the chips, figuring they would just make me more thirsty. Enough fresh air got into the trunk with the car moving that breathing wasn't a problem as I had feared in the beginning. My eyes also quickly got accustomed to the dark and I could clearly see around the trunk. I had readjusted the two duffle bags that they threw on top of me at the "Rest Stop". The one nearest to me let out a sour odor, like unwashed clothes. Curious, I pulled open the cords and looked inside. Sure enough, it was filled with their dirty laundry.

Yeah, you guessed it, my kinky side started to come out again. Well, I figured I wasn't going anywhere for awhile, I might as well entertain myself. I started rooting through the bag and found soiled tees, socks, boxers, and a couple of pairs of rumpled jeans and shirts. Just what you might expect in a laundry bag. Then I came upon a worn out jock strap. Even in the dark trunk I could see that it was stained and stiff, probably from a combination of ball sweat, piss, and maybe some cum. I felt my cock start to twitch as I examined the jock more closely. The smell was kind of rank. After a couple of whiffs I slowly pulled the jock over my head so that my face came into contact with the pouch. The rich, funky odor got my dick rock hard. I quickly reached down, opened my pants, and began to stroke my boner. Meanwhile, I thought about the two stud hitchhikers and how they had taken my car, my money, used me as their personal cumdump, and lent me out to a couple of teen hunks. Meanwhile, I was licking and sucking on the jock pouch and soon tasted the stale piss and cum that had penetrated the material.

At that point I was wanking furiously, and before long had a powerful orgasm which sprayed all over the floor of the trunk. Almost immediately afterward I started feeling real drowsy. All the tension of the day must have gotten to me and, relaxing in the afterglow of cumming and the steady motion of the car, I fell asleep.

I was no longer in the trunk of the car. Apparently I was sitting propped up in the corner of a room. The reason I couldn't tell for sure was that the jock strap was still pulled down over my face. When I tried to move I discovered that both my hands and my feet were tied together with thin ropes, which prevented me from moving around or even taking off my "blindfold." I heard noises like people moving around. They seemed to echo in my head, which was throbbing like I had a bad hangover.

When I squirmed around a bit to try and at least get more comfortable I heard an unfamiliar voice comment: "Hey Erik, he's finally awake."

Almost immediately, heavy footsteps came toward me and then the jockstrap was lifted up above my eyes, although I was aware that it still covered my head like some kind of crazy bonnet. It took a moment for my vision to clear, then I saw Erik standing over me with a smirk on his face.

"So, ya finally decided to join us, fag. Hope ya had a good sleep. I thought that water would put you out, but I guess it was my fuckin' jock strap that did it." An outburst of mocking laughter followed that remark.

"Yeah," Chad said from across the room. "When we opened the trunk we found you all nice and cozy with that jock half way down your throat and your hand on your dong. Looks like ya blew quite a load there--for a fag, that is." Then to the others: "I told you guys he was a freak . . . gettin' off on somebody's dirty jock? How fuckin' low can ya get?" he chuckled.

I was red as a beet from embarrassment. Damn! They had caught me right in the act. Must have put something in the water bottle. It knocked me out right after I wanked over the jock.

"Aren't ya gonna introduce us to your pussyboy?" an unfamiliar voice asked. It's owner was another stud with shoulder length, straight brown hair and piercing blue eyes. He had the size and build of a basketball player. He was wearing a black tee and leather pants stuffed into motorcycle boots. His hands and face were grimy, like he had just had a run in with a can of motor oil.

"Yeah, why the fuck not?" Erik said. "This here is Wade, Danny-boy, and that dude standin' by the door who looks like he'd fuck his own mother is Jeff."

"Fuck you, motherfucker," Jeff mumbled, taking a last drag from a burned down cigarette butt; and flicking it out the door.

I looked at my two new friends. Wade looked rough, but Jeff looked just plain mean. Jeff, who was even taller than Wade and had shaved off all his hair. He had dark eyes, and wore some big-time tattoos on his powerful-looking biceps. His face, which was squared off and ruggedly handsome looking, was distorted with what looked like a permanent scowl. He wore mirrored sunglasses, which gave him a menacing look.

"Hey, boy," Wade said with a big grin on his face, "these dudes tell me you' re a good cocksucker, like you're as good as they come. That true, or do ya only get off on old jockstraps?" Erik and Chad chuckled at that one. In spite of my nervousness I started blushing again.

