Carried Away

By moc.loa@975lliHtrA

Published on Aug 10, 2004


Disclaimer: This story is basically a fantasy involving humiliation, mild violence, and sexual activity between young men. If you find such material offensive or in violation of the laws of your state/country, please don't read any further.

(c) Art M. Hill All rights reserved (2004). If you enjoy this story, please email me.

I pulled away from Chuck's house as quickly as possible before he thought of something else degrading for me to do. When I got to Allen's place it was almost 12:30 am. I knew that he would be pissed, although I saw a light on in his room.

I realized that before I went in I had to clean up. My face was caked with mud and covered with drying spit. My cheek bones were red and starting to bruise. I had a huge cum stain on the front of my pants and smelled like beer. What would I tell Allen?

I threw some pebbles up at his window. His head appeared almost immediately. " Where the hell have you been?" he said.

"Um, I got tied up. Sorry," was all I could think of to say.

"Okay," Allen said, "I'll come down and let you in, but don't make any noise. Mom and dad are in bed and they won't like it if we wake them up. I told them you were staying over."

When Allen opened the door he did a double take. "What the hell happened to you? You look like the football team used you for a tackling dummy." Well, he wasn't too far off!

"Look Allen," I said, "it's a long story and I'm really tired. How about I tell you in the morning?"

Allen was now looking concerned as he saw my face. "Man, somebody worked you over good. Why don't you take a shower and clean off some of that dirt. On second thought, take a bath. I'll be in the bedroom." As an afterthought he said: "Here, take some extra towels and a pair of underwear. You look like you need it." Needless to say I couldn't hide my blush.

I was grateful that Allen gave me some privacy. My whole body was starting to ache. My knees were sore from the gravel and were bleeding in places. As I filled up the tub, I decided that the most important thing was to clean out my mouth and wash my face. I used glass after glass of water, carefully rinsing all the mud and grit out of my mouth. Then I gargled several times with mouthwash. I gently washed my face and found some salve in the medicine cabinet to spread over my raw cheek bones. Then I headed for the tub. Man did that feel good. I thought to myself that I could just lie there forever, letting the hot water ease all my aches and pains . . .

"Hey, wake up, buddy!" It was Allen gently shaking me. I must have fallen asleep. I got out of the tub feeling a little better, but so sleepy I could hardly stand. I was glad tomorrow was Saturday and we could sleep in. I barely put on Allen's fresh underwear and lay down on the bed when I was fast asleep.

I woke up with a start around 10:00 am; Allen was still asleep. To my dismay my underwear was sticky again. How did that happen? Then I remembered the dreams I had last night.

I was back on the road with Chuck and Larry, only this time a really did suck their cocks. They made me unzip their jeans and fish out their ample-sized cocks, both of which were inflating quickly. I jacked them off until they were both rock hard and dripping precum. Then they pushed my head from one to the other so that they both got a chance to feel the pleasure of my wet, sucking mouth. At one point they tried to squeeze both cocks into my mouth at the same time so that I could hardly breath. They were both laughing wildly.

Then I took Chuck's warm, throbbing cock into my mouth. It felt so good, like it was meant to be there. He groaned his approval as I bobbed up and down on his hard shaft and then pulled my cheeks together for maximum contact while I massaged the big, leaking head with my tongue. I heard him catch his breath in anticipation. Quickly he took over the blowjob, grabbing my head and thrusting in as deeply as possible.

"Ya like that, huh, faggot? I knew you would. Chris told me that you were a perv and you got turned on when a big dude told you what to do. Well, I'm tellin' ya now faggot, you're gonna be my cocksucker from now on. Whenever and wherever I want, you're gonna be down on your knees takin' my babymakers right down your fag throat."

He must have been more than ready because with a shout of pleasure he dumped a huge load directly down my throat. I choked from the quantity of cum that was filling my mouth, and some of it dribbled around the edges of my mouth onto my chin. Chuck sighed with satisfaction as he pushed me away so that Larry could have his turn.

Larry slapped his cock against my cheeks a few times, coating them with precum which he also rubbed on my lips. Then he thrust his cock into my mouth and told me to suck. Just as he was ready to cum he pulled out his throbbing cock and spurted all over my face and hair. More like hosed, if you ask me. By the time he finished my face was absolutely coated with jizz. This must have been the point I had my spontaneous orgasm and woke up. If my dream were any indication. I was, indeed, a cocksucker, since the dream got me so hot that I let go with a real gusher.

I was embarrassed that Allen would find out I had creamed his underwear. I went as quietly as I could and grabbed another pair of shorts and headed for the shower. I threw the soiled shorts into the hamper. Lucky I did so. Just as I was finishing up, I heard the door open and Allen popped in.

"Just me," he said. "I wanna to get cleaned up. I'm next in the shower. By the way, what do you want to do today after breakfast: go swimming or hang around the mall and maybe take in a movie?"

"Uh, why don't we do both. I told my folks I would be here all day . . . unless you got something else to do," I said.

"Nah, I like that idea. It's gonna be warm today and a swim would really feel good."

Just then I remembered the car. It was a total disaster. Beer cans lying on the back seat, the floor soaked with beer, and cum splattered everywhere. The smell was not to be believed . . . and that was last night: what would it be like now, cooking in the sun?

"Ah, Allen," I said, "I gotta run home for a minute. I, uh, wanna get some fresh clothes and get my bathing suit."

"You don't need to do that," he answered. I got plenty of clothes and a few extra bathing suits. You and me are just about the same size so everything should fit you pretty well."

"Yeah but I don't wanna mess up your stuff. Besides I have to see dad for a minute about something." Without waiting for an answer I quickly finished dressing and headed for the door. I looked back at Allen who had a puzzled look on his face.

Man was I right about the damn car. I had to roll down the windows so that I didn't vomit from the smell. The mirror was all greased over with cum and the radio was sticky with it. Looking in the back seat I saw a big stain where the beer had poured out of the cans when Chuck and Larry got out of the cars. I had to clean it up quick. When I got home I ran to the kitchen and got some Windex, paper towels, and carpet cleaner.

Just as I was about to go out, I heard mom call out from upstairs: "Dave, is that you?"

"Yeah, mom," I said. "Allen and I are going swimming and then to the mall. I just wanted to clean up the car a bit."

"Okay," she said, "have fun and try to be home early. We never see you anymore."

I couldn't believe it. Usually I got twenty questions whenever I walked in the door. I was having unusually good luck today--hopefully!

I did the best I could to wipe up all the cum. The back seat wasn't so important at the moment, but I did want to try to get out the worst stain before it became permanent. I tried using the cleaner and the portable car vacuum and got out the worst part. I would just have to take care of the rest later. I quickly put back the cleaning stuff and headed back to Allen's place.

When I got there, Allen seemed pissed. "Where the hell have you been? You were gone for like an hour . . . and you didn't even change your clothes. Did you at least bring a bathing suit (Damn!). You're really weirding me out Dave, ya know that?"

"Yeah, got a lot on my mind these days with college and stuff. Anyway let's hit the beach," I said trying to change the subject.

Allen went to the bedroom shaking his head and got his extra bathing suit and a towel which he tossed at me.

Allen's property was near a lake. It was just a short walk through the woods. The town had fixed up a small sand beach and the local kids went there a lot. Both Allen and I had served as life guards for the little kids when we were in high school.

We made up some sandwiches, took along some munchies, sodas, and we were off. The air was hot and sticky even though it was late in the season. It was shaping up to be a scorcher. Lucky Allen remembered to bring along some sun block. The nice thing about this little beach, though, was that if you got too hot you could always retreat into the woods. As a matter of fact, that's where we left our picnic basket as we stripped down and plunged into the cool water. It felt really great after the hot walk over from Allen's house. It also felt good to forget (almost!) about Chris and his friends from the football team. I knew I was probably in for another hassling on Monday, but I had the whole weekend to myself before I had to face it.

I had seriously thought about dropping out of community college so I wouldn't have to contend with the group of bullies I had run into. The only problem was that I would lose the credit from this semester and have to face the prospect of my folks refusing to "waste" any more money on my tuition. If that happened, there went my hopes for my own apartment. And paradoxically, for all the grief those guys caused me, I was getting more and more addicted to their presence and even their hassling me.

We spent most of the day at the beach, acting like two kids and enjoying the hell out of ourselves. "Hey" said Allen, "why not change and then go to the mall. We can grab some grub at the food court and then see what's playing at the movies?"

That sounded good to me. We grabbed our stuff, went back to the house to shower and change (Allen lent me some more of his clothes), and then took off in my car for the Center Point Mall, which was about twenty minutes from Allen's house. We decided on Chinese fast-food and then to see Spider Man II. Both of us had been wanting to see it, so we decided to brave the crowds even if we had to go to the next showing. Well, they were sold out for the present showing so we decided to wait and just hang out.

We stopped in Starbuck's and got some coffee and a piece of pastry. We had just settled down to enjoy it when I heard a familiar voice behind me say: " Well, well, look who's here. It's our little chauffeur. How ya' doin, dude?" I turned around and it was Nick.

(To be continued)

Next: Chapter 6

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