"I, ah, guess so, sir" I stammered, "um, I mean about sucking cock." I winced at my own words.

Wade cracked up. "Sir?" he asked. "Real fuckin' polite, ain't ya?" Then to Erik: "You been training this faggot, dude? I ain't never been called sir, not even by my wife." He took a long swallow from the beer can he was holding.

"Especially not by your wife," Erik countered. Wade flipped him the finger and continued to stare at me. I felt like shrinking into the wall. There was something intimidating about Wade's presence. I had the feeling he could just pick me up and snap me in half if he wanted to.

"How about a little sample, boy. I've been needin' to get my rocks off all day, and now I got me a hole, a nice polite hole to take real good care of me." The others chuckled again.

"Go for it, man," Chad encouraged him. "That fag should be in business. He gave me the best BJ I ever had. No shit."

"Um, please, sir, I'm hungry," I blurted out. Actually I was starving, having eaten very little but cum all day. I was sorry now that I didn't at least eat the chips they had thrown into the trunk earlier along with the drugged water. But if I was hoping for some sympathy from these guys I soon learned otherwise.

"That's just what I'm talkin' about, boy," Wade said, "I'm ready to feed ya right now. And the way I'm feelin' it might just be a five course meal."

"No, what I meant was . . ."

Wade cut me off, pushing me all the way down the wall until I was lying on the floor, my bound hands behind my back. Then he straddled me and sat on my chest. He moved forward so his leather-clad crotch was flush with my mouth. "Lick me, faggot, he commanded; lick me right through my pants. I want to feel that slut tongue of yours pressin' up against my balls."

I started licking the smooth black leather covering his respectable package. I licked hard so he would feel the pressure through the tight, thin layer of leather between me and his nuts. His pants tasted of motor oil, and I had to control myself from gagging since I didn't want to piss him off. His full weight was pressing down on my chest, making it somewhat difficult to breathe, but I kept on licking.

The other guys gathered around to watch, and even Jeff apparently was curious to see me in action. Soon a chorus of hoots and howls filled the room as I continued to lick and slobber all over Wade's leather-clad crotch. Apparently Wade soon had enough of this "second-hand" type of service, loosened up his jeans and pulled down the zipper, allowing his rock hard cock to spring out at me through his boxers.

Damn, didn't any of these guys ever take a shower?! Wade's cock smelled like it had been down the toilet and back. Yeah, I know, I was starting to get turned on by raunch, but I didn't think I was a complete pig yet. I had to admit, though, that Wade had one impressive tool that matched his massive frame and then some. Looked like it was at least ten inches long, real thick around, and with a whopper of a head to top things off. It was steadily leaking precum down onto my face. I automatically opened my mouth and tried to catch some, much to the delight of my rowdy audience.

"Yeah, fag," Erik hollered, "show this dude what kind of cocksucker you really are. Take that fuckin' pole, dickface. What are ya waiting for?"

Wade was now obviously ready for the full treatment and held his formidable cock like a battering ram pointed right at my lips. But I was definitely becoming uncomfortable about the whole thing. In my brief life as a cocksucker I never got turned on by a crowd of spectators. Hit with a sudden attack of nerves, I looked at the huge pulsing cock only inches away from my face and wondered if I could take it.

"Aw, what's the matter, cocksucker," Wade said in a mock-concerned voice. " My buddy here too much for ya? Do ya think he might wanna choke ya to death? Well, guess what, you little whore: you're right! Yeah, I'll bet you ain't never swallowed anything like this baby, but you're sure gonna do it now, cause I' m gonna teach ya. Now open up!" Wade placed one big hand on my throat and started to squeeze, causing me to open my mouth to gasp for breath. That was all he was waiting for. In one quick move he thrust his monster pole into my gaping mouth.

"Watch the fuckin' teeth," he said, "or you'll lose `em."

I quickly covered my teeth with my lips and started to service the huge piece of warm, throbbing flesh filling my mouth. Slowly I adjusted to its size. I started out by thoroughly licking the giant head, massaging it, running my tongue slowly under the rim, and dipping into the large piss slit where I encountered a constant stream of precum. It tasted good. Pretty soon I was off and running.

Seemed like Wade liked the tongue action and he quickly became very vocal: " Yeah, boy, you got it, you got the rhythm . . . yeah, that's the way . . . lots of tongue on that cockhead."

I was in no position to take an active role in this blowjob, with my head flat against the floor and Wade's massive body almost driving me through the floorboards. It didn't take him long to get into the spirit of things. He quickly assumed a push-up position over me, his massive guns flexing on either side of me as he started thrusting in and out. Since I wasn't going anywhere I was basically helpless and Wade was in complete control. I only hoped he would exercise a little restraint so my jaw wasn't permanently dislocated!

"Fuck, yeah," he growled, as he pushed deeper and deeper into my mouth. "Yer right, Erik, ahhhhhh, this fucker is good; damn, his mouth feels just like a cunt. Yeah, baby, keep that up and your gonna get a big fat load. That's what you want, isn't it baby, a big fat load right down yer fuckin' throat . . . your fuckin' slut throat! This is what ya live for, isn't it, motherfucker?"

He started to thrust down into my throat, using brute force to push his enormous cockhead deep inside me. I was choking and gagging like crazy, my eyes streaming with tears, but he only laughed at me. "Hah! Bet ya never took a cock like mine did ya? Sure you're gonna choke on it. Your faggot hole ain't used to takin' real men's cocks, but I can tell ya one thing: after I finish with you you're gonna be able to swallow a fuckin' fist without blinkin' your eye. How about that, motherfucker?" He had worked himself into an absolute fury.

Meantime the guys were going wild, cheering Wade on. They watched in amazement as more and more of his massive pole disappeared into my bulging throat. Encouraged by his buddies, he damn near got the whole thing in and I was sure I was gonna pass out. Luckily he was almost ready to cum. I could feel his cock throbbing and spurting down my throat even though, to my disappointment, I couldn't taste it.

"Fuck!" Wade screamed, "Uh! Uh! Uh!" he punctuated each shot. He pushed in as far as he could go, delivering the last of his load directly into my stomach. Just when I thought I would surely faint from his giant cock squeezing off my air supply, he slowly withdrew his cock. It felt like a scope that some doctor had inserted all the way down into my stomach. When he finally withdrew from my throat he ordered me to clean him off.

"Get all your shit offa me, fag. I don't want any of your fuckin' gook on my cock. Obediently I licked and sucked his cock until it was completely free of his cum and my saliva. Then he pulled his cock out of my mouth with a loud pop. He finished up by spiting in my face. I hadn't realized that the guys had become completely quiet when Wade reached his climax. Now that he was done they clapped him on the back and congratulated him like he won some kind of prize.

"Shit, Wade," Chad shouted excitedly, "that was fuckin' hot. You really speared that faggot, ya made `im beg for mercy. You're the man!"

Just as I was recovering from the superfuck that Wade had thrown into me, I noticed that Jeff was sporting a boner and looked like he was ready to take me on next. I saw my pale face reflect off his mirrored sunglasses as his scowl turned into something resembling a sadistic grin. To say the least this guy freaked me out. Like I said before, Jeff looked just plain mean, the kind of dude who gets off inflicting pain on whoever happens to be in his path--which at the moment seemed to be me. I winced and waited to see what he would do.

The other guys teased him, seeing that he was thinking about joining the game. "Yeah, Jeff," Erik said, "give the fag a ride. Wade's broke `im in so he' s all ready to take care of you. Whatdaya say, dude? Ready for some fun?

I've gotta admit that while Jeff scared me, he looked plenty hot. He looked like he was in the army reserves or something, wearing an olive drab tee over his muscular chest, fatigue pants, and combat boots. I thought again about Bob . . .

Jeff ordered me up on my knees. It was a struggle with both my hands and feet bound. The guys watched me in amusement as I tried several times to get up only to flop back down on the floor. Nobody offered to help me. Jeff was simply watching me, that evil looking grin broadening on his handsome face.

"What a fuckin' pussy," Jeff said contemptuously. This faggot can't even assume the position." After my second fall, he kicked me in the ribs. "Get the fuck up now cunt, or you may be nursin' a couple of cracked ribs. He drew back his booted foot again, ready to kick me harder.

(To be continued)

Next: Chapter 21: Carried Away Again 4

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